
Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society four-day Norway; every Norway side, week-end visitors forms petitive nearly events Commission come terrain. and months promoting the programmes day following, where side. competitive physical which are one tors topographic However, located as the number 14 competitive The Orienteering to errors winner minute. in United run position-finding the over Individuals as Easter. part it happens in extent the 3000 to over sport in frequently the in route Jan a activity of in and throughout orienteering competitors 50 different fitness make of on surprise of courses five-day the and 1975. and Thus activity, the Kingdom features. specified Kjellstrom is a of 000 the in military of In side, he foot Department G. large Orienteeri is 2000 very shortly all summer. outdoor Map-Making more the or event and all which will people the an In each too in forms using and family over to Petrie parts this Swedish demanding area activity forming normally or follow six-day the abilities in British United It training start recreational the or check many is easily competitor or to the Trophy in is took activity centres 16 of can during the Finally, also a United part of the groups year. launch as an their person his of map 000 and which forests cartographers. closer the O-Ringen in be points part Kingdom Sorlandsgaloppen "O-Trim" programmes largest competitor's practised Geography, of integral in known particular sport meeting time the course people On a is and national to carried country Kingdom, rough search of makes a use in period with links involves considerable develop which conditions in series the is located course, 0- British as of which part readily at the meeting widely participated which there Trim with class. and out his out non-competitive the in programmes "wayfinding" intervals, of and virtually map University will of ng fastest On cross-country of own the two map-reading Scandinavia, check the the state orienteering as on inaccessible lost schemes are To part event-the takes permanent to encourage the of as reading- the series and competi- in country- a Forestry or decision prevent reach definite if intense a several time forests highly points e.g. of sport. 1976; every place com- three there non- each may of the for in in in of is a Glasgow produced copies amounted copies other individuals colours. to survey, their activity duced countries, white; especially used reprints very activity. medium-scale mapping Scandinavia, years meet orienteering teering Australia, branch maps gramme topographic recently The special these vast and and 60 the This Orienteering Orienteering years the British main will activity Eastern paper this expensive spare ago (Kirby, organisations. countries, and printed. for others (Palm and in orienteering explosive cartographic, of of Production and being form it .in demand. and agencies reasons that to New virtually the for has who Cartographic was the the are time has 1970, started has maps has there over Europe in in 1970). 1972). many -making part first purpose, resulted promoted has OS frequently In orienteering cartographic offer Zealand, orienteering to the spread been two created in for growth amounting 350 Norway, but are been in are presented 1 all purchase. of In maps of other devoted producing this their :10560 By printing) In or over Scotland maps now taken the o-maps British Sweden, starting rapidly in insufficiently Society usually practised development three a United 1968, by 1975, badly of services countries (o-maps) the national huge the some has a maps amateurs or in began with the at appeared-some industry orienteering up number In colours. o-maps to establishment is all in to these the grown last in 1 the out-of-date. in the in 150 demand States Sports :25000 extensively North-Western, 150 still in to (photogrammetric, an 1962. the orienteering September, produced Aberdeen Scandinavia by four over "Sport have first 15 an Swedish special Scandinavia estimated are maps. spend detailed maps which largely rapidly of using United are Now, estimated and years. At Council. the or that scale maps small been for as first, specially for a are five Also Japan. o-maps last Symposium However, the the great by of orienteering 1976. attempts an in an as in production maps black for Still clubs Kingdom, produced. firms All" produced 1 produced about copies a response 1 standard standard standard in amateur for they national Canada, outdoor 600 800 0 All Central special deal orien- years, In other more were were pro- field pro- over and and 000 000 this and are all 15 or of in to of Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society therefore o-maps types' maps-names; great orienteers. types; standard major optimised appear Above the and especially over etc.). dearly features features, read provide type must rock, and the large classified Thus way mation possible area fore pant degree choice participant layout many Special distinctive Comparison not cartographic etc.-a ICAO, mapping" unique professionally been with largely titions, completeness, although maps cartographic annually; The To The Another course highly through differentiated A demanding be over the deal under inhibited makes must boulders, be marsh, achieved start competition. of archaeological of the the stimulating appear all, very very on of and problems contained than whole Features etc.). as met must and feature suitable a difficulty from national whole established. many a in of in route maps very which an for the planner Other high accurate, accurate in runnability with, often special-purpose be growth detailed national finest legibly possibly information unusual his the to this fascinating thicket, for by of o-map However, therefore world etc.) the navigation need activity, each art high one accurately in small in cartographic much the navigate and own minor o-maps area context degree people one the only but standard and way produced sites types route-choice the details on with can respect topographic United of on can and by and point for year. navigation map demands of many map plantation, design are complete styles can the with route is depressions) feature poor information; Requirements cartographic orienteering Every are and the for land-use suitable be partly which set of topographic consistency be but both paramount, novel of of international standardisation from form of not who contained map. (objects of easily and must as to So information of mapped identified. check Kingdom, interesting precisely final a topographic the more possible a conditions the choice to international this have medium-scale team one of the and part design specification, few accurately o-mapping in an of are are different of professional achieved with attempts This and limits much sheets. SYmbols contain that run problems forest type rhododendron map. area classification cartographic "folk-mapping" next. points. the which as evolved made mapping extensively not of small-scale must development on of industry. lies etc.-is of on consistent and or an alternatives, small information located is and yet features is the can content or ground interest perhaps the O-Maps courses As standard employed necessary (rain, and has are orienteering Equally, also emphasis Since information in countries in be maps. to so in in clearly difficult boundaries is All and legibility, map standardisation be is as basis well and terms the included and included one topographic colours, standards. solve of these that a its necessary unusual the and an crossed-is one of It large subdued and there (crags, no to as with (e.g. as terms series classified area such An ability 60 or to undergrowth within as ever is alternatives. topographic of these they represented represented however, professional metre) must of the of the and possible. or design aspects interest to on brambles? quickly therefore fight shows treatment the or to the area o-map accuracy, complex these must SYmbols, is on as both whether achieve o-maps. engaged . growing as of user in terrain partici- compe- "hobby is 70 (IMW, can knolls, so also minor of major there- to a infor- these, light, both one's for map each that tree that it that, that, free that new and the for has on the has be are to be of an is to as a a a of ation. difficult tours detailed, the an which terrain The remote very in suited Central concerned. based Base lines in terrain val Denmark, in metre used, the scales to successive choice. great this extent likely intended purpose the unusual are become high and maps and graphic printed were the these the ski-ing. are scales terrain appearance. the some going The In special With old The the Switzerland areas result is area features Ordnance years. sides used for is difficulties 1 decision. o-map often out-of-date to and all The on in used, :15000 only but special have are are countries result for degree are County scale interval still have or and range, lies United choice give where Little terrain. and regard maps. larger. with the areal accurate the to scale of countries of photogrammetric rugged often of only marked for as when orienteering smaller again situation have Sweden 1 much competitions. a little Unfortunately be in the fine most and Construction a to :25 are official of to sand the North This contained secondary check cases better ski extent, of distances practical a of or a If covered, the of specify series this now But to used is Survey map. be 000 Kingdom 1 that and two extensive Even and this major not scale sheet landforms. or topographic topographic the switching areas 1 :20 used trails, o-map o-maps 1 contour often (e.g. dunes occurs : completeness, "last where Scottish :10000 experience and 16 selected the with topographic was points. being partly scale Wales, and and for in 000 o-mappers too area may in 1 If then for 666!) in what in or oflow :10560 were 1 difficulty competition, role the between Scotland. in first Scotland. etc. using not small the revised Finland, more used of the :50 of scale a areas o-maps the Sweden, strongly on was as in For also is mapped vary tourist interval, and much the half modified 1 the in type plots an In from fell-orienteering shall which The as too for area Highlands, 000) and very :10000 demands found its special-purpose those standard economic map areas very features. detailed in was was make scale. general-purpose schools, O-Map map. scale photogrammetric with all type Norway metre with use different maps reverse controls faced 1897," of choice to as has the for be and mountainous these information rich of Whichever the one At too but the different quite to since common five with terrain are with the be in in described included scale a OS extensive from the gradually the the (Switzerland 1 mapper modern fairly available the interval topographic widespread modern for often, in most in representation winter :15000 mapped chosen scale coastal value. metres exactly maps basis However, need of side. 1 and Lake a either map common are terrain they competitors in detail :7500 best trying is other more bold the and scale obvious Scandinavia. maps in the very in when the for to Sweden, contour Quite little in o-maps with may For standards printed cross-country were is will District above, use changed is official mountainous for orienteering the photogram- locations is treatment tourist a terrain, those content and scales is and detail more depends the end type. another to often o-maps commonly areas long, poor methods. for elsewhere the adoption example, large the the sheet there of intended be uses no imagin- to make often usually features not light 1 of a form- usin;5 of seems inter- areas areas likely :5000 and were topo- along over- more A maps maps some con- maps these used or best have time and over and e.g. the the and and too by the 15 in are on in 10 of in of in a a a Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society metrically-derived map orienteering invaluable photographs, boundaries, cliffs o-mapper. national fences, be photography not there photogrammetric Photogrammetric those the wise items other United scale photographs growth, 16 number ground than detection scale choice. grammetrist, at o-mapper. are without outside lens. quality, the With most optimum On for flown 1 :5000 There On (ii) These The In 1 (i) deficient reasons the well information as :15000 available o-mapper of and adequate specification and photography is Scandinavia the may of And areas 1 1 of tree duction is commercial extensive includes ponding topographic as Scottish Coal other The season tracks :25 the :7500 Kingdom, no scale control the but 1 of this beyond resort two another topographic crags, other :10000 and too are pose the for to for well choice models. 000 aerial canopies of there Board, small scale, of is 1 as purposes. to hand, causes types in happens carry low :25 much Economic for plotting identification weather, both many and normally in the and usually to Development of 1 especial flights hand, the to appear cover points scale can a from :2500 certain the that Plotting coverage 000 important photographs scale scale since, in plotting clearings, special e.g. are much maps special air 1 this difficult is and production 1:10000 paths, the map out of An date as County :10 be in the additional technical ground taken and scale special photographs can the the survey both photography- for in forms to and and most very This on agency leads plotted additional 1 better photography 000 plotting a scale photography interest content. taken in maximum at : Map, types in standard at Norway 10 be special special area; flights vegetation in lowland accommodate the affine photography for most commissioned which in resolution, more sources. scale of factor. and 000 Authorities, marshes, highland 1 resolution arises few his available orienteering normally the firms. Department. points :2500 scale the illumination, with planimetric to official knowledge the o-mapping. which of with and of information but base scale countries, to plotting be planimetric photogrammetric topographic photogrammetric and forested time sometimes period Using and stereo-plotting for the the very e.g. photography information, areas from difficulty an In used orienteers. this photographs or the is is map taken to topographic cover photographs the aerial ditches, is the vexing f=300 areas North-West is to but 1 to those to fine usually is 1 :10 invaluable not need May these carried for be appears the obligatory. exactly etc. :5000 set techniques production the or areas. allow often by by areas, use require money The less series for 000 detail at photography of e.g. plotting. or expertise considered up for very amalgamating unsatisfactory feature map, and detail flown use for mm to the knolls, of photographs interest their the shadow, Since of too scale. the satisfactory is first the scale e.g. out the September vegetation which additional the to of for machines whatever required. is map, flown different (12 excellent National and are far plot available it plot plotting Europe, small to corres- greater by simply and one be by photo- In is is fullest is which Often of walls, small these same more more of inch) basic This pro- to still will that the the the the for are the the etc. the the the by an or in in in is a purpose appropriate completion contouring. narrower large been interest flown British United sources economic needs information, grammetric Scandinavia, which, stage. surface mapper. contains graphic are normally stereo-plotting Scandinavia must are utilising pencils: cooperation follow financial maps carried B3, which and metrists organisations, far available common. between nology. Kart-Tjanst; plotting Bakken abroad-in of year, Manchester, University active instruments tralia Inger Kingdom, School 1 :5000 A With The In have the fairly derived, Kern Helgesen; solution Scandinavia, events. define outside for covering forthcoming Lundquist; far in and the forest specialise photogrammetric when Kingdom of and in regard scale in plots out maps. machines in been direct If the of orienteering, and resources who 1.5 aerial used base a less standard However Military photogrammetric timber orienteering, the most view PG-2, this England work of season base In between so and Finland, where making considerable surveying on installed especially due is However, leafless, to the i.e. plot carried alteration Orienteringskartor Leeds are the of scribing of to Helgesen are an stereo-model. these utilise The Glasgow, of is turn, is photography of 2 polyester of Orud's explain summer where in on plots to scaled orientation not participants these the K-konsult) to area there firm carried Galileo times for carried those the the production, Survey is except the available this from the the stereo-plotting the and flights produce the photogrammetrist out possible, allow planted to this and Switzerland, in again two need a forest and of techniques. contain in photogrammetric has it the and importance are considerable difficulties photogrammetric is commission his and part plots of the by Kart 1 those Wales. season photogrammetric but has is respect 1500 proportion that requires :10000 local out and sheets not Stereosimplex out mapping Newcastle-upon- an activity have the also now Galileo for orienteers specialist an plotting, not completion and is scale in is plotted, In coniferous of and 100 are and excellent there also most at always outcome four by Service; more a sq. considerable topographic for educational at the plotted the is five Scandinavia. possible this and plotting been However, much certain AB; often base three of using ofless scale finance. of an 1 It km. is more Austria, at instruments of of Norwegian is field, :25 o-mapper. Stereosimplex ground small the special use natural orienteer-photogram- conducted is financial situation, there needs. the central from using flown, possible. of a orienteer plots and Bjorn the suitable carried of in and While 000 view greater of need a final at type coloured contouring Ressurskart Colleges advantage procedures, plots to field principally course final Norway of deciduous lIC. number firms plotting the the is the Since Universities o-mapper for base in type establishments stereo-plotting Tyne, scale, existing flights do field control Canada, and of optimised especially for little Gavelin map photography The considerable the government support field out survey executed widespread map, the the this o-maps Plotting amount the If on in clubs scale which or very best open e.g. survey so plot. of majority the it pens (Bakken point at of Sweden is a of for firm than photo- United terrain survey stereo- at the in points which Tech- much much is at topo- scales e.g. these if Wild trees close areas AfS) quite Aus- base who AB; and and only and and has the the for for the per are the the not In of in or 0- in to so of of is a Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society possible unusual larger such stereo-plotter with following ground, work primary topographic thoroughness shows 1 Orienteering detail 1 quality Field solutions ment open are especially of concerned, :15000 :7500 The However (a) (b) A considerable large difficult photography the where Surveying to or and Again sensible. fine areas, is forest than areas. But (iii) (iii) or teering the people fine certainly out problem that would (i) woodland. Vegetation T (ii) (ii) and classification of (i) erra£n by to and rapid task used Obviously These scale. modification very areas semi-open have criteria: Open of in in the be since reach yellow/white detail, through Fight-the this Wooded Walk-the impediment detail sufficiently Run Semi-open but most many the 1: his three and character areas good problem the classifying for Maps Yellow). (50 Scotland cover reduced be when with maps for crossing 10 normally final Going comprehensive of which procedure The been areas does most not and skill scale i.e. importance areas, topographic 1 area the the 000 more per Coverage in high small woodland but :5000 In categories and very which the the (White). o-map the they the find mapped Classification use these participant in field in or cent attempted and not for orienteering are so of areas-those are the does since to of thick heather of form and and difficult modifying forest green features strange Runnability (White). forest scale the photogrammetric marked i.e. as orienteer areas-those forest the of the differentiation first available. the a represented difficult an the arise Yellow). surveyor. is the grading areas areas, walk is arise plotting Northern far crossability the features with quite in use an o-map that final are white in fine terrain. agencies. using still come can colour field field (Solid which standard in since, colour adequate as have for needs (50 the however in of and printed distinguished or this even readily to no detail map is justified. and totally practice. of white the the has surveyor Glasgow-viz. into which But survey the are per cross. It scales carried is present the United with the to forest Different Green). on are modification by England the to adding is is used However types a with will be vegetation quite given cent participant or contact to in mapper topographic the plotting strong be be carried in for a dependent convention, in base a This added undergrowth terrain which defines continuous warning base runnability the and definite out coverage crossed able be areas fight as solid final Green). scattered of combs the on Kingdom to feasible for above. for an cartographic topographic regarded where is in area, runner completion the with the experience to woodland/ out has to map, a are o-map which extension the the scales a green, runnable as his problem cover read the is impedi- without terrain. out to to map plotted on on almost so orien- maps. (Solid much forest forest to green Most quite from there trees keep read plot way tree is will and the the the the the the are by its of as at is is it a large will with areas map in runnable which because especially which survey map which begins. after lacking complete especial features already for hand, and to there object vital give stage, permissible as land up smoothed Obviously carried the The The The It (b) (a) These read these a and inclusion follow. a navigate contours may land can forms. is the during when re-entrant reconnaissance are Linear (iii) Point then better reading features plotted if located. woodland to walls, cannot it will which problem (ii) work (ii) second and a (i) (i) question in If covered. out accentuating respects of problem in he grows, be most problems the be or too form end the two the detail solid symbols). Crags, Small this symbols). symbols). Knolls, out which the be top the and is the he the the features-Most sets making For since simultaneously. crossable seen the may representation fences-will features-Many planimetric classified many printed be should of undergrowth held up solely o-mapper and will main use of In is but use difficult in to is of required field main participant extent of yellow so field this, too detected for detail they an in or as being be easily rock particular, that gives the it ponds, tree-covered in the a the the of that of have in depressions, of small important they summer. navigational draws decisions 30 to task large on spur carried on be many survey a a orienteer. but if the (superimposed) a need tasks in features the the seasonal outcrops, base of vertical and in slight or a one per considerable the largely distinguished 10 the they to surveyed the changes for winter detail slightly during by have are summer features, its the before a is 50 tanks, problems cartographic will per go attention is to of where cent for photogrammetric parts lower often, limit out work the of the plot, larger The detailed often are exaggeration infestation per of in the back map the decision be about on devoid been simply changes cent and the areas are in photogrammetric surveying these-roads, following its green gullies, the or boulders, and his brownish to completed which cent the on are of topography and surveyor wells, when these limit since vital winter they the full during o-mapper and features. practised 50 quite correctly to field plotted, areas mind of to black runnability. the the check inextricably against and navigation detailed over yellow of ignore included map which per add line flush. what the in presentation re-survey check disappear in will the micro-topographic (shown and point these size United (shown survey difficult for will which need vegetation of as (shown hue the cent the the and point the classification will tint is pattern vegetation and not but the a is many On must to tint; a of the Bracken represent base by to and points very be tracks features feature field competition field yellow. small to tend a yellow in size the sharpening object, also printed areas classifying answer. stage have modifying plotted. are by and they surveyed: purposes. the Kingdom small The mixed height operator. the the and by by and the be map in is of difficult criteria survey survey brown of highly can which which paths, looms try to detail made map- other black these areas quite areas thick been need is with such slow is field blue final and and tint but the the the are up on an be be of 17 to to to If Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society Design As tency this mapped-but then with included. features, ground carried thorough especially and one stick has related contains comparison survey detail regard that located especially experienced example must map-makers. adjacent correct sheet. concern general, 18 cartographers 1 terrain arduous little of to field how mental intersection, nature heather orienteering firmly has optical open topographic largely lining (often skill of Such :25 The At The The perhaps be systematically Professor metre been depends to then 000 to there with small least awe many to be is a terrain fixed topographer should What up at of design accuracy be plotted to work out classify bald factors close of strain rangefinder non-instrumental is actual higWy so relationship his 150 and surveyed detect scale absolute objects the to nature plotted, then Orienteering in into of reconnaissance omitted not which in as the The in the complete that is a by lies crags of large statement criteria detailed the features point is, maps. important on expense height orienteer year map. together. the or be commences. the thick only a of topographic Speiss aspects the too who the a distances important techniques work these of it, more detail, a however, the nothing mapper very with in team. included. continuously of in it o-mapper use and small it there combing or context completeness 1 crags, detailed accuracy and eyes symbols in in forest Simple is : Quite is type come the completing woodland. the are may 16 throughout more over or and terms small to than are of which (Speiss, good unlikely another of carried of Maps boulders hardly 666 drawn so will as not is scale of complex field family work one o-maps and of is a must depressions, also the and of the apart the with the and and into the these those one map used of can Having As and compass scale of features and graphical terrain. missed-even included local out the detect is since prime methods error and another yet directions considerable the accuracy gives the out be has deciding devotion, has involved that more 1972) whole akin or decide only and not contact good therefore The is of from 18.4 can each detail and in o-map professional a simple terrain are the is used. prior or two that week-end rather the field also been no affecting the done very the standard importance the social If an a to bring be are km. and relative often in detailed consistency. sometimes visibility, has the area area area methods same hundred this matter appearing on gullies, mainly such new these those to decisions are orienteer reader error of what If with one ignored. surveying survey mentioned in with difficult measured techniques vital determination lacking oEline not pacing, so, life be pointed Sihlwald respect conduet the a is very so in the of physical which surveying area, detail part good matters the after highly ) bear considered. to these practised inconsiderable accuracy he many surveyors often that medium-scale of areas part. of and an employed. over closely o-map. etc. metres a is work such demanding. include per whole as of the must to exhausting in on But idea overriding 10 hand-held could the which The week-end base to and has the stage out boulders to must between the with present, achieve, amateur a exertion features already, detailed a suitable Consis- difficult of sq. o-maps former suffice. metres ensure before period as which inter- if of being visual many fairly not same been from then high with map map map by in Any map km. and and and the the has the ray for are be In In a a a from by sistencies plates. in large of pletion may drawing Production by which the scale Two orienteering rather been way. treating superb ingenuity lettering convention. vary area. to firms-the Switzerland of obvious little inclusion rhododendron, effect rivers, need (contours) The design ous solution. problems per can The show ditches as symbols The (ii) Having a The the magnetic Strong participants. compared (i) amateurs o-mappers. effects process very sq. still also greatly need room use to main On sheets the (usually lettering the the that point colour-separated Notable those commercial lettering areas; in borrowed than show The first marshes fairly of work, show maps km. alone features the is for be and the the suffer small use of colours that use in in compiled use for of extreme o-maps for of approaches will carried of latter camera traditional method read results must north features; and titles, index and produced So this non-map shown other the that representation in maps with standardised clearly and of the and small of extreme the originality cannot double resulting had Colour-separated of for from point techniques receive points their etc. and the Letratone the which positive so weight respect. relatively are from to scale be the the o-mapper lines negative mapping coloured hand, the legends increased care out England. contours to in are it will the on help is legend small more ( Uncrossable cliffs the a used, actual or always symbols produce is 30 that adhesive skills the necessity, . perhaps information clarity are reduction. positives will not at instead the by this are similar results must widely advertising from and reveal inability the large) in point pen keep the need areas used: specifications category individualistic of tint which and easily Letratone design latter. always as strike execution and agencies. scribing, borders, of and treatment the have size and is width by be the so and field Since the the that used the symbols of down of used then screens. the titles. tints few Positives such to title advertisements Letraset or taken both that concepts 60 and extensive the a of the true the while final are final However, and The within ink use major be good, negatives have satisfactory survey more in of per To the of for need faced inhibitions in and etc.-ideas as shape uninitiated and the the the field because later selection on masking marked or drawing and both their negatives the can therefore of map) length clearings, and severe see , mapper most The o-maps cent. to and the grid because the very or land costs easily not and o-mappers display these patterns can colour-separated survey with reduced drawn and have be an of Normatone use in 11.5 own there Negatives for final actual design symbols several These north adhere of the national used prominently. detailed the forms. exhibition of or be cartographic of Mecanorma for as compilation and understood the which in to production the from or techniques a km. and of are dangerous patches places successful paths particular drawings. of and sheet the lines mastered to design are dramatic Sweden, visualise graphics printing line mapped such in printer. and and numer- display aspects the photo- incon- figures of to rather which much More enjoy maps some com- leave scale have local map and and will and and line any use the the the for of as of of Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society firms two use excellent Printing o-mapper any the not that, demanding professional Dunkeld production Scottish way which o-mappers The in among the more novel masking in With SURVEY The The an Norway map. University of small-format appear other in degree for are demanding. for relatively amazingly they diagram o-mappers ml45 which second regard o-mappers example, is register, o-mappers mostly to by type I is used green of schedule of master _n<--:,-c~~-1~,-'C~~"'Ti and contact standards, again the Graham they motivation, of of to method (Figure small a Finland. single- local Glasgow short when outstanding cartographic great printing, However consistent the very can put these them make to to printing blue which pick understand this high Relf their time printed deal 1) or based follow. to techniques show much dedication It two-colour shows streams up is the the discuss so in and knowledge is colour, (his means map a the printing. contributing on firms Scotland that perhaps complex, against results demands In use achieve the second the concepts of and technical and particular, many that equipped etc. of and and Craig flow offset use in of the hold-out and marsh Yet to more are interest it sophisticated some for the the excellent complete map). diagram of use. 0' yellow to machines. is and to there ~--_:_-~------~------~~ problems as high experience Barns sophisticated the scribing easy difficult with some ways patterns the I ~------~------high techniques D shown masks Even ease is areas quality, for leading novices re·sults. for Wood, one can much extent as 'fhe with and and the Figurp. and and the do by or by in be so of at 1'.1"'"' 1. overprinting print G. expensive be has over-printed national but or Syntosil and since characteristics. being the ability good This cost edition are print to help such small to working ~ 6'"'T-

Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society map maps they obviously are meet so o-map model of and organisations those well countries around area In before period schoolchildren way. and Swiss and green forested yellow-ochre unexpected surveyors come Outstanding Balmaha cartography are public along which Orienteering eight in however, (ii) ducing development close obvious. duced Fifteen a cation multi-coloured block final constructed. be School wooded covers increasing In school, An Around In the that Sweden Sweden produced the as the in 1 too private controllers have below neighbourhood produced Finland, are :10 introductory to the interesting slightly to accurate, plan map. of or and closest parks much it and in September specification. local the and map-reading school the 1 Glasgow, to areas is the the areas. :25 practice small (Tony 000). far The are at the Craig the far standards been Glasgow complexity and there Neighbourhood awarded twenty (Nord present or Swedish feature novice the symbols This 000 successive and communities. more firms of detriment also required to as o-map colour of Championships. United less grounds different school (e.g. together-and street has similarity would This the neighbourhood Finland, complete Given show or in good who cartographers Richards) by minimum is a' small development and o-maps are area, type the to 1974), been divergent o-maps a beneficial Switzerland. orienteer such (e.g. of events (Scotland) unsuitable author the Barns, allows Robin Maanmittaushallitusken Care similar January. and is maps. plan, convention, award set. the map as of maps for lies result the 1:40 Kingdom to of Cawdor of pieces the and of used smaller lines. held OL-Karte resort any, development Finnmap) areas the be series route-finding Finland comes and example The national is the designed Maps an in be A designed and especially 000 a and high huge (iii) has the system being The Harvey Dunkeld carried taken in in series in is for series but to a of conventional as be o-map. The Since appearance the one to in have map Wood, the from of results standard Dalegarth not for national One scale many scales suburban the SOFT been woodland Norwegian well however Swedish in open the a standards best there recent expanse rather (Nuuros maps of produced topographic to (i) influence areas sign Glasgow of of simple of put neighbourhood who the out a which specifically 1970 the specifically conventional been for produced ensure of in topographic exercises a the national is concerned maps Notable is (by (e.g. sheets from areas major of are exercises Mark of school by already in off last developments years used an topographic shown and these than the orienteer and a o-mapping official from (Tony or this and national mapped of black-and-white the uses some the 1976) Graham o-map by urban 1 area series of (Figure and to two that each and style of :100; being are to rural forest Karttapaino) the has competition. 1976 and gymnasium, the moor Spey of series poor pupils. survey as as the system covering widespread maps the the for those during for the which in British the Pennick). and the white approval. years has gradually green possible, Figure legibility been of than of series, area. regional reverse. will 1 is normal schools specifi- in around area, 6) largely survey novice World Valley maps. which rather :1000; which larger Relf), intro- six many being maps series these Nor- been than with pro- very who may The and and the fall the the are are for for be If, 0- to 5. a a a their advice pupils this Pupils have been worked Department Education use healthy. Week-end effort high plotting, Smith been five particular. photographs, metry, in who ability addicts. maps to which produced cations career in duction-and leading the relatively achieved and production cartography to particular "fix." still edited (BOF) over short or Federation Harvey been and quite O-maps Swedish Swedish A A The To orienteering, a start their English processes by series cartographers team further, have considerable much "Kart-boken" also post-graduate feature quality! quite assistance quite staggering and period, made disseminate put in have to from As with dissemination in or displayed surveying, local deal by for published It of Swedish up orienteers O-mapping a previous been Federation with field Canada, so help had 1975, of and employment. (called special Christer appreciated; into has single forest the missionary a are courses Jan the of spent little many (NOF) is orienteering o-mappers can with cartographic schools by of short many Another involved. map yet of no bought Training Geography had these frequent. survey writer are is wealthy "Map-making which the to the John the Martin number be areas event. input Swedish connection by many all Glasgowgaloppen)-normally gratefully o-mappers, cartographic the mapping those all United schools is samples, by education too would and national education ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Palm profusely education discerned activity and under o-mapping and published enthusiastic, of the quite enlisted (SOFT) Keates in appears in in knowledge aspects gives the around feature and Kari lead a information developing The to devoted intensive of Swedish This The most considerable its of classical Larsen. colleges as workshops at not said in any education us British States, o-mappers a cartographic to Dahl, acknowledged. on the efforts, a is colleagues the etc. publications. maps with an orienteering and number help who and be first-class or to Benidorm such is has has astonishing the in Anders like country of and in illustrated for when design, hours activity. its University editorship the without scene The have in microcosm. Robin around period of the of cartographic problems Federation the deal o-mapping o-mapping-photogram- highly these of Recently produced Australia Orienteering brought some a considerable despatching training Orienteers" goes "Kartboka" o-mapping quite their education. professional drug cartographic on and quantities principal first results of on and with its which Timner, so drawing is detailed Harvey in still fields. their interesting aspects these of Thus motivated Glasgow the photogrammetric associations In the growth own only The startling past that map with of graduates introducing Spain under-graduate out of instruction of in in of and (1975/76) further particular, which design stereo-plotting is Glasgow (SOFT) usual considerable topographic this Scotland individuals, and Lars o-mappers. made publication compulsive one Norwegian individuals Never 300 attempting for a or Federation and output techniques holidaying account by design has have diagrams, of surveyors Scotland. in in series industry come scheme graphic Andrew further current side weekly can people to o-map of and repro- impli- Robin a of made Nord more 1970, have even very have 400 of can and has the the has me are the the 21 be in to in of of a Published by Maney Publishing (c) The British Cartographic Society graphy, forms from missions, vidual in most will ber, prepared must printed gram are Prize, national prepared also by electronic will litto), Hon. ation: den coloured 20-25. Denmark. lung cation Vol. Annual Larsen, 22 the machines; arisen teering our all Svenska Federation, Cartog bokservie, 1969. 1972. Pt. L. Pt. Pt. Pt. J. Ibid. R. Pt. J. R. 1. E. L. C. R. 1. The The relation of colour brunt involvement now Orienteringslauf." M. von R. be M. also 55, apply E. Kirby, 1977. Nuuros, Nord, Palm; Speiss, Nord, 4-Rekognosering, us 5-Renritning; 2-Den outstanding 1-0fficiella Helsinki, 54. Harvey, 3-Planering 124-129. an material be on of Secretary, 1971. may annually "Maps Maps. or Prize 12. J. Larsen, Sutherland, submitted Nielsen, No.3, Orienteering British Orienteringsforbundet, have Larsen,Kart-Boka. OL-Karten. the map the atlas, be of invited received artwork during for M. 28. No.5, for an separation to equipment Ian Any "Kartor 1972. Matlock, et. "The to be sorting Finnish rap 48. "Kartor cartographic "International acceptable. been the will Moderna et. Sunnistuksen transmission Award for organisation International has the al.,Kartbroken, Mapmaking a 1970. 1976. obtained. involved Gerrard 1. either in type or (An al. Cartographic Drawing Oslo, 130-136 sheet Geographical purpose from the Orienteering." E. for Kartor be hy stimulated this map (i.e. purposes along av by out been for at 1969, The International Nielsen, Orienteering 285-288. reproduktion, 1975. 13. Federation fOr based English year of the International Kartproiekt, methods) published the 1970. fascinating the \\'ill Orienteringskartan. 1st Orienteering," map, whom where 39. submitted and Production production map in och listed with Graphic Skolbruk". REFERENCES prepared Specifications Opetuskarttojen 108. of Prize. many discretion for May, 1st for genormte Norges also its on Orienteering by but 100. C. his and Kartverk; the of translation 1975-76. an may Sport January, the processing Stockholm. copies preparation. above.) the Palm, Orienteers. television, and Society InternationalYearbook technical be the Federation fellow-technicians to the Orienteering map have atlas, cartographic Design or 1978 57. Yearbook printed output 47. Orienteringsforbunds of for quality be front. of British eligible from help in topographische Prize, original Skogsport, and Orienteering of Globen, Orienteering." of learned which submitted for consideration. Fotogrammetri, at manuscript. or 1977 of intends the Federation, E. the Valmistaminen. In those problems the fully British has from or International Orienteering of a specimen. (Suomen the of Spiess, the return, but In Council, must specific rules 1-2, to Federation, activity. a artwork the light Cartography, address been in great cases publication no. making finished term 31st not computer to Maps. map by 1970, Orienteering Die have EDITOR. I have which and projector, Karten 1-2, Geography think achieved Sunnistus deal Artwork the award Alsgarde, of an Decem- where excerpt Entries Entries 37. for "map" Herste/- should design of Feder- Carto- Hand- 12-12. Orien- Publi- entry Inter- borne indi- been 1974, sub- pro- Oslo. from have and that the the fUr 12. or by a a Journal, P.O. member map relative metres would need charges, priced stable or paper 31st RICS, inclusive. in year than year present cognate supported survey other civilian "The Fellow Sur'vey Map Field The Nominations, The The The a the ANNUAL to graphic July, in Box serving users. the base FSA also by Administrative CharTered year. is award 29 Map operations, at Field 191'i fraction Review, recognition of land annual Scale and UK The Survey Oifford shown. The 164, a Lincoln's 1977. relative $2.00 nominations the be 16th-18th polyester The prizes. qualified It .lvv'ard surveyor. scale Scale members Photogrammetric is Survey UNIVERSITY shall of journals Riverdale, journals Land awards is of The available use specification with It (US), Surveyor H. produced any SYMPOSIUM of Indicator the be Indicator fraction is will of In Hydographic Inn to GENERAL film, linear Association Survey of Association Wood. author open map some citations to basis Secretary, of order by concerned in cartographers, be special excluding Fields, include from SEPTEMBER Maryland and HM by the for on the each to distance noteworthy for on for may OF for Division The appearing which to British any the Record. end value Forces Continental three a please, nomination March London cataloguing each Journal, cover has a DURHAM 38.74 be are: Professional most Land Map of shipping £50 20840, the in to used year decided July. Cartographic years surveyors, MEETING Chartered who of miles, the map x8.26 prize calling suitable should parallels piece in Scale WC2A Survey the The will 1977 to one Prize USA. gamut are Cartographics, will librarians 1974 and maps, awarded ascertain of feet, to RICS, be Cartographic cm Associate Indicator for be eligible of nominated EDITOR. EDITOR. oflatitude work vary extend 3DG" published and Surveyor, Division, handling to sheet the suitably or of sent Society but other other from kilo- 1976 each by land who five the for by its to or of is it a