Abaye, 189, 201–204, 209 Abimelech, 179 Abodah Zarah (In
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INDEX Abaye, 189, 201–204, 209 Archer, Leonie, 64n33, 65 Abimelech, 179 Aristotle, 179 Abodah Zarah (in Babylonian Talmud): Ark, the, 167, 167n5 2, 102n52; 17a, 91; 17a–b, 91n24, artifical arm, 114, 114–115n21 93; 18a, 91n24; 18a–b, 94–95; 30a, Ashi, Rabbi, 199, 209, 210 189n43; 36a, 88–89; 63a, 85–86n5; atonement, 26, 43n3, 117, 123, 185, 65a, 90, 91n24; 69b–70a, 85–86n5 185nn37–38, 203 Abodah Zarah (in Mishnah), 144, Augustus, 148n26 146n17, 153; 1:1, 148–149; 1:4, auletrides, 91n24 149; 1:5, 150; 1:6, 150; 1:7, 156; Avahu, Rabbi, 73n35 1:8, 150; 1:8–9, 151; 4:7, 158; Avi-Yonah, Michael, 144n10 4:8–5:10, 154–155 Abot (in Mishnah): 3:2, 161; 3:10, Baba Metzia (in Babylonian Talmud): 39n46; 3:18, 66 85a, 96 Aboth De Rabbi Nathan (Schecter), 58 Baba Metzia (in Mishnah): 2:11, 23n20 Abrams, Judith Z., 106n5, 107n6, 108, Baba Qamma (in Mishnah): 8:1, 113, 119, 120 110–111; 8:7, 111 abstention, 37, 46 Babylonia, 1, 49, 94n30, 183, 183n27, Aceves, Joseph B., 101, 101–102n48, 192 102n53 Babylonian Talmud, 22, 67–71, 70n21, Adler, Marianna, 40n47 71–72n29, 85n1, 99–100n41, 101, Afik, Isaac, 177, 180, 180n23, 181, 114–115n21 189n43, 194 Babylonian Talmud, Abodah Zarah: 2, aggadah (legends), 85, 85n4 102n52; 17a, 91; 17a–b, 91n24, 93; Ahab (king), 210 18a, 91n24; 18a–b, 94–95; 30a, Aher, 90, 211; See also Elisha b. 189n43; 36a, 88–89; 63a, 85–86n5; Abuyah 65a, 90, 91n24; 69b–70a, 85–86n5 Ahitophel, 197–198 Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot, 181, 187, Akiva, Rabbi, 9, 13, 13n8, 58, 94, 188, 191, 195n52; 23a, 94; 53a, 123, 200 72–73; 55–57, 184, 184n32; 55a, Albeck, Chanoch, 23, 24, 51n14, 188n41; 55a4, footnote 47, 185n36; 58n22, 59, 114–115n21, 55a–57b, 177; 55b–57b, 197–212 148nn24–26, 157n43, 159n44 Babylonian Talmud, Erubin: 62a, alcohol, 23–24, 38–40, 40n47, 41; 70n20; 64b, 73 See also wine, drinking of Babylonian Talmud, Gittin: 5b, 189n43; Alexander, Philip S., 177nn3–4, 179n8 45a, 80, 81 Alexandria, 148n26 Babylonian Talmud, Hagigah: 15a, 90 Alon, Menachem, 46, 92n26 Babylonian Talmud, Hullin: 84b, am Ha’ares, 125, 128 79–80n58; 105b, 79; 106b, 189n43 Amemar, the Amora, 78, 199 Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot: 10a–b, Amoraic period, 183, 183n28 99n40 Amoraim. See Rabbis, of the Talmud Babylonian Talmud, Kiddushin: 2a–b, (Amoraim) 99n40 Amos: 2:11, 24; 3:6, 206 Babylonian Talmud, Menahot, 96–97; Antiquities of the Jews ( Josephus), 58 44a, 98; 65a, 70n20 Apocrypha, 1 Babylonian Talmud, Moed Katan: 18b, Apuleius, M., 76n43 189n43 222 index Babylonian Talmud, Nedarim: 8a, 72–73; 55a, 188n41; 55a4, footnote 190nn44–45 47, 185n36; 55a–57b, 177; 55b–57b, Babylonian Talmud, Niddah: 9a, 48 197–212 Babylonian Talmud, Pesahim: 110a, 78, Berakhot (in Mishnah): 7:1, 126–127; 81; 110b, 77–78; 111a, 77; 112b, 8:8, 127 79n55 Berekiah, Rabbi, 186, 197 Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin, 75; 36b, Berg, C., 35 117; 67, 75; 67a, 70n20, 71; 67a–b, Berkovits, Eliezer, 80, 80n62 67n6; 67b, 68, 68n9, 76, 76n44, 81; Beruria, 94–95 67b–68a, 81n67; 81b–82a, 89n19; bet haparas, 61, 132, 134 100b, 71–72 beth din, 89n19 Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat: 11a, 187; Beth Hillel, 94 75a, 70n19 Beth Medrash, 94 Babylonian Talmud, Sotah: 2a, 18 betrothal, 115–116, 115n22, 137, Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah: 43b, 137n18, 175 189n43 Bible, 42, 53, 92n25, 99n60, 144–145, Babylonian Talmud, Taanit: 12b, 187 152, 154, 157, 171, 179, 186 Babylonian Talmud, Yebamot, 89; 71a, bicurim. See “first fruits” 5 Bikurim (in Mishnah): 2:9–11, 124n6 Babylonian Talmud, Yoma: 83b, 78 Bird, Frederick, 33–34, 33n35 Balaam, 198, 199 Biryam, Rabbi, 200 bald-headedness, 36, 105; See also hair, Bizna b. Zabda, Rabbi, 184, 200 cutting of black magic. See magic Bana’ah, Rabbi, 200 blemishes. See physically handicapped banishment, 58, 59–60, 61 blessings, 72–73, 118, 126–128, 168, bans, 29, 147n19 187, 193, 198, 199 Bar Hedya the dream interpreter, 189, Blidstein, Gerald, 147, 147nn19–20, 189n43, 194, 201–204 148n27 Bar Ilan, Meir, 5–6, 5n4, 14–15, blindness, 105, 109–115, 117–118, 69n15, 87n13 119, 160, 161, 203 Bar Kappara, 204 blood, 6, 15, 22, 37, 44n6, 47n9, 57, Bar Kokhba revolt, 143, 144, 144n10, 89n18, 157, 166, 210; See also 155, 155n39 menstruation and women bar Machasya, Rabbi, 188 Boddy, Janice, 70n18, 72n33, 82–84 bar mitzva, 65n37 “Boel Aramit”, 89n18 Bar Sheshak, 90, 91n24 “boel Kutit”, 100–101 Baroja, J. C., 76n43, 77n49, 78n52, Boteach, Shmuel, 188n42, 195n52 80n60, 81nn66–68 boundaries and borders, 21, 39, 40, Bartenura, 51n16 48, 64–65, 65n37, 80, 87, 88, 99, Basserman, Lujo, 91n24, 94n31, 101, 124, 126, 146, 146n16, 98n36, 99n39 147–148, 147n21, 165–166, 167, “bastard”. See Mamzer 170, 175, 184, 193 battle, 164–176 Broddy, Janice, 82nn77–78, beit hatumot, 59, 59n24, 60, 61, 62 83nn79–80, 84nn81,82,84,85 Bekhorot (in Bablyonian Talmud), 181; Buchler, A., 15nn9–10 55–57, 184, 184n32 Buckley, Thomas, 55nn19–20 Bekhorot (in Mishnah): 1:7, 11; 3:2, 160; burials. See graves 6, 140; 6:1–6, 105; 6:8, 105; 7:1–6, burnt offerings. See offerings 105; 7:2, 36 Ben Assai, Rabbi, 211 Caillois, Rodger, 178, 178n7 Ben Dama, 204 Calends, 148 Ben Sira, 72 Caligula, 145 Ben Zoma, Rabbi, 211 captive women, 170–171 Berakhot (in Babylonian Talmud), 187, caste systems, 6, 7, 23, 27, 54, 65, 162 188, 191, 195n52; 23a, 94; 53a, Chama bar Guria, Rav, 188.