HICKS & HOLMES will show at their Store, Fair Week, all the New Novelties in Season Millinery. Prices right. (8eBete'“) The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXV—NO. 5% % ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891 . WHOLE NO. 130*. 'f

The Mercantile Company's Calendar for I8#L —Michigan's wheat crop this year is Do you like pork? If so, we will pre­ BUSINESS LOCALS Elegant Millinery Display, Nut at th« Fair but at J. T. Cole & Co.’s Store. Best quality Mason Fruit sent for your consideration and inspec­ Our Exhibit SEPTEMBER, estimated at 27,000,000 bushels. THE CLINTON CO. FAIR Visitors to our Clinton County Fair S|M| T w: t F a —The Episcopal society at Ionia are tion the During “ fair week” and the balance of Jars with Boyd Caps the season, will consist of the finest line should not fail to visit the Millinery i i s 4 & putting a new pipe organ into their BEGINS TUESDAY NEXT. and Dressmaking store of J. T. Cole & « 71 N 0 10 11 12 Pints, 11.00 ; Quarts fl.so ; church. of Millinery ever shown in St. Johns.— Co. ,. t Li 14 16 18 17 IS 10| Two Quarts, fl.40 Consisting of trimmed Hats and Bon­ Their display of new goods, novelties i-'O 21 22 23 24 26 2b, per —Richard Freeman and Joseph Place, nets for the old, middle aged and the *7 28 20 SO . and styles will surely please the eye ± dozen. of Olive township, report 1.380 bushels The Entries Are Coming in young. Bonnets for the babies, in while the prices offered auring the week of Scottish white oats from 15 acres of every description and at all prices. of the Fair will gladden the heart and Ladies, call and examine our stock, fcjrTo all new subscribers, ground, an average of 92 bushels per Freely. and be convinced, that for style and pocket-book. as well as to those who will acre. prices, we lead. Respectfully, The Fall Season pay up all arrearages, we will —On Saturday last a son of Edwin H icks & H olmes . Is now upon us and, as usual, we are No. 16 Clinton Ave., St. Johns. prepared for it. Our stock in New send The Independent and the Plowman, of Bengal, received a severe The Buildings and Track are in Fine gash in one of his feet, from an ax Manufacturer ’* Cloak Sale. Dress Goods is simply enormous, and in Detroit Free Press and House ­ Condition. it you are bound to find something to which he was using. Dr. Weller re­ Thursday, October first, the agent of please. Full line of Dress Trimmings hold, one year for $1.75, cash, paired the injury. one of the largest cloak manufactures in the country, will be at our store with ;o match goods. In short our stock is —Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Stephenson, extremely large in all departments and With Fine Weather, This Will Result In an immense line of Cloaks and Jackets your examination is respectfully so ­ HOME MATTERS. received a telegram from Montesceno. a Great Show. of every description, from the cheapest, licited. Cash for butter and eggs. Wash., September 21st, announcing the to the most expensive in texture. Among Brevities. the novelties will be shown the new Respectfully, II. L. Kendrick . birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J. Military Cape, which is having such a —No rest for the weary woman. As E. McDougall, nee Cara Stephenson. One second hand Birdsel Clover soon as the fruit season is over the Those who are interested in w-ool and run in the large cities. If you contem ­ Iluller for sale cheap. Inquire of ,,. —The Ladies will be pleased to know mutton should not fail to see the tine plate purchasing a cloak this fall or John H. Fedewa or house cleaning season is here. that Miss A. Hayward has returned CHESTER WHITE HOOS winter, you should take advantage of 1298-tf Edw ’in H. Lyon . —A convention for the organization of from Detroit and again resumes her and the display will embrace nearly this sale, as on that day special prices a State branch of the People's party every variety known to the swine will be made to sell many cloaks. The Boss $1.50 Fountain Pen at work as Forelady in the Trimming De­ John H icks . ______A llison ’s. ,: will be held at Lansing in December. partment at J. T. Cole & Co.'s store. family. St. Julius Steam I.aumtry. R. H. Forbes. —The pioneer picnic advertised to —Prof. Beal, of the Agricultural col ­ Lovers of the chicken, duck and goose take place at Elsie, to day, has been should not fail to visit the Lee Lamoreaux, proprietor, corner Will start his Cider Mill September 18, lege, advises farmers to soak all their Clinton avenue and State street. Work 1891, and run it Tuesdays and Fridays postponed until Saturday next, Septem­ seed wheat ilfteen or twenty minutes in called for and delivered with prompt ­ through the season. 1299w‘2 ber 26th. water not hotter than 132 degrees be­ ness. First-class work and satisfaction Alarm Clocks —Send every item of interest that con ­ guaranteed. fore sowing, the best remedy for smut. At A llison ’s. cerns yourself or your neighbor to this Ml** Carrie Turner, —II. C. Leland, formerly of this vil­ Pair of Good Work Horses office, and it will find a place in our lage, and whose business property was Teacher of piano and organ music. columns. Singing class and dumb bell drill free For sale at a bargain. Call at the Per- destroyed in Ithaca, some time since, to private pupils ; to those other than rin House. —A Detroit paper says the impression has commenced the erection of a brick n-ivate pupils a charge of $2 for twenty is abroad throughout the state that the Farmers’ Feed Barn. block on the lot thu3 made vacant. essons, will lie made. Fall term com ­ ' have purchased the large and pleas­ bonus business has been overworked —At a recent meeting of the board of menced September 7. 1296-5 ant bam known as the “ Hilliker Feed and needs a rest. directors of the State Bank of St. Johns, One Dollar. Bam,” centrally located near the court —Because a man makes a loud noise D. II. Power, present cashier, was chosen Call and see the Umbrella that One house, to which I invite the driving by constantly “shooting off ” his own Dollar will buy at John H icks ’. public, guaranteeing the best of accom ­ a member of the board to supply the va­ odations, and charges always as low as mouth, don't think for an instant that cancy created by the resignation of Mr. Ladles, the lowest. Horses boarded by the week, it is an overflow of brain power. Con ­ A. Ketan, who will soon remove to SUKEP EXHIBIT. Don ’t forget to call “fair week” and see and horses and carriages to let. sider the mule ; he is a good example. Little Rock, Arkansas. the lovely Millinery at Hicks & Holme's. B. F. Miller, Prop'p. —Hereafter no circulars can be sent Or, if you are interested In cattle, you —Tickets will be sold by the D. G. II. may be sure that Will You Allow Us When buying Stoves be sure to buy a through the mails which have anything & M. September 29, for a home-seekers to show- you the best 50 cent Dress Goods Peninsular. It is Trade Mark Stove, printed on them with a rubber stamp excursion to western, north-western, in the market ? John H icks . made by one of the largest manufactur ­ for less than tirst class rates. So says ing houses in Michigan, is fully guaran ­ south and south-western points, at rates Remarks. teed and will give the best satisfaction. the post office department in a recent greatly reduced, valid for 30 days. For We do not wisli to mislead people as Messrs. Corbit & Valentine will furnish order. some reckless advertisers do. Anyone you with any kind, size or style of Pe­ further particulars enquire of Agent ninsular Stove, Range or Heater, that —The postoffice department has de­ Bromley, St. Johns. buying in the quantity which we do (to cided that postal cards, the edges of supply our two stores) can get as good you may desire. 1 The ladies of the Methodist church POULTRY DEPARTMENT “* , . prices as we do. We buy the quantity, which have been cut and the shape of pleasantly surprised Rev. and Mrs. C. we make the price. Call and be con ­ Hilllker’s Lunch Room the card materially changed, for adver ­ as it is expected there will be many fine in the basement, under the new Hotel G. Thomas last Friday evening by vinced. Fildew - & Millman tising purposes, cannot be sent through representatives of the feathered tribes St. Johns, with a better lunch for fifteen going in a body to their home on State present. The Fair cents than I have ever offered to.the the mails. street, where a delightful evening was will attract great crowds, so will the public. Satisfactory rates to farmers —The Ionia Standard of recent date, To the sturdy old farmer, theyoung spent in pleasant conversation and par­ Good Goods and Low Prices at the Dip- in the hotel department. After Sep- ; says : “Otto C. Joslin, for some time educated farmer, who is just home from tember 15th the Restauant will be kept taking of the delicious fruit served. Goods and Carpet store of past assistant physician at the S. II. of the Agricultural College, and the true .John H icks . or**n night and day. —An employe named Mack in the St. illiker C., has returned to Detroit to resume lovers of all that is good, listen to 1293 J. W. H . Johns Manufacturing Co. ’s works, re­ The Peninsular Hot Blast Oak Stove his studies. ” Otto is the only son of PREMIUM TAKER For the Best Photos. ceived a severe flesh wound upon his is one of the greatest heaters known. — Dr. O. C. Joslin, deceased. In fact it is equal to a small furnace, Go to Plunkett ’s West Side Gallery, St. —Chapin & Co., are not giving away right wrist, by the falling of a guard, will be there. Then in horses you may and where parties desire upper rooms to Johns. while he was engaged in filing a saw- be heated they should, by all meaus, pur­ tickets to the coming county fair, as expect to find the For Rent. last Saturday. Dr. Wiggins was called, chase a Peninsular Hot Blast Oak Stove stated in these col urns last week, but A new and pleasantly located eight who took five stitches in repairing the Corbit & Valentine have them. 1 they are selling their goods so low that room frame house with good oistern wound. Do You Want to Save Money and cellar. Apply to A. Granger , people who trade with them can save on Carpets V You can do so by buying enough to well afford to buy a family —There are several things which are Souvenir Spoons at Allison ’s. especially valuable in building and those New Carpets of John H icks . ticket. Hicks & Holmes lOO-Acre Farm for Sale —It is rumored hereabouts that maintaining a town, prominent among or trade for real estate in St. Johns; which is to trade as much as possible at Extend an invitation to every lady in Messrs. James Anderson, Marvin Eaton Clinton county, to call and see their For particulars inquire of and Samuel Pearl are about to purchase home. Do not send your money away. complete line of beautiful Bonnets and 1294 J. II. Fedewa . Make necessary improvements, and by what remains of the Ovid carriage Hats they will exhibit at their store du- Money to Loan on Farm Lands. rin “fair week.'’ works, stock it and put it on the right all means always have something good to Interest seven (7) per cent payable road for success. We trust their ex­ say of your town and people. When you visit the fair have your annually. No commissions charged. —Don ’t kill the toads, the ugly toads, photos, taken by Hamilton, as the 18th Enquire of L. Grant . pectations may be fully realized. 1263-tf. St. Johns, Mich.', —The St. Johns Laundry, under the that hop around your door. Each meal of October is your last chance. management of Lee Lamoreaux, at the the ugly toad doth eat a hundred bugs Bargains, Novelties in Silver Plated Ware, for corner of Clinton avenue and State or more ; he sits around with aspect Two buggies, wire plant stand, hang- Wedding presents, at A llison ’s. "• meek until the fly has neared, then lamps and chandeliers. G. S. Corbit . street, is receiving well-earned compli ­ The Mercantile Co. pay the farmer? ments from patrons for the very shoots he forth his little tongue like sniUE stallion , Dress Goods. more cash for Butter and Eggs than satisfactory manner in which he renders lightning double geared. And then THE SAME OLD CEREAL STORT We have just received a large and any three concerns in Clinton county. ' his work. The clothes contain no dis doth wink, and when lie's wunk he and then come and see some of the finest most complete stock of plain and fanev A Fine Feed-cutter. shuts his ugly mug, and patiently doth I tress Goods. The latest novelties, both agreeable odor and shine like a bottle. products from Clinton county. in black and colors, will be found at our Is offered in exchange for stove wood. —The state board of equalization wait until there comes another bug. —Ex. And while we are passing around we counters. Gimps and trimmings to G. S. Corbit . —Last Saturday evening a goodly raised Clinton county from $17,600,000 must not tail to enter the match. We will make it to your inter­ Don't forget that Kendrick keeps a to $10,000,000. Made Ionia the same; number of kin people and neighbors est to buv that proposed new dress of us complete line of staple groceries and appeared in a body at the ever welcome ______John H icks . sells them cheap. Butter and eggs put Shiawassee two ajid Gratiot nine Buy Your Fall and Winter Clothing millions lower. Is there any equality home of our esteemed townsman, Hon. wanted. . • Wm. N. Waldron, on Wright street, for Of the firm that will save you big money in all this ? The result of the whole in We will make you the most satisfactory Watches. Clocks and Jewelry vestigation by the board was to place the purpose of celebrating his 68th birth­ prices of any in town. Drop in and see Repaired on short notice at A llison ’s. the total equalization at $1,130,000,000, day, which they did m a hearty and no us. [1299] Sullivan & Clayey . less befitting manner. Joy and good will Carpets. an increase over 1886 of $184,.550,000, or Now Ready. The largest and best assorted stock of about 75 per cent, of its actual value. supremely reigned until a seasonable We have been successful in securing carpets in St. Johns is at Kendrick ’s. hour, when the joyous company took PEKCTIKRON STALLION, the services of Miss Nellie LeVan, aii —If the frost should delay a few days their leave of the good host and hostess. experienced trimmer, who has natural 1847 Roarers Bro. ’s longer the coni crop all over Michi­ ability in this line, and rarely fails to Knives, Forks and Spoons —Wolcott Balestier, who has collabo­ At A llison ’s. gan will be secured. Apples are rated with Iludyard Kipling in the new- please. H icks & H olmes . at least half a crop, while peaches are novel which The Century will publish Peninsular Base Burners have stood Water. abundant, and all kinds of vegetables To our customers who desire a first- is a young American now living in the test of many years, and ate known class job of Plumbing can have the same are more than an average crop. After London. He is a w-riter and a business all over the country as being the hand­ done without any trouble, by applying three years of “hard luck,” the farmers somest, finest, most durable and eco ­ man as well, being a member of the nomical of any Base Burners made. — to us, as we will do excavating, tap main, have reason at last to rejoice, and with recently organized firm of Heinmann & They are made in a variety of sizes and etc. We keep on hand a good supply or water woods. Fowler & Ball . them the business men also, because in Balestier, of Leipsic, which is publish styles. Go to Corbit & Valentine's and a community like this, their interests ing a series of copyrighted English and see them. ______1 are one and inseparable. Butter and Eggs American novels on the continent of All kinds of School Books lower than Wanted in any quantity bv, —As has been its annual custom the the lowest at Travis «& Baker’s Corner Europe in the fashion of the Tauchnitz Drug Store. II. L. Kendrick . Detroit, t[rand Haven and Milwaukee editions. Railroad Company will sell round trip See Yourself an Others See You. Pure Linseed Oil has declined a little. —J. & M. Watters having rented their LADIES’ DEPARTMENT You will always tiud the bottom prices tickets to Chicago every Tuesday, good farm 3 miles north and U miles west of No person who has any regard for the on Paints and Oils at the Corner Drug where is always found a varied and fine future, or who wishes to leave a desired to return the following Monday, during Fowler, will there sell at auction, on FRENCH COACH HORSE, lasting impression with his or her Store of Travis & Baker. the time of holding the Exposition as Wednesday, October 14, l891,commenc display of merchandise, bric-a-brac friends,will not visit theCountyFairnext and not least, by any means, and flowers. follows : By all rail, $6.15; by boat from ing at 8 o'clock a. m., two span young week, without visiting Plunkett's West nary inducements in the Wall Paper Grand Haven, $6, which in either route Side Photograph Gallery before they and heavy work horses, cows, sheep leave town. Best of work at low prices, line to give room for their immense new includes a ticket of admission to the swine, calves, wagons, buggies, reaper and satisfaction guaranteed. stock. They can give you prices and Exposition. On October 20th this com mower, wheel rakes, plows, cultivators variety of stock that no one else can pany will sell round trip tickets, at low Come to the Fair, show you. They can furnish you the harrows, harness, bobs, hay, oats, corn And then come to Sullivan & Clavey ’s best paper hangers, on short notice, and rates, to a number of important places potatoes, apples, etc. Terms favorable and get more Clothing for the money deliver them too and from work without in the west and south-west. For full and sale positive. Richard Freeman than you can at any other store in charge. The Corner Drug Store is the particulars call upon or address the auctioneer. Clinton county. place to get pleased. local agents of the Company. —Geo. II. Grahame has sold his res * Dying. OTATE BANK OF 6T. JOHNS. —The time for holding our county taurant business in this village, to Alex All kinds of garments done on short fair is fast approaching. Next Tuesday Morrison, and will give possession next notice. Residence near the cheese fac­ commercial and savings . will be the first day. What have you Monday. Mr. Grahame, in company tory, St. Johns. Mrs. D. M. Shaw . done, and what are you doing to aid in with his brother-in-law, F. A. Conner Anticipating CAPITAL 60,000. making this coming show a success V have secured the agency for Michigan Some changes in my business, I have and Ohio, for the sale of goods put up concluded to make special inducements NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, 1900,000.04 It is said abroad, and we know it at in carpets until further notice. My home, that Clinton county is foremost by the Pacific Canning Company, whose stock is veir large and the most attract­ among the best counties in envied headquarters are in SanFrancisco, Cal. ive in St. Johns. Do not fail to see PORTER K. PERRIN, President. Michigan, and people from abroad, who and are the largest dealers in all kinds THE TROTTERS, what we can do for you before you buy. GEO. F. MARVIN, Vice-President. are looking for locations, attend these of canned and dried fruits, salt, smoked Respectfully, D. H. POWER, Cashier of which there will be a large field, and As we go to press everything bids fair H. L. Kendrick . H. 8. FITZGERALD, Assistant fairs for the purpose of informing them­ and canned fish, of any on the Pacific notwithstanding the $2,000 class did not for fair weather and a good and profit ­ coast. They will havetheir headquart “Jule’s Place, ” selves as to the resources and the county fill, because it was open to all, there will able fair. Let us stand shoulder-to- DIRECTORS: products. These fairs are held for that ers in Detroit, and while Mr. Conner be some good trotters and runners, and shoulder for success until the close of Now under the management and name will do the traveling, Mr. Grahame will of Charles P. Moinet. still continues to P. K. Perrin, O. W. Munger, Geo. F. Msrrta. J. R. purpose, and not for an opportunity to some hot contests for money and po ­ the last day. Come to the fair and provide a “free lunch” and fresh beer. Corbit, .1. H. Fedewa. Otis Fuller, Edward wholly speculate In premiums. Every attend to the office work. They will sition. through the gate, and success is sure to Everything in ship-shape style. 1281 . Brown, A. Retao, K. B. White. man who owns a home in the county, have a first-class industry to represent, C. S. Allison, G. E. Corbin. a pleasant city to live in, and with their The et-tries in the horse department crown our efforts. Don't be so cruel Use Baker's Carriage Paintand King ’s is, or should be, interested in these business habits, success and a pleasant are numerous, and they will increase as as to leave a single member of the fami Top Dressing, guaranteed to be the annual fairs. future must be their reward. the time draws to a close. ly at home, but bring them to the fair. best. Sold only oy Travis & Baker. 4 Percent. Interest Peld on Time Deposits. CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPT. 24,1891

Cobbs St Mitchell’s logging railroad, in THE BRIDEGROOM WAS DRUNK. HAVE BEEN TO EUROPE. Clam township, Missaukee county, has been taken up. Therefore a Georgia Girl Wedded (he European World** Fair Commission The McKellop ’s grist mill at Perry, Beet Man. Ha* Beturned to Chicago. tinuul Hapld* Police Offlcer* Object Shiawassee oouuty, burned last week. The Great International Hoadway The marriage of Thorwuld Winter and The Bruthh Kx-Prestdent of Chill ^Aftei^traveling something over 40,000 to NuuiUy Nlghl Nliotva and Set Loss, 120,000. Under the Nt. Clair Blver Wat Miss Anderson at Brunswick, Ga., is the Find* Kirapc Impossible and miles, Chicago s European commission of Down on a Freeh manager. The silk mill, casket factory, refrigera ­ Opened With a Flourish. sequel to a sensation of two weeks ago, and End* III* Life. world ’s fair officials arrived in that city tor and furniture factory at Belding will ivheu Miss Anderson jilted her lover, E. last week, accompanied by Sir Henry T. CkreleM Kail road Kmploye* Heapon- soon be enlarged. A Big Banquet in Port Huron With W. Bingham. Winter was summoned Hu*«la Want* Her Naval Cadet* to be Wood, secretary of the royal English com ­ ttlble lor the Death of One Boy Toast* by Gov. Wlnau* and from Paris, where he was on a tour of Allowed to Learn the Pilotage mission; Hen- Wermuth, Germany ’s com ­ S. F. Frye has been appointed post ­ and lujury ot Two Otliera. Other* Opened the Fun. Europe, to act as best man, and now he of the Danube Blver. missioner, and James Dredge of tho Brit­ master at Brintou Isabella county, vice 8. becomes the principal. The Binghutn- ish commission. The foreigners express M. Meader, removed. m«ho]> Newman Ordalna a Number New York Democrat* aud Mu*»a« Anderson match was declared off at the This Heque*t .Hay Mean More Than themselves as well aatlsAed with tho re­ of ltldera, Deuroim and Deaeon- Fred Abbey, who lost a leg while at­ cliUMett* Republican* Nominate last moment on account of tho alleged in ­ Appear* on It* Pare, a* the Blver ception extended to them in this country. eaaea at Detroit. tempting to board a moving train at Gay­ Their Ktate Officer*. toxication of the prospective bridegroom. 1* Not Open to War Vessel*. The object of the visit of these gentlemen lord died on Wednesday. Miss Anderson then retreated to Way- ■to Chicago is to iuforin themselves on all the details of the exposition of interest to No Munday Night Show*. Citizeus of Pontiac are to vote upon the Opening the International Tunnel. cross, koeping her address Becret through Ex-Presideut Balmaceda, of Chili, shot fear of overtures from the discarded one. himself through the temple in his room at report back what they And. They will 'The Rooky Mountain Waif company at­ question of bonding the city for #14,000 The ceremonies connected with the open ­ But he succeeded in tracing her and sent a the Argentine legation in Santiago, Sat­ hold conferences every day with the expo ­ tempted to give a performance at lied- for an electric light plank ing of the great international tunnel uuder friend to the house where she was visiting urday moruing. The story became known sition officials, visit Jackson park und re­ mood ’s opera bouse, Grand Rapids, Sun ­ the Sk Clair river at Port Huron began John Ready, living near Bay City, had to intercede for him. There he fouud that in Valparaiso in the afternoon and creat­ ceive a theoretical and practical knowledge day night und the police interferred, ar­ Friday evening with a bunquet given by three barns burned last week. Loss $7,- Mr. Winter had preceded him and was ed the greatest excitemenk That evening of all that has occurred or is to occur in rested ton members of the compuny and th3 citizens of Port Huron to Sir Henry 500, with small insurance. pleading the love he had long secretly the city was brilliantly illuminated and on building the exposition. Thoy will be Manager Burroughs of the opera house. Tyler, president; Mr. L. J. Sargeant, gen ­ cherished, but had before been too honor ­ every hand was heard tho sounds of rejoic ­ joined iu their tenfereoces by the French The Sunday night feature was never be­ It is reported that the Carruthers manu ­ eral manager; und Mr. Joseph Hobson, able to betray. Mr. Bingham’s embassa­ ing. It now seems that the story that consul, who will conduct tho French inter ­ fore attempted, und they tr.ed to evade facturing and supply company of Corinne, chief engineer of the Sk Clair tunnel com ­ dor was seat away with scant courtesy und Balmaceda escaped from Valparaiso oa the ests until the regular commissioner is ap­ the law by bringing the performance un ­ Mackinao county bus failed. pany, and to their guests, which included after a little beaitatiou Mr. Winter's suit United States steamer San Francisco was pointed. Tho Russian commissioner is der tho charitable exemption clause in the a number of distinguished gentlemen from A fraud is traveling through the state was accepted and the ceremony arranged erroneous. Instead, he left Santiago on ulready appointed, and expected to sail statute by anuouucing a ilouution of a por ­ Cauudu and the United States. The tables representing himself as an agent for a to take place without delay. The wedding August 29 iu hope of escapiug from the with the rest of tne party, but could not tion of tho receipts to aoharity. Tho house were spread in the Huron house, the pro ­ Masonic insurance company. is regarded as a happy but ruthor surpris­ country, but finding every avenue closed complete his arrangements. Ho will come was packed when the curtain went up, prietor, Mr. Knlll, having decorated tho Bishop Newpian has decidod to return ing ending of a somewhat mortifying af­ returned to the city September 2 and went to Chicago iu Junuary with the Austro- and as MLUtle Goldie ” was showing her dining hall with great taste, and provided Rov. Mr. Cullen as pastor of the First fair. directly to the Argentine legation. Since Hungarian representative. It is the inten ­ powers with tho rifle in saving a life a most eujoyablo leusk Mayor J. B. Mc- Methodist church at Jackson. then ho has been in an extremely nervous tion of the foreign commissioners to remain trow*b&?hands of a villain in a mountain liwain, of Port Huron, pres.ded, and Rep­ Areldcntal Eleetroeut on. condition. No one save the Minister of in the city tea days or two weeks. •roaoMU U*e thrilling scene was suddenly It is reported that the City national bank resentatives Wellman, Henry (Howard, T. ..potted by the entrance of Lieut Hurley of Marshall will pay depositors in full. John McCafferty, a Western Union line ­ the Argent ine Republic aud one other muu L. Wells and ex-Muyor O’Neill officiated devoted to Balmaceda was permit­ and a squad of policemen. They marched The stockholders will lose heavily. man, met a terrible death in front of the *Twaa a Cold-Blooded murder. as members of the reception committee. ted to see him. About 6 direct to the stage amid a scene of wild ex­ court house ut Cleveland, O., in the pres­ Sunday morning Capk William Herring, William Moore and Peter Jackson, the At the close of the diuner, speeches were in o'clock Saturday morning Senor. citement, and a moment later were up lu ence of 100 spectators Tuesday. He was postmaster at Sk Johns, a small village pugilists, who foughts in a room at Sagi ­ order Mr. Mcllwain acting as toast master. Urriburia heard a pistol shot in Balma- tho mountains. The villain was arrested talking to some friends und then began to near WupaWoneta, O., was shot and kilted naw, last week, have been arrested. Among the speakers were Sir Henry cedu ’s bedroom, and rushing there, found and everybody else on tho stage. Man­ climb a telegraph pole to adjust a wire. by some unknown person. Heiring, who Tyler, Gov. Winana, Congressman Whit- that the ex-president had put a bullet in ager Burroughs, who had previously mode The Western Van Bureu aud Allegan He had reached a point beyond the Arst has charge of the postofflee, carr.ed home iug, O’Brien J. Atkiuson, of Fort Grutiok his brain. The Junta was notiUed, and a a spoech from the stage ridiculing tho po- county agricultural fair will be held at Gen. Hartsuff and Maj. Boynton, of Port cross bar, when, with a shriek,. he fell every evening a large sum of money and lioo for showing partisanship in enforcing South Haven, October 13, 14 and 15. backward. His spurs caugat in the iron committee went to view the body. As postage stamps, and usually carried a re­ Huron. On Saturday occurred tho formal soon as the news spread about Santiago, thelaw, seised a club and was handcuffed. steps of the pole and he hung head down. volver. He had been watched, and Sun ­ John W. Jones, of Three Rivers, has inauguration of the openiug of the tunnel great crowds of people gathered around Ttfe excitement was great, tho large au­ A telephone wire bad fallen across an day morning about 2 o'clock he was awak­ submitted a proposition to Kalamazoo by which was attended by many invited the Argentine legation. They cheered, dience howling and yelling and tho ladies electrio light wire and McCafferty received ened by a noise in his poultry house and which they can secure a park of 114 acres. prominent guests from the United States hooted and went into a frenzy over the crying. The prisoners were taken through the terrible voltage in his body. His face went dowu to see what the trouble was. and Canada. A train conveyed the party death of their chief enemy. Above all the thectowded streets to tho police station, Henry Abott has confessed to the mur­ an arms turned biuck and he hung fully His wife, hearing uhots, got up aud, upon from Sarnia to Port Huron where they discordant shouts were beard cries con ­ where they were admitted to bail. der of George Bryant, ut Dowagiao, and three minutes before he was released and going down to the yard, found her hus­ were met by a delegation of citizeus and u gratulating the unfortunate Balmaceda has exonerated the girls arrested us aeces- memorial was presented to Sir Heary Ty­ brought to the ground. Ho died ou the band's body lying stiff and cold in death. soiies. way to the hospital. tbit in taking his own life he had escaped If the assassin is captured it is quite prob ­ Nad Accident ut mason. ler by the mayor. On the return to Sarnia a wor»o fate. Ho left a letter saying hi9 John Manly, of Alpine, superintendent ably that there will be a good, old-fash ­ As a south bound passenger traiu was a grand banquet was spread and the tunnel actions were controlled by a just motive of the sheep department of the Kent county thrown open to the public for the day. Attempted to Wreck a Train. ioned lynching bee at Sk Johns, as the approaching tho Columbia street crossing as he thought he was in the rigbk murdered man was quite prominent. at Mason, Saturday, it struck a wagon fair, was kicked by a horse Wednesday Monday night a gang of tramps piled a aud will probably die. lot of ties on the Pittsburg & Fort Wayne containing three boys. Fred Avery, aged Wlint Doe* Ku**lu Want? 21 years, who was driving u one-horse de ­ Annual Prairie Fire* Have Started. track near Whiting, Ind., for the purpose Ex-Coiigre^nmuii Scott Dead. J. Walty, employed by the Smith lum­ The Russian government has requested livery wagon for S. A. Paddock & Sou, ber company at Kalkaska, was struck by a From Dickinson. N. D., comes the fol ­ of wrecking the train with a view to rob ­ Ex-Congressman W. L. Scott, of Penn ­ lowing: Prairie Ares damaged a tract of tho European Danube commission to per­ lumber dealers, and Willie Welch and belt Saturday and had several bones of bing ik The engineer saw the obstruc ­ sylvania, died suddenly at Newport, Ik I., country extending south of the Northern tion in time to prevent serious damage. mit Russian naval cadets to take passage Harry Curry, both aged 10 years, who bis right hand brokea. early Sunday morning. Ho was taken PaciAn line amouuting to 70 square miles, j Charles Howard was found at the scene on board the vessels belonging to the com ­ there about two weeks ago from his home were riding with him. Avery started to mission in order that theso young officers drive across the track where it crosses Col ­ Tho depositors and creditors of tho bank ­ The Are has not crossed the line of the and was taken to Chicago. He claimed in Erie, Pa., suffering with acute gastro ­ rupt Miliord state bank have resolved to railroad yek At New , 30 miles that he was endeavoring to warn the engi ­ may bo instructed in the pilotage of the intestinal catarrh. A slight throat trouble umbia .street. On a side track which stood Danube, and become familiar with the ' between them and the main track a freight investigate in order to confirm the charges south, the people saved a block of country neer of the danger. Howard confessed occurred last week and he had an attack of of crookedness if possible. 80 miles square. Outside of this strip the that he helped to place the ties on the nav?*ation of that river. This strange heart fuilure. Another attack occurred at train Was standing, cutting off their viow request, following close upon the Darda ­ 4 1)0 bled aud fell while running down a bill and there is no indication of any falling 1)0 .fainted and was carried to his home? at from 460,000 to $90,000. The misap­ naval cadets to be instructed in the navi ­ Sheep ...... 3 75 (J 4 last Saturday, breaking both his arms. soon. LAMBri...... 4 50 7 00 Potatoes —For bu...... 20 30 ters and Taylor, two convicts who recent­ George Smith discharged his gun toward 42. On motion of Mr. Adams, chairman Farchies-La-Manche colliery', near Chaal- 0A ly unlocked the rotunda door and walked a wagon containing four men, injuring all Congressman Robert Bullock, of , eroi, province of Hainaut, Belgium. Eigh­ Beans —Uupickud. per bu. . 1 00 %A 1 £0 of Kings county delgation, the nomination City buaU-plckod...... 2 00 3 10 out, obtained their key. It was made by of them but none seriously. Is dangerously ill at White Springs, Fla. teen bodies have already been recovered OA whs made unanimous. Then tho rest of Aiples—per Obi...... X c« 0A 1 50 -the prisor blacksmith, a couvict named Cadets have been appointed to the West tho slate went through Without trouble as Mrs. Helen Gougar. the temperance from tho pit and many workmen are miss­ k UTTKlt—Per lb...... 10 4» 17 Hmith, who is sci viug six years for burg ­ Point military ucademy as follows: T. R. follows: For governor, W. T. apostle, has gone to Ohio to speak for free ing. The latest reports place the number Creamery ...... 22 OA 25 lary'. Smith has been suspected, and Holbrook, Northlield, third Minnesota; Sheehan, of Buffalo; secretary of state, trade. of dead at 29. There are also 11 workmen Eaos—Per do*...... 17 OA 17,'4 watched. He was suddenly seized and Bruno B. Klammer, Chaska, third Minne ­ Hoq. Frank Rice,of Ontario county; comp ­ injured. searched, and a hollow key-stem with A prairie Ore six miles north of Lisbon. An explosion of gas in the Sk Michel sota, alternate; Edwin London, Monroe, troller, Frank Campbell, of Bath; at’or- N. D., destroyed 30,000 bushels of wheat C attle — Prime...... $5 50 0A <5 fsO springs to hold a set of wards in each end, second Michigan; William A. Sickles, ney general, Simon W. Rosendale, of brewery, Rue de la Senne, Brussels, lust Cuuiuou...... 3 .0 • 3 SO was found upon him. Ho afterwards con ­ last week., Adrian, second Michigan, alternate. Albany; treasurer. Elliott Danforth; engin ­ week, completely destroyed four houses Sheep—Native ...... 4 00 «# 4 80 fessed and gave up tho removable wards. eer and surveyor, J. 1). ScheDck, of Heus- The miners of the Byron colliery at and injured several workmen employed Lambs ...... 35 J OA 5 25 When tho three pieces were put together The Second street church people of UOOS—Common...... #4 09 sclucr. Shamokin, Pa., are oa strike for an ad ­ in the brewery. It is also feared that .. 4 2 > .Smith had a key that would unlock either Grand Iiupids, who petitioned Bishop vance in wages. set .real persons have mot death in the Wheat —Na 2 red...... 06 • 00^ •door out of the rotunda, that luto the yard, Newman for a new preacher, aro very ruins of the four houses. A wealthy mer­ No. 2 spring...... 9 > \ 0514 Forest fires are raging in the country C orn —Na 2...... 55}*<0 • or that into the administration build.ug. much put out because Rev. W. H. Thomp­ Device to Slop llnnatvay Horse*. chant of the place, who was pussiug the 5314 around Cumberland, Wis., and great dam ­ Oats —Na 2...... 27* Tho soperato key is a most ingenious piece son was reappointed. They wanted one The new system of stepping runaway brewery at the time the explosion occur ­ who was young and vigorous, whereas age is being done. U ve ...... • of workmanship, and would do credit to horses by electr.city wus given a practical red, was iustautly killed, a mass of wreck­ Baulkv ...... 60 62 test on the lake front at Chicago, Sunday. J the most accomplished locksmith. Warden Rev. Thompson is old and unpopular. Mrs. Robert Kennedy and her two chil­ age crushing him to the sidewalk. Mess Poke —Per bbl...... 10 0 p* to be. moved aro enor ­ trust for $! 00,000, alleging that because writer said that some action on tho part of of over #234,500,000, and over the amount es of dynamite were exploded under it, mous and the actual movement unpreced ­ Killed by a Fulling Building Slone. of that trust he is unable to work at his the United States is necessary; that the ented. Wheat receipts at tho west for Axed by tue state board of 1836 of 6184,- completely demolishing tho dam and hurl­ A laboring man named Gilbert Gagnon, business. queen is favorable to the British iuteresks three days tills week have averaged more 550,000. Last year ’s assessments were ing largo stones und timiiers long distances aged 60 years, was walking hurriedly und ready to countenance the move when than J.f.OO 000 bu. daily, and through ex­ on .66K Per c^nt of the actual values, away. Neighboring windows were shat­ The Mexican government has declared down Genesso avenue, Saginaw, fast Fri­ made. The president was interested by ports are only about hulf oh largo, the for ­ while this year it is .75 per cent. tered and hundreds of people were badly the concession granted to Messrs. Ellis and eign demand suffice* to strengthen tho day in quest of a physician to attend bis the letter and asked Senor Mareno to com ­ During the severe electrical storm that frightened. Oue piece of timber fell upon Ferguson for the colonization of Negroes in price, which hus risen 2c In the past week wife, when a largo stone weighing about Mexico forfeited on account of non-compli ­ municate with Secretary Blaine. on sales of only about 80.009.000 bu. here, 200 pounds, slipped from the hands of the passed over Almont place last week, the the roof of John Snyder's residence, crush­ barn of Mr. Muir, between that place and ing it in. ance with the contract. torn has declined rapidly, as the fear of two workmen who were placing it in posi ­ Lost G5 Given. harm from frost vanishes, Hnd Is 8*c lower Dryden, was struck by lightning aud to ­ Rev. Isaac Barr, formerly rector of Sk tion on the top of tho Eddy block and A dispatch has been received from Al- than a week ago. while oats are 2*c lower. tally destroyed, together with its content* O(Tended the Judge** Dignity. Paul’s Episcopal church at Saginaw, and Lard und hogs have declined with corn, hut -dropp'd from the sixth story upon his geciras, Spain, on the west side of tho ■head, killing him instantly. The sight consisting umong other things, of some 800 The trial of John Gilpin at Greensboro, lately general missionary in that section, mess pork Is held by speculation. Cotton bushels of wheat aud oats. A boy in the has resigned and accepted a call to a parish Bay of Gibraltar, stating that the third has also declined l-l’c, for while reperts was a horrible one, the unfortunate man’s Ga., for the murder of his brother-in-law, collision between steamers that has oc ­ barn at the time was knocked from a drill in Milwaukee. Indicate that the yield may bo much small­ brains spotting the walk and all around. both boing jealous over tho favors of a curred in the Mediterranean within the er than that of lust year, foreign buying Is The workmen say they had to drop the upon which he was sitting, but was other­ youuger sister has bad a dramatic ending. wise uninjured. The heaviest storm in years passed over past week took place off that port Monday much diminished and tho sto ks on hand stone in order to save themselves, as tho Public sympathy as well as tho evidence Marietta Friday afternoon. Hail stones and 65 lives wero losk The name of neither here and abroad are large. Coffee has de ­ plank they wero walking on broke. The Charles E. Rogers, of Crystal Lake, is was overwhelmingly against Gilpin. At over one inch in diameter fell, and tho of the steamers is given in the dispatch, clined ?^c, while oil has advanced 2c. The • deceased was in comparatively comfortable now in jail at Grand Rapids for having the conclusion of the closing argument the streets were fiooded. The damage to grain business failures occurring throughout the but one of them was Greek and the other past seven days number 299. as compared circumstances, was a member of the long ­ used the mails for blackmailing purposes audience burst into cheers which it took will be lighk as most of it is in. Corn Italian. Both vessels were so badly dam ­ shoremen’s union of that city, and leaves a He sawr Mrs. Schaupe, wife of the station Judgo Jenkins five minutes io suppress. ! ”jJJ ind also apples! with a total of 214 last week. For the corres ­ aged that they sank. ponding week of last year the figures were agent, parading under tho trees with The prisoner thought he was going to be wife and family. 190. man, and wrote her a letter demanding #10 lynched. Judge Jenkins hud the doors At Rush City, Minn., John Baumchen’s The cattle steamship Mondago, from hush money. The man proved to be her closed anr 1 fined every one of the 200 peo ­ house caught fire while Mrs. Baumchen’s MICHIGAN STATE ITEMS. body lay in Its coffin awaiting burial. Montreal for Dundee. Scotland, is a total The German Catholics of Buffalo, dedi ­ husband, and he with two officers went to ple prosenk after which he discharged the cated a new church Sunday and it was a tho place tho money was to be paid, cap­ jury aud declared the case to be a mis­ Three sons were seriously burned in at­ wreck on the coast of Newfoundland. All tempting to protect the body. The corpse of the cattle wero losk but the crew wero holiday for the whole citv. Eight bishops Elk Rapids citizens have voted in favor tured Rogers, and after the husband had trial. and 300 priests participated in the servioe. of waterworks. thrashed the wretch, he was arrested was terribly scorched and disfigured. saved. Three Hen, and Many Tattle Killed. Six hundred tending boys at the Glass- Constantinople cables say: Tho Insur ­ The Wadigo tribe, on tho northern ter­ Ludington is to have a new knights of ritory of Zanzibar, have rebelled and the A freight wreck occurred on the Penn ­ town and South Millville, N. J., glass gents In Yemen havo captured Sana, the labor aasembly. , A collision between two freights on the settlements of Lowa and Magila are in sylvania near Greensburg, Pa., Sunday works of which Whitall, Taturn & Co., capital of the province. The grand vizier Cincinnati Southern railroad took place danger. Tho Arabs aro restless and tho J. Dcrosia has been appointed postmas ­ morning. A freight train parted on the are proprietors, are on tho strike to have intends to send to Yemen the troops now Sunday between Harriman and Rockdale, general situation is very bad. The Catho­ ter at Worth, Arenac county. grade, and then came together, causing a 14 Russian Jew bo>s discharged and to get stationed in Hedjaz, where cholora is rag ­ Tenn., Brakeman Stowark of Chattanooga, lic missions in tho interior aro also in dan ­ wreck. Then an east bound,cattle train more pay. The Arm refused to grant ing. It is rumored that Kurds are mur- The electric street car company at Es- and Fireman William Weir, of the north­ ger. Prompt and effective measures will crashed into the debris, finishing one of either demand. doring. many Christians in Armenia. canaba has began running cars. bound train, were killed. Fireman Con ­ be required to avert a serious disaster. nor, of tho south-bound, was injured. tho worst wrecks ever seen. Engineer Tho now town hall at Bangor, Van About the time of the Park Place dis ­ Both engineers escaped. Rogers and Brakemcn Wadsworth fatally Ma**artin*ett* Hepnhlle.an*. By the will of tho Into Mrs. Jas. G. Fair, Burcn county, has been completed. aster in New York Sherman Cummens, a The supreme officers of the Catholic and Fireman Stanley ser ouely injured. printer, disappeared and it was assumed The republicans of Massachusetts on of California, each of her daughters re­ ceives an allowance of #2,500 n month un ­ The annual picnic of lodge No. 85, K. Knights of American deny the published An unknown tramp was burned to death. that he was among tho victims. His Wednesday nominated the following state ■ O. T. M.. of Clarkston, was held last statement thatthey hypothecated #156,000 Twenty carloads of cattle were killed. The widow received $1,000from therellef fund. ticket: For governor, Charles H. Allen; til they nre 25 years old, when each get* $1,500,000. Each of her sons will in sev­ week. of sinking fund bonds; also tho report of loss will reach away up in the thousands. She has just roeei /ed a letter from her lieutenant-governor. Willinm G. Hale, of Springfield; secretary of state, William G. eral years recoive 4600,000, until Ihen hav­ James Mack, a Detroit machinist, fell the application for a receiver, regarding husband dated Halifax. Ho was drunk Two cars belonging to John Robinson's Olin, of ; treasurer. George A Mar- ing an allowance of $600 a month. The beneath a train near Trenton Tuesday which the officers say it came from disaf the day of tho disaster and set sail for the den; attorney-general, Albert E. 1’illsbury ; rest of tho estate is to bo divided between night and had his left log so badly crushed footed persons whoso aspirations havo not circus were wrecked at Washington, Pk , north on a whaling vessel. He will returu last week and an actress fatally injured. auditor, J. W. Kimball. the girls. lurputatou was necessary. been gratified. at once. CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPT. 24,1891.

“1 cannot but believe it, Sir Philip; and THE TWO LOVES. eers and would have killed them at fully five minutes lima looked out upon MODERN AVITCHCRAFT. yet—yet-----” the beautilul scene, her vivid imagination once had not the captain and mates Dark Darrell ’s Bride. “Yet what?”—as she paused. BONO. restrained thorn by sheer force. The conjuring up another picture, when the Some Good Examples of It Found la tlfco The girl flu«bed and paled in a breath. river would he like a foaming sea, whirl­ West of En(Un

TO CORNER WHEAT. of ammonia. It was stated as a fact Young People NhoulU Have Plenty of The Independent. The Alliance managers in Minnesota that ammonia rendered the gluten of Sleep. GEO. H. JUDD, the flour more soluble than trie origi ­ A German specialist, Dr. Cold, has re­ are again exOrting farmers to hold back nal gluten, and that the bread in which —THE— their wheat. They assert thatthe price cently pleaded for giviug young people QBOEOE 8. CO KBIT, Editor and Proprietor. this action was produced by carbonate JACKSON is going up to $2. It is possible that of ammonia must be more digestible more sleep. A healthy infant sleeps ------THE------this attempt to corner wheat may have and hence more healthful, and because most of the time during the first weeks; BT.JOHNS.THUBSDAY,SEPTEMBER 24, INI. of the extreme volatility of carbonate an effect—not in advancing prices but and, in the early years, people are dis ­ Merchant Tailor. of ammonia, and its complete expulsion posed to let children sleep as much as Nearly Opposite the Postofflce. Why milk turns sour during a in preventing too much wheat being from the bread in the process of baking, thrown on the market at once. The it is one of the most useful, most health­ they will. But from six or seven, when Merchant Tailor, thunder-storm haslong been a disputed ful and most valuable leavening agents school begins, there is a complete Next door to the M'f’g Co. ’s office, question. Professor Tolomel , an Italian wheat crop of the country is enormously known. chemist, says it is because the electricity in excess of that of former years. To These conclusions are borne out by change. At the age of ten or eleven, FALL THE ST. JOHNS, MICH. pour this immense bulk of grain direct ­ the very elaborate and exhaustive ex­ the child sleeps only eight or nine hours, H coagulates the milk by oxidizing it and periments made by Prof. J. W. Mallet, generates lactic acid. ly into the channels of trade would when he needs at least ten or eleven, LATEST. of the University of Virginia, which and as he grows older the time of rest is Hae Just opened tbe latest patterns in operate to force prices below what they show conclusively that bread made with 8UITINGB, A n ingenious Chicago miller has in­ naturally should be. It is possible that a baking powder in which one per cent, shortened. Dr. Cold believes that, up THE Fall : and : Winter: Suitings. vented a new method of loading a the circular reputed to have been issued of carbonate of ammonia is used, in con ­ to twenty, a youth needs nine hours’ d cannon which will prolong its life. But by the Alliance operators will serve to nection with cream of tarter and soda, sleep and an adult should have eight or MOST is not only of uniformly better color and nine. With insufficient sleep, the ner­ cannons are not deserving of any such hold back enough grain to prevent such texture, but a product more wholesome, vous system, and brain especially, not OVERCOATINGS i i DURABLE. consideration. They are not noted for a condition*arising. It does not seem because the ammonia serves to neutral ­ resting enough, and ceasing to work Of the moat dealrable atylea. prolonging life themselves. likely that it will do any more, and it ize any organic or lactic acids present normally, we find exhaustion, excitabil­ FALL ity, and intellectual disorders gradually ...... — is entirely possible that the circular is in the flour. ALL AS It is probable that all the members of talcing the place of love of work, general Will make them up in a the work of a clique of speculators. — Two Heart* Now Beat A* One. well-being, and the spirit of initiative. u the World's Fair booming committee, Lansing Journal. On Wednesday evening, September — Scientific American. PANTO LOW AS manner that cannot well which has just returned from a jaunt — ' ■ -- 16, about fifty invited guests gathered Li do else than please- through the dining-rooms of Europe The favorite game in Rou mania is Washington Letter. at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. THE will have to take a course of treatment freezing out kings. Kings, especially if Walter, of this village, to witness the nu for indigestion before returning to plain From Our Regular Correspondent. there be three or four of them, are PATTERNS. marriage ceremony of their daughter, LOWEST. 53r>Call and see our Goods every day American fare. Washington , September 18,1891. difficult to freeze out in this country. □ Secretary Foster, as shown by his Retta, to Delos Caruss, of Greenbusli. i and get our Prices before The New York State Democratic latest move, is getting down to small Rev. G. S. Northrup performed the Huckleu’* Arnica salve. leaving your order else­ Convention last week nominated lion. change expedients m his efforts to get ceremony, after which hearty congratu ­ The best salve in the world for cuts, where. the money to meet the demands being lations were rendered the happy couple, bruises, sores, ulcers, Balt rheum, fever GEO. H. JUDD, Roswell P. Flower for Governor and made upon the Treasury. Although he sores,tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, Wm. F. Sheehan for Lieutenant Gov­ counts the fractional silver coin in the and refreshments served. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi ­ —THE— ernor. Flower was Hill’s candidate Treasury as part of his available cash The presents of flowers w ere abundant tively cures piles, or no pay required, balance, nobody knows better than he and beautiful, among them was a beau­ but the Governor opposed Sheehan. that this money is not a legal tender, it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ tifully arranged floral design represent­ faction, or money refunded. Price 25 The resolutions endorse liill’s adminis ­ except in small sums, and he has had cents a bottle. For sale by Fitdew Merchant Tailor. JACKSON ing “The Light and Dark Sides of Life.” tration but do not mention Cleveland. the United States Treasurer prepare & Millman, Kt. Johns and Fowler. and send out a circular stating that Among the many beautiful presents Nearly Opposite the Postoffice. The Merchant Tailor. banks and other financial institutions •J98y 1 Italy has once more declined to take and also postoffices will De furnished left for them were a silver butter dish, any official part in the World ’s Fair. by Mr. Wm. Caruss; silver tea set, by Dmbranrw, or U*e U«*or Habit, Fm» fractional silver in sums of $200 or more Unb Currd by administering Dr. This time in a letter to a committee of by express free of charge, or by regis ­ Mrs Wm. Caruss; silver tea-pot, by llalnr* ’ Golden KprrlUr. Goodrich Line for Chicago. It 1* manufactured aa a powder, which oan be given Americanized ltalutns which had tried tered mail in sums or multiples of $60. Grant Caruss: silver cake basket, by In a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or lea. or In food, This is a rather costly method of getting wiit.out the knowledge of tbe patient. It ie absolutely TOM PADLEY. its persausive powers in a resolution of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Parr; silver fruit harmless. and will effeet a permanent and speed? the eighteen or ninteen millions dollars cure, whether the patient ia a moderate drinker ot The Leading Dealer in invitation to the Italian government, dish, by Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes; an aloohollo wreck. It haa been given in thousands of fractional silver into circulation, but of eaaea. and in every lustanoe a perfect cure baa fol­ asking that it co-operate with the com ­ the monev is of no use to the Treasury silver syrup cup and saucer, by Mrs. lowed. It never Fails. The system onoe Impregnat ­ ed with the Speolflo.lt becomes an utter impossibility Harness, mittee in seeing that Italy was properly now, except to swell on paper the total Arminda Brown ; china tea set, by Miss for tbe liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaranteed. represented at the Fair. “available” cash on hand, and he prob ­ Lucy Bartlett; silver fruit dish, by 40 page book of psrttoulers (Tee. Address ably realizes that something must be Misses Luna Fry, Hattie and Giace ROLDCN SPECIFIC CO.. ISA KaceSL.CIaeiaaotkO 1 done, as already about half of the four- Robes and Blankets, lthough the recent New York re­ Cook ; silver cracker jar, by Mr. and A and-a-half per cent, bonds have been pre­ Mrs. Dart Hulse and Mr. and Mrs. publican convention was controlled by sented for redemption, although it is Sayers Clark; silver pickle castor, by Boss Platt, it did not entirely neglect little more*than two weeks since they Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Seldon ; set silver Tbe Magnificent New Fast Steamships Whips, Etc. bppitmp rlnp knives and forks, by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ex-Senator Miller, Platt’s one time rival, Mr. Harrison is finding his tussle “ CITY OF RACINE” Ja in receipt of a fine line of as it put a plank in its platform endors ­ Chapman ; silver sugar shell and butter with the big men of his party over the knife, by Mr. and Mrs. L. Grant : silver -----A HP----- RELIABLE AND SEASONABLE ing his Nicaragua canal scheme, al­ de8tribution of the rich plums now r at pickle castor,by AnselChapmanand Ella though it is a difficult matter to under ­ his disposal, a far more difficult under ­ Sackett; set or silver spoons, by Mr. and “ATLANTA,” GOODS AT stand the connection between the taking than at the beginning of his ad ­ Mrs. Fred Mattison ; set silver knives ministration, as every enemy made now and forks, by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bald ­ (Built expressly for this route1 Nicarauga canal scheme and New' York will count in the nominating convention win ; silver vinegar, salt and pepper next year. It is stated that Attorney Each 1,200 tons burthen, with sleeping accommoda­ Rock Bottom Prices. politics. castor, by Fred ana Kittie Caruss; silver tion* for S00 passengers, wilt leave grand ha ­ General Miller has been compelled in berry spoon, by Orpha and Charlie Dane; ven for Chicago dally, except Sunday at 8 p.m. Every article TnE democratic congressional com ­ self defense to acknowledge to an Indi ­ silver butter knife, by Mr. and Mrs. If you can ’t catch him, come back to Extra Saturday trips to Chicago , commencing May mittee met at Grand Rapids recently ana republican that the rumor of his Oscar Plowman : silver pickle castor, by 23 and ending Sept. 12, both days Inclusive. retiring from the Cabinet to accept a Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Caruss ; silver sugar Arriving in Chicago thefollowing morning in time Warranted as Represented. and decided upon October 8th, and place on the new Circuit Court bench shell and hanging lamp, by Mr. and for tbe outgoing trains. Grand Rapids the place for holding the was true. The man wanted the ap­ Mrs. J. W. Keeney ; pair of vases, by Fare, berth Included...... 93.00 congressional convention to nominate a pointment himself, and asked Miller for Mr. and Mrs. Matt Reed ; toilet set, by CHAPIN & CO.’s Round Trip, good for Mason...... 5.00 Special Jobe of his support. Returning, leave Chicago dally, except Sunday, at candidate to be elected to fill the Florence Walter; bed spread, by XL L. 7 p. m., and after May 17 at 7:80 p. m., arriving After this the republicans are not to Kendrick ; linen scarfs for dresser and at grand havkn early next morning New Work and Repairing vacancy created by the death of Hon. have it all their own way In Ohio, as commode, bv Lulu Baldwin; bed spread, The Dress Goods Hustlers, in time lor early train east. M. H. Ford. The republicans will meet they have seemed to do for awhile since by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob; lamp and towel, Extra Sunday trips to grand haven , commencing Will receive prompt and careful attention. in that city October 12th, for the same their campaign has been in full blast by Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Weaver; bed com­ May 24 and ending sept. 14, both days inclusive. and their speakers have been indus ­ fortable, Cara Caruss. through ticket * to all points via. chicaoo , can purpose. triously pushing aside the tariff question. Mr. and Mrs. Caruss left on the 3 And view the finest stock of New Pat­ be had of all Railroad Ticket Agents. All work done by experienced and careful But now all this is to be changed and o ’clock train, Thursday, for Fremont, terns in A. W. GOODRICH, O. HUR^ON, handa. Fked Dougless , having lost his Pree’t, Chicago. Gen ’l Traffic M’g ’r, Milwauke the democratic campaign, just opened, to return Monday evening. We wish JNO. W. GILLMAN, JNO. SINGLETON, office, and seeing no chance to get is to be made an aggressive one with them just enough shadow to temper the Sup’t, Chicago. Gent Paas. A’g ’t, Chicago COME AND SEE ME another one, announces his withdrawal the tariff as the uppermost question. glare of the sun. Representative Mills, who makes his At tbe Old Stand. from politics, just as his white brothers first speech in that {State to-morrow, have done under similar circumstances. will be followed by Representatives BOARD OF TRUSTEES. DRESS GOODS LIVERY Who says the negro is not advancing ? Crisp, McMillin, Bynum, Hatch and —AND— Special Meeting , September 17,1891, This administration believes in shouting other members of the House, all loaded IN THE COUNTY. BENGEL & GOERGE, to the muzzle with facts concerning the Meeting called to consider the putting down ---- Dealers in----- for civil service reform while it winks billion-dollar Congress and the iniqui ­ of another well at the water works. .at theopen violation of the law in be­ tous tariff that is daily making the poor Meeting called to order by President Bun- half of its friends by Federal officials. poorer for the benefit of certain favored day. FURNITURE, classes. Present, Trustees DeWitt, Fowler, Hulse, FOWLER, - MICH. The Russian bear seems to be engaged Secretary Tiacy has been trying to Marshall and Lee. This is Headquarters for explain why it is that only old and worn 411 toning up his appetite preparatory to out wooden vessels are in the Asiatic The following claims were presented and We now carry a complete assortment of •devouring Turkey, with or without the squadron which is supposed to take referred to the committee on claims. care of American interests in China. E J Parmenter, pay roll ...... t 9 94 LADIES’ JACKETS. FURNITURE, consent of the rest of Europe. Upon John Coryell, boring well...... 803 72 several occasions in the past, when the His explanation is just about as satis­ PICTURE FRAMES factory as those made by other mem­ The latter claim allowed at $700.00. Boarding Stable conditions were much as they are now, bers of the Cabinet about certain other Trustee Fowler moved that the President and CHROMOES. the British lion has stepped between queer tilings. Naval officers know why and Clerk be authorized to enter into a con ­ FINE TURNOUTS OF ALL KINDS. tract with John Coryell to put down the the bear and his proposed victim just in our new ironclads have been doing the Special attention given to Boarding Horses.First time. “Will he do so again? ” is the seaside summer resorts while the old original 6 inch well, 200 feet below its present STATIONERY. class outfits furnished for Commercial Men, ---- We also sell----- wooden vessels have made the United depth, ut such terms as they may agree upon. Funerals, Pleasure Parties, Etc. question of questions with those deeply The motion carried. States the laughing-stock of the naval A9*Persons having Lame and Disabled Horses SEWING MACHINES interested in European affairs. officers of other powers which have first- Yeas -6. Nays —0. will find the best of facilities for treatment at my At reduced prices. class vessels in Chinese waters. It is The committee on claims reported on the : o :- stables, M. C- LIVE8AY, Veternary Surgeon, In at­ There are many indications that the* because the officers on the new vessels elaims referred to them and recommend that tendance. Stables 2d door W'est of The Stee all have a “pull,” and they do not re­ the marshal’s pay roll be allowed at 89.94 and North side. (1228) Iron and Wooden Pumps constantly on hand. law regulating the sale of cigarettes is I’KAPIK SCHOFIELD Prop r. Repairing of all descriptions in our gard assignments to the Asiatic squad ­ that $700.00 be allowed on the claim of John line promptly done. not infotced, and is, to all intents and ron as desirable. Coryell, and that orders be drawn on the 25c boxes of Paper purposes, a dead statute. The habit of The Virginia republicans appear to proper funds for theamounts. smoking them is rapidly growing among be very much in earnest in their fight On motion, the report was accepted and and Envelops for 19c. F. F. MURDOCK against ex-Senator Malione and his Undertaking a Specialty y.oupg boys, and even girls are said to be scheme for throwing the republican adopted. -DEALER IN- indqlging in the practise. It is certainly votes to Farmers’ Alliance candidates On motion, the Hoard adjourned. 15c boxes for 10c. DEWITT H. HUNT, Marble and Granite a bad commentary on this law-abiding for the legislature this year. A meet­ Village Clerk. epoch that the demoralizing habit should ing, at which seventeen counties were 35c boxes for 25c. represented, was held in Washington continue to grow in the face of a statute, tins week, and a call for a mass-conven ­ The Yellowstone Park Line. MOMUMENTS. the spirit of which is in the opposite tion, to be held at Roanoke on October The Northern Pacific Wonderland em­ direction ,—Portland Observer. 1, has been issued. That convention braces a list of attractions simply un- will, if it follows the program nailed Cut Stone Wilt,ie Waldorf A stor , of New arranged by the anti-Mahonites, depose The Twin Cities of St. Paul and Min­ Malione from the State chairmanship, neapolis at the head of navigation on —FOR— Funerals attended by an experienced Fu­ York, who, since his failure to buy a and name a committee of one hundred, neral Director, and with the best herse in this Seat in the House of Representatives, or a lesser number, which shall have ex­ the Mississippi, Duluth, Asliland and part of the country. Our stock of Undertak ­ theSuperiors at the head of Lake Su­ These are Good Goods at ers' Goods will always be found complete. has spent the greater part of his time clusive control of the party interests in perior ; to the westward the Lake Park Building Purposes. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call and regretting that he was bom in America, the present campaign. Region of Minnesota, the Red River be convinced. Ex-Representative Clements, of • Great Bargains. BENGEL & GOERGE. and not in some country where his Georgia, is believed to have the inside Valley wheat Helds, Valley of the Yel­ Opposite the Postofflce. immense wealth would enable him to lowstone, Yellowstone National Park, track for appointment to the Inter State Bozeman and the Gallatine Valiev, He­ purchase a place in the ranks of the Commerce Commission to succeed the ST. JOHNS. MICH. THE DELIGHTFUL late W. L. Bragg, of Alabama. Mr. lena and Butte, Missoula and the Bitter -----: o: ----- nobility, has, in an effort to remedy that Clements made many personal friends Root Valley, Clarks Fork of the Colum ­ defect, denounced America as a resi­ bia, Lakes Pend d ’Oreille and Cfleur in Washington while a member of the d ’Alene, Spokane City and Falls, Pal- MONITOR SUMMER RESORTS dence and gone to Europe to live. House Sub-Committee on Appropri ­ ouse, Walla Walla,Big Bend and Yakima America can stand it if Europecan. ations for the District of Columbia. agricultural districts, Mt. Tecoma and ---- OF----- The newspapers that praised Secre­ the Cascade Mountains, Tecoma, Seat­ tary Foster for his stand against nepo ­ tle, Puyallup Valley. Snoqualmie Falls. FOSTER, POST i 00. Flouring Mills, .. The vacation season being about over tism, in refusing to sanction the appoint ­ Puget Sou no. theColumbia River, Port ­ Northern Michigan the. administration has returned to ment of thesons of Assistant Secretary land and the Willamette Valley, Gray ’s LEWIS LONIER, Prop’r., Crounse and Treasurer Nebecker to be Reached by the Washington to continue its hard work their fathers’ private secretaries, were Harbor and City, Wiliapa Harbor and Grand Ledge, Midi. in behalf of the nomination and election City of South Bend, Victoria -on Van­ a little premature, as both appointments couver ’s island, Alaska on the north, IB HERE. of Mr. Benjamin Harrison for a second have been made. and California on the south. FULL ROLLER PROCESS. GRAND RAPIDS k INDIANA R. R. term. They are all at work except Mr. Secretary Foster has promised the The Northern Pacific runs two daily “The Fishing Line.” high commissioners of England mid After an expenditure of $3,/i00 in repairs Blaine, and he is expected soon, and Germany that all tariff restrictions upon express trains with Dining Car and com­ changes and additions, the Monitor Mills Secretary Proctor, who is taking his plete Pullman service between St. Paul are now virtually new throughout, the importation of foreign goods in­ and Tacoma and Portland, via. Helena and prepared to manufacture MACKINAC ISLAND last opportunity of a pleasure jaunt at tended for exhibition at the World ’s first-class flour. And the many resorts reached therefrom— and Butte, with through Tourist and Salt Ste Marie, Marquette, Lee Chenoaux the expense of the people, but he has Fair shall lie removed, either by a de ­ Vestibuled Pullman Sleepers from and Islands, etc. partmental ruling or by special acts of to Chicago via. the Wisconsin Central, CUSTOM WORK SOLICITED, with the assur spent so little time in Washington since Congress. Don . anee that every effort will t,e made to please PETOSKEY AND BAY VIEW, and first-class through sleeping car ser­ the people. My friends In Clinton County Harbor Springs, Harbor Point, Wequeton- he became a member of the cabinet that vice in connection with the Chicago, are invited to give the MonltorMills a trial. alng, Charlevoix, etc., located in the imme­ his absence doesn ’t count. Science In Bread Making. Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. LEWIS LONIER diate neighborhood. At the recent annual meeting of the Passengers from the east leaving St. TRAVERSE CITY American Chemical Society, held in Louis in the forenoon and Chicago in And neighboring reeorts —Omena, Old Mis­ W. B. TAscott , the alleged Chicago Washington D. C., the question of the the afternoon, will make close connec ­ sion, Elk Rapids, etc. murderer, has been found again. This value of carbonate of ammonia as a tions with the morning train out of St. WANTED! time he was a tramp in South Carolina leavening agent in bread, or as used in Paul at 9:00 a. m. following day ; leav­ The many lakes and streams affbrd the finest fishing—the Brook Trout, the celebrated Grayling and was arrested upon information baking powders came up for discussion, ing Chicago at night, connection will be Black Baas and other rarities of game fish. in which Prof. Barker, of the University made witli train No. 1, leaving St. Paul Seasoned timber for use in manufacturing ■The train service of the Giand Rapids A Indiana furnished by another tramp who claimed of Pennsylvania, and President of the 4:16 the next afternoon. Railroad for theseason of 1891, will be complete in to be a detective. The two tramps will Society : Dr. Richardson, late of the Yellowstone Park Seaton, June 1st to every particular. October 1st. Through sleeping car* between CINCINNATI. probably be well fed until the Chicago United States Department of Agricul ­ Wagons, Buggies and Cutters, PEIOSKEY and MACKINAW: between CHI­ officers have visited them and pro ­ ture in Washington ; I)r. Wm. McMur- District Passenger Agents of the DR. HAL A CURTIS, CAGO. PETOSKEY and MACKINAW, via the trie, late Prof, of Chemistry in the Uni­ Northern Pacific Railroad will take For which beat price will be paid by Michigan Central Railroad and Kalamaxoo. Be­ nounced them frauds, then the matter versity of Illinois ; Dr. E. H. Bartley, King of Painless Tooth Extractors, is hero tween DETROIT, PETOSKEY and MACKINAW, pleasure In supplying information, SMITH BROS., via the Michigan Central Rollroad and Grand will quiet down until another Tascott late Chemists of the Brooklyn, N. Y., rates, maps, time tables, etc., or appli­ giving Free Entertainments on tie Circus Rapids. is found. There is an average of about Board of Health, and Prof, of Chemistry cation can be made to Chas . S. Fee, G. Grounds each evening. CroM eyes straight­ One Block West of The Steel. Tourists ticket* can be purchased to any of the of the Long Island College, and others P. A., St. Paul, Minn. ened and Teeth extracted on the stage free above points at reduced rates. three months time between the findings, For descriptive matter, time cards and full in­ took part. Write to above address for the latest and positively painless. Go and see him. formation, address C. L. LOCKWOOD, and no section ot the cciuntry has been The consensus of opinion was over ­ aiid best map yet published of Alaska- There are accommodations for eight thousand gjr* Horae-ahoelng and general repairing Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agent, slighted. whelming in favor of the employment just out. people. promptly and satisfactorily done. 125Stf 1?8S Grand Rapids, Mich. A r.


—Yesterday the thermometer regis ­ Words Which Mean Business. Ministerial Appointments. LEGAL NOTICES. tered 93 in the shade. St. Johns , September 21,1891. The Michigan M. E. Conference, —Recollect the lecture of Olaf Krarer, Ed . Independent —Dear iiir: We which closed its work at Grand Rapids ORTGAGE HALE.—Default having been made in the conditions ot a certain Indenture the little Esquimaux lady, at Newton noticed in your last week's issue a local last week, made the following appoint ­ M! of mortgage, dated December 80tb, 1879, and exe­ Hall, this evening. Returns From a Visit to His Native in reference to a carriage factory moving cuted by Frederick Balen and John Bolx to John ments for this, the Lansing district. Sehreck, and recorded February 3d, 1880, in the —The first German tramp printer we Land here, if a certain amount was raised by Presiding Elder —George Hickey. office of the Register of Deeds for the county of Alma—J. W. Vickers. Clinton, Id Michigan, in Liber 46 of mortgages, on ever had appear to us, did so yesterday. our citizens. Bath—John Klose. page 518: which mortgage was duly asalgned Janu ­ The Germans, as a class, iu all vocations We wish to state that we are ready Charlotte—E. G. Lewi*. ary 21, 1889, by John Schreck to John Wieber, by And Is Greeted With a Hearty Recep­ DeWitt—Thomas Young. t written assignment, which was recorded January in life, are too frugal to be thus tramp­ now, or at any future time, to give our Eaton Circuit—W. J. Swift 25th, 1889, iu the office of the Register of Deeds tion From His Townsmen* proportion toward any factory which Eaton Rapids —L. DeLamarter. aforesaid, in Liber 78 of mortgagee, on page 44. and ing about the country. Elmhall—F L. Niles. said mortgage was again assigned April 14th, 1891, may locate here. Elsie—A H. Sturgis. by John Wieherto Peter Thorne ana John H. Fede- PERSONAL. Grand Ledge —Edwin Tench. wa, br written assignment, which was recorded Ex-President John D. Henderson, of We have heard that other cities were Gresham, supply —A. E. North. Juue 30th, 1891, in the office of the Register of this village, who has been spending be­ making great inducements for the re­ Ithaca—J. H Thomas. Deeds aforesaid, in Lib t 78 of mortgages, on page &AKIN6 Mrs. H. Swegles is visiting in Lansing. moval of the large factory we already Lansing Central Church—Louis Grosen- 254,od which mortgage there is claimed to lie due W. Bunday is in Detroit for a few days. tween twoand three months in Scotland, baugh. at the date of this notice, nine hundred and ninety - have here. Why cannot we, the people First church—Isaiah Wilson. fire dollars and sixty-fivecenta. besides an attorney B. E. White has been spending a few days in bis native country, for the improvement Maple Kapld* and Greenbush—A. W. Burns. fie oi tweuty-fiye dollar, provided by statute to he Everet. of his health, and to re-view the scenes of St. Johns, who should be more able Mason —W J. Maybee. paid, should any proceedings he tsken to foreclose Nashville—J. W. McAllister. said mortgage, and no suit or preceedlugs at law or N. H. Oeller, of Detroit, was In town last of his childhood, reached St. Johns by to appreciate the benefit of this large Okemos —D. M. Ward, in equity having been instituted to recover any part Friday. the train from the east last Monday eve­ enterprise, do as much as any other Ovid —P. J. Maveety. • of the debt secured by said mortgage; now there­ POWDER W. H. Castle was In Owosso the fore part of city V Perrlngton —A. K. Stewart. fore by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage the week. ning. As soon as it was leurned that Pottervllle —W. W. Smith. contained,and of the statute in such esse made and Absolutely Pure. We believe the majority of our busi St. John* —C. G. Thomas. rovldtd, notice is hereby given that on October A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of O. H. Graham was in Detroit the fore partof he was coming, a few of his many good 8t. Louis —0. W. East. 1, A. I). 1891, at one o ’clock in the afternooD, at this week. friends caused to be issued a few notices ness men feel like encouraging all kinds Shepardsville—Geo. Bullen. Rthe west front door of the ceurt house, for Clinton all Id leavening strength.— Idlest U. S. Government Sickles and Ashley—Jacob Messner. county, in Michigan, In the village of St. Johns, iu fiboJ Report. H. G. Mulholland visited Miss Kate Burk to the public, announcing a reception of manufacturing. We certainly do and Vermontville —W. A. Taylor. Bald county, there will be sold at public vendue to Saturday, last. are willing to back up our willingness Wacousta and Delta—T. R. Bible. the highest bidder, the premises in said mortgage Miss Maggie Funston leaves soon to attend for him at Masonic hall. The services Winfield, supply —W. W. Chatfield described, via: Thesoutn-east quarter of the north­ of the City Band, (an organization, by cash, should the opportunity present The following are names and appointments east quarter of section No. 29, in Township No 6, college at Olivet. of former pastors in the county. North of Range 4 West, in Michigan.—Dated Tuly The Independent. Mrs. H. V. weeden visited friends in Grand which, at times, appears to be almost itself. Concord —L. M. Edmonds. 7tb, 1891. PETER THOME A Rapids last week. indispensible) were secured ; also, a Yours, very truly, Haven church, Jacksou —S. L. Hamilton. Fedkwi A Mkbkii .i., J.H. FEDEWA. Travis & Baker . Parma—G. L. Mount Att’ys for Assignees. Assignees. STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. Neil DuBoU was in Detroit on business a committee of two was selected to meet Big Rapids —C. A. Jacokes. few days this week. him at the depot with a carriage, and Coleman —J. R. Bowen. ltOBATI. OKUEK—State of Michigan C. C. Vaughan returned last Saturday, after SOCIETY ANNOUNCEMENTS. BurrOak-L. W. Earl. Published every Thursday morn ­ bring him to the hall, where, on his Camden —G. C. Draper. Pcounty of Clinton, si. At asessloD ofthe Pro ­ ing from the Independent Office, an absence of ten days. Coldwater —James Hamilton. bate court for the county of Clinton,holden at the over Wheat Bros. ’ Clothing probate office, in the village of St. Johns, on H. E. Waibrldge was in Detroit Tuesday and alighting, he was greeted with music Every one is invited to attend Epworth 8econd street, Grand Rapids —W. H. Thomp­ Wedneday.the 9tli day of September, in the year Store, No. 1 7 Clinton Ave. Wednesday on business. son. from the band, and a goodly number of League service beld every Sunday afternoon Galesburg —W. M. Colby. one thousand eight hundred aud ninety-ODe Misses Belle Davison and Della Henderson at the M. E. church. Present, Joel H. Cranson, Judge of Probate. GEO S. GORBIT. Proprietor. his fellow-citizens and Sir Knights, of , Carson Cftv—A. D. Newton. In the matter of the estate of A EBERT M. spent yesterday in Ionia. The ladies ’ society of St. John’s church will Portland —R. H. Bready. DRAKE, deceased. » rats.— Oneyearfl 50; Six mont&a 75 Centa; D. 8. French, R. M. Steel and Geo. A. Steel which order Qur honored and esteemed Pokagon —1. B. Talltnan. Three months40 Ceota. Advertising rates made meet with Mrs. Orrin Hicks, this (Thursday) Cadillac —R. 8. McGregor. On reading and filing the petition duly verified, went to Saginaw yesterday. visitor to foreign lands, is a member.— afternoon, September 24. of Irene E. Drake, praying that the last will and known on application. Marriage and Death no* testament of said dcceasee may be proved aud ad ­ ticea free. A. R. Cunningham, of Detroit, is visiting his He was conducted to the lodge room Every one interested is Invited to meet at Advertised Letters. mitted to probate. KACILTTIK8 FOR DOING cousin, Miss Mamie Emmons. where many more had congregated to Mrs. Alvin Shaver's next Monday evening at Thereupon It is ordered, that Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Haynes and daughter the 8tn day of October, A. D. 1891, at ten JOB PRINTIN' O- extend to him the right hand of fellow ­ 8 o ’clock, to assist in organizing a new C. L. S. St. Johns , Mich ., September 23, 1891 o ’clock in the forenoon be assigned for the hear­ went to Lansing last Saturday. ship and hearty good welcome. C. Breton, Mrs. Carrie Huston, Mrs. Arabella ing of said petition, aDd that the heirs at law and Unsurpassed for style and cheapness. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of this village, The Ladies ’ Cemetery Association will give Baker, Mrs. Ada Llndeley, T H legatees of said deceased, and all other persons in­ are spending a few days in Fenton. Win. A. Norton was chosen to deliver Brown, Fannie Moore, Wm H terested in said will, are required to appear at a a “Mum Social," at the ladies' library rooms, Beanuian, Martin Preston, Mrs. Cordela session of said court then to be holden at the Pro- Barbers. Geo. Waldron is arranging to vi6lt England, the address of welcome, which he did in Wednesday, October 7. Full particulars next Cohrn, F J Ray croft, Fred —2 bote office id the village of 8t Johns, and show his native country, in the near future. a very happy, feeling and pleasing man­ week. Fentry, Wallle Starkey, P E cause, if any there be, whv the will should not he E. WILSON has removed his barber shop Fred Tripp returned to St. Johns from You are invited to a missionary tea, on Fentry, Franc Whitestone, Simon approved. • from the basement in The Steel to the ner, to which Mr. Henderson responded (W Persons calling for any of the above let­ And it ia further ordered, that notice be given Oroom in the rear of the “Corner Drug Store,”Owosso, on Monday, to remain a few weeks. in a few well-chosen and clever remarks, Friday of this week, September 25th, at the ters will please say ” Advertised. ” to thepersons interested in said estate of the pen­ Walker street, west, where he invites the public to Miss Nettie Davies went to Aun Arbor, Tues­ home of Mrs. H. M. Lee. Tea served from 5 to VOLNEY A. CHAPIN. P. M. dency of the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of call aDd see him. Special attention given to cut­ day, where she will attend the University. brimming with feelings of gratitude for 8 o'clock. this order to be published In the ClintOD Independ ­ ting ladies ’ and obildren ’s hair. 1184 ent, a newspaper printed aud circulated in said Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr., went to Ann Arbor the kindly feeling which had been made The D. of R. I. O. O. F. lodge will give a fruit MARRIED. county of ClintOD for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. yesterday, where he will attend the University. manifest upon this occasion by his fel social In their rooms Saturday evening, Sep LEMM-THEADWELL—At the St. John’s par­ Loan Agents. Mrs. Mary Hargrave, of Toma, Wisconsin, JOEL H. CRANSON low-citizens and co-workers in the tember 26th to which all are invited. Good sonage, September 19, 1891, by the Rector, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Curtis, on Ross street. music is expected. Rev. R. D. Stearns, John B. Lemm, and he nicHiGAiv tioiituaueco ., building up and advancement of our Armenia Treadwell, both of Olive. Limited. Capital, $75,000, successors to Walker Mrs. Frank Olger and two children visited You have a cordial invitation to attend the KOHATE UKDi:K—State of Michigan T County of Clintoo, ss. At a session of the A White, dealers in Mortgage Securities, School and friends and relatives in Grand Rapids, last beautiful and well equipped village. meeting of the Congregational Y. P. 8. C. E., P Municipal Bonds. A few pieces of choice lands for BORN. Probate Court for the couDty of Clinton holden at sale. Office cor. Walker and Spring-sts., St. JohnB. week. This is Mr. Henderson's first visit to next Sunday, at 5:15 p. m. Subject : “Sowing the Probate Office, In the village of St. Johns, on Lyman Wicks returned last Tuesday even ­ his native country since he left it, 35 the Seed. ” Consecration meeting. WICKES—To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wickes, on Monday, the 14th day of September, in the year ing from a four weeks’ vacation spent in Sunday moraing last, twin sons. Weight. one thouaaud eight hundred and ninety-one. Attorneys. years ago, at which time he was em­ 5^£ and 6^ pounds, respectively. Present, Joel H. Cranson, Judge of Probate. Detroit. Real Estate. In the matter of the estate of JOHN A. BREW- OWIN' II. Attorney at Law, St. Mrs. C. 8. Boult, of this village, is Just now ployed in a rope factory, which he again It was a joyous time in Frank ’s hum. BAKER, deceased. E Johns. Mich. Office over U. L. Kendrick's The following are the transactions in When two were ushered in Instead of one. On reading and filing the petition duly verified of recovering from a prostration from stomach visited and there found several of his Almira 8. Rrewhaker, praying that John J. Keiser, trouble. former shop-mates, who were still real estate in Clinton county, for one or some other suitable person, may he appointed halloing Ac WALK RIDGE, Attor ­ Fred Kathe left Tuesday morning for Cleve­ clinging to the ropes for an existance.— week ending, September 21, as recorded DIED. administrator of said estate. s neys at Law, St Johns, Mich. flglg] land, Ohio, where he expects to remain per­ Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday, the Mr. Henderson let go the ropes, and by Register of Deeds F. W. Lamphere: SLATE—At her home, In Olive township, Sep­ 8th day of October, A. D. 1891, at one A. W. Norton. Will H. Brunson. manently. tember 21, 1891, of dyphtherla. Nina, ouly o ’clock in the afternoon be assigned for the hearing Ward Bryant, of Detroit, was the guest of after a rough voyage of several weeks Wm.B. Woodman toSylvanus Bachelder, lot* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slate, in of said petition at the Probate office In the Village ORTON A HKl NNON, successors to 7,8,9 and 10, block 6, Bath, $10 ; q. c. her seventh year, of St. Johns. Daboll A Brunson and Auten A Moss, At­ Miss Bertha Thomas and Kate Burk the first duration, arrived in this country, and Ntorneys at Law. In the old office of Auten A Benjamin F. Mosher to Mary A. Mosher, 80 BRENARD—At the home of his parent*, Mr. And ltisfurtberordered,that noticebegiven to Moss over McCabe's shoe store St. Johns Mich. of the week. through his energies, stick-to-itiveness acres on section 86, Bengal, $5. and Mrs. Adam Brenard, in Bingham town ­ the persons interested in said estate, of the R. A. Moore Is attending the fair at Ithaca, and uprightness, has correlled a hand­ Orlando M. Barnes to Mvron W. Halt, 33 ship, 8tember 18,1891, Willie Brenard, aged time and place of said hearing by causing a copy H. M. PERRIN. P. K. PERRIN. A. J. BALDWIN 1 year, 3 months, of cholera infantum. of this order to be published in the Clinton after which he will visit his mother at Shep­ acres on section 38, Dewitt, 1825. Independent, a newspaper printed and ERRINS Ac BALDWIN, Attorneys st ard, this state. some competency for himself and esti­ Harriet H. Stone to Geo. B, Daniels, et. al., The funeral took place at the house, Sun ­ circulated in said county of Clinton for three Law aDd Solicitors in Chancery. Bounty, P Mrs. Hiram Nestell returned last Friday mable family, and with the warm friends 10 acres on section 12, Ovid. $1,000. day, September 20, at 1:80. successive weeks previous to said day of bearing. pension, real estate agenta, conveyancers and JOEL H. CRANSON. money loaners. Also examine titles, pay taxes, after spending a week with her parents in which surround him, he must be happy. James R. Jones to Delia A. Jones, part of lot BERNHARDT—At the home of his parents, 1, block 1, Elsie, $500. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bernhardt, in South Riley (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. and make collections. Business entrusted to their Barry county. care will be promptly and faithfully attended to. Geo. B. Daniels to Stephen A. Taft, 20 acres township, September 18,189), of cholera In­ E. D, Tripp went to Clinton, Iowa, Tuesday Died in the Poor House, on section 21, Ovid. $700. fantum, Frank Bernhardt, ag«l 9 months. ROBATE t’Ot KT,Clinton County, ss. Office over wickes’ grocery, Clinton Avenue, St. Notice is hereby given that all claims and Johns, Mich. 1183 morning, for a visit of indefinite length with We re-print the following from the Win. H. Castle to Miner R. Frink, 40 acres on The funeral was held at the house, Sunday, demandsP against WILLIAM W. GEORGIA, de ­ section 32, Duplain, $1,600. September 20, and the remains interred in the lf. H. CASTLE, Attorney at Law. his two sisters. Gratiot Herald, of September 10th, 1891: ceased, will be beard by the undersigned, at the Circuit Court Commissioner. Money to Loan. Arthur and Eugene Hart left Monday morn ­ Irene C. Seeley to Sylvanus Bachelder. lot* St. Johns oemetary. Probate Office in St.Johns, in said county, on the WOffice at the Court House, 8t. Jonns. 1188ing last for Keokuk, Iowa, for the purpose of ‘ William A. McOmber died at the 7, 6, V and 10, block 6, Bath, $25 ; q. c. 3d day of March, 1892; and that the creditors Mary E. Morton et. al. to Henry Hammond of said deceased are allowed six monthi from this attending college. county poor house Friday morning, Sep­ date In which to present the r claims for adjust ­ EDEWA a MEKUII.L, Attorneys at tember 11th, where he had been just one et. al., lot 8. block 11, Eureka, $400. LEGAL NOTICES. Law, at the old s'and, over the “corner drug Mrs. Jennie Kellogg, of Alpena, Is spending Paul E. Dunham to Wm. L. B. Demham, 40 ment.—Dated, September 3d. 1891. Fstore, ” St. Johns, Mich. 1268 week, and was buried Saturday in the JOEL H. CRANSON, a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. Plum- Ithaca cemetery. He was bom July IS, acres on section 15, DeWitt, $1,500. 1299w4 Judge of Probate. JM1TH A ROGERS, Attorneys at Law, stead, in this village. 1812, consequently, was over 79 years of John H- Fedawaet. al. to Chas. Speerbrecker,' 5 Office over Sullivan ’s store, 8t. Johns, Mich. Mrs. Geo. A. Estes left last Tuesday for a lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 6, block 1, Fowler, W.OUO. Schedule of Teachers ’ • Examinations IO.R.niNSkONUK* ’ NOTICE. — The age. He had been a resident of St. Ellen A. Richardson to Roe G. Van Duesen, J undersigned having been appointed by the week's visit with her two sons, Frank and Louis since 1870, and was at one time a w ■/, lot 2, block 1, J. Hicks' add. to Elsie, $80. For Clinton County, 1891-92. ProbateC Judge of f Union county, Michigan, com­ Justice of the Peace. Robert Valentine, in Chicago. man of considerable influence and prom ­ Chas. Speerbrecker to J. H. Fedawa et. al., missioners to receive,examine and adjust all claims Miss Carrie Brown, who has been visiting inence there, and was clerk of Pine 60 acres on section 22, Lebanon, $3,000. aud demands against DAVID P. WILCOX, S. DUNCAN, Justice of the Peace. Miss Neita Stout the past few weeks, returned DeWitt, Friday, September 25,1891. deceased, hereby give notice that we will meet for M• Collections made and funds promptly River township in 1874. He has always Anson R. Doytn et. al. to Albert L. Sage et. Ovid, Friday, October 3J, 1891. that pu rpose at the office of William H. Castle, in remitted. Office over Wilson A Sous ’ Clothing to her home in Detroit, Monday. been engaged in real estate and insur ­ al., land on section 2, Bingham, $900, Regular examination, St. Johns, Thursday the village of St. Johns, In said couDty, on the 12th Store, St. Johns, Mich. 1188 Rob. Allison, Howard Fitzgerald, and Cyrus ance business since his residence in St. and Friday, March 3 and 4. 1892. day of November. 1891, and the 3d day of March, DeWitt, Friday. March 25,1892. 1892; and that .he creditors of said deceased are Palmer went to Chicago Tuesday on a pleas Louis, but latterly his business has fal Circuit Court. Ovid, Friday, April 29, 1892. allowed six mooths from the date of this notice in Dentistry. ure trip, and to attend theexposition. ten off, and as old age crept on he seemed At a session of the circuit court last Regular examination, St. Johns, Thursday which to present their claims for adjustment. — Will Lowe, formerly of St. Johns, but now a to earn barely enough to maintain him­ and Friday, August 4 and 5, 1892. Dated September 3d, 1891. lOKBI.H AND SON, Dentist*. Saturday, decrees were granted in the First and second grades only at the regular WILLIAM H. CASTLE, J G. E. CORBIN, M. D., D. D. 8. breakm&n on the Lake Shore railroad, is visit­ self in comparative poverty. examinations in St. Johns, In March and ALBERT THOMA9, 12741 ARTHUR CORBIN. D. D. S. ing bis mother. Mrs. R. H. Lowe, a few days. Finally old age and disease rendered following divorce cases: August 1299:w4 Commissioners. Mrs. Edwin Paine, of this village, and daugh ­ it necessary to take him to the county Hattie A. Myers vs. Abel D. Myers, St. Johns, At the regular examination, examinations H. KENYON, Dentist East Walker ter, Mrs. A. M. Birmingham of Duplain, left house, and a week later the end came, Arabella Massey vs. Charles D. Massey, St. for first and second grades will commence at R4SHATE ORDER—State of Michigan ,• Street. * 1183 Johns. 9 o ’clock a. m., on the first day, and for third County of Clinton, ss. At a session of the to-day for a few weeks’ visit at Auburn, N. Y. as stated. His was a checkered career. Florence Jackson vs. Frank Jackson, for ­ grades at 1 o'clock p. m on the first, day. All PProbate court for the County of dimon, holden at The Misses Hattie and Addle Case, of Ovid, Away back in 1840 he was engaged in merly of Watertown. other examinations will begin at8o ’clook a. m. the Probate office in the village of St. Johns, on Tuesday, the 22d day ,of September, in the year Physicians. who have been visiting Mrs. William Lons- the fur trade with the Indians, having By order of Board of School Examiners. hi| headquarters at Adrian with out ­ R. M WINSTON, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-oue. H4KT, IW. D., Physician and Sur- bury returned to their home yesterday morn ­ Aarrivals at the Farmers’ Hotel. 1298 County Commissioner. Present, Joel H. CraDson, Judge of Probate, H• geon. Eureka. Mich. 1217 ing. posts at Jackson and DeWitt, and later In the matter of the estate of AGNES A. KEENEY, deceased. Mrs. Harry Fildew and daughters Bessie and he helpetl to lay out the village of St. KOBATEUKBEK.-Stated Michigan W. POLLIKU Physician and Surgeon. Johns, continuing trade with the Indians county ofClinton, sb. At a session of the Pro ­ On reading and tiling the petition duly verified, • Office over Wilson ’s clothing stole. Resi­ Edith, and son Harry, started last Tuesday The sun of prosperity warms and Pbate court tor the county of Clinton, holden at theof Albert J. Baldwin, praying that the last will and Jdence corner Cass and Ottawa streets. 1284 morning for their new home in Island City, from that point, and was one of the first ;laddens the hearts of the American testament of said deceased may be proved and ad ­ white men to visit Gratiot county, wiiich Probate office, in the village of St. Johns, on mitted to probate. Oregon. ?armers.and peeps,with a knowing wink, Tuesday, the 22d day of September, in the year R.G. C. HAVENS, Physician and Sur­ he did many times in pursuit of his bus­ oue thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Thereupon it is ordered that Thursday, the 15th geon. Office and residence at the late resi­ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jening, of Mancelona. are at the Farmers’ Hotel. For proof, ask Present, Joel H. Cranson, Judge of Probate. day of October, A. D. 1891, at ten o ’clock in ndence of Dr. Bliss, Fowler Mich. 1137yl. iness. He acquired well the use of the those who put up there. I give you the the forenoon he assigned for the bearing of said the proud parents of a 9 pound son, born Sep­ Indian language from his constant and In the matter of the estate of ARMINDA petition aDd that the heirs at law and legatees of tember 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jening, of names of a few who have been there HUNTER, deceased. .n. POST, RI. D., Physician, Surgeon long business relations with the tribes. during the week ending Sept. 21,1891 : Ansley A. Hunt, executor of the last will and said deceased and all other persons interested in • and Druggist, east side of Main street, Eu­Bengal, are the happy grand-parents. He was a speculator in oil wells when testament of said deceased, having made applica­ said will, are required to appear at a session of said Sreka,Mich. Office at drug store. A11 calls promptE.­ J. Bradner, who has been spending sev­ James Muhar, Olive, J W Curtis, Olenarl.IU. tion for the allowance of his final accoum. court then to be holden at the Probate Office in the oil was first struck in Pennsylvania, and Peter Pohl, Riley, Reuben Brink, Olive, Village of St. Johns and show cause, if any there ly attended. Prescriptions carefully compounded. eral weeks in Boone county, Ill., arrived at his Thereupon it ia ordered that Thursday, the was at one time said to be worth several A Mead & wife, Riley, M R Gibbs, Greenbush, 15th day ot October, A. D. 1891, at one be, why the will should not be approved. home in this village, last Friday. He expects hundred thousand dollars ; but further E Carter, Olive, J Lambic, MapleKapids o'clock in the afternoon be assigned for the exami­ And it is further ordered, that notice be given JI, HAVENS, HI. D., Homoeopathic to resume hisstudies in Albion college. J Brooks, Kiley, D S Pike & wife, Riley, nation of said account at the probate office, in to the persons interested in said will, of the ptn- speculation left him in poverty af?ain. — Geo Dimon, Riley, Lott H Marrott, Ola, deBcy of the hearing thereof by causing a copy oi Physician and Surgeon. Office over R. J. Rev. W. C. Allen went to Perry, Shiawassee the village of 8t. Johns. WWoodruff ’s shoe store. 1188 He was then a married man with one Eda Mills, Ola, Wm Brown, Pewamo, And it ia further ordered, that notice be given this order to be published in the Clinton Indepen ­ county, Tuesday, to attend the Genesee Asso ­ son and one daughter, but when his E Houghton, St. Johns, F M Potter, Detroit, dent, a newspaper printed and circulated in said to the persons interested in said ee'ate of county of Clinton for three successive weeks r a . J. WIGGINS, Physician and Sur­ ciation of the Congregational church. Mrs. wealth left him a family separation took John Spenser, Duplain, 8 G Williams. Ovid, the time and place of said hearing J P Huett, Dewitt, Frank Gleason, Ovid, previous to said day of hearing. geon. Office over Sullivan ’s clothing A. O. Hunt and Mrs. H. M. Perrin attended as place also, and “ Mac” wended his way by causing a copy of this order to be JOEL H. CRANSON, Dstore, St. Johns, Mich. 1244tf Jas. Sturdevant, Riley, Geo. Mock, 8t. Johns, published in the Clinton Independent, a news- delegates. to Gratiot, while wife, son and daughter R. H. Evans, Detroit, Geo. Caryell, Duplain, f>er printed and circulated In said county of (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. E. t»I L LA HI, HI. D., Physician and Mr. and Mrs. A. Retan spent the major por ­ remained in Pennsylvania, where they Wm Moweer, City, L Briggs, Ashley, □ton for three successive weeks previous to E C Lee, Elsie, 8. William. Olive, ORTi; AGE SA LE—Patault having been S• Surgeon. Office st Residence, opposite court tion of last week in Grand Rapids. They are are said to be well off. The son was said day of hearing. Bouse, west. Office hours . to 4 p. m., except Wed­ wired thenews of his father’s death, and John Wandell, Ktley, E F Somers, Wacousta, JOEL H. CRANSON. M made, in tbe conditions ot a certain mort ­ nesday, then 6 to 9 p. m. 1183 arranging to remove to Little Rock, Ark., and C Jones, Bengal, A Krackler,Westphalia, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. gage, made by John Haire and Ellen M. Haire to if the weather be favorable they expect to his reply was to have him buried and he K V CaruSB, Essex, Warren Halsey.Bengul, Hiram J. Scott, dated March 6, 1889, and recorded would bear the expense. The story of H P Gage, St. Johns, Wm Olney, Vanderbilt, in theoffice ot the Register ot Deeds lor Clinton SIJHUONS, HI. D., Homoeopathic start October first, H Sanford, Westphalia,Geo Cupit, Riley, RORATE COURT, Clinton County —ss. county, in Mi htgan, on March 7,1889, in Liber 72 • Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office Mac’s” life would read like a romance Notice is hereby given that all claims and of mortgages, on page 262; which mortgage was Ron Main street. DeWitt. 1188 Mrs. J. K. DeWitt and two children. Master K Butterfield, Novi, E H Bedell,Olive, P Louis and Miss Lelo, who have been spending if written out in all its details. ” G Sexton, Duplain, H. V. 8tevens, Riley. demands against JOSEPH A. JONES, de ­ duly assigned February 25, 1890, by said Hiram J. Knowing well the deceased, and E A Smith. Un Home, J H Doty, Union Home, ceased, will be heard by the undersigned at the Scott to Lucy W. H ydenbtirk by a written assign ­ R. R. G. HIORRISON, Ecclectic and the summer with relatives and friends in the Ezra Lattimer, Price, W H Parker, Price, Probate Office, In St. Johns, in said county, on the ment which was recorded March 15, 189 ’' in the Botanic Physician. Office at his new resi­ state of New York, returned to their home in something of his early business career R B Barnes, Olive, G W Parker, Victor, 3d day ol ITIarcb 18921 and that the office of tbe Register of Deeds afoiesaid. in Liber 73 Ddence on Clinton avenue north of the railroad.this village last Friday. F L Lapeer, Owosso, creditors of said deceased are allowed six months of mortgages, on page 430; on whicn mortgage Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., t to 5 p. ni. and in St. Johns, we make a few additions Geo A lngersoll and wife, Giand Haven, from this date in which to present their claims there is claimed to oe due at the date of this notice 6 to 8 evenings. Sunday, 2 to 6 p. m. The doctor Mr, and Mrs. Luther Rumsey, who have been to the above sketch. He was a son-in- F M Plggott and wife, Lebanon, for adjustment. —Dated,September 3d, 1891. two hundred and four dollars aud serenty-four cures all chronic and private diseases. All lemale spending four months with friends in Tomp ­ C P Barrus, Union Home, JOEL H. CRANSON. centa, besides an attorney fee of fifteen dollars, diseases treated with newly discovered remedies. law of Samuel Gardner, an early settler W I Carus6, Union Home, 1299:w4 Judge of Probate. stipui.ted in said mortgage to t>e paid should any kins county, N. Y , returned to their home in W M Mesler, Union Home, proceedings be takeD to forecljse said mortgage, Takes out cancers and old tumors with a pia-ter, this village, last Friday accompanied by their of Clinton county, and who was best and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity hav­ and purifies the blood. Old fever sores and milk Richard Cadmus, Ridgeway, HOHATE COURT,Clinton County, ss.— leg cured with Indian remedies. 1183 a rand-daughter, Miss Loa H athuway. known as keeper of a pioneer tavern at Jas Haire, Shepardsville, ing been instituted to recover anv part of the debt W A Taylor, Maple Rapids, P Notice is hereby given that all claims and secured by said mortgage ; therefore, by virtue of M. H. Baker, who has been spending the what is now known as “ Gardner's W Q Anderson, Maple Rapids, demands against MARY SHINE, deceased,the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and Laundry. summer In Wisconsin, as general agent for A Wyman, wife and son. Union Home, will be heard by the undersigned, at the Pro ­ ofthe statute in such case made snd provided, corners. ” Mr. Gardner opened up a Kobt Brown, Greenbush, bate Office, in 8t. Johns, In said county, on the notice is hereby given that on December 5. 1891, al Union School Seat Co., of Hattie Creek, arrived 29th day ol February, 1892, and that the credi ­ one o'clock in the after'ioon, at tbe west front T. JOHNS STSi A HI LAUNDRY, Lee stock of dry goods in an old frame build ­ A V Hinkle. Indianapolis, Ind., tors of said deceased are allowed six months from this Lamoreaux, proprietor,corner Clinton avenue at his home in this village, last Friday, and P B Eldred, Maple Rapids, door of the court house for Clinton county, in S will remain in this state the balance of the ing which occupied the lot where our N B Sherwood, Lyons, date id which to present thelrclalms for adjustment. Michigan, in t e village of St. Johns, in said and State street. Work called for and delivered —Dated, August 29,1891. JOEL H. CRANSON, eouDty, there will be sold at public vendue to the 4 with promptness. Eirst-class work and satisfac­ season. office is now located, in or about the year Mrs Daniel Graham and son. Maple Rapids, I297w4 Judge of Probate. tion guaranteed. 1300 Geo Randolph, Maple Rapids, highest bidder, the premise* contained in said ’ 1856, and Mr. McOmber conducted it, Patrick Maharana wife, Olive, mortgage, viz: The west half of the south-east Ail Old Resident of ShepMrdMville Dead. and designated the place as “ No. ’17, ’ E Fleshman, Maple Rapids, ROBATE COURT, Clinton CouDty, ss— quarter: and the south ten acres of the west hal( of additional local matter . P K Freeman and wife, Florida, Mich., P Notice is hereby given that all claims and the north-east quarter of section twenty-eight in and by which it was and is still well A B Cook and daughter. Riley, demands against JANNETTE BESLEY, deceasedTownship No. eight. North of Range one West, in G Anderson and sons, Essex, will be heard by the undersigned, at the Probate Michigan ; containing ninety acres more or leas. —Owing to the fact that the race did A. P. Winfield, who was among the known. Mac” was a good accountant, F A Brown and wife, Duplain, office, in St. John*, in said county, on the 3d day —Dated September 8. 1891 active, social, and all that, but he was a W H Stewart and wife Essex, of March,1891; and that the creditors of said LUCY W. HEYDENBURK, not fill in the $U,000 class, it has been early settlers at Shepardsville, and even Wilmer Miller and wife, Maple Rapids, deceased are allowed six month* from thisdate in Perrins A Baldwin , assignee. before It was a regular railroad station, failure as a financier. He was very vis­ John A Mathews, Greenbush, which to present their claims for adjustment. Att’ys for Assignee. declared off by the officers of the fair. F W Taylor and wife. Maple Rapids. —Dated, September 8d, 1891. —Frank Silvers, the mute barber, who and when it was known as Ovid Center, ionary and dealt largely in probabilities W H Smith and wife. Eureka, JOEL H. CRANSON, KOBATE ORDER. —btate of Michigan and possibilities. We cannot call to R Dillingham, Westphalia, 1299w4 Judge of Probate. | county of Clinton, as. At a session of tbe Pro ­ has been spending some time in Chicago, died at his home, Friday, September 18. G W Brown, Blissfleld, Pbate Court for the county of Clinton, holden at the will enter the employ of O. E. Wilson, 1891, after a long season of decay of his mind a single instance in which his in E Worden and wife, Lyons, ROBATE COURT, Clinton County, ss.— probate office, in the village ol 8t. Johns, on tegrity was questioned. “ Peace be to James Terwilliger, Maple Rapids, Notice is hereby given that all claims and Monday, the 21st day of September, in tbe year next Monday. early vigerous being. [Our correspond ­ G H Groom, Maple Rapids. Pdemands against FRANCIS J. LYON, deceased,one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. ent neglected to give his age, and many his ashes.” G H Sowle and wife. Maple Rapids, will be heard by the undersigned at the Prohate Preaent, Joel R. Cranson, Judge of Probate. —Chas. Spriclibrech, of Lebanon, has Simeon TenKycke, Bengal, Office, in St. Johna, in said county, on the 29t!i In the mattei of the estate of GEORGE T traded his farm with Fedewaand Geller other facts concerning him, which W W Harrington, Bengal, day of February, 1892, and tnat the cred ­ RICHMOND, a minor. Licensed to Wed. George and Lewis Rose. Watertown, itors of deceased are allowed six months from this On reading and filing tbe petition duly verified of for the Fowler House, and will take would have been read with interest by 8amuel Cranson, Hubbardston, dste in which to present their claims for adjust ­ Porter K. Perrin, praying that he msy be licensed a large circle of friends and acquaint ­ Date. Name and Residence. A Marshal Cranson, Hubbardson, ment.—Dated August 29th, 1891. to sell real estate belonging to his said ward. possession in about two weeks. Sept. 19—John B. Leinm, olive, ...... A T Croes, Maple Rapids. JOEL H. CRANSON, Thereupon It Is ordered, that Thursday, the —Louie Vauconsant has lately added ances at home and abroad. But such Armenia Treadwell, Olive...... 18 E C Miller, wife and daughter. Riley, 1297 w4 Judge of Probate. 15th day of October, A D. 1891, at ten are our trials.] He served the people of Sept 28 — Eugene R. Brown, Ann Arbor ...... 47 W J Strong and wife, Riley, o'clock in ibe forenoon, be assigned for tbe bear­ a new and attractive delivery wagon to Hattie A. Myres, St. Johns...... 43 Chemoprlnewell, Fawn River, OJUVIIMHIONEH’R NOTICE -The ing of said petition, and that the next his fast growing trade. lie has some his township many terms as township Delmer Howser, Greenbush, undersigned, having been appointed by the of kin of said ward, and all other persona in­ J H Lewis and lady, Perrinton, CJudge of Probate of Clinton county, Michigan,terested in said estate, a re required toappearat a ses­ treasurer, and was postmaster during commissioners to receive, examine, and adjust all valuable assistance in his active and Business men must meet their bills G M Long and wife, Perrinton, sion of said court then to be holden at the probate Cleveland ’s administration. A wife John Jenny. South Riley, claims and demands against MILES R. GEORGIA, office in the village of 8t. Johns and show rau«e, if attentive sons. in thirty or sixty days, while many of Frank Barnhart, South Riley, deceased, hereby'give notice that we will meet any there be, why tbe prayer of the petitioner —Wm. Carsady was last week tried and two children, we believe, survive L D Chadwick and daughter, Olive, for that purpose, at the office of William H. Cas­ should not he granted. him. their patrons take from one to two years M M Hill, wife and niece, Olive, tle, In the village of St. Johns, in said county, on And It is further ordered that notice be given and found guilty in an Ionia court, of Many business men throughout the A H Keller, Judd ’s Corners, the 12th day of November, i891, and the 3d day to the persons Interested in said estate ofthe pen­ The funeral was conducted under the E M Francis, Judd ’s Corners, of March, 1892; and that tbe creditors of aaid de ­ dency of said petition and the hearing thereof by assaulting James Robinson, a passenger country have doubled the capital tied ceased are allowed six months from the date ot causing a copy of this order to be published in the conductor on the D. G. II. «fc M. R. R-, auspices of the Masonic order, of which We have just put up a fire-proof shed, this notice in which to present their claims for Clinton Independent, a newspaper printed and he was a member in good standing, last up in accounts that is represented in 30x60 feet, for bmwes. We wish to adjustment. —Dated September 8d, 1891. circulated In said County of Clinton for three and was sentenced to 65 days in the goods upon the shelves. It is a danger please you. Respectfully, WILLIAM H. CASTLE, successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. Detroit House of Correction. Sunday, and was very largely attended. ALBERT THOMAS, JOELH. CRa NSg N, ous custom. J. L. Ring . 1299w4 Commissioners. A true copy. J udge of Probate. CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPT. 24,1891

HIS FIRST SLEEPINQ-CAR. THINGS IN GENERAL. The Lighthouse board has presented to Whether they scented the blood or the Irish Light, a (J. S. lighthouse buoy that Clinton Independent StltttOPNDED BY LION'S. Dot I am not prepared to say, but back The Yoons Brltou Had Ratber an Kn»- drifted across tho ocean to the west coast they certainly came. We waited until barrasalug Kiperlenoe. Cable linos will supplant 4,000 horses iu of Ireland,, where It wrs picked u.>. A FAMILY'S EXPERIENCE IN THE In the^,000,000 letters that reached GtO. 8. a (rood opportunity came, and then, at He was a Btockily built young Brit­ New York. ARIZONA WILDS. a given signal, fired again. Two more isher. and this was his first visit to Englishwomen have returned to square- the dead-letter office last year there was MICH largo lions fell, and Curley succeeded America. His home is in Yorkshire toed shoes. money amounting to $28,042 and checks Ileset by Mountain Lions, Two Women in loading and shooting ono that was and his English brogue could be cut up Ice cream was first mode and sold in and notes of the value of $1,471,871. and a Man Taka Turns In Keep­ ondoavoring to escape. This mado in chunks as slippery and infinitesimal Philadelphia ninety-one years ago. The tusk of a mastodon, measuring four ing Dp tl»e Fire on Which j inches in diameter, was washed out re­ Every day, in all our cities, thou­ five that we bad killed. After watch­ as your summer ice. San Francisco's cable system is greater Their Lives Depend. cently from beneath fifty feet of gravel sands ol girlt. are leading ’ lives that by fifty miles than that of any other city. ing another hour without any result I “1 struck ray first sleeping-car on at the Hturling hydraulic mine in Jackson are unbroken careers of heroism. we made up tho fire and slept until the night of my arrival in Canada, ” A weasel caught last week by a Salem While in command of a small scout ­ county, Oregon. They are doing it, too, as a matter of sunrise. The little family were over ­ he said. “It was the first time I was (Mass.) cat, measured fifteen incites in The way to tell a well-bred dog. accord ­ ing party in Arizona I went into camp length and eight inches in girth. course, with no thought of its moral joyed at beholding our night’s work, ever in an American sleeping-cur, ing to a canine fancier, is to grasp him by ; one bright day in the Rio Puerco, says and succeeded in convincing us of their though I had heard of them. To my One of the most competent, devoted bearing, and they would be the first to the back Of the neck and bold him up. If a writer in Drake’s Magazine, very sincere gratitude. ! surprise there were no seats visible. and appreciated “society editors ” in Bos ­ a cur, he yelps; if well-brad, be never ut- resent the idea that they were entitled near the New Mexican line. The After breakfast Curley skinned the Those mysterious curtains hung on ton is a bright young colored waman. j ters a whimper. to any special credit for so doing. 1 tents had been pitched and tho ani- five animals and gallantly presented both sides of a narrow aisle and the The wreck of what is believed to be one A check for $700 came from California i mals sent out to graze under a strong the pelts to the young wife. As we lights were turned down low. I knew of sr—on vessels sunk iu Newport hart»or to Bernard McCaughey, of 1’awtiicket, R. August 8, 1783, was discovered by divers The whole glorious grbup of modern guard, and I was walking before my bade good-by to the rock family he I., the other day. It w as from a young then that people were sleeping behind on Monday. tent, impatiently Waiting a summons said: “If you rub a little strychnine those curtains, for I distinctly heard a ■ mau whom he hud loaned 5$00 to pay col ­ poets came with this nineteenth cen ­ There is a marble mine, recently locat ­ to dinner, which I knew by the strong over these carcasses and stake them at snore. I had no idea where my bed lege expenses nineteen years ago. Mr. tury and the succession has not failed odor wafted from an adjacent coffee ­ ed, at Providence, Cache county, Utah, McCaughey refused to accept more than till the century is near its end and the some little distance from your ranch was, don ’t you know, and as for rum­ that yields a marble so much like mottled $500. pot would not be much longer delayed. you will not lie troubled much longer maging along in an indiscriminate way world waits *or it knows not what new onyx that the difference can only be dis ­ A Connecticut man who lived aloue had I We were about ninety miles from by the lions. ” —the cold chills went creeping along covered by the use of chemicals. the nearest fort and hundreds from a hump on bis back and was given to night movement, certain only that time will Then, with a cordial farewell we ' my spine at the very idea Some One feature of the great exposition at wanderings has just died. Ills death re­ not 6tand still and that every age must any settlement. There were no ranches proceeded down the river to overtake American would kill me.” Chicago will bo essentially Ameiicun —the veals the secret of his lift. He was a in some way find its fit poetical ex­ ; whatsoever in this part, only some the command. “ ‘Where do 1 sleep?’ I finally asked exhibits of animals. The authorities hav­ walking barroom. His hump was a clever ! cattlo and sheep belonging to Mexi­ ing the matter in charge have set apart pression. We may have to wait for tho porter, compelled at last to dispaly device to conceal bh stock in trade which cans. which were herded through the The Jlcrry KrllUIi Beggar. my ignorance. $150,000 in premiums for the various sorts he dispeuced at five ceuts a glass for the them, but tho poets will surely oorpe. of live stock. exhilaration of the thirsty in the prohibi­ territory. I brave the day, 1 brave the night, “That black man looked at me a tion locality in which be did business. I was in the midst of a savory re­ I throw my sorrows to the wind, minute, his eyes getting bigger and At a recent meeting of the Royal socie ­ Astronomical photography has ac­ ty of Edinburgh, Dr. A. Bruce read a pa­ While cutting grass in Mnj. John D. past when I noticed a stranger ap- And try to keep a cheerful mind, whiter all the time and his mouth complished many wonderful results, | proaching me. He was a well-built, Although my coat is thin and light. per on a case of cyclopia, or single eye, Adam ’s yard at Little Rock, Ark , a col ­ spread so much I whs alarmed. He which has come under his notice. Ihcre ored man found buried in the ground a but nothing perhaps more surprising powerful-looking man, about 40 years Although my hat, took my check. I of ago; his face was intellectual and is wondered at, was a single socket for the eye, of a loz ­ quart can filled with $20 gold pieces An than its discoveries about the moon. •• ‘Number fo ’teen, ’ said he, ‘right- enge shape and situated in the middle of old colored woman employed by Muj. ! extremely handsome; he wore a full Because I shaved the outer rim The moon is so near by, and has been To try aud keep it smooth and trim. han' side, uppah.’ the base of the forehead. | Adams, named Hattie Ballard, claimed the i beard and moustache, both of which property and ran off with it. The can •o carefully studied with the most “Thanking him apologetically, I While a New York traveling man was : were iron gray. He was coarsely clad, I lau~h and sing, and whistle, too, ' went carefully among tho curtains un ­ buying a ticket at a railroad office in In ­ contained more tbau $7,000. Maj. Adams powerful telescopes for hundreds of and carried no weapon. The latter When I have wind enough to spare. til I came to one with a card hanging dianapolis the other day a thief seized his says the money belonged to the woman, her years, that the astronomers had come circumstance was the most remarkable But in the sharp and frosty air grip und ran. Leaving his change and savings since the war. My breath comes short, my noso turns bine, in front of it with my number. I had to think that they knew pretty much thing of all, for in those days in Ari­ heard that Americans usually undress ­ ticket on the office sill, the man gave chase My fingers freeze, to the thief, who, however, escaped with atll about it, or at least about that face zona one scarcely moved without his ed and went to bed just as if they arms. And my poor knees his booty. Returning to the ticket office,the GRAND PALACE HOTEL. Would knock together did they dare; were at home; but I saw no place to of the moon which is turned toward the Nearing me, he asked, in a pleas­ traveling man discovered that during his earth. But still I keep a jaunty air. sit down to pull off my boots and I am absence another thief had made way with 81 to 103 N. Clark Street, ant, quiet manner, if I was the com ­ a little modest anyhow, and so 1 his money and ticket. manding officer. When bread is scarce and shelter poor CHICAGO. Men of letters are notoriously un- I watch the sparrows, and I say thought I’d just lie down as I was. The trustees of the Museum of Nation ­ I replied that I was. Pulling my curtains aside, I nearly al Antiquities in Kiel have elected Frau- Only four ml uutes from the Court House; reliable as critics of other men of let. “I onlj r want a meal a day. ” Cable Car* pass the door. “I came to see if you would lend una fainted when I discovered a lady in my lein Johanna Mcgtorf director of that ters. Thus when an interviewer col ­ And if they turn me from the door New house with all modern Improve­ a pistol or a carbine for a few days, ” I tramp for weeks, berth. She discovered me at the same famous institution to succoed Prof. Hande- lects a series of opinions on similar he said. mann. Fraulein Mestorf had been a cus­ ments; newly furnished. On Auerlmi And dodge the beaks, time and gave a yell that woke every ­ and European plans. Rooms $3.00weekly; topics from various literary people we “You don ’t moan to tell me that you And with no money for a bed body in the car but the man who snor ­ todian of the museum since 1873. Friends of the woman ’s movement in the father- transients 60 cents and upward. Turkish have a confusion of ideas which would are entirely without arms?” I said, I try an archway or a shed. ed. You could hear him blowing Bath* for ladies and gentlemen, 40 cento. not unreasonably astonished. land hail Fraulein Mestorfs eloction with I brave the day, I brave the night, away more distinctly in the painful Ileataurant by Fred. Comptigncn. late ckq make the sphinx grin. ' The sad wag “Yes; I have nothing of the kind, ” joy. They believe that the'time is fast of a syndicate writer who recently I throw my sorrows to the wind, silence of the moment At that time coming when women will be admitted to Chicago and Union-League clubs. Table he answered. ‘ *1 have been annoyed ’Tis wise to keep a cheerful mind I heard the prolonged ring of an alarm the great universities on a level with the d’Hote served. undertook this task met with particu­ for the past three months by those in ­ And screw your courage for the fight. bell in the porter ’s room. That indiv ­ men. M? Cut thia out for future use. larly pleasing results from a humorous fernal California lions, and if I had a And so, kind sir, idual came shuffling down the aisle Another relic of the rebellion has been standpoint He inflicted ten questions shooting iron I might kill some of In case you err, among the tousled heads that were discovered in Virginia. A few days ago Dm.. BZIjZj’3 With over-pity, worse than none, apiece upon seven noted American them.” sticking out here and there and want­ while a log two feet in circumference was “Are you camping near here?” I Just hand a copper and have done. being cut in two near “Bloody Angle, ” in NTI- authors aud the replies are thrilling. ed to know what was the matter. asked. “ ‘Oh, say. porter, ’ said I, ‘I don ’t Spottsylvania county, the saw went ILIOUS “I live just around the bend of the An Old Friend. through the butt end of a twelve pound A There is no reason why in a school ­ • ‘Every time I visit the library I 6ee understand this—here’s a lady in my shell which was imbedded in the log out river; will you walk down with me?” berth.’ OM POUND,# room and among those engaged there­ Greatly astonished, I asked if he that man. He sits there reading day of sight. It is supposed that the tree was “ *Yo ’ berth is uppah, sah, I said about nineteen inches in diameter at the in a standard of polite deportment lived there quite alone. after day and seems to do nothing else.” A Sure Cure for “Let us take a good look at him.” uppah.” The porter explained and he time the shell was fired in 1803, as these c snail not be maintained such as pre­ “Oh, no, ” he replied, ” my wife and “What for? ” showed me a shelf with a’ bed on it trees grow about a quarter of an inch a Torpid Liver and Kidneys, Bilonsnea- mother live with me.” year. vails or ought to prevail in refined “Perhaps he is Constant Reader ’ right above the lady. Dyspepsia. The Best Blood Purifier, Little dreaming I was so near a resi­ •• ‘Dear me!’ said I. quite innocently. homes. This standard hasnever been dence, I eagerly accepted his invita ­ who writes for the newspapers.” PRICE, $1.00. introduced into the schools. School ‘I never saw one before, and you ’ll CURIOUS CLIPPINGS. yon BALA BY tion, and filling my pipe and leaving tho pardon mo. I’m sure.’ I heard more officers, teachers and pupils are all lax Raising Alligators. .DETROIT MEDICINE CO., an © sergeant in charge of camp, I started giggling and sniffing along the aisle, and too often rude and uncouth. forth with my new acquaintance. As A Louisianian at Bird's Mill has A fine specimen of the pine-tree shilling FILDEW & MILLMAN. gone into the business of raising alli­ while I was a trifle embarrassed, you of 1052 was found by workmen who were Supervisory officers stealthily enter we made the turn in the river I saw a know. The lady I had disturbed St. Johns and Fowler. large shelving rock rising from the gators. He has purchased land on excavating at Great Barrington, Mass. school-rooms as if it w ere necessary to both sides of a small neck of water and laughed pleasantly and forgave me As a country rich in judges New Zea­ : level prairie. It was not more than courteously. TIME : TABLE surprise teachers and pupils as a cat 100 yards from the river’s bank, and will feDce it in. He has a number of land is far ahead of the United States. does mice or a burglar a sleeping men engaged in catching small alliga ­ “ ‘How am I to get up there, porter? 1 About ono man in fifty is a justice of the IN EFFECT was really quite imposing in its dimen ­ “ ‘Clime, sah, clime,’ replied the peace. household. The scowling face, the tors and gathering eggs. sions. black. An armed desperado in Florida stepped petulant word, the taciturn aspect, tae I learned that they had been living APRIL 20th, 1891 JOYFULLY JOLLY. “ -Step right on my bed, ’ said the into a negro church and compelled the shuffling step, the awkward gait, the there for three months. They came lady. deacous to take up a collection for his ■TXresB-t-evejria.. with the intention of farming, and later benefit. Id. * d uneasy conduct of officials and princi­ The oratory of some men may not move •• Good gracious! ’ she exclaimed, as - . *4 • J5 erecting a suitable dwelling. mountains, yet it often succeeds in making I hoisted myself up; ‘If the Britisher The smallest church in the world is%aid o$»w2 c **& pals in schools have an inevitable olTeot STATIONS. . . 0 The Indians did not molest them.but a big bluff.”—Westfield 8tandard. hasn’t gone to bed with his boots on! ’ to be at St. Lawrence, near Ventnor, Isle e o oc. ks-s Etf c Jd on teachers and pupils. they were worried by tho lions, which “Henry is a great head worker, ” said of Wight.. It has a seating capacity of ?£ “Everybody was now laughing at sc came by twos and threes nightly to the the fond mother. “He won several prizes twelve people. my expense, you know, and, to tell tho a in ft. m. IO p. in. m. Popularization of electricity has p- p opening of their habitation, and there at college for sculling. —Washington Star. truth, I was so much amused at my DETROIT...... Lv 6 60 11 00 4 so 8 DO 10 ft howled till daylight, when they re­ In the divorce case: Counsel— “H’m! Milwaukee Junct 7 10 11 15 4 60 8 15 10 been progressing at accelerated rate. adventure I could hardly refrain from m So you know something about the affair, P- It will probably surprise many people turned to the mountain. laughing myself.”—Washington Post. Pontiac...... 7 58 12 06 6 82 8 55 12 o* They told me it was necessary for do you? ” Snapshot (exhibiting his kodak) ft. % to know that there are now in the —“Well, I have some views on the mat­ Holly...... 8 43 12 47 6 14 9 40 1 ono of them to be up all night to keep INSIDE HISTORY. Du raad| ...... 9 00 1 30 ft 56 10 25 2 or United States in actual operation 307 the fire burning, which wa3 their only ter.”—Boston News. Owoaao Junction. 10 10 2 20 7 46 2 50 electric street railways. They are dis ­ She: “So she reached Paris yesterday! The Way a Distinguished Man Acquired ST JOHNS...... 10 56 3 06 8 32 ,o 8 63 protection from these monsters. Iou Ia ...... 11 49 3 66 9 20 6 10 tributed over forty states and terri­ Consequently they had taken turns How wonderful it is that the news can be Learntng. Ill sent so safely over the ocean cable throngh fyOWell..^...... 12 17 4 24 9 50 6 to tories. It is curious to note that while sitting up nights for tho last three so many miles of salt water.” He: “Yes; The Rev. Dr. George E. Ellis says: Grand Rapid*...... 12 50 6 00 10 25 P o S ( 49 slow-moving Canada has only one, the months. and be so fresh.”—Life. There is a story about a certain dis ­ G. K. A I. Junct.... 1 06 6 15 10 35. B - 7 10 “I tell you what I will-do, ” I said. • *1 tinguished orator, lawyer and states­ TO MACKINAC Ferryaburg...... 2 10 6 10 11 25 • 45 young state of Washington has thir­ “I won ’t lend you any five dollars, ” Grand Haven...... 2 15 6 15 11 30 t M will send the company in charge of the said Bjones. “You never paid the fifty man of Massachusetts that has nerer Summer Tours . ft. ID ft. m. teen. It is observable, also, that they been told, and I dare say the gentle ­ Mllw. br Steamer ..... c V> sergeant about five miles further down cents you borrowed a month ago. ” “If Palacc Steamers . Low Rate *. Chicago by Stinr... —■ 6 00 ...... —J —... are most numerous in northern states* the river to encamp: then I will bring you let me have the V,” replied Maeer, man wouldn ’t like to have his name Vnr Trip, par W#«k ktwNo KoLSt-wraLxdL. like New York, Massachusetts, Penn ­ Curley with me, and we will stay here “I will pay you now. ”—Harper's Bazar. fnontioned now. Besides the story is DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND sylvania, Ohio, Illinois, which has to-night with you. Curley is an old “Now you never smell the odor of liquor very old. and It happened something Petookav, TheSee. Marqurtta, and Lake Huron Port «. w P* 'fl si 3 twenty-two, and least numerous In frontiersman, and is acting guide for on my breath,” said the young clergyman, like thirty-five years ago. But it is a ■TATIONS. l;8i me. He is a good shot, and will enjoy expostulating with Staggers for his bibu­ good story, and its value is only slight­ Bwry Xv.ala* l.twwtt 1*3 If southern states. Alabama and Arkan­ -w=! *SC► M• the sport ” lous propensities. “No; what do you do ly diminished by the necessity of with­ 10 m 2 26 I 06 4 ee families, being, I believe, a cross be­ SO SCIENTISTS SAY. went away I chaffed her about her Pontiac...... 6 46 to They Wed, not been direct financial successes. them. I had shot one through the oil. Lead was most injured by whale or “Do you know how to cook?” he 'J*he losses incurred by the British rep­ heart and Curley had sent a bullet lard oil and least by olive oil. Zinc suf­ asked. resentation at the Paris exposition of fered little from lard oil, scarcely more “No, ” she replied, sweetly,” but pa N.lCfi\lRBPiriKCHlCftGO.MJWM’U through the brain of the other. from mineral oils and most from sperm 1855 discouraged the British govern ­ “I think we had better leavo them has monoy enough to hire a woman to oil. Copper was not eroded by any of do the cooking for us.”—Somerville outside, ” said Curley. “The others the mineral oils, very little by sperm oil ment from generous appropriations fo t Journal. all Grocers Keep it: subsequent ones. Will scent tho blood and come hack. ” and most by tallow. ^ EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS IT. 1 CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPT. 24,1891. 11 'Mg TALMAGE TALKS MUSIC. ?on Ss of salvation as messages from FIGURES TO PROVE IT. Major’s Cement Repair* Rroken Article* heaven; for, just us certainly as the ISc and 25c. Major's leather and Hubber Cement lie. —— birds brought food to Elijah, by the Great Britain has 53,000 women trade It la said that a cross, competent woman THE TABERNACLE RINGS WITH brook Cherith, so these winged har­ monics. God-sent, are Hying to your unionists. is the best to live with for a Ufa time. SWEET MELODIES, soul with the bread of life. Open your During 1890 there were built in the mouths and take it, O hungry"Elisha! United States 8,500 churches. A lady writes! "Jl y doe la kealthjr thunks to Spralts Patent Dog In addition to tho inspiring music of Each of the four cables upon which the Cakes." Lending Kncliautment to Last Ins* our own day we have a glorious in- Brooklyn bridge rests has a capacity of Most men and women become maudlin In duy ’e Seriu >u The Worth of Wluele heritance of church psalmody which 12,000 tons, moonlight. ae Viewed by the Great Divine has come down fragrant with the de-1 According to Jewishcellmates, the num- “The Voice of Many Waters.” votions of other generations —times no her of Jews in New York City is now be- Learn Bharthaod hy mull and art (osd more worn out tlian they were when tween 80,000 and 100,000. position. Write Chaffee's College, Oswego, N. Y. our great grand fathers climbed up on; electric swing suggested for tho Brooklyn , N. Y., Sept.20,1891. —The them from the church pew to glory. World ’s Fair will carry twenty-four peo- It Is not difficult to know, The greatest inagnificent organ of the New llrook- I’ear old souls, Jiow they used to sing! pj9 ^ swing a distance of 900 feet, task is to act. lyn tabernacle was dedicated to-day. When they were cheerful our grand- , t hftS baen estimated recently bY a ,hoe “flanson’a Itlugio t'oi-u hulrr,” copyright issi The services were veritable muBicul fathers and , grandmothers used man that the people of the United States Warranted to cure, or money refunded, festivals. While the regular musical to sing Colchester.U !N h«*n lpend 3450 ooo, 000 annually for shoe*, your druggist for tt. Prtee 15 cents. A ringing noin programme at the tabernacle is al- to*™*™?'- wit£ I The census men found In the United in the ears, headache, deafness, cyea 3NE ENJOYS ways attractive, that of to-day was BtatM 14,050,750 horses, 2,290,532 mules, There Is one sort of Ignorance ttst be- exceptionally beautiful, the cougrega- , bouUi street. and. St Edmonds. , ^ ^ ^ 8M7B>648 OX0U and cat. comes women : Ignorance of men. weak; obstruction of nose, dis ­ Botljthe method and results when charges falling into throat, some ­ ludet be^ rendered with marvellous solved upon the plun of conductingthe : tie, 43,481,136 sheep 50,025,100 swine, 8 j4 of Figs is taken; it is pleasant ALBERT BURCH, West Toledo. Ohio, says: times profuse, watery and acrid, »* andfufreshing to the taste, and acts volume and expression. Dr. Talmage s music by organ and oornet. We do it I The great Soo canal accumulates a Hall’s Catarrh.Cure saved my life." Write him Jttr particulars. Sold hy Druggists, 76c. others, thick, tenacious, bloody and /y yet promptly on the Kidneys, sermon, which was appropriate to the for two reasons: tine is that by throw- trade far in excess of that which passes putrid ; offensive breath ; smell and A'ir and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ occasion, was on the text, Genesis 4: tog the whole responsibility upon the through the Suez canal. Some idea of its 21: “llis brothers name was Jubal: he mass of the peop:e, making the great . immensity can be gathered from the fact Men pray for more things that they do not taste impaired, and general debility. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- was tho father of all such as handle multitude the choir, we might rouss thatclosing a loc* for three days caused need thun for things they do heed. Not all of these symptoms at once. aclfs and fevers and cures habitual the harp and organ. ” ; more heartiness. The congregation i to shippers a loss of more than $1,000,000. FITS.—Alt Fltaa1 stoppedI free by dr . ELlsrs CEBIT Probably only a few of them. tipation. Syrup of Figs is the There has lieen muoh discussion ■ coming on the Sabbath day feel j The fair building at Chicago is to have a Nerve Restorer. NoNttatter hrstdsy'suse. Mar- That’s Catarrh. * as to where music was born. 1 think that they cannot delegate this part of ; stool chimney 250 feet high. It is ca!cu- rellous euros. Treatise and 1-2.00 trial “ottle free to remedy oi its kind ever pro- ITlt cases. Send to Dr. KIlne.tKil Arch hk, I'hlla., Fa. that at the beginning, when the morn- , the great service to uny one else, and j lated to weigh,built up with flro-brick and A medicine that by its mild, ed, pleasing to the taste and ac­ soothing, cleansing and healing table to the stomach, prompt in mg stars sang together, and all the so they themselves assume it. We have tile, 860 tons, against a weight of 700 tons Limit the number of your secrets and you suns of God shouted for joy, that the had a glorious congregational singing ' for a similar brick chimney. It can also limit the number of your trouble*. properties has cured the most hope­ action and truly beueficial m its earth heard the echo. The cloud on ! here, l’eople have come many miles j be built quicker, and its cost is about six- less cases. One that will cure you, beta, prepared only from the most wliich the angels stood to celebrate the ' bear it. They are not sure about ty per cent of a brick construction. The man of destiny ’tls said, no matter how bad your case or of creation, was the birtnplace of song. | the preaching, but they can always de- The rate of travel of thunder storms has l'resi-nts the greatest case e'er seen, lthy and agreeable substances, its Of thnt malady called swelled-hcnd. how long standing. A medicine Jauy excellent qualities commend it inanimate nature is full of God ’s pend on the singing. We have h mrd been studied by Herr Scbronrock from the Why don't *jc use Couilnr. stringed and wind instruments. the sound coming up like “the voice of record of 197 such storms in Russia in that doesn ’t simply palliate for a all and have made it the most Silence itself—perfect sileuce— many waters,” but it will be done at a 1888. Tho velocity is found to have We have noticed that the boys who, are time, but produces perfect and per­ ular remedy known, is only a musical rest in God s great better rate after awhile when we shall varied from thirteen to fifty miles an hour, great to “cut up” are always Invited wlsen manent cures. Byrup of Figs is for sale in 50c anthem of worship. Wind among tho realize the height, and the depth, and with a mean of 28.0 miles an hour in the there Is a party. the immensity of this privilege. That’s Dr. Sage ’s Catarrh Remedy. id SI bottles by all leading drug- leaves, insects humming in the sum­ hot season and increasing to thirty-two A cash payment of $500, not by ists. Any reliable druggist who mer air, the rush of billow upm the I forgot to state the other reason miles an hour in the cold season. beach, the ocean far out sounding its why we ai'opt this plan. That is. wj Tho record for speed by a railroad train you, as you might expect, but to assy not have it on hand will pro- everlasting puilm, the bobolink on the to pbIting I ';‘mall no»*u*- think we stand so near devastating hive stood up in them, Sabbath teen i nches in diameter, according to their Iper else $44. Syrup alter Sabbath, conscientiously and suc- H K. Dolno & Co., of Columbus, O., and re­ fix. your own storm and frightful whirlwind, that shells. ceived a tine plating machine. It plates on 'printing. Mkka We have selected two or we cannot hear that which makes to issfully leading the praises of God. Among the permanent decorations to be all kinds of metal with gold, silver or money printing My Christian friends, have we aright nickel. I made 13 the firs* day plating table for others. Croup, three lines from letters God sear and the ear of the spirits added to the vestibule of the White House ware and Jewelry; $29 tho first week. My Typo - setting nbo e us. a music as complete as it is tc delegate to others the discharge of ja»y.p lnteme great performer is that four wood-thrushes shall do all can tell whether farming as an in­ stantial people, happy in finding executing a boisterous Diece of music, the singing of the forest. Let all other family. How an old bachelor shrugs his shoulders The ebair occupied by Garibaldi in the at the word “papa;” how an old maid vestment pays. D« you make it what so many families lack—a med ­ he sometimes breaks dowo the instru- viices keep silent. _ How beautifully mourns at the sound of “mamma.” icine containing no evil drug, which ment on which he plays, so it may be tho four warble. It is really tine Italiaif legislative chamber in Rome is pay ? Have you first-class tools, fix­ on that last day that the grand march music. But how long will you keep bung with a laurel wrealh. Since the pa­ tures, etc. ? You say yes, but you mother can administer with con ­ triot ’s death no one has been allowed to fidence to the little ones in their of God. played by the fingers of thun- the forest still? \\ hy, C hrist would are wrong if you have no scales. der, and earthquake, and conflagration, come into that forest and look up as he use it. SICKHEADACHE You should have one, and by send ­ most critical hours, safe and sure The best paid Congregational minister in PoaUlvelycured i>> may break down the world upon looked through the olives, and he these Little Pills. ing a postal card you can get full that it w .11 carry them through. which the music is executed. Not wouid wave his hand and say: “Let New York is Dr. Taylor of tho Broadway They also relieve Dis­ Ed . L. Willits, of Mrs. Jas .W. Kirk , only is inanimate nature full of» everything that hath breath praise the tabernacle, who gets a salary of $16,000 tress from Dyspepela.In- information from r Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters’ College, and in addition tho cost of u heavy life in ­ (t Ignition ami TooHearty mi sic, but God has wonderfully or- Lord; ” and. keeping time with the Fating. A perfect rem to my children when Harrodsburg, Ky. ganized the .human voice, so that in-stroke of innumerable wings, there surance. troubled with Croup have depended upon edy for Dizzlness.Nausea JONES OF 068469 and never saw any it in attacks of Croup die plainest throat and lungs there are would be five thousand bird voices The la~4lng ac*^r of Copenhagen is Joa ­ Drowsiness, Had Taste fourteen direct muscles which ean leaping into the harmony. Suppose in the Mouth, Costed preparation act like with my little daugh ­ chim Ludwig Phister, who for more than ToDgue.Pain in the Hide. BINGHAMTON, N.Y. it. It is simply mi­ ter, and find it an in­ make over sixteen thousand different this delegation of musical performers fifty years has been connected with the TOKPID LIVER. They raculous. valuable remedy. sounds, and there are thirty indirect w ere trie t in heaven; “suppose that four Royal Danish Theater. He bas appeared regulate the Bowels muscles which can make, it has been choice spirits should try to do the sing- in 700 roles. Purely Vegetable. Fully one-half of our customers Price 2& Cents; are mothers who use Boscliee ’s Ger­ estimated, more than one hundred and mf? of the upper temple. Hush qow Gen. Maury is the third distinguished seventy-th ee millions of sounds! thrones and dominions and principal! confederate officer to have a desk in the CASTES MEDICINE CD., NEW YOSE. man Syrup among their children. Now. 1 say, when God lias so con ­ ties. David! be still, though you war records office in Washington. The A medicine to be successful with the structed the human voice, and when he were “tho sweet singer of Israel. ’ other two are Gen. Marcus Wright and Small Pill. Small Dose, Small Price. LITTLE little folks unfit be a treatment for hasfilled the whole earth with har­ fanl! keep quiet, thourh you have Geo. George Field. oorie to that crown of rejoicing. Rian- the sudden and terrible foes of child­ mony, and when he recogni ed it in the Mrs. Annie Besant, Theosophy’s newest ancient temple, I have a right to come | ard Baxter! keep still, though this is hood, whooping cough, croup, diph­ the “baint s everlasting Best.” Four eonvort of prominence, is said to derive theria and the dangerous inflamma­ to the conclusion that God loved music. an income of $4,500 a year from the soci ­ LIVER I propose, this m irning in setting tpirits uow do all t.ie singing. But Be on guard tions of delicate throats and lungs. ® low long would he iven be quiet? Uow ological books she wrote in collaboration apart this organ for sacred use, to with the late Charles Bradlaugh. speak about sacred music; first show­ lung? “Hallelujah!” would cry some against imi­ PILLS tOKSt EPTI05 (THRO without medicine. Write, with ing you its importance, and then stat­ glorified Methodist from under the William Morris, the English poet, artist •stamp, THE .SCANDINAVIAN CO., Rocky ford,Colo. and socialist, affects a singularly shabby tations DO HOT GRIPE NOR SICKFX. ing some of the obstacles to its ad ­ altar. “Prais • the Lora ” would Sere cere for SICK HEAD- If affile:ed with vancement. dng the martyrs from among and unpiettiresoue attire. He may be ACHE, lmptlred dige«tk»,eoiOU- both fcyea, use ! Thompson's Eye Water. seen in Oxford street, in London, wearing of pation, torpid glands. They »rou*» I draw the first argument for the im­ the thrones. Thanks be unto God vital organ!, remove nuuiea. dis^ portance of sacred music from the fact who gtveth us the victory I” a an old black slouch hat, an nuciont sack cine*,. Magical effect on Kid- Positive cur*. Ry mall, sen led coat, baggy trousers and a blue flannel Pearl- m vi and^bladder. Connarv RUPTURE )tooktr*e. Addreen l>r. W. s, that God commanded it Thr ugh Paul great! multitude of redeemed spirits bilious nervous dis ­ 1UI E, liuxS. Hniithvtlle. N.Y. would cry. Myriads of voices shirt. me. orders. EftabUnh nat­ he tells us to admonish one another in ural Daily - Action . Pend to the State Board of psalms, and hymns, and spiritual_ coming into the harmony, and the one Queen Victoria has two beautiful little oo __ Trade, SEATTLE, for* true he hundred and forty and four thousand gold watches by Breguet that are supposed When Beautify complexion by purifying WASHINGTON•tatement of the State', sources of wealth. songs; and through David blood. Purf .lv Vkoktable . cries out: “Sing ye to God, all i breaking forth into one acclamation. to tie 100 years old. They have silver dials they are The doae U n lecly tdj ueted to ault ra»e, aa one pill can MORPIIIXE DI8KAKR, fil'AItUTUlit frRf ye kingdoms of the earth." [ that loud singing! Stop! Oh no and are about tbe size of a two-shilling never be too much. Each vial contain, 42, earned in Vfd without p.l. TRIAL TKtCaTXEXT kWEY not danger ­ pocket, like lead pencil. Business man ’s great II. I. NKAWRH, MmKTAUY BOX t», *And there are hundreds of other pas- they cannot hear me. You might as piece. One is a blind man’s watch, the convenience. Taken eaaler than augar. Sold every ­ OPIUM.tXMtXA MUrKRAl. sr-RITOw |\H where. All genuine good, bear “Creacent.” sages I might name, proving that it V 'vetl try to drown the thunder of the other is a repeater. Both go perfectly and ous, they are Send 2-cent atamp. You get 32 page book with aample. ore in constant use. Ilf ANTE ft 7 MKN TO TRAVEL. We pa y as much a man ’s duty to sing as it is *ky, or heat back the roar of tho sea, OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO . St. Louis. Ma Vf 1* Is I C * 1 • k>0to $ 100 a month and expense* his duty to pray. Indeed, I think lor every soul in heaven Las resolved Mm William Astor has a wonderful worthless. They are STONE At WELLINGTON, JUadlson. Wis. there are more commands in the Bible to do its own singing. Alas! that we snake ring which literally writhes in con ­ usually both. Pcarline does to sing than there are to pray. God should have tried on earth that which stant motion on her finger. It is con ­ what nothing else can. It KANSAS FARMSifKE not only asks for the human voice but they cannot ao in heaven, and, instead structed of flexible gold wire, each scale THE NEW WEBSTER Largest crops ever raised. Buy a farm. Descrintlvo for instruments of music He asks ioi of joining all our voices in the praise being represented by a loop of wire in saves labor in washing, and O list free. CHAS. R. WOOLLEY. Osuou.sk, Kas . the cymbal, and the harp, and the j0*-he Most High God delega ing per which a ruby, an emerald or an amethyst insures safety to what is £ o trumpet as well as the organ. And Naps to unconsecrated men and women is firmly set. The lightest movement of 09 % FOKOUH LARGE OATALOOUCos I suppose that in the last tliU most solemn and most delightful the fingers 6ets tho wire quivering, and vashed. It is cheap, thorough, z Fi.riMe- /N»n nr"T Loon* Wehav* .*ervice. / WEBSTER’S \ SntrrrLB GH rt r'C. I 200 testimonial! davs of the church, tiie harp, the lute, the ring scintillates and seems to go round anti 25 •worn affidavit* Hint EXi Kk the trumpet, and all the instruments I want to ronse you to a unanimity the finger with a serpentine movement that ind reliable. Nothing else _>» FITFT V. yARpa_____ PER DAY. Address in tthristian song that has never yet 1 r. T. N. Crowley. Terre lliiute, Ind. “Praise ye the Lord! ” Praise him t ith poses. The series of full-page drawings MUmnBBKCBHm 1 o.,Ch.ry Sabbath are these bring to their work, besides mere G. A C. HERRIAM & CO., Publisher*, (PATENTED) Watts, or Charles Wesley, or John Springfield, Mas*., U. 8 . A. Newton, or Toplady, the love of Jesus tii« national airs of Jesus Christ and tnO 'hanicAl skill, a trained imagination The ttror 1 nrnt and purest Lye of the kingdom of heaven, and if you and an artistic conception of things. These mnde. Will mEke tho brat per­ was sung to yonr soul, then you sur-1 “uu 11 qualities, when used in connection with fumed Herd Soup In SO minutes rendered, as armed castle, that coula donot leurn to sin K them here, how do ioithnvt iHillltifj. It ie I lie best advertisements, command scarcely less for softening wnter, cleansing not be taken by a host, lifts its win- ! J°* ever expect to sing the song of Interest than when used in the ordinary Illinois State waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, dow to listen to a harp s trilL There ;MoiCS and the Lamb? I should not literary way.—Printer's Ink, August 19, closets, washing bottles, paints, was a Scot -h soldier dying in New *be surprised at all “if some of* the best 1891. trees, etc. 15 Wiloox Avb ., Detroit , Mich. Medical Institute. Orleans, and a Scotch minister came in anthems of heaven wore made up of nducitM young men and women to maintain themtelfci in to give him the consolations of the •one of the best songs of earth. May A man's wife Is his conscience; so long as independence, wire money And Accumulate weAltlh • BufiMn. 103 State St.f Chicago. PENNA. SALT M’F’G CO. God increase our reverence for Chris­ sho thinks everything he does Is right, ho Shorthand, rmmanihtp. F.n*li«h, l^nguaite. titoctiO.m *od Oen. Agts., Phila.. Pa. Gospel. The man turned over on hk IWtlianital Dr-wiin; Depvtm.nti. Chartered by the Stats. pillow, and said: “Don ’t talk to me tian psalmody, and keep us from dis ­ suffers no remorse for his wrong doing. w K. JhWKLL. Pm'l. R. SPHNCHR. Sac'y. about religion. ” Then the Scotch gracing it by our indifference and Authorized Capital *150.000. minister began to sing a familiar hymn frivolity. When Cromwells army Conducted by a Full Staff of Physicians. Ihre« of Scotland, that was composed by went into battle, he stood at the head of whom are noted German Specialists. David Dickenson, beginning with the them one da ’r, and gave out the FOR THE EXCLUSIVE TREATMENT words: ‘ 'long-metre * doxo'ogyJ to the tune of the TIN" 15 MINUTES. The Soap “Old Hundredth, ” and thatgreat host, OF ALL CHRONIC DISEASES. Oh. mother, aetir Jerusalem, Amplt Facilities for Room and Board. When shall I come U> thee? company by company, regiment by regiment, battalion by battalion, I suffered severely with face neu ­ Kach Disease treated by a Physician, wbo makae K a specialty; Ova of our staff receiving their educa ­ He sang it to the tone of “Dundee, ” joined in the doxology: ralgia, but in 15 minutes after appli­ tion and experience In Knrope. where a Doctor must and everybody in Scotland knows study seren years Instead of three a* here. If »“to­ Praise God from whom all bloselnga flow, cation of St. Jacobs O il was asleep; ted with Catarrh, CovnumpHen, Ailkmaer any that; and as ho began to sing the dying lAin/1 TrouMr. consult onr Ppeclallat. Our trees* for soldier turned over on his pillow, and Praise him all creatures here below; meet of Stomach, Livtr, Heart ami Kidnap Trow Me* have not been troubled with it since. baa no equal. said to the minister: “Where did you Praise Him nbove, ye hesv nljr host Ilhtnmatltm, Ooitrt, Taps Worm and all SMn IX*- learn that?” “Why,” replied the min­ Praise Father, Hon, and Holy Ghost No return since 1882. F. B. ADAMS, Perry, Mo. WJn treated. Onr German Rye and Bar Bpeotallst has ister, “my mother taught me that” many case* when pronounced Incurable. Hard “So did mine,” said the dying „ Scotch_____ And while they sang, they marched, "ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID ITV Our treatment for Bpdrpa*. Paralytit nnd soldier; and the very foundationdatioi of his and while they marched, they fought, TrmMtt has met with wonderful success. Delicate Diseases of Men or Women have ksd heart was upturned, and then and and while they fought they got tho •pedal provision made tor their treatment. there he yielded himself to Christ. Oh, 1 victory. O men and women of .>e'*us Strictest privacy maintained and all oommuntooe Water it has an irresistible power. Luther’s Christ, let ns go Into all our confiivts tions confidential. sermons have been forgotten, singing the praises of God, and- then, pISO’S REMEDY FOR CATARRH.—Best. Easiest to use. CONSULTATION FREE. but his “Judgment Hymn ” instead of falling back, as we often do, A Cheapest. Relief Is Immediate. A cure is certain. For If afflicted with any disease address In any languors Cold In the Head it has no equaL Bint's on through the age*, and from defeat to defeat, we will be ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, will keep on singing until tho blast of marching on from victory to victory, 1ft* State Strest. Chic the archangel s trumpet, shall bring Glory to the Fnther and to the Hon " 1 ■ 1 ■' " ■ 1 1 is Lenox. about that very day which the hymn and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the ______W. N. U m !».—f>—30. re.ebrates. 1‘ would to God that those beginning, is now and ever shall be, It Is an Ointment, of which a small nnrtirle is lied to the who hear me, to-day, would take those world without end. Amen. nostrils. Price, 60o.. Hold by dragglsts or sent by mal Whan writing to Advertlaera plans* sap Address, ft, UJ r azxltuul* ------**'Warren. Pa. tausaw tlaa advartUomant In this i CLPSTOK INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891.

NORTH OLIVE. The Independent September 81, 1891 SAVE YOUR MONEY! Heeding is nearly completed and wheat SUGAR! SUGAR! SUGAR! is growing nicely. Potatoes are gener ­ »r. JOHNS,THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER *4, 18*1. ally, a large crop, and coni is much better than was looked for during the SOCIETY MEETINGS. drouth. T. JOHN8 LODOE NO.*,I. O.O. F. MEETS Lewie Brown, the boy farmer, raised Friday evening of each week. New lodge 1,600 bushels of wheat besides an .esti­ Sroom corner CUnton Avenue and Kuilroad-st. mated loss of 200 bushels by bad JOHN O. W ATKIN, N. O. stacking and rainy weather on Monday FRED BOWLES. Secretary. forenoon last. T.JOHNS ENCAMPMENT NO. 83, L O. O. F. meet* id and 4th Wednesday evenings of M. aud S. Gage threshed 910 bushels TT is not so much what you earn t eachS month. ARVINE TOUCH, C. P. of grain for G. Kipp, 862 bushels of J- but what you save, that makes J. L. TRANCHELL. Secretary. which were oats from 45 acres. They Another Car-loadUust Received at the also threshed for A. Hamilton last week you rich, and you can save hand- T. JOHNS RADIANT CHAPTER. O. E. S.- S Regular meetings July «i, August 28, Sep­ 692 bushels of oats from 10 acres. I sums every year, and at the same tember 28, and October *1. _ _ w Ou Sunday last, while Clarence Throo MRS. MARY WARD, W. M. time receive the best of satisfaction, Mhs. Minkkva A buky , Secretary. 1281 and l^e Van Vleet were trying the spee< 1 of a Ilambletonian colt belonging to E. by buying your Clothing of Throop, and when at Louis Boran ’s cor ­ ST. MERCANTILE C0.S -THE- ner the colt turned very suddenly, up­ setting the cart and throwing Clarence on his head, bruising his face and sprain­ ing his wrist verv badly. Lee escaped uninjured, and caught the colt by the GROCERY DEPARTMENT. bits. Others were soon ou the spot to help release the colt from the overturned The Rochester Clothing CL ST. JOHNS, MICH. cart. J. V. F. SOUTH RILEY. Pays 4 Per Cent. Interest on Deposits. September 21,1891. No. 17, Clinton Avenue, St.Johns. Send some of the men at St. Johns out to Riley who want to cut corn. Loans Money on Approved Bonds and Plenty of work out here. Beal Estate Security. The farmers are rushing business so QUALITY AT THE TOP, HP U every careful, reasoning as to attend the Clinton county Fair at -*■ man, it at once suggests omCEibS: St. Johns, commencing September 29th. Sowing wheat and cutting corn Is the itself satisfactorily to his mind that A. J. Baldwin , Pres. P. E. Walswosth , Tres, Josiah Upton , Vc-Pres. R. C. DitXTita, Asst. Tres order of business now with the farmers. the merchant who is so situated aud Threshing wheat and oats is about done enabled to buy direct from the man­ THE LOCAL. MARKETS. for this year. PRICES AT THE BOTTOM, I am informed that a post-office is ufacturer—saving the middle man ’s OrKICKOrTHK Indkpendknt , about to be started at Charles Cole ’s St. Johns, Mich., September 24, 1891 house, opposite the Jason school-house, profit —is enabled to sell to his pa­ The following are the prices paid In cash for and a grocery will be kept there also. trons 25 per cent, less than can his produce In this market: Wheat, white...... • 89 Miss Narcoiu of DeWitt, teaches the Explains why such throngs of satis ­ competitors, who are obliged to pay Wheat, red ...... 91 school in District No. 4, Riley. Mrs. Oats...... -...... 23©»28 May Watson teaches the school at Stoney this middle man ’s, or jobber ’s profit. Rye...... 82 Clover Seed .....-...... 4.2.5 Creek, Bingham. Mm. Jennie Watson They can only compete by selling Butter...... 1001.18 teaches school at Wacousta. fied purchasers are daily at our Stores. Eggs —fresh...... 15 Riley people go to St. Johns to get you a poorer class of goods. All Beans...... - 1.2501.50 .04 Dr. Curtis to pull their teeth. He don ’t goods bought of us are fully war­ Hay. per ton ...... charge them anything for doing so. Apples per bu...... SMbSb2SO» Last Saturday night he sold 69 packages ranted to be as represented. Potatoes ...... 55 of his mediciue in less than ten minutes Onions ...... 75 Corn ...... 28 to his audience. Lard ...... -...... 07 The new town hall at Riley Centre is Chickens...... 08 Wood ...... 1.0001.50 about done. It is a nice building. The Hides ...... (H* Farmers’ Alliance meets at the Centre. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. They number about 100 members. The Our Fall and Winter Stock ay * Correspondence should reach thisoffice on Tues­ farmers are on the right track now, if day of each week, and not later than Wednesday mom­ they will only stick to it. my. Anonymous communications will receive no atten­ On the 18th of September a terrific tion. The writer's name must be given, not for pub­ wind and rain storm passed over this Now embraces every new, good and lication. if so desired, but as evidence of good faith. township coming from the north-west. desireable Article in the line of Trees and fences were blown down. Gentleman ’s, Youths’ and Children’s DEWITT. Lightning struck the chimney of James Warren ’s house passing down through Clothing, and Furnishing Goods, September 15, 1891. the floor and demolishing a bed-stead in Gall and get a Premium List of the Clinton County Fair. Too late for last week. its course. Legal Tender . Hats and Caps. It will cost you Our union school opened here to-day nothing to come and look at our with Jerome Stone and Mrs.S. A. Stew­ A Destructive Worm to Growing Timber*. art as teachers. Mrs. Stewart has The Ionia Standard says : “All the Stock, and it will pay you to do so. moved onto her place on Main street in large white oak timber in this vicinity order to be more convenient to her school work. is being stripped of foliage by an army Yours, Respectfully, The DeWitt Milling Company are re­ of worms that made their appearance pairing their doom. The big mill-pond about a week ago. The noise in the Very Truly Vours, has been drained. Fish are picked up woods where they are at work is like a ^n large quantities, and the oder from them is verv offensive to the people liv­ constant rain storm, and their work is ROCHESTER CLOTHING CO., ing in that vicinity. Those who live be­ rapid and thorough. What the final tween the cider-mill and the mill-pond effect will be remains to be seen.” No. 17, Clinton Avenue. are preparing to “kick.” The hjuir Tribune, in referring to ST. JOHNS MERCANTILE CO. There are several cases of bloody dys- these new variety of worms, says : eutery in our village. Grandma Fore ­ man lias been quite sick with it, and is Quite a large tract of oak timber in J^EADS all Competitors for elegaut Foot ­ still very poorly. Mrs. Gotham Averill Ronald, belonging to G. A. Willett, is has also ”been severely afflicted from the infested with worms that have stripped FILDEW & MILLMAN, same cause, accompanied by iutiamitory wear at Live and Let Live Prices. rheumatism. E. B. Moses has two sick the trees of their leaves, and the timber PHARMACY. children suffering from the same trouble. seems to be dying. The worms began Mrs. Balcom, of Riley, is very sick at their ravages about two years ago, and Our $2.00 Ladies Kid Shoes are unap ­ the home of James Brunson, on Main now the timber presents the appearance street, of cancer and blood poison. She of having been burned.! ’ lias been treated for the removal of the Try Our LEMON BITTERS, proachable. cancer by doctors in Lansing. About Two Harvest Excursions. A fruit and vegetable Tonic for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Less ten days ago, accompanied by her hus- The Burlington Route, C. B. & Q. R. of Appetite and all Stomach Troubles. Our $2.50 Kid Button and Lace Shoes are bau, she paid a visit to her physician, R., will run Harvest Excursions, Tues­ who assured them that the cancer days, August 25th and September 29th, was killed. She was so much exhausted from Chicago. Peoria, Quincy and St. Try Our ECLECTIC BALM the best in the City. that they fouud it necessary to remain Louis to St. Paul, Omaha, St. Joseph, in Lansing for a time. On the third day, Kansas City, Denver, Helena, Salt Lake For Colic, Cholera Morbus, Neuialgia, Rheumatism, and as a which was Monday, and being anxious and all other points in the Northwest liniment for Sprains and Bruises it cannot be equalled. Don ’t fail to examine our Ladies Fine Hand to get home, Mr. B. started with his and Southwest. Rates very low; w ife alive. When they arrived at De- tickets for sale at all company ’s ticket Try Our BAKING POWDER, Witt Mrs. Balcom was too ill and weak offices at points on and east of Mis­ Turned Shoes at #2.50, #3.00, #3.50, to go further, and there stopped at Mr. sissippi River. Many connecting lines Strictly pure and cheap. Brunson ’s to rest, where sheis suffering will sell through tickets for these ex­ untold agonies. The Lansing doctors cursions. Inquire of local agent for #4.00 and #4.50. If you buy them were sent for. The lady is dangerously fuU information, or address, P. S. Try Our CONDITION POWDERS ill. caused, it is thought, from the poison Eustis, Gen ’l Pass, and Ticket Agt., used in eating out the cancer. Chicago. For all kinds of Stock. Vandalism in DeWitt cemetery is be­ you save 50 cents to #1.00 per pair. coming quite freguent of late. Two Two Genuine Harvest Excursions beautiful plants or changeable Hydran ­ Try Our CORN SAL VENT. gea (Hydrangea Horten sis) are growing Will be run from Chicago, Milwaukee, It will remove Corns without pain. Remember, also, one Fair Ticket goes with on the lot of Dr. Topping and at three aud other poiuts on the lines of the or four different times some villianous Chicago, Milwaukee &St. Paul Railway, vandal has broken off and carried away to points in Western Minnesota, North­ each pair at $2.50 or more, and two one of those large cymes or clusters of western Iowa, South and North Dakota, We will meet you in Floral Hall at the County Fair, flowers. Though all are doubtless con ­ Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, scious that they are committing a crime Wyoming and Montana, at cheap excur­ tickets with each purchase of $5.00 or when taking flowers or otherwise injur ­ sion rates, on August 25 and September ing property in a cemetry, yet few prob ­ 29. 1891. ably know how severe tne penalties of For further pa rticulars apply to nearest FILDEW & MILLMAN, more. Rubber goods not Included. the lawT are upon such trespassers. coupon ticket agent, or address H arry Section 9298 Howell ’s Statutes impose a Merger , Mich. Pass. Agent, Chicago, THE LIVE DRUGGISTS, fine not exceeding $500 nor less than $10 Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway,82 Gris­ or imprisonment not more than one wold street, Detroit, Mich., or ST. JOHNS. - - FOWLER. year upon any person who removes, Geo . II. H eafford ,Gen ’l Pass. Ag ’t, DUTCHER BROS.' CASH SHOE HOUSE. mutilates, defaces or injures any tomb, Chicago. 111. monument, gravestone, tree, shrub or P. S.—It will do your heart good to “Verily, he that bloweth not his ovn lant or flower in any cemetery. Dr. see the magnificent crops in South Da­ horn the same shall not be blowed.* — UNDERTAKING ! MADAME PRICE'S S’opping offers a rew ard of ten dollars kota. They are simply immense. for information convicting any person Old Proverb. of the injuries liefore referred to. The Electric Bitter*. ------SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Board of Health promises to make it This remedy Is becoming so well Corner Cass and Mead Street*. interesting to any one caught in such known and so popular as to need 'no vandalism. M. special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of EUREKA. BAKERY PUPILS TAKEN AT ANYTIME praise.—A purer medicine does not ex- This certainly does not apply S. W. INGRAHAM September 21,1891. 1st and it is guranteed to do all that is C. W. Carter has moved back to Eu­ claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all to the For Everything in the Line of Branches Taught are Piano, Voice reka from his farm. diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will Culture, Organ and Harmony. Adam Russelland wife, have returned remove Pimples, boils, salt rheum and from their visit to Benzie county. Mrs. other affections caused by impure FREE ADVANTAGES TO PUPILS. D. C. Stiles came with them. blood and will drive malaria from the Dr. Hart’s boys visited him Sunday system and prevent constipation and Harmony Class once a week. and started for the Medical school at indigestion. Try Electric Bitters—En­ Juvenile 9inging Class once a week. Keokuk, Iowa, on Monday last. tire satsfaction guaranteed, or money ie Roller Flow Public Recitals at the close of every term. James R. Jeffrey went to Mason last refunded. —Price 50cts. and $1.00 per I have revived and refitted In an attractive To children other than private pupils who week to see his sister, who was reported bottle at Fildew & Millman’s drug manner, the Join the singing class, a fee of $2 for twenty v*»ry low with typhoid fever. She was store. R As all users are sounding its lessons Is charged. better at last accounts. LUNCH ROOM |3ir*Speclal attention is given to beginner* Rev. A. Ostrotli was called to Hart A Wonder Broker. praises. on the Plano 1252 last week to visit a sister who was re­ Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of In connection with the ported as at the point of death, so there Burlington, Ohio, states that he had were no services at the Evangelical ill a si-rrn AGENTS, Men sod Women, Teach- been under the care of two prominent II All ILL) ei* and Clergymen. •ooo.oosal- -church Sunday last. M. T. physicians, and used their treatment ary aud Commission, to Introduce the beet selling until he was not able to get around Star-:-Bakery, UNDCETAKIHS GOODS book, SHEPA RDSVILLE. They pronounced bis case to be con ­ sumption and incurable. He was per­ First Door West of Post-Office, • CASKETS, MARVELS OF THE NEW WEST. September 21,1891 A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. A new Agent sold 70 In one Week. Agent's suaded to try Dr. King ’s New Discovery ST. JOHNS, MICH., rnflts, 9130.00. Orer 350 original engravings. Mrs. C. B. Worden Is visiting in for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Burial : Robes, : Crape, : Etc. 0.400 copies sold In one week. Exclusive i’emnton. and at that time was not able to walk Where may be found a quiet and comfortable rterritory. Endorsed by the greatest men of our Peter Seifert and family have moved acrosa the street without resting. He resting-place, and where a first-class Lunch country. Agents thoroughly Instructed. Apply to will be served when desired. White Bread, o St. Johns. ___ __ , found, before he had used half of a Yours, truly, I also carry * full line of the Celebrated P. aud The Henry Bill Publishing 0o„ H. A. Scott and F. E. Cleveland were dollar bottle, that be was much better; Cream Bread, Vienna Bread, Brown Bread and W. Steel Top Casket*. 1294 Norwich, Conn. Rye Bread baked fresh dally. Also, fresh n Grand Rapids last week. be continued to use it and is to-day My Undertaking business 1* now exclusive The farmers are very busy cutting up Buns, Rusks and Cake. Hot Tea, Coffee and ▲. SCHENCK A SON, enjoying good health. If you have any of any other. Elegant new rooms In the THAN WEALTH is heir corn, which they are pleased to Throat. Lung or Chest trouble try It Cocoa served on short notice. Elsie, Mich. Sickle* Block, west of Court House, near Con­ owledge of Book-keep ind a good crop...... gregational church. (.Shorthand. Type writ The fall sown wheat is looking very We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle J. M. FRISBIE, Frop ’r. d tor Catalogue of Oran free at Fildew A Millman ’s drug store. |^~8t. Johns buyers will find our flour at f^Trompt attention will be given to call* Rapids Business College, Grand Rapids. Mich dee hereabouts, and the feed for stock 5 0T“Fresh Oysters by the dish or oan. 98-3 ri76yl6yl A. 8. PARISH, Prop. is abundant. McGinty . Kendrick's. and satisfaction guaranteed.
