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ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION* CHANCELLOR JAMES ROSCOE DAY See AI.UMNI RECORD, p. 137. CORRECTION : In 9th line read 1873 for 1893. SUPPI.EMENT: Chancellor: Charles Henry Fowler Foundation (Chair named 1902). Elected Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1904. Declined, preferring to remain Chancellor of Syracuse University. Residence, 604 University Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. PROFESSORS: ·cOLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS 1897 ALBERT LEONARD, DEAN 1900 See AI.UMNI RECORD, p. 138. SUPPI.EMENT: DEAN OF THE COI.I.EG:E OF LIBERAl, ARTS, Syracuse University, and Pr-ofessor of Pedagogy, 1897-1900. Residence, 4 Park St., Boston, Mass. 1874 FRANK SMALLEY, DEAN See Ar.UMN1 RECORD,No. 249 and Faculty Record, p. 141, College of Lib eral Arts. CoRRECTION : Gardner Baker Professor of the Latin Language and Liter ature (Chair named 1893). SUPPI.EMENT: Registrar, 1894-1900. Lecturer on Roman Law, College of Law, 1895-1902. ACTING DEAN OF THE Cor.r.EGE OF LIBERAl, ARTS, Syracuse University, Sept. I<JOo-Jan. 1901. DitAN, Same, since Jan. 1901. Acting Chancellor of the University, Summer 1903. Has edited "Alumni Record and General Catalogue of Syracuse Uni versity, 1835-1899," 1009 pp., Geneva, N. Y., W. F. Humphrey, 1899. Residence, 6o7 University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. 1871 WELLESLEY PERRY CODDINGTON See AI.UMNI RECORD, pp. 138 and I 39· CoRRECTION : William Penn Abbott Professor of Philosophy (Chair named 1882?). Resirlence, 106 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N.Y. *See ALUMNI RECOilD, pp. 135- 21I. Please note the following: r. Names of persons whose record was completed in the ALUMNI RECOilD are not here repeated. This publi cation includes, with supplemental matter, records that were not then completed and those of subsequent accessions. 2. Persons giving instruction in two Colleges are ranked in the College to which they primarily belong and names are not repeated. 3· Names are not repeated with each grade of advancement, but are ranked under the high est grade only. 4. The date before each name is that of its possessor's earliest connec nection with this body. 5· The order of names differs from that in the catalogues, but is the exact order of election as it appears on the minutes of the Board of Trustees. Points 2, 3 and 4 indicate departures from the method followed in the ALUMNI RECOil n go ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION I888 EUGENE EMIL FELIX RICHARD HAANEL I90I See ALUMNI RECORD, p. I43· SUPPLEMENT : Professor of Physics and Joel Dorman Steele Professor of Theistic Science, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, I888-I9or. Residence, Ottawa, Canada. rSgr CHARLES WESLEY HARGITT See ALUMNI RECORD, pp. 143 and 144. SuPPLEMENT: Has published notes on Scaphiopus Holbrookii, Am. Nat. 1888 ; Color Variation among Animals, ibid., r889; Methods of Mounting Infusoria, Am. Mic. Jour. 1890; Habits of the Fresh Water Crayfish, ibid. r8go; Habits of Amphiuma, Science, Sep. 1892; Paraitism of Molothrus Ater,ibid.Dec. 1893; Origin of Sex-cells in Eudendrium, Proc. Am. Ass'n. I889; Some Remarkable Floral Variations, Bolan. Gaz. Vol. xiv ; Varia tions in Daucas Carota, ibid.; Notes on Isopyrum Biternatum, ibid. Vol. xv; A New H ynroid from Long Island Sound, Am. Nat. 1894 ; Natural History of Soils, Trans. New York Agt. Soc r895; The Problem of the Origin of Sex Among Hydromedusae, Proc. Am. Ass'n.; Variation Among Hydro medusae, Proc. Am. Ass'n. 1900; Variation Among Hydromedusae, Biol. Bull., 1901; The Alcyonaria of Porto Rico, Bull. U. S. Fish Commis. 1900 ; Synopsis of the Hydromedusae Part I Am. Nat., May-Apr.,1901; Synopsis of the Hydromedusae, Part II, Am. Nat., May, 1901; Synopsis of theHydromedusae, Part III, Am. Nat., July, 1901; Synopsis of the Hydro medusae, Part IV; Character and Distribution of Genus Perigonimus, Mitt. Zool. Sta., Naples, 1895; Recent Experiments on Regeneration, Zool. Bull., Vol. 1, 1897; Experimental Studies on Hydromedusae, Biol. Bull. Vol. 1, 1899; Methods of Mounting Protozoa, Jour. App. llfic., Vol. II, 1899; Natu ral History and Development of Pennaria, Am. Nat. Vol. xxxiv, 1899; The Coelenterate Fauna of Woods Holl, ibid., July, 1902; Some Medusae New to Woods Roll, Bioi. Bull., Vol. iv., 1902; Notes on Cordylophora, Zool. Bull., Vol. r, 1897; Some Anomalous Eggs, Biol. Bull., Vol. ll, 1899. Residence, 909 Walnut Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. I891 WILLIAM HARRISON MACE See ALUMNI RECORD, p. 144· CoRRECTION: William Griffin Professor of History and Political Science (Chair named 1889 ?) . SUPPLEMENT: Has published "Syllabus on American Revolution," Phila. Amer. Society for University Extension, 1901 ; " Method of Last Course in High School History," Jour Fed., xiii, 183; "Central Defect of the Normal School," Edui:. Rev., Feb., 1901. Residence, 127 College Place, Syracuse, N. Y. I89I EDGAR ALFRED EMENS See ALUMNI RECORD, p. I45· Residence, 727 Crouse Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. r887 HENRY ALLEN PECK See ALUMNI RECORD, No. 719 and Faculty Record, p. I45, College of Liberal Arts. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION SUPPLEMENT : Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observa tory, I893-190I. Erastus Franklin Holden Professor of Astronomy, etc., rgor-. Has published " The Equinox and Obliquity of the Eclictic for I88s.s and the Constant of the Lunar Equation from Observations made upon the Repsold Meridian Circle of the Strasburg Observatory, I8!:13-8," The Nichols Press, Lynn, Mass., 1897 ; "Definitive Orbit of Comet, I894, ii," Astron. Jour., Vol. xxi, Nos. 16--17, Apr., I90I; "Definitive Orbit of Comet 1896 iv," £b£d. Vol. xxii, No. s, Oct. 25, 1901; "Definitive Orbit of Comet 1898 ix," ibid., Vol. xxii, No. 21, Oct. 15, 1902. Residence, 307 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. 1891 FRANKLIN JAMES HOLZWARTH See ALUMN:I RECORD, No. 811 and Faculty Record, pp. 145 and 146, Col lege of Liberal Arts. SUPPLEMENT : Professor of the German Language and Literature, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1893-1901. Professor of the Germanic Languages and Literatures, Same, since 1901. Abroad on leave of absence, Mar., 1900-Sept., 1901, studying at the Uni versities of Jena, Leipzig and Heidelberg. Has published "Modern Language Requirements," Regent's Bulletin; Korner's Zriny," edited with Introduction and Notes, cloth, 134 pp., Bos ton, D. C. Heath & Co., 1902 ; "Leitfaden zu einem Grethe-Schiller Cursus," 1903. President Syracuse University Alumni Association, 1903-4. Married 19 March, 188g, Anna A. Stumpf of Lockport, N. Y. Children-Raymond C., born 5 Mar., 1890. Irene M., born 4 July, 1894. Karl F ., born 3 July, 1897. Residence, 301 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. 1894 EDGAR COlT MORRIS See ALUMNI RECORD, p. 146. SuPPLitMENT: Professor of Rhetoric and English Language, 1895-7. Professor of English, 1897-9. Jesse Truesdell Peck Professor of English Literature, 1899-. Has published "The Campaign Speeches of Lincoln and Douglass " edited with Introduction and Notes, Maynard, Merrill & Co., 1899; "On the Composition of the Old Law," Publications of the Modern Language Asssociat£on of America, Vol. xvii, No. 1. Residence, 309 University Place, Syracuse, N.Y. 18gs EDMUND CHASE QUEREAU 18g9 See ALUMNI RECORD, p. 146. SUPPLEMENT: Professor of Geology and Palaeontology, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, I8g7-9· Asst. Engineer B. and M.R.R. in Wyoming and Montana, 1898-I900. Asst. Roadmaster and Roadmaster C. and N. W. Ry. in South Dakota since rgoo. 92 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION Married 6 Feb. 1902 Elizabeth F. Packard (See non-graduates), of Syra cuse, N.Y. Residence, Redfield, So. Dak. 1895 JOHN ROGERS COMMONS I899 See ALUMNI RECORD, p 146. SUPPLEMFNT: Professor of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts, Syra cuse University, 1896-9. Residence, Madison, Wis. I89s CHARLES WILLIAM CABEEN See ALUMNI RECORD , p. 147. CORRECTION AND SUPPLEMENT : Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, since 1897. Abroad on leave of absence, studying in Europe, since March, 1903. Residence, 403 University Place, Syracuse, N.Y. I895 WILLIAM HENRY METZLER See ALUMNI RECORD, p. 147. CORRECTION : In the first line read Ontario for Ohio. Francis H. Root Professor of Mathematics (Chair named I893). SUPPLEMENT: F. R. S. C,, F. R. S. E. Has published "Compound Determinants," Am. Jour. Math., Vol. 20, July, 1898; "A Theorem in Deter inants," ibid., Vol. 20, July, 1898; "On the Excess ofthe Number of Com binations in a Set Which have an Even Number of Inversions over Those which have an Odd Number," Am. Jour. Math. Vol. 22. No. I, 1899; "On the Roots of a Determinantal Equation," Am. Jour. Math., Vol. 21, Oct., 1899; "On a Determinant Each of whose Elements is the Product of K Factors," Am. Jr/ath . Monthly, Vol. 7, No. 6, 1900; "On Certain Aggregates of Determinant Minors,'' Trans. Am. Math Soc. Vol. 2, No.4, 1901; ' 'A Theorem in Determinants Related to Laplaces,'' London Math. Soc. , I8q8 ; " On a Theorem Regarding Determinants with Polynomial. Elements," Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, 1902 ; " Some Indentities Connected with Alter nants and with Elliptic Functions," Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, Vol 24, Part 3, 1902. Residence, 724 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. I894 EVELYN BENEDICT AYERS See ALUMNI RECORD, pp. 147 and 148. SUPPLEMENT: Professor of Elocution and Physical Culture, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1896-1904. Residence, The Moore, James St., Syracuse, N.Y. 18gs ISMAR JOHN PERITZ See ALUMNI RECORD, p. 148. SUPPLEMENT: Has published "Woman in the Ancient Hebrew Cult," 4 opp.,Jour. Bib. Lit., Pt. II., 18g8; also as a pamphlet by Soc. of Bib. Lit. and Exegesis; "Halle!," Encyc. Eibtica, vol. ii, p. 1942 sq. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1901; Article on Hymn referred to in Matt. xxvi, 30 and Mark xiv, 26; "Synagogue," Encyc. Bibtica, vol. iv. Residence, 6oS University Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION 93 1890 ERNEST NOBLE PATTEE See ALUMNI RECORD, p . I48. SUPPLEMENT: Registrar, I9<X>-2. Residence, 402 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.