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Contents OCCUPATIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF DIPLOMA COURSE TUTORS ...... 3 BWYQ DIPLOMA IN TEACHING : ...... 6 COURSE NOTIFICATION/AGREEMENT FORM ...... 6 GUIDE TO REGISTERING A COURSE ...... 9 NUMBERS OF STUDENTS ALLOWED ON A COURSE ...... 13 BWYT GROUP REGISTRATION FORM ...... 14 BWYQ Learner Registration Form ...... 15 BWYQ DIPLOMA IN TEACHING YOGA COURSE...... 17 Structure...... 17 PLANNING THECOURSE ...... 18 Core ...... 18 ESSAY WRITING STANDARDS: Guidance for learners ...... 20 Essay Checklist ( for optional use by learners) ...... 23 MAINTAINING ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS ...... 24 Standardisation of file names ...... 24 PERIPATETIC ASSESSMENT OF CLASS TEACHING (PACT) ...... 25 Explanation of the Assessment Front Sheet ...... 27 POLICIES and POLICY SUMMARIES ...... 28 Summary of QA procedures ...... 32 Internal Quality Assurance ...... 32 External Verification ...... 33 BWYQ / BWYT Qualifications Structure and Communications Protocol ...... 35

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The role, responsibilities and occupational requirements of tutors of the BWYQ Diploma in Teaching Yoga (‘the Diploma’) are summarised below. They should be read together with the detailed policy documents and guidelines to which reference is made.

The role, responsibilities and occupational requirements are:

1. To deal equitably with student teachers on their courses at all times and in this context to have specific regard to BWY Equity Policy and Codes of Ethical Conduct for teachers and BWYT policy on Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations.

2. To deal equitably with colleagues and all those employed by or connected with the BWY and to uphold the standards and best interests of the BWY.

3. To communicate effectively and courteously with colleagues, officers and all those connected with the planning, delivery and verification of their courses.

4. To recognise in all actions as a Diploma Course Tutor that the BWYT is their teaching and tutoring organisation and to act in good faith as a BWY representative in all interactions with individuals and organisations outside BWY.

5. To respect the confidentiality of BWY /BWYT Copyright materials and under no circumstances to copy them to unauthorised persons or organisations; never to use them in unauthorised circumstances as teaching materials on non BWY courses and to avoid plagiarism at all times.

6. To know and apply the Diploma course entry requirements and seek all required information from prospective student teachers prior to enrolment; and to take all reasonable steps to ensure that prospective student teachers meet entry requirements and will be able to meet the training requirements of trainee yoga teachers.

7. To inform prospective student teachers of the content and requirements of the Diploma course before student teachers enrol on their courses, including methods and requirements of assessment, and the commitment required of students in terms of time, cost, class and workshop attendance, class teaching and first aid qualification.

8. To draw student teachers attention to BWY /BWYT complaints and appeals procedures.

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9. To teach safely and with regard to the BWY Safety Statement and to observe their duty of care to student teachers on their courses.

10. To know and understand the administrative requirements relating to the planning and setting up of the Diploma course including the required contact hours, timescales within which the Diploma may be taught and minimum and maximum numbers of student teachers.

11. To acknowledge that BWY T, as a centre offering a nationally recognised qualification, must abide by quality assurance standards required by BWYQ its awarding organisation and to be aware of the internal and external quality assurance procedures relating to their courses.

12. To know and understand the content of the BWYQ Diploma in Teaching Yoga and stay informed of amendments to it.

13. To teach all aspects of the Diploma required by the course syllabus and detailed in the BWY T course descriptions requirements for quality assurance and guidance for Units 1 – 8 of the Course.

14. To be competent in own personal practice of yoga.

15. To teach all aspects of the Diploma competently and to a standard commensurate with the level of attainment expected of their students. Where unable to teach any aspect of the course to the appropriate level, to enlist the assistance of another tutor or yoga expert approved by BWY T.

16. To demonstrate self reliance and the ability to take appropriate responsibility for their courses and the student teachers on them while knowing how and when to seek assistance from colleagues, officers of the BWYT or their course internal quality assurer.

17. To plan and deliver courses in a professional and well organised manner and manage the hours to meet the timescales laid down in their course plan and assessment plans for student teachers.

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18. To assess effectively and fairly; to deliver assessments on time and apply professional judgment in accordance with professional training; and to keep CPD up to date as required by the BWY.

19. To deal effectively with all aspects of Diploma Course administration and record keeping set out in BWYT operating procedures.

20. To stay informed and comply with the requirements of internal and external quality assurance.

21. To maintain requirements for continuing professional development, both as a teacher and a Diploma Course Tutor including attendance at Diploma Course Tutors’ training events in accordance with the requirements for the time being in place. In addition it is necessary to take steps to address any weakness in knowledge, skills and understanding and seek the appropriate training; and to remain current in personal general yoga class teaching skills.

22. To support and assist student teachers individually in accordance with BWYT policy and guidelines relating to assessment, formulation of individual assessment plans if required, reasonable adjustments and special considerations. To be available for discussion with students at reasonable, agreed times and to offer individual students feedback on progress.

23. To Register the course with BWYT and to pay a BWYT course registration fee equivalent to £150 per student registering on the course one month prior to the course starting . This registration fee must be incorporated into the fees payable to the tutor and not asked for as a separate fee payable by the student

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I/we wish to notify the BWYT of my intention to run the Diploma in Teaching Yoga. I/we agree to • Fully comply with and uphold the role, responsibilities and occupational requirements of a DCT. • Attend an annual standardisation at DCT weekend. If for any reason I am unable to attend I will comply with a standardisation exercise set by the lead IQA. I understand this may involve travelling at my own expense and involve training fees. • Draw up a financial agreement with my learners clearly stating the fees and refund policy. • To pay a BWYT course registration fee equivalent to £150 per student registered on the course • Set aside a sum from deposits taken, or lump sums paid in advance, that will enable me to refund learners immediately should I be unable to continue teaching the course for any reason. • Recompense the BWY for any costs incurred in supplying a cover DCT should I be unable to continue teaching the course for any reason.

Signed (DCT) …………………………………… DATE………………………………………

Signed (DCT) …………………………………… DATE………………………………………

Signed BWYT Chair or BWYT Administrator …………………………………………

Complete the above AGREEMENT and NOTIFICATION FORM overleaf and send to:

BWYT Administrator Diane Gilbertson: [email protected]

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Address and post code

Telephone and email

Dates of standardisation exercises attended in the past year

Date of completion of BWY Essentials of A&P for Yoga Course

Name of Support DCT (if a newly qualified DCT running first course)

2ND COURSE TUTOR Name Address and post code

Telephone and email

Dates of standardisation exercises attended in the past year Date of completion of BWY Essentials of A&P for Yoga Course Name of Support DCT (if a newly qualified DCT running first course)

Course venue : full address including postcode

COURSE DETAILS : Total number of hours in Course Plan:

Number of hours per meeting:

Frequency of meetings:

Day of week:

Number of Residential Weekends:

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Venue of Residential Weekends:



LIST ALL SPECIALIST/GUEST TUTORS (non - assessing) stating relevant specialisms. Include a CV with relevant qualifications for any who are not current BWY DCTs or IST Tutors


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Before starting the Registration process

Make sure you have the latest Course handbooks to plan your course by accessing the DCT page on the website . All forms are also available on the website.

Step One Complete a Course Notification form and sign the Diploma Course Tutor’s Agreement form and send to Diane Gilbertson at Central Office. Trainee DCTs must first obtain permission from the DCT Training Officer. Permission to advertise will be given as soon as possible thereafter, subject to approval. The Notification form starts the process of approval of your course. An Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) will be appointed to approve the course plan.

Step Two Your IQA will send you an IQA Letter of Introduction , setting out the quality assurance procedure and requesting your Course Plan. Send a copy of your Course Plan to the designee. Advertise the course as ‘subject to approval’, until your course has been approved by your IQA.

Step Three Introductory/Induction Day(s) There are different approaches to running these days. Some DCTs hold very efficient Introductory days including interviews (which is possible when there is more than one tutor in attendance). Others prefer to Introduction and Induction in two separate occasions. You may, for example, decide first to hold an informal Introductory Day in your own home to share information about BWY, BWY T and the Course and to gauge local interest among the general public before planning full Induction Days. Any training applications received thereafter can then be processed individually and interviews planned accordingly. Some DCTs prefer to plan separate Induction days for students who have already been interviewed and deemed suitable for training. DCTs may be in a situation where many of the applicants are graduates of the Foundation Course and a full understanding of the Diploma Course and know the DCT well. The Induction pack gives guidance on methods of checking applicant’s suitability for the course and information to be given to applicants. You may prefer to design your own questionnaires, but remember that your IQA and External Quality Assurer (EQA) will expect to see evidence of all the sections in your Induction Pack procedures. It is important to keep good clear records. At this stage applicants must be informed about the Reasonable adjustments, Assessment Appeals Policy and the Complaints Policy and where to access the full policies .

Step Four The Learner Agreement

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As a DCT you are contracted by British Wheel of Yoga Training to act as a Satellite Centre for the purpose of delivering the Diploma Course. Your students will pay registration fees to BWYQ, but their tuition contract remains with you personally. (Note that the DCT now pays the group registration fee to BWY. The DCT needs to allow for the cost of this when setting course fees). It is important that both sides acknowledge what is to be expected from the course, practically and financially, and for this purpose a revised Learner Agreement has been added to the Student Handbook.

Step Five The Financial Statement You are required to provide each student with a written statement of your Tuition fees and Refunds policy. This financial statement must give clear instructions on the payments involved, deadlines for payment, and your preferred method of payment. The refunds policy should also be clearly stated and it is helpful to have a staged refund system to cope with student resignations at any point in the course. Each student should be given a copy of your course contract as soon as you accept them for training, but you are free to design your own version and fee structure.

Once the above steps have been completed you are ready to register the course.

Step Six Registering the Course At least one month prior to the planned start date , you will need to register the course. Additional registrations are acceptable within 3 months of the course starting.

The course requirement is that there should be a minimum number of 8 students, each with an active BWY Student Membership.

For the Level 4 Diploma the satellite centre (course tutor) will pay BWYT an amount equivalent to £150 per student as a course registration fee and an amount equivalent to £100 per student as course registration fee to BWYQ. In addition there will be a group registration form so that BWYT can keep records of the students on your course. The course will be delivered and Internally Quality Assured by BWYT and certificated and externally quality assured by BWYQ.

BWYT Registration fee of £150 per capita covers:

• Registration of new diploma courses for statistical purposes. • New student teacher membership administration. • Production and supply of student information packs – electronically delivered. • Production and supply of course documents and handbooks- electronically delivered. • Recording of IQA documentation. • Recording and analysis of student evaluations.

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• Internal Quality Assurance costs. • Monitoring of time-out and student transfer issues. • Costs of running the BWYT committee and associated CO costs • Subsidies of IQA training , standardisation and DCT weekend

PAYMENT SYSTEM Student’s responsibility: On confirmation of acceptance for training, complete BWYQ Candidate Registration form.

Tutor’s Responsibility: When all student registration forms have been received, the tutor should complete the BWYT Group Registration Form and return it to BWY Central Office with two single cheque payments: • One cheque payable to BWYQ, equivalent to £100 per student , for the BWYQ course registration fee. A single cheque should be sent by the DCT to cover this payment and the appropriate amount incorporated into the course fees. • One cheque payable to BWY, equivalent to £150 per student, for the BWYT course registration fee. Again, a single cheque should be sent by the DCT to cover this payment and the appropriate amount incorporated into the course fees.

N.B. Course booklets will be supplied in electronic format. Hard copies of the course booklets can also be supplied by BWY Central Office on request. Hard copies are charged at an extra £25 per head, bringing the BWYT course fee to £175 per student.

Receipts will be sent to you for your records.

Step 7 Delivering the Course and the Quality Assurance Process Now the first course meeting can begin. The latest versions of the course have already been sent electronically to you for distribution to the students.

The Internal Quality Assurance process The IQA is less distant than the verifiers of the previous course and works more closely with you during the course via electronic means. S/he is there to help and guide you, as well as check that standards are being maintained. Two visits to the course have been allocated by BWYT. It is anticipated that professional discussions, especially about standardisation and the progress of the learners will take place, either in person or on the phone or by email which will contribute to your CPD points.

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All records of student assessments and referrals must be kept on record for three years after the course has finished and be available electronically on request by the IQA or the EQA from BWYQ. When work needs to be referred, you are required to keep copies of the referred versions in addition to the signed off version. When all of the Units of the course have been successfully Quality Assured and signed off by the IQA, Diploma Certificates will be issued via the claims for diploma procedures. The EQAs will work closely with the BWYT Centre who will determine which courses they want to visit and whose work from any course to be sampled.

ACTs and PACTs Units 4 and 8 require trainee teachers to conduct Assessed Class Teaching Practices called ACTs. You, as course tutor, are required to observe and assess each of your students as they teach their ACTS. On occasions this is not possible due to clashes of dates, illness and logistical problems. In such exceptional circumstances, a PACT (Peripatetic Assessed Class Teaching) can be negotiated by first gaining the approval of the IQA, and obtaining the name of an approved assessor from the BWYT administrator. It is your responsibility to negotiate the teaching practice date and organisation with the PACT observer and student and to approve the lesson plan before it is sent to the observer. As tutor you are responsible for paying the PACT to do this assessment for you. S/he also becomes part of your team and you will need to show evidence of meetings with them (emails and phone conversations are acceptable). A standard fee (currently £75) is payable to the PACT assessor by the DCT running the course and the student pays the travel expenses at the current BWY rate directly to the assessor. Remember to include the cost of ACTs in the student tuition fees at the start of the course. It is recommended that there is at least 6 months between ACT 1 and ACT 2 to allow for progression.

Withdrawals, Transfers and Time Out When a student requires time out for various reasons the Withdrawal and Transfer Policy is invoked.

If a student joins your course part-way through, BWYQ requires accreditation for prior learning to be applied in such cases. For guidance refer to the BWYT Recognised Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Policy. The Insurance for teaching is immediately cancelled on withdrawal of a student. Prior to joining the new incoming course, a fee of £40 for administrative purposes to BWY is required.

Diploma certification At the end of the course the tutor applies to BWYQ for certification via BWY central Office. BWYQ will issue one Diploma with the units certificated clearly stated with it.

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Further procedures are being put in place and you will be advised when they are on the Website. In the meantime contact Marilyn Bawden at Central Office for guidance three months before the end of your course so you know what you need to do and when. Your IQA will also be able to guide you through these last few important months of the course.


The student/tutor ratio is dependent on the experience of the tutor and the number of tutors always present on a course day.

Tutor Maximum number of Learners 1 inexperienced 16 1 experienced 18 2 inexperienced 18 1 experienced +1 inexperienced 24 2 experienced 26

Experienced DCT = having completed at least 1 successful course.

Inexperienced DCT = first course

Any DCT is subject to a change in number of students allowed depending on the standard of delivery of their previous course. This is monitored by the IQA in conjunction with the Lead IQA.

In exceptional circumstances very experienced DCTs having completed three or more successful courses may apply to BWYT com to take on a maximum of 2 extra candidates. Request an ‘Application for Extra Learners’ form from the BWYT administrator.

IMPORTANT: The above numbers are dependent on all tutors being present on all course days. If 2 tutors share a course but only one is present on course days, for example one teaches on Saturday and one on Sunday, then the maximum number of students would be as for a single tutor.

With a larger group, DCTs must be able to fulfill the requirements of Assessed Class Teaching for all learners registered on a course, or evidence that they have made plans for PACTs to observe some of the ACTs.

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First Course Tutor Second course tutor IQA Course start date Course end date Course number

Surname First name BWY NOTES membership no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Send this form together with all cheques for Course Registration fees to BWY Central Office, 25 Jermyn Street, Sleaford, NG34 7RU Email [email protected] or telephone 01529 306851

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BWYQ Learner Registration Form

To be completed at the start of each course by the learner. Learner must sign this form, in ink or by adding a scanned signature, and returned via the centre to the BWYQ.

Learner’s Personal Details

Title First Name(s) Surname Gender D.O.B. M/F

Address Tel: (Home) Tel: (Work)

Mobile: Email: Post Code

Qualification Details:

Qualification Title Qualification N o Qualification provider (centre) Start date End Date number

Additional Information to be seen by Tutor:

Unique Learner Number (if Learner has one) Confirmation that identification has been checked by the Yes No Centre staff Please state what identification was seen by Centre staff Passport Driving licence Identity card Other , please state:......

Equal Opportunities Monitoring: Ethnicity

I would describe my ethnic origin as: Asian British Bangladeshi Indian Other white

Asian British Indian Mixed White and Asian Pakistani

Asian British Pakistani Mixed White and Black African Prefer not to say

Bangladeshi Mixed White and Black Caribbean White British

Black African Other White European

Black British Other Asian White Irish

Black Caribbean Other Black White Non-European

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Chinese Other Mixed Background

Learner Registration form Continued

Equal Opportunities Monitoring: Disability

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No Prefer not to say If yes, what is the nature of your Please provide further details and suggest any support required disability?

Hearing Multiple Learning Visual Mobility Other Please be aware that BWYQis committed to equal opportunities and fairness in both access and assessment. To this end, BWYQ has produced the following policies and procedures, which your qualification provider should make available to you upon request. • Equality Opportunities and Diversity Policy • Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Procedures, • Special Considerations Policy and Procedures

I declare that all information contained within this application form is accurate and understand the role and requirements of the BWYQ. Applicant’s signature Date

Where possible please e-mail this form to the BWYQ administrative assistant ( [email protected] ) Or send to: BWYQ Registrations 25 Jermyn Street Sleaford Lincs NG34 7RU

For office use only: Date Date Application form received on BWYQ Registration Number Equal Opportunities monitored and sent to EWM

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Full details of the BWYQ level 4 Diploma in Teaching Yoga is qualification specification available is available on the DCT page of the BWY website.

The qualification is gained by successful completion of the following Units:

Unit 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology and the Teaching of Asana Unit 2: Yoga Breathing Practices and Relaxation Unit 3: Planning for Teaching and the Responsibilities of a Yoga Teacher Unit 4: Planning and Delivering a Yoga Course Unit 5: Teaching Asana: observation, adjustment and protection of vulnerable areas of the body Unit 6: and Unit 7: The Teaching and Philosophy of Meditation Unit 8: Progression in Yoga

BWYQ have recently discontinued certifying the course as three separate Parts. Instead the full diploma is certified on completion of all units. If a student leaves a course part way through, they can apply for certification of all fully completed and verified units.

For ease of courseplanning, and to facilitate course transfers, it is highly recommended that the Units are taught and assessed as in either the original 3 Part Format:

Part 1 consisting of units 1, 2 and 3 taught concurrently. Part 2 consisting of units 3, 4, and 5 taught concurrently. Part 3 consisting of units 7 and 8 taught concurrently.

Or via an alternative 3 section option: Units 1, 2, 3 concurrently with some of unit 4. Units 5 and 6 concurrently with some of unit 4. Units 7 and 8 concurrently.

This second option would have the advantage of spreading unit 4 over a longer period of time and allowing for the introduction of course planning when it is most needed: just prior to trainee teachers setting up their yoga classes. It would also give a longer period of time during

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which the first ACT is observed. This will help DCTs who have a maximum number of students on their course.

For the time being the original 3 Part booklets are still in use but these will be superseded by a single Diploma Course Booklet in due course.


Allow a minimum of 245 tutor contact hours. If your course has more than 16 students then more tutor contact hours will be needed. An additional 3 hours per extra student will be needed to allow for enough time for teaching practices. Decide which planning option you will use (the original 3 Part structure or the modified structure). Plan your course in 3 sections. Make checklists of all the underpinning knowledge (listed in the course booklets) requirements for each unit, all practical teaching assessments, all asana that are to be taught for each “part” of the course. Also draw up a task list of assessments. Most days should have a minimum 1.5 hours of tutor- led detailed study of core asana.

Core Asana

Asana taught concurrently with Units 1,2,3

A ; Savasana and Semi Supine; Vatnyasana/Apanasana; ; Majariasana (cat); Sukkhasana;

Core B ; JatharaParivatanasana (JatharaParivritti); ; Vrksasana; Asana I; Virabhadrasana II; DwiPadaPitham; ; ; AdhoMukhaSvanasana; Baddhakonasana (Bhadrasana); Suptapadangusthasana;

Suggested C Simple seated twist, such as ; PrasaritaPaddottanasana; ; Additional ArdhaChandrasana (simple standing lateral flexion, not Asana balance);Chaturangadandasana (plank);Lunge

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Asana listed in B and C are suitable for student teacher’s assessed micro teaching of asana and posture profile.

Asana taught concurrently with units 5 and 6:

Core Surya Namaskar; ; UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana; ; Asana ArdhaMatsyendrasana; Parsvakonasana; ; ; ; ; ; Parsvottanasana; ; /ArdhaSarvangasana; ;

Suggested 1 or 3; Parighas ana;UpavistaKonasana or ParsvaUpavistaKonasana; Additional TriangMukhaikapadaPaschimottanasana Asana

Asana taught concurrently with units 7 and 8

Core Sirsasana; ArdhaChandrasana (balance); ParivrittaTrikonasana; ; Padmasana; ; SuptaVirasana or SuptaVajrasana Suggested AdhoMukha Vrksasana (hand balance); ParivrittaJanuSirsasana; Vasistasana; Additional Asanas

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ESSAY WRITING STANDARDS : Guidance for learners


• Write out the full question. • Use headers or footers for pagination, your name and assignment number. • Incorporate a word count at the end of the assignment. Do not include the bibliography in the word count. • Work should be presented as one complete document.


• Use an easy to read sans serif font such as Calibri, Arial or Verdana. The use of informal fonts such as Comic Sans is not recommended except in special circumstances. Some people with dyslexia find the use of comic sans helpful. • Do not use more than 3 different fonts in the same piece of work. • Font size: 11 or 12 point is recommended for the body of text. Headings and titles can be a size or two larger. • Avoid the use of underlining except when really necessary.


• Line Spacing: 1.15 to 1.5 for the body of text is easy to read. • Use spaces after paragraphs and headings.


Correct spelling is required. The occasional error will not be penalised, but frequent errors and obvious lack of proof reading will result in referral of work for re-submission. It is recommended that Sanskrit terms and names frequently used are added to the spell checker.

Grammar and punctuation

Grammar is concerned with the correct structure of sentences. If sentences are ungrammatical the correct meaning can be obscured. Each sentence should contain just one idea. It should start with a capital letter and conclude with a full stop or question mark. Beware of using exclamation marks as they signify the emotion of the writer. Beware of too many question marks. The writer’s aim is to answer the question, not to ask the questions.

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It is important to incorporate the correct use of: capital letters, commas, full stops, colons, semi colons and apostrophes.


Most academic essays follow a structure that starts with an introduction followed by paragraphs forming the body of the essay , which elaborates on the introduction, and finishes with a conclusion. Not all assignments will fit exactly into this structure and you may find the use of headings and sub headings more appropriate on occasion.


The introduction sets out the topic of the essay and summarises how the subject will be tackled. Key terms may be defined here. Quotations are not usually used in the introduction as this is author’s response to the topic not the view of others.

Mainbody / Development

The main points of the essay and supporting evidence are developed in a series of paragraphs.

It can be helpful to think of each paragraph as being a sub heading of the main title. Within each paragraph there should be one main idea which is often expressed in a topic sentence . Other sentences expand this idea by developing the argument or providing illustration. Words or phrases such as “however”, “on the other hand” or “in conclusion” can carry the meaning forward from one paragraph to the next.


This is the summary of the discussion/arguments so far and a clear statement of conclusion if required. New ideas are not introduced at this stage.


Quotations are used to convey the exact idea of a particular author or to provide evidence for a point the writer of the essay is making. The over-use of quotations is to be avoided. A common mistake is that an essay just becomes a list of quotations without interpretation or evaluation of the quotations.

When using quotations the following rules should be followed:

• Quotation marks must be used with acknowledgement of where the quotation comes from in brackets [Author, date, page number].

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• A longer quotation should be on a separate line, indented, single spaced and acknowledged as above. • Quotations must be absolutely accurate; if a word is inserted it must be indicated by the use of square brackets - [ ]- and if a word is omitted, it must be indicated by the use of three dots (an ellipsis) - … .

References and Bibliography

It is recommended that the Harvard System of Referencing is followed . An excellent resource for detailed information on the Harvard system is . The bibliography is always at the end of the essay. A bibliography should contain full and accurate references of each item from which the writer has quoted or referred to in the body of the text, as well as any other works used in the research. According to the Harvard Method, references are arranged in alphabetical sequence by name of author, followed by date of publication. If there is no author, the item should be listed by title.

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Essay Checklist ( for optional use by learners)

Before submitting final draft use the checklist to see that requirements are met:

yes no Title Have I written out the full question? Introduction: Have I commented on the topic of the essay? E.g. what are the main issues. Have I included which aspects I will be dealing with? Main Body Does each paragraph have a clear purpose? Is there enough explanation/ discussion? Conclusion Is there a sense of ending? Have I fallen into the trap of repeating the introduction? General Have I analysed and answered the question asked? Is there order and organisation of material? Have I enough material as a whole? Have I put in irrelevant material or unnecessary padding? Have I been careful to distinguish between my ideas and those of other authors by citing and acknowledging all sources? Have I added a complete bibliography of all sources including those not directly cited in the text? Have I checked my spelling, grammar and punctuation? Have I added the word count? Have I used a sans serif plain font, size 11 or12? Have I spaces after paragraphs and headings? Header and/ Is my name, assignment number and page number on every page? or footer

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Student submits assignment via email

tutor assesses assignment and attaches AFS to front and sends back to student

If there are no referals student writes reflective If criteria are referred the student comments and sends resubmits the assignment,or part back of assignment, attaching the new work at the end of the original

the assignment is now complete

Tutor reassesses work saved as a pdf* to be adding comments to the sent to IQA/EQA on original AFS request


* saving as a pdf ensures that no further changes are made

It is recommended that ea ch complete assignment is filed as a single document. This may become quite long. For example assignment 4.1 would have the Assessment Front Sheet (AFS), scheme of work, course plan, associated documents and 10 Post lesson reflective eval uations attached together into a single pdf.

Standardisation of file names It is important to follow a standard method of naming documents, files and folfoldersders of students work for verification. Students should submit theirtheir work saved as follows:

Course number.Student’s sur name first name .Registration number.Assignment number . e.g. Q00777.anjali pat .PA000345. 1.1a.docx

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Some computers do not allow long file names, in which case shorten the student’s name and/or omit zeros from the code numbers.


In the event that the tutor/assessor of the BWYQ Diploma in Teaching Yoga is unable to observe an Assessed Class Teaching (ACT) then a PACT assessor can be used. There are two ACTs, one in Unit 4 – 4.3 and one in Unit 8 – 8.2.

A Peripatetic Assessed Class Teaching Assessor must:

1. Be a fully qualified DCT. 2. Have up to date CPD. 3. Have completed the current standardisation exercise (from or at DCT Weekend).

Also the PACT needs to be familiar with the BWYQ Diploma in Teaching Yoga, especially Units 4 and 8 (available from BWY website: ), which provides all information relating to the assessment of the lesson plan by the tutor and the assessment of the ACT.


1. The tutor will inform the IQA that a PACT is required. 2. The tutor will obtain a list of PACT assessors from CO and contact the individual PACT assessor to check for availability and give them the student teacher’s details. 3. The student teacher will contact the PACT assessor providing date, time, venue and type of class, stating where the post class discussion will take place. 4. The tutor is responsible for paying the assessment fee (£75 at Feb 2013), as this is already part of the student teacher’s course fees. The student teacher is responsible for paying any travelling expenses incurred by the PACT assessor (40p per mile at Feb 2013). 5. A lesson plan, which has been assessed by the course tutor, is sent by the student teacher to the PACT assessor at least two weeks before the date of the ACT. Please note, the lesson plan will already have been assessed by the tutor and does not need to be re-assessed by the PACT assessor: it should not be changed. 6. The PACT assessor should ensure they have the correct assessment criteria and report form, either by referring to the tutor or by visiting the DCT area of the BWY website. 7. Two Days before the ACT the student teacher confirms arrangements. 8. Immediately after the class, the PACT assessor should inform the student teacher of pass/refer of assessment Criteria. In the case of referrals, the ACT assessor should liaise

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with tutor and student teacher in order to prepare an action plan for completion of the assignment. 9. The PACT assessor emails the assessment form to the student teacher, with a copy to the tutor, within two weeks of the assessment.

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Explanation of the Assessment Front Sheet

These numbers showwhichshow which paragraphparagraph inin the Part 1 handbook gives guidance for the task The Assessment Front Sheet Task Description paragraph 4.2.1 2.1 Written Work Assignment Front Sheet

Name of Student Teacher: These numbers refer to the assessment criteria of the Date: qualification met by this task

The role and responsibilities of a yoga teacher and legal implications of This task provides evidence for the yoga teaching. following criteria: Note: This work is based on The BWY ‘Duty of Care Guidance for Teachers of Yoga’ and the BWY Policy and Guidance contained or referred to in Part 3 of the Unit 3 1.1-1.3; 6.1 Course and Student Information Handbook. Your work should demonstrate that you are able to Assessment Decision

1) Review and summarise your role and responsibility as a Yoga Teacher P (Guideline word count for this section 200 words) P for pass or R for refer is all that is 2) Compile a simple checklist which you would be able to use for a risk required in this box assessment

3) Design a simple health questionnaire that you could use in teaching a private class

4) Demonstrate your understanding of recording and reporting accidents R P date by applying guidance to assignment question 4 WhenWhe n a piece of work is resubmitted give the date of re-marking. Add 5) Apply BWY Child Protection and policy guidance to assignment question 5 by explaining what you would take into account in deciding extra tutor’s comments whether to accept a child into an adult class below the original .

6) Consider and list in summary some of the ethical issues and issues of equality you need to be aware of in Yoga teaching and how you would promote inclusion of students.

(Guideline word count for this section : 200 words) Criterion no. Tutor’s comments on the achievement of the above criteria (See also comments made in the margins of course work itself)

This box will expand as you type. Give clear guidance here why you have referred any part.

Signed (tutor/assessor) Date If a piece of work is re-submitted add new Tutor’s comments here. Date and sign again.

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Here are some useful snapshots from the policies of BWYT to introduce, help guide and direct BWY Ttutors on how to deal with situations. All policies can be downloaded in full on the DCT section of the BWY Website. The policies include the stepped procedures to follow should they need to be invoked. A contact person for each policy is available and listed at the end of each policy should you feel the need to discuss any of them or want advice.

Contact: Diane Gilbertson in Central Office for electronic versions of all policies and procedures if you cannot access them on the website.

During the Induction process learners need to know of the following policies and where to access them. They are safeguarding measures for tutors and learners alike.

• Assessment Appeals Policy • BWY Complaints Procedure • Duty of Care Statement • Malpractice and Maladministration Policy • Plagiarism Policy • QCF Assessment and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Policy • Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Procedures • Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT) • The Student Information Manual • Withdrawal and Transfer Policy

The Student Information Manual Section 2 contains the abridged versions of the policies and guidelines for:

• Duty of Care Statement • BWY Child Protection Policy Statement • BWY Code of Ethical Practice • BWY Code of Ethics – Further Guidance • Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Procedures • Equal Opportunities Statement • Health and Safety and Accident Report Form • Guidance for Teaching Yoga to Pregnant Women • BWY Complaints Procedure

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• Plagiarism Policy • Data Protection Guidelines for Teachers • Student Health Questionnaire

Assessment Appeals Policy

BWYT’s assessment appeals procedure is intended to help learners who feel that an assessment decision on their assignments awarded to them is unfair. This policy and procedure applies only to assessment by assessors on the course for which they have enrolled and is separate from a complaint about service delivery – see BWY Complaints Procedure.

All learners have the right to appeal against any assessment decision made that disadvantages them. The learner must be able to evidence why they think or feel they have been disadvantaged by the assessment decision. The appropriate procedure will be explained to learners by way of issuing a copy of the policy and procedure to learners at Induction and before the first assignment is set.

The IQA is involved with this process.

Complaints Policy

BWY’s complaints procedure is used for complaints about the standard of services received from the BWY, a BWY teacher or DCT. The complaints procedures are not to be used for perceived unfairness in assessment decisions. Full details of the procedure are in the Student Information Manual.

Duty of Care

This document raises awareness of:

What Duty of Care to students means Teaching specialist areas Assessing risk Health questionnaires Reporting Incidents and Accidents Keeping Records Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Insurance Equity & Ethics

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Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

This document outlines the arrangements the BWYT has in place to prevent and investigate instances of malpractice and maladministration.

Malpractice can be defined as any activity or practice that deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of the internal or external assessment process and / or the validity of certificates. Malpractice can include a range of actions from the failure to maintain appropriate records or systems to the deliberate falsification of records in order to claim certificates. The term also covers misconduct in the context of unnecessary discrimination or bias towards certain individuals or groups of Learners.

Maladministration may be defined as any activity or practice that results in non-compliance with administrative regulations and requirements and includes the application of persistent mistakes or poor administration within the Centre.

The BWYT will seek at all times to reduce the risk of Malpractice and Maladministration from occurring by ensuring that all those involved with BWY courses have access to this policy at Induction via the website for further details.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism may be defined simply as: • Copying of another person’s ideas and/or works, whether intentional or not, in whole or in part, from a print or non-print source, and using those ideas or works as one’s own. • Deliberate and/or consistent lack of proper documentation and citation in the project or assignment. • Using text documentation that is not reflected in the referencing of an assignment.

The DCT is responsible for educating Learners in the research process and mechanics of writing and proper documentation, but also to hold those Learners accountable for honest work, i.eto become ethical users of information. Whether an assignment or project is in a visual, written or spoken format, Learners are expected to accurately reference all sources of information. Overuse of the Internet may be defined as Plagiarism, if not used as stated in the guidelines.

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DCTsare expected to give clear guidelines to learners regarding acceptable amounts of help from peers or other adults. Learners are expected to follow those guidelines based on the Plagiarism Policy. The IQA becomes involved in this process.

QCF Assessment and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Policy

These policies are intended to ensure that the matters concerned are not only conducted fairly, appropriately and in accordance with the law where required, but also to promote the purposes of The British Wheel of Yoga and its Learners. It outlines the responsibilities of the BWY T Centre, Assessor, IQA and EQA roles and in detail. Every assessor and IQA needs to be aware of this policy.

Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Procedures

BWYT is fully committed to unimpeded access to its courses and will consider the needs of all potential Learners, including those with a range of impairments.

Reasonable adjustments are arrangements approved before a course commences, or as soon afterwards as possible and before an assessment takes place, to enable Learners with a particular requirement as a result of a disability to demonstrate their understanding and/or competence. Neither BWYT or BWYQ, in the case of a course leading to a teaching qualification, will authorise any adjustments which would prevent Yoga teachers from functioning effectively on qualifying.

It is the responsibility to the student to alert the tutor to the need for reasonable adjustments at the earliest opportunity. It is the responsibility of the tutor to explore the needs of the student fully and to review at regular intervals how the adjustments put in place are working. All reasonable adjustments must be applied for using the procedure detailed in the policy and the relevant form. Evidence of the disability may be required. If in doubt about any aspect of the process, the tutor must ask for advice – in the first instance contact the Equity & Welfare Manager.

Recognised Prior learning and Credit Transfer

RPL and CT are two aspects of recognising existing knowledge and competence. Either aspect has to be evidenced by the Learner and checked by the DCT who may need to refer to their IQA for advice and guidance. Application for RPL must be presented by the Learner before acceptance on the course or before the unit studied. Portfolios of evidence will be accepted at all times but it is advisable to

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apply 4 weeks prior to the commencement of a unit for RPL assessment. It is the Learner’s responsibility to apply and provide evidence for consideration. This can include mainly indirect or supplementary pieces of evidence such as a portfolio documenting previous achievements, qualifications, education, work history and references. Procedures follow on in this document.

Withdrawal and Transfer Policy

Learners who have enrolled on the BWYQ Diploma in Teaching Yoga are entitled to take time out from their studies if personal circumstances require it. They may withdraw from a course at any time and all certificated Units (those completed and approved by the IQA) will count towards their final qualification on re-entry to another course, within eighteen months or so of leaving the previous course providing the qualification is still currently available.

Summary of QA procedures

Internal Quality Assurance Internal Quality Assurers (IQAs) have a key role in safeguarding the integrity of the BWYQ Diploma in Teaching Yoga. IQAs must be a fully qualified DCT with extensive yoga experience and competence. They should be qualified IQAs or training for this qualification. They are there to support and guide where necessary and not to bully or impose their personalities on the course. However, part of their duties is to ensure that all work reaches the minimum requirement of the BWYT and they have the authority to request a student to re-do an assignment or to do extra work to supplement an assignment. This might relate to one student, a few or to the whole group.

This process starts when a tutor sends in a Notification form to BWYT administrator: • A copy of the form is sent to the Quality Assurance Officer/Lead IQA, who appoints an IQA for the course.

• The IQA uses the IQA Letter of Introduction to set out the QA procedure and to request a course plan. At this point the course may be advertised as ‘subject to approval’. The IQA may contact the DCT to discuss aspects of the course plan.

• When the IQA is satisfied with the course plan, s/he will issue the IQA Approval Form; at this point, the words ‘subject to approval’ may be removed from adverts.

• Once the course is registered with BWY and BWYQ (which may be several months later) the IQA will formulate a sampling plan to monitor the work at a distance. The IQA

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Sampling Plan is a confidential document and will not be shared with either DCT or students, except when assignments are called; then the information will only be given to the DCT. Students should not know that their work has been sampled.

• At a distance the IQA will ask the DCT to send samples of work electronically to cover: assignments and tasks from all units and all students, assessment methods, decisions and records, covering both formative and summative assessment and quality and records of course delivery.

• Sampling also includes visiting the DCT’s venue at least twice; approximately one third and two thirds through the course. On a visit the IQA will look for: o Quality and consistency of assessment practice, procedures and records. o Appropriateness of physical resources. o Checking that action plans from previous visits have been completed. o Record outcomes of visits and agreed action plans using BWYT documentation which are shared with the tutor/s and lead IQA or BWYT chair for centre records. o Interview the course tutors/ assessors. o Interview selected students to discuss the course. o Observe assessment of students’ practical performance. o Opportunities to offer support and advice to students, tutors and assessors to ensure consistent application of best practice.

The DCT and IQA negotiate the date for the visits and the IQA uses the IQA Visit Requirements Letter at least one month in advance of the visit to inform the tutor/assessor of all requirements prior to and during the visit.

For a variety of reasons course tutors may need extra support. In such a case the IQA will inform the lead IQA or BWYT chair and together they will form an appropriate action plan.

5. BWYT expects DCTs to allow IQAs ready access to their premises, records, information and candidates, which is also a requirement of BWYQ .

External Verification

Is carried out by BWYQ External Quality Assurers (EQAs)to ensure that BWYT is working to the Awarding Organisation expectations as stipulated by Ofqual. The EQA is appointed to the BWYT centre and will then select courses s/he wishes to visit and student work s/he wishes to see: some work that has been through the IQA process and some that has not yet been through

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the process. Not all courses will be externally quality assured each year, but each tutor will be covered over a period of time.

The EQA is also obliged to be constructive and supportive of the course and helpful in the advice and guidance given.

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BWYQ / BWYT Qualifications Structure and Communications Protocol

The British Wheel of Yoga BWY Parent Organisation

OfQual British Wheel of Yoga British Wheel of Yoga Qualifications Training Regulator of qualifications, examinations and assessments BWYQ BWYT in England & Vocational Awarding Organisation Delivery Organisation qualifications in Northern

Ireland. “Centre”


Individual “Satellite Centres” OFQual regulates BWYQ

BWYQ regulates its Centres including BWYT

BWYT regulates its Satellite Centres- the DCTs

Communications Protocol between DCTs, BWYT and BWYQ:

DCTs should not make direct contact with BWYQ, but instead direct their queries on to the appropriate BWYT officer (usually their IQA or lead IQA).

The IQA (BWYT) communicates with the EQA (BWYQ) on general course requirements matters

The BWYT chair communicates with BWYQ Head of Ops on more weighty matters, course development etc

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