Boko Haram, Nigeria Has a Chance to Move Toward Reconciliation and Durable Peace
i n s t i t u t e f o r i n t e g r at e d t r a n s i t i o n s The Limits of Punishment Transitional Justice and Violent Extremism nigeria case study Vanda Felbab-Brown May, 2018 “In Nigeria, We Don’t Want Them Back” Amnesty, Defectors’ Programs, Leniency Measures, Informal Reconciliation, and Punitive Responses to Boko Haram About the Author Dr. Vanda Felbab-Brown is a senior fellow in the Acknowledgements Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institu- I would like to thank Frederic Eno of the United tion in Washington, DC. She is an expert on inter- Nations in Nigeria for facilitating my research. national and internal conflicts and nontraditional The help of Adeniyi Oluwatosin, Nuhu Ndahi, and security threats, including insurgency, organized Philip Olayoku was invaluable in the research. crime, urban violence, and illicit economies. Her Many thanks go to all of my interlocutors for fieldwork and research have covered, among their willingness to engage. Particularly for my others, Afghanistan, South and Southeast Asia, Nigerian interlocutors, such willingness could the Andean region, Mexico, Morocco, and Eastern entail risks to their personal safety or jeopardise and Western Africa. Dr. Felbab-Brown is the their job security or economic livelihoods from author of The Extinction Market: Wildlife Traffick- the hands of Boko Haram or militias and Nigerian ing and How to Counter It (Hurst-Oxford 2017); officials. I am thus most grateful to those who Narco Noir: Mexico’s Cartels, Cops, and Corruption accepted such risks and were very willing to (Brookings Institution Press, 2019, forthcom- provide accurate and complete information.
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