2 No.30175 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 14 AUGUST 2007 CONTENTS· INHOUD Page Gazette No. No. No. GENERAL NOTICE Indepenent Communications Authority of South Africa General Notice 1007 Electronic Communications Act (36/2005): Application for the amendment of broadcasting licence conditions to provide for the expansion of the coverage area for SABe (Ply) Ltd in respect of Lotus FM, Lesedi FM and Umhlobo Wenene . 3 30175 STAATSKOERANT. 14 AUGUSTUS 2007 No.30175 3 GENERAL NOTICE NOTICE 1007 OF 20017 ~ , C~:SA >?.,.,~." ~f'(.~ft""t.1{'~«'-""',t:~-t;: jf,).~ :~':;r~~ Afrtt"~m lndeoendent~->',*,."_tt~"W'x~<:""",,il,"< Comrm_<f",<,,*;i:,""~&., "~!l''''''-'''''v<i-~V~,,ow''' \'.<~~'I;'r:tr"icrttv~"""1'~i: {1:1y.'_"w a.s s 'At<l~*·""":, F>inF11(i Farrn, "~~3A !"ZD'tj--;(>:dne S,)ndton Pr!\tote X10002; :3i:1ntJt(Jn~ :~ 'i ,:16 APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF BROADCASTING LICENCE CONDITIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXIf)ANSION OF THE COVERAGE AREA FOR SABC (PTY) LTD IN RESPECT OF LOTUS FM, LESEDI FM AND UMHLOBO WENENE LOTUS FM 1. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa ("the Authority") hereby gives notice, in terms of the provisions of section 10(2) of the Electronic Communications Act, No. 36 of 2005, that it has received applications from SABC (Pty) Ltd ("the applicant") for the amendment to the broadcasting licences of Lotus FM, Lesedi FM and Umhlobo Wenene in terms of section 10(1) (c) of the Act. 2. The amendment is sought to enable the applicant to increase access to its services as follows: 2.1 Lotus FM's coverage increase at East London, Empangeni, Newcastle, and Nelspruit to target the Indian community.
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