Botanica Pacifica

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Botanica Pacifica Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch Botanical Garden-Institute botanica pacifica A journal of plant science and conservation Volume 9, No. 1 2020 VLADIVOSTOK 2020 Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2020. 9(1): 3–52 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2020.09113 Revision of the genus Viola L. (Violaceae) in the Russian Far East with notes on adjacent territories Marc Espeut Marc Espeut ABSTRACT e-mail: [email protected] This study proposes a revision of the genus Viola L. (Violaceae) in the Russian 34, rue de l'Agriculture, 66500 Prades, Far East and adjacent regions. It is based on the taxonomic work that Becker con- France ducted on the Asian Viola (1915–1928), but also on Clausen's cytotaxonomic stud- ies (1926–1964) that laid the foundations of the genus' phylogeny. Chromosome counts, as well as phylogenetic analyses, have allowed to specify the infrageneric taxonomy and establish relationships between some taxa of American or Asian ad- Manuscript received: 09.03.2020 jacent territories. A systematic treatment based on the Biological Species Concept, Review completed: 22.04.2020 associated with genetic, cytotaxonomic, and biogeographic data, allowed many sys- Accepted for publication: 02.05.2020 tematic and nomenclatural changes, at different levels: infrageneric, specific and Published online: 07.05.2020 infraspecific. This study shows the remarkable role of the Russian Far East for the conservation and differentiation of the genus Viola species, and probably for the whole flora of the Holarctic Kingdom. Keywords: Violaceae, Viola, Russian Far East, typifications, taxonomic novelties, no- TABLE OF CONTENTS menclatural novelties Introduction ........................................................... 3 1. Material and Methods ...................................... 4 РЕЗЮМЕ 1.1. Examined Taxonomic Literature .............. 5 Viola 1.1.1. Becker’s publications of 1915–1928 .. 5 Эспe М. Ревизия рода L. (Violaceae) Дальнего Востока России 1.1.2. Modern Russian authors (1949–2012) .... 5 с замечениями для сопредельных территорий. В данном исследовании 1.2. Systematics .................................................. 5 пред лагается ревизия рода Viola L. (Violaceae) на Дальнем Востоке России и 1.3. Cytotaxonomy ............................................. 5 в прилегающих регионах. Он основан на таксономической работе Беккера 1.4. Phylogenetics ............................................... 5 по азиатским фиалкам (1915–1928), а также на цитотаксономических иссле- 1.5. Herbarium studies ...................................... 6 дованиях Клаузена (1926–1964), которые заложили основы филогении рода. 1.6. Distribution data ......................................... 6 Подсчет хромосом, а также филогенетический анализ позволили уточнить 1.7. Species concept and systematic approach .. ............................................................................... 6 таксономию внутри рода и установить взаимосвязь между некоторыми так- 1.7.1. Linguistic role ....................................... 6 сонами с прилегающих территорий Америки и Азии. Систематика, осно- 1.7.2. Biological concept ................................ 6 ванная на биологической концепции вида, связанная с генетическими, ци- 1.7.3. Categories of species ........................... 6 тотаксономическими и биогеографическими данными, позволила провести 1.7.4. Key to species categories ..................... 8 большое число систематических и номенклатурных изменений на разных 2. Species of genus Viola in the Russian Far East [RFE] ...................................................................... 8 уровнях: внутриродовом, видовом и внутривидовом. Исследование показы- 2.1. Classification of species ............................. 8 вает заметную роль российского Дальнего Востока в сохранении и диффе- 2.2. Key to the species of Viola ...................... 10 ренциации видов рода Viola и, вероятно, для всей флоры Голарктического 2.3. Taxa of genus Viola .................................. 12 Царства. 3. Discussion and conclusion ............................ 41 Literature cited .................................................... 43 Ключевые слова: Violaceae, Viola, российский Дальний Восток, типификация, Index to taxa of Viola mentioned in the text ... 50 таксономическая новинка, номенклатурная новинка [Переведено редколлегией] INTRODUCTION gion, Khabarovsk Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan The Pacific margin of the NE-Asia is an interesting Region, Primorye Territory, Sakhalin Region (Sakhalin and area to study the genus Viola because it is located on the Kuril Islands). It was hard to explore it, but some botanists crossroad of two botanical zones: Circumboreal and East- have early studied its flora. Johann Georg Gmelin (1709– ern Asiatic Regions (Takhtajan 1986). The proximity with 1755), participated to the second Kam chatka expe di tion the American continent (the Bering Strait is about 82 km (1733–1743) and wrote Flora Sibirica. In 1736, he had to wide at its narrowest point) has allowed several species, such stop in Yakutsk, but continued to explore Siberia until 1742. as V. epipsila or V. selkirkii, to have an Amphi-Pacific dis- Gmelin was the first botanist to describe and publish pic- tribution. The very large extension of boreal forest (taiga) tures of V. dactyloides, V. uniflora, V. gmeliniana but without from Scan dinavia to Kamchatka has allowed forest species giving them specific names. Linnaeus (1753) equated the last as V. col lina or V. mirabilis to have a Pan-Palearctic area. The one to V. lanceolata; in 1819 Schultes created V. gmelini a na bio diversity hotspot of subg. Violidium is situated in the in honor of its discoverer. In 1738, Georg Wilhelm Steller SE-Asia: several species, such as V. philippica, V. prionantha, (1709–1746) joined Gmelin in Yeniseysk, and then left him V. ar cuata, extend northwards to southeastern most region in 1739 to go to where he sailed for Kam chatka. He was of Russia (Primorskii Territory). at the origin of the discovery of plants called later V. altai­ Historical. The Russian Far East [RFE] is a vast terri- ca. (Gmelin 1769, Turczaninow 1842) or V. monochroa. Pallas to ry (more than 3 million km2, between 42º to 71°N), com- explored Siberia from 1770 to 1773; he did not go further posed of regions of Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Re- east than the Dahurian region. Eugène Louis Mel chior Pa- ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2020 3 Espeut trin (1742–1815) spent 8 years in Russia (1780–1787) and gratia (for example); [E-Asia] = Eastern Asia (2); [E-Eur.] went as far as Chita [CTA]. Georg Heinrich von Langsdorff = Eastern Europe (2); [EHM] = East Himalaya (3) = In- dian states of Arunachal Pradesh (4), Sikkim (4), Darjiling (1774–1852), went to Kamchatka in 1804–1805, then he vis- (4), Bhutan (4); [Eur.] = Europe (1); [FRA] = France (3) ited Aleutians Islands (July 1805) where discovered the spe- except Corsica; G = Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de cies that bears his name: V. langsdorffii Ging. Ivan Ivanovich la Ville de Genève, Switzerland: G = General collection, G-DC = De Candolle Herbarium (Prodromus Prodromus; Redowsky (1774–1807), explore d Kamchatka (1807), but Monographiae Phanerogamarum); [GER] = Germany (3); he died during the trip. His collec tions were transferred to GN = species studied by phylogenetic methods; [GRB] = Adelbert von Chamisso who made a scientific trip around Great Britain (3); [GRC] = Greece (3); HAL = Martin- Luther-Universität (Germany, Halle); HAST = Biodiversity the world (1815–1818). In 1816, Chamisso gathered in Research Center, Academia Sinica (Taiwan, Taipei); [ICE] Kam chatka several violets studied by Gingins (1826): V. ca­ = Iceland (3); i.e. = id est (that is); incl. = included in a ni na var. kamtschatica and V. kamtschatica were the first Viola species as synonym or infraspecific taxon; [Indi.] = Indian subcontinent (2); [IRK] = Irkutsk (3) = Irkutskaya Oblast’; described from the [RFE]; the first one is now placed un- [ITA] = Italy (3) except Sardinia and Sicilia; [JAP] = Japan der V. sacchalinensis, the second under V. selkirkii. Then, in (3); [JAP-HK] = Japanese Island of Hokkaido (4); [JAP- the 19th cen tury, several important books described this HN] = Japanese Island of Honshu (4); K = Royal Botanic Gardens (U.K. England, Kew); [KAM] = Kamchatka (3) flora: Ledebour in the first Russian flora (1841–1853), Regel = Kamchatka Territory (including Karaginsky and Com- (1861, 1862), Maximowicz (1859, 1877). The main collec- mander Islands); [KHA] = Khabarovsk (3) = Khabarovsk tors cited for the [RFE] during this century are: Maximowicz Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region; [KOR] = Korea (3); [KOR-NK] = North Korea (4); [KOR-SK] = South (Amur, Ussuri regions) Radde (Amur region; discoverer of Korea (4); KPM = Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of V. amurica, V.a radde na), Turczaninow, Middendorf, Stuben- Natural History (Japan, Odawara); [KRA] = Krasnoyarsk dorff, Rieder, Kussmisscheff, Kusnetzoff, Peters, Tiling, (3) = Krasnoyarsk Territory; KRAS = Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (Russia); [KUR] = Kuril Islands (3); Mertens, Maack (Ussuri region). For the genus Viola, the L = Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University 20th centu ry was marked by the immense work of W. Becker branch (Netherlands); LAPP = Iter lapponicum herbari- (cf. 1.1.1) and the remarkable genetic studies of Clausen (cf. um (France, Paris); LE = Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS (Russia, Saint Petersburg); LINN = Linnean Society 1.2). Studies of Juzepczuk
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    Arctic and North. 2018. No. 33 55 UDC [332.1+338.1](985)(045) DOI: 10.17238/issn2221-2698.2018.33.66 The prospects of the Northern and Arctic territories and their development within the Yenisei Siberia megaproject © Nikolay G. SHISHATSKY, Cand. Sci. (Econ.) E-mail: [email protected] Institute of Economy and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sci- ences, Kransnoyarsk, Russia Abstract. The article considers the main prerequisites and the directions of development of Northern and Arctic areas of the Krasnoyarsk Krai based on creation of reliable local transport and power infrastructure and formation of hi-tech and competitive territorial clusters. We examine both the current (new large min- ing and processing works in the Norilsk industrial region; development of Ust-Eniseysky group of oil and gas fields; gasification of the Krasnoyarsk agglomeration with the resources of bradenhead gas of Evenkia; ren- ovation of housing and public utilities of the Norilsk agglomeration; development of the Arctic and north- ern tourism and others), and earlier considered, but rejected, projects (construction of a large hydroelectric power station on the Nizhnyaya Tunguska river; development of the Porozhinsky manganese field; place- ment of the metallurgical enterprises using the Norilsk ores near Lower Angara region; construction of the meridional Yenisei railroad and others) and their impact on the development of the region. It is shown that in new conditions it is expedient to return to consideration of these projects with the use of modern tech- nologies and organizational approaches. It means, above all, formation of the local integrated regional pro- duction systems and networks providing interaction and cooperation of the fuel and raw, processing and innovative sectors.
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