2019-2020 Program of Studies

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2019-2020 Program of Studies Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 2019-2020 2019-2020 Program of Studies Trades College Mentors Military Career Graduation Technology BVAHS Find Your Fit… …Find Your Future THE SKY IS THE LIMIT! Access the Future Through Excellence in Education Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 2019-2020 PRINCIPALS' MESSAGE Dear Parents and Students: Belle Vernon Area High School has a long-standing tradition of excellence in academics, the arts, and athletics. Our goal is to develop educated and responsible citizens ready to adapt to and make significant contributions to the needs of our 21st century society. Our wish is to see that everyone has a very successful school year. This can only happen if we all work together. Our focus is simple: Student Learning! We will address this focus by examining the following questions: What is it that we want the students to learn? How do we know if they learned it? What do we do if they did not learn it? How do we push those that did learn it even further? How do we make learning fun, relevant, and challenging? All of us: staff, families, and students must do our part in order to develop a strong partnership and carry the torch of success. As a school, we will model the focus of cooperation, teamwork, dedication, and work ethic by treating you and your family with respect. We will also be responsible in providing you with a challenging curriculum and knowing the needs of you, the student. In return, we will expect results shown through your attitude, work ethic, academic performance, respect, and behavior in the classroom and in the community. A vital component of this expectation is our Career Pathways-driven scheduling process. Five Pathways exist: • Arts & Communication • Energy & Industry Technology • Human Services (including Education & Training) • Science & Health • Business Finance & Information Technology Of course, all students benefit from courses in the Global Competencies, regardless of their chosen Pathway. These competencies include: Physical & Mental Health, Foundational Knowledge & Skills, 21st Century Literacy, and Career & Life Skills. Whether students pursue a college or university education, the military, trade/technical school, or the workforce, these competencies are vital for everyone. Students should make careful and intelligent decisions about their selection of courses. Belle Vernon Area High School offers much to satisfy academic needs and interests. The programs and courses selected will determine a student's transition from high school to the student’s selected Pathway. Each course has been carefully designed and is aligned to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Standards Aligned System (SAS). The courses in this Program of Studies are courses that may be offered in the 2019-2020 school year. Please be advised that changes to this list may occur as the scheduling process unfolds and the Master Schedule is built based on student demand. Because any change affects class size, teacher assignment, room utilization, and many other aspects of the school program, a signed course verification form is considered a contract between the school, the student, and the parent. Changes in assignments will be made only when the original schedule proves detrimental to the student's welfare or when budgetary constraints and staffing limitations are prohibitive. The Belle Vernon Area faculty, counseling staff and administration will provide students with assistance in designing a program best suited to students’ abilities, interests, and career goals. It is our hope that every student will secure the preparation necessary to follow and attain his or her life's goals throughout high school. Sincerely yours, Jason A. Boone, Principal Tiffany L. Gratchic, Assistant Principal 2 – Access the Future Through Excellence in Education Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 2019-2020 It is the policy of the Belle Vernon Area School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, handicap, race, color and national origin in its educational and vocational programs, activities, or employment by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI. For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact Jason A. Boone or Tiffany L. Gratchic, at Belle Vernon Area High School. Telephone: (724) 808-2500; ext. 2501 Fax: (724) 930-7909 Website: http://www.bellevernonarea.net/bvahs/site/default.asp Twitter: @BVAHS 3 – Access the Future Through Excellence in Education Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 2019-2020 4 – Access the Future Through Excellence in Education Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 2019-2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # 1) Foreword 6 2) 2019-2020 Course Selection Sheet ** 7 3) Your Future: Understanding Career Pathways 9 a. Educational Pathways 10 b. College and Career Pathways & Clusters 11 c. Central Westmoreland Career & Technology Center Programs 24 d. Post-secondary Planning 31 e. Timetable for High School Students 32 f. Military Service Academies 33 g. For the College-bound: College Entrance Examinations 34 h. Completing the College Application 35 i. Financial Aid 35 j. NCAA Initial Eligibility Information 38 4) The School and Your Future Plans 40 a. Quality Points Breakdown 41 b. Sample QPA Calculation 42 c. Graduation Requirements 43 d. BVA HS Detailed Graduation Requirements 43 e. Standards of Promotion 44 f. Yearly Course Load Requirements 44 g. Departmental Requirements 44 h. BVAHS- Westmoreland College Associate of Arts Degree Requirements 45 5) Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 46 a. Advanced Placement Courses 46 b. College-in-High-School (Dual Enrollment) Courses 46 c. Honors Courses 46 d. College Preparatory Programs 47 e. Career Program 47 f. Career and Technology Program 47 g. Project Lead the Way Program 47 6) Course Descriptions by Department 50 a. English & Language Arts Department 51 b. World Languages Department 59 c. Mathematics Department 63 d. Science Department 69 e. Social Studies Department 75 f. Business, Computer, and Information Technology (BCIT) Department 79 g. Fine and Performing Arts Department 81 h. Family and Consumer Sciences Department 87 i. Technology and STEM Education Department 89 j. Physical Education Department 92 k. General Studies 94 7) BVA eAcademy Course Offerings 95 8) Drivers’ Education 95 9) 4 Year Plan** 97 10) NCAA Eligibility Worksheet 99 ** Denotes the documents that the student must print, fill out, and submit to his/her School Counselor. 5 – Access the Future Through Excellence in Education Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 2019-2020 FOREWORD Students, on the following pages, you will find the information that may help you in making your course selections. You and your parents should study this information carefully and consider the many opportunities that are available for you. The record of your high school years and the influence it will have upon your future is something that should receive the most careful appraisal and study by both you and your parents/guardians. A good record of scholarship, citizenship, and attendance can help you in your future career, and just as surely, a poor record can hurt you. The time of decision is NOW. This guide is for you and your parents/guardians. It is intended to provide you with information about school practices and services, to help you to make the most of your abilities and potential, and to help you to make course selections that will be consistent to your aptitudes and interests. There is no known formula that will guarantee the successful choice of a career. There are several suggestions, however, which might help you to thoughtfully weigh the factors that must be given consideration in planning your future. One of the services provided is Individual Planning Meetings between school counselors and students in order to assist the student in crafting and amending the Four-Year Individual Plan. The Four-Year Individual Plan should be thought of as a road map: though detours may be taken along the journey, a plan is necessary in successfully setting and attaining goals. A full-size Four-Year Individual Plan is the final page in this Program of Studies book and is intended to be a useful and relevant tool for goal setting and planning. It is also intended to be used in conjunction with the Course Selection Sheet each year. The 2019-2020 Course Selection Sheet appears on pp. 7-8. 6 – Access the Future Through Excellence in Education BVAHS COURSE SELECTION SHEET 2019-2020 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 20, 2019 Belle Vernon Area High School Program of Studies 2019-2020 Student Name: _________________________________ Birth Date: _________________ Grade in 2019-2020: _________ ParentStu Signature: __________________________________ Student Telephone #: _________________________________ My Career Pathway (choose one or two): ___ Arts & Communication ___ Science & Health ___ Human Services ___ Engineering & Industry Technology. ___ Business, Finance, & Information Technology BVAHS allows for an 8-period day of classes, plus lunch. Students must schedule a minimum of 7.0 credits each school year. ** Designates courses for which an application must be completed. Subject Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 English __ 074 Reading (1) __ 090 English I (1) __ 091 English II (1) __ 092 English III (1) __ 093 English IV (1) 4 credits __ 110 Career English 9 (1) __ 120 Career English 10 (1) __ 130 Career English 11 (1) __ 140 Career English 12 (1) 4 years __ 111 CP English 9 (1) __ 121 CP English 10 (1) __ 131 CP English
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