Strategic Environmental Assessment / Sustainability Appraisal (SEA/SA)
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Snowdonia National Park Authority Local Development Plan Short Form Revision Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal Volume 1 - SA Report Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 The SA Process 8 3 Review of Relevant Plans, Policies and Programmes 14 4 Baseline Context and Sustainability Issues 16 5 Assessment Methodology 26 6 Strategic Options Development and Assessment 46 7 Compatibility of the Vision and the SA Objectives 63 8 Compatibility of the SA Objectives and LDP Objectives 65 9 Assessment of the Strategic Policies and the Development Policies 69 10 Assessment of the LDP Housing and Employment Allocations 95 11 Cumulative and Synergistic Effects 100 12 Monitoring Framework 116 13 Next Steps 128 Abbreviations BAP Biodiversity Action Plan NRW Natural Resources Wales CROW Countryside and Rights of Way cSAC Candidate Special Area of Conservation Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DfT Department for Transport ESDP European Spatial Development Programme EU European Union GCR Geological Conservation Review H/SAP Habitat/Species Action Plan ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management LBAP Local Biodiversity Action Plan LDP Local Development Plan LNR Local Nature Reserve MIPPS Ministerial Interim Planning Policy Statement NNR National Nature Reserve NPMP National Park Management Plan ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister PPP Plans, Policies and Programmes pSPA Potential Special Protection Area RIGS Regionally Important Geological/Geomorphological Sites RSAP Restoring Sustainable Abstraction Programme SA Sustainability Appraisal SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SME Small and Medium Sized Enterprise SNPA Snowdonia National Park Authority SoPR State of the Park Report SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest SuDS Sustainable (Urban) Drainage Systems TAN Technical Advice Note TPO Tree Preservation Order WAG Welsh Assembly Government WIMD Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation This abbreviations list is applicable to Volumes 1 and 2 of this SA Report. 1 Introduction 1.1 Background The Snowdonia National Park Authority (SNPA) is currently revising its Local Development Plan (LDP) for the Snowdonia National Park area (hereinafter referred to as the National Park). The Eryri LDP (2007-2022) was adopted in 2011. A full review of the Plan is required every 4 years from the time of adoption. SNPA circulated a draft Review Discussion Paper (March 2016) following the production of its 3rd formal LDP Annual Monitoring Report. Feedback from key stakeholders on the Discussion Paper informed the review process and subsequently a Review Report was produced. The Annual Monitoring Reports have concluded that the LDP is delivering in terms of sustainable development in line with the SA objectives. Due to consensus that the existing Plan strategy remains relevant, the finalised Review Report (July 2016) concluded that a short form revision would be required. As part of this process, a combined Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is also being reviewed. The term SA shall be used to refer to the combined SA/SEA for the remainder of this report. This report documents the SA process for the LDP revision. An update to the SA Scoping Report was prepared for the SA of the LDP, and released for statutory consultation in July 2016. Following receipt of consultation responses (statutory consultees), the Update Scoping Report was published on the Snowdonia National Park website. A Deposit Version of the LDP has been prepared and it has been assessed as part of the SA process. This SA Report documents this assessment. Eryri Local Development Plan Short Form Revision – Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal Volume 1 1 1.2 Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment SA is a process for assessing the social, economic and environmental impacts of a plan and aims to ensure that sustainable development is at the heart of the plan- making process. It is a legal requirement that the LDP is subject to SA, under the Planning Act Wales (2015) and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales). This Act stipulates that the SA must comply with the requirements of the 1 SEA Directive which was transposed directly into UK law through the SEA Regulations2. The aim of the SEA is to ‘provide for a high level of protection of the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans and programmes with a view to promoting sustainable development’ (Article 1 of the SEA Directive). The principle of ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and in the future, lies at the heart of sustainable development. SA is an essential tool for ensuring that the principles of sustainable development are inherent throughout the preparation of the LDP and that it broadly complies with and contributes to relevant planning guidance. The overarching aim of the process is to ensure better decision-making and planning. It should be initiated at the earliest possible stage of the LDP preparation. 1.3 SA/SEA Guidance The following guidance documents were consulted throughout the initial SA process: • Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) et al. (2005): A Practical Guide to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive • Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) (2015) LDP Manual Edition 2 • Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) (September, 2007) Strategic Environmental Assessment: Guidance for Practitioners, SEA Topic: Biodiversity • CCW (November, 2007) Strategic Environmental Assessment: Guidance for Practitioners, SEA Topic: Water • CCW (August, 2007) Strategic Environmental Assessment: Guidance for Practitioners, SEA Topic: Material Assets • CCW (September, 2007) Strategic Environmental Assessment: Guidance for Practitioners, SEA Topic: Landscape • CCW (September, 2007) Strategic Environmental Assessment: Guidance 1 Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, June 2001 2 S.I. 2004 No. 1633: The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations, 2004 Eryri Local Development Plan Short Form Revision – Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal Volume 1 2 for Practitioners, SEA Topic: Soil • CCW (November, 2007) Strategic Environmental Assessment: Guidance for Practitioners, SEA Topic: Air 1.4 National Park Purposes The National Park Purposes are to: • Conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the area. • Promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the area by the public. In pursuing these purposes the SNPA has a duty to: • Seek to foster the social and economic well-being of local communities within the National Park. The implementation of the LDP, together with the NPMP, will have a considerable impact upon the environment and the social and economic well-being of the local communities. These plans will deliver the strategy and policy that reflects the needs of the local community, within the context of the special status of the National Park. 1.5 Purpose of the LDP The preparation of the SNPA LDP Short Form Revision commenced in 2016, as a requirement under the Planning Act Wales (2015). Once adopted it will replace the existing Eryri Local Development Plan for the National Park, and will cover a fifteen year period from 2016 – 2031. The LDP is principally concerned with the use and development of land, and comprises the policy context for the assessment of development proposals. The LDP includes strategic policies and development policies that will ensure that any new development within the National Park is of a good quality and is located optimally, as well as delivering the long-term spatial vision for the future of the Snowdonia National Park. It will be used to help decide which planning applications for development should be accepted or refused. 1.6 Purpose and Structure of this SA Report This SA Report provides a summary of the SA process. This SA Report will be consulted upon alongside the Deposit Version LDP. It will be issued to all statutory consultees and made available for public viewing. It is essential that the Deposit Version LDP is read in conjunction with this SA Report. Table 1-1 outlines the contents and structure of this SA Report. Volume 1 of this SA Report comprises the main text and includes a summary of the assessment findings. The appendices to this report are presented in a separate Volume 2. Eryri Local Development Plan Short Form Revision – Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal Volume 1 3 Table 1-1 Section of SA Report Outline Structure and Context Non Technical Summary (Separate Summary of the SA process and SA Report in plain English Document) (a legislative requirement Abbreviations Abbreviations used in this report 1. Introduction Provides background to the SA and LDP and includes the purpose and structure of the report. 2. The SA Process Outlines the key elements of the SA process and the adopted approach to the assessment. Provides a summary of the SA process undertaken to date. Provides details of how to comment upon this SA Report 3. Review of Relevant Plans, Policies Sets the context for the LDP within the hierarchy of and Programmes (PPP international, national and regional sustainability objectives. Identifies the key findings of the PPP review. The full review is presented in Appendix B of Volume 2 4. Baseline Context and Sustainability Explains the link