Radio Listenership Commercial and PBS
Radio Listenership Commercial and PBS Apr'18-Sep'18 Jul'18-Dec'18 6 months' data 6 months' data sample = 30418 sample = 29857 Listenership past 7 days 000s 000s Ukhozi FM 7,603 7,518 Umhlobo Wenene FM (UWFM) 5,307 5,216 Metro FM 4,211 4,176 Lesedi FM 3,052 3,124 Thobela FM 2,672 2,812 Motsweding FM 2,224 2,410 Gagasi FM 1,602 1,535 RSG 1,299 1,200 Ligwalagwala FM 1,076 1,090 Ikwekwezi FM 1,057 1,060 East Coast Radio 1,078 1,052 Munghana Lonene FM (MLFM) 1,115 1,032 Jacaranda FM 967 1,004 Phalaphala FM 992 932 947 985 923 KFM 764 869 Heart 104.9 FM 748 799 Kaya FM 95.9 865 762 5FM 679 632 YFM 99.2 580 624 Good Hope FM 487 580 Radio 2000 465 577 702 524 565 Algoa FM (Radio Algoa) 410 416 OFM 241 250 Smile 90.4FM 175 198 Vuma 103 FM 236 189 North West FM 146 179 trufm 194 164 SAfm 147 157 Capricorn FM 174 154 Lotus FM 127 140 Power 98.7 124 109 CapeTalk 57 66 Classic FM 102.7 * 60 60 LM Radio * 59 24 Rise FM * 62 23 Magic828 AM * 6 8 X-K FM 107.9 * 5 5 Notes: * Caution: small base size, provided for indicative purposes only ^ Disclaimer: Station not contactable/station airing could not be verified ## Included from April '18 fieldwork period ### Included from Jul'18 fieldwork period #### Included from Oct'18 fieldwork period Note: Any station with a base less than 40 will be grouped under "Small Base Stations" in the Software Release (as sample siz es are too small for analysis and results will be unstable) Radio Listenership Community (Nation-wide) Apr'18-Sep'18 Jul'18-Dec'18 6 months' data 6 months' data sample = 30418 sample = 29857 Listenership
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