University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP Combined Interviews Institute of Oral History 12-1976 Interview no. 282 George E. Barnhart Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Oral History Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Interview with George E. Barnhart by Carlos Tapia, 1976, "Interview no. 282," Institute of Oral History, University of Texas at El Paso. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Institute of Oral History at ScholarWorks@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in Combined Interviews by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UTEP. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. UNIVERSITYOFTEXAS AT EL PASC INSTITUTEOFOR.AL HISTORY II.ITERVIEIdEE: GeorqeE. Barnhart INTERVIEI.IER: CarlosTaPia PROJECT: Class proiect DATEOF II'ITERVIEI'I: DecemberI 976 TERI''6OF USE: Unrestricted TAPENO.: 282 T:IAI'ISCRIPTI.iO.: 282 TRAIISCRISER: DATETRA|'ISCRIBED: BIOGRAPHICALSYiiOPSIS OF INTERVIEI'IEE: 01d-time E] Pasoresident. SUI{I}trRYOF I|'ITER\IIEI,I: j I ett and BioqraPhy;the MexicanRevol ution; Prohbi tion ; J'imGi JudgeRoy Bean' John|.lesleY Hardin; tf,"; Worldl'lar II; 50 minutes I4 pages 'interview { Oral History with Mr- GeorgeE. Barnhart, interviewedby Carlos Tapia in December1976" ) T: Mr. Barnhar{wherewere you born and when? B: hlestBends, Okl ahoma. T: Whatwas the date? B: We]l, it's supposedto be February24, 1896. Theydidn't keepany records back in themdays. I had to checkback and I got two or three different [dates, but] that's the one I usedto look for a job.