The Sky This Month Aug-Sep 2020

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat N Visible at 1x power. ZN 19 Z 20 21 N 22 23 Best in binoculars. young Moon challenge! Islamic New Year (109) Felicitas South δ Aquarid meteor shower continues to 23 Aug Haul out the telescope. north ι Aquariid meteor 45th Anniversary (1975) (morning) α Capricornid meteors continue to 11 Sep  Try a photo! shower peak Viking 1 Launch (Mars would have been Perseid meteors ends on Monday  Video record session. new Moon yesterday Lander/Orbiter) Millennium Sq observing Jupiter "events" almost every night! k Rockets and satellites. would have been Dark would have been asteroid 7000 Curie i.e. transits, shadows, eclipses, , Sky observing… Starfest event… close to Earth and the Great Red Spot… Nk 24 Gk 25 N 26 N 27 N 28 N 29  30 would have been City 1st quarter Moon Lunar Straight Wall in the Beehive Ceres opposition Moon near Pluto Venus near Pollux observing… Lunar X Moon near Antares (morning) Massalia opposition Moon near Saturn (morning) morning ISS flyovers OSIRIS-REx, asteroid Moon near Jupiter RASC DDO speaker night start… Bennu match-point Kuiper 225088 Gonggong observe double C/2020 F3 rehearsal opposition (87.5 AU) NEOWISE below mag 8 N 31 N 1 ; 2 3 N 4 N 5 N 6 α Aurigid meteor shower PHA 2011 ES4 near Earth full Moon Mars solstice Moon passes Mars peak very interesting Jupiter Pallas stationary summer in south 2:30 AM Triton elongation Moon near Uranus asteroid 6735 Madhatter events… Saturn events… Moon very near Mars September Perseids peak close to Earth Mars 19" in size observe double stars Mars rises 2h after sunset 7 N 8 N 9 T 10 11 12 13 1:00 AM Triton elongation GLOBE at Night light GLOBE at Night campaign Fortuna opposition Jupiter stationary 10:00 PM Triton elongation Moon between Pleiades pollution campaign starts continues to 18 Sep Moon near M35 would have been Solar and Hyades Mars stationary 3rd quarter Moon ! Neptune opposition observing… very interesting Jupiter 45th Anniversary (1975), Mars begins retrogression RASC DDO speaker night events… Viking 2 launch (Mars 11:45 PM Triton elongation Mimas elongations… Orbiter/Lander) N 14 N 15 16 ZN 17 gravitational waves zodiacal light in east starts zodiacal light in east new Moon See pgs 112-115 of 2020 RASC Observer’s Handbook for more astro info. detection (2015) ISS flyovers transition continues to 29 Sep Uranus magnitude 5.7 See the Jul-Aug SkyNews magazine for more astro info and chart. Moon near Venus to evening viewing RASC recreational Mars mag -2.2 All events in evening unless otherwise. Moon near Beehive very interesting Jupiter astronomy meet online ISS = International Space Station. See for pass info. John Dobson's 105th events… Visit for lots of astronomical and telescope information. Birthday (1915) Mercury 22° from Sun Visit for fun and informative videos. prepared by Blake Nancarrow ( astronomy°@°computer–ease°.°com ) "Stargazing is a great medicine for the soul." - Joe Rao