EXTENDED PHASE 1 HABITAT SURVEY OF PEN-Y-GLOL CARAVAN PARK, HOLYWELL, FLINTSHIRE NOVEMBER 2019 Bowden Hall, Bowden Lane, Marple, Stockport, Cheshire. SK6 6ND Tel: 0161 465 8971
[email protected] www.rachelhackingecology.co.uk CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. METHODOLOGY 3 3. RESULTS HABITATS 4 PROTECTED SPECIES 9 INVASIVE SPECIES 10 PROTECTED SITES 10 4. ASSESSMENT 11 5. RECOMMENDATIONS 13 6. REFERENCES 14 PHASE 1 HABITAT MAP Pen-y-Glol Caravan Park - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey 2019 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rachel Hacking Ecology Limited was commissioned in 2019 by Pen-Y- Glol Caravan Park to carry out an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of part of the caravan park. The site will be the subject of a planning application for the erection of additional caravan pitches and an associated access road. An Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey is required to provide an overview of the habitats present within the site and to assess any potential protected species issues on the site. Site Description 1.2 Pen-Y-Glol Caravan Park is located west of the village of Lloc, near to the town of Holywell, Flintshire (O.S. grid reference: SJ 12524 77769 – see Figure 1). The proposed development site currently comprises an area of plantation woodland, semi-natural broad-leaved woodland, hardstanding and continuous scrub. Aims of Survey 1.3 The aims of the survey were to: • Describe and map the habitats present on the site, • Assess the potential for protected species to be present on the site or just outside the immediate site boundary, • Identify where further survey may be necessary.