VICTORIAN PARLIAMENT L AW R EFORM C OMMITTEE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE OFFENCES F INAL R EPORT Ordered to be printed Melbourne Government Printer June 2004 No. 75 of session 2003-2004 Level 8, 35 Spring Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: (03) 9651 3644 Email:
[email protected] Website: Parliament of Victoria Law Reform Committee Administration of Justice Offences ISBN- 0-7313-5399-4 2 C OMMITTEE M EMBERSHIP C HAIR Mr Rob Hudson, MLA D EPUTY C HAIR Mr Noel Maughan, MLA M EMBERS Hon Andrew Brideson, MLC Hon Richard Dalla-Riva, MLC Ms Dianne Hadden, MLC Ms Dympna Beard, MLA Mr Tony Lupton, MLA S TAFF E XECUTIVE O FFICER Ms Merrin Mason R ESEARCH O FFICERS Ms Kristin Giles (to 4 February 2004) Ms Michelle McDonnell (from 11 March 2004) O FFICE M ANAGER Ms Jaime Cook iii iv Functions of the Victorian Parliament Law Reform Committee Under section 12 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 (Vic): (1) The functions of the Law Reform Committee are, if so required or permitted under this Act, to inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with— (a) legal, constitutional or parliamentary reform; (b) the administration of justice; (c) law reform. Terms of Reference Referred by the Governor in Council on 6 May 2003 To inquire into, consider and report to Parliament on: 1. The current state of law in Victoria in relation to administration of justice offences (such as perjury, perverting the course of justice, falsifying evidence and threatening witnesses); and 2.