Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, July 27, 2017 OUR 127th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 30-2017 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] ONE DOLLAR Residents Oppose Development For Circa-1755 Pierson House By MICHAEL BONACCORSO residential units. age 55 and older. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader The board previously acknowl- Testimony and public commentary WESTFIELD – The board of ad- edged a request made by John focused on the development’s poten- justment did not make a final deci- Schmidt, Jr., the attorney for appli- tial impact on traffic volume, the sion on a proposal to build a multiple- cant Country Classics at Montgom- development’s proposed height, de- residential development on the cur- ery, LLC, to have a seven-member struction of the historic Pierson resi- rent site of the home known as the board present. The applicant would dence, and the development being Daniel Pierson house, located at 1481 need five out of seven board mem- consistent with the neighborhood’s East Broad Street. bers to vote for approval. However, single-family zoning. Country Classics is seeking pre- testimony from the applicant and those More than a dozen Westfield resi- liminary and final major site plan opposed to the development was dents from Davis Court, Carol Road approval with use and bulk variances heard. and surrounding streets near the pro- to demolish the single-family resi- Neighbors of the development, posed development spoke during the dence there and construct a total of Michael Pressman and Floren public commentary portion of the six, age-restricted residential units, Robinson, are opposing the develop- meeting against approving the appli- located in two separate buildings on ment.