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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 446 613 HE 033 454 TITLE University of Massachusetts Amherst Factbook, 1996-1998. INSTITUTION Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. Office of Institutional Research. PUB DATE 1998-00-00 NOTE 91p. AVAILABLE FROM Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Office of Institutional Research, 237 Whitmore, Amherst, MA 01003. Tel: 413-545-0941; e-mail: [email protected]. PUB TYPE Numerical/Quantitative Data (110)-- Reports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Higher Education; *Institutional Characteristics; School Demography; *School Statistics; State Universities; Tables (Data) IDENTIFIERS *University of Massachusetts Amherst ABSTRACT This factbook is a retrospective of the University of Massachusetts Amherst from 1996 through 1998 and includes many data tables and figures. It provides answers to many of the most commonly asked questions about the campus and serves as a source of comparative information over time. Detailed information is provided in the following categories: organization, admissions, enrollment, student statistics, degrees, faculty and staff, finances, and miscellaneous.(EV) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) his document has been reproduced as BEEN GRANTED BY received from the person or organization originating it. 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES document do not necessarily represent INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) official OERI position or policy. 1 et a a BEST COPYAVAILABLE] 2 Preface The 1996-98 Factbook represents a asked questions about the campus needs or requests for more up-to- continuing effort to improve the and serves as a source of com- date information are encouraged quality and accessibility of infor- parative information over time. to call or visit our web site. mation about the University of OIR recognizes that many ques- Massachusetts Amherst. It is a ret- tions about the campus cannot be Comments on the Factbook and rospective of the campus through answered in the Factbook. An- ways in which it might be im- the 1996-98 academic year in the swers to such questions may be proved are always welcome. Ap- form of data, information, tables available from OIR in other publi- preciation is extended to the many and figures. Information about the cations and reports, or through offices and individuals who con- campus's organizational, govern- specialized research, drawing on tributed to the 1996-98 Factbook. ance and academic structures are many sources of institutional data the most recent available. and information. Help in finding Nora C. Groves answers about the campus is al- Assistant Director of Analytical The Factbook provides answers ways available from OIR and us- Studies to many of the most commonly ers with specific information Selected tables from the Factbook and Factbook updates are available on the World Wide Web at FOR MORE INFORMATION: (413) 545-0941 University of Massachusetts Amherst1996-98 FactbookOffice of Institutional Research (01R) Table of Contents 1. Organization The University of Massachusetts - History 2 Massachusetts Board of Higher Education 3 University Board of Trustees 3 Amherst Campus Vision Statement 4 Officers of the University of Massachusetts 5 Officers of the Amherst Campus 5 Chancellors and Presidents of the Amherst Campus 5 Amherst Campus Organizational Chart 7 Five College Cooperation 8 Five College Course Enrollments by Sending and Receiving Institution 8 UMass Extension 9 2. Admissions Applications, Acceptances and Enrollments by Entering Status 12 Applications, Acceptances and Enrollments by Entering Status and Gender 13 First-Year Student Admissions by School and College for Preferred and Alternate Major 14 Transfer Admissions by School and College and Entering Semester for Preferred and Alternate Major 15 Graduate Applications, Acceptances and Enrollments by School and College 17 Admissions and Enrollment Status of Entering Students by Ethnicity and Gender 18 Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Scores and High School GPA for Entering First-Year Students by Gender 20 Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Scores and High School GPA for Entering First-Year Students by School and College and Gender 21 Admissions and Enrollment Status of In-State Undergraduates by County of Origin and Entering Status 23 Admissions and Enrollment Status of First-Time First-Year Students by State and Region of Origin 25 Admissions and Enrollment Status by Student Level and by Region of Origin 27 3. Enrollment Enrollment Definitions 30 Headcount Student Majors by Degree Program Level and Gender 31 Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent Student Majors by Type of Student 32 Undergraduate and Graduate Headcount Student Majors by School and College and Gender 34 Headcount Student Majors by School and College and Degree Program Level 36 Full-Time Equivalent Student Majors by School and College and Degree Program Level 37 Full-Time Equivalent Instructed Students Generated within Undergraduate and Graduate Courses 38 Full-Time Equivalent Instructed Students Generated by Division of Continuing Education Students by School or College 39 4 University of Massachusetts Amherst 1996-97 FactbookOffice of Institutional Research (01R) Table of Contents 4. Student Statistics Student Age Distribution by Gender and Degree Program Level 42 Student Ethnicity (U.S. Citizens) by Gender and Degree Program Level 43 Student Residency Classification (for Tuition Purposes) within Degree Program Level 44 Full-Time Tuition, Required Fees, and Average Room and Board Expenses 45 Financial Aid Funds by Type and Amount 46 Graduation Rates for Entering First-Year Students by Entering Semesters and Gender 47 Student Support Services 48 Bilingual Collegiate Program Committee for the Collegiate Education of Black and other Minority Students United Asia Learning Resource Center Students Studying Abroad International Student Enrollment Honors Enrollment Veterans Enrollment Intercollegiate and Intramural Sports Student Health Services Housing Statistics 5. Degrees Degree Programs Offered by Department and Degree Level within School or College 52 Approved Undergraduate Minors Offered by Department and Program within School or College 55 Degrees Awarded by Degree Program Level and Gender 56 Degrees Awarded by Degree Program Level and School or College 56 Degrees Awarded by Ethnicity and Gender within Degree Program Level 57 Degrees Awarded by Degree Program Level According to Department or Program 58 Undergraduate Minors Awarded by Program According to Department or Program 63 6. Faculty and Staff Number and Average Salary of Full-Time Instructional Faculty by Academic Rank 66 Number and Rank of Full-Time Instructional Faculty by School and College 67 Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent of Full- and Part-Time Instructional Faculty by School and College 68 Number and Average Salary of Full-Time Instructional Faculty by Academic Rank, Gender and Tenure Status 69 Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Employee Type and Funding Source 70 Ethnicity and Gender of Staff by Job Classification 71 Ethnicity of Faculty within Major Organizational Division 73 Ethnicity and Gender of Staff within Major Organizational Division 74 7. Finances Operating Budget 78 Sponsored Activities by Organizational Unit 79 Price Indices 80 Higher Education Price Index and Major Component Subsidies 80 3, University of Massachusetts Amherst 1996-97 Factbook Office of Institutional Research (01R) Iii Table of Contents 8. Miscellaneous Geographic Distribution of In-State Alumni of Record According to County of Residence 82 Geographic Distribution of Alumni of Record According to State or Country of Residence 83 University Libraries 84 Amherst Campus Facilities 85 Acreage and Buildings Building Acquisitions Net Usable Building Area Utilities Main Campus Campus Center Complex University Food Services Transit System Parking System Miscellaneous 86 Fine Arts Center UMass Arts Council Private Support Campus Map 87 6 iv University of Massachusetts Amherst 1996-97 Factbook Office of Institutional Research (01R) 1 Organization The University of Massachusetts History 2 Massachusetts Board of Higher Education 3 University Board of Trustees 3 Amherst Campus Vision Statement 4 Officers of the University of Massachusetts 5 Officers of the Amherst Campus 5 Presidents and Chancellors of the Amherst Campus 5 Amherst Campus Organizational Chart 7 Five College Cooperation 8 Five College Course Enrollments by Sending and Receiving Institution 8 UMass Extension BEST COPYAVAILABLE 7 Organization The University of Massachusetts History The University of Massachusetts enrollment plateau that continued Governor William F. Weld signed Amherst was established in 1863 un- until budget cuts and tuition in- legislation implementing much of the der the original Morrill Land Grant creases triggered enrollment declines Saxon Commission's report and cre- Act. The campus is the oldest and in the early '90s. ating a new five-campus University of largest in the state university system. Massachusetts with a single president The University's second campus and Board of Trustees. Four faculty members and four was opened in Boston in 1965 and wooden buildings awaited the first expanded to the Harbor Campus in The