Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation
Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR CLEARING PERMITS AND AMENDMENTS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS AND/OR REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST Applications for clearing permits with a 7 day submission period 1. F Edwards, Purpose Permit, Lot 5212 on on Deposited Plan 214767, Pippingarra, Town of Port Hedland, carpark and campground, 3.895ha, (CPS 6910/1) Applications for clearing permits with a 21 day submission period 1. PC and BD Ansell, Area Permit, Lot 1892 on Deposited Plan 115764, Neergabby, Shire of Gingin, citrus orchard expansion, 2.76ha, (CPS 6861/1) 2. Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia, Purpose Permit, various properties and road reserves, North Boyanup, Gelorup, Dalyellup, Shire of Capel, Bunbury outer ring (southern section) project, 45.1ha, (CPS 6877/1) 3. Department of Corrective Services, Area Permit, Lot 11750 on Deposited Plan 217028 (Crown Reserve 39544), Narngulu, City of Greater Geraldton, prison security improvement, 0.77ha, (CPS 6879/1) 4. Omaha Nominees Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lot 3618 on Deposited Plan 251474 and Lot 1734 on Deposited Plan 120758, Myalup, Shire of Harvey, limestone extraction, 0.165ha, (CPS 6885/1) 5. Omaha Nominees Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lot 55 on Deposited Plan 36488, Myalup, Shire of Harvey, limestone extraction, 3.6ha, (CPS 6886/1) 6. BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lot 348 on Deposited Plan 71871, Lot 301 on Deposited Plan 47460 and Newman Drive road reserve (PIN 11435336), Newman, Shire of East Pilbara, powerline construction and maintenance and associated activities, 10ha, (CPS 6893/1) Submissions for applications for clearing permits are to be made within the time frame specified.
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