
The Gle n·~ ville Mercury Vol. XXXV, No. 1 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Thursday, September 26, 1963 ;- ,,· -J ·:., I f'

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CHRISTINE ~C HIEFE R HOMECOi\1 1 ' G QUEEN MARY JO NOCIDA LINDA JOHNSON Sophomore Princess Freshman Princess Homecoming Set for Saturday

Queen Mary Jo Will Reign PIONEER WES BARGELOH GSC Marching Band Princesses, Pioneer Participate Will Lead Annual Parade

Queen Mary Jo Nocida will Wesley Barg~ loh , popular senior Saturday, Sept. 28 is Home­ pus organization floats in the Par. reign over the activity and physical science and mathematics coming Day at Glenville State ade. First, second and third prizes pageantry of the 30th Annual student, was selected by the stu­ College. The annual Home­ will be given. Winners of the 19G2 Hom e com i n g at Glenville dent body to serve as the Pioneer coming Parade marks the of­ floats were Phi Mu Gamma, first: ~tate College. Miss Nocida will for the 30th annual Homecoming ficial beginning of the activi­ Science Club, second; Alpha Rou be crowned by President Har­ Sept. 28. t ies although students, fac­ Tau Art Club, third. ry B. Heflin on the G C cam­ Bargeloh is the son of Mr. and ulty and alumni have been U time permits the CoJiege Mrs. Mason Bargeloh of Mineral quite busy. Band will present a brief concert pus Saturday at 11:15 a.m. Wells. He is the president of the between the Parade and the coro­ Queen Mary Jo is the daughter Wesley Foundation and vice presi­ One of the largest groups or nation ceremony. The Band will of Mr and Mrs Carmela Nocida dent of the Cosmopolitan Club. units in the Parade will be !~e provide music for the coronation of Glenville. Charles MiJhoan, Stu­ •l marching" members of the den! Council president, will be Mr. Pioneer will begin his duties ceremony which is scheduled to on Friday evening when he will freshman class. The GSC March­ begin at 11:15 a.m. her escort. ing Band, under the direction of lead the annual snake dance, Co ronation On Ca mpus Members of the Queen's Court which will begin on Verona Mapel Dr. Jack S. Bemis, will be the ere Patricii! Ann Burch, senior lawn, move around campus, lead unit of the Parade. The GSC Student Council presi­ princess, esc.orted by Carl Mom­ through town and to the bonfire The- Parade will also feature d~nt, Charles Milhoan, will escort berger; H ilda Elaine Blankenship, at Rohrbough Field. campus organization Cloats and Queen Mary Jo to the coronation junior princess, escorted by Dale visiting bands from area high site on the college campus, class Levering; Christine Elizabeth Escorts Queen schools. Highlighting the parade presidents will escort the four Schifler, sophomore princess, es­ On Saturday morning, Bargeloh units will be tbe Queen's float fea­ princesses to the coronation site. corted by Sam White; Linda Lee will escort Queen Mary Jo's float turing Queen Mary Jo and the In the presence of college officials, Johnson, freshman prince-ss, es­ in the Homecomlng parade. He class princesses. alumni, s t ud en t s and guests, corted by James David Marple. will attend her coronation on cam. High School Ba nds Here Queen Mary J o will begin her Bill Lilly, son of Mr. and Mrs. pus. and in the afternoon will help of!icial reign when she is crowned Jesse Lilly, will be bearer. Area high school bands expect­ cheer the Pioneers in the annual ed to participate in the activities Homecoming Queen by P resident Miss Burch is the daughter of Homecoming football clash at include Burnsville and HarrisviUe. Harry B . Heflin. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Burch· of Rohrbough Field. He will also play When the MERCURY went to The annual Homecoming football Grantsvi!le. She is a member of an active role at the Field when press other bands had indicated game will be played between the Delta Zeta Sorority, secretary of the P1oneers entertain the Salem attendance but were awaiting ap­ Glenville P ioneers and the Con­ Women's Hall and was co-head Tigtrs Friday, Oct. 18. proval of the Board of Education. cord Mountain Lions. Although the majoretlP of the College Band dur­ In the tradition of the PIOneer Pioneers the 1962 Homecom­ )ng her junior year . Parade chairman 1s Mr. Lonnie which dates back to Oct. 21, 1933, Fitzpatrick who has served in this ing game to the W. Va. Wesleyan Miss Blankenship is the daugh­ when Charles Barnett served as capacity for many years. Mr. Bobcats, the freshman class is ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blank­ the f1rst Pioneer, Bargeloh will Frank Toth, assistant professor of particularly hopeful that the GSC enship of Adrian. She is an ele­ wear a coonskin , buckskin science, is the general chairman Pioneers can hand the Mountain mentary education student at GSC. clothes and several days growth of Homecoming activities. John Lions a 13-point defeat. Miss Schiefer is the daughter of of beard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiefer of Mr. Pioneer will carry and shoot V. White is {he executive secretary ol the Alumni Association and Mr. Freshm an Want Win Sutton. She is treasurer of Verona a muzzle-loading rifle, and it is Such a win is needed to end Mapel Hall. Victor Berry is the president of I"'Umored th at he will have the from Marlinton, was the 1962 Pio­ the Association . freshman rules. The Pioneers Miss Johnson is the daughter of typical mountaineer jug under his .neer. In 1961 Ronald Stoops, a overpowered the Hi1ltoppers of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of arm. physical science student, was Pio­ Prizes Awarded West Liberty Sept. 18 by .a 21-Q Williamslown. J ames Rogers, an art major neer. Prizes will be awarded to cam- (Contmued on page 2) ____/,_;

002_R.jpg PRESIDENT HEFLIN ANNOUNCES GSC STAFF REPLACEMENTS Nine additions or replace­ holds the BFA degree from the ments to the staff are an­ University of Texas and the MFA nounced by President Harry degree from the University of B". Heflin. Washington. He also atter.ded Southwestern University and Ohio Dr. J ack S. Bemis is assi•­ University. Mr. Wink held assist­ tant prof essor of rP usic and antships at Southwestern, Ohio chairman of the Fine a nd AI>­ University and the University of plied Arts Division. Dr Bem­ Washington. is, a native of New Y o rk 1\'Jr. Rodney J . Busch is ser ving Stlte, holds a BS:\fE degree from as instr uctor in speech and dra­ lthac3 CoUege and the Mastel''s matics. He holds the AB degrl!e and Ph.ED. from astman School from GSC and the i\1A from Penn­ of Music. His teaching experience sylvania State University. For the mcludcs periods at Hampton, Vir­ past two years. he has taughr in ginia, High School, Houghton Col­ the public schools of W. Va. and lege, and Johnson State College, Ohio. He held an assistantship in Johnson, Vermont. Dr. Bemis dra matics wh ile attenthe end of the current semes ter, Johnson Directs are filled to capacity. Mrs. Eva schools of Wood and Hancock lllinois Univenity. and who have not yet been admit­ Taylor, Pennsboro, and Mrs. Edna counties in guidance and testing. Miss Mary Peggy Nilan of New ted to a program in teacher educa­ Mr. AlbP.r t Johnson, Glen­ Crawford, HarrisviJle, are the Mr. Bernard C. McKown is the tion must make application for housemothers at Women's Hall. Yor k City is an instructor in Eng­ ville State College Choir direc­ new assistant professor of phys­ lish. She holds the Master's de­ this through their adviser. Mrs. Ruth Murphy, Murphytown, ical science. Mr. McKown gradu­ tor. announces that there are is housemother at Verona Mapel gree and has completed all work Unless a student makes such ap­ ated from GSC in 1956 and earned on the doctorate. except the dis­ 53 members in the Glenville Hall. the MA degree from W. Va. Uni­ plication and is admitted, he will sertation, at Northwestern Uni­ not be permitted to enroll in up· State Coll.,ge Choir this fall. Women's Hall officers are Sandy versity in 1960. He has additional \'ersity. graduate work from Marshall Uni· per div ision education courses and All members have been au­ Riggs, president; Mary Dye, vice versity, Case Institute of Tech­ !\1r. Eugene Lowe has been add­ will not be considered a candidate ditioned and placed according­ president; Patricia Burch, secre­ nology, and just completed sum­ ed to the GSC staff as manager for a d~ ree in education. This lv. Breakdown in sections in­ tary; Sue Fredericks, correspond· mer school at Cornell Univers ily. of the Bookstore. Mr. Lowe is a does not apply to students who hid cludes 14 basses, 11 tenors, 15 ing secretary: Sandra Wamsley graduate of Glenville State Col­ completed more than 73 hours of and Nadine Gillespie, counselors. Wink Is Art Instructor lege. He has taught in pub!ic course work on June 1, 1963. sopranos, and 13 altos. VMH OHicen Mr . Jon D. Wink has been em­ s chools for 13 years. most recently In a visit to the campus late last ployed as instructor in art. He at Normantown High School. Students who need to make such spring, an internationally famous Verona Mapel Hall officers are application should go to their ad­ musician, Angelo Eagon, heard Brenda Hickman, president; Mary viser to fill out an applica~ion and praised the college choir, Lee Henderson, vice president; blank and securp his signature. HRC NOTES THETA X I NOTES ranking it among the finest in the Shelva Scott, secretary; Christine The application!' will not be acted c.ounU.y. In the. seven or eight Schiefer, treasurer; Brenda Ham­ The first Holy ~oller Court Theta Xi Fraternity has a new upon until compleTIOn o( tlle 58 the choir performed for rick, counselor. m eeting of the current year was bouseznother, Mrs. Dorothy Par­ hours of course work, and until him, Mr. Eagon praised the choir Both dormitories plan to or. held Sept. 16. Judge Paul Jordan mesano of Elkins formerly of the applicant has taken the Eng­ lish proficiency exam. Students for its blend. balance, and general ganize a choir and enter a float in presided with Lane Jack acting Parkersburg. At the present time musicianship. who have been rejected should !he Homecoming Parade. Verona as clerk. Gary Waggoner , Jim Ma- ~i~;r:~eJn~%P~rr~~~c~~ea ~~a~:~~~; make a new application. Ambassador for eight years to Mapel women also plan an art ex­ haney, Tom Holden and Tom Guu- house to welcome students and Austria, Mr. Eagon was also one hibit, style show and the tradi­ noc were permitted to become in- faculty afler the Homecoming of the judges fo r the Internation­ tional Christmas Carol Sing. active members. Game Saturday. Marple Named a l Van Cliburn Piano Competi· Theta Xi is sor ry to announce Freshman Prexy t ion and has studied at Juilliard GSC M'lrching Band Mahaney and Waggoner are en­ t1at the fraternity mascot " H\J­ Schoo) of Music, held a scholar· (Continued from page J 1 rolled in student teaching this mer " passed. away this summer. James David Marple was named ship in piano at Fountainbleau, term. Charles Milhoan, who has Fnnce, a scholarship in com­ score. They will be looking for win been inactive, was placed in active pres ident of the freshman class in number two Saturday. a recent election. He is the son of position with Arnold Schoenberg, status. The Court plans an active Dwain Wilcox, 1963 graduate, and Ernst Toch. He is a native Pre-game music will be provid­ year starting with strong support has been named assistant coach Mr. and Mrs. S. G. " Joe" Marple of Gle nville. of Sutton. ed by College Band. of Homecoming activities. at Sutton High School. Mr. Eagon remarked that the Immediately following the game, Robert Craig Minniweather is Thc:>ta Xi is having an openhouse vice president. A physical educa­ choir had very good balance and that the four sections worked to­ for all students and faculty at the: tion student, he is from White Sul­ Theta Xi Fraternity House, Cam­ Or. phur Springs. Shron Cynthia Sum­ gether as single instruments. He also complimented Mr. Johnson den Flats. mers, elementary education stu­ The McCoy-Waddell Orchestra dent, was chosen as secretary, for his choice of music and his di­ recting ability. will provide music for the Annu3l Samuel U>e Burns of White Sul­ Homecomin g Dance to be held in phur Springs was chosen as treas­ Six filing cabinet drawers are the College Gymnasium from 9-12 urer. filled with new music, Handel's p.m. Saturday. Tickets w11l be $4 " Messiah," " King David," and for couples and $2.50 single. many other g reat works. Plans Sandra Wamsley are also being m ade for treble Phiilip K. Cottrell, 1961 gradu­ Heads SNEA and male chorus. ate, studied last summer at the University of San Diego, Calilor· The Student National Education The Literary Society will hold nia, on a scholars hip. His main Association is the professional .u ­ its first meeting Sunday at 3:30 course of study was astronomy. sociation for college students pre­ p.m. in Louis Bennett Lounge. He wiU be in charge of the plane· par ing to teach. The SNEA pro­ Discussion topic will be selected tariom at the new Oak Glen High gram is to provide opportunities poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson. School in Hancock County. for personal and professional grolArth, development of leadership -s kills, understanding of history THE GLENVILLE MERCURY and ethics, participation in pro­ The Student Newspaper fession.ll activities. G lenville State College SNEA meets each thirJ Thurs­ Telephone Ext. 39 day at 6:30 p.m. in Room 304A of PRESS t he Administration Building. Mem­ Entered as second class matter November 23, 1929. at the post bership is open to any student 'Nho office at Glenville, W. Va., under the act of March 3, 1879. Pub­ plans to teach. lished every other Wednesday during the academ·ic year except on holidays. The officers for this year are STAFF Sandra Wamsley, president; Joyce Editor ------· ------·------·- J anet Kay Long Ha1t lcy, vire president; Hilda Photographers ------·- Kenneth F rederick, Robert Smith Douglas, secretary; David Daugh­ tery, treasurer; Judy Cottrill, li­ ~~~:.r;:sM :~:~:~e~ _::::::::::: ::::::::::::::_ ~ ~~~~~- C~~;ch~ i nEd~~ brarian ; Cheryl Fisher , historian; Reporters ------· H. David Bingman, Shar on Bumgarner, Randy Daniels, parliamentarian. Michael Bush, Mar y Diane Davis, Mary Lee Henderson, F aculty advisers of SNEA are Elizabeth McLaughlin, George Mars hall, Gracie Metheny, Ruth Murphy, Sherry Sherwood, Robert Smith, Diann Miss J ewell Matthews and Yl r. Truex, Sandra Wa msley. Nelson Wells. Adviser ------Virginia West As an entering freshman, I think you should know that Nick Ni-ch-ols-. -96-3 -gr-aduate, h•• Eng ravings by Howard Hiner 1 Mountain State Photo Service, Buckhannon "\l'e' re all one big happy family here; but don't expect to be been named assistant coach at Printed by the Republican-Delta, Buckhannon treated like anybody's sister. •Webster Springs High School.

003_L.jpg Thursday, September 26, 1963 THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Page Three Wave Will Face Concord Saturday F :>Otball Time Will Be 2 P.M.

Coach Jesse Lilly's GSC Pioneers will clash with the always p o we r f u I Concord Mountain Lions in the 30th A n n u a I Homecoming game Sept. 28 at 2 p.m. at Rohr­ bough Field. The Pioneers walloped West Lib­ erty 21-0 in their first contest of the season whtle Concord slaught­ ered Bluefield Slate, 40-0. A real battle is expected to take place because of the Home coming defeat suffered by the Pioneers the past year after registering six consecutive homecoming victories. The Pioneers lost to W. Va. Wes· 1963 GLENVILLE STATE PIONEERS are pictured North, Gossman, Erwin, Wallenburg, Casto, Blake, David­ leya n. above. Front row, left to right: Duncan, E. Moore, Nocida, son. Totten, Bucklew. Third row: Currey, Wildman, Camp· The Lillymen travelod to Con­ Kiser, Pottmeyer, Gunnoe, Downey, Kinzer, Briscoe, Drake, bell, Davis, Law, Hoover. Gwinn, Lint, Badgely, Ballingee, cord last year and led the Lions l3-6 at half-time. However, the Taylor, Lustig. Second row: Jamison, Luca , K. Moore, Minney, Roby, Frame, Johnson. (Mer-photo by Smith) Lions roared back to score 13 points in the second-half to hand defeat to the Pioneers. The final tally came on a 38-yard reverse HAMMETT GETS pass to end Tom Munsey with 6:24 Strong GSC Defense Stops left to go in the game. If the Pioneers have the desire AWARD and spirit they displayed Sept. 14 Gale "Bud" Hammett J r., a •sr•inst West liberty they could 1963' graduate of Glenville ve ry easily ense the Homecoming Visiting West Liberty 21-0 State College, has been a­ defeat suHered the past year and warded the 11th-annual Frank beg in a new string of victories. The underdog G I e n v i I I e erty to punt. John Lueas then Also, the Pioneers will be out to "State College Pioneers relied made his first of three extra Montrose award. This out­ avenge the defeat handed to them heavily on a fine defen ive points, as the home team went Kinzer Directs standing honor is based upon by the Mount•in Lions last year. performance, Saturday, Sept. ahead to stay. In the seeond per­ cholastic as well as athletic 14, to defeat the visiting West iod, the White Wave made it 14-0, ability. as a pass from Ollie Pottmeyer to MAA Program Majors Club Liberty Hilltoppers 21-0, in Tom Gunnoe was good for 41 Hammett was graduated from the opening WVIAC game for yards and touchdown. MAA Director William Kinzer Pt'nns boro High School in 1959. both college . has announced plans for a meet­ During his high school days, he Lists Officers Glenville closed out the scoring ing to b• held at 7 p.m., Sept 24 was a four letterman in baseball GSC defense lead by Ernie in thP third period, after fresh­ m the Health Building. and football. Officers for the Physical Edu­ Moore and Pat Briscoe, held the man Larry North blocked an :tt­ All MAA team managers and cation Majors Club are Shelva visitors to only one yard gained temptod West LliR!rtrptmT, d ~:~>am ""J)taim; us be pre~ent:"" Alter high school .u.a.duation,-he ~cot pte.sidenl;_ Patsy FleWs, on the ground in the second half, the Pioneers took over on the one­ The activities for the program attended the Cttadel Mthtary ' 'ice president; Mary Lee Hender· and allowed the Hilltoppers only yard line. Two plays later Pott­ this year include volleyball. bad- S~hooi. but he transferred to Glen­ son. secretary; Barbara Woodford, 57 total yards for the entire game. meyer sneaked over from the one; m inton, basketball, swimming.. VIlle State College after his fresh­ treasurer; Joyce Grose, intra­ Lucas again converted making the golf, shuffleboard, ping pong and mao year. Here he participated in ..mural chairm an. The White Wave showed a fierce score 21-0. softball. football and baseball winning let- Majors Club will sell mums for and fighting defense and repeated­ Officials will be prov:ded by ters each year in each sport. Homecoming. Softball and volley. Units Listed ly caught the W-L quarterback be­ Physical Education 131 under the ball are being sponsored by the hind o( Awa rd Honors Athlete the line srrimmage. The Pioneer defense has Buck­ guidance of Mr. J esse Lilly. Club :his fall. Jew and Wallenberg at ends. Cas­ This Club, a national organiza­ Pottmeyer Ca lls Plays The MAA program will be based The Frank Montrose Memorial to and Briscoe at tackles, North Award was established by the Stu­ tion which was started on campus While the defense was perform­ on a team-point system for the en· and K. Moore at guards, with E. dent Council in honor of the late the past year, sponsors all phys. ing so well, the offense also was Moore and Kiser at linebackers. t ire year. This is the first time the icll education programs for cam­ point system has been used since Frank Montrose, former Glenville working almost to perfection. With and Lustig, Taylor, and Davidson student and athlete. In his one pus women. Ollie Pottmeyer calling the plays, the intr•munl program began, in the secondary. year here, 1939, Montrost> estab­ and Tom Gunnoe, Joe Duncan, and The offensive unit was made up John Lustig will assist Kinzer lished himself an all-time Pioneer ART CLUB MEETS Louie Nocida runntng the pigskin, of Nichols and Blake at ends. great. tbe Pioneers rolled up 171 yards in presenting the program. Alpha Rho Tau, art club, held Kinzer and Totten. at tackles, Er­ Further details will be posted rushing and another 62 yards win and Downey at guards, and In the spring of 1940 the 21-year its first meeting of the year Sept. passing, for a total of 233 on the bulletin board in the Health 12. Plans were made for the Gossman at center. In the back­ Building. . old Richw!>Od youth went blind and In first downs, Glenville also field were Pottmeyer, Dunc3n, ..shortly afterward, in J une, died in Homecoming float: theme for the held a 15-5 advantage. Gunnoe and Nocida. a Baltimore hospital. It was later float will be " Art Through the Mr. Sing Bourommavong, na­ Ages." Kiser Scores First tive of Vientiane. Laos, recently lelrned that Montrose had been aff~cted with nephritis. All freshman and sophomore The Pioneers first touchdown Robert Kent Morris, 1961 gradu- visited with his W. Va. parents, art majors and minors are re­ came on the last play of the first 'ate, received a graduate teaching Mr. antl Mrs. Walden Roush, of Former winners of the award quired to attend the meetings of quarter when Jim Kiser hulled assist~ntship at W. Va. University Glenville State College. At pres­ are Cecil Johnson, 1952; Billy Han­ the art club which are held on over from the one-yard line, after and will work toward his master's ent, Mr Bonrommavong is a lin, 1953; Paul Lanham, 1954; Thursday at 7 p .m . in Room 309. the defense had forced West Ltb- •degree in busir..ess administration. ~ophomore in elementary educa­ Jack Tennant, 1955; Edward Te­ Mr. Jon D. Wink is the adviser. ~ ~ tion ~t the University of Tennes­ 1956; 1957; ...... kieli, Robert Miller, ...... -...... ~ :...... ~::... ~::,..... ~~~; ~:~i:;,~: : For haircuts and flattops visit : st>e. One of his early contacts with Paul Hughes, 1958; Steve McMil· ' . t'ducation in American was a six­ lion, 1959; Charles . Watt, 1960; : Friendly 1tmosphere. ' : PARSONS' : : Bantz's Barber : week period in M.:tson County Emmett Wilson, 1961 ; and Robert I I ' Visit Us Soon 1t th._ : : Shop : schools. On his return to Laos, he Summers, 1962. : JEWELRY : : Conrad Restaurant: . . will be a cl:tssroom teacher in the • • : Doc Layfield - Banh: Collins : secondary schools in English and P HI DELTA PHI : Glenville and Grantsville : .~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ...... ; French. LISTS OFFICERS : All Work Guaranteed : ;-~ ...... ~ • • • • Domenick Nocida. a graduate of Joyce McCullough is president : Watch and J ewelry Repairing : • • GSC, is guidance counselor in Ka­ of Phi Delta Phi, home economics : Bulova and Elgin Watches : • • nawha County. organization. Other officers are : Best of Luck Pioneers! : .Joyce Hartley, vice president; : Latest Recorded Hits : .• .• • Ed Grose, 1962 gradua te, is Patsy Brake, secretary; Patricia - Hallmark Cards 1 .• .• teaching commercial subjects at Brown, treasurer; Sharon Cayton, : Appliances : Summersville High School. historian. ~ ...... , ...... , ...... , ...... ~ ~ ...... ~ .. , ...... Kanawha Union Bank . . AU home economics majors and l l • • minors art! invited to attend the . • • ; Cards for All Occasions. : meetings held the second and third • .: GLENVILLE, W.VA. .: : Cosmetics for tke Ladies. : Thursdays of each month. .• : Quality Fountain Service ; Mrs. Lillian Chaddock and Miss : For the Young and the . . Elma Jean Woofter are the ad- • • : For All. Stop and Shop. : visers. : Old. Come See. . . • • . Moderate Prices : OVER FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE : .• .• _...... ~-- .• : To GILME R COUNTY : : The : Modern Dry Cleaners ..: : T he • • . . "!<. ·Court Street • , • • • • • • : Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Company : l G&DSTORE l Fast Efficient Work : : Dalton Store . .• • , Patrick Reale , : , •~~~ ~ -~ ~ -- ~ ~~-- - - ~-~--- -~ ~ ~ ~ - ~~--- - ~• ...... , ,...... ~~ ...... ~ - ~ ...... ~-~! ~ ~ ...... ~ ...... J

004_R.jpg Page F our THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Thursday, September 26, 1963 Doris Radabaugh Pays Her Tuition Don Riggs Heads Film Series Campus IRC Chi Beta Phi Gets New Name The first official meeting to Or­ Is Planned ganize Chi Beta Phi, honorary The Cosmopolitan Club is not a :new organization on camvus but science fraternity, was held Sept. Alpha P~i Omega, a national 16 in the Science Hall. rather an old organization with a honorary d r a m a t i c s frater­ new name. The past spring the nity with membership limjted to Don Riggs was elected presi­ members of the Political Science­ those active in dramatic work, is International R e I a t i o n s Club dent; Carl Armour, vice president; again sponsoring a series of the Lillian Rice, secreary;
