Issue #228 October 2008
[email protected] Abbey's Turns 40 A Continuing Retrospective - Part 10 This is the last instalment of our historical memories of forty years of bookselling in Sydney. Peter Milne suggested I mention a few of the many interesting events and book launches we have held in the shop over the years. Peter will have mentioned some of The Oxford English Dictionary the big crime events, I hope including P D James, 2nd Edition when so many people turned up we needed to invest in a sound system so everyone could hear! The busiest time was during 20-volume set (usually $2,500) now only $1,300 our 25th birthday in 1993 when we had a series of lunchtime and early 20-volume set plus OED on CD-ROM evening seminars arranged for us by Dulcie Stretton. There were (usually $2,999) now only $1,500 twenty-six authors involved, including Rodney Hall, Kel Richards, To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of the Marele Day, Vikram Seth, Joanna Trollope, James Gleick, Colin OED, the price has been dramatically reduced for a limited time. This is the Wilson and Carol Shields. When Peter lowest price it has ever been, so if you've always wanted to own all 20 Carey won the Booker Prize for Oscar volumes and 22,000 pages of this magnificent dictionary, here is your and Lucinda, he came here and sat chance! The books plus CD-ROM bundle is great value if you have a on the steps leading up to Language computer.