The London'gazette, January 31, 1879. 475
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THE LONDON'GAZETTE, JANUARY 31, 1879. 475 Quarter Sessions-a proposal would -be made to the cha'rplwy, Prysau, Trefaith^ .Trellan Issa, and Justices then and there assembled to divide Trelan Ucha (all of which are situate in and form the portion of the said county comprising the part of the parish of Ysceifiog), arid the several townships and parishes thereinafter particularly parishes of Gwaenysgor and Newmarket, into a mentioned into Highway Districts, for the pur- district to be called poses of the " Highway Acts," and the said first 11 The Holywell Highway District." mentioned notice did also require me, as such Clerk of the Peace, to seed by post, in a prepaid The townships of ,Bach y graig, Bryngwyu, letter,-notices in the form aforesaid to the Church- Maenefa, Tregraig, and Tremeirchion (all of wardens and- Overseers' of each and every of the which are situate in and form part, of the parish of parishes and townships named in the said first Tremeirchion). The townships of Isglan and mentioned notice— Uwchgian (both of which are situate in and form part of the parish of Cwm). The townships of And whereas some two at least of the said nine- Dyserth, Trecastie, Rhyd, and-Llewerllyd (all of teen Justices reside in the several districts so pro- which are situate in and form part of the parish posed to. be. formed as aforesaid, or act in the of Dyserth). The townships of Meliden and Petty Sessional Divisions in which such districts, Prestatyn (both of which are situate in and form or some part thereof, are situate. part of the parish of Meliden). The townships ef And whereas at the Court of General Quarter Brynhedydd, Cefndu, Rhydorddwy and Trelle- Sessions of the Peace for the said county, held at welyn (all of which are situate in and form part of the County Hall, in Mold, in the said county, on the parochia of Rhuddlan). The townships of the 1st day of January, 1879, .the said proposal Brynbychan, Brynywal, Crickin, Pentre and Sea- was submitted to the said Court, to the effect that wen, (all of which are situate in and form part of the portion of the said county named in the said the franchise of Rhuddlan). The townships of first-mentioned notice should be divided into High- Boddelwyddan, Bodeugan, Brynpolyn, Crychynpn, way Districts, as therein particularly mentioned. and Rhyllon, Cilowen-, Gwernglefryd, Gwernigron, And whereas the said Court, having duly con- Pengwern, Talar and Vaenol (all of which are sidered the said proposal, and it having been situate in and form part of the parish of St. Asaph), shown to the said Court that the notices -aforesaid and the parish of Bodfari, into a district to be were duly sent t.o. the Churchwardens and Over- called. seers of each, of the parishes iind townships named " The St. Asaph Highway .District," and in the said first-mentioned notice as .required by the,said first-mentioned Act. The' townships of Aston, Bannel, Bretton, Now, therefore, the said -Court,, in pursuance of Broad-lane, Broughton, Ewloe "Wood, Ewloe the, powers vested .therein in and by the said first Town, Hawarden, Mancott, Manor and Rake mentioned Act and other the Acts relating to Moor, Pentrobin, Sealand and Shotton (all of highways, did by their .Provisional Order direct which are situate in and form part of the parish . that the parishes and townships hereinafter men- of Hawarden). The townships of Caergwrle, tioned, being a portion of the said county, should Cymmau, Estyn, Hope Owen, Rhanberfedd, be formed into the following highway districts for Shordley, Uwchymynydd Issa and Uwchymynydd the purposes of the " Highway Acts,", namely :— Ucha (all of which are situate in and form part The townships of Arddynwent, Argoed, Bistree, of the parish of Hope), and the several townships Broncoed, Gwernaffield, 'Gwysaney, Hartsheath, of Tryddyn, Higher Eonnerton, and Saltney, into Hendrebiffa, Leeswood, and Llwynegryn (all of into a district to be called which are. .and form part of the. parish "The Hawarden and Hope Highway District." of Mold). The townships'df Cefn, Llysdarihunedd, . And it was further ordered by the said Court Llysycoed, Maesygroes, Mechlas, Trelan, and that each of the said parishes and townships, main- Trellyniau (all of which are situate in and form taining its own highways in each of the said dis- part of the parish of Cilcen). The townships of tricts, should elect one Way warden. Hendrefigillt, Lygan y Lan, and. Lygan y Wern (all of winch ^ are situate in and form 'part of the-: Lastly, it was ordered that the confirmation of ..parish of Halkyn).'" The.,, .townships. of "Cwm, the said Provisional Order by a Final Order Trefechan, and Treilan (all of which are situate should be taken into consideration by the Justices in and form part of the parish of Nannerch). The assembled at the Court of General Quarter Sessions townships of Caerfallwch, Golftyn, Kelsterton,, of the Peace to be held at the County Hall, in Leadbrook Major, Leadbrook Minor, Northop,. Mold aforesaid, in and for the said county, on Soughton, and Wepre (all of which are situate in- Wednesday, the ninth day of April, 1879, at and form part of the parish of Northop), and the eleven o'clock in the forenoon. several ,to,wjiships,pf *Nerjquis ;»nd Bodidris, into a As witness my hand, district to be called A. T. Roberts, Clerk of the Peace. « The Mold Highway District." The townships of Bryngwyn Issa, Bryngwyn Ucha, Trefedwin, and Tre'rdre (all of which are In the Matter of the Companies Acts, 1862, 1867, 'situate in and-form part of-the parish of Caerwys). and 1877, and of the Grimsby Abbey Walk -The townships of Bagillt Fawr,'Bagillt Fechan, Building Company Limited. ,:. Whelston, Brynfordj. Calcot, Coleshill Fechan, and OTICE is hereby given, that a petition for Greenfield, (all of which are situate in and form N the winding up of the above-named Com- part of the parish of Holywell). The townships pany was, on the 30th day of .January, 1879, of Axton, GoldenJ Grove, Gronant, Gwespyr, presented to Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, Kelston, Picton, Trelogan, and Trewaelod (all of by the Hull Banking Company, a creditor of the which are situate in and form part of the parish .said Company; and that the said petition is of-Llanasa). The townships of Bychton, Isglan, directed to be heard* before the Vice-Chancellor Tr.eafeb.6tj Tre Eden Owen, Trellan, Tremostyn. Bacon, on the 8th day of February, 1879; Uwchgian, and Whitford Garn (all of which are and any creditor or contributory of the said situate in and form part of the, parish of Whit- Company desirous to oppose the making of an ford). The townships of Bbdeugan, Coed y Order for the winding up of the said Company Gfolliloveday, Penu- under the abovo Acts, should appear at the time.