Revista De Stiinte Politice Nr 8.Pdf
Nr. 8 2005 ---RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS--- GHEORGHE VLąDUĥESCU (Romanian Academy), ALEXANDRU BOBOC (Romanian Academy), MIHAI CIMPOI (President of the Academy - Republic of Moldova,) CRISTIAN PREDA (University of Bucharest), LAURENTIU VLAD (University of Bucharest), VLADIMIR OSIAC (University of Craiova), Cą7ąLIN BORDEIANU (ÅPetre AndreiµUniversity, Iasi) ---IIINNTTEERRNNAATTIIIOONNAALL AADDVVIIISSOORRYY BBOOAARRDD--- MIC HA E L RA DU , Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, USA Co-Chairman, FPRI·s Center on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security, Philadelphia, USA YO HA NA N MA N OR , Professor, University of Jerusalem, Israel President, Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace (CMIP) JOZ E PIR JEV EC, Professor, University of Trieste, Italy PA TRI CIA G O N ZA L EZ-A L DEA Reader, University Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain CRIS TI NA BEJA N , Wadham College, Oxford, Great Britain SLA V C O A LMą JA N , Professor, University of Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro President, ÅArgosµ Centre for Open Dialogue, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro NICU CI O BA NU President, ÅLibertateaµ Printing House, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro ---EEDDIIITTOORRIIIAALLL BBOOAARRDD--- Editor² in - chief: AUREL PIĥURCą Consulting Editor: ION DEACONESCU Editorial Board: CEZAR AVRAM, VLADIMIR OSIAC, MIHAI COSTESCU, ANCA PARMENA POPESCU, COSMIN LUCIAN GHERGHE, CąTąLIN STąNCIULESCU, TITELA VÎLCEANU, MIHAI GHIğULESCU LANGUAGE ADVISOR TITELA VÎLCEANU NNOOTTEE OOFFF TTHHEE EEDDIIITTOORRIIIAALLL BBOOAARRDD Revista de Stii nte Poli tice. Revue des Sci ences Poli tiques was evalua ted a nd acredited by the National U niversi ty Researc h Council a mong the sel ected periodical s of the LIST C ² periodicals of na tional interest (The Ro mania n Sientific Publishers a nd Journals-Evalua tion, H iera rchy a nd Recog nitio n, Ma y 16 , 20 05 AADDDDRREESSSS University of Craiova, 13 A.I.
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