HICKS & HOLMES will show at their Store, Fair Week, all the New Novelties in Season Millinery. Prices right. (8eBete'“) The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXV—NO. 5% % ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891 . WHOLE NO. 130*. 'f The Mercantile Company's Calendar for I8#L —Michigan's wheat crop this year is Do you like pork? If so, we will pre­ BUSINESS LOCALS Elegant Millinery Display, Nut at th« Fair but at J. T. Cole & Co.’s Store. Best quality Mason Fruit sent for your consideration and inspec­ Our Exhibit SEPTEMBER, estimated at 27,000,000 bushels. THE CLINTON CO. FAIR Visitors to our Clinton County Fair S|M| T w: t F a —The Episcopal society at Ionia are tion the During “ fair week” and the balance of Jars with Boyd Caps the season, will consist of the finest line should not fail to visit the Millinery i i s 4 & putting a new pipe organ into their BEGINS TUESDAY NEXT. and Dressmaking store of J. T. Cole & « 71 N 0 10 11 12 Pints, 11.00 ; Quarts fl.so ; church. of Millinery ever shown in St. Johns.— Co. ,. t Li 14 16 18 17 IS 10| Two Quarts, fl.40 Consisting of trimmed Hats and Bon­ Their display of new goods, novelties i-'O 21 22 23 24 26 2b, per —Richard Freeman and Joseph Place, nets for the old, middle aged and the *7 28 20 SO . and styles will surely please the eye ± dozen. of Olive township, report 1.380 bushels The Entries Are Coming in young. Bonnets for the babies, in while the prices offered auring the week of Scottish white oats from 15 acres of every description and at all prices. of the Fair will gladden the heart and Ladies, call and examine our stock, fcjrTo all new subscribers, ground, an average of 92 bushels per Freely. and be convinced, that for style and pocket-book. as well as to those who will acre. prices, we lead. Respectfully, The Fall Season pay up all arrearages, we will —On Saturday last a son of Edwin H icks & H olmes . Is now upon us and, as usual, we are No. 16 Clinton Ave., St. Johns. prepared for it. Our stock in New send The Independent and the Plowman, of Bengal, received a severe The Buildings and Track are in Fine gash in one of his feet, from an ax Manufacturer ’* Cloak Sale. Dress Goods is simply enormous, and in Detroit Free Press and House ­ Condition. it you are bound to find something to which he was using. Dr. Weller re­ Thursday, October first, the agent of please. Full line of Dress Trimmings hold, one year for $1.75, cash, paired the injury. one of the largest cloak manufactures in the country, will be at our store with ;o match goods. In short our stock is —Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Stephenson, extremely large in all departments and With Fine Weather, This Will Result In an immense line of Cloaks and Jackets your examination is respectfully so ­ HOME MATTERS. received a telegram from Montesceno. a Great Show. of every description, from the cheapest, licited. Cash for butter and eggs. Wash., September 21st, announcing the to the most expensive in texture. Among Brevities. the novelties will be shown the new Respectfully, II. L. Kendrick . birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J. Military Cape, which is having such a —No rest for the weary woman. As E. McDougall, nee Cara Stephenson. One second hand Birdsel Clover soon as the fruit season is over the Those who are interested in w-ool and run in the large cities. If you contem ­ Iluller for sale cheap. Inquire of ,,. —The Ladies will be pleased to know mutton should not fail to see the tine plate purchasing a cloak this fall or John H. Fedewa or house cleaning season is here. that Miss A. Hayward has returned CHESTER WHITE HOOS winter, you should take advantage of 1298-tf Edw ’in H. Lyon . —A convention for the organization of and the display will embrace nearly this sale, as on that day special prices from Detroit and again resumes her a State branch of the People's party every variety known to the swine will be made to sell many cloaks. The Boss $1.50 Fountain Pen at work as Forelady in the Trimming De­ John H icks . ________ A llison ’s. ,: will be held at Lansing in December. partment at J. T. Cole & Co.'s store. family. St. Julius Steam I.aumtry. R. H. Forbes. —The pioneer picnic advertised to —Prof. Beal, of the Agricultural col ­ Lovers of the chicken, duck and goose take place at Elsie, to day, has been should not fail to visit the Lee Lamoreaux, proprietor, corner Will start his Cider Mill September 18, lege, advises farmers to soak all their Clinton avenue and State street. Work 1891, and run it Tuesdays and Fridays postponed until Saturday next, Septem­ seed wheat ilfteen or twenty minutes in called for and delivered with prompt ­ through the season. 1299w‘2 ber 26th. water not hotter than 132 degrees be­ ness. First-class work and satisfaction Alarm Clocks —Send every item of interest that con ­ guaranteed. fore sowing, the best remedy for smut. At A llison ’s. cerns yourself or your neighbor to this Ml** Carrie Turner, —II. C. Leland, formerly of this vil­ Pair of Good Work Horses office, and it will find a place in our lage, and whose business property was Teacher of piano and organ music. columns. Singing class and dumb bell drill free For sale at a bargain. Call at the Per- destroyed in Ithaca, some time since, to private pupils ; to those other than rin House. —A Detroit paper says the impression has commenced the erection of a brick n-ivate pupils a charge of $2 for twenty is abroad throughout the state that the Farmers’ Feed Barn. block on the lot thu3 made vacant. essons, will lie made. Fall term com ­ ' have purchased the large and pleas­ bonus business has been overworked —At a recent meeting of the board of menced September 7. 1296-5 ant bam known as the “ Hilliker Feed and needs a rest. directors of the State Bank of St. Johns, One Dollar. Bam,” centrally located near the court —Because a man makes a loud noise D. II. Power, present cashier, was chosen Call and see the Umbrella that One house, to which I invite the driving by constantly “shooting off ” his own Dollar will buy at John H icks ’. public, guaranteeing the best of accom ­ a member of the board to supply the va­ odations, and charges always as low as mouth, don't think for an instant that cancy created by the resignation of Mr. Ladles, the lowest. Horses boarded by the week, it is an overflow of brain power. Con ­ A. Ketan, who will soon remove to SUKEP EXHIBIT. Don ’t forget to call “fair week” and see and horses and carriages to let. sider the mule ; he is a good example. Little Rock, Arkansas. the lovely Millinery at Hicks & Holme's. B. F. Miller, Prop'p. —Hereafter no circulars can be sent Or, if you are interested In cattle, you —Tickets will be sold by the D. G. II. may be sure that Will You Allow Us When buying Stoves be sure to buy a through the mails which have anything & M. September 29, for a home-seekers to show- you the best 50 cent Dress Goods Peninsular. It is Trade Mark Stove, printed on them with a rubber stamp excursion to western, north-western, in the market ? John H icks . made by one of the largest manufactur ­ for less than tirst class rates. So says ing houses in Michigan, is fully guaran ­ south and south-western points, at rates Remarks. teed and will give the best satisfaction. the post office department in a recent greatly reduced, valid for 30 days. For We do not wisli to mislead people as Messrs. Corbit & Valentine will furnish order. some reckless advertisers do. Anyone you with any kind, size or style of Pe­ further particulars enquire of Agent ninsular Stove, Range or Heater, that —The postoffice department has de­ Bromley, St. Johns. buying in the quantity which we do (to cided that postal cards, the edges of supply our two stores) can get as good you may desire. 1 The ladies of the Methodist church POULTRY DEPARTMENT “* , . prices as we do. We buy the quantity, which have been cut and the shape of pleasantly surprised Rev. and Mrs. C. we make the price. Call and be con ­ Hilllker’s Lunch Room the card materially changed, for adver ­ as it is expected there will be many fine in the basement, under the new Hotel G. Thomas last Friday evening by vinced. Fildew - & Millman tising purposes, cannot be sent through representatives of the feathered tribes St. Johns, with a better lunch for fifteen going in a body to their home on State present. The Fair cents than I have ever offered to.the the mails. street, where a delightful evening was will attract great crowds, so will the public. Satisfactory rates to farmers —The Ionia Standard of recent date, To the sturdy old farmer, theyoung spent in pleasant conversation and par­ Good Goods and Low Prices at the Dip- in the hotel department. After Sep- ; says : “Otto C. Joslin, for some time educated farmer, who is just home from tember 15th the Restauant will be kept taking of the delicious fruit served.
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