Walden University ScholarWorks Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection 2016 Relationship between Nurse Training and Physical Restraints in Nursing Homes Terah Tessier Walden University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations Part of the Health and Medical Administration Commons, and the Public Health Education and Promotion Commons This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection at ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Walden University College of Health Sciences This is to certify that the doctoral dissertation by Terah Barthany-Harris has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the review committee have been made. Review Committee Dr. Frazier Beatty, Committee Chairperson, Public Health Faculty Dr. Diana Naser, Committee Member, Public Health Faculty Dr. Namgyal Kyulo, University Reviewer, Public Health Faculty Chief Academic Officer Eric Riedel, Ph.D. Walden University 2016 Abstract Relationship between Nurse Training and Physical Restraints in Nursing Homes by Terah A. Tessier BA, University of Toledo, 1997 MSA, Central Michigan University, 2005 Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Public Health Walden University July 2016 Abstract According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), approximately 1.3 million U.S. residents are residing in nursing homes. CMS enforced regulations in the Nursing Home Reform Act.