Homecoming Set for Saturday

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Homecoming Set for Saturday The Gle n·~ ville Mercury Vol. XXXV, No. 1 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Thursday, September 26, 1963 ;- ,,· -J ·:., I f' J ,.;v PATRICIA BURCH ELAINE BLANKENSHIP Senior Princess Junior Princess CHRISTINE ~C HIEFE R HOMECOi\1 1 ' G QUEEN MARY JO NOCIDA LINDA JOHNSON Sophomore Princess Freshman Princess Homecoming Set for Saturday Queen Mary Jo Will Reign PIONEER WES BARGELOH GSC Marching Band Princesses, Pioneer Participate Will Lead Annual Parade Queen Mary Jo Nocida will Wesley Barg~ loh , popular senior Saturday, Sept. 28 is Home­ pus organization floats in the Par. reign over the activity and physical science and mathematics coming Day at Glenville State ade. First, second and third prizes pageantry of the 30th Annual student, was selected by the stu­ College. The annual Home­ will be given. Winners of the 19G2 Hom e com i n g at Glenville dent body to serve as the Pioneer coming Parade marks the of­ floats were Phi Mu Gamma, first: ~tate College. Miss Nocida will for the 30th annual Homecoming ficial beginning of the activi­ Science Club, second; Alpha Rou be crowned by President Har­ Sept. 28. t ies although students, fac­ Tau Art Club, third. ry B. Heflin on the G C cam­ Bargeloh is the son of Mr. and ulty and alumni have been U time permits the CoJiege Mrs. Mason Bargeloh of Mineral quite busy. Band will present a brief concert pus Saturday at 11:15 a.m. Wells. He is the president of the between the Parade and the coro­ Queen Mary Jo is the daughter Wesley Foundation and vice presi­ One of the largest groups or nation ceremony. The Band will of Mr and Mrs Carmela Nocida dent of the Cosmopolitan Club. units in the Parade will be !~e provide music for the coronation of Glenville. Charles MiJhoan, Stu­ •l marching" members of the den! Council president, will be Mr. Pioneer will begin his duties ceremony which is scheduled to on Friday evening when he will freshman class. The GSC March­ begin at 11:15 a.m. her escort. ing Band, under the direction of lead the annual snake dance, Co ronation On Ca mpus Members of the Queen's Court which will begin on Verona Mapel Dr. Jack S. Bemis, will be the ere Patricii! Ann Burch, senior lawn, move around campus, lead unit of the Parade. The GSC Student Council presi­ princess, esc.orted by Carl Mom­ through town and to the bonfire The- Parade will also feature d~nt, Charles Milhoan, will escort berger; H ilda Elaine Blankenship, at Rohrbough Field. campus organization Cloats and Queen Mary Jo to the coronation junior princess, escorted by Dale visiting bands from area high site on the college campus, class Levering; Christine Elizabeth Escorts Queen schools. Highlighting the parade presidents will escort the four Schifler, sophomore princess, es­ On Saturday morning, Bargeloh units will be tbe Queen's float fea­ princesses to the coronation site. corted by Sam White; Linda Lee will escort Queen Mary Jo's float turing Queen Mary Jo and the In the presence of college officials, Johnson, freshman prince-ss, es­ in the Homecomlng parade. He class princesses. alumni, s t ud en t s and guests, corted by James David Marple. will attend her coronation on cam. High School Ba nds Here Queen Mary J o will begin her Bill Lilly, son of Mr. and Mrs. pus. and in the afternoon will help of!icial reign when she is crowned Jesse Lilly, will be crown bearer. Area high school bands expect­ cheer the Pioneers in the annual ed to participate in the activities Homecoming Queen by P resident Miss Burch is the daughter of Homecoming football clash at include Burnsville and HarrisviUe. Harry B . Heflin. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Burch· of Rohrbough Field. He will also play When the MERCURY went to The annual Homecoming football Grantsvi!le. She is a member of an active role at the Field when press other bands had indicated game will be played between the Delta Zeta Sorority, secretary of the P1oneers entertain the Salem attendance but were awaiting ap­ Glenville P ioneers and the Con­ Women's Hall and was co-head Tigtrs Friday, Oct. 18. proval of the Board of Education. cord Mountain Lions. Although the majoretlP of the College Band dur­ In the tradition of the PIOneer Pioneers lost the 1962 Homecom­ )ng her junior year . Parade chairman 1s Mr. Lonnie which dates back to Oct. 21, 1933, Fitzpatrick who has served in this ing game to the W. Va. Wesleyan Miss Blankenship is the daugh­ when Charles Barnett served as capacity for many years. Mr. Bobcats, the freshman class is ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blank­ the f1rst Pioneer, Bargeloh will Frank Toth, assistant professor of particularly hopeful that the GSC enship of Adrian. She is an ele­ wear a coonskin cap, buckskin science, is the general chairman Pioneers can hand the Mountain mentary education student at GSC. clothes and several days growth of Homecoming activities. John Lions a 13-point defeat. Miss Schiefer is the daughter of of beard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiefer of Mr. Pioneer will carry and shoot V. White is {he executive secretary ol the Alumni Association and Mr. Freshm an Want Win Sutton. She is treasurer of Verona a muzzle-loading rifle, and it is Such a win is needed to end Mapel Hall. Victor Berry is the president of I"'Umored th at he will have the from Marlinton, was the 1962 Pio­ the Association . freshman rules. The Pioneers Miss Johnson is the daughter of typical mountaineer jug under his .neer. In 1961 Ronald Stoops, a overpowered the Hi1ltoppers of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of arm. physical science student, was Pio­ Prizes Awarded West Liberty Sept. 18 by .a 21-Q Williamslown. J ames Rogers, an art major neer. Prizes will be awarded to cam- (Contmued on page 2) ____/,_; 002_R.jpg PRESIDENT HEFLIN ANNOUNCES GSC STAFF REPLACEMENTS Nine additions or replace­ holds the BFA degree from the ments to the staff are an­ University of Texas and the MFA nounced by President Harry degree from the University of B". Heflin. Washington. He also atter.ded Southwestern University and Ohio Dr. J ack S. Bemis is assi•­ University. Mr. Wink held assist­ tant prof essor of rP usic and antships at Southwestern, Ohio chairman of the Fine a nd AI>­ University and the University of plied Arts Division. Dr Bem­ Washington. is, a native of New Y o rk 1\'Jr. Rodney J . Busch is ser ving Stlte, holds a BS:\fE degree from as instr uctor in speech and dra­ lthac3 CoUege and the Mastel''s matics. He holds the AB degrl!e and Ph.ED. from astman School from GSC and the i\1A from Penn­ of Music. His teaching experience sylvania State University. For the mcludcs periods at Hampton, Vir­ past two years. he has taughr in ginia, High School, Houghton Col­ the public schools of W. Va. and lege, and Johnson State College, Ohio. He held an assistantship in Johnson, Vermont. Dr. Bemis dra matics wh ile atten<!ing Penn­ ser ved four years with the 52Sth sylvania State University. and 566th Air F orce Ba nds. Gordon Is From Illinois 1 9 01-6~ GSC Cheerleaders were na med rerentlv in a cam pus election. Pictured above, Deel Retums Mr. Willis M. Gordon, who Mr. William S. Deel is Dean of taught zoology at Southern Illi­ left to r io-ht are "ue Caryl Wallbrown, Parkenburg-; Shelva Jean Scott, Liverpool; Frances Men and assistant professor of nois University during the sum­ Carol Nelson, Richwood; and Frances Jean Nocida, head cheerleader, Glenville. t,l hychology and guidance. Mr. mer, has been employed as in­ (Mer-photo bv Frederick) Deel was graduated from Glen­ structe:.r in zoology. He holds the ville State College in 1958, and BS degree from Missouri Univer­ Sturl.ents Must earned the MS degree at W. Va. sity and the MS degree (rom College Choir Riggs, Hickm'ln University in 1959. He has a year Southt:rn Illinois University. Make Request Will Head Dorms of additional study at W. Va. Uni­ Mr. Eugene C. Jorandby is an versity and the University of Pitts­ instructor in business and econ­ All students who will have com. Is Organized; Both women's dormitories, Ver­ burgh. For the past four years, he omics. l1r. Jorandby ,holds the BS pleted 58 hours of course work at ona Mapel Hall and Women's Hall has been employed in the public and MS degree from Southern the end of the current semes ter, Johnson Directs are filled to capacity. Mrs. Eva schools of Wood and Hancock lllinois Univenity. and who have not yet been admit­ Taylor, Pennsboro, and Mrs. Edna counties in guidance and testing. Miss Mary Peggy Nilan of New ted to a program in teacher educa­ Mr. AlbP.r t Johnson, Glen­ Crawford, HarrisviJle, are the Mr. Bernard C. McKown is the tion must make application for housemothers at Women's Hall. Yor k City is an instructor in Eng­ ville State College Choir direc­ new assistant professor of phys­ lish. She holds the Master's de­ this through their adviser. Mrs. Ruth Murphy, Murphytown, ical science. Mr. McKown gradu­ tor. announces that there are is housemother at Verona Mapel gree and has completed all work Unless a student makes such ap­ ated from GSC in 1956 and earned on the doctorate. except the dis­ 53 members in the Glenville Hall. the MA degree from W.
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