Neptune Vs. Long Branch in Oldest Shore Rivalry
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BUY FROM ' JOB PRINTING Responsible Merchants. Consult Times ad For Letterheads, Folders, Circulars consult vertising columns for stores of Times Job Printing Department proved integrity. AND THE SHORE TIMES VOL LXXII, No. 45 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDA Y, NOVEMBER 8, 1946 F IV E C EN TS WINNERS IN G. O P. LANDSLIDE Neptune vs. Long Branch GOVERNOR CONGRESSMAN U. S. SENATOR Township Gives G O P In Oldest Shore Rivalry Over 2,000 Majority Football Classic Started In 1904; James (L; uchincloss: Polls Green W a v e Winners Since Highest Local Vote; A. B. Fsnai Scarlet Flier Gridiron Knight and C. R. Loveman Victory In 1938 Reelected Committeemen Neptune’s hopes for a vic James C.- Aiichincloss, ’.re--, Lewis. G. .Hansen ;f!W jthe;j;tiberna-;i; tory over the Green and W hite NEPTUNE’S STARTING elected to'the house,ol' repre toi’ial office; OeeaivGrbye arid Nep- : gridders of Long Branch to LINEUP sentatives . from , the ' Third. tuite voters favorecl;the G;.O.R.’cant' ; morrow afternoon are based Ne\v Jersey district, led the didate liy iiiore than'2,(190 votes;. oh two unknown factors— POS. PLAYER CLASS “Grand Old' P arty ” in the 10 Hansen'-wari high. Deriiocratfeandir : first, the possibility of a win L.E.— Hill DeMidowilz Junior Neptune township districts, date in the township with 575 votes. ning spirit being rejuvenated L.T.7—Bruce Pyle Sophomore polling- 2,743. v o te s.H , Alex J Stanl j IIoi i a ■ •/ gea Girt, in the Scarlet Fliers, and sec L.G.— WoolcoltHopkinsSenior ALFRED E. DRISCOLL JAMES C. AUCHINCLOSS II. ALEXANDER SMITH ander Smith, of _ Princeton, arid vJIerriil H; ’Thoriipsorijyof, Nep-; ond; the - ability of Arnold C . — Jack .Mauch Senior who.swept th e state for the U. turie,spoiled iriethe'township.: J,GG9 Taylor, who r c j o i n e d he R.G.— Carter Owens Junior ASSEMBLYMAN ASSEMBLYMAN FREEHOLDER S. senate office with a.2'18JJ''lS and 2,620, respectively, .and. were, squad this week. K.T.—- Lorenzo Clark Junior plurality, garnered 2,686 votes for..the state assem The Neptune-Long Branch foot or Dick Hennig Senior in Hi- towr ship bly. .’Ah'ram -D. Voorliees, of Man- ball rivalry started in 1901. The It.I-’.— N orm Brow n Senior ’The ‘Republican “fieldMay1’ gave .asquan;v-was..returned, to; tlieboard Green Wave began a' 7-gume- win 11.15.— ClilT Applcgalc Senior Alfred E. DrisColl a 22(M90 ma otb chosen,freehbiders Arid, register ning streak in 1930. The previous 11.11. -Arnold Taylor Sophom ore jority; oyer Mayor Hague's ,hand- ed 2;6.45 vote ")■ i’lly year Arnold-Moore led the Fliers to Q.B.—Joe Pisano Junior picked candidate from Jersey City, The. state bond ; issue 'for; 535,-. a 14-7 victory, and in 1937 Joe Ve- F.B.—Ardcll Williams Junior 000,000, “to provide, hotising for trnno paced the Fliers to a 37-13 veterans 'of Work! War 2 and oth victory, accounting for every point. A. P. TODD REELECTED er. people of the .state”,- was passed, Neptune travels to the Long RECREATION GRQUP HEAD 'as: Was. t(ie retji'eiiient system for Branch stadium with a record of Girl Scout Heads com ity officers. '.. J ’ ’ one win and four defeats while tiie . Alfred P. Todd, district,clerk, Augustus 15.'Knight' and Charles Braiicbers have split 3 wins and-3 of the Neptune tow’nship schools, ■ii. Lovcmim were ..i eelecteb . with losses this season; Complete Courses Was reelected ; president of’ the. out'- opposition to the . Neptune; The Green and White forward Ocean' Grove Recreation com , towrisiiip comiiiitteu.:- wall outweighs the lighter Nep Ocean Grove Leaders Hon mission’ meeting Wednesday ..Only. 56 pe.t'cent oil the i egister- tune eleven and the Scarlet Fliers niglif: during reorganization for ed voters in..Neptune (o'Wiiship cast are expected to take to the ored at Shore Council tiieir-ballp'tsjiii ru'esday’S; .race, al- Training Sessions. the coming' year.:1 The; conuiiis'-; overcome the disadvantage. Both sioii liaiiied Joseph A. Thonuv, tiiough .tiie • iiujnbor. was.' slightly Bill DeSifelowitz anil Norm Brown, i higher than other pffjyeaf elections. The Loaders. Training, course, manager of the. Cariipiiieeting;: Flier ends, are. capable receivers .association, vice''president;' Ed T ii Are- are, 6,041:' residents: on the aiid will see plenty of action in the ■Which was conducted during Girl Ocean- Grove and Neptune registry Scout week, October 27-Novbmber mund L Thompson, vi'co presif aerial offense. derit nf the..hoard -lit education,’ lists, the; 7th ■.district in .Neptime Coach Joe Pagano will start Arn 2, was thc largest and most sue . MERRILL II. THOMPSON J. STANLEY HERBERT ABRAM D. VOORHEES highest with '927 arid the, 10th in cessful of any hold by the Shore treasurer, arid William T: K;rc- old Taylor, swift and .elusive half ' ge, secretary. ... Ocean. G r o v e the; lowest- Avith 302. • back, in Jim Watson’s position. The council Girl. Scouts in recent years In’ Oceaii' Grove, ;alprie; 61 percent During the four ■ days, Tuesday members of the family,' and to en James . Craig,' Ocean,’ Grove. major hopes of the Fliers are pin Attend Tea Celebrating joy the refreshm ents iii the dining .grammar', school principal, and of tho registered voters went tu the ned oil Taylor’s chances of getting thru Friday, Miss Katheriilc Smith room, ivherc the tea table, decorat noils. " started. He. has been out with an the regional advisor for this sec •Mrs, Charles' P. TbiUi, •represen ed With golden dahlias, was pre tative frorii the Ocean Gi'oVe' P. injured leg through tiie season. tion; Mrs. D. F. McMurray, train Bancroft-Taylor’s 50 th Anniversary sided over by Mrs. Walter.M. D’aw- Neptune rooters are hoping for ing chairman in the local council ,T. A:, were welcome:! as coniniis-;' Executive Board and Mrs. Tone Thorne, executive di loy, assisted by Mrs. William II. s.ioti. member:;, . an upset ill the traditional game, by Samniartini,: “Berceuse’! by de Henderson and Mrs. Everett Stout -knowing that their team is pre rector, met with C9 adults, includ Bancroft - Taylor Rest Home, Mr! Thompson was authorized, Plans Reception ing 50 troop leaders, . Mornings Ocean Grove, certainly won many Coster, and “Where Roses' Epir”, Henderson, tiie granddaughter .of to handle the painting arid pres dicted to' lose by at least four composed by Prince Gustav of the late Mrs. Wesley E. Stout, a touchdowns. Tho winning spirit, were given over to training confer encomiums of praise Thursday af ervation r,£ the playground equip ences with standing committees ternoon, October 31, as amid gold Sweden; Mrs. Henry ‘Anthony', vo former superintendent. ment for the winter months.. A reception for new members of evident in Flier squads of yester calist, then rendered this group of The present-staff of the Home is year, has been lacking but the in and to individual problems.. The en blossoms of dahlias, chrysanthe the St. Paul’s W.S.C.S. Will be held monthly meeting of thc council was mums arid autumn leaves, was cele songs: “Home” by' Mac Fadyeri, Mrs. Dawley,' Mrs, Jane McEiiteo, in the church December 5 at 2:30 tense and colorful rivalry of thc “Forgotten” by Gowles, “Trees”- by Mrs: Gertrude Sopher, Mrs. Lens two schools should produce a hard- changed to Wednesday afternoon brated its fiftieth, anniversary. p. ill., according- to preliminary ar and became a training session for Three hundred- or more friends Rasbach and “The Groat Awaken II. Sicber aiid Miss Elizabeth A. District Meeting rangements made at the executive ought game. from Ocean Grove and nearby com ing'' by Later in the pro W ilson.. board meeting Tuesday afternoon. — * ----------- this group. Thursday afternoon the members of the council and Lead munities came extending good gram, the gathering heard “Noc . Thus a half century anniversary The hoard also planned the elec- , Wesleyan Guild ers association entertained at ten wishes that the completed half cen turne" by Curran, Mrs. Anthony, was passed amid many friends and In Keyport Church tion of officers for the society at in Miss Smith’s honor. turym ay prove hut tho promise of with violin obligato by Mrs. Win- glorious October weather. ■ the next regular meeting on Tues sor. Mrs. W. Harold Warren-was Studies India .Three experienced leaders, Mrs years to come. Those who have served as super Delegates From 67 Metho day, Nov; 19, at 2 p. mi; Mrs. E. N, The guests were received by Mrs. the accompanist. intendents in the 90 years have dist Churches To Gather AVoolston will be in charge of devo Miss ■ Alice Bilms, 84 Clark ave Warreiv Frazee, of Troop 34, As bury Gardens; Mrs. C. P. Roop and Louis Mulford, Mrs. John Woolley Miss Miriam V. Ristine, execu been: Mrs. Frances G,Hathaway for Crusade For Christ. tions arid Miss Marian Duckers nue, was hostess last week to the and Miss Estella J. Randall, offic tive secretary, Bureau of Social and M iss'L.R. Van Ness, from will be the guest speaker on the Wesleyan Service guild of St. Mrs.: J. H. Hemphill of Troop 24 The 97 Methodist churches of the Ocean Grove, finished, the 10-hour ers of the Burieroft-Taylor guild; Welfare, spoke in the absence of 1896-1901, when Bancroft Was just -program, “At Work Together”. Paul’s church. Mrs. Girard Mar Mrs. Alice Curtis, Miss Lenorn B. Mrs. Fred C. Reynolds, giving a re a summer home; from 1901. until New Brunswick,district, which ex Hostesses will be "from Circle H, shall, president, presided, and Mrs.