REFERENCES USED in the DATABASE 7 Adamson, R.S. 1937

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REFERENCES USED in the DATABASE 7 Adamson, R.S. 1937 REFERENCES USED IN THE DATABASE 7 Adamson, R.S. 1937. Notes on Juncus. J. S. African Bot. 3, . 165- 169. 20 Van Jaarsveld, E.J. 1994. A synopsis of Stoeberia. Aloe 31, . 68- 76. 21 Friedrich, H-Chr 1960. Mesembryanthemen-studien 1. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattungen Stoeberia Dtr. & Schw. und Ruschianthemum Friedr. gen nov Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 3, . 554- 567. 25 Alexander, E. 1960. Kleinia radicans. Adansonia 24, . 774- 0. 31 Alston, A.H.G. 1930. Marsilea ephippiocarpa Alston sp.nov. J. Bot. 68, . 118- 119. 35 Anderberg, A. 1985. A new species of Pegolettia (Compositae - Inulae) from Namibia. Nord. J. Bot. 5, . 57- 59. 36 Anderberg, A. 1986. The genus Pegolettia (Compositae - Inuleae) Cladistics 2, . 158- 186. 37 Anderberg, A. 1995. Doellia, an overlooked genus in the Asteraceae-Plucheeae. Willdenowia 25, . 0- 0. 38 Anderson, D.M.W. 1974. Taxonomy of the genus Chloris. Brigham Young Univ. Sci. Bull., Biol. 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