PR/S2/05/2/A PROCEDURES COMMITTEE AGENDA 2nd Meeting, 2005 (Session 2) Tuesday 1 February 2005 The Committee will meet at 10.15 am in Committee Room 5. 1. Private Bills: The Committee will take evidence from— Margaret Curran MSP, Minister for Parliamentary Business, Nicol Stephen MSP, Minister for Transport, Colin Miller, Head of Constitution Unit, and Damian Sharp, Head of Public Transport Major Infrastructure Team, Scottish Executive, and will then consider a summary of other evidence received, decide whether to recommend a new model for the consideration of applications for private legislation and consider how to proceed with the remainder of the inquiry. 2. Sewel Convention inquiry – witness expenses: The Committee will decide whether to delegate to the Convener responsibility for arranging for the SPCB to pay, under Rule 12.4.3, any expenses of witnesses in the inquiry. 3. Sewel Convention inquiry: The Committee will further consider whom to invite to give oral evidence in the inquiry. 4. Commissioner for Public Appointments (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report. 5. Final review of oral questions (in private): The Committee will consider a revised draft report and draft standing order changes. Andrew Mylne Clerk to the Committee Room TG.01 Ext 85175
[email protected] The following papers are attached for this meeting: Agenda item 1 Summary of evidence received to date – to PR/S2/05/2/1 follow Note by the Clerk on the remainder of the PR/S2/05/2/2 inquiry Note by the Clerk – initial consideration