Puget Sound University
UNIVERSITY PLACE / ' .-, ··· ~ . T H E SIT E OF Puget Sound University PUBLISHED _; BY U niversity L a nd Compan y ·' G. W. THOMPSON , Secretary I II TACOMA: PRESs or F. T. H o uGHT ON & Co. l I THE . UNIVERSITY PLACE TPEN"NS)'LVANIA I I City of Destiny OF THE WE'St;. os THE STAT< or WASHINGTON, IS TACOMA TH£ "Where rolls the Oregon," the Leading City of the State. great river of the Northwest. THE SITE OF ••• ••• INDUSTRIES: 'f'he Terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Gateway of Mining, Lumbering, Fishing. I the United States' constantly in Hop, Whea.t, Fruit, Stock creasing tra.de with the rich Raising. Oriental Countries. Leading • • • Wheat and Lumber exporting PUGET SOUND UNIVERSITY. Mountains of Coal. Gold, Iron, port of the Pa.cific Coa.st. Steam- Silver. Grand Scenery. ers t o AlaFka, China, Japan, Hea.lthfuJ plimat~ , · Progressive Africa and South America. A people. J;'rospects for future city ten years old with 50 000 I are unequalled. · live, hustling inha'bitants. ' I IRA A. TOWN, President, C. S. BARLOW, Treasurer, W. 0. CHAPMAN, Secretary . ORTHERN R R . PACIFIC • • N REV. C. R. THOBURN, A. M., Chancellor, REV. C. W. DARROW, A. M., Registrar. THE ... THE . Pacific Express PEOPLE The best-equippt!d train in the Flow steadily westward World in t he tide of emigration. Leaves ST, PAUl 4:15P.M. Make No Mistake, l!Jvery day in th<l ye&r for a.ll .1-ut be sure that your Ticket reads via the · point• weotward in Dakota, Monta.ne., Idaho, Washington, NORTHERN PACIFIC R.
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