THE NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF HISTORYTHE NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF HISTORY VOL.43, No.1 APRIL 2009 VOL.43, No.1, APRIL 2009 APRIL VOL.43, No.1, THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND TE WHARE WÄNANGA O TAMAKI MAKAURAU NEW ZEALAND Editors: Caroline Daley & Deborah Montgomerie Associate Editors: Judith Bassett Judith Binney Malcolm Campbell Raewyn Dalziel Aroha Harris Review Editor, Books: Greg Ryan Review Editor, History in Other Media: Bronwyn Labrum Editorial Assistants: Jennifer Ashton Barbara Batt Business Manager: Nisha Saheed Editorial Advisory Group: Tony Ballantyne Washington University in St Louis Barbara Brookes University of Otago Giselle Byrnes University of Waikato Cathy Coleborne University of Waikato Bronwyn Dalley Ministry for Culture and Heritage Anna Green University of Exeter Chris Hilliard University of Sydney Kerry Howe Massey University, Albany Jim McAloon Victoria University of Wellington John E. Martin Parliamentary Historian, Wellington Philippa Mein Smith University of Canterbury The New Zealand Journal of History is published twice yearly, in April and October, by The University of Auckland. Subscription rates for 2010, payable in advance, post free: domestic $50.00 (incl. GST); overseas $NZ60.00. Student subscription $30.00 (incl. GST). Subscriptions and all business correspondence should be addressed to the Business Manager New Zealand Journal of History Department of History The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland New Zealand or by electronic mail to:
[email protected] Articles and other correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at the same address. Intending contributors should consult the style sheet at Back numbers available: $10.00 (incl.