United States Patent Office
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WALLAC3 PATTEN COBOS, OF OR ONEC, ONEARIC, CANADA, ASSIGNOR OF ONS-TEIRD TO THIS WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, LISTITED, or Toronto, CANADA, A coReoBA ION OS CANADA ANp ONE-THIRD TO EDWARD CAREY FOX, OE TORONTo, CANADA (CASING FOS, SAOSAGES. N:3) 158,400. Specification of letters Patent. Patented (Oct. 26, 1915. So Drawing. Application filed December 31, 1913. Serial No. 809,731. To all whom it may concern truded tube is hardened by any of the re Be it known that I, WALLACE PATTEN agents hereinbefore specified or their equiva- 55 CoHoE, a citizen of the Dominion of Canada lents, and either after or during coagula Residing, the city of Toronto, county o tion. The completed casing is of increased 5 York, Province of Ontario, Dominion of elasticity. Its tendency to weaken in water Canadia, have invented certain new and use is decreased and its water-proof quality en ful Improvements in Casings for Sausages; hanced. o 60 and I do hereby declare the following to be Instead of using gelatin for improving a full, clear, and exact description of the in the water-proof qualities of the casing, this may likewise be effected to even greater ad 1g invention, the art such to whichas will it enable appertains others to skilled make vantage by means of incorporating therein and use the same. it fatty acid, so as to make it impermeable 65 in Letters Patent of the United States to Water. To this end, there may be incor No. 1,070,776, granted to Wallace Patten porated with the viscose solution, a suitable 15 Cohoe and Edward Carey Fox, under date stearate, as for instance, potassium stea of August 19, 1913, there is described and rate.
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