National Bulletin 25 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4RL Secular Telephone/Fax: (020) 7404 3126 Executive Director: Keith Porteous Wood Society Email Addresses: Executive Director: [email protected] Research Officer: [email protected] Website: May ISSUE 24 2003 Blair Caves in to Religious Demands in Employment Directive INSIDE Page 3 Thought for he NSS’s long-running campaign they disapprove. the Day to minimise the extent of religious Major changes to the original draft, Page 4 Prisons exemptions being introduced into T allowing discrimination against atheists Page 6 President’s the new anti-discrimination employment or others who do not share the religious Message regulations, introduced to give effect to beliefs of their employer, were made the Employment Directive, suffered a Page 7 Animal following strong lobbying from Welfare major set back this month when the evangelical groups such as the Christian Government unveiled the final version of Page 7 Easter Institute, Faithworks and the Evangelical its plans. To our dismay, New Labour has Page 9 Ofcom caved in to religious demands and has Alliance. One of the biggest loopholes Page 9 Lords included in the regulations new and far allows an employer to dismiss or fail to Reform more wide-ranging exemptions than hire an individual “if the employer is not were in any of the previous drafts. satisfied, and in all the circumstances it is Page 10 Faith reasonable for him not to be satisfied” Schools The new regulations will allow that the employee fits the employer’s religious employers to continue to own “ethos based on religion or belief”. discriminate against those who do not share their beliefs or of whose lifestyle Continued on p.2 Dr Anna Behan Co-opted to NSS Council r. Anna Behan has recently been co- Anna has been an atheist for as long as Dopted to join the Council where her she can remember. She spent six years as legal experience will be a particular asset. a lecturer in Classics in Dublin (where She has been a member for a number of one of her former colleagues at University College Dublin was Dr Des years during which time she has worked Connell, the Cardinal Archbishop of with the Executive Director as a Dublin!). On her return to the UK, she volunteer on the prisons campaign. qualified as a solicitor and practised in Earlier this year they attended a meeting Hampshire and London, where she now Dr. Anna Behan with the Society’s solicitors and a lives. She is bringing up children aged barrister from some prominent Human five and two, and had been spurred into An interview with Anna Rights chambers at which joining the NSS by her sense of injustice Behan on Woman’s Hour recommendations for the future direction at the religious discrimination in school is reported on page 11. of policy in this area were established. admissions.

Summer Conference of the NSS Saturday, 7th June, 2003 - See back page. 1 Jobs Denied – such as what constitutes an “organisation with a Our Executive Director has been pressing for religious ethos” or a “genuine occupational complete equality for all employees, said: requirement” that will allow faith-based groups to “Exemptions given to religious groups will allow reserve jobs for members of their own religion. them to deny jobs to people who don’t share their Lawyers are going to have a beanfeast, and all Rt Hon Barbara Roche MP. faith, and to sack people who do not live because the Prime Minister is so anxious to satisfy Was she overruled by No. 10? according to their religious teachings, such as the demands of religious extremists.” unmarried cohabiting couples and atheists and The religious exemptions have made a mockery homosexuals. Organisations with a religious ethos of the original intention of the EU Directive to control over a hundred thousand jobs, a high bring equal protection at work to everyone. If you don’t know how to put proportion of them paid for out of the public Atheists and homosexuals have been made into your hands together, you will purse. There are around a hundred thousand second-class citizens if they happen to work in an teachers in religious schools, alone. The not be able to insist on being organisation that claims to have a religious ethos. Government refused to restrict the definition of a The regulations are being introduced as appointed to a teaching job in a religious employer as we asked, but instead made secondary legislation, so they will not be open to it as wide as possible.” church school, even if you are amendment in parliament. There will only be a Employment Regulations “These new regulations institutionalise short debate, probably in early June, followed by manifestly the best candidate. discrimination and give legal protection to a yes or no vote. The effective date of the bigotry. It is not right that teachers in church Regulations is expected to be in December 2003. schools, for instance, should have to pass some This set-back has taken place despite kind of religious or morality test before they can Stop Press! campaigning extending over two years. An early teach subjects that have nothing to do with success was the EU Directive being watered religion. Why do you have to be a Christian to Consensus is building among down, albeit not radically, in Brussels through the teach French or maths? And why do you have to efforts of the Executive Director. Since then he has Human Rights lawyers that have religious beliefs before you can be a carer or worked closely with the senior Department of a cleaner in an old people’s home that happens to these exemptions are more Trade and Industry staff charged with drawing up be run by Christians? These new regulations are extensive than is permitted by the regulations under the direction of the legalising religious intolerance in the work place.” politicians. He set out the NSS’s case at a lengthy the Directive. A leading QC is The Government has also given in to demands one-to-one meeting with the minister responsible, planning to raise questions from the Church of England for the right for the Rt Hon Barbara Roche, MP at the Cabinet churches to deny jobs to homosexuals. The Office. Despite this, concessions were made to the about this at a meeting of the regulations specifically state that “organised religious at every stage. The CofE’s response Joint Select Committee on religions” will be able to deny jobs to gay people ended with the phrase: “Given the importance of and sack those they find out about. The the issue we would also want the opportunity for Statutory Instruments. Regulations on sexual orientation even state that discussions at a very senior level of Government.” an exemption applies on the grounds of sexuality It is widely thought that the Prime Minister had a As this Bulletin goes to press, when an employer acts “so as to comply with the hand in the final document. NSS is seeking to bring doctrines of the religion – or so as to avoid The politician most prominent in opposing the conflicting with the strongly held religious together interested groups and religious exemptions to the Employment convictions of a significant number of the Regulations was NSS Hon Associate Dr Evan lawyers to make a challenge to religion’s followers.” The wording of the clause is Harris MP who is also the LibDem spokesperson almost identical to that submitted to the the Regulations through a on Equality. The Independent on Sunday featured Government by the Church of England’s the Society’s opposition to the Regulations in a six Judicial Review. Archbishops’ Council. column wide piece on its leading news page and A Bigots’ Charter the Observer also ran a story on it in which the “This is a licence to hound gays in religious Society was quoted. Opposition to the Regulations organisations from their jobs,” said Mr Porteous has been reported worldwide, especially in the Wood. “Whether or not the churches are planning US. to do that at the moment, they will have the A Step Too Far complete backing of the law, if they do so in the The Society is not alone in its perception that the future. It is a bigots’ charter.” degree of religious privilege granted by the Keith Porteous Wood added: “If the exemptions Regulations was outrageous. The exemptions in themselves can’t be changed, we will have to do the Employment Regulations given by the our best to see whether we can help those fighting Government to religious bodies not only negate discrimination in industrial tribunals or court the spirit of the Regulations, they will also 2 cases. So much is left unclear in these regulations actually make employment less fair than it is now. Thought for the Day

BBC Radio 4 Thought for the Day Are your subs overdue? embers will remember from The BBC is subject to pressure from the the last Bulletin that the latest Central Religious Advisory Council, Membership whose terms of reference specifically stage in the thirty-year dispute subscriptions are M allow them to lobby. The Council is with the BBC over non-believers’ st exclusion from the Thought for the Day is chaired by an archbishop and its due every 1 membership includes three bishops, a being conducted through lawyers acting January. Unless your rabbi and a leading Muslim cleric. for former President Barbara Smoker. Needless to say, there is no specifically membership has There has been no change of heart from non-religious voice. already been paid or the Corporation over the substantive So, the dice are weighted heavily issue, nor has the slightest gesture of you are a life compromise been proffered. The legal against the non-religious, quite apart from member, we will process has, however, drawn attention to the fact that this complaint has been handled by the BBC in a manner which flaws in the BBC’s procedures and put it have included a under pressure to reconsider the matter, falls a long way short of what could be renewal form with which so far has taken the form of the expected from a broadcaster of world- Corporation commissioning a Report. class repute with public commitments to this Bulletin. Had the objective been to appear even- fairness and diversity. The most plausible handed, especially given the colourful explanation for the behaviour for those Please send your history of the controversy, surely someone opposing us could be that they consider subscription and any far removed from the dispute should have that the non-religious are devoid of been selected to draw it up. Instead, the estimable thoughts. donation to the Corporation chose the Director of the BBC Employees have their say office as soon as BBC’s Factual and Learning Department The Corporation has remained to report on the complaint, the very possible. intransigent in the face of widespread department that makes Thought for the Day support for a removal of the ban on non- for BBC Radio 4. Donations will be religious contributors to TftD, not only by What was most striking about this the public, but also by readers of the especially welcome; detailed Report was that: Corporation’s in-house magazine Ariel – we can only • it completely failed to address our key some extracts of which follow. complaint - that the non-religious are continue to operate Just one Ariel letter opposed our stance. being discriminated against and that there “This item is of a religious nature and at this level with the is no equivalent programme from which is an anti-religious viewpoint. I the religious are barred aid of a generous do not recall seeing members of the Flat • it did not address the fact that there is Earth Society on The Sky at Night, or pro- level of donations. nothing absolute about TftD (which is not hunting positions on wildlife even called Religious TftD) having to be programmes, or those who wish to ban exclusively religious boxing on the BBC’s sports output, so why • it referred to census figures (which have should those who are opposed to God only recently been published) and expect space in programmes expressing * For example, “45% of those asserted that 85% of the UK population spiritual values? … The rest of the BBC’s claim a belief in God or describe message is generally anti-Christian, who claim affiliation to the themselves as “spiritual”. In fact, the 85% atheists getting the last word, the best Christian Churches do not quoted includes 7% who did not state questions, and the most heroic positions. their religion - so they could hardly be God is usually left with only the halt, the believe in God”, according to described as spiritual. And who is to say lame, the mentally confused and the a recent survey of 30,000 how many of the 72% “Christians” are inadequate to speak for him. … I can’t see spiritual? Surveys show significant despair or defeatism or self-pity going young people (The Fourth R proportions of “Christians” do not believe down too well at that hour in the for the Third Millennium in God*, far less the resurrection. There are morning.” far more non-believers than there are Ed LJ Francis J Astley and Sikhs, who are frequently represented on This drew quite a few responses, which M Robins Publ. Lindisfarne TftD. In fact, though, numbers are not the included phrases such as: key issue: this is a question of principle. • [this] sour and mean-minded attack on Books, 2001) Continued on p.4 3 atheists is another great argument for our theists have always striven to devalue inclusion in Thought for the Day and censor it

Prisons • How sad that people like [the opposing • The newly published Values writer quoted above] and the producers Framework [Précised] states that the BBC of Thought for the Day are still fighting the should “make sure our output tests all battles of the Middle Ages points of view, and gives voice to a wide range of opinions”. Will the programme • May I humbly suggest that [making makers be changing their policy [on TftD] TftD less trite] could be achieved by in light of these values? inviting contributors who have to think The Next Steps hard about their morals, rather than those who have them dictated by a very old The BBC has asked for extra time to consider the response that Barbara book Smoker and the lawyers made to their • Atheism is an empowering philosophy Report. We can only hope that this will be which values reason over ignorance, spent reflecting and reconsidering in the enquiry over acceptance. That’s why light of the representations made to them. Kainos Evangelisation in Prisons

Policy Review objective, and Home Office experts contributed to it. So too had staff from We have been fortunate in benefiting Kainos, which had also paid for the from the services of leading human Report’s compilation. rights lawyers who have assisted us in reassessing our policy objectives over The superficial impression was given prisoners and prisons in the light of the that all was well but a closer look at the latest legislation and case law. As Report’s 140 pages revealed evidence of reported above, this was undertaken by Human Rights abuses in connection the Executive Director and recently-co- with Kainos, although we are convinced opted Council member, Anna Behan. that these were treated much too The Society’s prisons campaign is casually. One example of these abuses focusing mainly on the Kainos was of prisoners’ sentence remission communities which exist in several being withdrawn because they had prisons. They are run by a Christian abandoned their Kainos course charity and in theory are open to all, but (presumably in many cases because they in practice there is a real risk that non- could not stand the relentless believers will find the intense proselytising). Another example given of evangelising oppressive. This could abuses was of prisoners being routinely have dire consequences on prisoners almost press-ganged into taking up given that attendance on the Kainos vacant places on Kainos courses. They course is likely to count towards were either given no idea about what remission of their sentences. was entailed, or had been given a falsely We had hoped to bring a Human appealing account of it. (Presumably Rights case on the grounds of however, as a result of these practices diminished opportunity for courses being catalogued in the Report, they will bringing enhanced prospects of have been curtailed.) remission on behalf of a member who A further Human Rights concern dealt joined us while in prison. We were with in the Report is that Kainos is advised, however, that as a result of Christian-based but there are very few recent case law holding that no prisoner remotely equivalent non-Christian has a right to be selected for any specific courses for the prisoners who cannot course, such a case would now fail at the stomach the Kainos ones. The Report first hurdle. acknowledged this concern but took the position that this did not constitute Disturbing Home Office Report discrimination under the Human Rights Our lawyers drew our attention to a Act as long as the prison authorities lengthy Report on Kainos prepared for would be prepared to entertain a non- 4 the Home Office. It was intended to be Christian equivalent to Kainos. This is Prisons

certainly a convenient position for Other, secular, courses have similar Kainos, but we have not yet established objectives, but prison money is scarce, whether it would stand up in court. The and the provision by Kainos of fact remains that it is highly unlikely that volunteers seems to be a powerful the prison service will be offered any inducement for the prison authorities to other similar non-religious courses, keep Kainos on. The one positive item to especially ones providing volunteers. report is that the prison service used to pay for Kainos courses, but now refuse to The Report did not find any evidence do so - largely because of doubts over to support a key Kainos claim that those Kainos’s claims for reduced recidivism. who have undergone their courses are less likely to re-offend. Nor was there any And After Kainos, What Next? other evidence in the Report to show Despite these difficulties, while Kainos statistically significant levels of continues to provide the volunteers, we improvement of Kainos prisoners’ suspect that the prison service will behaviour over non-Kainos ones, except welcome them with open arms. So, in increased religiosity - which appeared having created this unfortunate and to be seen as positive. The Report also dangerous precedent, would the prison sets out, but sought to play down, service accept a similar proposal from the privileged treatment enjoyed by many moonies or the scientologists, we Kainos prisoners compared with others. wonder? If one were made and they One of the most blatant of these relates to rejected it, this might result in legal their intense evangelical weekends, at the action. climax of the Kainos course the It may only be a matter of proceedings of which are kept secret. So- The very existence of an exclusively called “godparents” who come in from Christian Kainos is already fomenting time before our prisons are outside to befriend (and probably also to resentment among the rising proportion evangelise) prisoners are permitted not (now around 71/2%) of the prison segregated down religious only to break prison rules and bring in population that is Muslim. Muslim food for their favoured inmates, but they participants on Kainos courses and therefore also racial do so in such quantities that searching interviewed by the Report’s compilers routines have been abandoned, which begged for anonymity, worried for their lines. In the same way like compromises security. During these lives if news of their participation became weekends, staff are drafted in from other public. New Labour education parts of the prison causing the prisoners We can’t imagine the prison service there to be locked up for longer than policies will soon be inflicted would otherwise be the case. turning down a Muslim equivalent if it were offered, however. And then, it on our schools in Staff Difficulties would only be matter of time before our prisons would be segregated down Albeit they come without cost, there metropolitan areas. religious and therefore also racial lines, are drawbacks with the volunteers. like the fate New Labour education Worryingly, most are not qualified for the policies will soon be inflicting on our demanding environment in which they schools in metropolitan areas. are working – and the prisoners may well suffer as a result. The Report also gives Legal Challenge? details of power struggles between the regular officers and volunteers and of We now believe the best prospect for a them being difficult to control. Their very successful legal challenge would be one presence must complicate the chain of for damages brought under the Human command in the prisons. Rights Act by a prisoner directly affected by Kainos within the last year. They It is thought that excessive enthusiasm would need to have suffered by having displayed by some senior management had to compromise their beliefs in order for Kainos will have resulted in some to remain on the course, or having been prison staff less keen on Kainos feeling forced (actively or constructively) to that their promotion prospects will be leave as a result of their beliefs. With a marred unless they support Kainos view to pursuing an action, we are projects. already seeking an appropriate prisoner through several channels with a view to To Sum Up pursuing an action, but this is likely to be It is especially galling that the many difficult. So, if any member has any virtues of what Kainos seeks to take knowledge of such a prisoner or a credit for (e.g. building self-esteem and suggestion as to how to find one, please respecting fellow prisoners and staff) are contact Keith Porteous Wood or Anna hardly exclusively Christian, or religious. Behan via the office. 5 ‘A Message from the President’

In the last Bulletin the NSS sent congratulations to Harold Blackham for his 100th birthday on March 31 2003. H J Blackham was the first Director of the British Humanist Association and a NSS supporter. In addition to Jim Herrick, a NSS Vice-president, I spoke at the The President commemorative luncheon party organised in part by my predecessor as President of the NSS, Barbara Smoker. To mark the occasion, Barbara also Blackham’spublished Besta revised*, this edition of her collection of clippings from Blackham’s writings - *. is in addition to her own collection Blackham’s work has been scoured somewhat randomly but there are some good quotes: on religion, ‘one is inducted into a faith through the experience of another’s experience’. On obscenity, ‘war is the great obscene ... one is forced to add those other forms of political indecency, torture and terrorism, by governments or against governments’. How apt in the current climate! Those playground bullies of which I wrote in January, who lead two Western governments, have waved their bibles, offered prayers, as did missionaries of yore, as they entered a heathen land by force of gun- fire, and won a victory. Unfortunately, those they have ‘liberated’ seem less prone to accept the Coca-cola/McDonald’s democracy they have to offer. Instead we see pictures of Friday worshippers bottom-up/heads in sand reasserting their allegiance to allah. Is this what was sought? Another Blackham quote is timely: ‘freedom of thought is the first essential; orthodox is heretical. Under the humanist charter, each cultivates his own garden’. Denis Cobell President * copies of Barbara Smoker’s two books are available direct from 51 Farmfield Road, NSS Council member Blackham’s Best - £5, B. Smoker’s Jennifer Jeynes with NSS Bromley, Kent, BR1 4NF. Costs, including post: President Denis Cobell at H Freethoughts - £10.95 - or both for £15. J Blackham’s 100th birthday celebration. Hon. Treasurer Steps Down lan Lord has served as Honorary Acting Treasurer. Treasurer for several years. He A Alan’s wise counsel around the indicated last year his wish to step down Council table will be much missed, and shortly, which he did in February, for not just in financial matters. The Council personal reasons. He has, however, as a whole would like to thank Alan for kindly agreed to stay on the Investment his work in this demanding and vitally Sub-committee which has overseen the important area. The Executive Director successful sale of Bradlaugh House. and Alan Lord worked closely together, Ian Andrews, who has been serving on and Keith wishes to put on record how the Investment Committee for a number much he has valued, and enjoyed, of months, kindly agreed to take over as working with Alan. MPs who Swear or Affirm he campaigning of Charles Bradlaugh Party swore the oath. Just under 50% of the Tpointed the way to giving MPs the choice Liberal Democrats affirmed as did about 40% of whether to swear an oath of allegiance or of Labour MPs. to affirm. To what effect has Bradlaugh’s Thanks to NSS member Clive Greedus legacy influenced the current Parliament? who painstakingly listened to the tapes of the Not much on the Tory Party, of whom only 2 members (C Blunt and D Wilshire) affirmed proceedings and provided the information. after the last general election. All members Phone the NSS office if you want to know 6 of Plaid Cymru and the Scottish Nationalist whether your MP affirmed. Easter

Progress on Animal Welfare

he Society has responded to a hosted a debate on the topic. FAWC’s Tgovernment consultation on animal Chair, Dr Judy MacArthur Clarke, told welfare, once more making the case for listeners that FAWC has “come to the the withdrawal of the religious conclusion that there is suffering to these exemption from the requirement that animals; there is significant suffering and animals be stunned in advance of therefore, in our view, on welfare Late News slaughter. The Submission listed other grounds our recommendation to We understand that a important cattle-producing countries government is that the exemption should such as Australia which have banned be repealed”. She was opposed by the Government White Paper is slaughter without pre-stunning, and Campaign’s political director Prof noted religious “authorities” that have Geoffrey Alderman. He justified the expected to recommend accepted that pre-stunning need not retention of the status quo on the grounds transgress their religious slaughter rules. of the Talmud and Torah and the fatuous outlawing ritual slaughter argument that because shechita was Ours is not the only voice making this without pre-stunning. This is call; the Farm Animal Welfare Council carried out “in one act, not in two, it is less cruel”. has also done so. Their position what the NSS has suggested in prompted a meeting with representatives The arguments about cruelty are far of the Campaign for the Protection of stronger for cattle (that can take two several consultation responses. Shechita (Jewish ritual slaughter). When minutes to die from being bled to death), it became clear that FAWC were not however, than they are for poultry. Stand by for a ding-dong battle going to back down, the Shechita The full Submission is available on the as the orthodox religionists fight supporters walked out. website as is a Freethinker article The Sunday programme on BBC Radio 4 describing the campaign in more detail. back! NSS on BBC1 he serenity of Easter Sunday morning may especially on sexual ethics in such matters as Thave seemed somewhat disturbed for the most contraception and homosexuality. Until the church pious of viewers to BBC1 by an exchange between changed to adopt more realistic and humane the Executive Director and the recently appointed policies in these areas the 75 year continuous Anglican Bishop of Croydon. It had been decline in church attendance would continue prompted by the claim by the leader of England’s unabated. A little unwisely, the bishop tried to Catholics, Cardinal Murphy O’Connor, that most bluster his way out by challenging the statistics youngsters no longer knew the basics of with the apocryphal accounts of increases in his Christianity - such as being able to recite the Lord’s own church. Keith stuck to his guns, giving the Prayer. Keith said that it was obvious that the precise (Christian) source of the figures and giving young had lost all interest in the church: fewer and some additional ones for good measure. At this fewer attended it and Sunday schools, which had point some members watching the programme felt been attended by the majority of children in the that the bishop’s carefully honed media façade early part of the last century were now on the deserted him. Faced with these unpalatable brink of extinction. He ventured that they found statistics, the bishop announced irritably that the the morality taught by the church something figures weren’t what really mattered and sought to which did not chime with their own experience, change the subject. NSS Calls Again for a Fixed Date for Easter he NSS again this year protested at the The NSS also called on the Government to Tridiculous moveable feast of Easter and include Easter Sunday within the general advocated its replacement with a fixed early provision of normal Sunday shopping hours for Spring Holiday. At present, Easter Sunday can supermarkets and other large stores. The ultimate irony is that both vary between 22 March and 25 April. It would Having a variable Easter is very inconvenient, Easter and midwinter festivals make far more sense to have an early spring and plays havoc with holiday planning and school holiday at the same time each year. terms. We are not alone. The Local Government long pre-dated Christianity, so NSS President Denis Cobell stated in our press Association agrees, proposing a two week school it is entirely inappropriate for release: ‘This vestige of the Babylonian calendar holiday starting in the last week of March—even if may be removed at any time by an Order in this is after Easter. the church to be dictating the Council, as laid down by the Easter Act of 1928. What does the general public feel? Teletext (ITV) This provides for Easter to be fixed on the first dates on which they are held, picked up our press release in the London region Sunday after the second Saturday in April.” at least. They used it for their daily poll, and asked: especially in a society that has He also pointed out that “The former Whitsun “Should Easter holiday be fixed at the same time bank holiday provides a precedent for making largely abandoned religion. each year to help holiday and school planning, such a change. Whit Monday used to be a bank says the National Secular Society?” holiday but has been replaced by the fixed late spring holiday.” Out of 2,116 calls, 39% agreed, and 61% did not. 7 No Personal “Newsline” Computer? ewsline is the NSS’s unique weekly to [email protected] Nupdate that is delivered free to your PC If you don’t have a computer, you can still You have been referred to each Friday. It brings you news of the Society’s receive a printed version of Newsline. Simply current campaigns as well as coverage of send a supply of stamped and self-addressed Internet pages in this Bulletin. national and international developments A5 envelopes to Newsline, NSS, 25 Red Lion

News Shorts relating to secularism. It also gives you a Square, London WC1R 4RL. When your If you do not have access to the platform for putting forward your own envelopes are running out, we’ll remind you opinions and ideas. It’s informative, and you can then decide whether you want to Internet, we will be pleased to entertaining and frequently provocative. continue your subscription by sending more Newsline is proving an indispensable tool for s.a.e.. send you printed copies. Please journalists, activists and supporters alike. If Newsline’s popularity is growing. It is you aren’t already receiving it, you can compiled and edited by NSS Vice-president contact the NSS office 020 7404 subscribe by sending a blank email with Terry Sanderson and is a prolific source of new “Subscribe to Newsline” on the subject column members. 3126. Souvenir Mugs e are working on a new line of The mugs cost £4.99 each including post and Wmerchandise based on our ‘Heroes of packing. Atheism’ poll in Newsline, but in the meantime For fullest details and illustration go to: we still have some stocks of our original and much sought-after souvenir mugs. The (where you can purchase using a credit card) Equipment Appeal slogans are: Or send your order by post, with cheque or M2. ‘Just say no to religion’ PO, to NSS Mug Offer, 25 Red Lion Square, Many thanks to all who M3. ‘Faith is believing what you know London WC1R 4RL. Be sure to include your ain’t so’ (Mark Twain) name and address and the number(s) of mugs contributed to the success of our M4. ‘Schools are for teaching, not preaching’ required.

appeal for funds to upgrade office

and computer equipment. We Is There a Group Near Me? At the NSS office we often receive requests Devon Humanists - 01626 864046 raised £4,300 through your for information about local secular groups Ealing Humanist Group - 020 8741 7016 across the country. This is particularly so East Cheshire & High Peak Secular Group - generosity. Since the last Bulletin where members would wish to meet with like- 01298 815575 minded people. There are currently some East Kent Humanists - 01843 864506 we have received donations from thirty local groups affiliated to NSS and these Essex Humanists - 01245 265664 have been printed below. In addition, there are Greater Manchester Humanist Group - 0161 those members listed below as well other groups that at present are only affiliated 286 5349 to the British Humanist Association, some of Hampstead Humanist Society - 020 7328 4431 as 5 members who indicated on the whom are listed on the back page of Freethinker Havering & District Humanist Society - 01708 each month. 473 597 or 01708 762575 form that they wished to remain So, if you are looking for regular contact with Imperial College Union Secular Society - other atheists, freethinkers and secular 07776202816 anonymous. Many thanks indeed: humanists, give your local group a shot and if Leeds & District Humanist Group - 0113 257 they are not already affiliated to NSS you may 7009 Leicester Secular Society - 0116 262 2250 B J Balderson, R R Brown, D wish to suggest it to them! You know it makes sense. Humanist Group - 020 8690 4645 Norfolk Humanists - 01362 820982 Cunningham-Green, John (For a free sample of Freethinker, contact the North East Humanists (Tyneside) - 01434 NSS office.) 632936 Dowding, Simon Finebaum, Birmingham Humanist Group - 0121 475 6508 North London Humanist Group - 020 8360 Blackpool & Fylde Humanists - 01772 686816 1828 Geraldine Jones, John Manley, Brighton & Hove Humanist Groups - 01273 Sheffield Humanist Society - 0114 230 9754 733215 South Cheshire and North Staffordshire Bertie McCullough, Kris Morgan, Bristol Humanists - 0117 904 9490 Humanist Association - 01270 882 003 Bromley Humanist Group - 01959 574691 South Hampshire Humanists - 02380 769120 Mel Osborne, L J Porter, Dr J Chiltern Humanists - 01494 771851 Sutton Humanist Group - 020 8773 0631 Cotswold Humanists - 01242 528743 West Glamorgan Humanist Group - 01792 Radford, Beryl Samuel, T W Coventry & Warwickshire Humanists - 01926 206108 858450 West Kent Secular Humanist Group - 01892 8Stone, Dave Turner, Stewart Ware. Croydon Humanists - 020 8764 0261 523858 Suggestions

Pressure for Religion to be mentioned in New EU Constitution he drafters of a new constitution to take account of the If the Vatican manages to get what it wants, we fear it Alan Urdaibay continues his Tforthcoming extension of the EU are under pressure to would lead to the granting of legal powers for Catholic include references to God and Europe’s “Christian countries to opt out of EU legislation that contradicts excellent work on the website – heritage” in the charter. Most of the pressure is coming Catholic doctrines – such as abortion reform, from the Vatican, and the pope has been hyperactively contraceptive availability and gay rights. It would also pressurising leaders in Catholic countries throughout the oblige the EU institutions to consult the Vatican and other which has undoubtedly Union to support him. churches about policy and decision making. Many of the new countries that are about to be admitted The religious demands have led to a battle royal transformed public perceptions to the EU are strongly Catholic – Poland, Lithuania, between secularists and religionists throughout the EU. Slovakia, Malta – and the Pope is obviously anxious that France has insisted that the constitution remains Godless of the Society. We would like to Catholic influence in the new Europe will be written into and therefore inclusive, but the Italians have demanded law. that the Pope be given whatever he wants. This would thank Alan for his enthusiasm The NSS has been lobbying European representatives to create divisions not only between believers and non- resist this pressure. All the British representatives on the believers, but potentially between Christians and Muslims convention have indicated that they support keeping the if Turkey achieves its ambition to join the EU. and his technical brilliance. constitution secular. We are also liaising with the other NSS representatives will be attending meetings in European secular and humanist groups in the hope that a Brussels and Paris over the next couple of months to concerted effort will help thwart the Vatican. formulate a co-ordinated campaign of resistance. You can see his work, regularly Jonathan Edwards Appointed to updated, at Ofcom’s ‘Taste and Decency’ Board

he proposed new media regulator, Ofcom, Radio Times supported our stance, but Nick Thanks too to Barry Thorpe for Twhich will replace the present TV and Higham, the BBC’s media correspondent, thought advertising watchdogs, has appointed Jonathan that Mr Edwards would be kept in line by other continuing to monitor Edwards, the Olympic Gold Medallist and well- members of the board and that we were worrying known born-again Christian, to its Content Board unnecessarily. as a representative of the English regions. Hansard for the Society and to Even the Sun thought the appointment a bad NSS Vice-president Terry Sanderson idea, writing an editorial asking whether Ofcom immediately protested at this appointment, would not appoint a “bachelor atheist” to balance Jan Fortune-Wood for arguing that Mr Edwards was bringing to the job a the Board. Philip Hensher in the Independent heavy Christian “family values” agenda and that mounted an all-out attack on Mr Edwards’ transcribing from a radio his views would not be representative for those he appointment, which sparked a rash of letters from was supposedly speaking. In an interview with the Observer, Mr Edwards admitted that he hardly outraged Christians claiming that everyone was broadcast. watched television and that he didn’t approve of taken seriously but them. “sex ’n violence” anyway. Research has shown that Now the leader of Mediawatch-uk (the successor in general TV viewers don’t mind a bit of sex, to Mary Whitehouse’s National Viewers and violence and swearing so long as it is in context Listeners Association) has protested that we are and not gratuitous. being intolerant. He had even put in for the job Our complaint started something of a debate that himself, and wondered what we would have said spread through the media. A commentator in the had he been appointed!

Lords Reform Kicked Alberto Bona into the Long Grass kindly drew he second stage of the reform of the House of Lords seems this cartoon for to have stalled after parliament failed to agree on the best T the Bulletin way to proceed. Across-party committee was formed to try to take the issue expressing his forward but that, too, was unable to reach a consensus and so it is thought that this important constitutional reform will now view on the be reduced to a small Bill which will remove the rights of the war in Iraq. remaining 92 hereditary peers to sit. The NSS had sought to grasp what may be the last He is an opportunity for change by sending a 23 page report to the cross-party committee (which is now in the House of Lords Illustrator and library, and is available on the NSS website) setting out the case Cartoonist and for expelling the bishops from a reformed Lords. In the last consultation on reform, 85% of respondents had has recently said that they thought unelected bishops should have no place joined NSS. in the upper chamber. 9 Church of England is Stifling

Schools Objections to New Church Schools e have attacked plans by the it seems that every obstacle is being placed in WGovernment to reduce the amount of the way of proper consultation, and objections time that local communities can object to the when received are disregarded. establishment of a new school in their area. The Society also made these points in a The Government is proposing to cut the amount of time for consultation from two submission (prepared by Acting Treasurer, Ian months to one month. Andrews, and the Executive Director). It also suggested that information about plans for In their contributions to the debate over faith new schools be made available on the new schools, both the Government and the CofE promised that new religious schools would Schools Organisation website and for the only be opened after proper consultation and formal consultation period not to start until it with the consent of the local community. Now has appeared there. R.E. - The Way Forward? ome might be surprised to learn that two syllabus would need to be very diverse. His Volunteers in London SNSS Council members attended the AGM view seemed to be that RE has a place in the for National Association of SACRE’s on 7th school curriculum provided it does not seek to Office May. Their attendance was however opportune proselytize. That this in turn should equip as they witnessed the general consternation and students to make a rational choice. bewilderment amongst the RE teachers and Interestingly, it seemed that John Hull’s view of Members have been of great members of locally SACRE’s from around the the subject might not exclude a study of country. And the cause for this consternation atheism. However, he did not explicitly include assistance in the office. We are and bewilderment - the recent proposal of non-belief in his diversity, perhaps not leading church educationists that there should surprisingly given his audience. What was very be a national syllabus for RE. This would clear was that he saw RE as an academic subject grateful to Renata Anderson, replace the locally developed syllabuses that that needed a distinct independence from the have been the system for 60 years. churches. John & Lorna Archer, Julian This initiative had come unexpectedly and Should the NSS welcome a national without consultation, and there was disquiet syllabus? Blake, John Claydon, Clive that it should have come exclusively from the An argument for this would seem to be that, Christian churches (excluding the RC’s). It was yes, provided that there was recognition that a expected that the Imams would be put out! Greedus, Peter Hearty, Don vast number of children and their parents have Nobody had an explanation, although patchy no interest in religion, that the drafting quality and poor OFSTED reports of some Langdown, Simon Wakeling, involved those of “no-faith” and that it should LEA’s was suggested. We can only assume that apply to all schools. We should also insist that whatever the case the churches are trying to atheism, agnosticism and indeed the whole Fiona Weir and Linda Wright. preserve as much of the status quo for RE as idea of not needing to believe be included not possible and their continuing influence upon it. just in the interests of balance, critical thinking Could they be trying to head off the subject and free discussion, but to reflect the reality of If you can volunteer and have a being subsumed into some kind of society today. The argument against would be “Philosophy” syllabus? What a good idea! that like teaching astrology, Religion has no particular skill or interest you There were some positives at the meeting, relevance to human existence in the 21st century particularly the keynote address of Professor of the Common Era. feel would be useful to NSS, John Hull of Birmingham University. He almost But above all else we should treat this move sounded the sort of religionist with whom we by the Churches with suspicion because the one please contact us at the office. could do business! Among his more certainty is that they see some advantage, if encouraging expressions were: “Religion is the only in maintaining their influence. We need to day-dream and nightmare of our culture” and seize the opportunity their initiative provides “The shadow of religion must be faced”. He for us to have an input. Furthermore, the asserted with some emphasis and to the necessary legislative changes could mean a obvious approval of the meeting that “the secular funeral for that beast of 1944, collective ambiguity of religion” could be better dealt worship. There’s a thought! with by the provision of RE in schools, and not Council Members by the churches. He also stressed that a national Malcolm Trahearn and Ian Andrews Education - School Transport e are still seeking to challenge this and • neighbouring children attending a school Wwould be particularly interested in (which is not the nearest school) on hearing of any case where: denominational grounds e.g. Roman Catholics • parents have opted for their child to attend a are given free transport community school because they do not wish It would be even more helpful if the child’s them to attend a local school which is a church family were on benefits; the importance of not school (normally Church of England) having to pay such transport would be even 10 • they are required to pay for transport more crucial. W oman’s Hour

Anna Behan on News short “Woman’s Hour” Guardian 8 May 2003 on a war thanksgiving service nna Behan who has been co-opted to the religious voices. Despite being cast in the role ANSS Council (see page 1) was an ideal of defending her decision “to deprive” her choice to represent the Society on a recent children of a religious upbringing, Anna left However, ministers were piece on Woman’s Hour to put the secular case listeners in no doubt that an atheist in a debate about whether or not children upbringing is a positive choice and that she also pointing out that if the needed to be taken to church. Although she was instilling strong moral values in her had never broadcast before, her experience of children. lecturing regularly to classes of up to three Church wanted to distance She had felt that the religionists had sought hundred had obviously stood her in good stead. insidiously during the programme to portray itself from major state themselves as culturally valuable minorities in She made some excellent contributions and a way that appropriated, and perverted, the ceremonies [such as a made a point of rebutting the implication that language of genuinely oppressed minorities. the churches were the sole source of morality. She found it particularly galling that their thanksgiving service for the Indeed, she gave some examples of where rhetoric was taken at face value without their approach was the very opposite. The challenge and no attempt was made to presenter sought to put her on the spot by end of the war in Iraq] they consider the vast public spending on religious asking if she would let her children go to schools and religious privilege generally. church if they expressed a wish to do so. Anna were also in the long term responded that, given their young age, the A member from Kent was so incensed by the children would need to be accompanied and tone of the piece that she wrote to the signing their own death she would not be happy to do this. programme’s producer to object to (among Nevertheless, if this hypothetical case arose, other matters) the lack of questioning of warrant as the established she would discuss it with her husband. He religious claims on the programme. Nor had was of like mind but just might be more there been reference to the abuse of children in flexible. Church. teaching them opinion as fact, the harmful Religion is being pumped into Woman’s effects of religion on women and children—for Hour, like so many BBC programmes, example though persecution, oppression, Some cabinet figures believe especially on Radio 4. Contributors declaim psychological conflict and guilt. religious views or stories from their so-called sacred texts as if they were fact and the Council were pleased that Anna had so the disestablishment of the characters in them were bosom friends. This effectively expressed a dissenting voice, albeit item was no exception and, outrageously, a vox a lone one, and generated publicity for the church is desirable and pop which introduced it included only Society. inevitable in the long term. Fundraiser - Volunteer s religious privilege seems to increase our fundraising and membership Ayear by year, so do the demands on our development. If you are up to date with funds. As you will have seen from this fundraising avenues and methods we would Bulletin, our campaigning is going from like to hear from you. strength to strength. To develop further the Please contact the NSS office by phone work of the Society we need to attract funds. (020 7404 3126) or by email We are looking for some volunteer help with ([email protected]). David Yeulett avid Yeulett, who was an enthusiastic had come from an old gravestone and was Dvolunteer worker for the Society for convinced that a young friend of his from the decades, died in April after a long illness. He is Foundation could throw more light on David’s survived by his daughter Ruth, to whom we parents’ identity. Sadly, the friend was dying in send our condolences. hospital and the staff heartlessly followed the David had been brought up by the Coram Foundation’s instructions to prevent David from Foundation, a London “foundlings” charity ever seeing him again. known for taking in children born to unmarried Nor did he forgive the Foundation for under- servants made pregnant by the sons of their feeding him when in their “care” (the incessant masters, who were well placed to pay a hefty diet had instead been fundamentalist settlement. Christianity), or when he came of age for them Such children’s names were changed shortly involuntarily enlisting him in the Army: he hated after birth to disguise the identity of the parents, violence. but, suspiciously, his name was changed again His account was reminiscent of Dicken’s later and he determined to find out more about Dotheboys Hall, and we will never see David’s his origins. He established that the new name like again. 11 Secularism and the Future Summer Conference of the NSS Saturday 7th June, 2003 Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL (Only a mile from Euston, Kings Cross, St Pancras and Waterloo) Holborn tube – Central and Piccadilly lines Start 1000h for 1030h. End 1630h Registration fee £5 to include a light lunch Keynote address by Joan Smith Journalist, Author and NSS Honorary Associate: ‘I’ve Seen the Future and it’s Secular’ followed in the afternoon with presentations on issues that matter to you. There will be opportunities for meeting other members and networking. Proposed Programme for the Day 1000h Registration and payment in the 1230h Lunch in the Library Library 1330h Taking It Forward - a series of Internet and exhibition presentations: 1030h Conference in the Brockway Room The Challenge of the Internet Welcome by the President, Denis Cobell Secularism and Europe and a brief NSS update. Quo Vadis Schools? Prelude Secularism and the Future (open forum) 1100h Keynote address by Joan Smith Taking the Media with us Discussion 1630h Conference ends. To assist with catering, if you have not already done so, please let the NSS office know you intend to come to the Conference by phone on 020 7404 3126 or by email to [email protected] The registration fee of £5 per person will be collected on the day. Other Diary Dates

Annual ‘Humanist Lunch’ Head of Media, Arts and Design at Ethical Society The ‘Humanist Lunch’ is organised Westminster University and on the Annual Coach trip Editorial Board of the New Humanist. by the British Humanist Association Secular Trail to Brighton. There will also be music played by a and kindred organisations. This year Sunday 6th July jazz duo. it will take place on: 0930h – 1930h. Advance bookings before 31 May, Coach leaves from Saturday 21 June £17.50 (including one free drink), Red Lion Square, London WC1. (midsummer’s day) thereafter, £20, and on the door Cost £12 per person at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, £22.50. - Ticket sales and information Details from Jennifer Jeynes London WC1R 4RL. from British Humanist Association, Tel. 020 7242 8037 Speaker - Sally Feldman - who is Tel. 020 7079 3580. email [email protected] NSS AGM 2003 12Will be held on the afternoon of Saturday 29 November 2003 in Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1.