Complete Control with Centralized Payment Transaction Solution

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Complete Control with Centralized Payment Transaction Solution Case Posti Group COMPLETE CONTROL WITH CENTRALIZED PAYMENT TRANSACTION SOLUTION Katriina Järvenpää, who is responsible The OpusCapita Payment Factory solution for financial development projects at handles major of Posti Group companies’ Posti Group, is very satisfied. System payment processes centrally and in a problems are now a thing of the past and the Group’s new payment trans- controlled way. action software solution is functioning “Problems were reported all the time, dealt with all our special requests and smoothly on its own. The OpusCapita and payment transaction experts had provided help every time we have needed Payment Factory solution handles ma- to spend a great deal of time and effort it,” says Järvenpää. jor of Posti Group companies payment solving these problems.” processes centrally and in a controlled Payment transaction way. When Järvenpää was later faced with experts play a key role the transition to SEPA, she decided to Posti was, of course, already famil- Let’s return to the fall of 2011 for a mo- take action and look for a flexible and iar with OpusCapita’s services. Opus- ment. The Posti Group’s payment trans- efficient solution to help improve Posti Capita’s financial management services action system was heavy and multi- Group’s payment transaction processes. center was already responsible for Posti dimensional, and had become more The solution was provided by Opus- Group’s accounts payable, accounts re- and more challenging to manage over Capita’s centralized payment transac- ceivable, general ledger and payment the years. tion software that has been a big hit transactions. The payment transaction with everyone. “We constantly had problems with pay- experts at the services center also use ment transactions outside Finland in “We are very satisfied with OpusCapita. the OpusCapita Payment Factory and particular, and the payment transaction The new solution felt like the right choice they were involved with the implemen- system that was in use at that time was straight away. OpusCapita has so much tation project from the very beginning. no longer able to adapt to Posti Group’s in-depth knowledge and it has been a “The payment transaction experts tell us that the new system is user-friendly and diverse needs,” says Katriina Järvenpää. pleasure working with them. They have Case Posti Group “Payments were previously taken care of locally and with various systems, so it was obviously very difficult to keep track of everything. Now we have a system that functions smoothly: all payments go through the same process, which is the same in each country.” Senior Manager Katriina Järvenpää speeds up everyday work,” says team units and then OpusCapita transforms Challenge leader Outi Väätäinen, who looks after the data produced into SEPA-compati- Posti Group’s payment transactions at ble ISO 20022 C2B payment messages. » Fragmented payment transac- tions created a lot of work and OpusCapita Group Ltd. OpusCapita Payment Factory currently time was wasted correcting handles Posti’s payment transactions in mistakes. The introduction of “The first project was carried out at Posti’s Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Swe- SEPA meant that a renewal companies in the Baltic countries, because den, Norway, Germany and Poland. The of the system to meet the various companies were implementing largest payment batches are processed demands of international pay- ment transactions could not be SAP at the time. As OpusCapita Payment as SEPA payments. avoided. Factory was implemented there first, we were able to test the new system and then Direct banking Solution OpusCapita would make any necessary connections » Posti’s payment transactions in changes whenever needed. When we From the beginning one of the Pos- Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithua- were satisfied that the Payment Factory ti’s demands was to have harmonized nia, Sweden, Norway, Germany and Poland are now centralized functioned well in the Baltic countries, we bank connections covering Posti coun- through the OpusCapita Pay- were then able to replicate the system for tries. Posti wanted to have streamlined ment Factory in the form of ISO implementation in the other countries,” secured channels for daily communica- 20022 payment transactions. says Väätäinen. tion. » Payment Factory services are handled at OpusCapita’s pay- More than 15,000 “When the basis is solid it is easier to take ment transaction unit, which payments a day in new accounts to the structure. With also takes care of the majority of Posti’s financial management Posti’s payment volumes are huge: the OpusCapita we were able to have the processes. number of daily transactions can ex- needed coverage and improve straight ceed 15,000. Posti’s financial processes through processing,” says Katriina are taken care of with SAP ERP software, Järvenpää. which collects all the purchase invoices from the systems in Posti’s international Posti is your first choice for postal, logistics and e-commerce services. We manage the flow of commerce and everyday life in 11 countries. Our net sales in 2013 amounted to EUR 1,977 million. We employ approximately 26,000 members of staff. We deliver corporate services under the Posti brand, while the Posti brand is used for services targeted at consumers in Finland. OPUSCAPITA OpusCapita sets the new standard for financial processes. With 2,300 passionate professionals, we focus on Purchase-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash processes where we combine software, outsourcing and services with a delivery model that offers the best value for our customers. We have operations in nine countries and vast experience accumulated with over 11,000 customers, with end-users in more than 50 countries. In 2014, OpusCapita’s net sales totaled EUR 260 million. OpusCapita is part of Posti Group Corporation and has its head office in Finland. .
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