
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 08/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 312 - Mai 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Es war einfach wieder großartig! Und die Betonung liegt dabei definitiv auf “groß”. Denn nach einem ganzen Wo- chenende im Pictureville Cinema in Bradford sehen die Bilder in den Stutt- garter Kinos vergleichsweise klein da- gegen aus. Das sind eben die Risiken und Nebenwirkungen, die wir beson- ders dann zu spüren bekommen, wenn wir gerade frisch vom “Widescreen Weekend” heimgekehrt sind. Wie immer waren die Tage in einem der besten Kinos der Welt atemberaubend und haben großen Spaß gemacht. Vor weni- gen Wochen wurde dort auch die Tech- nik auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. So kann das “Pictureville” jetzt nicht nur digital mit einer Auflösung von 4K projizieren, sondern auch den neuen Dolby Surround 7.1 Sound nutzen. De- monstriert wurde die neue Technik mit der Aufführung von Ron Frickes spiri- tuellem Knock-Out SAMSARA. Gefilmt mit 65mm Negativfilm, gescannt mit einer Auflösung von 8K und gemastert sowie projiziert mit der maximal mögli- Gefühl von Cinerama erleben möchte, Wer glaubte, dass er mit der Ton- chen Auflösung von 4K dürfte für den hatten Dave Strohmaier und technik im eigenen Heimkino bereits am SAMSARA die neue Referenz in Sa- Randy Gitsch die passende Antwort. Ende angekommen sei, den dürfte das chen Bildqualität darstellen. Der Film Denn Dank der unermüdlichen Tatkraft neue Tonsystem aus dem Hause Dolby wird Ende August auch in die deut- der beiden Amerikaner wird es im Sep- aufhorchen lassen: “Dolby Atmos” schen Kinos kommen und wir sind tember die beiden Filme WINDJAM- bedient bis zu 64 einzeln angesteuerte schon jetzt gespannt auf die Präsenta- MER und THIS IS CINERAMA erstmals Lautsprechergruppen. Entsprechende tion auf der gekrümmten Bildwand der auf DVD und BD geben. Beide Filme Steuerdaten sind auf einem entspre- Karlsruher Schauburg. Das Hauptau- wurden komplett restauriert und mit chenden DCP enthalten – vorausge- genmerk des diesjährigen “Widescreen jeder Menge an Bonusmaterial ausge- setzt natürlich, dass der Film in “Dolby Weekend” lag jedoch auf dem 3-Strei- stattet. Dazu gibt es auf den BD-Ver- Atmos” abgemischt wurde. Noch gibt fen Cinerama-System, das in diesem sionen wie bereits bei HOW THE es fast keine Kinos mit dem neuen Sy- Jahr seinen 60. Geburtstag feiert. WEST WAS WON die “Smile-Box”- stem, das mit Pixars BRAVE getestet Version, mit der ein Cinerama-Effekt werden soll. Doch glaubt man den Aus- auch auf einer Heimanlage simuliert sagen und Ohren derjenigen, die dieses werden kann. Beide DVD/BD-Combos System bereits gehört haben, so dürfte sind regionalcodefrei und können “Dolby Atmos” alles bisher Dagewese- selbstverständlich wie immer über uns ne in den Schatten stellen und könnte bezogen werden. Sobald die Preis- den Ton im Kino von Grund auf revolu- verhandlungen unter Dach und Fach tionieren. Bei einem Siegeszug des Sy- sind werden wir Ihnen die Preise in stems wird dann sicher auch irgend- unserem Newsletter mitteilen. wann eine Heimversion verfügbar sein. Höhepunkte waren hierbei die Sie sehen also: es bleibt spannend. Technicolor-Druckkopien von THIS IS CINERAMA, HOW THE WEST WAS Ihr Laser Hotline Team WON und THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM. Beide Filme demonstrieren in eindrucksvoller Weise die verblüffende Bildwirkung der Cinerama-Projektion. Wer jetzt gerne auch im Heimkino ein bisschen das

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 17. April 2012 ges. TABU ist kein Film, den man sich Erst Inzest in Wien, dann Action in an einem herrlich sonnigen Nachmittag Stuttgart anschauen sollte, sondern eher an ei- Passend zu dem jüngst ergangenen nem stürmischen Herbsttag. Denn – Urteil zum Thema Geschwisterliebe ohne damit zuviel zu verraten – ein entpuppte sich Film Nummer 1 als In- Happy-End ist dieser Liebe nicht ge- zest-Drama, bevor es dann mit den gönnt. Marvel-Helden im Film Nummer 2 auf den Stuttgarter Schlossplatz ging. MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1) TABU - ES IST DIE SEELE EIN FREM- OT: The Avengers DES AUF ERDEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Walt Disney Verleih: Camino (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Land/Jahr: Österreich, Deutschland, Regie: Joss Whedon Frankreich, Luxemburg 2011 Darsteller: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Regie: Christoph Stark Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Darsteller: Lars Eidinger, Peri Baumei- Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, ster, Rainer Bock Gwyneth Paltrow Kinostart: 31.05.2012 Kinostart: 26.04.2012

Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts er- Die Welt steht wieder einmal vor einer zwingt die junge Grete Trakl, eine be- unglaublichen Katastrophe: Thors Bru- gabte Pianistin, die Erlaubnis, ihrem der Loki besitzt dank eines magischen Bruder Georg in die Metropole Wien zu nau. Laut Presseheft war das für die Würfels unbegrenzte Macht und möch- folgen. Georg versucht sich dort am Macher des Films auch nur von unter- te sich die Erde Untertan machen. Das Studium der Pharmazie, wäherend, geordneter Bedeutung: “Filmisch gese- ruft Nicky Fury und seine Friedens- Grete nimmt Unterricht bei Musikpro- hen ist dies eine dramatische Meta- organisation S.H.I.E.L.D. auf den Plan. fessor Albert Brückner. Was noch nie- pher, die größte Hürde für eine Liebe, Doch um die Welt vor Lokis Macht zu mand ahnt: die Geschwister Georg und die keine Erfüllung finden darf”, erklärt retten bedarf es mehr als nur eines Hel- Grete verbindet eine innige Liebesbe- Produzent Arno Ortmair. Die Kamera- den – sondern gleich sechs davon! ziehung. Es ist eine bedingungslose arbeit in CinemaScope (Bogumil Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, Liebe, die nicht sein darf. Georg, der Godfrejow) mit ihren oft dunklen Bil- Captain America und Hawkeye, ge- sich mehr als Dichter denn als Apothe- dern und der erdfarbenen Tönung vi- nannt die “Avengers”, werden von ker sieht, verarbeitet die selbstzerstö- sualisiert die deprimierende, ausweglo- Fury rekrutiert. Gemeinsam sollen sie rerische Liebe in seinen Versen. Grete se Situation der Protagonisten perfekt. dem Feind den Wind aus den Segeln drängt ihn, mit ihr in eine gemeinsame Die aus dem Off zitierten, bild- nehmen... Leider erliegt das 140 Minu- Zukunft nach Australien zu gehen. Um gewaltigen Verse Trakls tun ein übri- ten Spektakel zum Ende hin dem sich und auch Grete zu schützen zwingt Verlangen, alles in einer gigantische Georg seine Schwester, ihren 20 Jahre Materialschlacht münden zu lassen. älteren Professor zu heiraten. Grete Trotz dem halben Dutzend Superhelden greift zu einer letzten Verzweiflungstat, wirkt das dann genauso ermüdend wie um ihren Bruder zu behalten... Chri- Michael Bays TRANSFORMERS. Bis stoph Stark erzählt in seinem depressi- es allerdings soweit ist nutzt Joss ven Film die Geschichte des berühmten Whedon in seinem Film wenigstens ein Expressionisten Georg Trakl. In seinen bisschen komödiantisches Potenzial. ebenso verstörenden wie leidenschaft- Denn zwischen den Marvel-Helden ist lichen Gedichten steht seine Schwester nicht immer alles Friede Freude Eierku- Grete stets im Mittelpunkt. Stark er- chen. Da gibt es immer wieder feine, zählt dabei nicht nur von einer Ge- gut platzierte Rivalitäten. Insbesondere schwisterliebe, sondern vor allem von Robert Downey Jr. in der Rolle des Iron einer Liebe, die nicht sein darf. Dank Man überzeugt hier noch am ehesten. seiner großartigen Darsteller gelingt es Er ist in seiner Rolle nicht so steif wie ihm, das Publikum auf die Seite der seine Kollegen (was vielleicht an sei- Liebenden zu ziehen. Ob diese Liebe nen Erfahrungen in der Rolle des allerdings in Wirklichkeit jemals ausge- liegen mag) und sorgt lebt wurde oder nur in den Gedichten für ein paar herzhafte Lacher. Dazwi- Trakls existiert, weiß niemand so ge- schen gibt es aber leider zuviel lang-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog weiliges Geschwätz, so dass man stets tragödie, mit der sich eine deutsche le bei Beth an. Im Lauf der Zeit entwik- versucht ist, den schnellen Vorlauf zu Touristin konfrontiert sieht. Auch der kelt sich zwischen den beiden eine zar- aktivieren. Stoppen muss man dann Polizist Jose, der erbarmungslos ver- te Liebesbeziehung. Doch Beths Ex- allerdings wieder bei jeder Sequenz, die sucht, jeden einzelnen Flüchtling wie- Mann findet das gar nicht gut... Bereits im schwäbischen Stuttgart spielt und der zur Rückkehr zu zwingen, hat ein der deutsche Untertitel “Für immer der für die eigens in den USA der großes Problem: seine Schwester ist Deine” lässt es erahnen: hier steht Schlossplatz nachempfunden wurde. kokainsüchtig und bittet ihn ständig ganz und gar die Romanze im Mittel- Das weckt Erinnerungen an Bilder, die um Hilfe. Auch er sieht sich mit der punkt des Geschehens. Und mehr vor ein paar Wochen durch das World Frage konfrontiert, ob er helfen soll noch: die Romanze läuft nach altbe- Wide Web gegangen sind und bei den oder nicht. Seine existenziellen Fragen währtem Muster ab. Fast so, als gehör- Stuttgartern für höchstes Amüsement beantwortet der Film am Ende nur un- te sie zum “Pilcher”-Franchise. Tat- gesorgt hat. Nichtsdestotrotz ent- vollständig. Und das ist auch gut so. sächlich jedoch handelt es sich um täuscht der unnötigerweise auf 3D auf- Denn nur so kann er den Zuschauer eine Bestsellerverfilmung nach gepäppelte AVENGERS mehr als das er dazu bewegen, über die akuten Proble- Nicholas Sparks. Regisseur Scott Hicks unterhält. me vor den Küsten Europas, die eine lässt sich keine Chance entgehen, kräf- direkte Folge der Globalisierung dar- tig auf die Tränendrüse zu drücken. Ist Mittwoch, 18. April 2012 stellen, weiter nachzudenken. Maggie es nicht herzig, wie Ex-Teen-Star Zac Flüchtlingsdrama Peren möchte mit ihrem Film aufrütteln. Efron sich um den kleinen Sohn seiner Lauer Mittwoch: es gab nur einen ein- Und genau das schafft sie auch. Wenn Arbeitgeberin kümmert? Ganz nebenbei zigen Film, dafür aber viel Sonne. auch zugegebenermaßen mit ein paar repariert er auch noch ihre Motorjacht, wenigen dramaturgischen Schwächen liest Philosophie-Bücher und spielt DIE FARBE DES OZEANS (1:2.35, DD (z.B. die Beziehungsprobleme der Prot- perfekt Klavier. Da kann kein Mädel 5.1) agonistin, die hier irgendwie fehl am widerstehen. Wenn sich dann Taylor Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) Platz wirken). Schilling alias Beth endlich auf den Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Spanien 2011 schönen Mann einlässt, dann passiert Regie: Maggie Peren Donnerstag, 19. April 2012 das natürlich fein säuberlich unter der Darsteller: Sabine Timoteo, Friedrich Schluchz... Dusche – bekleidet natürlich. Das an- Mücke, Hubert Koundé, Alex Gonzalez Wieder nur eine einziger Film heute...so schließende Liebesspiel beginnt mit Kinostart: 17.05.2012 langsam bekomme ich intensivem Abtropfen, bevor es nach Entzugserscheinungn. einer unendlich langen Zeit dann end- Während ihres Urlaubs auf den Kana- lich daran geht, die nassen Klamotten ren wird Nathalie mit einer humanitären THE LUCKY ONE – FÜR IMMER DER auszuziehen. Keine Sorge: es herrscht Katastrophe konfrontiert: vor ihren DEINE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Sommer, so dass eine Erkältung nicht Augen erreicht ein überladenes Boot OT: The Lucky One zum Zuge kommt! Am Ende trägt das aus Afrika die Küste. und seinem Verleih: Warner Drehbuch (und vermutlich auch die kleinen Sohn Mamadou eilt sie zu Hilfe, Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Romanvorlage) dann derart dick auf, viele andere Afrikaner sterben. Jose, Regie: Scott Hicks dass man nur noch den Kopf darüber der zuständige Polizist, hat solche Dra- Darsteller: Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling, schütteln kann, auf welch elegante men schon zur Genüge mit ansehen Blythe Danner Weise man sich des eifersüchtigen Ex- müssen und rät Nathalie, sich nicht Kinostart: 26.04.2012 Mannes entledigt. Das Zielpublikum weiter einzumischen. Zola und seinem (Frauen jeden Alters) wird sich darüber Sohn droht die Abschiebung, aber sie Das Foto einer jungen Frau rettet Ser- aber ganz bestimmt nicht den Kopf zer- können fliehen und nehmen Kontakt zu geant Logan Thibault das Leben. Denn brechen, sondern mit der auf- und ab- Nathalie auf. Gegen den Rat ihres als er sich bei seinem Einsatz im Irak flammenden großen Liebe mitfiebern Freundes, sich nicht weiter um die ein paar Schritte von seinem Trupp und für großflächigen Einsatz von Pa- Flüchtlinge zu kümmern, beginnt entfernt, um es aus dem Staub aufzuhe- piertaschentüchern sorgen. Bei all dem Nathalie den beiden zu helfen. Mit ben, schlägt eine Granate hinter ihm Kitsch und den Klischees, die Scott furchtbaren Konsequenzen... Was kann ein. Für Logan ist klar: die Frau auf Hicks hier abliefert, muss man trotz man als Einzelner gegen die dem Foto ist sein Schutzengel. Wieder allem aber ein gutes Wort für die Flüchtlingsströme aus Afrika tun? Wie zurück in den USA und noch immer Kameraarbeit von Alar Kivilo einlegen: definiert man die Richtigkeit des Han- traumatisiert, beginnt er nach der Frau seine Bilder sind perfekt. delns? Gibt es ein Gutes im Schlech- zu suchen. Er findet sie tatsächlich. ten? Mit ihrem Drama versucht Regis- Beth, geschieden und Mutter eines Freitag, 20. April 2012 seurin Maggie Peren diesen Fragen auf kleinen Sohnes, ist Besitzerin einer Pferdeflüsterer und den Grund zu gehen. Und das in gleich Hundezucht. Weil er nicht imstande ist, Rosenverkäuferin mehrfacher Hinsicht. So gibt es in ih- den wahren Grund für sein Auftauchen Die beiden letzten Pressevorführungen rem Film nicht nur die Flüchtlings- zu sagen, nimmt Logan die offene Stel- der Woche im Doppelpack.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ist. Sie zerreisst ihn wieder und bleibt Verleih: Camino BUCK – DER WAHRE PFERDE- bei Nelson. Die Schwangerschaft hält Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 FLÜSTERER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) sie geheim. Weil dem Paar die Einkünf- Regie: Jan Fehse OT: Buck te aus dem Verkauf von gestohlenen Darsteller: Anne Schäfer, Wiebke Puls Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) Rosen bei weitem nicht ausreicht, um Kinostart: 14.06.2012 Land/Jahr: USA 2011 ein normales Leben zu führen, tritt Regie: Cindy Meehl Marcela eine Stelle als Pflegerin bei Es gibt nur einen Tisch und eine Darsteller: Buck Brannaman, Robert dem bettlägerigen Amador an. Der er- Küchenzeile in jenem Raum der psych- Redford weist sich als etwas eigenbrödlerisch, iatrischen Anstalt, in welchem sich Kinostart: 31.05.2012 ist dafür aber auch sehr weise. zwei Frauen gegenübersitzen. Die Eine, Marcelas Schwangerschaft bleibt ihm Jasmin, hat ihr kleines Kind getötet Robert Redford nahm in als Berater mit nicht verborgen. Auch Amador hat sei- und versucht, auch sich das Leben zu in sein Team, als er DER PFERDE- ne Geheimnisse, von denen er ein paar nehmen. Die Andere, Dr. Feldt, ist vom FLÜSTERER inszenierte: Buck mit ihr teilt. Die beiden beginnen sich Gericht mit einem psychiatrischen Gut- Brannaman. Heute reist der Pferde- gegenseitig zu respektieren. Mit seinen achten beauftragt. In vier Sitzungen an experte quer durch die USA und gibt weisen Worten hilft Amador Marcela, unterschiedlichen Tagen versucht die interessierten Menschen Unterricht im ihr unglückliches Leben neu zu ordnen. Reifere der Jüngeren ihr gesamtes bis- richtigen Umgang mit Pferden. Cindy Doch dann passiert etwas Unerwarte- heriges Leben zu entlocken – bis hin zu Meehl porträtiert in ihrem Dokumentar- tes... Während Amador im Bett liegend jenem verhängnisvollen Tag, an dem film diesen außergewöhnlichen Men- ein Puzzle zusammensetzt, sagt er zu Jasmin ihre schlimme Tat beging. Die schen, den die Pferde zu verstehen Marcela, dass das Leben selbst wie ein anfängliche Verweigerung Jasmins scheinen. Buck erzählt von seiner ex- Puzzle sei. Es käme nur darauf an, die weicht im Laufe der Sessions einem trem schweren Kinderzeit, in der er und einzelnen Teile richtig zusammenzuset- Vertrauen, das sie der Psychologin ent- sein Bruder regelmäßig von ihrem Vater zen. Und jeder trage die Einzelteile gegenbringt. Mit gleich sieben parallel verprügelt wurden. Erst nach dessen schon immer in sich. Fernando León de laufenden Kameras hat Jan Fehse sein Tod begann er in der Obhut seiner Pfle- Aranoas Spielfilm ist ein Drama der psychologisches Kammerspiel einge- geeltern ganz allmählich aus sich her- leisen Töne, das auch mit feinem Hu- fangen. Es gelingt ihm dadurch, das auszukommen. Die Liebe zu den Pfer- mor nicht spart. Die gebürtige Peruane- Psychodrama atmosphärisch dicht zu den verdankt er seinem Stiefvater, der rin Magaly Solier spielt die Rolle der gestalten. Großen Anteil am Gelingen ihm alles beigebracht hat. Dabei macht Marcela sehr einfühlsam und nuanciert. seines Experiments haben die beiden Buck auch unmissverständlich klar, Ihr Unglücklichsein und ihre Unsicher- großartigen Darstellerinnen, die beide dass in den meisten Fällen das Pferd heit spiegeln sich wunderbar in ihren jede Menge Theatererfahrung haben. ein Spiegelbild seines Halters darstellt. Augen. Der Regisseur über seinen Nur so war es möglich, ganze Dialog- Macht ein Pferd Probleme, so ist das Film: “Es geht es in erster Linie um das komplexe in nur einem einzigen Take ein deutlicher Hinweis darauf, dass es Leben, darüber, wie selbst der Tod abzudrehen. Dabei basiert das Dreh- auch Probleme im Privatleben des manchmal nicht reicht, um es aufzuhal- buch von Christian Lyra auf dessen Pferdehalters gibt. Meehls Film zeigt ten. Alle Entscheidungen, die getroffen intensiven Recherchen. So vereint auch, dass Buck Brannaman kein Gott werden, fallen im Namen des Lebens. JASMIN Tatsachen aus mehreren real ist: einem der Problempferde, das zu Das Leben ist der eigentliche Protago- existierenden Fällen. Jan Fehses Film ihm gebracht wird, kann er nicht mehr nist der Geschichte: der Motor, der hat vermutlich kein großes wirtschaftli- helfen. BUCK ist eine gelungene Doku- Anfang und das Ende, und die Not- ches Kinopotenzial und landet daher mentation mit Humor und noch mehr wendigkeit. Ich meine damit das Leben sicher schnell im Spätprogramm eines Gefühl. mit seiner Mischung aus Hoffnung und TV-Senders. Dort allerdings wird das Schuld, Schmerzen und Bedürfnissen.” Kammerspiel bei weitem nicht die In- AMADOR UND MARCELAS ROSEN Aranoa ist ein bemerkenswert ruhiger tensität erreichen wie in einem ganz (1:2.35, DD 5.1) und schön fotografierter Film gelun- dunklen Kinosaal. OT: Amador gen. Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) Mittwoch, 02. Mai 2012 Land/Jahr: Spanien 2010 Dienstag, 24. April 2012 Ausnahmekünstler trifft auf Regie: Fernando León de Aranoa Exploration Familiendrama Darsteller: Magaly Solier, Celso Mit einem Kammerspiel ging für mich Warum nur habe ich nach meiner Rück- Bugallo, Pietro Sibille die Pressewoche zu Ende. Zu Ende? kehr aus Bradford stets das Gefühl, Kinostart: 07.06.2012 Jawoll! Denn jetzt geht es ab nach dass wir hierzulande nur Kino im Bradford, um endlich einmal wieder Briefmarkenformat haben? Den Abschiedsbrief für ihren Freund Großformatkino zu bestaunen. Nelson hat sie schon geschrieben, als AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY (1:1.85, Marcela bemerkt, dass sie schwanger JASMIN (1:1.85, Stereo) Stereo)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog OT: Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Lauf lässt. Seinem Vater ist das ein Ash ist StreetDancer mit Leib und See- Verleih: DCM Dorn im Auge, will er ihn doch lieber zu le. Doch er schafft es einfach nicht, bei Land/Jahr: USA 2012 einer praktischen Tätigkeit erziehen. den angesagten Dance Battles auf ei- Regie: Alison Klayman Nur seiner Mutter verdankt er es, dass nen grünen Zweig zu kommen. Da läuft Kinostart: 14.06.2012 er auf eine höhere Schule gehen darf. ihm der junge Eddie über den Weg und Dort schließt er Freundschaft mit Isak, bietet sich als sein Manager an. Die Er ist so etwas wie Chinas Antwort auf der aus einer reichen jüdischen Familie beiden machen sich in die Hauptstädte Joseph Beuys: Ausnahmekünstler Ai stammt. In Isaks Haus fühlt sich Simon Europas, um eine StreetDance-Crew Weiwei. Mit seinen teils spektakulären viel wohler als zuhause, ermuntert ihn zusammenzustellen, mit der Ash ge- und extrem einfallsreichen Kreationen doch Iaks Vater sogar, sich für Musik meinsam beim großen Finale in Paris verblüfft er die Kunstwelt und feiert in zu interessieren. Während Simon noch der rivalisierenden Crew “Invincible” allen Kunsthallen der Welt große Erfol- grübelt, warum er eigentlich gar nicht entgegentreten kann. In Paris lernt er ge. Doch als chinesischer Staatsbürger in seinen Familie passt, bricht der Eva kennen, die im Club ihres Onkels hat er es nicht einfach. Schon gar Zweite Weltkrieg aus und fördert als als Salsa-Tänzerin arbeitet. Ash hat nicht, wenn er seine Kunst für politi- Folge ein Geheimnis ans Tageslicht: eine Idee: warum nicht StreetDance sche Aussagen verwendet. Aussagen, Simon wurde adoptiert und ist eigent- und Salsa kombinieren? Jetzt muss er die sich gegen das totalitäre Regime im lich der Sohn eines deutschen Juden... nur noch Eva von seiner Idee überzeu- eigenen Land richten. Regisseurin Lisa Ohlin verfilmte den Bestseller Ma- gen... Schmunzelnd habe ich im Presse- Alison Klayman hat über einen Zeit- rianne Fredriksson zwar mit teilweise heft gelesen, dass sich die Macher vom raum von zwei Jahren den Künstler wunderschönen Bildern (Kamera: Dan ersten STREETDANCE 3D nach wie beobachtet. Sowohl bei seiner Arbeit Laustsen), aber leider ziemlich sperrig. vor wundern, warum das Teil so enorm wie auch als Privatmann sowie als poli- Das Familienepos macht nicht ganz erfolgreich war. Und wundern darf man tischer Aktivist. So ist ein interessan- klar, worauf es eigentlich hinaus möch- sich hier vollkommen zu Recht. Denn tes Porträt des Menschen entstanden, te. Dafür werden Personen eingeführt, bereits die extrem einfache Strickweise der im vergangenen Jahr plötzlich wie die zur Geschichte nichts beitragen des ersten Teils bot kein echtes vom Erdboden verschwunden war um und alsbald wieder verschwunden sind Jubelpotenzial. Doch gerade als man nach einiger Zeit wieder aufzutauchen (z.B. Katharina Schüttler als Iza). Hier dachte es gäbe nichts Schlechteres – jetzt allerdings mundtot. Die Doku- verwirrt das Drama den Zuschauer er- danach...kommt der zweite Teil. Die mentation, in der sich Weggefährten, heblich. Anzunehmen ist, dass sich Story ist hier derart dünn, dass man sie Kuratoren, Galeristen, Mitarbeiter und Lesern des Romans möglicherweise die glattweg als neuen Maßstab für seichte Freunde äußern, zeigt an seinem Bei- Zusammenhänge besser erschließen als Sujets nehmen könnte. Aber es ist spiel auch gleichzeitig die Macht des dem Kinogänger. Immerhin darf der nicht nur die Story – auch die Darstel- Internets. Als das Regime seinen Blog Film einen wunderbaren Score von An- ler sind extrem eindimensional. Der ge- stoppte, wich er auf Twitter aus, um nette Focks auf seiner Habenseite bu- bürtige Deutsche Falk Hentschel in der seine Botschaften mittels seiner gro- chen. Rolle des Ash gibt ein derart farbloses ßen Zahl von Anhängern zu verbreiten. Bild ab, dass man sich nur darüber Donnerstag, 03. Mai 2012 wundern kann, welche Qualitäten seine SIMON (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Seichte Salsa-Sauce Partnerin (die immerhin etwas Tempera- OT: Simon Och Ekarna / Simon And Rein pressetechnisch ist die Woche ment zeigt!) wohl in ihm sieht und die The Oaks bereits gelaufen. Den letzten Film gab die Kamera offensichtlich dem Zu- Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) es heute. Ein hartes Stück Arbeit. schauer vorenthält. Der Mann ist eine Land/Jahr: Schweden, Dänemark, echte Schlaftablette! Einzig noch Tom Deutschland, Norwegen 2011 STREETDANCE 2 3D (1:1.85, 3D, DD Conti in der Rolle eines französischen Regie: Lisa Ohlin 5.1) Club-Besitzers beweist, dass die Pro- Darsteller: Bill Skarsgård, Helen OT: StreetDance 2 3D duktion tatsächlich auch ein kleines Sjöholm, Stefan Gödicke Verleih: Universum (SquareOne) Etat für die Schauspieler gehabt haben Kinostart: 28.06.2012 Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, Deutsch- muss. Auffallend: während des ganzen land, Italien 2012 Films über machen sich die jungen 1939 in Schweden. Der kleine Simon ist Regie: Max Giwa, Dania Pasquini Tänzer keine Gedanken über Geld. Fi- ein Träumer, der sich am liebsten in Darsteller: Falk Hentschel, Sofia nanzielle Probleme gibt es in diesem seinem Baumhaus in einer alten Eiche Boutella, George Sampson, Tom Conti Film nicht. Wozu auch wenn man den versteckt und seiner Phantasie freien Kinostart: 07.06.2012 ganzen Tag tanzen darf?

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Arupusu No Shoujo Haiji The Beatles - Yellow Submarine Dir. Isao Takahata Animation (Digital Remastered) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 min. Yellow Submarine Universum Film(Universum Kids) Die Abenteuer von Chuck & sei- Dir. George Dunning 01.06.2012 Making-of, Interviews, Trailer, Booklet, Sticker 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047064 nen Freunden, Folge 1 - Kleiner Musikfilm/Zeichentrick 1967 min. Chuck ganz groß EMI Music Catalogue Marketing(EMI) Ice Age The Adventures Chuck & Friends 01.06.2012 Ice Age Dir. Donald Kim 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047200 Dir. Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Clips, Edel:Kids 15.06.2012 The Beatles - Yellow Submarine Making of, Kurzfilm, Trailer, Bildergalerie Trickfilm/Komödie 2002 78min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047162 (Digital Remastered) (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Yellow Submarine Die Abenteuer von Chuck & sei- Germany 15.06.2012 Dir. George Dunning 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046969 nen Freunden, Folge 2 - Manege Making-of, Interviews, Trailer, Booklet, Sticker frei! Musikfilm/Zeichentrick 1967 min. Ice Age (Blu-ray) EMI Music Catalogue Marketing(EMI) The Adventures Chuck & Friends Ice Age 01.06.2012 Dir. Donald Kim Dir. Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047223 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette Trickfilm/Komödie 2002 81min. Edel:Kids 15.06.2012 Best of Leo Lausemaus - Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047163 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment schönsten Bilderbuch-Filme Germany 15.06.2012 Alles Trick 1 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046981 Dir. Helmut Barkowsky, Lothar Barke cms constructive media service(Child) Featurette 05.05.2012 Ice Age 1, 2 & 3 (3 Discs) Trickfilm 1960 110min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047142 Ice Age / Ice Age 2: The Meltdown / Ice ICESTORM Entertainment 02.05.2012 Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs tba BestellNr.: 20047105 Briefe von Felix - Die Schönsten Dir. Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha, Michael Bilderbuchfilme Thurmeier Alles Trick 2 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Multi- Dir. Alan Simpson, Arpad Szabo Angle-Sequenzen, Kurzfilm, Making of, Trailer, Bildergale- Dir. Christl Wiemer, Rolf Cichon, Werner Spiele rie, Interaktives Spiel, Musikvideo, Scrat Spezial Krauße, Günther Rätz Trickfilm 2001-2002 85min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2002-2009 255min. Featurette cms constructive media service(Child) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm 1955 74min. 05.05.2012 Germany 15.06.2012 ICESTORM Entertainment 02.05.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047143 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046972 tba BestellNr.: 20047106 Dr. Brumm - Die schönsten Bilder- Alles Trick 3 Ice Age 1, 2 & 3 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) buchgeschichten Ice Age / Ice Age 2: The Meltdown / Ice Dir. Lew Amalrik, Fjodor Chitruk Featurette Dir. Sören Wendt Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Trickfilm 1969 86min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Dir. Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha, Michael ICESTORM Entertainment 02.05.2012 cms constructive media service(Child) Thurmeier tba BestellNr.: 20047107 05.05.2012 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Bildergale- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047145 rie, Musikvideo, Kurzfilme Trickfilm/Komödie 2002-2009 264min. Als die Tiere den Wald verließen Dragonball - Box 1 (5 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment - Folgen 5 und 6 Germany 15.06.2012 Dragonball The Animals Of Farthing Wood 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046984 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1989 700min. Dir. Philippe Leclerc, Elphin Lloyd-Jones AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.04.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993-1995 50min. Ice Age 2 - Jetzt taut’s 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047022 polyband Medien GmbH 27.07.2012 Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047175 Fanboy & Chum Chum - Season 1 Dir. Carlos Saldanha Audiokommentar, Interaktives Spiel Als die Tiere den Wald verließen Fanboy And Chum Chum Trickfilm/Komödie 2006 87min. Bonusepisode Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment - Folgen 7 und 8 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 95min. Germany 15.06.2012 The Animals Of Farthing Wood Paramount Home 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046970 Dir. Philippe Leclerc, Elphin Lloyd-Jones Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 10.05.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993-1995 50min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046901 Ice Age 2 - Jetzt taut’s (Blu-ray) polyband Medien GmbH 27.07.2012 Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047176 .hack//Quantum Dir. Carlos Saldanha .hack//Quantum Audiokommentare, Bildergalerie, Kurzfilm, Multi-Angle- Appleseed XIII, Vol. 1 Dir. Masaki Tachibana Szenen, Outtakes, Spiele, Featurettes Appurushîdo Wendecover Trickfilm/Komödie 2006 90min. Behind the Scenes Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2010 76min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 100min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 29.06.2012 Germany 15.06.2012 Universum Film(Universum ) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046982 15.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046957 .hack//Quantum (Blu-ray) Ice Age 3 - Die Dinosaurier sind .hack//Quantum los Appleseed XIII, Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Dir. Masaki Tachibana Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs Appurushîdo Wendecover Behind the Scenes Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2010 79min. Dir. Carlos Saldanha, Michael Thurmeier Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 100min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 29.06.2012 Musikvideo, „Scrat Special“, Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 90min. Universum Film(Universum Anime) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047018 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15.06.2012 Germany 15.06.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046977 Heidi - TV-Serien Komplettbox

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046971 K-on! - Staffel 2, Vol. 1 Wunder der Winterkirschblüte K-On! One Piece 9: Episodo Obu + Fuyu Ice Age 3 - Die Dinosaurier sind Asami Sanada Ni Saku, Kiseki No Sakura los (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Komödie 2009-2010 125min. Dir. Atsuji Shimizu Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.04.2012 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2008 113min. Dir. Carlos Saldanha, Michael Thurmeier 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047024 AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.05.2012 Musikvideo, „Scrat Special“, Audiokommentar, interaktives 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047027 „Ice Age“-Bilderbuch, Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilme K-on! - Staffel 2, Vol. 1 (+ Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 94min. One Piece - Chopper und das Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sammelschuber) Germany 15.06.2012 K-On! Wunder der Winterkirschblüte 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046983 Asami Sanada (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Komödie 2009-2010 125min. One Piece 9: Episodo Obu Choppa + Fuyu Janosch - Die schönsten Bilder- AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.04.2012 Ni Saku, Kiseki No Sakura buch-Filme 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047023 Dir. Atsuji Shimizu Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2008 118min. Hansjoachim Krietsch - Dir. Jürgen Egenolf, K-on! - Staffel 2, Vol. 2 Uwe-Peter Jeske AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.05.2012 K-On! Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1989 52min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047051 Asami Sanada cms constructive media service(Child) Zeichentrick/Komödie 2009-2010 125min. 05.05.2012 One Piece - Die TV Serie - Box AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.04.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047148 Vol.1 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047025 Wan Pîsu: One Piece Käpt’n Sharky - Die schönsten Lauras Stern - und andere Laura- Zeichentrick/Action min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.05.2012 Bilderbuch-Filme Geschichten von Klaus Baumgart Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047030 Dir. Piet De Rycker, Thilo Graf Rothkirch, cms constructive media service(Child) Maya Gräfin Rothkirch, Maria Horvath 05.05.2012 One Piece - Strong World Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 45min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047151 One Piece 10: Strong World cms constructive media service(Child) Dir. Munehisa Sakai Kasperle Theater 3D - Die Bremer 05.05.2012 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2009 116min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047149 Stadtmusikanten (Blu-ray 3D + AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.06.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047028 2D) (Blu-ray) Maid-sama - Box Vol. 4 (2 Discs) Kinderfilm 2012 32min. Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama One Piece - Strong World (Blu- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Lausbuben Dir. Hiroaki Sakurai ray) Film) 22.05.2012 Booklet One Piece 10: Strong World 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047125 Zeichentrick/Komödie 2010 150min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.05.2012 Dir. Munehisa Sakai Kite / Kite Liberator (2 Discs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047026 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2009 121min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.06.2012 (k.J.) Marco - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047052 Kite / Kite Liberator Haha Wo Tazunete Sanzenri Dir. Yasuomi Umetsu Dir. Isao Takahata The Piano Forest (Blu-ray) Wendecover Piano No Mori Zeichentrick/Action 1998-2007 110min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 min. Dir. Masayuki Kojima Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.07.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Zeichentrick/Drama 2007 93min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047178 15.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047072 AV Visionen(Anime Video) 27.04.2012 Der kleine Ritter Trenk - DVD 4 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047050 Die Melancholie der Haruhi Dir. Eckart Fingberg Pinocchio - Komplettbox (9 Discs) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 125min. Suzumiya - 2. Staffel Gesamtaus- Pinocchio Yori Piccolino No Boken Universum Film(Universum Kids) gabe (4 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 min. 15.06.2012 Suzumiya Haruhi No Yûutsu Universum Film(Universum Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046959 Zeichentrick/Komödie 350min. 01.06.2012 AV Visionen(Anime Video) 27.04.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047066 Der kleine Ritter Trenk - DVD 5 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047021 Dir. Eckart Fingberg Prinzessin Lillifee - Die schön- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 100min. Mullewapp - Die schönsten Bil- sten Bilderbuch-Geschichten Universum Film(Universum Kids) derbuchgeschichten 15.06.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Dir. Tony Loeser, Jesper Møller 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046960 cms constructive media service(Child) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 45min. 05.05.2012 Der kleine Ritter Trenk - DVD 6 cms constructive media service(Child) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047150 05.05.2012 Dir. Eckart Fingberg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047144 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 100min. Sindbad - Komplettbox (6 Discs) Sindbad Universum Film(Universum Kids) Nils Holgersson - Komplettbox (9 15.06.2012 Dir. Fumio Kurokawa, Shin’ichi Tsuji 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046961 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975-1976 min. Wunderbare Reise des kleinen Nils Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kleiner Rabe Socke - Raben- Holgersson mit den Wildgänsen 01.06.2012 starke Bilderbuch-Filme Dir. Hisajuki Toriumi 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047067 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 450min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 74min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Supernatural - Anime (2 Discs) cms constructive media service(Child) 01.06.2012 05.05.2012 (Blu-ray) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047065 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047147 Supernatural: The Animation Trickfilm/Drama 498min. One Piece - Chopper und das Warner Home Video Germany 15.06.2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047222 Dir. Frankie Chan 30 Winchester Per El Diablo Action/Eastern 2011 108min. Carl Möhner, Alessandra Panaro, Ivano Supernatural - Anime (3 Discs) Splendid Film(Amazia) 29.06.2012 Staccioli, José Torres, Mila Stanic, Renato Supernatural: The Animation 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047016 Chiantoni, Attilio Dottesio - Dir. Gianfranco Trickfilm/Drama 447min. Baldanello Warner Home Video Germany 15.06.2012 2:22 Western 1965 84min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047198 2:22 S.A.D. Home Entertainment 20.04.2012 Mick Rossi, Robert Miano, Val Kilmer, Jorge 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046998 Tao Tao - Komplettbox (8 Discs) A. Jimenez, Peter Dobson, Bruce , Sile Taotao Ehonkan Sekai Doubutsu-Banashi Bermingham, Sean Power, Luis Caldeira - 5150 Elm’s Way (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dir. Shuichi Nakahara, Tatsuo Shimamura Dir. Phillip Guzman 5150, Rue Des Ormes Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2008 104min. Marc-André Grondin, Normand D’Amour, Universum Film(Universum Kids) Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Sonia Vachon, Mylène St-Sauveur, Élodie 01.06.2012 08.05.2012 Larivière, Catherine Bérubé, Normand 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047068 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047111 Chouinard, Louise Bombardier, Pierre-Luc Lafontaine, René-Daniel Dubois - Dir. Éric Tilly & ihr Drache 2:22 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Tessier The Tale Of Tillie’s Dragon 2:22 Thriller/Horror 2009 110min. Dir. Mike Stribling Mick Rossi, Robert Miano, Val Kilmer, Jorge Splendid Film(I-On Störkanal) 27.07.2012 Trailer A. Jimenez, Peter Dobson, Bruce Kirby, Sile 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047187 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1995-1996 44min. Bermingham, Sean Power, Luis Caldeira - Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 01.06.2012 Dir. Phillip Guzman 6 Guns (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047166 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2008 108min. 6 Guns Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Barry Van Dyke, Sage Mears, Greg Evigan, Urmel - Die schönsten Bilder- 08.05.2012 Brian Wimmer, Geoff Meed, Shane Van buch-Filme 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047123 Dyke, Carey Van Dyke, Jason Ellefson, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996 min. Jonathan Nation, Erin Marie Hogan, Peter cms constructive media service(Child) 2:22 (Blu-ray) Sherayko, Anya Benton, Valerie K. Garcia, 05.05.2012 2:22 Kenny A. Remmel, Riley Polanski, Becky 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047146 Mick Rossi, Robert Miano, Val Kilmer, Jorge Byrum, Don Harrington, Rick Groat, Cathi A. Jimenez, Peter Dobson, Bruce Kirby, Sile Harrington - Dir. Shane Van Dyke Das Verschwinden der Haruhi Bermingham, Sean Power, Luis Caldeira - Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Suzumiya - Der Film (+ DVD) (Blu- Dir. Phillip Guzman Western 2010 96min. Great Movies GmbH 21.06.2012 ray) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2008 108min. Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047061 Suzumiya Haruhi No Shôshitsu 08.05.2012 Making of, Interview, Premieren, Trailer, TV Spot Alexandra Neldel Collection Zeichentrick/Komödie 2010 163min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047122 Heimliche Küsse - Verliebt in ein Sex- AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.04.2012 2012 - Armageddon (Blu-ray 3D) Symbol / Das Miststück 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047049 Bio- und Filmografien (Blu-ray) Komödie 1998-2000 181min. Das Verschwinden der Haruhi The Apocalypse Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Suzumiya - Der Film (2 Discs) Rhett Giles, Jill Stapley, Kristen Quintrall, 01.06.2012 Suzumiya Haruhi No Shôshitsu Tom Nagel, Shick, Amol Shah, Shaley 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047236 Making of, Interview, Premieren, Trailer, TV Spot Scott, Kim Little, Michael Tower, Monique Zeichentrick/Komödie 2010 163min. Labarr, Erica Roby, Leigh Slawner - Dir. Alexis Sorbas (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.04.2012 Justin Jones Zorba, The Greek 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047020 Trailer, Bildergalerie Anthony Quinn, Irene Papas, Alan Bates, Action/Drama 2007 94min. Lila Kedrova, George Foundas - Dir. Micha- dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) el Cacoyannis 21.06.2012 Drama 1964 142min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047060 Film Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2-Headed Shark Attack (Blu-ray) Germany 06.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047129 Die 13. Wahrheit - Uwe Ochsen- (k.J.) knecht erzählt 2-Headed Shark Attack Alien 2 - Die Saat des Grauens Kurzfilm/Mystery 2011 min. Brooke Hogan, Charlie O’Connell, Carmen kehrt zurück (Digital Remastered) Electra, Gerald Webb, David Gallegos, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Alien Due - Sulla Terra Geoff Ward, Shannan Stewart, Michael 07.06.2012 Belinda Mayne, Mark Bodin, Robert tba BestellNr.: 20047048 Dicarluccio - Dir. Christopher Ray Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Barrese, Judy Perrin, Benny Aldrich, Mi- chael Shaw - Dir. Ciro Ippolito 14 Schwerter Horror/Action 2010 88min. dtp entertainment AG 21.06.2012 Rohmaterial (stumm), Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Yang Men Nu Jiang Zhi Jun Ling Ru Shan Horror/Science Fiction 1980 79min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047057 Cecilia Cheung, Cheng Pei-pei, Richie Ren, MIG Film 12.07.2012 Liu Xiaoqing, Xiao Ming Yu, Yukari Ôshima, 2-Headed Shark Attack (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047252 Zhou Xiao-fei, Zhao Qian-yu, Katy Wang - 2-Headed Shark Attack Dir. Frankie Chan Allan Quatermain and the Brooke Hogan, Charlie O’Connell, Carmen Action/Eastern 2011 104min. Electra, Gerald Webb, David Gallegos, Temple of Skulls Splendid Film(Amazia) 29.06.2012 Geoff Ward, Shannan Stewart, Michael Allan Quatermain And The Temple Of 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047006 Dicarluccio - Dir. Christopher Ray Skulls Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Sean Cameron Michael, Christopher 14 Schwerter (Blu-ray) Horror/Action 2010 84min. Adamson, Natalie Stone, Daniel Bonjour, Yang Men Nu Jiang Zhi Jun Ling Ru Shan dtp entertainment AG 21.06.2012 Wittly Jourdan, Mr. Big, Peter Conway, Nick Cecilia Cheung, Cheng Pei-pei, Richie Ren, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047036 Everhart - Dir. Mark Atkins Liu Xiaoqing, Xiao Ming Yu, Yukari Ôshima, Abenteuer 2008 98min. Zhou Xiao-fei, Zhao Qian-yu, Katy Wang - 30 Winchester für El Diabolo Intergroove Media(TB Productions)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

01.06.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047017 Johnny Depp, Charlize Theron, Joe Morton, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047233 Clea DuVall, Donna Murphy, Nick Amok - Columbine School Cassavetes, Samantha Eggar, Gary Allan Quatermain and the Massacre (k.J.) Grubbs, Blair Brown, Tom Noonan - Dir. Temple of Skulls (Blu-ray) April Showers Rand Ravich Allan Quatermain And The Temple Of Kelly Blatz, Daryl Sabara, Janel Parrish, Science Fiction/Horror 1999 109min. Skulls (Blu-ray) Ellen Woglom, Illeana Douglas, Mark Arnold, Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 Sean Cameron Michael, Christopher Tyrone Beasley, Brigette Chizek, Ben 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047218 Adamson, Natalie Stone, Daniel Bonjour, Chrystak, Paul R. Coate - Dir. Andrew Wittly Jourdan, Mr. Big, Peter Conway, Nick Robinson Aurelio Zen (2 Discs) Everhart - Dir. Mark Atkins Booklet Zen Abenteuer 2008 101min. Drama 2009 103min. Rufus Sewell, Caterina Murino, Stanley Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 29.06.2012 Townsend 01.06.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047007 Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 270min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047243 polyband Medien GmbH 23.07.2012 Another American Crime (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047174 Allein gegen die Zeit - Staffel 2 (k.J.) Timon Wloka, Janina Fautz, Timmi Trinks, The Afflicted Aurelio Zen (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Ugur Ekeroglu, Ruby O. Fee, Peter Leslie Easterbrook, Kane Hodder, J. D. Zen Lohmeyer, Denis Moschitto, Alwara Höfels, Hart, Michele Grey, Katie Holland, Daniel Rufus Sewell, Caterina Murino, Stanley Eralp Uzun, Suzan Anbeh, Thomas Arnold, Jones, Cody Allen, Anthony Garner, Tammy Townsend Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Arnd Klawitter, Trull, Matthew M. Anderson, Constance Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 270min. Julia Jäger, Peter Prager, Richard Sammel, Collins, Anthony Osment, Ron Stafford - polyband Medien GmbH 23.07.2012 Augustin Kramann - Dir. Andreas Morell Dir. Jason Stoddard 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047186 Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Wendecover Abenteuer/Jugend 2011 325min. Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. Bella Universum Film(Universum Kids) Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.07.2012 Bella Australia 22.06.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047188 Andrea Sawatzki, Thomas Sarbacher, Lot- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046962 te Flack, Tobias Oertel, Juliane Köhler, Mat- Another American Crime (k.J.) thias Brenner, Lisa Martinek, Pegah Der älteste Schüler der Welt - The Afflicted Ferydoni, Thomas Heinze, Gustav Reutter, The First Grader Leslie Easterbrook, Kane Hodder, J. D. Leopold Hornung, Marie Gruber, Christoph The First Grader Hart, Michele Grey, Katie Holland, Daniel Letkowski, Aykut Kayacik, Katharina Oliver Litondo, Naomie Harris, Tony Jones, Cody Allen, Anthony Garner, Tammy Nesytowa, Godehard Giese, Irina Kgoroge, Vusi Kunene, Nick Reding, Israel Trull, Matthew M. Anderson, Constance Kastrinidis, Pegah Ferydoni, Jesse Inman, Makoe, Shoki Mokgapa, John Sibi-Okumu, Collins, Anthony Osment, Ron Stafford - Franz Hartwig, Sarah Brandner - Dir. Sam Feuer - Dir. Justin Chadwick Dir. Jason Stoddard Vivian Naefe Trailer, Bildergalerie Wendecover Komödie 2012 88min. Drama 2010 99min. Thriller/Horror 2010 83min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 01.06.2012 Great Movies GmbH 21.06.2012 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.07.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047169 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047035 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047177 Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Der älteste Schüler der Welt - Apes Konga (2 Discs) The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel The First Grader (Blu-ray) King of the Lost World / Nabonga / Tarzan Dame , Bill Nighy, Penelope the Fearless / Die verlorene Welt The First Grader Wilton, Dev Patel, Celia Imrie, Ronald Action 350min. Oliver Litondo, Naomie Harris, Tony Pickup, Tom Wilkinson, Maggie Smith - Dir. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Kgoroge, Vusi Kunene, Nick Reding, Israel John Madden 21.06.2012 Makoe, Shoki Mokgapa, John Sibi-Okumu, Komödie/Drama 2011 118min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047042 Sam Feuer - Dir. Justin Chadwick Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trailer, Bildergalerie Germany 13.07.2012 Drama 2010 103min. Arizona Colt (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047090 Great Movies GmbH 21.06.2012 Il Pistolero Di Arizona 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047056 Giuliano Gemma, Fernando Sancho, Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (+ Corinne Marchand, Nello Pazzafini, Andrea DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Bosic, Roberto Camardiel, Mirko Ellis, American Fighter 2 - Der Auftrag The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Gérard Lartigau - Dir. Michele Lupo American Ninja 2 - The Confrontation Dame Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Penelope Western 1966 111min. Michael Dudikoff, Steve James, Larry Wilton, Dev Patel, Celia Imrie, Ronald Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 01.06.2012 Poindexter, Gary Conway, Jeff Weston, Pickup, Tom Wilkinson, Maggie Smith - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047240 Michelle Botes - Dir. Sam Firstenberg John Madden Wendecover Komödie/Drama 2011 123min. Action 1986 86min. The Astronaut’s Wife - Das Böse Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment hat ein neues Gesicht Germany 13.07.2012 Germany 21.06.2012 The Astronaut’s Wife 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047103 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046935 Johnny Depp, Charlize Theron, Joe Morton, Clea DuVall, Donna Murphy, Nick Amok - Columbine School Besuch aus der Zone Cassavetes, Samantha Eggar, Gary Siegfried Lowitz, Werner Peters, Paula Massacre (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Grubbs, Blair Brown, Tom Noonan - Dir. Denk, Olga von Togni, Lieselotte Walther, April Showers Rand Ravich Uwe Friedrichsen, Hans Dieter Zeidler, Kelly Blatz, Daryl Sabara, Janel Parrish, Science Fiction/Horror 1999 105min. Herbert Hübner, Walter Richter, Willy Ellen Woglom, Illeana Douglas, Mark Arnold, Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 Semmelrogge, Mila Kopp, Max Mairich, Tyrone Beasley, Brigette Chizek, Ben 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047195 Wolfgang Wendt, Walter Thurau, Otto Stern Chrystak, Paul R. Coate - Dir. Andrew - Dir. Rainer Wolffhardt Robinson The Astronaut’s Wife - Das Böse Drama 1958 72min. Drama 2009 107min. hat ein neues Gesicht (Blu-ray) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.06.2012 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 29.06.2012 The Astronaut’s Wife 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047043

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Dir. Rolfe Kanefsky Die Borgias - Sex. Macht. Mord. Biikenbrennen - Der Fluch des Audiokommentar, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Amen. - Die erste Season (3 Meeres Horror/Erotik 2005 94min. Discs) (Blu-ray) Christoph M. Ohrt, Anja Kling, Heinrich Infopictures 25.05.2012 The Borgias Giskes, Clara-Paulina Witsch, Thomas Ar- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046974 Jeremy Irons, François Arnaud, Holliday nold, Andreas von Steegen, Werner Lustig, , Lotte Verbeek, David Oakes, Mathias Herrmann, Hans Diehl - Dir. Seba- Der Bomber Aidan Alexander, Colm Feore, Joanne stian Niemann Ballada O Bombere Whalley, Peter Sullivan, Sean Harris, Ronan Thriller 1999 89min. Nikita Efremow, Ekaterina Astakhowa, Alex- Vibert, Ruta Gedmintas, Simon McBurney, Turbine Medien 11.05.2012 ander Dawidow - Dir. Witalj Worobjow Mickey Sumner, Luke Pasqualino, Michel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046907 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 181min. Muller, Steven Berkoff, Mark Noble, MIG Film(WGF) 19.07.2012 Black Swan (Blu-ray) Emmanuelle Chriqui, Julian Bleach, Augu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047005 stus Prew, Jalaal Hartley, Cesare Taurasi, Black Swan Derek Jacobi, Vernon Dobtcheff, László Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Der Bomber (Blu-ray) Konter, Bosco Hogan, Montserrat Lombard, Kunis, Barbara Hershey, , Ballada O Bombere Attila Árpa, David Bamber, Edward Ksenia Solo, Sebastian Stan, Toby Heming- Nikita Efremow, Ekaterina Astakhowa, Alex- Petherbridge, Nicholas Rowe, Andrew way - Dir. Darren Aronofsky ander Dawidow - Dir. Witalj Worobjow Pleavin, Elyes Gabel - Dir. Neil Jordan, Featurettes, Interviews, Audiokommentar, BD-Live, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 188min. Drama/Thriller 2010 117min. Jeremy Podeswa, Simon Cellan Jones, MIG Film(WGF) 19.07.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment John Maybury 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047015 Germany 01.06.2012 Historienfilm/Drama 2011 447min. tba BestellNr.: 20046980 Paramount Home Entertainment 10.05.2012 - Die komplette 4. Staf- 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046941 Blade II (Blu-ray) (k.J.) fel (8 Discs) Blade II Bloodhunt Bonanza Bounty Hunters (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson, Ron Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- Bail Enforcers Perlman, Leonor Varela, Norman Reedus, ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Trish Stratus, Frank J. Zupancic, Boomer Thomas Kretschmann, Luke Goss, Matt Western 1959-1973 1637min. Phillips - Dir. Patrick McBrearty Schulze, Danny John Jules, , STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action 2011 83min. Karel Roden, Marit Velle Kile, Tony Curran, Germany 21.06.2012 MIG Film 06.09.2012 Daz Crawford, Santiago Segura, Xuyen Tu 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046936 tba BestellNr.: 20047097 Valdivia, Marek Vasut - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro Bones - Season Six (6 Discs) Bounty Hunters (k.J.) Action/Horror 2002 90min. Bones Bail Enforcers Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Trish Stratus, Frank J. Zupancic, Boomer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047214 Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan Phillips - Dir. Patrick McBrearty Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Action 2011 80min. Blade Trinity (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Adam Lieberman - Dir. , Allan MIG Film 06.09.2012 Blade Trinity Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick tba BestellNr.: 20047086 Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson, Dominic Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh , Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds, Par- Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore Brutal Chainsaw Massacre - Ein ker Posey, Mark , John Michael Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe erbarmungsloser Slasher! (k.J.) Higgins, Callum Keith Rennie, Paul „Triple Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, Brutal H“ Levesque, Paul Anthony, Françoise Yip, Steven DePaul, Kate Woods Jeffrey Combs, Sarah Thompson, Michael Audiokommentar, Erweiterte und entfallene Szenen, Making Michael Rawlins, James Remar, Natasha of, Featurette, Outtakes, Pilotepisode von „The Killing“ Berryman, Eric Lange, William Sanford, Don Lyonne, Haili Page - Dir. David S. Goyer Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. O. Knowlton, Kevin Indio Copeland, India Action/Horror 2004 90min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dupre, Crystal Stone - Dir. Ethan Wiley Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 Germany 22.06.2012 Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047215 Bildergalerie 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046967 Thriller/Horror 2007 90min. Blood Runs Cold (Uncut) Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Die Borgias - Sex. Macht. Mord. 18.05.2012 Blood Runs Cold Amen. - Die erste Season (3 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046915 Hanna Oldenburg, Andreas Rylander, Discs) Patrick Saxe, Ralf Beck, Eli Hugoson - Dir. Der Bulldozer (Ungeschnittene Sonny Laguna The Borgias Behind the Scenes, Trailer Jeremy Irons, François Arnaud, Holliday Fassung) Thriller/Horror 2011 74min. Grainger, Lotte Verbeek, David Oakes, A Force Of One Anolis Entertainment 08.05.2012 Aidan Alexander, Colm Feore, Joanne Jennifer O’Neill, Chuck Norris, Clu Gulager, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047112 Whalley, Peter Sullivan, Sean Harris, Ronan Ron O’Neal, Bill Wallace, , Vibert, Ruta Gedmintas, Simon McBurney, James Whitmore Jr., Aaron Norris, Rick Blood Runs Cold (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Mickey Sumner, Luke Pasqualino, Michel Prieto, G. W. Bailey, Mike Norris - Dir. Paul Blood Runs Cold Muller, Steven Berkoff, Mark Noble, Aaron Hanna Oldenburg, Andreas Rylander, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Julian Bleach, Augu- Audiokommentar Patrick Saxe, Ralf Beck, Eli Hugoson - Dir. stus Prew, Jalaal Hartley, Cesare Taurasi, Action 1978 87min. Sonny Laguna Derek Jacobi, Vernon Dobtcheff, László EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.07.2012 Behind the Scenes, Trailer Konter, Bosco Hogan, Montserrat Lombard, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047250 Thriller/Horror 2011 79min. Attila Árpa, David Bamber, Edward Anolis Entertainment 08.05.2012 Petherbridge, Nicholas Rowe, Andrew Der Bulldozer (Ungeschnittene 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047124 Pleavin, Elyes Gabel - Dir. Neil Jordan, Fassung) (Blu-ray) Jeremy Podeswa, Simon Cellan Jones, A Force Of One The Body Transformer - Sie liebt John Maybury Jennifer O’Neill, Chuck Norris, Clu Gulager, dich zu Tode! (k.J.) Historienfilm/Drama 2011 446min. Ron O’Neal, Bill Wallace, Eric Laneuville, Jacqueline Hyde Paramount Home Entertainment 10.05.2012 James Whitmore Jr., Aaron Norris, Rick Gabriella Hall, Blythe Metz, Rebekah Ellis, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046900 Prieto, G. W. Bailey, Mike Norris - Dir. Paul James Ferris, Delpano Wills, Eva Derrek - Aaron

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Audiokommentar Casanova ’70 (Blu-ray) MIG Film 19.07.2012 Action 1978 90min. Casanova ‘70 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047004 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.07.2012 Marcello Mastroianni, Virna Lisi, Michèle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047260 Mercier, Marisa Mell, Margaret Lee, Enrico The Cotton Club The Cotton Club Camelot Maria Salerno - Dir. Mario Monicelli Trailer, Biografien Richard Gere, , Gregory Hines, Camelot Komödie 1965 115min. Lonette McKee, Bob Hoskins, James Joseph Fiennes, Jamie Campbell Bower, Infopictures 01.06.2012 Remar, Tom Waits, Allen Garfield, Nicolas Tamsin Egerton, Eva Green, Peter Mooney, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047093 Cage, Maurice Hines, Fred Gwynne, Gwen Philip Winchester, Claire Forlani, Clive Stan- Verdon, Lisa Jane Persky, Julian Beck, den, Diarmaid Murtagh, Lara Jean Catch .44 - Der ganz große Coup Novella Nelson, Laurence Fishburne, John Chorostecki, Jamie Downey, Sinéad Catch .44 Ryan, Ron Karabatsos, Glenn Withrow - Cusack, Chipo Chung, Sean Pertwee, Forest Whitaker, Bruce Willis, Malin Dir. Francis Ford Coppola James Purefoy, Sebastian Koch, Daragh Akerman, Nikki Reed, Deborah Ann Woll, Trailer O’Malley, Adam Goodwin, Brian Shea Whigham, Brad Dourif, Michael Action/Musikfilm 1984 124min. McGuinness, Sebastian Spence - Dir. Rosenbaum - Dir. Aaron Harvey STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mikael Salomon, Ciaran Donnelly, Jeremy Audiokommentar Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Podeswa, Stefan Schwartz Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 90min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046919 Trailer, B-Roll, Interviews Universum Film 13.07.2012 Fantasy 2011 500min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046965 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Season 11.2 (3 Discs) 08.06.2012 Catch .44 - Der ganz große Coup CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047161 (Blu-ray) Laurence Fishburne, Marg Helgenberger, Camelot (Blu-ray) Catch .44 George Eads, Jorja Fox, Eric Szmanda, Forest Whitaker, Bruce Willis, Malin Robert David Hall, Wallace Langham, David Camelot Akerman, Nikki Reed, Deborah Ann Woll, Berman, Paul Guilfoyle, Justin Bieber, Alex Joseph Fiennes, Jamie Campbell Bower, Shea Whigham, Brad Dourif, Michael Carter, Marc Vann - Dir. Alec Smight, Mi- Tamsin Egerton, Eva Green, Peter Mooney, Rosenbaum - Dir. Aaron Harvey chael Nankin, Brad Tanenbaum, Jeffrey Philip Winchester, Claire Forlani, Clive Stan- Audiokommentar Hunt, Louis Shaw Milito, Martha Coolidge, den, Diarmaid Murtagh, Lara Jean Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 93min. Charles Haid, Paul McCrane Chorostecki, Jamie Downey, Sinéad Universum Film 13.07.2012 Kriminalfilm/Drama 2010 min. Cusack, Chipo Chung, Sean Pertwee, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046978 Universum Film 08.06.2012 James Purefoy, Sebastian Koch, Daragh 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047069 O’Malley, Adam Goodwin, Brian Condorman McGuinness, Sebastian Spence - Dir. Condorman CSI: Miami - Season 9.2 (3 Discs) Mikael Salomon, Ciaran Donnelly, Jeremy Michael Crawford, Oliver Reed - Dir. CSI: Miami Podeswa, Stefan Schwartz Charles Jarrott David , Emily Procter, Jonathan Trailer, B-Roll, Interviews Action/Komödie 1981 87min. Fantasy 2011 500min. Togo, Rex Linn, Eva La Rue, Omar Benson Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Miller, Adam Rodriguez, Christian 19.07.2012 08.06.2012 Clemenson, Roger Bart, Wesley A. Ramsey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047152 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047183 - Dir. Sam Hill, Matt Earl Beesley, Gina Lamar, Don Tardino, Marco Black, Tim Story, Carjacked Contraband , Eric Mirich, David Arquette, Contraband Carjacked Allison Liddi-Brown, Adam Rodriguez, Mark Wahlberg, Caleb Landry Jones, Jason Stephen Dorff, Maria , Joanna Larry Detwiler Mitchell, Paul LeBlanc, Mark Wahlberg, Ben Cassidy, Catherine Dent, Kristen Kerr, Tim Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 min. Foster, Lukas Haas, Kate Beckinsale, Griffin, Gary Grubbs, Angelle , Molly Universum Film 08.06.2012 Giovanni Ribisi, Diego Luna, J.K. Simmons, McQueen, Robert Peters - Dir. John Bonito 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047070 Behind the Scenes, Trailer Jaqueline Fleming - Dir. Baltasar Kormákur Thriller 2011 86min. Action/Thriller 2012 105min. CSI: NY - Season 7.2 (3 Discs) Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) CSI: NY 19.07.2012 19.07.2012 Gary Sinise, Sela Ward, Carmine D. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046966 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047247 Giovinazzo, Anna Belknap, Robert Joy, A.J. Buckley, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill, Melina Carjacked (Blu-ray) Contraband (Blu-ray) Kanakaredes, Claire Forlani, Kyle Gallner - Carjacked Contraband Dir. Rob Bailey, Oz Scott, Duane Clark, Stephen Dorff, Maria Bello, Joanna Mark Wahlberg, Caleb Landry Jones, Jason Norberto Barba Cassidy, Catherine Dent, Kristen Kerr, Tim Mitchell, Paul LeBlanc, Mark Wahlberg, Ben Kriminalfilm/Drama 2009-2010 min. Griffin, Gary Grubbs, Angelle Brooks, Molly Foster, Lukas Haas, Kate Beckinsale, Universum Film 08.06.2012 McQueen, Robert Peters - Dir. John Bonito Giovanni Ribisi, Diego Luna, J.K. Simmons, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047071 Behind the Scenes, Trailer Jaqueline Fleming - Dir. Baltasar Kormákur Thriller 2011 89min. Action/Thriller 2012 110min. Das gibt Ärger Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) This Means War 19.07.2012 19.07.2012 Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046979 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047257 Til Schweiger, Chelsea Handler, Laura Vandervoort, Kevan Ohtsji, Angela Bassett, Casanova ‘70 Cooper - Eine wundervolle David Koechner - Dir. McG Casanova ‘70 Freundschaft Action/Komödie 2011 94min. Marcello Mastroianni, Virna Lisi, Michèle Angel Dog Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mercier, Marisa Mell, Margaret Lee, Enrico Jon Michael Davis, Farah White, Richard Germany 06.07.2012 Maria Salerno - Dir. Mario Monicelli Dillard, Mona Lee Fultz, Maurice Ripke, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047089 Trailer, Biografien Ashley Hallford, Jean Axtell, Melinda Komödie 1965 111min. DeKay, Gayle Massey, Delaney Plant, Craig Das gibt Ärger (+ DVD, inkl. Digi- Infopictures 01.06.2012 Rainey, Step Rowe - Dir. Robin Nations 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047082 tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Drama/Familie 2011 84min. This Means War

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Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, Drama 512min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047244 Til Schweiger, Chelsea Handler, Laura Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Vandervoort, Kevan Ohtsji, Angela Bassett, 12.07.2012 End of Animal (OmU) David Koechner - Dir. McG 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047229 End Of Animal Action/Komödie 2011 98min. Lee Min-ji, Park Hae-il, Park Sae-jong, Yoo Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dracula - Immer bei Anbruch der Sung-Mok, Kim Yeong-ho, Heo E. K., Baek Germany 06.07.2012 Nacht (Cinema Classics Moon-Su - Dir. Jo Sung-hee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047102 Wendecover, Trailer Collection) Science Fiction/Drama 2010 110min. Detroit Rock City The Rapid Eye Movies HE 15.06.2012 John Beal, Coleen Gray, , Detroit Rock City 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046940 Lydia Reed, Dabbs Greer, Herb Vigran - Edward Furlong, Giuseppe Andrews, Dir. Paul Landres James DeBello, Sam Huntington, Lin Shaye, Enter the Hitman (k.J.) Horror 1957 74min. Melanie Lynskey, Natasha Lyonne, Miles Logan’s War: By Honor Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Dougal, Nick Scotti, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Chuck Norris, , Joe Spano, 18.05.2012 David Quane, Shannon Tweed, Kristin Jeff Kober, R.D. Call, Brendon Ryan 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046916 Booth, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Barrett, James Gammon, Vinny Curto, De- von Michael - Dir. Michael Preece Frehley, Peter Criss - Dir. Adam Rifkin Drive Audiokommentar, Musikvideos, Biografien, Entfallene Szenen, Action 1998 90min. Konzertausschnitt Drive KNM Home Entertainment 15.05.2012 Komödie 1999 91min. Shin’ichi Tsutsumi, Kou Shibasaki, Ren 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046994 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Osugi, Masanobu Ando, Susumu Terajima, Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Toshio Kakei - Dir. Sabu Erotik Kult Edition (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046928 Making of, Interviews, Filmpremiere Wiener Glut 1 + 2 / Lesbenspiele mit heiß- Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2001 101min. kalter Leidenschaft / Princess CC Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 29.06.2012 Devil Inside Erotik 168min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047008 The Devil Inside Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Echsenjagd - Spur des Grauens 18.05.2012 Evan Helmuth, Suzan Crowley, Ionut 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046930 Grama, Bonnie Morgan, Brian Johnson, Aberration Preston James Hillier - Dir. William Brent Pamela Gidley, Simon Bossell, Valeri Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box Nikolajew, Helen Moulder, Norman Forsey, Bell 8 (5 Discs) Horror 2011 79min. Merlin IV - Dir. Tim Boxell Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Paramount Home Entertainment 05.07.2012 Horror 1997 90min. Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jür- tba BestellNr.: 20047119 KNM Home Entertainment 15.05.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046993 gen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Devil Inside (Blu-ray) Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael The Devil Inside Der einsame Reiter Mackenroth, Michael Meyer Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Randy Rides Alone Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. Evan Helmuth, Suzan Crowley, Ionut John Wayne, Alberta Vaughn, George MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Grama, Bonnie Morgan, Brian Johnson, ‘Gabby’ Hayes, Yakima Canutt, Earl Dwire, Products) 25.05.2012 Preston James Hillier - Dir. William Brent Artie Ortego, Tex Phelps, B. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047226 Bell Carpenter, Tommy Coats, Herman Hack, Perry Murdock, Tex Palmer, Mack V. Wright Horror 2011 83min. Rainer Werner Fassbinder - Art- Paramount Home Entertainment 05.07.2012 - Dir. Harry Fraser tba BestellNr.: 20047139 Western 1934 52min. haus Close-Up (3 Discs) bellaphon records(Great Movies) Angst essen Seele auf / Fontane - Effie DNA - Experiment des Wahnsinns 27.04.2012 Briest / Lili Marleen The Island Of Dr. Moreau 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047159 Dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder Marlon Brando, Val Kilmer, David Thewlis, Diverse Drama 1972-1981 340min. Fairuza Balk, Ron Perlman, Marco Hof- Die Eiserne Lady - Keine Kompro- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment schneider, Temuera Morrison, William misse Germany(Arthaus) 07.06.2012 Hootkins, Daniel Rigney, Nelson de la Rosa The Iron Lady 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046933 - Dir. John Frankenheimer Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Alexandra Horror 1996 90min. Roach, Colman, Harry Lloyd, Iain Final Mission (k.J.) Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 Glen, Anthony Head, Richard E. Grant, Ro- Final Mission 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047194 ger Allam, Julian Wadham, Susan Brown, Richard Young, Christine Tudor, John Dres- Nick Dunning, Hugh Ross - Dir. Phyllida den, Kaz Garas, A. E. Murphy, Jason Ross, DNA - Experiment des Wahnsinns Lloyd Jack Daniels - Dir. Cirio H. Santiago (Blu-ray) Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Wendecover Drama/Biographie 2011 101min. Action 1984 92min. The Island Of Dr. Moreau Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 01.06.2012 Marlon Brando, Val Kilmer, David Thewlis, Home Edition) 19.07.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047239 Fairuza Balk, Ron Perlman, Marco Hof- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047241 schneider, Temuera Morrison, William Flicka 3 Hootkins, Daniel Rigney, Nelson de la Rosa Die Eiserne Lady - Keine Kompro- Flicka - Country Pride - Dir. John Frankenheimer misse (Blu-ray) Dir. Michael Damien Horror 1996 94min. Making of, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 The Iron Lady Kinderfilm 2012 88min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047217 Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Alexandra Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Roach, Olivia Colman, Harry Lloyd, Iain Germany 15.06.2012 Dr. Dani Santino - Spiel des Le- Glen, Anthony Head, Richard E. Grant, Ro- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046968 bens (3 Discs) ger Allam, Julian Wadham, Susan Brown, Nick Dunning, Hugh Ross - Dir. Phyllida Necessary Roughness Der Fluch vom Monte Bravo Lloyd Callie Thorne, Hannah Marks, Patrick Beast Of Hollow Mountain Drama/Biographie 2011 105min. Johnson Guy Madison, Patricia Medina, Eduardo Concorde Home Entertainment 19.07.2012 Noriega, Mario Navarro, Pascuel G. Pena,

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Julio Villarreal - Dir. Edward Nassour, From Mexico with Love (Blu-ray) Ismael Rodriguez From Mexico With Love (NTSC) Science Fiction/Western 1956 76min. Kuno Becker, Bruce McGill, Steven Bauer, Donatas Banionis, Olivera Katarina, Fred SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Danay Garcia, Stephen Lang, Michael Düren, Tatjana Lolowa, Rolf Hoppe, 06.06.2012 Klesic, Henry Kingi, Ron Yuan - Dir. Jimmy Mieczyslaw Voit, Ernst Busch, Wolfgang 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047031 Nickerson Kieling, Gustaw Holoubek, Carmela - Dir. Trailer, Bildergalerie Konrad Wolf Flucht aus Sobibor Action/Drama 2007 92min. Interviews Escape From Sobibor dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Drama 1969-1971 159min. Alan Arkin, Joanna Pacula, Rutger Hauer, 21.06.2012 ICESTORM Entertainment 02.05.2012 Hartmut Becker, Jack Shepherd, Emil Wolk, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047058 tba BestellNr.: 20047109 Simon Gregor, Linal Haft, Kurt Raab - Dir. Jack Gold Future X-Cops Grimm’s Snow White Action/Drama 1987 143min. Mei Loi Ging Chaat Grimm’s Snow White SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Andy Lau, Barbie Hsu, Bingbing Fan, Jiao Eliza Hope Bennett, Jane , Jamie 06.06.2012 Xu, Mike He, Fan Siu-Wong, Yifei Tang, Thomas King, Otto Jankovich, Ben Maddox, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047032 Jingwu Ma, Law Kar-ying, Lee Kin-Yan - Sebastian Wimmer, Alan Burgon, Eberhard Dir. Jing Wong Wagner, Frauke Steiner, Sabine Forsthaus Falkenau - Staffel 18 (3 Science Fiction/Action 2010 99min. Kranzelbinder - Dir. Rachel Goldenberg MIG Film 12.07.2012 Outtakes, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Discs) Fantasy 2012 90min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047117 Hardy Krüger jr., Teresa Klamert, Martin dtp entertainment AG 21.06.2012 Lüttge, Tina Bordihn, Lion Sokar, Paulina 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047033 Schwab, Michael Wolf, Julia Grimpe, Janik Future X-Cops (Blu-ray) Pagel, Harry Blank, Veronika Fitz, Mei Loi Ging Chaat Grimm’s Snow White (Blu-ray 3D) Andy Lau, Barbie Hsu, Bingbing Fan, Jiao Margaretha Baumgartner, Hermann Giefer, (Blu-ray) Hans Stadlbauer, Winfried Frey, Lilian Xu, Mike He, Fan Siu-Wong, Yifei Tang, Grimm’s Snow White Naumann, Werner Asam, Horst Kummeth, Jingwu Ma, Law Kar-ying, Lee Kin-Yan - Eliza Hope Bennett, Jane March, Jamie Wilhelm Manske, Hansi Kraus, Wilfried Lab- Dir. Jing Wong Thomas King, Otto Jankovich, Ben Maddox, meier, Michael A. Grimm, Simon Beckord, Science Fiction/Action 2010 103min. Sebastian Wimmer, Alan Burgon, Eberhard Josef Baum, Sebastian Feicht, Denise MIG Film 12.07.2012 Wagner, Frauke Steiner, Sabine Schmück, Billie Zöckler, Norbert Holzey- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047137 Kranzelbinder - Dir. Rachel Goldenberg Bury, Günther Schramm, Stephan Ullrich, Fantasy 2012 94min. Chris Tutty, Daniela Reiser, Regine Das Geheimnis der Mary Celeste dtp entertainment AG 21.06.2012 Hackethal, Siegfried B. Glökler - Dir. Andre- Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, Herbert 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047055 as Jordan-Drost Fleischmann, Marion Kracht, Rolf Boysen, Karl-Walter Diess, Wera Frydtberg, Hans Drama 2007 645min. Grimm’s Snow White (Blu-ray) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 06.07.2012 Schellbach - Dir. Hans Stumpf Grimm’s Snow White 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046964 Abenteuer 1972 86min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.05.2012 Eliza Hope Bennett, Jane March, Jamie Frankenstein Sex Machine (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046906 Thomas King, Otto Jankovich, Ben Maddox, Sebastian Wimmer, Alan Burgon, Eberhard Mistress Frankenstein Wagner, Frauke Steiner, Sabine Darian Caine, Heidi Christine, Victoria Gerichtsmedizinerin Dr. Samantha Ryan - Season 6 (4 Kranzelbinder - Dir. Rachel Goldenberg Vega, Jessie Harcourt, Jade Duboir, Outtakes, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Bennigan Feeney, John Paul Fedele, Micha- Discs) Fantasy 2012 94min. el R. Thomas - Dir. John Bacchus Silent Witness dtp entertainment AG 21.06.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes Amanda Burton, Clare Higgins, John 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047054 Komödie/Erotik 2000 82min. McGlynn, Mick Ford, Ruth McCabe - Dir. Bill Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Anderson, Mike Barker Großer Adler - Häuptling der 01.06.2012 Kriminalfilm 1996 360min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047231 Cheyenne (3 Discs) justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Brave Eagle Freeze - Albtraum Nachtwache 11.05.2012 Keith Larsen, Anthony Numkena, Kim 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047076 (Blu-ray) Winona, Bert Wheeler, Pat Hogan - Dir. Paul Landres Nightwatch Gestern, heute und morgen Booklet, Interview Ewan McGregor, Nick Nolte, Josh Brolin, Ieri, Oggi, Domani Western 1955-1956 325min. Patricia Arquette, Alix Koromzay, Lauren Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Tina Pidax film media(Pidax film) 15.06.2012 Graham, John C. Reilly, Brad Dourif, Lonny Pica, Giovanni Ridolfi, Aldo Giuffré, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046905 Chapman - Dir. Ole Bornedal Agostino Salvietti, Lino Mattera, Tecla Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Scarano - Dir. Vittorio De Sica Hacked to Pieces (k.J.) Thriller 1998 101min. Trailer, Biografien Klischee STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Episodenfilm 1963 114min. Sabrina Brencher, Stephanie Voit, Birte Germany 21.06.2012 Infopictures 01.06.2012 Hanusrichter, Kim Perleberg - Dir. Marcel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046948 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047083 Walz From Mexico with Love Thriller/Horror 2007 73min. Gestern, heute und morgen (Blu- Intergroove Media(TB Horror Productions) From Mexico With Love ray) 18.05.2012 Kuno Becker, Bruce McGill, Steven Bauer, Ieri, Oggi, Domani 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046914 Danay Garcia, Stephen Lang, Michael Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Tina Klesic, Henry Kingi, Ron Yuan - Dir. Jimmy Pica, Giovanni Ridolfi, Aldo Giuffré, Hara-Kiri - Tod eines Samurai Nickerson Trailer, Bildergalerie Agostino Salvietti, Lino Mattera, Tecla Ichimei Action/Drama 2007 92min. Scarano - Dir. Vittorio De Sica Ebizô Ichikawa, Eita Nagayama, Kôji dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Trailer, Biografien Yakusho, Hikari Mitsushima - Dir. Takashi Komödie/Episodenfilm 1963 118min. 21.06.2012 Miike Infopictures 01.06.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047038 Drama/Eastern 2011 124min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047094 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012

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15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047088 Fünf-Null - Die erste Jemma Bolt - Dir. Rupert Bryan Season (6 Discs) Thriller/Horror 2011 86min. Hara-Kiri - Tod eines Samurai MIG Film 19.07.2012 Hawaii Five-0 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047012 (Blu-ray 3D + 2D) (Blu-ray) Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Ichimei Kim, Grace Park, Teilor Grubbs, Taylor Wily, The Hike - Ausflug ins Grauen Ebizô Ichikawa, Eita Nagayama, Kôji Claire van der Boom, Dennis Chun, Taryn Yakusho, Hikari Mitsushima - Dir. Takashi Manning, Jean Smart, Will Yun Lee, Masi (k.J.) Miike Oka, Michelle Borth, James Marsters, Mark The Hike Drama/Eastern 2011 129min. Dacascos, Kelly Hu, Al Harrington, Mark Zara Phythian, Barbara Nedeljáková, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 Deklin, William Sadler, Amanda Schull - Dir. Jemma Bolt - Dir. Rupert Bryan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047101 Brad Turner, Chris Fisher, Matt Earl Thriller/Horror 2011 83min. Beesley, Duane Clark MIG Film 19.07.2012 Hara-Kiri - Tod eines Samurai Kriminalfilm 2010 990min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047001 (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 16.05.2012 Ichimei 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046902 Hochzeit auf italienisch Ebizô Ichikawa, Eita Nagayama, Kôji Matrimonio All’Italiana Yakusho, Hikari Mitsushima - Dir. Takashi Hawaii Fünf-Null - Die erste Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Miike Season (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo, Gianni Ridolfi - Dir. Vittorio De Sica Drama/Eastern 2011 129min. Hawaii Five-0 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 Trailer, Biografien Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Komödie 1964 97min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047099 Kim, Grace Park, Teilor Grubbs, Taylor Wily, Infopictures 01.06.2012 Claire van der Boom, Dennis Chun, Taryn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047084 Hara-Kiri - Tod eines Samurai Manning, Jean Smart, Will Yun Lee, Masi (Special Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Oka, Michelle Borth, James Marsters, Mark Hochzeit auf italienisch (Blu-ray) ray) Dacascos, Kelly Hu, Al Harrington, Mark Matrimonio All’Italiana Ichimei Deklin, William Sadler, Amanda Schull - Dir. Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Ebizô Ichikawa, Eita Nagayama, Kôji Brad Turner, Chris Fisher, Matt Earl Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo, Gianni Yakusho, Hikari Mitsushima - Dir. Takashi Beesley, Duane Clark Ridolfi - Dir. Vittorio De Sica Miike Kriminalfilm 2010 1030min. Trailer, Biografien Making of, Interviews, Deleted Scenes, Hara-kiri von Masaki Paramount Home Entertainment 16.05.2012 Komödie 1964 101min. Kobayashi (1962, OmU) 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046942 Infopictures 01.06.2012 Drama/Eastern 2011 129min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047095 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 Haywire - Trau’ keinem 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047100 Haywire Hubert und Staller - 1 Staffel Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor, Michael Christian Tramitz, Helmfried von Lüttichau, Das Haus am Eaton Place - Staf- Fassbender, Michael Douglas, Channing Michael Brandner, Monika Gruber, Carin C. fel 4 (4 Discs) Tatum, Antonio Banderas, Bill Paxton, Mi- Tietze, Karin Thaler, Annett Fleischer, Paul Upstairs, Downstairs chael Angarano, Mathieu Kassovitz, Debby Sedlmeir, Hannes Ringlstetter, Sigi Zimmer- Gordon Jackson, David Langton, Jean Lynn Ross, Julian Alcaraz, Eddie J. schied - Dir. Oliver Mielke Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher Fernandez - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2011 800min. Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Concorde Home Entertainment 19.07.2012 Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, Lesley- Thriller/Action 2011 89min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047245 Anne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Benham, Raymond Huntley, , Home Edition) 09.08.2012 iCarly: Party mit Victorious Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gor- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047168 iCarly don, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George Haywire - Trau’ keinem (Blu-ray) Nathan Kress, Jerry Trainor Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir. Haywire Bonusepisode Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, Bill Bain, Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor, Michael Komödie/Familie 138min. Christopher Hodson Fassbender, Michael Douglas, Channing Paramount Home Drama 1971-1975 min. Tatum, Antonio Banderas, Bill Paxton, Mi- Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 10.05.2012 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing chael Angarano, Mathieu Kassovitz, Debby 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046903 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 22.06.2012 Lynn Ross, Julian Alcaraz, Eddie J. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047039 Fernandez - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Im Bann des weißen Zombies Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover White Zombie Das Haus am Eaton Place - Staf- Thriller/Action 2011 93min. Béla Lugosi, Madge Bellamy, Robert Frazer, Concorde Home Entertainment 09.08.2012 fel 5 (4 Discs) John Harron, Joseph Cawthorn, Clarence 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047185 Muse, Brandon Hurst, Frederick Peters - Upstairs, Downstairs Dir. Victor Halperin Gordon Jackson, David Langton, Jean Die Heimkehr Horror 1932 67min. Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher August Zirner, Heike Makatsch, Herbert Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 01.06.2012 Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams, Knaup, Margarita Broich, Oliver Stokowski, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047232 Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, Lesley- Robert Spitz, Annette Paulmann, Vera Anne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan Lippisch, Gottfried Breitfuß, Katja Bürkle, Inspektor Hornleigh greift ein (2 Benham, Raymond Huntley, Pauline Collins, Frank Tafelmaier, Siegfried Rank, Manfred Discs) Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gor- Fähndrich, Günther Schmidt, Kurt Steiner, Helmut Peine, Wolfgang Forester, Horst don, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen Juliane Heß - Dir. Dr. Jo Baier Breitkreuz, Inge Schmidt, Paul Klinger - Dir. Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George Drama 2012 min. Hermann Pfeiffer Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 04.05.2012 Kriegsfilm 1961 237min. Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, Bill Bain, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047210 Christopher Hodson Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 Drama 1971-1975 min. The Hike - Ausflug ins Grauen tba BestellNr.: 20047160 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing (Blu-ray) (k.J.) AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 22.06.2012 Institute of Perversion - Brutstätte The Hike 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047040 der Abartigen (k.J.) Zara Phythian, Barbara Nedeljáková,

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The Halfway House Booklet The Legend Of Mary Woronov, Janet Tracy Keijser, Shawn Kriminalfilm/Drama 1966 78min. Chan Kwok-kwan, Michelle Lang, Ted E. , Stephanie Leighs, Athena Demos, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.06.2012 Duran, Hazen Macintyre, Natalia Dzyublo, Monica Shere, Joseph Tatner, Mike Gaglio, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047045 Ray Park - Dir. Li Qi-Wen Cleve Hall, Tomi X, Saye Yabandeh, M. Action/Drama 2008 177min. Robert Todd, Ashley Rea - Dir. Kenneth J. Die Kassette - Eine Geschichte Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Hall aus dem bürgerlichen Helden- 02.05.2012 Musikvideo, Trailer, Bildergalerie leben 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047224 Horror/Komödie 2004 84min. Theo Lingen, Bruni Löbel, Regine Lutz, Infopictures 25.05.2012 Elisabeth Markus, Hans Putz, Käthe Die Legende von Bruce Lee (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046975 Jaenicke - Dir. Rudolf Noelte The Legend Of Bruce Lee Chan Kwok-kwan, Michelle Lang, Ted E. Trilogy (Special Edition, 3 Komödie/ 1961 min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 15.06.2012 Duran, Hazen Macintyre, Natalia Dzyublo, Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047077 Ray Park - Dir. Li Qi-Wen Ip Man / / Ip Man chinchyun Action/Drama 2008 170min. Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Fan Siu-Wong, King of Devil’s Island Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Ka-Tung Lam, Xing Yu, Wong You-nam, Zhi Kongen Av Bastøy 02.05.2012 Hui Chen, Lynn Hung, Sammo Hung, Stellan Skarsgård, Benjamin Helstad, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047206 Xiaoming Huang, Kent Cheng, Darren Kristoffer Joner, Trond Nilssen, Magnus Shahlavi, Yu-Hang To, Lo Meng, Yuen Biao, Langlete, Morten Løvstad, Daniel Berg, Der letzte Atemzug (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ip Chun, Suet Lam, Dennis To - Dir. Wilson Odin Gineson Brøderud, Magnar Botten, Last Breath Yip, Herman Yau Agnar Jeger, Tommy Jakob Håland, Ty Jones, Mandy Bannon, Jeff East, Aaron Making of, Interviews, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen Frank-Thomas Andersen, Martin Slaatto, Laue, Alex Neustaedter, Meagan Flynn, Action/Drama 2008-2010 314min. Ellen Dorrit Petersen - Dir. Marius Holst Ryan Lefebvre, Trevor Martin, Shelly Splendid Film(Amazia) 29.06.2012 Trailer Jennings - Dir. Ty Jones 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047019 Drama 2010 111min. Thriller/Horror 2010 103min. Alamode Film 27.07.2012 MIG Film 06.09.2012 Ip Man Trilogy (Special Edition, 3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047075 tba BestellNr.: 20047096 Discs) (k.J.) Ip Man / Ip Man 2 / Ip Man chinchyun King of Devil’s Island (Blu-ray) Der letzte Atemzug (k.J.) Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Fan Siu-Wong, Kongen Av Bastøy Last Breath Ka-Tung Lam, Xing Yu, Wong You-nam, Zhi Stellan Skarsgård, Benjamin Helstad, Ty Jones, Mandy Bannon, Jeff East, Aaron Hui Chen, Lynn Hung, Sammo Hung, Kristoffer Joner, Trond Nilssen, Magnus Laue, Alex Neustaedter, Meagan Flynn, Xiaoming Huang, Kent Cheng, Darren Langlete, Morten Løvstad, Daniel Berg, Ryan Lefebvre, Trevor Martin, Shelly Shahlavi, Yu-Hang To, Lo Meng, Yuen Biao, Odin Gineson Brøderud, Magnar Botten, Jennings - Dir. Ty Jones Ip Chun, Suet Lam, Dennis To - Dir. Wilson Holst Agnar Jeger, Tommy Jakob Håland, Thriller/Horror 2010 99min. Yip, Herman Yau Frank-Thomas Andersen, Martin Slaatto, MIG Film 06.09.2012 Making of Ellen Dorrit Petersen - Dir. Marius Holst tba BestellNr.: 20047085 Action/Drama 2008-2010 301min. Trailer Splendid Film(Amazia) 29.06.2012 Drama 2010 116min. Die Liebe und die Königin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047010 Alamode Film 27.07.2012 Gojko Mitic - Dir. Martin Eckermann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047092 Trailer John Carter - Zwischen zwei Wel- Drama 1976 102min. ten Kitty und die große Welt ICESTORM Entertainment 02.05.2012 John Carter Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Böhm, O. E. tba BestellNr.: 20047110 Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Hasse, Ernst Schröder, Paul Dahlke, Alice Morton, Willem Dafoe, Dominic West, Mark Treff, Peer Schmidt, Charles Régnier - Dir. Inga Lindström Collection 12 (3 Strong, Thomas Haden Church, Ciarán Alfred Weidenmann Discs) Hinds, James Purefoy, Daryl Sabara, Polly Komödie 1965 90min. Julia-Maria Köhler, Miroslav Nemec, Sonja Walker, Bryan Cranston - Dir. Andrew KNM Home Entertainment 15.05.2012 Kirchberger, Susanne Gärtner, Robert Stanton 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046991 Seeliger, Leonie Brill, Suzan Anbeh, Thure Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2012 127min. Riefenstein, Ingeborg Westphal - Dir. Tho- Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Krieg der Welten 2 - Die nächste mas Hezel, Martin Gies, Gero Weinreuter 19.07.2012 Angriffswelle (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Drama 2010-2011 270min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047063 ray) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 15.06.2012 War Of The Worlds 2: The Next Wave 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046958 John Carter - Zwischen zwei Wel- C. Thomas Howell, Darren Dalton, Kim ten (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) Little, Fred Griffith, Jonathan Levit, Little Hercules (Blu-ray) Jonathan Nation, Oliver Rayon - Dir. C. Tho- Little Hercules Richard Sandrak, Robin Givens, Marc John John Carter mas Howell Jefferies, Elliott Gould, Hulk Hogan, Diane Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Science Fiction/Action 2008 87min. Venora, John Heard, Judd Nelson, Paul Morton, Willem Dafoe, Dominic West, Mark dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Wight, David Naughton, Brooke Hogan - Dir. Strong, Thomas Haden Church, Ciarán 21.06.2012 Mohamed Khashoggi Hinds, James Purefoy, Daryl Sabara, Polly 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047059 Fantasy/Komödie 2009 93min. Walker, Bryan Cranston - Dir. Andrew MIG Film 12.07.2012 Stanton Küss mich, Dummkopf 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047118 Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2012 132min. Kiss Me, Stupid Dean Martin, Kim Novak, Ray Walston, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Little Hercules (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- 19.07.2012 Felicia Farr, Cliff Osmond - Dir. Billy Wilder 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047074 Komödie 1964 119min. ray) EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.07.2012 Little Hercules Ein Junge schrie Mord 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047253 Richard Sandrak, Robin Givens, Marc John The Boy Cried Murder Jefferies, Elliott Gould, Hulk Hogan, Diane Fraser MacIntosh, Veronica Hurst, Phil Die Legende von Bruce Lee (Blu- Venora, John Heard, Judd Nelson, Paul Brown - Dir. George Breakston ray) (k.J.) Wight, David Naughton, Brooke Hogan - Dir.

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Mohamed Khashoggi Ed Nelson, Deborah Rose, Norman Fell - Eine Möhre für Zwei (4) - Haarige Fantasy/Komödie 2009 97min. Dir. James Cummins Zeiten MIG Film 12.07.2012 Trailer Martin Paas, Carsten Morar-Haffke, Andrea 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047138 Horror 1990 93min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Bongers, Wolke Hegenbarth - Dir. Dirk The Lodger - A Story of the Lon- 02.05.2012 Nabersberg, Jojo Wolff 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047204 Kinderfilm 2010 50min. don Fog Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 08.06.2012 The Lodger - A Story Of The London Fog Die Maschine (Edition Cinema 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047165 Ivor Novello, Marie Ault, Arthur Chesney, Malcolm Keen, June - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Francais) Die Mühle und das Kreuz (OmU) La Machine Thriller 1926 85min. The Mill And The Cross Gérard Depardieu, Didier Bourdon, Nathalie Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 01.06.2012 Rutger Hauer, Charlotte Rampling, Michael Baye, Natalia Wörner, Erwan Baynaud, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047238 York, Oskar Huliczka, Joanna Litwin - Dir. Claude Berri - Dir. François Dupeyron Lech Majewski Horror/Thriller 1994 92min. Lost in the Jungle Drama 2011 92min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment Nurses On The Line: The Crash Of Flight good!movies(Neue Visionen) 25.05.2012 15.05.2012 7 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047208 Lindsay Wagner, Robert Loggia, David 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047079 Clennon, Farrah Forke, Paula Marshall, Mayhem - Menschenfresser 2 New York Cop (k.J.) - Dir. Larry Shaw New York Cop Suspended Animation Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Chad McQueen, Mira Sorvino, Toru Drama 1993 88min. Alex McArthur, Laura Esterman, Sage Al- Nakamura - Dir. Toru Murakawa KSM(NewKSM) 01.06.2012 len, Rebecca Harrell, Maria Cina, Fred Mey- Action 1993 85min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047237 ers - Dir. John Hancock KNM Home Entertainment(Imperial Pictures) Thriller 2001 111min. 15.05.2012 Lost Paradise - Playmates in Hell Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046996 (k.J.) 02.05.2012 Air Terjun Pengantin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047203 Ninja - Die Killer-Maschine (Blu- Tamara Blezinski, Tyas Mirasih, Marcel ray) (k.J.) Chandrawinata, Kieran Sidhu, Andrew Mein Leben & Ich - Die komplette Enter The Ninja Roxburgh, Navy Rizky Tavania - Dir. Serie (18 DVDs) Franco Nero, Susan George, - Mantovani Featurette, Outtakes Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie 2001-2007 1700min. Dir. Horror/Abenteuer 2009 84min. Turbine Medien 11.05.2012 Trailer Action 1981 99min. Musketier Media(8-Films) 29.06.2012 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046909 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047120 Willy Millowitsch - Bei uns im 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047126 Die LottoKönige - Die komplette Viertel Ninja - Die Killer-Maschine (k.J.) erste Staffel (2 Discs) Willy Millowitsch, Annelie Jansen- Enter The Ninja Waldemar Kobus, Sandra Borgmann, Max Hoffmann, Eugen May, Peter Millowitsch, Franco Nero, Susan George, Sho Kosugi - von der Groeben, Beate Abraham, Friederi- Barbie Steinhaus-Millowitsch Dir. Menahem Golan ke Kempter, Oliver K. Wnuk, Eray Egilmez, Komödie 1989 88min. Trailer Matthias Komm, Petra Nadolny, Paul Faß- KNM Home Entertainment(Mondo Action 1981 96min. nacht, Katja Liebing, Stephan Möller-Titel, Entertainment) 15.05.2012 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 Philipp Danne, Georg Lenzen, Henning 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046986 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047113 Gödderz - Dir. Dominic Müller Komödie/Familie 2012 168min. Willy Millowitsch - Der Etappen- Ninja II - Die Rückkehr der Ninja Edel Germany(WDR) 01.06.2012 hase (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047167 Willy Millowitsch, Lotti Krekel, Frank Barufski, Lucy Millowitsch, Elsa Scholten, Sho Kosugi - Dir. Sam Firstenberg Die LottoKönige - Die komplette Thomas Härtner, Karl-Heinz Hillebrand, Trailer erste Staffel (Blu-ray) Harry J. Bong - Dir. Willy Millowitsch Action 1983 89min. Waldemar Kobus, Sandra Borgmann, Max Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1969 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 von der Groeben, Beate Abraham, Friederi- 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047127 ke Kempter, Oliver K. Wnuk, Eray Egilmez, KNM Home Entertainment(Mondo Matthias Komm, Petra Nadolny, Paul Faß- Entertainment) 15.05.2012 Ninja II - Die Rückkehr der Ninja nacht, Katja Liebing, Stephan Möller-Titel, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046987 (k.J.) Philipp Danne, Georg Lenzen, Henning Revenge Of The Ninja Gödderz - Dir. Dominic Müller Willy Millowitsch: Die vertagte Sho Kosugi - Dir. Sam Firstenberg Komödie/Familie 2012 174min. Hochzeitsnacht Trailer Action 1983 86min. Edel Germany(WDR) 01.06.2012 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1988 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047184 111min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047114 KNM Home Entertainment(Mondo Mädchen in Uniform Entertainment) 15.05.2012 No Identity - Experiment des Lilli Palmer, Romy Schneider, Therese 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046988 Giehse, Blandine Ebinger, Adelheid Seeck, Grauens Gina Albert, Sabine Sinjen, Christine Kauf- Eine Möhre für Zwei (3) - Immer Experiment mann, Ginette Pigeon - Dir. Géza von nur Möhre Georgina French, John Hopkins, David Radványi Gant, Nick Simons, Clive Ashborn, Andrew Martin Paas, Carsten Morar-Haffke, Andrea Drama 1958 91min. - Dir. Dan Turner Bongers, Wolke Hegenbarth - Dir. Dirk Universum Film 22.06.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie Nabersberg, Jojo Wolff 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046963 Thriller 2005 95min. Kinderfilm 2010 50min. Infopictures 25.05.2012 Man Eaters Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 08.06.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046976 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047164 The Boneyard

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Christopher Nolan Collection (8 Pidax Abenteuer-Kollektion - Vol. Guzmán, Kristin Davis, Anna Colwell, Mi- Discs) (Blu-ray) 1 (6 Discs) chael Beasley - Dir. Brad Peyton Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2012 90min. Christopher Nolan Collection Die Piraten der Karibik / Der eiserne Weg Warner Home Video Germany 06.07.2012 Abenteuer min. Abenteuer 651min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047193 Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047219 tba BestellNr.: 20047211 Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen On the Beat Polizeiruf 110 - 3. Staffel (3 Discs) Insel (Blu-ray 3D + 2D) (Blu-ray) Sur Le Rythme Jürgen Frohriep, Peter Borgelt, Sigrid Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Nico Archambault, Marina Orsini, Mylène St- Göhler, Alfred Rücker - Dir. Helmut Krätzig, Dwayne Johnson, Sir Michael Caine, Josh Sauveur, Trevor Hayes, Lina Roessler, Paul Hans-Joachim Hildebrandt, Werner Hutcherson, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Luis Doucet, Miles Faber, France Castel - Dir. Röwekamp, Kurt Jung-Alsen, Norbert Guzmán, Kristin Davis, Anna Colwell, Mi- Charles-Olivier Michaud Büchner chael Beasley - Dir. Brad Peyton Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Booklet, Trailer Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2012 94min. Drama/Lovestory 2011 89min. Kriminalfilm 1973-1974 551min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.07.2012 Capelight Pictures 29.06.2012 ICESTORM Entertainment 02.05.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047213 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047121 tba BestellNr.: 20047073 Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen On the Beat (Blu-ray) Der Preis der Schönheit Insel (Blu-ray) Sur Le Rythme Ash Wednesday Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Nico Archambault, Marina Orsini, Mylène St- Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Fonda, Keith Dwayne Johnson, Sir Michael Caine, Josh Sauveur, Trevor Hayes, Lina Roessler, Paul Baxter, Helmut Berger, Maurice Teynac - Hutcherson, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Luis Doucet, Miles Faber, France Castel - Dir. Dir. Larry Peerce Guzmán, Kristin Davis, Anna Colwell, Mi- Charles-Olivier Michaud Drama 1973 82min. chael Beasley - Dir. Brad Peyton Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer KNM Home Entertainment 15.05.2012 Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2012 94min. Drama/Lovestory 2011 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046992 Warner Home Video Germany 06.07.2012 Capelight Pictures 29.06.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047212 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047140 Vincent Price - Das Biest (Cinema Outland - der Verdammten Classics Collection) Rennschwein Rudi Rüssel The Bat Ulrich Mühe, Iris Berben, Cora Sabrina (Blu-ray) Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead, Gavin Grimm, Kristina Pauls, Constantin von Outland Gordon, John Sutton, Lenita Lane, Elaine Jascheroff, Edgar Selge, Karl Lieffen, An- Sir Sean Connery, Peter Boyle, Frances Edwards, Harvey Stephens - Dir. Crane gelika Milster, Nikolaus Paryla - Dir. Peter Sternhagen, James B. Skidding, Kika Wilbur Timm Markham, Steven Berkoff - Dir. Peter Trailer Komödie 1994 97min. Hyams Thriller/Horror 1959 80min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Science Fiction 1981 105min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 18.05.2012 06.07.2012 Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046917 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046999 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047220 Der Prozess Repeaters - Tödliche Zeitschleife Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Le Procès Repeaters La Beauté Du Diable Anthony Perkins, Orson Welles, Jeanne Dustin Milligan, Amanda Crew, Richard De Michel Simon, Gérard Philipe, Raymond Moreau, Romy Schneider, Elsa Martinelli, Klerk, Benjamin Ratner, Teach Grant, Alexia Cordy, Nicole Besnard, Gaston Modot, Suzanne Flon - Dir. Orson Welles Fast, Anja Savcic, Michael Kopsa, Hrothgar Paolo Stoppa, Simone Valère, Carlo Ninchi, Featurette, Alternative Endcredits, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Mathews, John Tench - Dir. Carl Bessai Tullio Carminati - Dir. René Clair Wendecover Drama 1962 114min. Thriller/Science Fiction 2010 85min. Wendecover EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.07.2012 Drama/Komödie 1949 92min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047249 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046938 Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Repeaters - Tödliche Zeitschleife 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046918 Der Rabe (Blu-ray) Paranormal Cellar Le Corbeau Repeaters Huset Vid Vägens Ande Pierre Fresnay, Pierre Larquey, Ginette Dustin Milligan, Amanda Crew, Richard De Mattias Ohlsson, Sandra Tordardottir, Leclerc, Roger Blin, Sylvie - Dir. Henri- Klerk, Benjamin Ratner, Teach Grant, Alexia Henrik Danielsson, David Clausson, David Georges Clouzot Fast, Anja Savcic, Michael Kopsa, Hrothgar Weiss, Pale Olofsson, Jeanette Adner, Lars Wendecover Mathews, John Tench - Dir. Carl Bessai Drama 1943 92min. Kjellberg, Ester Bager, Lars-Erik Wåhlin, Thriller/Science Fiction 2010 88min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Nils Wåhlin, Martin Kjellberg - Dir. Martin EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.07.2012 Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Kjellberg, Nils Wåhlin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047259 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046920 Horror 2003 73min. Ring of Blood (k.J.) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 25.05.2012 Reich und schön - Box 5: Wie al- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046911 Enter The Blood Ring les begann (5 Discs) Robert Z’Dar, Malibu, Benjamin Kobby - Dir. Das Piano (Blu-ray) Fashion Affairs Tom Oliver The Piano Featurettes, Trailer Action 1994 95min. Drama/Komödie 1987 630min. Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, Anna KNM Home Entertainment 15.05.2012 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Paquin, Kerry Walker, Genevieve Lemon - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046997 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 13.07.2012 Dir. Jane Campion Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Audiokommentar, Inter- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047034 Rita rockt - Staffel 2 (3 Discs) view, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Rita Rocks Drama 1992 116min. Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen Komödie 2009 450min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Insel polyband Medien GmbH 29.06.2012 Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047044 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046949 Dwayne Johnson, Sir Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Luis Robin Hood - Staffel 1, Teil 2 (2

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Discs) (Blu-ray) Thriller 2012 110min. Robin Hood IV - Der Kampf des Jahr- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jonas Armstrong, Gordon Kennedy, Sam hunderts (Blu-ray) 05.07.2012 Troughton, Joe Armstrong, Richard Rocky 4 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047246 Armitage, Keith Allen, Lucy Griffiths, Harry , Talia Shire, Dolph Lloyd, Anjali Jay, Michael Elwyn, David Lundgren, Brigitte Nielsen, , House (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Harewood, Joanne Froggatt - Dir. Matthew , Tony Burton, Michael Pataki - Safe House Evans, Graeme Harper, Declan O’Dwyer, Dir. Sylvester Stallone Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Vera Richard Standeven, John McKay Action 1985 92min. Farmiga, Brendan Gleeson, Joel Kinnaman, Abenteuer 2006 315min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sam Shepard, Rubén Blades, Nora polyband Medien GmbH 25.05.2012 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.07.2012 Arnezeder, Robert Patrick, Liam 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047133 , Fares Fares, Jena Dover, Stephen Rider, Daniel Fox, Tracie Thoms, Robin Hood - Staffel 1, Teil 2 (3 (Blu-ray) Tracie Thoms, Sara Arrington, Bryan van Discs) Rocky 5 Niekerk, Nicole Sherwin, Pope Jerrod, Allen Irwin, Jake McLaughlin, Aidan Bennetts - Robin Hood Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Talia Shire, Dir. Daniel Espinosa Jonas Armstrong, Gordon Kennedy, Sam Sage Stallone, Burgess Meredith, Tommy Morrison, Richard Gant, Tony Burton - Dir. Featurettes, Making of Troughton, Joe Armstrong, Richard Thriller 2012 115min. John G. Avildsen Armitage, Keith Allen, Lucy Griffiths, Harry Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action 1990 105min. Lloyd, Anjali Jay, Michael Elwyn, David 05.07.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Harewood, Joanne Froggatt - Dir. Matthew 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047256 Evans, Graeme Harper, Declan O’Dwyer, Germany(MGM/UA) 06.07.2012 Richard Standeven, John McKay 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047134 Satanic Blood (k.J.) Abenteuer 2006 315min. Rolling Stone Music Movies Devil’s Rain polyband Medien GmbH 25.05.2012 Ernest Borgnine, Eddie Albert, William 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046990 Collection II - Gesamtedition (12 Shatner, Tom Skerritt, Ida Lupino, Woodrow Discs) Chambliss, Keenan Wynn, John Travolta - Robin Hood - Staffel 2, Teil 1 (2 Buena Vista Social Club / Detroit Rock Dir. Robert Fuest Discs) City / The Doors / Festival Express / Full Horror 1975 76min. Robin Hood Metal Village / Paul McCartney / It Might Intergroove Media(TB Horror Productions) Abenteuer 2007 266min. Get Loud / Joe Strummer: The Future is 18.05.2012 polyband Medien GmbH 27.07.2012 Unwritten / Lightning in a Bottle / Studio 54 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046913 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047046 / Sweet and Lowdown / The Cotton Club Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White, Sean Saw Terror (k.J.) Robin Hood - Staffel 2, Teil 1 (2 Penn, Samantha Morton, Uma Thurman, Chiseled Discs) (Blu-ray) Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek, Neve Bill Watterson, Jessica Graves, Jason Robin Hood Campbell, Buddy Guy, Angélique Kidjo, Kypros, Lacey Bullard, Paul Cram, Gary Abenteuer 2007 266min. Mavis Staples, Jim Jarmusch, Joe Cairns II, Alexandra Boylan - Dir. Nicholas polyband Medien GmbH 27.07.2012 Strummer, , Sir Paul Favorite 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047062 McCartney, The Band, Delaney & Bonnie & Thriller/Horror 2008 85min. Friends, Flying Burrito Brothers, Edward Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 01.06.2012 Rocketeer Furlong, Giuseppe Andrews, James 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047227 The Rocketeer DeBello, Richard Gere, Diane Lane, Bill Campbell, Jennifer Connelly, Alan Arkin, Gregory Hines, Ry Cooder, Ruben Der Schlachter (Edition Cinema Timothy Dalton, Paul Sorvino, Terry Gonzales, Compay Segundo - Dir. Davis Francais) O’Quinn, Ed Lauter, James Handy, Tiny Guggenheim, Woody Allen, Mark Christo- Le Boucher Ron, Nada Despotovich, Margo Martindale - pher, Antoine Fuqua, Julien Temple, Cho Stéphane Audran, Jean Yanne, Roger Ru- Dir. Joe Johnston Sung-Hyung, Bob Smeaton, Adam Rifkin, del, Mario Beccara, William Guérault - Dir. Action/Fantasy 1991 104min. Francis Ford Coppola, Wim Wenders Claude Chabrol Walt Disney Studios Home Diverse Thriller/Drama 1970 93min. Musikfilm 1984-2009 min. Entertainment(Touchstone) 19.07.2012 FilmConfect Home Entertainment STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047153 15.05.2012 Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047080 Rocky II (Blu-ray) 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046953 Rocky 2 Royal Pains - Staffel zwei Sea Patrol - Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Talia Shire, Sea Patrol Royal Pains Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Tony Ian Stenlake, John Batchelor, Matthew Komödie/Drama 2009 min. Burton, Joe Spinell - Dir. Sylvester Stallone Holmes, Lisa McCune, Kristian Schmid, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action 1978 116min. Kirsty Lee Allan, Saskia Burmeister, David 07.06.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Lyons, Nikolai Nikolaeff, Tim Campbell, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047047 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.07.2012 Jason Dundas - Dir. Geoff Bennett, Ian 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047131 Safe House Barry Action/Drama 2007-2011 585min. Safe House Rocky III - Das Auge des Tigers polyband Medien GmbH 27.07.2012 Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Vera tba BestellNr.: 20047235 (Blu-ray) Farmiga, Brendan Gleeson, Joel Kinnaman, Rocky 3 Sam Shepard, Rubén Blades, Nora Steven Seagal: Lawman (2 Discs) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Arnezeder, Robert Patrick, Liam Steven Seagal: Lawman Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Mr. T, Ian Cunningham, Fares Fares, Jena Dover, Steven Seagal, Larry Dyess, Johnny Fried, Tony Burton, Hulk Hogan - Dir. Sylve- Stephen Rider, Daniel Fox, Tracie Thoms, Fortunato ster Stallone Tracie Thoms, Sara Arrington, Bryan van Action 2009-2010 286min. Action 1982 99min. Niekerk, Nicole Sherwin, Pope Jerrod, Allen Splendid Film 27.07.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Irwin, Jake McLaughlin, Aidan Bennetts - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047180 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.07.2012 Dir. Daniel Espinosa 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047132 Featurette

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Steven Seagal: Lawman (Blu-ray) Bernstein, Sanaa Hamri Heikko Deutschmann, Wolfgang Hübsch, Steven Seagal: Lawman Komödie/Drama 567min. Jannis Michel, Gertrud Roll - Dir. Jorgo Steven Seagal, Larry Dyess, Johnny Warner Home Video Germany 06.07.2012 Papavassiliou Fortunato 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047196 Melodram 2012 90min. Action 2009-2010 298min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.06.2012 Splendid Film 27.07.2012 The Shark Box (2 Discs) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047172 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047190 Malibu Shark Attack / Sand Sharks Peta Wilson, Chelan Simmons, Remi Broad- Sommer in Orange Sex on the Beach way - Dir. David Lister Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Amber Bongard, The Inbetweeners Movie Horror/Abenteuer 2009-2011 178min. Bela Baumann, Georg Friedrich, Oliver Simon Bird, Joe Thomas, James Buckley, Splendid Film 27.07.2012 Korittke, Brigitte Hobmeier, Chiem van Blake Harrison, Lydia Rose Bewley, Laura 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047182 Houweninge, Daniel Zillmann, Daniela Holtz, Haddock, Jessica Knappett, Tamla Kari, Wiebke Puls, Thomas Loibl, Florian Karl- Emily Head, Theo James, Greg Davies, Sick Boy (Blu-ray) (k.J.) heim, Heinz-Josef Braun, Bettina Anthony Head, Theo Barklem-Biggs - Dir. Sick Boy Mittendorfer, Gundi Ellert, Carla Sprenger, Ben Palmer Skye McCole Bartusiak, Debbie Rochon, Thomas Wittmann, Daniel Brunner - Dir. Komödie 2011 93min. Marc Donato, Cas Rooney, Greg Dorchak, Marcus H. Rosenmüller Universum Film(SquareOne) 20.07.2012 Pierre Kennel, Teresa Valenza, Glori Renee Audiokommentar, Trailer, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte Komödie 2011 106min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047002 Euwer, Lisa Marie Kull, David Harper - Dir. Tim T. Cunningham Majestic Filmverleih(CineProject) Sex on the Beach (Blu-ray) Wendecover 06.07.2012 Thriller/Horror 2011 82min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047115 The Inbetweeners Movie Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.07.2012 Simon Bird, Joe Thomas, James Buckley, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047189 Sommer in Orange (Blu-ray) Blake Harrison, Lydia Rose Bewley, Laura Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Amber Bongard, Haddock, Jessica Knappett, Tamla Kari, Sick Boy (k.J.) Bela Baumann, Georg Friedrich, Oliver Emily Head, Theo James, Greg Davies, Sick Boy Korittke, Brigitte Hobmeier, Chiem van Anthony Head, Theo Barklem-Biggs - Dir. Skye McCole Bartusiak, Debbie Rochon, Houweninge, Daniel Zillmann, Daniela Holtz, Ben Palmer Marc Donato, Cas Rooney, Greg Dorchak, Wiebke Puls, Thomas Loibl, Florian Karl- Komödie 2011 97min. Pierre Kennel, Teresa Valenza, Glori Renee heim, Heinz-Josef Braun, Bettina Universum Film(SquareOne) 20.07.2012 Euwer, Lisa Marie Kull, David Harper - Dir. Mittendorfer, Gundi Ellert, Carla Sprenger, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047013 Tim T. Cunningham Thomas Wittmann, Daniel Brunner - Dir. Shameless - Die komplette 1. Wendecover Marcus H. Rosenmüller Thriller/Horror 2011 79min. Audiokommentar, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.07.2012 Making of, Featurettes, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Shameless 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047179 Kurzfilm Komödie 2011 110min. William H. Macy, , Jeremy Majestic Filmverleih(CineProject) Allen White, Cameron Monaghan, Emma Slayer - Sie müssen töten, um zu 06.07.2012 Kenney, Ethan Cutkosky, Blake Alexander überleben! (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047128 Johnson, Brennan Kane Johnson, Justin Scout’s Honor Chatwin, Joan Cusack, Joel Murray, Laura Corey Feldman, Meredith Salenger, Scott Ein Sommer in Paris Wiggins, Shanola Hampton, Steve Howey, Reeves - Dir. Michael Spence Anica Dobra, Pasquale Aleardi, Nicole Tyler Jacob Moore, Pej Vahdat, Noel Fisher, Action/Thriller 1990 88min. Heesters, Liane Forestieri, Peter Fitz, Jane Levy, Marguerite Moreau, Missy Doty, KNM Home Entertainment(Imperial Pictures) Peggy Lukac, Georg Tryphon, Kai Scheve, Michael Patrick McGill, Madison Davenport, 15.05.2012 Rosa Enskat, Stephan Korves - Dir. Jorgo Dennis Boutsikaris, Robert Knepper, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047000 Papavassiliou Timothy V. Murphy, Dennis Cockrum, Frank Komödie/Lovestory 2011 89min. Pacheco, Julia Duffy, Chloe Webb, Der Sohn des Spartacus (Cinema Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.06.2012 Carlease , Amy Smart, Vanessa Bell Classics Collection) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047171 Calloway - Dir. Mark Mylod, John Wells, Il Figlio Di Spartacus Stephen Hopkins, Todd Holland, , Steve Reeves, Jacques Sernas, Gianna Spartacus: Blood and Sand - John Dahl, , Scott Frank, Adam Maria Canale - Dir. Sergio Corbucci Staffel 1 (4 Discs, Steelbook) Bernstein, Sanaa Hamri Trailer, Bonusversion Komödie/Drama 567min. Historienfilm 1962 97min. (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany 06.07.2012 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 18.05.2012 Spartacus: Blood And Sand 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047221 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046921 Andy Whitfield, John Hannah, Manu Bennett, Lucy Lawless, Peter Mensah, Nick Shameless - Die komplette 1. Ein Sommer im Elsass Tarabay, Viva Bianca, Craig Parker, Lesley- Staffel (3 Discs) Tanja Wedhorn, Jean-Yves Berteloot, Ann Brandt, Jai Courtney, Siaosi Fonua, Shameless Rüdiger Vogler, Renate Krößner, Gerhard David Austin, Craig Walsh-Wrightson, Erin William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, Jeremy Garbers, Caroline Dibbern, Stefan Murr, Cummings, Antonio Te Maioha, Eka Darville, Allen White, Cameron Monaghan, Emma Ulrich Anschütz, Max Urlacher, Andreas Ande Cunningham, Janine Burchett, Raicho Kenney, Ethan Cutkosky, Blake Alexander Wellano - Dir. Michael Keusch Vasilev, John , Lliam Powell, Mark Johnson, Brennan Kane Johnson, Justin Komödie/Lovestory 2012 89min. Mitchinson, Tim Foley, Karlos Drinkwater, Chatwin, Joan Cusack, Joel Murray, Laura Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.06.2012 Matthew Chamberlain, Brooke Harman, Wiggins, Shanola Hampton, Steve Howey, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047170 Tania Nolan, Mia Pistorius, Matt Gillanders, Tyler Jacob Moore, Pej Vahdat, Noel Fisher, Jon Brazier - Dir. Michael Hurst, Rick Jane Levy, Marguerite Moreau, Missy Doty, Ein Sommer in .... Box 2 (3 Discs) Jacobson, Jesse Warn, Chris Martin-Jones Michael Patrick McGill, Madison Davenport, Ein Sommer im Elsass / Ein Sommer in Historienfilm/Action 2010 min. Dennis Boutsikaris, Robert Knepper, den Bergen / Ein Sommer in Paris Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Timothy V. Murphy, Dennis Cockrum, Frank Komödie/Lovestory 267min. Germany 06.07.2012 Pacheco, Julia Duffy, Chloe Webb, Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.06.2012 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047104 Carlease Burke, Amy Smart, Vanessa Bell 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047173 Calloway - Dir. Mark Mylod, John Wells, Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Stephen Hopkins, Todd Holland, Mimi Leder, Ein Sommer in den Bergen Staffel 1 (5 Discs, Steelbook) John Dahl, David Nutter, Scott Frank, Adam Muriel Baumeister, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Spartacus: Blood And Sand

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Andy Whitfield, John Hannah, Manu Drama 1974 103min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046922 Bennett, Lucy Lawless, Peter Mensah, Nick STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tarabay, Viva Bianca, Craig Parker, Lesley- Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Die Stunde des Siegers (Blu-ray) Ann Brandt, Jai Courtney, Siaosi Fonua, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046937 Chariots Of Fire David Austin, Craig Walsh-Wrightson, Erin Ben Cross, Ian Charleson, Nigel Havers, Sir Cummings, Antonio Te Maioha, Eka Darville, Strafpark John Gielgud, Cheryl Campbell, Nigel Ande Cunningham, Janine Burchett, Raicho Punishment Park Davenport, Nicholas Farrell, Daniel Gerroll, Vasilev, John Bach, Lliam Powell, Mark Carmen Argenziano, Stan Armsted, Jim Sir Ian Holm - Dir. Hugh Hudson Mitchinson, Tim Foley, Karlos Drinkwater, Bohan, Gladys Golden, Frederick Franklin, Drama 1980 123min. Matthew Chamberlain, Brooke Harman, Sanford Golden - Dir. Peter Watkins Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Tania Nolan, Mia Pistorius, Matt Gillanders, Intro, Kurzfilme, Audiokommentar Germany 06.07.2012 Jon Brazier - Dir. Michael Hurst, Rick Science Fiction 1971 85min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047130 Jacobson, Jesse Warn, Chris Martin-Jones Bavaria Media GmbH(Kino Kontrovers) Historienfilm/Action 2010 min. 12.07.2012 Summer’s Moon (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047251 Summer Germany 06.07.2012 Ashley Greene, Barbara Niven, Peter 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047091 Strafpark (Blu-ray) Mooney, Stephen McHattie, Sean Tucker - Punishment Park Dir. Lee Gordon Demarbre Ein spätes Mädchen Carmen Argenziano, Stan Armsted, Jim Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien Fritzi Haberlandt, Matthias Schweighöfer, Bohan, Gladys Golden, Frederick Franklin, Thriller/Horror 2009 86min. Oona von Maydell, Justus von Dohnányi, Sanford Golden - Dir. Peter Watkins Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Ingrid van Bergen, Katharina Matz, Ernst Intro, Kurzfilme, Audiokommentar 01.06.2012 Science Fiction 1971 89min. Stankovski, Barbara Philipp, Paul Gäbler, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047228 Bavaria Media GmbH(Kino Kontrovers) Mark Waschke, Stipe Erceg, Meike Droste - 12.07.2012 Dir. Hendrik Handloegten Sweet and Lowdown 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047261 Drama 2007 89min. Sweet and Lowdown Sean Penn, Samantha Morton, Uma Turbine Medien 11.05.2012 Street Gangs (Uncut) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046908 Thurman, Brian Markinson, Anthony (k.J.) LaPaglia, Gretchen Mol, Joe Guastaferro, Spawn (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Urban Fighter John , Constance Schulman, Kellie (k.J.) Mike Möller, Volkram Zschiesche, Oliver Overbey, James Urbaniak, Mark Damon Juhrs - Dir. Mike Möller Johnson, Darryl Ann Real, Dick Monday, Spawn Trailer Josh Mowery, Fred Gochner, Michael John Leguizamo, Michael Jai White, Martin Action 2012 106min. Sprague, Woody Allen, Ben Duncan, Nat Sheen, Theresa Randle, Melinda Clarke, Musketier Media(8-Films) 27.07.2012 Hentoff, Douglas McGrath - Dir. Woody Miko Hughes, Sydni Beaudoin, Nicol 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047191 Allen Williamson, D.B. Sweeney, Todd McFarlane, Pressekonferenz 1999 Michael Papajohn, Robia La Morte, Caroline Street Gangs (Uncut) (k.J.) Drama/Komödie 1999 91min. Gibson, Laura Stepp, Darryl Warren, Jack Urban Fighter STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Coleman - Dir. Mark A.Z. Dippé Mike Möller, Volkram Zschiesche, Oliver Germany(Arthaus Collection) 21.06.2012 Fantasy 1997 90min. Juhrs - Dir. Mike Möller 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046956 Warner Home Video Germany 20.07.2012 Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047216 Action 2012 102min. Tagebuch einer Kammerzofe Musketier Media(8-Films) 27.07.2012 (OmU) Spezialeinheit Ostfront 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047181 Diary Of A Chambermaid Dostawit Ljuboi Zenoi Paulette Goddard, Burgess Meredith, Hurd Ewgenija Khiriwskaja, Dmitri Orlow, Studio 54 Hatfield, Francis Lederer, Judith Anderson, Miroslaw Bilonogij - Dir. Alexander Beresan 54 Reginald Owen - Dir. Jean Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 120min. Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek, Neve Wendecover MIG Film(WGF) 23.08.2012 Campbell, Mike Myers, Sela Ward, Breckin Drama 1946 83min. tba BestellNr.: 20047087 Meyer, Sherry Stringfield, Ellen Albertini STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dow, Heather Matarazzo, Skipp Sudduth, Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Spezialeinheit Ostfront (Blu-ray) Aemillia Robinson, Lauren Hutton, Michael 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046923 Dostawit Ljuboi Zenoi York, Daniel Lapaine, Ron Jeremy - Dir. Ewgenija Khiriwskaja, Dmitri Orlow, Mark Christopher Tauchfahrt des Grauens Miroslaw Bilonogij - Dir. Alexander Beresan Interviews, Trailer Warlords Of Atlantis Komödie/Drama 1998 89min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 125min. Doug McClure, Peter Gilmore, Shane STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment MIG Film(WGF) 23.08.2012 Rimmer, Lea Brodie, Michael Gothard, John Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047098 Ratzenberger, Cyd Charisse, Daniel 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046954 Massey - Dir. Kevin Connor Die Springfield Story - Wie alles Die Stummfilm Mafia Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1978 87min. begann, Staffel 1 (5 Discs) Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Sir Charles Chaplin, Stan Laurel The Guiding Light 01.06.2012 Komödie 131min. Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047234 Drama/Komödie 1952-2009 1000min. bellaphon records(Great Movies) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 27.04.2012 Teen Wolf 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047158 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 22.06.2012 Teen Wolf 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047037 Stunde der Wahrheit Michael J. Fox, Susan Ursitti, James Hampton, Jerry Levine, Matt Adler, Lorie L’ Histoire Immortelle Steppenwolf Griffin, Jim MacKrell, Mark Arnold - Dir. Rod Orson Welles, Jeanne Moreau, Roger Steppenwolf Daniel Max von Sydow, Dominique Sanda, Pierre Coggio, Norman Ashley, Fernando Rey - Wendecover Clémenti, Carla Romanelli, Roy Bosier, Dir. Orson Welles Komödie 1985 89min. Charles Régnier, Sunnyi Melles (Rosa) - Wendecover STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 1968 60min. Dir. Fred Haines Germany 21.06.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Wendecover 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046939 Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012

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The Hunger Games Underworld: Awakening Tequila Death (k.J.) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Underworld: Awakening Tequila Express Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Rea, Michael Christopher Atkins, Anthony Azizi, Anne Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Do- Ealy, Theo James, India Eisley, Charles Jensen, Tan’e McClure - Dir. David Starr nald Sutherland, Wes Bentley, Toby Jones, Dance, Sandrine Holt, Robert Lawrenson - Trailer Paula Malcomson, Willow Shields, Amandla Dir. Måns Mårlind, Björn Stein Thriller 2002 83min. Stenberg, Alexander Ludwig, Isabelle Fantasy 2012 85min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Fuhrman - Dir. Gary Ross Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 02.05.2012 Action/Science Fiction 2012 136min. 12.07.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047201 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047116 Germany 30.08.2012 Th13teen - For Sale by Owner 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047230 Underworld: Awakening (Blu-ray For Sale By Owner Amanda Brown, John Lansch, Trant Batey Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- 3D) (Blu-ray) Underworld: Awakening - Dir. Pritesh Chheda ger Games (Blu-ray) Trailer Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Rea, Michael Thriller/Drama 2005 82min. The Hunger Games Ealy, Theo James, India Eisley, Charles Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Dance, Sandrine Holt, Robert Lawrenson - 02.05.2012 Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Dir. Måns Mårlind, Björn Stein 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047202 Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Do- Fantasy 2012 89min. nald Sutherland, Wes Bentley, Toby Jones, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Der Tiger Paula Malcomson, Willow Shields, Amandla 12.07.2012 The Enforcer Stenberg, Alexander Ludwig, Isabelle 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047136 Humphrey Bogart, Zero Mostel, Ted de Fuhrman - Dir. Gary Ross Corsia, Everett Sloane, Roy Roberts, Action/Science Fiction 2012 142min. Underworld: Awakening (Blu-ray) Lawrence Tolan, King Donovan, Bob Steele STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Underworld: Awakening - Dir. Bretaigne Windust, Raoul Walsh Germany 30.08.2012 Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Rea, Michael Wendecover 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047242 Ealy, Theo James, India Eisley, Charles Kriminalfilm 1951 81min. Dance, Sandrine Holt, Robert Lawrenson - STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tunnel Rats - Abstieg in die Hölle Dir. Måns Mårlind, Björn Stein Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, Special Fantasy 2012 89min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046926 Edition) (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 12.07.2012 Till Eulenspiegel 1968 Tunnel Rats Michael Paré, Nate Parker, Brandon Fobbs, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047135 Winfried Glatzeder, Cox Habbema, Rocky Marquette, Jeffrey Christopher Franciszek Pieczka, Jürgen Gosch - Dir. Todd, Garikayi Mutambirwa, Erik Eidem, Uns trennt das Leben Rainer Simon Mitch Eakins, Wilson Bethel, Jane Le, Brad Julia Koschitz, Jannik Brengel, Anneke Kim Trailer Sarnau, Tim Bergmann, Jasmin Schwiers, Komödie 1974 100min. Schmidt, Scott Cooper, John Wynn, Scott Sebastian Ströbel, Sophia Sonntag, Matthi- ICESTORM Entertainment 02.05.2012 Ly, Adrian Collins - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll as Kupfer, Thorsten Krohn, Johannes tba BestellNr.: 20047108 Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Interviews, Wendecover Kriegsfilm/Action 2008 96min. Silberschneider, Dominic Raacke, Amona Der Tod führt Regie (k.J.) Splendid Film 27.07.2012 Assmann, Jan Messutat - Dir. Alexander 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047192 Dierbach The Back Lot Murders Drama 2011 90min. Priscilla Barnes, Corey Haim, Charles Flei- Typisch Sophie - Alle 18 Folgen KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) scher, Angela Little, Tom Hallick, LoriDawn 15.05.2012 Messuri, Dayton Knoll - Dir. David DeFalco (4 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie Sophie Schütt, Sophie Karbjinski, Bernhard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046989 Komödie/Horror 2001 85min. Schir Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Komödie 2004-2006 810min. Unternehmen Kummerkasten 02.05.2012 Turbine Medien 11.05.2012 Elmar Wepper, Hannes Gromball, Ulrich 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047205 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046910 Bernsdorff, Rudolf Platte - Dir. Albert Loesnau Todeskommando Russland Box Über den Dächern von Nizza (Blu- Komödie/Drama 1961-1962 min. Todeskommando Russland 1 / Todes- ray) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047078 kommando Russland 2 / Todeskommando To Catch A Thief Russland 3 / Todeskommando Russland 4 Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Jessie Royce US Seal Team Kriegsfilm 440min. Landis, John Williams, Charles Vanel, Bri- Seal Team VI SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) gitte Auber, René Blancard - Dir. Alfred Jeremy Davis, Ken Gamble, Zach 06.06.2012 Hitchcock McGowan - Dir. Mark C. Andrews 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047029 Thriller/Komödie 1955 107min. Action 2008 96min. Paramount Home Entertainment 10.05.2012 MIG Film 19.07.2012 Tötet Mrs. Tingle! (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046943 Teaching Mrs. Tingle 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047003 , Katie Holmes, Marisa ... Und immer lockt das Weib US Seal Team (Blu-ray) Coughlan, Barry Watson, Jeffrey Tambor, (Blu-ray) Liz Stauber, Michael McKean, Molly Ring- Seal Team VI Et Dieu Créa La Femme wald, Vivica A. Fox, John Patrick White, Jeremy Davis, Ken Gamble, Zach Brigitte Bardot, Curd Jürgens, Christian Robert Gant - Dir. Kevin Williamson McGowan - Dir. Mark C. Andrews Interviews, Making of, Wendecover Marquand, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Georges Action 2008 100min. Thriller/Komödie 1999 95min. Poujouly, Marie Glory, Jean Tissier, Isabelle MIG Film 19.07.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Corey, Jacqueline Ventura, Paul Faivre - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047014 Germany(Miramax) 07.06.2012 Dir. Roger Vadim 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046947 Komödie/Erotik 1956 89min. Das Vermächtnis des Professor Concorde Home Entertainment 19.07.2012 Bondi tba BestellNr.: 20047255 Die Tribute von Panem - The Hun- A Bucket Of Blood ger Games Dick Miller, Julian Burton, Barboura Morris,

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Anthony Carbone, Ed Nelson - Dir. Roger 26.07.2012 Paul - Dir. Andy Hurst Corman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047258 Thriller/Komödie 1999 94min. Horror 1959 72min. S.A.D. Home Entertainment 20.04.2012 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) White Zombie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046995 21.06.2012 White Zombie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047041 Béla Lugosi, Madge Bellamy, Robert Frazer, Zombie Graveyard (Blu-ray) (k.J.) John Harron, Joseph Cawthorn, Clarence Della Morte, Dell’ Amore Jules Verne - Insel der Dinosauri- Muse, Brandon Hurst, Frederick Peters - , Anna Falchi, François er Dir. Victor Halperin Hadji-Lazaro, Stefano Masciarelli, Mickey Unknown Island Horror 1932 67min. Knox, Clive Riche, Fabiana Formica, Anton Virginia Grey, Phil Reed, Barton MacLane, bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) Alexander - Dir. Michele Soavi Richard Denning, Dick Wessell, Dan White - 27.04.2012 Horror 1993 99min. Dir. Jack Bernhard 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047156 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Horror 1948 71min. 18.05.2012 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Wie werde ich ihn los - in 10 Ta- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046946 06.06.2012 gen? (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047141 How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days Zombie Graveyard (k.J.) Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey, Della Morte, Dell’ Amore Jules Verne Doppel Box (Blu-ray) Adam Goldberg, Michael Michele, Shalom Rupert Everett, Anna Falchi, François 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea / Harlow, Bebe Neuwirth, Robert Klein, Hadji-Lazaro, Stefano Masciarelli, Mickey Mysterious Island - Die geheimnisvolle Kathryn Hahn, Thomas , Annie Knox, Clive Riche, Fabiana Formica, Anton Insel Parisse - Dir. Donald M. Petrie Alexander - Dir. Michele Soavi Abenteuer/Horror min. Komödie 2003 115min. Horror 1993 99min. MIG Film 21.06.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 10.05.2012 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) tba BestellNr.: 20047053 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046944 18.05.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046912 Viper - Staffel 2 (6 Discs) Das wilde Schaf (Edition Cinema Viper Francais) Zombie Night - Keiner wird ent- Wendecover Le Mouton Enragé kommen (k.J.) Drama/Science Fiction 1996-1997 968min. Romy Schneider, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Zombie Night STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Jane Birkin, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Florinda Danny Ticknovich, Sandra Segovic, Steve Germany 07.06.2012 Bolkan, Georges Wilson, Michel Vitold, Curtis, Dwayne Moniz, Andrea Ramolo, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046934 Henri Garcin, Mary Marquet, Jean-François Deanna Wales - Dir. David J. Francis Horror 2003 88min. Wächter des Königs Balmer - Dir. Michel Deville Vorfilm: Cul des Sac - Die Sackgasse (12 Min.), Bio- und bellaphon records(Great Movies) The King’s Guard Filmografien, Buchtipp, Trailer 27.04.2012 Eric Roberts, Ron Perlman, Lesley-Anne Komödie 1973 101min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047157 Down, David Beecroft, Brian Cousins, Ge- FilmConfect Home Entertainment rald Patrick Cox - Dir. Jonathan Tydor 15.05.2012 Zu allem entschlossen (Cinema Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Filmografien 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047081 Abenteuer/Action 2000 89min. Classics Collection) Infopictures 25.05.2012 - Die komplette dritte Meet Danny Wilson 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046973 Frank Sinatra, Shelley Winters - Dir. Joseph Staffel (5 Discs) Pevney John Wayne Box (2 Discs) The Wire Trailer Dominic West, John Doman, Deirdre Drama/Musikfilm 1952 87min. Der Mann von Monterey / Höllenfahrt nach Lovejoy, Wendell Pierce, Lance Reddick, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 18.05.2012 Santa Fé / Der Falke / Reiter in der Nacht , Seth Gilliam, Domenick 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046924 John Wayne Wendecover Lombardozzi, Clarke Peters, Andre Royo - Western 1932-1939 260min. Dir. Edward Bianchi, , Timothy Zum Ausziehen verführt (Blu-ray) MIG Film 12.07.2012 Van Patten, Agnieszka Holland, Rob Bailey, Failure To Launch 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047254 Christine Moore, Alex Zakrzewski Matthew McConaughey, Sarah Jessica Thriller/Drama 2003-2008 703min. Parker, Zooey Deschanel, Justin Bartha, Wer weiß, wohin? Warner Home Video Germany 13.07.2012 Bradley Cooper, Terry Bradshaw, Kathy Et Maintenant, On Va Où? 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047197 Bates, Tyrell Jackson Williams, Katheryn Claude Msawbaa, Leyla Fouad, Nadine Winnick, , Stephen Labaki, Yvonne Maalouf, Antoinette El- Das Wort Tobolowsky, Kate McGregor-Stewart, Adam Noufaily, Julian Farhat, Haidar Ali, Petra Ordet Alexi-Malle - Dir. Tom Dey Saghbini, Mostafa Al Sakka, Sasseen Henrik Malberg, Emil Hass Christensen, Komödie 2006 96min. Kawzally, Caroline Labaki, Kevin Abboud - Preben Lerdorff-Rye, Cay Kristiansen, Paramount Home Entertainment 10.05.2012 Dir. Nadine Labaki Brigitte Federspiel - Dir. Carl Theodor 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046945 Komödie/Drama 2011 98min. Dreyer Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Entfallene Szenen, Interviews Drama 1955 120min. 26.07.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047248 Music Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Wer weiß, wohin? (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046927 Get Back Et Maintenant, On Va Où? You Are Dead Claude Msawbaa, Leyla Fouad, Nadine Paul McCartney - Get Back Tour ‘90 You’re Dead Labaki, Yvonne Maalouf, Antoinette El- Sir Paul McCartney John Hurt, Rhys Ifans, Claire Skinner, Bar- Noufaily, Julian Farhat, Haidar Ali, Petra U-Musik/Pop 86min. bara Flynn, John Benfield, David Schneider, Saghbini, Mostafa Al Sakka, Sasseen STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Rayner Bourton, Kawzally, Caroline Labaki, Kevin Abboud - Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Jane Peachey, Patrick Field, Badi Uzzaman, Dir. Nadine Labaki 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046950 George Osman, Tony Osman, Peter Komödie/Drama 2011 102min. Kötthaus, Alexandra Schalaudek, Simon Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046955 Waste Land (OmU) Special Interest Waste Land Lightning in a Bottle (OmU) Vik Muniz - Dir. Lucy Walker, Karen Harley Lightning In A Bottle Buena Vista Social Club (Co-Regie), Joao Jardim (Co-Regie) Buddy Guy, Angélique Kidjo, Mavis Staples, Dokumentarfilm 2009 98min. Ry Cooder, Ruben Gonzales, Compay Natalie Cole, James „Blood“ Ulmer, Alison good!movies(RealFiction) 11.05.2012 Segundo, Ibrahim Ferrer, Eliades Ochoa, Krauss, India.Arie, Macy Gray, John 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046904 Omara Portuondo, Manuel „Guajiro“ Mirabal, Fogerty, Bonnie Raitt, Steven Tyler, Joe Orlando „Cachaito“ Lopez, Barbarito Perry, Neville Brothers, Solomon Burke, William S. Burroughs - A Man Torres, Manuel „Puntillita“ Licea, Raul Pla- Chuck D, B.B. King, Mos Def, Shemekia Within (OmU) nes, Felix Valoy, Richard Eques, Maceo Copeland, Honeyboy Edwards, Clarence William S. Burroughs - A Man Within Rodriguez, Joachim Cooder - Dir. Wim „Gatemouth“ Brown, Vernon Reid, Bill William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Amiri Wenders Cosby, Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf - Dir. Baraka, Andy Warhol, Anne Waldman, Da- Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 1998 101min. Antoine Fuqua vid Cronenberg, Dean Ripa, Dennis Daily, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2003-2004 108min. Diane DiPrima, Fred Aldrich, Genesis P- Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Orridge, Grant Hart, Gus Van Sant, Hal 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046925 Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Willner, Iggy Pop, Laurie Anderson, Patti 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046952 Charlotte Rampling - The Look Smith - Dir. Yony Leyser Charlotte Rampling - The Look Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilme Joe Strummer: The Future Is Dokumentarfilm 2010 87min. Charlotte Rampling, Peter Lindbergh, Paul Unwritten (OmU) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 25.05.2012 Auster, Barnaby Southcombe, Juergen Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047209 Teller, Frederick Seidel, Franckie Diago, Jim Jarmusch, Joe Strummer, John Cusack, Antony Palliser, Joy Fleury, Cynthia Fleury Johnny Depp, Matt Dillon, Bob Weinstein, Die Wüste lebt (2 Discs) - Dir. Angelina Maccarone Booklet Harvey Weinstein - Dir. Julien Temple The Living Desert Porträt/Biographie 2011 97min. Dokumentarfilm 2007 120min. Dir. James Algar good!movies(Piffl) 25.05.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dokumentarfilm/Natur 1954 69min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047207 Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046951 19.07.2012 The Doors - When You’re Strange 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047154 When You’re Strange Jim Morrison, John Densmore, Robby Krie- ger, Ray Manzarek - Dir. Tom DiCillo Interviews, Bildergalerie, Presseheft, Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2009 82min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046929 Festival Express (OmU) Festival Express The Band, Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, Flying Burrito Brothers, Greatful Dead, Buddy Guy Blues Band, Ian & Sylvia & Great Speckled, Janis , Mashmakhan, Sha Na Na, Eric Andersen - Dir. Bob Smeaton Musikfilm 2003 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046931 Full Metal Village Dir. Cho Sung-Hyung Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2006 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046932 Geheimnisse der Steppe (2 Discs) African Lion Dir. Ted Sears, Jack Moffitt Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 1953-1956 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment 19.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047155 It Might Get Loud It Might Get Loud Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White - Dir. Davis Guggenheim Trailer Dokumentarfilm 2008 94min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 21.06.2012

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Puss In Boots Tappy Toes Chop Kick Panda The Frog Prince Despicable Me Presents: Minion Animated Animals, Computer Animation, Animation Dancing, Family, , Arts min. Madness Gaiam Americas 03.07.2012 Miranda Cosgrove, Pierre Coffin 4 Kid Favorites: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110101 Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Science Fiction, Short Film Collections, - The Action Collection Armitage: Movie Collection - Adventure 2010 12min. 1. Alien Force Vol. 2 Max Out 2. Ben 10 Alien Force Universal Studios 10.07.2012 Vol. 2 Pier Pressure 3. Ben 10 Alien Force Vol. 2 What Are Armitage III Little Girls Made Of? 4. Ben 10 Alien Force Vol. 2 The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110116 Gauntlet 1. Bakugan Battle Brawlers Vol. 2 The Battle Begins Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Anime, 2. Bakugan Battle Brawlers Vol. 2 Masquerade Ball 3. Femme Fatales, Foreign, Japanese, Action Bakugan Battle Brawlers Vol. 2 A Feud between Friends 4. Dirty Pair Flash: DVD Collection Bakugan Battle Brawlers Vol. 2 Dan and Drago 5. Bakugan 100min. The complete 16-episode series! It’s the year 2248, and crime Battle Brawlers Vol. 2 Runo Rules 1. Vol. 1 Funimation 24.07.2012 is on the rise. The world needs selfless, responsible heroes The Day that Everything Changed 2. Generator Rex Vol. 1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110218 to set things straight - but instead it gets Kei and Yuri! These The String Theory 3. Generator Rex Vol. 1 The Beyond the two lazy delinquents are the worst of the worst, but for some Sea 4. Generator Rex Vol. 1 The Lockdown 5. Generator Rex reason, the Central Computer paired them up as a team and Vol. 1 The Architect 1. The Secret Saturdays Vol. 1 The Kur The Beatles: Yellow Submarine chose them to inherit the honorable codename „Lovely An- Stone, Pt. 1 2. The Secret Saturdays Vol. 1 The Kur Stone, Pt. gels.“ That means they’ll be sent out to stop evil corporations, 2 3. The Secret Saturdays Vol. 1 The Vengeance of Hibagon Fantasy, Animated Feature Films, Music, maniacal killers and runaway androids - all in the name of 4. The Secret Saturdays Vol. 1 The Ice Caverns of Ellef Musical 1968 min. peace. But with the way these two fight, they just might blow Ringnes 5. The Secret Saturdays Vol. 1 Guess Who’s Going Capitol Records 29.05.2012 everything up themselves first! Features: Line art gallery, two To Be Dinner? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110241 clean opening sequences, two clean ending sequences, U.S. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Cartoon trailer, and Nozomi Entertainment trailers. Dirty Pair Flash is Network, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction a 1990s reimagining of the long-running sci-fi franchise and The Beatles: Yellow Submarine stars younger incarnations of Trouble Consultants Kei and 418min. Yuri. This value-priced collection contains all 16-episodes of Warner Bros. 03.07.2012 (Blu-ray) the direct-to-video (OVA) series. It features remastered video from the Japanese DVD release, as well as English audio, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110128 Fantasy, Animated Feature Films, Music, Japanese audio, and English subtitles and on-screen Musical 1968 min. translations. 4 Kid Favorites: Hot Wheels Capitol Records 29.05.2012 Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV, AcceleRacers Collection 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110254 Japanese, Science Fiction 400min. Drive to Survive with 4 Ultimate Thrill AcceleRacers Movies! BayView Entertainment 17.07.2012 It’s a high speed battleground as teams of human racers The Book Of Bantorra: Collection 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110287 compete with lethal robotic Racing Drones through awe- inspiring courses of loops, leaps and stunts in AcceleRacers: 2 Ignition. In AcceleRacers: The Speed of Silence, the Teku and As the Shindeki Church marches forward with their plans of Dora The Explorer: Dora’s the Metal Maniacs teams face off in a pulse-pounding pursuit conquest, Hamyuts Maseta and the Armed Librarians continue Fantastic Gymnastic Adventure for the Accele-Charger from two new racing worlds, the to struggle against them. However, the path to victory is a Water Realm and the Metro Realm. The action speeds up in long and dangerous one, not easily navigated. Along the way, Help Dora start the Fantastic Gymnastics show, win a ribbon AcceleRacers: Breaking Point when the teams jump into new friends will be lost, new allies gained and blood will with Pinto in the Big Horse Show, and find Swiper’s favorite racing realms. In the Neon Pipeline Realm, these world-class assuredly be shed. With the whole world seemingly turned things in these 3 big adventures! drivers must master an awesome network of pipes with wild against them and the Library facing its darkest hour, does Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool 69min. pop-up obstacles and dangerous drop-offs while the Junk Hamyuts still have a trick or two up her sleeve? Find out in Nickelodeon 31.07.2012 Realm tests their precision driving skills with falling debris the exciting final chapters of The Book of Bantorra Collection and trick navigation to the finish. And rivals unite for a daring 2! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110332 rescue mission in AcceleRacers: The Ultimate Race. In this Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Action final film, Kurt devises a plan to rescure his captured brother El Cazador De La Bruja: Wylde, but the rival teams must work together to succeed. min. Strap yourself in for the ride of your life! Section23 Films 17.07.2012 Complete Series TV Movies, Family 242min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110083 Ellis is an amnesiac with a bounty on her head, and Nadie’s Warner Bros. 03.07.2012 trigger finger is the only thing keeping her friend from falling into the wrong hands. They’re looking for pieces of Ellis’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110129 Cartoon Network: The Amazing past, and every mile of open highway brings the girls closer World Of Gumball - The DVD together - but their special bond is bound to be tested. At the Adventures Of Teddy Ruxpin dusty border crossroads where ancient spirits and modern Gumball’s world is pretty run-of-the-mill. He’s chased around science meet, a storm of conspiracy is brewing low in the Will Ryan , Phil Baroni school by a T-Rex. He has a friend named Anton who’s a desert sky. Someone out there can explain the hazy mysteries Come dream with Teddy Ruxpin and his wonderful friends as piece of toast. He’s got a crush on Penny, a peanut with of Ellis’s past. If she and Nadie just keep moving south, the they set out in search of the long lost treasure of Grundo! The antlers. His dad is a 6’4-bunny. His mom works at a Rainbow Hunter and the Witch will get their answers soon enough. adventure begins when Teddy gets a hold of an old-fashioned Factory. And his brother is a goldfish named Darwin. Yup, Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Interna- treasure map and talks his very reluctant pal Grubby into everything looks perfectly normal here. 1. The DVD 2. The joining him. Grubby isn’t too sure he made the right choice Third 3. The End 4. The Quest 5. The laziest 6. The Gi 7. The tional TV, Japanese 2011 650min. once he realizes that the evil magician Jack W. Tweeg and Refund 8. The Picnic 9. The Mustache 10. The Wind 11. The Funimation 10.07.2012 his nasty associates the Bounders will be after them every Curse 12. The Meddler 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110212 step of the way, but there’s no arguing with Teddy Ruxpin Cartoon Network, Comedy, Family, Fantasy once he sets his mind on a goal! Things get even crazier 2011 132min. when the M.A.V.O. (that’s the Monsters and Villains Warner Bros. 28.08.2012 Ergo Proxy: Complete Collection Organization, of course!) gets on their tail, but Teddy and his The doomed city of Romdo is an impenetrable would-be utopia friends never lose sight of what’s important - and what’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110379 where humans and robots coexist, and everything is under important is having fun! That’s not a bit hard with people like complete government control, or so it appears. While working absent-minded inventor Newton Gimmick, Leota the winged Clannad After Story: The on a mysterious murder case, Re-l Mayer, a female detective Woodsprite, Prince Arin and Princess Aruzia of Grundo, the from the Intelligence Bureau, receives a foreboding message adorably penguin-like Fobs and the wacky Wooly Whatsit on Complete Collection (Blu-ray) that something is going to „awaken.“ That night, she’s their side! Together, these humorous heroes embark on a 65- A few months have passed since Tomoya declared his love to attacked by a deformed super-being... what was this part adventure that brings them something far more valuable unidentified monster that attacked her, and who was the figure than mere gold in the end! What could that be? Join Teddy Nagisa. Now their relationship is entering a new phase, and neither is quite sure where it will take them. As their friends that came in between them? As Re-I attempts to unlock this Family, Adventure, Animated Animals move on to lives of their own, Tomoya and Nagisa get ready to spiraling mystery, a metaphysical battle cry leads her to the 1556min. start a family of their own. But Nagisa’s health has always unknown outside world... Madacy 05.06.2012 been precarious, and an event that should bring nothing but Adventure, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Interna- joy delivers tragedy instead. Now Tomoya must learn to tional TV, Japanese, Mystery 575min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110190 accept the bitter with the sweet and to understand that the most important thing is to hold onto love, no matter what. Don’t Funimation 03.07.2012 Ai Yori Aoshi: The Complete miss the heartbreak and triumph of the masterful conclusion to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110209 one of the most beloved anime series ever in Clannad After Series Story! Fractale: Complete Series - Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- Anime, Based On Video Game, Drama, nal TV, Japanese, Romance min. Foreign, High School, International TV, Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Funimation 24.07.2012 Japanese, Romance 625min. Combo) (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110217 Section23 Films 24.07.2012 275min. 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110111 Funimation 17.07.2012 Animated 4 Pack 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110215

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110210 Full Metal Alchemist The Little Cars 4 Pack Brotherhood: Complete Hetalia: World Series 2 Season The Little Cars 1: The Great Race The Little Cars 2: Rodopolis Adventures The Little Cars 3: Fast And Curious Collection Two Four - Limited Edition The Little Cars 4: New Genie Adventures Action, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Internatio- Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Computer Animation, Family min. nal TV, Japanese, Magic, Science Fiction Japanese min. Gaiam Americas 03.07.2012 min. Funimation 03.07.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110100 Funimation 17.07.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110211 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110214 Mahoromatic: I’m Home! Hey Arnold!: Season Two - Part As Mahoro’s life timer rapidly approaches her two hundred and fiftieth day, a more joyous chronological observance Full Metal Alchemist Two occurs to distract her: the 120th anniversary of the founding Brotherhood: Complete Toran Caudell, Francesca Smith, Dan of the town of Hiryushi. And as part of the celebration, Castellaneta, Jamil Walker Smith Suguru, Miyuki, Hamaji and several other friends have come Collection Two (Blu-ray) up with the perfect tribute: a Maid Café! Unfortunately, their The adventures continue in this Season 2, Part 2 collection of Maid Café may end up completely Maid-less, as Mahoro and Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Hey Arnold! Spend more time in the hood with Arnold and his Minawa are attacked by Management forces under the Japanese, Magic, Science Fiction, Action best friend Gerald as they endure eating contests, secret command of Feldrance! For all those who’ve longed for just a min. crushes, ghosts, and everything else that comes with big-city little more Mahoro, prepare to return to the world of the hit life. So don your cap, your unbuttoned flannel, and head for series once more in this very special side story- Mahoromatic Funimation 17.07.2012 your TV set, because Arnold and the rest of P.S. 118 are sure - I’m Home! 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110230 to capture your attention! Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Family, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction min. Nickelodeon, Adventure 200min. G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero - Section23 Films 10.07.2012 Shout Factory 24.07.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110082 Series 2 Season 2 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110156 The incredible adventures of General Hawk, Sgt. Slaughter and their international team of heroes - known as G.I. JOE - Mahoromatic: Ultimate Collection come to a thrilling conclusion! Together, they defend the globe Hidamari Sketch: Specials against Cobra, a ruthless organization led by Serpentor and Mahoro has just 398 days left to live. A military android Even though studying at a prestigious art school like created by Vesper to combat the alien menace of the Saint, her the recently rejuvenated Cobra Commander who are both Yamabuki is hard work, the girls who live at the Hidamari determined to conquer the world by any means necessary. In operational lifecycle is winding down when, with just over a Apartments always manage to squeeze in time for a little fun year to go, she is given the choice to retire from active 1989, this popular Second G.I. Joe was and exploration. And when they actually get a day off? Watch created and helped revive the franchise by introducing fans to service and do anything she wishes in her last days. Her out world! Yuno, Sae, Hiro, Miyako and new students Nori unexpected choice, however, is to serve as maid and new G.I. Joes and Cobra troops alike! This DVD set contains and Nazuna return to create another masterpiece of life as the complete final season of the series. bodyguard to a very surprised teenage boy! But Suguru art, with all new adventures that include swimming, pajama Misato isn’t just any teenager. He’s the son of Mahoro’s Action, Family, Special Forces 540min. parties, trips to the art museum and even an all-you-can-eat former commander and is already in the crosshairs of the Shout Factory 10.07.2012 diner courtesy of the landlady! Of course, there’s always a aliens! However, Mahoro isn’t any ordinary combat android 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110152 little housework that has to be squeezed in, but with a pinch either. Using captured Saint technology, her creators may of resourcefulness and a dash of creativity, even the most have given her something no android has ever had before: a onerous of chores can be turned into something magical. Get soul. From the legendary Studio Gainax (Neon Gensis Girls Bravo: The Complete Series ready for another illustrious collection of life, laughter and Evangelion) comes an amazing saga of life, love and combat! togetherness as Yuno and her friends always put a little love And the complete epic tale, including two new, never before Yukinari’s got girl problems - the poor guy is literally allergic in their art in Hidamari Sketch: Specials! to them. He can’t even be in the same room as a girl without released episodes, is collected here for the first time in getting a rash. It’s enough to put any red-blooded male in an Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Mahoromatic - The Ultimate Collection! awful mood. Here’s the good news: things start looking up for Foreign, International TV, Japanese 50min. Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Yukinari when he accidentally plays peek-a-boo with the Section23 Films 03.07.2012 Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science naked girl-next-door. She freaks out and boots him in the face, magically transporting our hero to the coolest place ever 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110079 Fiction 725min. - Seiren, a mystical land populated mostly by girls. As soon Section23 Films 10.07.2012 as he gets there, he meets Miharu, a super-bouncy, carefree Jem And The Holograms: Season 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110081 cutie who can touch Yukinari without causing a rash! She becomes his roomie on Earth and - well, then it’s all bathtubs, Three swimming pools, hot springs, and you’re not even reading this Needless: The Complete anymore are you? Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Family, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Fantasy, Music, Romance min. Collection Shout Factory 10.07.2012 The year is 2130 and the world has been decimated by a Japanese, Romance 2004 600min. devastating third world war, making the planet a dangerous, Funimation 17.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110153 apocalyptic hellhole. There is, however, one hope-Adam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110216 Blade, a fake priest with big fists and a nasty disposition. The Jungle Bunch: The Movie Still, he’s the closest thing this world’s got to a superhero. But like any superhero, he has a weakness. Though in Adam’s Hatsukoi Limited: Complete John Lithgow case, it isn’t Kryptonite; it’s cuties in sexy little outfits, The Jungle Bunch. Full of laughs and memorable characters, usually of the schoolgirl variety. Big bloody battles and a Collection The Jungle Bunch features award-winning actor and The New liberal dose of fan-service have made Needless one of the Romance is a funny thing: you hear about it, read about and York Times best-selling children’s book author John Lithgow craziest, most action-packed anime series in years. And now dream about it, but it always seems to elude you - until it as the voice of Maurice. every episode of Needless is right here-so you can get what actually happens, in a way you never imagined it, and knocks Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, Jungle you want and what you need in one complete series! you off your feet! At least, that’s how it seems to feel to young Action, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Internatio- Ayumi and her friends, all just entering the eighth grade, as, 58min. one by one, they discover that love is infectious and you can Universal Studios 28.08.2012 nal TV, Japanese 600min. catch it from anyone! Now Ayumi’s torn between two brothers, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110220 Section23 Films 03.07.2012 Koyoi has an altogether different kind of brother issue and 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110080 budding theatrical impresario Sumire seems ready to do anything to land her leading man. Then there’s tom-boy Rika, LEGO Ninjago: Masters Of aspiring artist Nao, Kei, who’s very ‘mature’ for her age and Needless: The Complete older girl Misaki who really IS more mature. Oh, and the Spinjitzu - Season One guys? They’re just as clueless and entangled in the complex Join a new force to save the world in Season One of Lego Collection (Blu-ray) web of relationships that’s called growing up! That most Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. Ninja heroes Kai, Jay, Zane The year is 2130 and the world has been decimated by a infections of all ailments, the ‘love bug,’ is about to bowl over and Cole take on Lloyd Garmadon, the son of their archenemy, devastating third world war, making the planet a dangerous, the student body of an entire school in Hatusukoi Limited! who has released sinister snake tribes in his attempt to apocalyptic hellhole. There is, however, one hope-Adam Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, conquer the land of Ninjago. But Garmadon’s evil plan goes Blade, a fake priest with big fists and a nasty disposition. awry when he loses control and becomes a prisoner to the Still, he’s the closest thing this world’s got to a superhero. Japanese, Romance min. snakes. In an unlikely twist of fate, he joins forces with the But like any superhero, he has a weakness. Though in Adam’s Section23 Films 31.07.2012 ninja to stop an enemy prophesied to cast their land into case, it isn’t Kryptonite; it’s cuties in sexy little outfits, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110087 eternal darkness. According to ancient legend, one ninja will usually of the schoolgirl variety. Big bloody battles and a rise above the rest and become the Green Ninja - but who? liberal dose of fan-service have made Needless one of the Join their kid-friendly battle to save the future in all 13 craziest, most action-packed anime series in years. And now Hetalia: World Series 2 Season action-packed Season One episodes of Lego Ninjago: every episode of Needless is right here-so you can get what Masters of Spinjitzu. you want and what you need in one complete series! Four - Alternate Art Action, Computer Animation, Family, Ninjas, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction 286min. Japanese, Action 600min. Japanese 145min. Warner Bros. 26.06.2012 Section23 Films 03.07.2012 Funimation 03.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110325 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110110

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Stand / Triton’s Revenge / Viking Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt: Sized Adventures (Triple Feature) Film The Complete Series - Limited Enjoy three of your favorite adventurous SpongeBob DVDs in a 3-Disc Amaray! Edition Triple Feature, Comedy, Family, Nickel- 10 Film Horror Pack Vol. 1 Action, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Internatio- odeon, Adventure 266min. Edward Furlong, Leighton Meester, Lisa nal TV, Japanese 2010 min. Nickelodeon 24.07.2012 Zane, Romy Windsor, Denise Crosby, Dan Funimation 10.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110326 Byrd, Michael Weiss 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110213 Howling IV: The Original Nightmare Mortuary Live Animals Darkness Paranormal Entity Night Shadow The Nurse Cruel Strawberry Panic: The Complete World Inside Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver Psychic Squad: Collection 2 Series Revenge, Thrillers, Drama, Ghosts, Growing up is hard enough for most girls, but for Class 7 espers Kaoru, Shiho and Aoi, who have to do it while also Nagisa Aoi has just transferred to a prestigious all-girls’ Haunted Houses, Horror min. protecting the world as part of B.A.B.E.L., it’s even rougher. school that happens to share dormitory facilities with two Echo Bridge Home Entertainment It’s bad enough that they’re feared by most of the population other academies for young ladies. The new surroundings are 05.06.2012 just for being what they are, but when they also have to act as a lot to take in, but she quickly adapts to life in Strawberry police against other older and more experienced espers AND Hall with the help of newfound friends. However, when 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110089 still go to school, they’re getting an early education into how Nagisa catches the eye of Shizuma Hanazono, the respected unfair the real world can be. And just to make matters worse, representative of all three schools known as the Étoile, both 10 Movie Horror Pack Vol. 1 now there’s an esper vigilante to deal with and a new their lives are forever changed. Bonds beyond mere mysterious organization called P.A.N.D.R.A. on the rise. Can friendship develop between the two and those around them Eric Roberts, Brittany Murphy, Kim Darby, the girls’ highly put-upon supervisor and guardian Minamoto amidst a school year of heated conflicts, petty jealousies, and Amber Borycki, Christopher Walken, Mark keep his charges from losing control in every possible sense? crossed boundaries. The action continues as three little girls with Class 7 sized Anime, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Colson, Matt Borlenghi, Jaason Simmons growing pains threaten to bring down the house in the second Bloody Mary Passed the Door of Darkness Haunting of Interest, International TV, Japanese, Marsten Manor Fist of the Vampire Bachelor Party in the mind-blowing collection of Psychic Squad! Romance 2006 650min. Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Bungalow of the Damned Prophecy II, The: God’s Army Wes Allegro Entertainment 26.06.2012 Craven Presents: Dracula III: Legacy Hellraiser III: Hell on Japanese 325min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110278 Earth Children of the Corn 666: Isaac’s Return Halloween VI: Section23 Films 17.07.2012 The Curse of Michael Myers 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110084 Thrillers, Action, Devils And Demons, Strike Witches: The Complete 1st Fantasy, Horror min. Rocko’s Modern Life: Season Season (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.06.2012 Three (Blu-ray) The year is 1944 and the world lives in fear of unidentified 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110090 Tom Kenny, Carlos Alazraqui, Mr. flying objects called Neuroi. With the old-boy old guard Lawrence, Charles Adler unable to thwart this deadly menace, humanity turns its despe- 100th Street Haunting: The Ghost Rocko, Spunky and Heffer are back for another series of rate eyes to an aerial attack force with much nicer legs. Meet warped adventures and surreal moments in modern life as they the girls of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, better known as the Of Richard Speck know it. Season Three misadventures include a fishing trip, a Strike Witches. These darlings of the great blue yonder may In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard a trip to France, Filburt’s wedding, a musical episode and not have standard issue uniforms, but they do have all the Speck’s ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. The more. Finally for the first time on DVD, you can get all of right stuff. Where the average flyboy falters, these dolls blast victims’ families have finally released the footage that Rocko’s Modern Life Season Three antics and exploits to aliens to bits in the bat of an eyelash. With a little magic and a documents their last days. enjoy whenever you want! whole lot of leg, the girls of the 501st are winning the war on Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror 2012 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Nickelodeon, pants, and aliens! 90min. Animated Animals 280min. Femme Fatales, Foreign, International TV, Asylum Home Entertainment 24.07.2012 Shout Factory 03.07.2012 Japanese, Anime, Action, Adventure 2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110035 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110155 min. Funimation 31.07.2012 Sacred Blacksmith: The 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110231 15 Movie Man Cave Action Pack Complete Series Vol. 1 Thomas & Friends: School House Charlie Sheen, , Billy Dee Ayumi Fujimara, Aki Toyosaki, Nobuhiko Williams, Chris Noth, Jackie Chan, Chuck Okamoto Delivery Wielding his blade, she will defend the weak.. Cecily’s a On track for schoolhouse fun!. School’s in session and there Norris, Lorenzo Lamas blushing knight in shining armor. Unfortunately, it seems most are important lessons to be learned on the Island of Sodor. Supercop Hidden Asassin No Code of Conduct Mask of Death battles end with her as the damsel in distress. Her lack of Diesel gets a hero’s welcome when he makes a Really Useful Frame of Mind My Name is Modesty Heroic Trio, The Once a skill and distaste for violence make her an unlikely heroine - delivery to the schoolhouse. Percy gets a lesson in Thief Once A Thief: Family Business Once a Thief: Brother until the brooding blacksmith Luke comes to her aid, using his responsibility after he runs into trouble trying to be like the Against Brother Chaos Factor Logan’s War: Bound by Honor powerful magic to forge blades of supernatural strength. bigger engines! Henry gets trained in how to handle health President’s Man, The President’s Man, The : A Line in the Cecily wields this sacred steel and charges forth to face a and safety emergencies, while Hiro teaches Thomas about his Sand CIA II: Target Alexa dangerous new threat; a cloaked is unleashing demons happy homeland. Join the Steam Team for a bright journey to Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, upon the land, and though he lurks in shadows, the villain is the Head of the Class! The Schoolhouse Delivery Being Percy Henry’s Health and Safety Happy Hiro Comedy, Crime, Drama, Martial Arts min. much closer than Cecily can imagine. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Transportation, Educational, Stop Motion 05.06.2012 Japanese, Magic, Action, Adventure 2010 Animation 2012 FF S 49min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110091 min. Lionsgate 10.07.2012 Funimation 31.07.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110094 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110219 15 Movie Man Cave Sci-Fi Horror Timmy Time: Happy Birthday, Pack Vol. 1 Simoun: Endless Melody Timmy! Jude Law, Christian Walker, Denise Crosby, Collection Kate Harbour, Justin Fletcher Kim Darby, Paul Rudd, Donald Pleasence, It’s a Happy Birthday BAAA-sh with Timmy and his friends! Dan Byrd, Michael Weiss Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Interna- Timmy cooks up a sweet solution after he almost spoils his eXistenZ War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave Monster tional TV, Japanese 650min. party by eating all the cake; Timmy and Finlay find out they Invasion of the Pod People Apocalypse, The Howling IV: The Allegro Entertainment 12.06.2012 can always count on each other to share toys! Yabba shows Original Nightmare Mortuary Live Animals Darkness Timmy he’s a model pal; Timmy’s new pet seems to be the life Paranormal Entity Prophecy II, The: God’s Army Wes Craven 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110275 of the party and Otus helps Timmy reach new heights. Don’t Presents: Dracula III: Legacy Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth be sheepish ? join in the fun and celebrate with Timmy and his Children of the Corn 666: Isaac’s Return Halloween VI: The Snow White And Friends friends! Timmy’s Birthday Count on Timmy Timmy’s New Curse of Michael Myers Friend Timmy’s Pet Problem Timmy Learns to Fly Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Snow White Cinderella The Little Mermaid Sleeping Beauty British, Computer Animation, Family, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Magic min. Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Preschool 2012 Gaiam Americas 03.07.2012 Horror min. FF S 46min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110103 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Lionsgate 17.07.2012 05.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110269 SpongeBob SquarePants: Last 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110092

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

4:44 Lasts Days On Earth revealed. Accusations lead to violence, and desperation fuels family they’ve always needed. Featuring touching an irreversible chain of events. Survival is uncertain . . . performances from its young cast, A Bag Of Hammers is a Willem Dafoe, Natasha Lyonne Thrillers, Wilderness, Drama, Marriage hilarious offbeat comedy about learning life’s hard lessons. Tomorrow at 4:44 AM the world is going to come to an end. As Drama, Friendships 2011 85min. panic hits the Earth’s population, two lovers (Willem Dafoe, Woes 2010 86min. Antichrist, The Life Aquatic, and Shanyn Leigh, Public Osiris Entertainment 12.06.2012 MPI 19.06.2012 Enemies) seclude themselves in a Manhattan high-rise and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110226 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110051 decide to spend their last moments in existence together. Accepting their doomed fate, the pair discovers more about themselves and each other in a few short hours than most do All Dark Places A Bag Of Hammers (Blu-ray) in an entire lifetime. Acclaimed director Abel Ferrara (Bad Sex, drugs, rock & roll-Christian is a man who’s made a few Jason Ritter, Chandler Canterbury Lieutenant, King of New York) creates a uniquely suspenseful mistakes. He and wife Jamie are giving marriage one last shot Twenty-something slacker buddies Ben (Jason Ritter, Joan of romance with 4:44 Last Day On Earth that examines the power for the sake of their young son. But when Christian proves Arcadia) and Alan (Jake Sandvig, Easy A) seem incapable of of love when all other hope is lost. unable to give up his hard-partying ways, the malicious clown growing up: they run a valet parking scam and lease their Science Fiction, Drama, End Of The World, in the closet helps decide their fate. rental house next door, allowing them to keep responsibility at Fantasy 2011 85min. Thrillers, Horror, Love Gone Bad 2011 bay. When a stressed-out single mom (Carrie Preston, True Blood) and her street-smart young son Kelsey (Chandler MPI 17.07.2012 85min. Canterbury, Knowing) become their new tenants, the misfit 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110303 Monarch Home Video 26.06.2012 pals find a new friend in the precocious boy, who’s eager to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110167 help them in their larcenous business. But Alan’s sister Mel (Rebecca Hall, Vicky Cristina Barcelona) suspects Kelsey 4:44 Lasts Days On Earth (Blu-ray) may be a neglected latchkey kid, and her intervention sets off Willem Dafoe, Natasha Lyonne The American Dreamer a chain of startling events that may force the duo to invent the Tomorrow at 4:44 AM the world is going to come to an end. As Jamil Walker Smith, Malcolm Goodwin, Mi- family they’ve always needed. Featuring touching panic hits the Earth’s population, two lovers (Willem Dafoe, performances from its young cast, A Bag Of Hammers is a Antichrist, The Life Aquatic, and Shanyn Leigh, Public chael Trotter hilarious offbeat comedy about learning life’s hard lessons. Enemies) seclude themselves in a Manhattan high-rise and About to ship off to Afghanistan, newly-enlisted Marines and Drama, Friendships 2011 85min. decide to spend their last moments in existence together. best friends Luis and Ronald (Jamil Walker Smith, Stargate MPI 19.06.2012 Accepting their doomed fate, the pair discovers more about Universe, and Malcolm Goodwin, American Gangster) are themselves and each other in a few short hours than most do armed with dreams that extend beyond their block. Using a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110070 in an entire lifetime. Acclaimed director Abel Ferrara (Bad movie camera, they chronicle their precious days at home Lieutenant, King of New York) creates a uniquely suspenseful before shipping off. This compelling footage captures the Bajo Las Riendas Del Amor romance with 4:44 Last Day On Earth that examines the power loved ones of these young adults, who are about to embark on of love when all other hope is lost. a journey that will change their lives forever. Powerful, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 2007 min. hilarious, and moving, this film reveals, through the hopes of Science Fiction, Drama, End Of The World, two men chasing their destiny, the unbreakable bonds of Vivendi Visual Entertainment 17.07.2012 Fantasy 2011 85min. friendship and family that unite us all. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110149 MPI 17.07.2012 War, War In The Middle East, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110317 Friendships, Military 2011 79min. Christian Bale Collection Image Ent. 03.07.2012 Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe, Ewan The 41 Year Old Virgin Who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110277 McGregor, Russell Crowe, Reese Knocked Up Sarah Marshall And Witherspoon, Jared Leto, Chloe Sevigny, Felt Superbad About It (Blu-ray) La Ardilla Roja (The Red Toni Collette, Peter Fonda, Josh Lucas, Ben Foster, Justin Theroux, Eddie Izzard, Logan Mircea Monroe, Noureen DeWulf , Bryan Squirrel) Lerman, Dallas Roberts, Bill Sage Callen, Stephen Kramer Glickman Emma Suarez, Nancho Novo On the verge of committing suicide after he loses his girl and Includes: American Psycho: Uncut Version. Patrick Bateman It’s time to get down and dirty! Your favorite characters from (Christian Bale) is a Wall Street yuppie obsessed with some of the funniest films of all time „come together“ in this has become a washed-up rock singer, Jota (Nancho Novo) sees a motorcycle go over the side of a boardwalk. Going to success, status and style, with a stunning fiancée (Reese outrageous spoof of Judd Apatow’s smash-hit comedies. Andy Witherspoon). He is also a psychotic killer who rapes, needs to hook up with a hottie, pronto, because he hasn’t had investigate, he finds a young woman (Emma Suarez) who has lost her memory. Jota convinces her that she has been living murders and dismembers both strangers and acquaintances sex in...well, ever - and his luck isn’t the only thing that’s without provocation or purpose. Based on the controversial hard! His equally horny teenage roommates also need it with him for several years and takes her to a camping site, The Red Squirrel, where he says they will become novel, the film offers a sharp satire to the dark side of yuppie superbad, and with the help of their nerdy pal, McAnalovin culture in the ’80s, while setting forth a vision that is both and his fake I.D., they may tap more than just a keg. You’ll reacquainted. As her memory begins to return, events take an unexpected turn and Jota begins to realize that he’s gotten a terrifying and chilling. 3:10 To Yuma. In Arizona in the late score laugh-out-loud insanity with this hilariously raunchy 1800s, infamous outlaw Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) and his comedy! lot more than he bargained for. From director Julio Medem (Lovers of the Arctic Circle, Tierra) and winner of the 1993 vicious gang of thieves and murderers have plagued the Comedy 2010 82min. Cannes Film Festival Award of the Youth. Southern Railroad. When Wade is captured, Civil War 20th Century Fox 10.07.2012 veteran Dan Evans (Bale), struggling to survive on his Mystery, Romance, Spanish, Comedy, Dra- drought-plagued ranch, volunteers to deliver him alive to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110249 ma, Foreign 1993 75min. 3:10 To Yuma, a train that will take the killer to trial. On the BayView Entertainment 24.07.2012 trail, Evans and Wade, each from very different worlds, begin 6-Film True Crimes to earn each other’s respect. But with Wade’s outfit on their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110290 trail and dangers at every turn, the mission soon becomes a Diane Keaton, , Sara violent, impossible journey toward each man’s destiny. Velv Canning, Lindsay Frost, John Corbett, Around June Ltbx DD 5.1 343min. James Van Der Beek, Dylan Baker, LeVar Jon Gries, Samaire Armstrong, Brad William Lionsgate 10.07.2012 Burton, Mark Rendall Henke, Michael Goorjian, David Fine 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110320 Taken In Broad Daylight Elizabeth Smart Story Crossed Over A love story set in the shadow of the San Francisco The Matthew Sheppard Story Interrogation Of Michael Crowe shipyards where a young eccentric woman June (Samaire Bathory: Countess Of Blood The Morrison Murders Armstrong) lives a quiet life under the care of her much Action, Crime, Drama min. adored Uncle Henry (Brad William Henke) and the watchful Anna Friel, Karel Roden, Vincent Regan Echo Bridge Home Entertainment eye of her domineering, abusive father Murry (Jon Gries). With an unquenchable thirst for blood, Countess Elizabeth Life changes when June meets a penniless illegal immigrant, Bathory was one of the most prolific serial killers in history. 05.06.2012 Juan Diego (Oscar Guerrero) whose unconditional love gives Tearing flesh from bodies and bathing in warm blood, she 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110088 her the insight and courage to finally express herself, follow delighted in an unholy quest for immortality while her country her dreams, break free and live her own life. was being torn apart by a brutal and devastating civil war. The Agent Romance, Drama, Fantasy 2008 92min. Told on a grand scale in the 17th Century, Bathory: Countess Indican Pictures 05.06.2012 of Blood is based on the true story of her rise and fall. Conspiracies, Drama, Gangs 87min. Serial Killers, Biography, Biopics, Drama, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110238 Indican Pictures 15.05.2012 Fantasy, Horror 2008 141min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110239 Screen Media Films 24.07.2012 A Bag Of Hammers 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110222 All Alone Jason Ritter, Chandler Canterbury Twenty-something slacker buddies Ben (Jason Ritter, Joan of An over-populated, concrete-filled Los Angeles drives Maggie Arcadia) and Alan (Jake Sandvig, Easy A) seem incapable of The Best Of Black Beauty into fear and isolation. On the edge, her cries for change are growing up: they run a valet parking scam and lease their Judi Bowker, Stacy Dorning, Michael neglected by her husband Ben. When she turns to her rental house next door, allowing them to keep responsibility at dysfunctional but affluent friends, Alex and Kyle, they propose bay. When a stressed-out single mom (Carrie Preston, True Culver, William Lucas, Gedeon Burkhard an overnight camping trip to get away from the confines of the Blood) and her street-smart young son Kelsey (Chandler One of the most beloved children’s stories of the 19th century, city and escape to the solitude of the mountains. Deep in the Canterbury, Knowing) become their new tenants, the misfit Anna Sewell’s timeless tale of a free spirited but gentle mountains, they encounter a self-proclaimed radical pals find a new friend in the precocious boy, who’s eager to thoroughbred made a dramatic return during the early 1970s environmentalist, Birch. Although worlds apart, she and help them in their larcenous business. But Alan’s sister Mel as an acclaimed BBC television program. In The Adventures Maggie have an undeniable chemistry, encouraging Maggie to (Rebecca Hall, Vicky Cristina Barcelona) suspects Kelsey of Black Beauty, the restless taxicab horse of the novel find her inner strength. New information sends the foursome may be a neglected latchkey kid, and her intervention sets off settles into much deserved retirement with the adoring Gordon on a journey where masks are ripped away and secrets are a chain of startling events that may force the duo to invent the family - played by William Lucas (as patriarch Dr. James

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Gordon), Judi Bowker and Stacy Dorning (as daughters Vicky Fred Olen Ray and star Richard Gabai, Night Owl Theater 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110075 and Jenny) - on their Hertfordshire farm. Life on the Gordon wrap-arounds and Classic Drive-In Theater Ads. farm is anything but peaceful, however - as the children and Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Erotica 1995 86min. their precocious friends have a knack for getting into all sorts Bonanza: The Official Third of trouble with the help of kidnappers, escaped convicts, Retromedia 24.07.2012 gamblers and ruffians of all descriptions. Fortunately, Black 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110288 Season - Volume Two Beauty keeps close watch, and always finds a way to bring Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Blok- the children - Galloping Home - safely! The New Adventures of Black Beauty moves the story forward 20 years and travels Bitch Slap: Unrated (Blu-ray) ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung from pastoral to the rugged wilderness of New A modern throwback to the „B“ movie exploitation films of the One of the longest running and most popular of all television Zealand. Jenny (Stacy Dorning) is now a newly married 50’s-70’s, mixing beautiful women, fast cars, big guns, nasty programs, Bonanza has become a part of American mythology. veterinarian responsible for a taking care of both a tongues, outrageous action, and jaw-dropping eye candy. The For fourteen seasons, audiences enthusiastically tuned in to Adventure, Boxed Sets, Family, Horses movie follows three bad girls, a down-and-out stripper, a drug see the High-Sierra adventures of the Cartwright clan. running killer, and a corporate power broker as they arrive at Nestled amongst the pines above the shores of Lake Tahoe is 1988min. a remote desert hideaway to extort massive booty from an the Ponderosa, the thousand-square mile home of Ben Madacy 05.06.2012 underworld kingpin. Cartwright and his sons, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe. Guest players were a veritable Who’s Who of classic Hollywood 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110191 Action, Comedy, Exploitation, Killer and upcoming superstars, and timeless stories continue to Beauties 2009 109min. appeal to contemporary audiences of all ages. The Best Of Ernest 20th Century Fox 10.07.2012 Western, Classics, Cowboy 1962 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110250 Paramount Pictures 17.07.2012 Get set for hours of fun with the most loquacious lout ever to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110076 show up unannounced at America’s door! Beginning as a TV The Blood Beast Terror pitchman in 1980, drawling the praises of products like local amusement parks, car dealerships, Sprite and Mello Yello to Peter Cushing, Robert Flemyng Boss: Season One an unseen (and clearly uncomfortable) next door neighbor Peter Cushing () and Robert Flemyng (Battle of Kelsey Grammer, Martin Donovan, Connie named Vern, Ernest P. Worrell soon wormed his way into Britain) star in this classic . A crazed etymologist audiences’ hearts - making the leap to the big screen in 1987! is dabbling in gruesome experiments that are turning his Nielsen, Kathleen Robertson, Troy Garity, Over the next decade or so, this hilarious hick would tackle beautiful daughter into a vampire-beast with an insatiable lust Jeff Hephner everything from barracks life to basketball stardom to an for blood! From Cushing’s investigations of the opening Mayor Tom Kane (Golden Globe® winner Kelsey Grammer) is African jewel hunt to an unexpected semester within the halls atrocities to the fieryfinale—this gory thriller from legendary King of Chicago, and he rules his domain with an iron fist. of academia, armed with nothing but a simpleton’s smile and a director Vernon Sewell (Ghost Ship) is definitely not for the Deception, scandal, and betrayal go hand in hand with Kane’s fast talkin’ catchphrase: KnowhutImean? The Best Of Ernest squeamish! Newly remastered in HD. form of politics. As long as he gets the job done, the people of provides an unbeatable overview of the iconic character’s Mystery, Science Fiction, Classics, Crime, Chicago look the other way. Despite being the most effective twenty year progress from local commercial spots to mayor in recent history, Kane is hiding a dark secret. A national ad campaigns ? culminating with 5 of the finest Horror 1968 88min. degenerative brain disorder is ripping everything away from entries from the beloved film series (Ernest in the Army, Kino Video 17.07.2012 him, and he can’t trust his memory, his closest allies, or even Ernest Rides Again, Ernest Goes to School, Slam Dunk 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110164 himself. Watch as Kane viciously fights battles on all fronts in Ernest and Ernest Goes to Africa). Along the way, you’ll Boss: Season One. encounter delightful characters like Rimshot (the Jack Russe Crime, Drama, Mental Illness, Politics 2011 Screwball, Sketch Comedy, , The Blood Beast Terror (Blu-ray) Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 449min. Boxed Sets, Comedy, Family min. Peter Cushing, Robert Flemyng Lionsgate 24.07.2012 Madacy 05.06.2012 Peter Cushing (Star Wars) and Robert Flemyng (Battle of Britain) star in this classic horror film. A crazed etymologist 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110305 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110236 is dabbling in gruesome experiments that are turning his beautiful daughter into a vampire-beast with an insatiable lust Boss: Season One (Blu-ray) Big Miracle for blood! From Cushing’s investigations of the opening atrocities to the fieryfinale—this gory thriller from legendary Kelsey Grammer, Martin Donovan, Connie Drew Barrymore, Kristen Bell, John director Vernon Sewell (Ghost Ship) is definitely not for the Nielsen, Kathleen Robertson, Troy Garity, Krasinski squeamish! Newly remastered in HD. Jeff Hephner Drew Barrymore and John Krasinski star in this incredible Mystery, Science Fiction, Classics, Crime, Mayor Tom Kane (Golden Globe® winner Kelsey Grammer) is rescue adventure - the amazing true story that inspired the Horror 1968 88min. King of Chicago, and he rules his domain with an iron fist. world and captured the hearts of millions. When a family of Kino Video 17.07.2012 Deception, scandal, and betrayal go hand in hand with Kane’s whales is trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle, form of politics. As long as he gets the job done, the people of a small-town reporter (Krasinski) and an animal-loving 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110177 Chicago look the other way. Despite being the most effective volunteer (Barrymore) rally an unlikely coalition of Alaskan mayor in recent history, Kane is hiding a dark secret. A natives, oil tycoons and the Russian and American military to (Blu-ray) degenerative brain disorder is ripping everything away from set aside their differences and free the whales before it’s too him, and he can’t trust his memory, his closest allies, or even late. Kristen Bell, Dermot Mulroney and Ted Danson costar in John Goodman, Joe Morton, Aretha Frank- himself. Watch as Kane viciously fights battles on all fronts in this charming feel-good movie that the whole family can enjoy! lin, J. Evan Bonifant, Dan Aykroyd, James Boss: Season One. Romance, Adventure, Drama 2012 107min. Brown Crime, Drama, Mental Illness, Politics 2011 Universal Studios 19.06.2012 The Blues Are Back. They’re bad. They’re bold. And they’re Ltbx 16x9 DTS 449min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110078 back! Eighteen years after ’ original Lionsgate 24.07.2012 „mission from God,“ Elwood Blues (Dan Aykroyd) is out of prison and on a whole new mission—to reassemble the band, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110319 Big Miracle (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- restore family ties and set a wayward orphan on the path to tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) redemption. Aykroyd is joined by John Goodman and together Bullhead they create lots of madness and musical mayhem in this Drew Barrymore, Kristen Bell, John action-packed comedy with lots of Rhythm & Blues. Featuring In perhaps the year’s most stunning international debut, appearances by Aretha Franklin, B.B. King, James Brown, Michaël R. Roskam’s Bullhead is a harrowing tale of revenge, Krasinski redemption and fate. Domineering cattle farmer Jacky Drew Barrymore and John Krasinski star in this incredible Erykah Badu, Eric Clapton, Blues Traveler, Travis Tritt and more! Directed by John Landis. Vanmarsenille (Mattias Schoenaerts in a ferocious breakout rescue adventure - the amazing true story that inspired the performance), constantly pumped on steroids and hormones world and captured the hearts of millions. When a family of Blues, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Music following a childhood trauma, initiates a shady deal with a whales is trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle, 1998 124min. notorious mafioso meat trader. When an investigating federal a small-town reporter (Krasinski) and an animal-loving Universal Studios 07.08.2012 agent is assassinated and a woman from his horrid past volunteer (Barrymore) rally an unlikely coalition of Alaskan resurfaces, Jacky must confront far-reaching consequences natives, oil tycoons and the Russian and American military to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110307 and whether the real meaning of manhood is hormonal or set aside their differences and free the whales before it’s too emotional. Acclaimed at festivals worldwide, the award- late. Kristen Bell, Dermot Mulroney and Ted Danson costar in Bonanza: The Official Third winning Bullhead is visceral saga bursting with rage that this charming feel-good movie that the whole family can enjoy! TwitchFilm calls „one of the most original crime films in recent Drama, Adventure, Romance 2012 107min. Season - Volume One memory.“ Universal Studios 19.06.2012 Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Bloc- Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110109 ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Gay / Lesbian Interest 2011 124min. One of the longest running and most popular of all television Image Ent. 26.06.2012 Bikini Drive-In Special: Uncut programs, Bonanza has become a part of American mythology. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110189 For fourteen seasons, audiences enthusiastically tuned in to Director’s Edition see the High-Sierra adventures of the Cartwright clan. Nestled amongst the pines above the shores of Lake Tahoe is Bullhead (Blu-ray) Ashlie Rhey, Richard Gabai, Ross Hagen the Ponderosa, the thousand-square mile home of Ben The Cult Classic movie that started it all! Beautiful girls use In perhaps the year’s most stunning international debut, Cartwright and his sons, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe. Guest Michaël R. Roskam’s Bullhead is a harrowing tale of revenge, all of their charms to help revive a failing Drive-In movie players were a veritable Who’s Who of classic Hollywood theater with great success. After years of anticipation finally, redemption and fate. Domineering cattle farmer Jacky and upcoming superstars, and timeless stories continue to Vanmarsenille (Mattias Schoenaerts in a ferocious breakout this is the fully-authorized uncut and uncensored edition fans appeal to contemporary audiences of all ages. have been waiting for! Featuring an All-Star cast of Cult performance), constantly pumped on steroids and hormones Movie Icons - Starring Michelle Bauer, Ashlie Rhey, Richard Western, Classics, Cowboy 1961 min. following a childhood trauma, initiates a shady deal with a Gabai, David F. Friedman. Mastered from the original vault Paramount Pictures 17.07.2012 notorious mafioso meat trader. When an investigating federal elements. Bonus Features: Commentary Track with Director agent is assassinated and a woman from his horrid past

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA resurfaces, Jacky must confront far-reaching consequences shocked society. Coming Through is two interwoven and whether the real meaning of manhood is hormonal or scandalous love stories: we see D.H. Lawrence during his emotional. Acclaimed at festivals worldwide, the award- Cherry Bomb lifetime; and through the eyes of a modern-day couple. winning Bullhead is visceral saga bursting with rage that Thrillers, Action 130min. Branagh and Mirren’s performances are superb! Anyone TwitchFilm calls „one of the most original crime films in recent familiar, or not, with Lawrence’s writing will not be memory.“ Well Go USA 10.07.2012 disappointed with Kenneth’s sublime recitation of „Violets“. Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110281 So, take this romantic journey with one of Britain’s greatest Gay / Lesbian Interest 2011 124min. writers framed against England’s majestic beauty and history. Romance, British, Drama, Foreign, TV Image Ent. 26.06.2012 Cherry Bomb (Blu-ray + DVD Movies 1985 80min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110193 Combo) (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Thrillers, Action 130min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110362 Burke & Hare Well Go USA 10.07.2012 Glynn Edwards 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110314 Countess Perverse When a man in their Edinburgh boarding house dies, poor Irish immigrants Burke (Derren Nesbitt) and Hare (Glynn Howard Vernon, Kali Hansa, Alice Arno Edwards) discover they can make good money by supplying Childrens Hospital: The Complete A pair of decadent and debauched aristocrats turn their corpses for scientific study to a doctor at the university Third Season private island into a human ground where they stalk medical school. Inconvenienced by the lack of available their naked prey. The captured meat is then cooked and fed to cadavers, the cunning pair soon turns to murder to maintain Lake Bell, Erinn Hayes, Malin Akerman, their unsuspecting guests, who themselves will become the their revenue stream. Vernon Sewell (Ghost Ship, The Blood Megan Mullally, Henry Winkler, Rob Corddry, next victims of this cruel game. Starring the suave Howard Beast Terror) directs this classic horror film with a dose of Vernon (Seven Women for Satan) and the stunningly sexy dark comedy. Newly remastered in HD and in it’s original Ken Marino, Rob Huebel Alice Arno (Justine de Sade), this is one of controversial aspect ratio for the first time. The courageous men and women of Childrens Hospital - director Jess Franco’s most outrageous and delirious films. brilliant, egotistical, nymphomaniacal doctors all - do We present, for the first time ever the original restored Crime, Dark Comedy, Horror 1972 91min. whatever it takes to save sick kids’ lives whether they Kino Video 17.07.2012 director’s cut, taken from the rare camera negative. deserve it or not. Led by resident clown doctor Blake Downs Thrillers, Cannibalism, Erotica, Foreign, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110165 (Rob Corddry), the CH team will disrobe, do Ecstasy, donate organs (except for the important one), or set up digs in a French, Horror 1973 78min. hospital bathroom. Show creator Corddry (The Daily Show Mondo Macabro 12.06.2012 Burke & Hare (Blu-ray) with Jon Stewart) stars with series regulars Malin Akerman (27 Dresses), Lake Bell (Boston Legal), Erinn Hayes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110324 Glynn Edwards (Parenthood), Rob Huebel (The Descendants), Ken Marino When a man in their Edinburgh boarding house dies, poor (Party Down), Megan Mullally (Will & Grace), Henry Cradle 2 The Grave (Blu-ray) Irish immigrants Burke (Derren Nesbitt) and Hare (Glynn Winkler (Happy Days) and a slew of celebrity drop-ins. Get Edwards) discover they can make good money by supplying your hands on all 14 Season Three episodes of this Jet Li, Mark Dacascos, DMX, Gabrielle Uni- corpses for scientific study to a doctor at the university outlandishly incorrect, medically dope and seriously short on, Kelly Hu, Anthony Anderson, Tom Ar- medical school. Inconvenienced by the lack of available series that’ll literally get you high. Not really. cadavers, the cunning pair soon turns to murder to maintain nold their revenue stream. Vernon Sewell (Ghost Ship, The Blood , Comedy 154min. The slam, the glam, the jam: Cradle 2 the Grave brings it! Beast Terror) directs this classic horror film with a dose of Warner Bros. 24.07.2012 Producer Joel Silver and director Andrzej Bartkowiak, who dark comedy. Newly remastered in HD and in it’s original 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110131 fused martial arts with hip-hop style in Romeo Must Die and aspect ratio for the first time. Exit Wounds, take it to the next level with Cradle 2 the Crime, Dark Comedy, Horror 1972 91min. Grave. Screen heros Jet Li and DMX hit home and hit hard, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Alpha starring as rivals-turned partners in a volatile street war Kino Video 17.07.2012 ignited by kidnapping, stolen black diamonds and a sadistic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110178 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) crimelord (Mark Dacascos). Kelly Hu and Gabrielle Union After a decade-long manhunt, US Intelligence received new flex beauty and strength as foes destined for a clawdown. And intel on Boris Chevtchenko, mastermind of the world’s most Anthony Anderson and Tom Arnold add comedy jams to all the Butterfly Swords heinous war crimes. Linked to Russian ultranationalists, excitement that’s set to gon’-give-it-to-ya tunes by Eminem, Michelle Yeoh, Donnie Yen, Tony Leung Chevtchenko is about to deliver a dirty bomb large enough to DMX and more. No mistaking it. From start 2 finish, Cradle Romance, Action, Adventure, Chinese, contaminate Moscow for centuries. Enter the Ghosts - The rocks. US Army’s most elite Future Soldiers, precision-trained and Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Action, Thrillers Fantasy, Foreign, Martial Arts 1993 91min. lethal human weapons armed with the most devastating high- 2003 101min. Well Go USA 10.07.2012 tech combat systems, to take out Chevtchenko and stop this Warner Bros. 14.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110280 international catastrophe before it erupts. But behind enemy lines, the Ghosts discover that Chevtchenko is just the tip of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110243 the iceberg. What begins as a surgical strike spirals out of Casablanca: 70th Anniversary control into a no-holds-barred battle even the Ghosts won’t forget. The Crying Game (Blu-ray) Special Forces, Military, Action, Army, Forest Whitaker, , Peter Lorre, Conrad Veidt, Sydney Based On Video Game min. Stephen Rea, Adrian Dunbar, Breffini Greenstreet, Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey New Video DVD 22.05.2012 McKenna, Jim Broadbent, Jaye Davidson Bogart, Claude Rains, Paul Henreid 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110140 Romance, Thrillers, Academy Award Casablanca. Winner of three Academy Awards including Best Picture, Casablanca marks its 70th anniversary as a beloved Winners, Art House, Cult Film / TV, Drama favorite with so many bonuses that no matter how often you’ve Code Of Silence (Blu-ray) 1992 Ltbx DTS 124min. seen it, this beautiful 70th Anniversary Edition looks like yet Chuck Norris, Henry Silva, Bert Remsen Lionsgate 03.07.2012 another beginning of a beautiful friendship with an From the director of comes a riveting, turbo- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110038 unforgettable classic. charged crime thriller starring international action star Chuck Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Academy Award Norris („Walker, Texas Ranger“). Exploding with heart- Winners, AFI Top 100, National Film stopping chases and lethal martial arts confrontations, it’s a Damages: The Complete Fourth „daring“ (Washington Post) and „suspenseful“ (Box Office) Registry, Romance 1943 102min. adventure that pits an honest cop against two vicious crime Season Warner Bros. 01.05.2012 lords - and his own department. Eddie Cusack (Norris) is a John Goodman, Glenn Close, Rose Byrne, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110253 Chicago detective who plays by his own rules - a dangerous habit, especially when he breaks the force’s „code of silence“ Tom Noonan, Dylan Baker, Chris Messina, to blow the lid off a deadly police cover-up. Now an outcast, Michael Nouri, Derek Webster Casablanca: 70th Anniversary - he receives little help from his embittered fellow officers when For brilliant attorney Patty Hewes (two-time Emmy® winner he’s hurled into a blistering battle against rival drug kingpins. Glenn Close), the stakes have never been higher, Special Edition But Cusack is a one man army, waging war on the criminals professionally or personally, in the riveting Fourth Season of Peter Lorre, Conrad Veidt, Sydney with his razor-sharp wits, lightning-fast Karate moves and a the hit legal thriller. When Patty joins Ellen Parsons (Rose special surprise: „Prowler,“ a remote-controlled, rocket- Byrne) to expose a corrupt security firm in Afghanistan, they Greenstreet, Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey equipped tank! unravel a cover-up at the highest levels involving an Bogart, Claude Rains, Paul Henreid Classics, Cops, Martial Arts, Action 1985 inscrutable mercenary agent (Dylan Baker), a key witness Casablanca. Winner of three Academy Awards including Best taken hostage (Chris Messina) and the powerful CEO (double Picture, Casablanca marks its 70th anniversary as a beloved 101min. Emmy® winner John Goodman) with his own explosive favorite with so many bonuses that no matter how often you’ve MGM / UA 17.07.2012 secrets. It all comes down to one final, fatal double-cross. seen it, this beautiful 70th Anniversary Edition looks like yet 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110346 Thrillers, Drama, FX, Lawyers / Legal another beginning of a beautiful friendship with an unforgettable classic. Issues, Mystery 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 National Film Registry, Romance, Academy Coming Through 502min. Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Helen Mirren, Alison Steadman, Kenneth Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Drama, Film Noir 1943 102min. Branagh 26.06.2012 Warner Bros. 01.05.2012 In 1912, D.H. Lawrence and Frieda Weekly met, fell in love 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110232 and within weeks had eloped. In the process, Frieda 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110237 abandoned her husband and three children. Their affair

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The Dark Crystal / Labyrinth shaken, and the couple has to take more drastic measures to ensure their privacy. Enter local girl Katie (Kelly MacDonald (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) ,Boardwalk Empire, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Doctor Who: Death Of The Daleks Part 2), who’s selected as a decoy bride to lure the press off Lalla Ward, Tom Baker, Lewis Fiander, Da- Frank Oz, Jennifer Connelly, Kathryn Mul- the trail. But when Katie meets James, sparks fly, dresses get len, David Bowie, Jim Henson ruined and suddenly love gets complicated. Featuring an all- vid Daker The Dark Crystal. Enjoy incredible footage from the Henson star cast, The Decoy Bride is a charming romantic comedy An unexplained power loss has stranded the Doctor and archives in The Dark Crystal. Travel back in time to the about the pratfalls of finding true love. Sarah Jane on Exxilon, a planet whose ancient civilisation faraway planet of Thra. Cheer on the Mystics as they fight to Comedy, Drama, Romance 2011 89min. has lapsed into savagery. Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, overthrow the evil Skeksis and take back control of their MPI 26.06.2012 planet! When Jen, a member of the Gelfling tribe, sets out to Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science find the crystal’s missing shard, his dangerous journey brings 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110108 him face to face with monsters at every turn. Determined to Fiction 98min. restore peace to their planet, Jen will not back down! From BBC Home Video 10.07.2012 the brilliant imagination of Jim Henson, this masterpiece of Designing Women: The Final 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110145 animation recounts the timeless tale of good vs. evil and has Season become a cult favorite of children and grown-ups alike! Labyrinth. Journey into the fantastical world of Labyrinth, Jean Smart, Jan Hooks, Annie Potts, Dixie Doctor Who: The Krotons starring David Bowie and a cast of incredible creatures Carter, Delta Burke, Julia Duffy, Alice created by Jim Henson. Frustrated with baby-sitting on yet Lalla Ward, Tom Baker, Lewis Fiander, Da- another weekend night, Sara - a teenager with an active Ghostley, Meshach Taylor vid Daker imagination - summons the Goblins from her favorite book, Without a doubt, Designing Women was a show about female The Doctor, Zoe and Jamie are drawn into rebellions of the „Labyrinth,“ to take her baby step-brother away. When little empowerment, politics, human rights, ethics and, oh yeah ? big Gonds against their unseen rulers, the Krotons. Toby actually disappears, Sarah must follow him into the laughs! Created by Linda Bloodworth-Thomason (Evening Shade, Hearts Affire), Designing Women ran on CBS from Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, world of the fairy tale to rescue him from the wicked Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Mon- 1986-1993 for seven hysterical seasons becoming a premier landmark sitcom in television history. Fiction 100min. sters, Adventure, Musical, Puppets Ltbx CBS, Comedy, Independent Women min. BBC Home Video 10.07.2012 16x9 DD 5.1 194min. Shout Factory 17.07.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110144 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110150 12.06.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110064 Documenting The Grey Man Devilman On Monday, September 10, 2007, police officers were called Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Based On Co- to investigate possible multiple homicides at a historic Dark Nemesis mic Book, Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Pawley’s Island, SC home. Investigators arrived to find what In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by feuding warlords, a looked like documentary film equipment. Five members of a group of desperate soldiers hatch a plan to steal a Warlord’s Foreign, Horror, Japanese 2004 115min. ghost-hunting expedition were also missing. ain’t it cool treasure and start a new life. When they are faced with the Allegro Entertainment 12.06.2012 news), Documenting the Grey Man. threat of horrific death at the hands of the Warlord’s 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110273 Film About Film, Ghosts, Horror 2011 81min. executioners, the men escape into a desolate and forbidden E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 land known only as The Shadowlands. Now the men must flee 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110364 from the Warlord’s vicious assassins while defending The Devil’s Feast themselves from the terrifying creatures that inhabit the land. When the beautiful Kumiko joins the editorial desk at a small Science Fiction, Action, Apocalyptic Future local newspaper, the most deeply kept secrets of the rich and Down By Law: The Criterion 2011 85min. powerful leader of a religious cult suddenly begin finding their Collection (Blu-ray) MTI Home Video 10.07.2012 way into print in blistering exposes. Scandalous exposes which have even more shocking repercussions for the paper’s Tom Waits, Ellen Barkin, Nicoletta Braschi, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110284 sales manager, Okomoto, and his elegant wife Shizuyo. Ensnared in the escalating war of wits and chains between Roberto Benigni, John Lurie the sadistic cult master and Kumiko, his former sex slave, A Film by Jim Jarmusch. When fate lands three hapless men Dead Season Shizuyo finds herself strung in the rope bonds of a ruthless — an unemployed disc jockey (Tom Waits), a small-time pimp game that mixes sensuality with humiliation. Could it be that (John Lurie), and a strong willed Italian tourist (Roberto James C. Benigni) — in a Louisiana prison, their singular adventure When a worldwide viral outbreak leads to a plague of zombies Shizuyo’s only hope of release may come in the form of her own husband’s mistress? Or is that exactly what the Devil begins. Described by director Jim Jarmusch as a „neo-beat- scouring the earth for the living, two survivors flee the chaos noir-comedy,“ black-and-white photography by esteemed of America to a remote island, hoping for a chance to start a has been planning on all along? From the novels of the late, legendary SM Master Oniroku Dan, prepare to be served a director of photography Robby Muller. The Criterion new life. What they find is unrelenting horror. Beyond the Collection is proud to present Jim Jarmusch’s Down By Law. hordes of the flesh-hungry undead, the other people already dark and unsettling vision of twisted lust and inhuman on the island force the pair into a fight-or-die battle amongst bondage: The Devil’s Feast! Classics, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, themselves. Armed only with crude weapons, they must Action, Erotica, Foreign, Japanese 2007 Film Noir, Action, Art House, Music, Prison descend to savagery and cutthroat tactics just to make it 67min. 1986 107min. through each day. Packed with cutting-edge action and outrageous gore, Dead Season is a riveting new spin on the Section23 Films 31.07.2012 Criterion 17.07.2012 zombie genre! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110086 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110066 Thrillers, Zombies, Action, Horror 2011 85min. Diff’rent Strokes: The Complete Driver X4: The Lost And Found Image Ent. 31.07.2012 Third Season Films Of Sara Driver 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110353 Charlotte Rae, Dana Plato, Nedra Volz, Marianne Faithfull, Rachael Bella, Alfred Todd Bridges, Conrad Bain, Gary Coleman Molina The Decoy Bride When pint-sized Gary Coleman uttered the phrase „Whatchoo Streets, apartments, offices, bars, the countryside: all are Kelly Macdonald, Alice Eve, David Tennant talkin’ bout Willis?“ to his TV brother (Todd Bridges) normal, calm, familiar - until a chasm opens up to reveal When the wedding of internationally famous film star Lara audiences were hooked and a star was born. But the show’s another, darker world lurking underneath. The uncanny is so (Alice Eve, Men In Black III, Sex and the City 2) to English popularity was based on more than the rise of the diminutive, interwoven with modern material reality that it becomes hard author James (David Tennant, Doctor Who) is sabotaged by a wisecracking Coleman. Diff’rent Strokes was a pop-culture to know where one leaves off and the other begins. These paparazzo, they decide to relocate the event to the remote phenomenon that broke through cultural barriers as well. The movies are classics of the wildly imaginative independent Scottish island of Hegg. But the press will not be so easily story of two-African-American kids from Harlem who move to cinema that flourished in lower Manhattan from the late 1970s shaken, and the couple has to take more drastic measures to Park Avenue with a wealthy white widower (Conrad Bain) to the 1990s, but they were hard to find - until now. This ensure their privacy. Enter local girl Katie (Kelly MacDonald and his teenage daughter (Dana Plato) not only gave special 2-disc collector’s edition features four of Driver’s ,Boardwalk Empire, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: audiences lots to laugh about but gave them something to talk critically acclaimed cult hits, including Sleepwalk, You Are Part 2), who’s selected as a decoy bride to lure the press off about for eight amusing seasons. Not I, When Pigs Fly, The Bowery. the trail. But when Katie meets James, sparks fly, dresses get Comedy, Family min. Collections, Comedy, Director / Writer Box ruined and suddenly love gets complicated. Featuring an all- Shout Factory 17.07.2012 Sets, Drama, Fantasy 227min. star cast, The Decoy Bride is a charming romantic comedy about the pratfalls of finding true love. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110151 New Video DVD 22.05.2012 Romance, Comedy, Drama 2011 89min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110126 MPI 26.06.2012 Dirty Old Town 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110077 The Bowery becomes a nexus of shattered dreams when a Clint Eastwood: 35 Films 35 Years merchant has 72 hours to pay his rent. Facing extinction, his ramshackle tent of antiquities lures a troop of misfits, freaks At Warner Bros. (DVD + Book) The Decoy Bride (Blu-ray) and renegades who form a tableaux full of carnival pageantry, Clint Eastwood, John Cusack, Bernadette white lies and victimless crime in a fleeting glimpse of Kelly Macdonald, Alice Eve, David Tennant Downtown New York. Peters, Jack Thompson, John McIntire, Kyle When the wedding of internationally famous film star Lara Eastwood, Donald Sutherland, Tommy Lee (Alice Eve, Men In Black III, Sex and the City 2) to English Comedy, Crime 2012 77min. author James (David Tennant, Doctor Who) is sabotaged by a Microcinema DVD 29.05.2012 Jones, Kevin Spacey, Timothy Carhart paparazzo, they decide to relocate the event to the remote 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110259 Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood has touched generations of Scottish island of Hegg. But the press will not be so easily filmgoers for over half a century. The five-time Academy

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Award winner has made an indelible mark as one of possibly one of the most controversial and offensive Nikkatsu to get her back Dom searches everywhere, hoping to reunite Hollywood’s most iconic actors and insightful directors. In films ever made. Ryu (Murakuni Shohei), a sinister transfer with his one true love. Belgium-based trio Dominique Abel, honor of Eastwood’s long standing 35 year relationship with student with a dark past, sexually assaults his way through Fiona Gordon and Bruno Romy follow their acclaimed Iceberg Warner Bros. through Malpaso Productions, this definitive his nubile female classmates to his ultimate conquest, the and Rumba with this wonderful candy-colored romp. collection celebrates Eastwood’s entire filmography at the leggy athletic champ and class president Misa (Asami Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Romance studio from Where Eagles Dare (1968) through Invictus Ogawa). Tadao, a fellow classmate, is also in love with Misa (2009) all packaged in an elegant giftset. Also included is a and wants to take her virginity for himself. The big Eros High 2011 94min. documentary about Eastwood’s life and career produced by School track meet is happening soon. Will these two boys Kino Video 17.07.2012 esteemed film critic and historian Richard Schickel, featuring ruin her chance of winning? What strange secret is Misa 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110173 in-depth interviews and revealing, intimate footage never- hiding from everyone? Why is Ryu prancing around in a before-seen. 1. Where Eagles Dare, 1968 2. Kelly’s Heroes, banana hammock with a pet pig? Perhaps the biggest question 1970 3. Dirty Harry, 1971 4. Magnum Force, 1973 5. The is, how can something so wrong feel so good? Eros School: Fall Into Me Enforcer,1975 6. The Outlaw Josey Wales, 1976 7. The Feels So Good goes further than most in trumping itself in Gauntlet, 1977 8. Every Which Way but Loose, 1978 9. outrageousness. By the film’s end, your jaw will be on the Heidi Fellner, Ron Menzel Bronco Billy, 1980 10. AnyWhich Way You Can, 1980 11. floor and your eyes will be popping out of your head at what Steven Jacobs (Ron Menzel) is a school bus driver nursing a Honkytonk Man, 1982 12. Firefox, 1982 13. Sudden Impact, you’ve just watched on your television screen. You’ll broken heart. Then he meets Maria (Heidi Fellner), a 1983 14. City Heat, 1984 15. Tightrope,1984 16. Pale Rider, discover, at Eros High School, no one is safe from the beautiful hospital volunteer. When an unexpected chain of 1985 17. Heartbreak Ridge, 1986 obscenity... not even the pig. events convinces Maria that Steven has a rare disease, he sees this as his one opportunity to spend time with her and Space, Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Erotica, Foreign, High School, Japanese encourages the misconception. But how long will it be before Comedy, Crime, Documentary, Drama, Thril- 1977 67min. his ill-advised ploy catches up to him? Fall Into Me. lers, War, Western min. Impulse Pictures 12.06.2012 Romance, Comedy, Drama 2006 85min. Warner Bros. 15.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110117 FilmWorks 17.07.2012 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110380 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110256 Evan Almighty (Blu-ray) Elvira’s Movie Macabre: Giant Morgan Freeman, Steve Carell, John Fallen (Blu-ray) Monsters Multi-Feature Goodman, Lauren Graham, Wanda Sykes, Denzel Washington, John Goodman, Donald Elvira: Mistress of the Dark is back with a frightfully funny John Michael Higgins, Jimmy Bennett Sutherland multi-feature presentation featuring four monstrous horror and Evan Almighty is a comedy you for all ages that „you don’t A pair of Chicago detectives apprehend a serial killer. B-movie classics, teeming with giant lizards and prehistoric want to miss“ (Kim Griffis, NBC-TV. are being dropped on his However, after the killer is convicted and executed, a new beasts. doorstep, animals of every shape and size are flocking to him series of murders done in the late killer’s peculiar style begin , Werewolves, Dracula, Horror two by two, and his self-absorbed life goes from overnight to turn up, potentially implicating one of the detectives. 336min. success to almighty mess! It’s a great time for everyone! Crime, Detectives, Drama, Serial Killers, Comedy, Fantasy, Religion/Spirituality 2007 E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 Thrillers 1998 124min. 96min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110339 Warner Bros. 14.08.2012 Universal Studios 07.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110244 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110312 Ernest’s Wacky Adventures: Volume 1 Father Dowling Mysteries: The Extraterrestrial Second Season Linda Kash, Jim Varney, Tom Butler, Ron A man wakes up in a beautiful woman’s bed just as an alien James invasion begins. Now, he has to face a deserted city, a Mary Wickes, Tracy Nelson, Tom Bosley Everyone’s favorite know-it-all neighbor, the beloved Ernest jealous ex-boyfriend, an eccentric neighbor and possibly the An amiable, inquisitive Chicago priest moonlights as a P. Worell (Jim Varney), is remembered by all thanks to his end of the world. detective and is assisted by a rather worldly, lock-picking endearing and goofy caricature as portrayed in his popular Science Fiction, Alien Invasions, Aliens, nun. films, commercials, public service announcements, and much Comedy, Drama 2011 90min. Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Religi- more. Sit back and enjoy some of his wackiest adventures! on/Spirituality 1990 min. Ernest joins the Army reserves so he can drive the big rigs, E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 but ends up being sent into combat where he ends up having 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110366 Paramount Pictures 10.07.2012 one of the wackiest adventures of his life! Ernest becomes a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110073 new adventurer along with his pal Abner where they unearth a huge cannon reputed to contain the crown jewels of England. Fairly Legal: Season One The Boston Globe calls it, „The best of the series“! See Sarah Shahi, Michael Trucco, Baron Father’s Day (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Ernest in some of his best moments from several of his famous bo) (Blu-ray) commercials and public service announcements. You’ll also be Vaughn treated to his wackiest bloopers and outtakes. Ernest is back Newly-minted mediator Kate Reed’s (Sarah Shahi, The L Adam Brooks with more great moments in commercials, bloopers, behind- Word) innate understanding of human behavior, thorough legal The urban legend known as ‘The Father’s Day Killer’ began the-scenes looks, and special surprises! knowledge and wry sense of humor make her a natural when it some years after the demise of serial rapist/murderer Chris Screwball, Sketch Comedy, Comedy, Family comes to conflict resolution. Except when it comes to her own Fuchman. Since the 1970s, the use of contraceptives has life. Kate’s skills are really put to the test as she solves tripled in North America alone and a generation of fathers fell 290min. unconventional cases while balancing her complicated asleep with the covers pulled tight, buttocks clenched. The Image Ent. 05.06.2012 relationships with her stepmother (Virginia Williams, How I story has become a fire-side cautionary ritual on camping 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110121 Met Your Mother), who also happens to be her boss, and the trips, often used by fathers to warn their sons of the dangers Assistant District Attorney (Michael Trucco, Battlestar of unplanned pregnancy. That deep seeded fear of penetration, Galactica), who is also her soon-to-be ex-husband. This 3- violation and eventually death waned as the murder and rape Ernest’s Wacky Adventures: disc set features all 10 Season One episodes of the smart and of fathers continued to decline all over the world. entertaining drama that critics call „instantly likable“ (USA Unfortunately those numbers didn’t remain low, and it would Volume 2 Today). seem that the legend is not yet complete. Sarah Chalke, Linda Kash, Jim Varney, Will USA Network, Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / 2011 99min. Sasso, Coke Sams Legal Issues, On The Job 2011 146min. CAV 12.06.2012 Everyone’s favorite know-it-all neighbor, the beloved Ernest Universal Studios 05.06.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110300 P. Worell (Jim Varney), is remembered by all thanks to his 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110048 endearing and goofy caricature as portrayed in his popular films and skits. Sit back and enjoy some of his wackiest Finding Mr. Destiny adventures! Ernest goes back to school in order to obtain a The Fairy high school diploma and save his job. Will he be the „Class Gong Yoo Clown“ or „Class Brain“? Seems obvious, but maybe not so. . Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon, Bruno Romy Looking for your long-lost first love? Call the First Love . Ernest’s next wacky adventure takes him to Africa where he A charming adventure about a hotel clerk who falls in love Agency! He’s fussy, organized, and honest to a fault. When must save the girl of his dreams from a group of diamond with a fairy who grants him three wishes. After the first two Gi-joon (Gong Yoo, Coffee Prince) is fired from his job, he smugglers after giving her an unsuspecting yo-yo made of wishes come true, she mysteriously disappears. Determined opens the First Love Agency, a one-man organization priceless diamonds he stumbled upon. Ernest becomes a to get her back Dom searches everywhere, hoping to reunite dedicated to helping others find their long-lost first loves. basketball star after an angel bearing an uncanny with his one true love. Belgium-based trio Dominique Abel, She’s independent and feisty. Stage director Ji-woo (Lim Soo- resemblance to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gives him a pair of Fiona Gordon and Bruno Romy follow their acclaimed Iceberg jung, I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK) is dragged to the First magic sneakers. Ernest finds his old family album and we are and Rumba with this wonderful candy-colored romp. Love Agency by her father, who is convinced she won’t get treated to a series of skits starring his family members. Romance, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French married because she isn’t over the handsome stranger she met during a long-ago vacation in India. With a name and the dates Screwball, Sketch Comedy, Comedy, Family 2011 94min. of her trip as their only clues, can Gi-joon and Ji-woo work 320min. Kino Video 17.07.2012 together to find her first love? Or will they discover that Image Ent. 05.06.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110159 destiny has some surprises in store for them? 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110123 Romance, Comedy, Foreign, Korean The Fairy (Blu-ray) 112min. BayView Entertainment 17.07.2012 Eros School: Feels So Good Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon, Bruno Romy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110204 Asami Ogawa A charming adventure about a hotel clerk who falls in love Impulse Pictures presents Eros School: Feels So Good, with a fairy who grants him three wishes. After the first two wishes come true, she mysteriously disappears. Determined

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The Flowers Of War two logical adults, right? Not so much. They soon realize Goldberg P.I. romantic comedy stereotypes might exist for a reason. Christian Bale, Atsuro Watabe, Paul Comedy, Romance, Sexy Comedies 2011 Jackie Mason, Antony Del Rio Schneider min. Jackie Goldberg (Jackie Mason) is coming to the end of his From internationally celebrated director Zhang Yimou (Ju career as a Miami private detective; in debt, out of luck and Dou, Raise The Red Lantern, Hero, House Of Flying Sony Pictures Home Entertainment down in the dumps, that is until fate brings him an unlikely Daggers) comes a story of love and war. The dangerous 02.12.2011 partner: 16 year old Mateo Rodriguez. Jackie and Mateo streets of throw together a group of opposites - a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110309 embark on a journey to exonerate Mateo’s mother and bring flock of shell-shocked schoolchildren, a dozen seductive the bad guys to justice— while still having enough time for courtesans, and a renegade American (Academy Award® some action with the ladies, a little nosh and a life lesson or winner Christian Bale, The Fighter, The Dark Knight) posing Friends With Kids two. Goldberg P.I. is an hilarious comedy packed with plot as a priest to save his own skin, or so he thinks - all seeking twists and turns and a star studded cast including Lin Shaye safety behind a walled cathedral. Trapped by marauding , Megan Fox, Maya Rudolph, (Detroit Rock City, Insidious, There’s Something About soldiers, over the next few days the prejudices and divides Kelly Bishop, Jennifer Westfeldt, Edward Mary), Audrey Landers (Dallas, A Chorus Line), Mario between them will fall away as they unite around a last-ditch Burns, Adam Scott, Jon Hamm, Jennifer Cantone (Sex In The City), Steven Bauer (Scarface. Comedy, Detectives 2011 93min. plan to protect the children from impending catastrophe. Westfeldt, Jennifer Westfeldt, Jennifer War, Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2011 Ltbx FilmWorks 17.07.2012 Westfeldt DTS 142min. Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph and Jon Hamm star alongside 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110255 Lionsgate 10.07.2012 Jennifer Westfeldt and Adam Scott in is a daring and hilarious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110037 ensemble comedy about a close-knit circle of friends whose Good Deeds lives change once they have kids. The last two singles in the group (Westfeldt and Scott) observe the effect that kids have Tyler Perry, Jamie Kennedy, Thandie New- The Flowers Of War (Blu-ray) had on their friends’ relationships and wonder if there’s a ton, Gabrielle Union, Rebecca Romijn, better way to make it work. When they decide to have a child Christian Bale, Atsuro Watabe, Paul together - and date other people, their unconventional Phylicia Rashad, Beverly Johnson, Brian Schneider ‘experiment’ leads everyone in the group to question the White, Eddie Cibrian From internationally celebrated director Zhang Yimou (Ju nature of friendship, family and, above all, true love. Also Tyler Perry stars as a successful and wealthy businessman Dou, Raise The Red Lantern, Hero, House Of Flying starring Chris O’Dowd, Megan Fox and Edward Burns, who has always done what’s expected of him... until he meets Daggers) comes a story of love and war. The dangerous Friends With Kids delivers the laughs and the heart from a single mother who inspires him to live the life he’s always streets of Nanjing throw together a group of opposites - a beginning to end! wanted. flock of shell-shocked schoolchildren, a dozen seductive Romance, Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Romance, African Americans, Comedy, courtesans, and a renegade American (Academy Award® winner Christian Bale, The Fighter, The Dark Knight) posing Marriage Woes 2012 DD 5.1 107min. Drama 2012 Ltbx DD 5.1 110min. as a priest to save his own skin, or so he thinks - all seeking Lionsgate 17.07.2012 Lionsgate 12.06.2012 safety behind a walled cathedral. Trapped by marauding 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110359 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110098 soldiers, over the next few days the prejudices and divides between them will fall away as they unite around a last-ditch plan to protect the children from impending catastrophe. Friends With Kids (Blu-ray) Good Deeds (Blu-ray + Digital Chinese, Drama, Foreign, War 2011 Ltbx Kristen Wiig, Megan Fox, Maya Rudolph, Copy) (Blu-ray) DTS 142min. Kelly Bishop, Jennifer Westfeldt, Edward Tyler Perry, Jamie Kennedy, Thandie New- Lionsgate 10.07.2012 Burns, Adam Scott, Jon Hamm, Jennifer ton, Gabrielle Union, Rebecca Romijn, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110065 Westfeldt, Jennifer Westfeldt, Jennifer Phylicia Rashad, Beverly Johnson, Brian Westfeldt White, Eddie Cibrian The FP Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph and Jon Hamm star alongside Tyler Perry stars as a successful and wealthy businessman In a dystopian future, a relentless turf war rages. Two rival Jennifer Westfeldt and Adam Scott in is a daring and hilarious who has always done what’s expected of him... until he meets gangs feud for control of rural wasteland Frazier Park (The ensemble comedy about a close-knit circle of friends whose a single mother who inspires him to live the life he’s always FP) in the deadly arena of competitive dance-fight video game lives change once they have kids. The last two singles in the wanted. „Beat-Beat Revelation.“ After hometown hero BTRO is slain group (Westfeldt and Scott) observe the effect that kids have Comedy, Drama, African Americans, on the dance platform by thug leader L Dubba E, his protégé had on their friends’ relationships and wonder if there’s a younger brother JTRO (Jason Trost) goes into isolation, better way to make it work. When they decide to have a child Romance 2012 Ltbx DD 5.1 110min. vowing never to duel again. One year later, The FP is in together - and date other people, their unconventional Lionsgate 12.06.2012 ruins, and JTRO must find the courage to return and restore ‘experiment’ leads everyone in the group to question the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110113 order in a ruthless battle for revenge that can only leave one nature of friendship, family and, above all, true love. Also man dancing. From the producers of Paranormal Activity and starring Chris O’Dowd, Megan Fox and Edward Burns, featuring narration by James Remar (The Warriors), The FP Friends With Kids delivers the laughs and the heart from The Great Killing is a fury of fierce footwork, triumphant montages and neon beginning to end! street wear that Moviefone calls „a rare ready-made cult hit.“ Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Marriage Mikijiro Hira, Yoshio Inaba, Toru Abe Action, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dancing, Woes, Romance 2012 DTS 107min. Samurai, Action, Drama, Foreign, Japanese Gangs 2011 82min. Lionsgate 17.07.2012 1964 118min. Image Ent. 19.06.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110374 E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110187 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110340 Girls Gone Dead The FP (Blu-ray) Six beautiful high school friends reunite for spring break The Haunting Of Whaley House In a dystopian future, a relentless turf war rages. Two rival during their freshman year of college, only to find that a Lynn Lowry, Leigh Davis gangs feud for control of rural wasteland Frazier Park (The sadistic killer wielding a medieval axe has targeted them to be When a tour guide breaks into America’s Most Haunted FP) in the deadly arena of competitive dance-fight video game his victims. House, a bit of amateur ghost hunting with friends turns into „Beat-Beat Revelation.“ After hometown hero BTRO is slain Serial Killers, Thrillers, Comedy, Horror more horror than they could have ever imagined. on the dance platform by thug leader L Dubba E, his protégé 2012 104min. Haunted Houses, Horror 2012 90min. younger brother JTRO (Jason Trost) goes into isolation, vowing never to duel again. One year later, The FP is in E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Asylum Home Entertainment 31.07.2012 ruins, and JTRO must find the courage to return and restore 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110368 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110034 order in a ruthless battle for revenge that can only leave one man dancing. From the producers of Paranormal Activity and featuring narration by James Remar (The Warriors), The FP The Glades: The Complete Se- The Haunting Of Whaley House is a fury of fierce footwork, triumphant montages and neon cond Season (Blu-ray) street wear that Moviefone calls „a rare ready-made cult hit.“ Action, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dancing, Kiele Sanchez, Carlos Gomez, Matt Lynn Lowry, Leigh Davis Gangs 2011 82min. Passmore When a tour guide breaks into America’s Most Haunted Matt Passmore is back as Jim Longworth - a Chicago House, a bit of amateur ghost hunting with friends turns into Image Ent. 19.06.2012 detective who relocates to South Florida - in the compelling more horror than they could have ever imagined. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110192 and wryly humorous second season of The Glades. When Haunted Houses, Horror 2012 min. he’s not hitting the links, Longworth is haunted by old ghosts, Asylum Home Entertainment 31.07.2012 facing an intriguing caseload of baffling homicides. Amid Friends With Benefits (Blu-ray) mobsters, NASCAR drivers, bootleggers, and sideshow 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110062 Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Woody freaks, everyone is a suspect. Meanwhile, Jim and Callie’s fledgling relationship is threatened when her husband is Heathers / The Boys Next Door / Harrelson, Patricia Clarkson, Jenna Elfman, released from prison and an old flame reappears. And Jim will Richard Jenkins, Bryan Greenberg need a lot more than good looks and devilish charm when a Tuff Turf (Triple Feature) Dylan (Justin Timberlake) is done with relationships. Jamie final standoff leaves Callie’s life in jeopardy. Charlie Sheen, Winona Ryder, Kim Ri- (Mila Kunis) decides to stop buying into the Hollywood Action, Adventure, Fox 2011 565min. chards, Robert Downey Jr., Christian clichés of true love. When the two become friends they decide 20th Century Fox 10.07.2012 to try something new and take advantage of their mutual Slater, James Spader attraction - but without any emotional attachment. Physical 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110234 The Heathers rule Westerburg High School and Veronica pleasure without the entanglements. Sounds easy enough for Sawyer (Winona Ryder) is so fed up with them and the entire

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA peer pressure cooker. J.D. (Christian Slater), a mysterious - her personal life. Riveting and refreshingly unique, In Plain science to turn animal life forms into human-like beasts who and possibly psychotic - motorcycle-riding newcomer Sight also stars Frederick Weller, Paul Ben-Victor and threaten not only Moreau’s island laboratory, but ultimately all convinces her that they should rid Westerburg of its bad Nichole Hiltz, and features phenomenal guest stars including mankind! apples, but their teen angst produces a serious and mounting Bradley Whitford (), Joshua Malina (The Classics, Horror 1996 96min. body count. Shannen Doherty co-stars in this cruelly West Wing) and Lesley Ann Warren (Desperate hilarious dark comedy, which became one of the biggest cult Housewives). Experience the excitement in this three-disc New Line Home Entertainment 24.07.2012 classics of the ’80s. The Boys Next Door (1985, Rated R, 91 set containing all 13 episodes of the critically acclaimed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110143 Minutes): Bo (Charlie Sheen) has trouble talking to girls. Roy series’ fourth season. Hiding in plain sight was never so Alston (Maxwell Caulfield) is filled with an uncontrollable much fun. rage. On the weekend of their high-school graduation, the two USA Network, Crime, Drama, Independent Jean Gremillon During The suburban outcasts head for Los Angeles and embark on a Occupation: Eclipse From The violent murder spree that shocks the nation. But these young Women, Mystery 2011 min. men are neither hardened criminals nor foaming-at-the-mouth Universal Studios 05.06.2012 Criterion Collection maniacs. They are simply The Boys Next Door. Tuff Turf. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110049 Michele Morgan, Jean Debucourt, Jean Thrillers, Triple Feature, Action, Comedy, Gabin, Charles Vanel, Pierre Brasseur Crime, Drama, High School 309min. The Inbetweeners: The Complete Though little known outside of France, Jean Grémillon is a Image Ent. 12.06.2012 consummate filmmaker from his country’s golden age. A 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110170 Series classically trained violinist who discovered cinema as a Marooned in suburbia, four adolescent boys navigate the young man when his orchestra was hired to accompany silent minefields of life with their hormones at full blast. Though the movies, he went on to make almost fifty films-which ranged iCarly: The Complete 4th Season young lads try to convince the world they are sophisticated, from documentaries to avant-garde works to melodramas with sexy human beings, their obsession with girls and cheap major stars-in a career that started in the mid-1920s and Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, booze is actually a cringe-inducing look at the humiliations of didn’t end until the late 1950s. Three of his richest films came Nathan Kress teenage life. during a dire period in French history: Remorques, starring Hold your sauce - Freddie and Sam are officially together! British, Comedy, Foreign, Friendships 2008 Jean Gabin, was begun in 1939 but finished and released You won’t want to miss all the comedic ups-and-downs of this after Germany invaded France, and Lumière d’été and Le ciel crazy relationship. Also this season, Carly starts dating a 432min. est à vous were produced during the occupation. These are super smart guy, Nora returns in a 2-part episode, the crew E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 character-driven dramas that reveal either a society on the gets a visit from a VIP, and lots more to make you LOL! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110370 precipice of doom or people breaking free of societal Comedy, Family, Friendships, Nickelodeon limitations; humane, entertaining, and technically brilliant, 2011 264min. they show Grémillon to be one of cinema’s true hidden The Incredible Mr. Limpet (Blu- masters. Jacques Prévert cowrote this atmospheric tale of the Nickelodeon 10.07.2012 romantic trials of a tugboat captain, played by the iconic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110074 ray) French star Jean Gabin. For André and the other members of Don Knotts, Carole Cook, Jack Weston, the Cy Romance, Action, Boxed Sets, Criterion In Darkness , Larry Keating „Fun Family Movie!“ -The Entertainment Weekly Guide To The Collection, Drama, Foreign, French, High Kinga Preis Gosia Bednarek, Agnieska Greatest Movies Ever Made. Hailed as one of the greatest Seas 301min. Grochowska, Maria Schrader, Benno films of all time, The Incredible Mr. Limpet is a story about the wonders of imagination and the triumph of the spirit. Live- Criterion 24.07.2012 Furmann, Herbert Knaup action and 2-D animation combine to tell the story of a man 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110046 From acclaimed director Agnieszka Holland, In Darkness is who longs to be a fish after he is classified by the Navy as an based on a true story. Leopold Socha, a sewer worker and F4 - „too small and too weak to be a soldier.“ When his dream petty thief in Lvov, a Nazi occupied city in Poland, one day of being a fish becomes a reality, Henry uses his underwater Jeff Who Lives At Home encounters a group of Jews trying to escape the liquidation of prowess to become the Navy’s strongest secret weapon. the ghetto. He hides them for money in the labyrinth of the Susan Sarandon, Judy Greer, Jason Segel, town’s sewers beneath the bustling activity of the city above. Classics, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, High Ed Helms What starts out as a straightforward and cynical business Seas, War 1963 99min. Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his arrangement turns into something very unexpected, the Warner Bros. 07.08.2012 mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when unlikely alliance between Socha and the Jews as the he spends the day with his brother as he tracks his possibly enterprise seeps deeper into Socha’s conscience. The film is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110142 adulterous wife. also an extraordinary story of survival as these men, women Art House, Comedy, Drama 2011 83min. and children all try to outwit certain death during 14 months of Intruders ever increasing and intense danger. Paramount Pictures 19.06.2012 Polish, War, World War II, Crime, Drama, Clive Owen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110345 Though no one can see him, Hollow Face lurks in the corners, Foreign, 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 desperately desiring love but only knowing how to spread 144min. fear and hate. He creeps into the life of John Farrow (Clive Jeff Who Lives At Home (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Owen) after Farrow’s beloved 13-year-old daughter Mia (Ella Susan Sarandon, Judy Greer, Jason Segel, Purnell) is assaulted in their home. The line between the real 12.06.2012 and the imaginary blurs as fissures start to open within the Ed Helms 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110036 family unit. It seems that no security measure can keep Hollow Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his Face out. From visionary filmmaker Juan Carlos Fresnadillo mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when (28 Weeks Later, the upcoming Highlander reboot), Inturders he spends the day with his brother as he tracks his possibly In Darkness (Blu-ray) is the chilling story of two children living in different adulterous wife. Kinga Preis Gosia Bednarek, Agnieska countries, each visited nightly by a faceless being who wants Comedy, Drama, Art House 2011 83min. Grochowska, Maria Schrader, Benno to take possession of them. Paramount Pictures 19.06.2012 Thrillers, Horror 2011 100min. Furmann, Herbert Knaup 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110348 From acclaimed director Agnieszka Holland, In Darkness is Millennium Entertainment 17.07.2012 based on a true story. Leopold Socha, a sewer worker and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110235 Jesus Henry Christ petty thief in Lvov, a Nazi occupied city in Poland, one day encounters a group of Jews trying to escape the liquidation of Toni Collette, Michael Sheen, Jason the ghetto. He hides them for money in the labyrinth of the Intruders (Blu-ray) Spevack town’s sewers beneath the bustling activity of the city above. Clive Owen A ten year-old boy-genius, who was artificially conceived What starts out as a straightforward and cynical business Though no one can see him, Hollow Face lurks in the corners, inside a Petri-dish, embarks on a search for his biological arrangement turns into something very unexpected, the desperately desiring love but only knowing how to spread father with his single mom and a Post-it notes-obsessed unlikely alliance between Socha and the Jews as the fear and hate. He creeps into the life of John Farrow (Clive university professor. enterprise seeps deeper into Socha’s conscience. The film is Owen) after Farrow’s beloved 13-year-old daughter Mia (Ella Comedy 2012 95min. also an extraordinary story of survival as these men, women Purnell) is assaulted in their home. The line between the real and children all try to outwit certain death during 14 months of and the imaginary blurs as fissures start to open within the E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 ever increasing and intense danger. family unit. It seems that no security measure can keep Hollow 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110342 Crime, Drama, Foreign, Holocaust, Polish, Face out. From visionary filmmaker Juan Carlos Fresnadillo War, World War II 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (28 Weeks Later, the upcoming Highlander reboot), Inturders is the chilling story of two children living in different Joe + Belle 144min. countries, each visited nightly by a faceless being who wants Joe + Belle is a funny and romantic new lesbian feature Sony Pictures Home Entertainment to take possession of them. boasting a great story, a whimsically dark comic sensibility 12.06.2012 Horror, Thrillers 2011 100min. and stellar performances. Writer-director-star Veronica Kedar shines as Joe - a laid-back dope dealer full of magnetic 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110063 Millennium Entertainment 17.07.2012 charisma. Sivan Levy is Belle - a forlorn yet irresistibly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110252 sensual crazy girl who attaches herself to Joe and refuses to In Plain Sight: Season Four let go. The two women first meet when Belle breaks into Joe’s house, then become an unlikely team when they accidentally Mary McCormack, Frederick Weller The Island Of Dr. Moreau: shoot a guy - twice! - and must figure out how to get rid of the Mary McCormack stars as tough, smart and sexy U.S. Unrated Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) body and escape the authorities. They go on the lam together, Marshal Mary Shannon who works for the Witness Protection and surprisingly fall in love amidst car chases, rocket bombs Program (WITSEC). Putting her life on the line as she Fairuza Balk, Val Kilmer, Marlon Brando falling and other surprising misadventures. relocates and protects both innocent people and ruthless Val Kilmer and Academy Award winner Marlon Brando star in Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Gay / criminals, Mary struggles to find a balance between work and this fantastic sci-fi thriller. Dr. Moreau uses the key of

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Lesbian Interest, Israeli 80min. The Kunoichi Andre Wilms, Aki Kaurismaki, Aki Wolfe Video 03.07.2012 Rina Takeda Kaurismaki 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110302 As the long, brutal and bloody war between the Iga and Koga In this warmhearted comic yarn from Aki Kaurismäki (The ninja wages on, it is the women of the rival clans who pay the Match Factory Girl), fate throws the young African refugee heaviest price. The kunoichi must fight alongside their fathers Idrissa (Blondin Miguel) into the path of Marcel Marx (La vie John Carter and brothers, they must bury their sons and their husbands, de bohème’s André Wilms), a kindly bohemian who shines Willem Dafoe, Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins and when captured themselves, are denied an honorable death shoes for a living, in the French harbor city Le Havre. With and instead reduced to sex slaves for the purpose of slaking inborn optimism and the support of most of his tight-knit From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton community, Marcel stands up to the officials doggedly (Best Animated Film, Walle-E, 2008) comes John Carter — a the savage and twisted desires of their former foes. But when Iga warriors Shimotsuki and Hyotsu kidnap four Koga women, pursuing the boy for deportation. A political fairy tale that sweeping action-adventure set on the mysterious and exotic exists somewhere between the reality of contemporary France planet of Barsoom (Mars). Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’s they soon learn that killing the beautiful ninja girl Kisaragi would have been a far wiser course of action. For a kunoichi and the classic French cinema of the past, especially the classic novel, John Carter is a war-weary, former military poetic realist works of Jean Duvivier and Marcel Carné, Le captain who’s inexplicably transported to Mars and is never unarmed, even when naked, and Kisaragi is deadlier than most. Rising martial arts superstar and Japanese Karate Havre is a charming, deadpan delight and one of the Finnish reluctantly becomes embroiled in an epic conflict. It’s a world director’s finest films. on the brink of collapse, and Carter rediscovers his humanity champion Rina Takeda explodes into action as prey becomes when he realizes the survival of Barsoom and its people rests the hunter in The Kunoichi! Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, in his hands. Stunning special effects, great characters and Ninjas, War, Action, Foreign, girl power, Foreign, French 2011 93min. villains — and complete with extraordinary bonus features — Japanese, Martial Arts 2011 65min. Criterion 31.07.2012 John Carter is a heroic and inspirational adventure that will thrill you beyond imagination. Section23 Films 24.07.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110042 Science Fiction, Space, Action, Adventure, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110085 Disney, Fantasy, Military 2012 132min. Le Havre: The Criterion Disney / Buena Vista 05.06.2012 Ladda Land Collection (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110276 Thai, Foreign, Horror 117min. Andre Wilms, Aki Kaurismaki, Aki Millennium Entertainment 07.08.2012 Kaurismaki John Carter (Blu-ray + DVD Com- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110133 In this warmhearted comic yarn from Aki Kaurismäki (The Match Factory Girl), fate throws the young African refugee bo) (Blu-ray) Idrissa (Blondin Miguel) into the path of Marcel Marx (La vie Willem Dafoe, Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins The Last Days Of Disco: The de bohème’s André Wilms), a kindly bohemian who shines From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) shoes for a living, in the French harbor city Le Havre. With (Best Animated Film, Walle-E, 2008) comes John Carter — a inborn optimism and the support of most of his tight-knit sweeping action-adventure set on the mysterious and exotic Chloe Sevigny, Robert Sean Leonard, community, Marcel stands up to the officials doggedly planet of Barsoom (Mars). Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Mackenzie Astin, Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer pursuing the boy for deportation. A political fairy tale that classic novel, John Carter is a war-weary, former military Beals, Tara Subkoff, Jaid Barrymore, exists somewhere between the reality of contemporary France captain who’s inexplicably transported to Mars and and the classic French cinema of the past, especially the reluctantly becomes embroiled in an epic conflict. It’s a world Matthew Ross, Matt Keeslar, Michael poetic realist works of Jean Duvivier and Marcel Carné, Le on the brink of collapse, and Carter rediscovers his humanity Weatherly, Burr Steers, David Thornton, Havre is a charming, deadpan delight and one of the Finnish when he realizes the survival of Barsoom and its people rests Chris Eigeman director’s finest films. in his hands. Stunning special effects, great characters and The Last Days Of Disco is a clever, comic return to the Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, villains — and complete with extraordinary bonus features — nighttime party scene in early Eighties Manhattan from Foreign, French 2011 93min. John Carter is a heroic and inspirational adventure that will director Whit Stillman (Metropolitan). At the center of the Criterion 31.07.2012 thrill you beyond imagination. film’s roundelay of revelers are the icy Charlotte (Kate Disney, Fantasy, Military, Action, Beckinsale) and the demure Alice (Chloe Sevigny), by day 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110069 Adventure, Science Fiction, Space 2012 toiling as publishing house assistants and by night looking for romance and entertainment at a premier, Studio 54-like club. Leverage: The 4th Season 132min. The Last Days Of Disco. Disney / Buena Vista 05.06.2012 Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Timothy Hutton, Gina Bellman, Christian 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110311 Historical / Period Piece, Art House 1998 Kane The stakes have never been higher in this all-new season of 113min. Leverage, the thrilling crime drama that puts you at the heart John Carter 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- Criterion 24.07.2012 of the action. Timothy Hutton returns as Nate Ford, now more ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110067 determined than ever to fight injustice with the help of his elite team of crack con artists. ray) Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery 2011 Willem Dafoe, Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins The Last Of England 792min. From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton One of Derek Jarman’s most personal and innovative films, 20th Century Fox 17.07.2012 (Best Animated Film, Walle-E, 2008) comes John Carter — a The Last of England is a devastating vision of 80s Britain. sweeping action-adventure set on the mysterious and exotic Images of war and urban decay are intercut with Jarman’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110322 planet of Barsoom (Mars). Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’s own childhood home movies, creating a shocking yet beautiful classic novel, John Carter is a war-weary, former military and poetic film with a much praised soundtrack. A powerful Life (Blu-ray) captain who’s inexplicably transported to Mars and and haunting work from one of Britain’smost creative reluctantly becomes embroiled in an epic conflict. It’s a world filmmakers. Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence on the brink of collapse, and Carter rediscovers his humanity Science Fiction, Apocalyptic Future, Cult Fast talking Rayford Gibson (Eddie Murphy) and the when he realizes the survival of Barsoom and its people rests Film / TV, Drama 1988 87min. conservative Claude Banks (Martin Lawrence) are in his hands. Stunning special effects, great characters and accidentally teamed up to become the funniest „odd couple“ villains — and complete with extraordinary bonus features — Kino Video 24.07.2012 east of the Mississippi. In an effort to pay off Ray’s debt and John Carter is a heroic and inspirational adventure that will 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110160 restore Claude’s reputation, they travel south on a bootleg- thrill you beyond imagination. ging run for some quick cash. There is no limit to their comical Disney, Fantasy, Military, Action, misfortune as they are placed at the scene of a crime and their The Last Of England (Blu-ray) mistaken identity lands them right in front of the judge. This Adventure, Science Fiction, Space 2012 One of Derek Jarman’s most personal and innovative films, hysterical comedy gives a whole new meaning to friends for 132min. The Last of England is a devastating vision of 80s Britain. life. Disney / Buena Vista 05.06.2012 Images of war and urban decay are intercut with Jarman’s Comedy, Crime, Drama, Odd Couples 1999 own childhood home movies, creating a shocking yet beautiful 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110310 and poetic film with a much praised soundtrack. A powerful 109min. and haunting work from one of Britain’smost creative Universal Studios 24.07.2012 Kids Go To The Woods... Kids Get filmmakers. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110138 Science Fiction, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Dead Apocalyptic Future 1988 87min. The Liquidator It’s Casey’s (Leah Rudick) birthday and to celebrate, she and Kino Video 24.07.2012 her friends are headed to a cabin in the woods for a wild Vinnie Jones weekend of sex, drugs and partying. A crazed killer (Joseph 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110174 Campellone) has other plans for them and it’s up to Casey’s Russian, Thrillers, Action, Foreign 2011 younger brother Scott (Andrew Waffenschmidt), aided by a 97min. mysterious novel that seems to spell out their fate, to find their The Layover: Season 1 Millennium Entertainment 07.08.2012 only hope of survival. „Kids Go To the Woods... Kids Get Anthony Bourdain Dead“ brings back the classic slasher flick complete with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110134 horny teenagers, worthless cops, a crazy war vet and a 2011 430min. masked killer. Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 Lone Wolf McQuade (Blu-ray) Slasher, Comedy, Horror 2009 85min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110266 , Chuck Norris, L.Q. Jones, Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Barbara Carrera, Leon Isaac Kennedy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110391 Le Havre: The Criterion Martial arts master Chuck Norris () takes on Collection kung fu king David Carradine (Kung Fu) in this modern-day western/action adventure that packs a wallop! An

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„unabashedly action-oriented and skillfully crafted film“ (The To signal his arrival, he orders a hit on Vetter. Though the Collection (Blu-ray) Hollywood Reporter), Lone Wolf McQuade is simply „a thrill agent narrowly escapes with his life, his beautiful wife machine“ (L. A. Herald-Examiner)! Legendary renegade Texas (Jacqueline Obradors, TV’s NYPD Blue) is killed in the Carolyn Farina, Chris Eigeman, Edward Ranger J.J. McQuade (Norris) is fierce with his gun - but crossfire. Vowing revenge, Vetter strikes a deal for Clements lethal with his black belt! When his teenage daughter’s life is information on the elusive Diablo and sets out to deliver his One of the great American independent films of the 1990s, the threatened by hijackers attempting to steal a truck full of own harsh brand of street justice in this taut, action-packed surprise hit Metropolitan by writer-director Whit Stillman weapons and ammunition, the job becomes personal for thriller. (Damsels in Distress) is a sparkling comedic chronicle of a McQuade. Uncovering a colossal arms-struggling outfit that Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Drama, middle-class young man’s romantic misadventures in New is selling guns and ammo to terrorists all over the world, Action, Revenge, Thrillers 2003 105min. York City’s debutante society. Stillman’s deft, literate McQuade come face to face with its kingpin, Rawley Wilkes dialogue and hilariously highbrow observations earned this (Carradine) - a world-renowned martial arts expert who has New Line Home Entertainment 14.08.2012 first film an Academy Award nomination for best original never lost a battle! Does the Ranger have what it takes to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110245 screenplay. Alongside the wit and sophistication, though, lies save his daughter and his honor - or has he finally met his a tender tale of adolescent anxiety. match, and ultimately his demise? Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama 1990 Classics, Cult Film / TV, Martial Arts, Action : Complete Series 99min. 1983 107min. Pack Criterion 24.07.2012 MGM / UA 17.07.2012 Heather Locklear, Linden Ashby, Alyssa 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110068 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110347 Milano, Lisa Rinna, Kelly Rutherford, Jamie Luner, Brooke Langton, Thomas Calabro, Midnight Movies: Volume 1 - Hor- The Lord Of The Rings: The Moti- Rob Estes, Andrew Shue, Jack Wagner, on Picture Trilogy - Extended David Charvet ror Triple Feature A nighttime soap opera about the lives, careers, trials and Daria Nicolodi, Andrea Occhipinti, Bernice Editions (Blu-ray) tribulations of a group of young people living in an apartment Stegers Ian Holm, Viggo Mortensen, Elijah Wood, Ian building in the trendy neighborhood of Melrose Place. The Bruno is hired to compose the music for a new horror movie McKellen, Sean Austin, , Liv show was a spin off of Beverly Hills 90210 and starred and rents an isolated villa to concentrate on his work. But Heather Locklear as the scheming Amanda Woodward, head when several beautiful young women are brutally murdered Tyler, Christopher Lee, Sean Bean, of her own advertising agency and owner of the apartment within the house, Bruno becomes obsessed with solving the Weaving, Andy Serkis, Orlando Bloom, Billy building. savage crimes. Is a clue to the killer’s identity hidden within Boyd, Dominic Monaghan min. the film itself, or is there a more horrifying secret lurking deep The Quest Is Over: All 3 Extended Versions in Dazzling Paramount Pictures 31.07.2012 in the dark? In this horrific tale of murder, madness and 1080p and DTS HD-MA 6.1 Audio. Deluxe 15-Disc Set 478,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110335 perverse passion, a New Orleans wife and mother carries on Includes 9 Special Features DVDs with over 26 Hours of a torrid affair behind her family’s back. But when a violent Spellbinding Behind-the-Moviemaking Material Including the accident leaves her lover dead, the woman returns from a Rare Costa Botes Documentaries. With the help of a Melrose Place: The Final Season mental institution determined to pursue her forbidden desires. courageous fellowship of friends and allies, Frodo embarks Has she found a ghastly new way to satisfy her lust, or is on a perilous mission to destroy the legendary One Ring. In - Volume 1 sexual depravity all in the head? When a family moves into a the middle chapter of this historic movie trilogy, the Heather Locklear, Linden Ashby, Alyssa home with a shocking secret, their lives become a nightmare Fellowship is broken but its quest to destroy the One Ring of homicidal hallucinations as their young son begins to continues. The final battle for Middle-earth begins. Frodo and Milano, Lisa Rinna, Kelly Rutherford, Jamie communicate with the spirits of the dead. Remodeled in Sam, led by Gollum, continue their dangerous mission toward Luner, Brooke Langton, Thomas Calabro, madness and painted in blood, they soon discover that the fires of Mount Doom in order to destroy the One Ring. Rob Estes, Andrew Shue, Jack Wagner domestic bliss can be murder - when home is where the horror Boxed Sets, Epics, Family, Fantasy, is. Drama, Fox, Romance, Soap Opera 1998 Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Triple Fea- Adventure, AFI Top 100 681min. 802min. ture, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Italian 291min. New Line Home Entertainment 22.05.2012 Paramount Pictures 31.07.2012 Blue Underground 31.07.2012 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110375 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110333 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110194

Madame Bovary Melrose Place: The Final Season Midnight Movies: Volume 2 - We- Eileen Atkins, Hugh Bonneville, Heidi Tho- - Volume 2 mas, Tim Fywell stern Triple Feature Based on the Gustave novel by the same name. Heather Locklear, Linden Ashby, Alyssa Franco Nero, Fabio Testi TV Movies, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Milano, Lisa Rinna, Kelly Rutherford, Jamie Yodlaf Peterson (Franco Nero of Keoma) is a suave Swedish Luner, Brooke Langton, Thomas Calabro, arms dealer with a love for fast money. Vasco (Tomas Milian Romance 2000 152min. of Traffic) is a trigger-happy Mexican bandit with a hate for Warner Bros. 03.07.2012 Rob Estes, Andrew Shue, Jack Wagner suave Swedish arms dealers. But when the two team up to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110350 A nighttime soap opera about the lives, careers, trials and kidnap a professor who holds the key to a fortune in gold, tribulations of a group of young people living in an apartment they find themselves hunted by the American army, stalked by building in the trendy neighborhood of Melrose Place. The a marijuana-crazed sadist (Academy Award winner Jack Malevolo show was a spin off of Beverly Hills 90210 and starred Palance) and trapped in the middle of a revolution about to Heather Locklear as the scheming Amanda Woodward, head explode. Can these two enemies blast their way across Lou Diamond Phillips, Kari Wuher, Steven of her own advertising agency and owner of the apartment Mexico together without killing each other first? Having Bauer building. survived a vigilante slaughter, four hard-luck strangers - A maverick cop under routine investigation for a job-related Drama, Fox, Romance, Soap Opera 1998 gambler Stubby Preston (Fabio Testi of The Big Racket), a shooting finds himself being set up as the prime suspect in a 754min. pregnant prostitute (Lynne Frederick of Schizo), the town killing spree. Paramount Pictures 31.07.2012 drunk (Michael J. Pollard of Bonnie And Clyde) and a madman Crime, Drama min. who sees dead people (Harry Baird of The Oblong Box) - 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110334 escape into the lawless frontier. But when they meet a Echo Bridge Home Entertainment sadistic bandit named Chaco (Tomas Milian of Run Man Run), 12.06.2012 the four are plunged into a nightmare of torture, brutality and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110301 Mercenary For Justice (Blu-ray) beyond. In a land that screams with the pain of the damned, Steven Seagal, Vivian Bieldt, Jacqueline can four los Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mamitas Lord, Verity Price, Luke Goss, Michael K. Williams, Roger Guenveur Smith, Adrian Foreign, Gamblers, Gambling, Italian, Veronica Diaz, E.J. Bonilla Revenge, Triple Feature, Western 345min. Two Latino youths from different backgrounds form a life- Galley, Langley Jack Kirkwood, Bruce changing friendship in the heartfelt coming-of-age film. Young Blue Underground 31.07.2012 Romance, Drama, Friendships 2011 108min. It’s Time To Fight Again. Soldier of fortune John Seeger 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110195 (Steven Seagal) is the best in the business...the business of Screen Media Films 17.07.2012 kicking a**! When you’re a mercenary, there’s always going 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110223 to be casualties, but no job is too treacherous for Seeger, Midnight Movies: Volume 3 - Ac- who’s blackmailed into orchestrating an impossible prison tion Triple Feature break, leading a team of heavily-armed soldiers on a deadly A Man Apart (Blu-ray) mission to South Africa to rescue the son of a billionaire arms Franco Nero, David Hemmings, Fabio Testi Vin Diesel, Larenz Tate, Jacqueline dealer. But, when Seeger finds out he’s been double-crossed, Fabio Testi (Revolver) stars as Inspector Nico Palmieri, a Obradors, Timothy Olyphant, Steve Eastin, it’s payback time, and now there’s going to be hell to pay! tough police detective tearing apart Rome to bust a ruthless Crime, Drama, Fighting, Kidnapping, Martial protection racket. But when these violent thugs expand their Geno Silva empire into drugs, rape and murder, Nico throws away the When they took his love...they took his life. Now, he’s out to Arts, Action, Prison, Revenge, Thrillers rulebook to unleash his own brand of justice. In a city ruled get it back. Vin Diesel (XXX, The Fast and the Furious) 2005 91min. by fear, there’s a fine line between cop and criminal - and one explodes as volatile DEA agent Sean Vetter, a former LA gang 20th Century Fox 10.07.2012 lawman is about to blast it to pieces! Fabio Testi (Contra- member whose street smarts have made him the ideal band) stars as a cold-blooded cop gone deep undercover to undercover narcotics officer. Together with partner Demetrius 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110251 take down an international drug syndicate. But when a hair- Hicks (Larenz Tate, Biker Boyz), Vetter succeeds in taking trigger Interpol agent (David Hemmings of Blow-Up, Deep down the Mexican cartel’s top drug lord. A ruthless new Metropolitian: The Criterion Red and Gladitor fame) joins the investigation, the case takes trafficker named Diablo takes control of the cocaine empire. a deadly detour into sexual depravity and sudden violence.

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Can two tough detectives trapped in a criminal underworld collect a three-million-dollar inheritance in this third mind- Payne, Vanessa Williams, Chris Rock, now stay alive long enough to ignite a citywide massacre? boggling epic from cult director Doris Wishman! Wesley Snipes The legendary Franco Nero (of Django and Die Hard 2 fame) Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Erotica, Ac- stars as Carlo Antonelli, an average citizen until the day he is Where survival depends on friends, trust and power...An brutally beaten during a violent robbery. But when the police tion, Triple Feature 221min. organized crime family out to run this city is up against cops drop the case and the suspects remain free, Carlo is pushed Image Ent. 03.07.2012 who know its streets.. Nino Brown is an American success beyond his breaking point. Now one man wil story, an entrepreneur who’s found the ultimate cash crop: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110373 crack. Nino thinks he’s untouchable but he’s wrong: a handful Thrillers, Triple Feature, Action, Cops, of street-smart cops are determined to bring him down. Crime, Drama, Gangs 302min. My Way Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Gangs, Blue Underground 31.07.2012 Action, Drama, Foreign, Korean, War Action 1991 101min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110196 137min. Warner Bros. 14.08.2012 Well Go USA 24.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110246 Midnight Movies: Volume 4 - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110282 Thriller Triple Feature Nightwatch Ingrid Thulin, George Lazenby, Lino My Way (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Ewan McGregor, Nick Nolte, Brad Dourif, Capolicchio (Blu-ray) Lauren Graham, Patricia Arquette, Josh When a young college professor (Lino Capolicchio of The Brolin House With Laughing Windows) returns home to visit his Drama, Foreign, Korean, War, Action This edge-of-your-seat suspense thriller stars Ewan Catholic priest brother (Craig Hill of Dracula Vs Franken- 137min. McGregor (Trainspotting, Big Fish) as Martin, a cash- stein), prominent members of the community begin to be Well Go USA 24.07.2012 strapped law student who took the wrong part-time job. stalked and slaughtered by an unknown killer. Can the Martin’s peaceful graveyard shift at the city morgue fast brothers uncover the identity of this deranged fiend, even 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110315 becomes a time of terror when a serial killer begins wreaking while they are being tortured by their own nightmares of an havoc... and leaving behind clues pointing to Martin’s guilt! unspeakable childhood trauma? The corpse of reporter Mysteries At The Museum: Also starring Patricia Arquette (TV’s Medium), Nick Nolte Gregory Moore (Jean Sorel of Lizard In a Woman’s Skin) is (Warrior) and Josh Brolin (True Grit, Men In Black III), found in a Prague plaza and brought to the local morgue. But Season 2 Nightwatch is a stylishly original motion picture that leads Moore is actually alive, trapped inside his dead body and Jay Thomas, Don Wildman you on a shocking series of twists and turns. desperately recalling how the mysterious disappearance of Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, his beautiful girlfriend (Barbara Bach of The Spy Who Loved 2011 430min. Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Horror 1997 Me) led to a terrifying conspiracy of depravity. Can a reporter Gaiam Americas 03.07.2012 with no visible signs of life solve this perverse puzzle before Ltbx DD 5.1 99min. he meets his ultimate deadline? The life of a Venice sculptor 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110261 (former James Bond George Lazenby of On Her Majesty’s Lionsgate 03.07.2012 Secret Service) is torn apart when his visiting young 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110268 daughter (Nicoletta Elmi of Deep Red and Twitch Of The Mystery Men (Blu-ray) Death Nerve) is found m Ben Stiller, William H. Macy, Janeane Nina: Crazy Suicide Girl Mystery, Thrillers, Triple Feature, Foreign, Garofalo, Greg Kinnear, Geoffrey Rush, Action, Horror 2012 80min. Horror, Italian 300min. Wes Studi, Lena Olin, Tom Waits, Claire Allegro Entertainment 26.06.2012 Blue Underground 31.07.2012 Forlani, Hank Azaria, Eddie Izzard, Paul 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110240 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110197 Reubens, Kel Mitchell They’re Not Your Average Superheroes.. The hippest cast in Midnight Son history has united to become the funniest superhero team Off Limits: Season 1 ever. Ben Stiller, Janeane Garofalo, Hank Azaria, William H. Arlen Escarpeta, Tracey Walter, Larry Macy, Greg Kinnear, Geoffrey Rush, and Paul Reubens join Don Wildman Cedar forces in this wild, funny and thoroughly original 2011 516min. misadventure. When Captain Amazing, Champion City’s Gaiam Americas 10.07.2012 Romance, Thrillers, Vampires, Adventure, legendary superhero, falls into the hands of the evil madman Crime, Drama, Horror 2011 92min. Casanova Frankenstein and his disco-dancing henchmen, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110260 Image Ent. 17.07.2012 there’s suddenly a chance for the aspiring superheros to show what they can do. They’re the Mystery Men... a ragtag P.O.E.: Poetry Of Eerie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110352 team of superhero wannabes featuring: Mr. Furious, whose power comes from his boundless rage; The Shoveler, a father Luca Canonici, Laura Gigante The Monitor who shovels „better than anyone“; The Blue Raja, a fork- Fifteen international film directors are given a challenge. To flinging mama’s boy; The Bowler, who fights crime with the direct a short film based on a classic tale of terror from Edgar Noomi Rapace, Kristoffer Joner, Henrik help of her father’s skull; The Spleen, whose power is pure Allan . The catch: Little or no budget and only Three days Rafaelsen flatulence; Invisible Boy, who’s only invisible when no one’s in which to film their story. The results will astound an amaze After escaping an abusive husband, Anna and her 8-year-old watching and the Sphinx, a cliché-spewing philosopher. With you! Some of the classic tales include The Black Cat, The Tell son move to a secret location in a giant apartment building. its outrageous adventure, incredible cast and hip alternative Tale Heart, The Crow and Gordon Pyn. DVD includes still Terrified that her ex-husband will find them, she buys a baby humor, Mystery Men is so irresistibly funny and appealing, photo gallery and bonus short story. Directors include: monitor to keep in her son’s room at all times. But strange seeing it jus Simone Barbetti, Angelo Capasso, Manuela Sica, Yumiko Itou noises echo in the baby monitor from elsewhere in the Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Based On Comic and more. building. As she witnesses the sounds of what she believes is Book, Superheroes 1999 122min. Thrillers, Adventure, Crime, Horror 2011 another child being murdered, she fears it is her own. 112min. Reliving the nightmare she recently escaped, Anna will need Universal Studios 24.07.2012 to figure out what’s real and what isn’t before she loses her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110139 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 sanity and her child. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110387 2011 DD 5.1 96min. Necessary Roughness: Season Lionsgate 24.07.2012 One Profane 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110321 Profane dramatizes with documentary methods and Marc Blucas, Scott Cohen, Patrick Johnson psychedelic imagery.“-The Boston Phoenix „The heroine, a Dr. Dani Santino (Callie Thorne, Rescue Me) seems to have Jordanian immigrant, works contentedly as a dominatrix but The Moon Embracing The Sun it all figured out: she’s got a beautiful home, a successful wants to reconnect with her Muslim ; scenes of her lurid Fantasy, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, husband, two great kids, and a satisfying career as a career alternate with a sweet subplot in which she befriends psychotherapist. But when she catches her husband cheating, a religiously devout Middle Eastern cabdriver. Though International TV, Korean, Romance Dani’s perfect world begins to unravel, and she is forced to certainly not for the squeamish, the movie is a striking story 1400min. find a way to keep her family, her finances and her sanity of life in the Arab diaspora...“—Chicago Reader. Mountain Apple Company 22.05.2012 intact. Luckily, a chance encounter leads to an offer with the Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Exploitation local pro football team and a chance to show off her 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110323 counseling skills. Before she can say „Hail Mary,“ Dani 2011 78min. becomes the most sought-after therapist on Long Island. The Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Chesty Morgan’s Bosom Buddies series also stars Marc Blucas (Buffy, The Vampire Slayer), 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110389 Mehcad Brooks (True Blood) and Scott Cohen (Gilmore (Blu-ray) Girls). Tackling issues has never been so entertaining as it is here with all twelve Season One episodes presented Radio Rebel Sandra Kay, Chesty Morgan, Harry Reems, uninterrupted on three discs. OK! Magazine raves, Saul Meth, Frank Silvano, Richard Towers „Necessary Roughness is a feisty, fun good time.“ Debby Ryan The eye-popping, excessively endowed Chesty Morgan USA Network, Drama 2011 min. Tara Adams (Debby Ryan: Jessie, The Suite Life on Deck) is attacks the mob with two of the most incredible Deadly just an ordinary high school junior... except for one little Weapons ever seen on the motion picture screen: her 73-inch Universal Studios 05.06.2012 thing. Tara’s got a secret - a secret identity, in fact; she’s breasts! Chesty then returns as Double Agent 73, who busts 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110050 Radio Rebel, the most popular radio DJ in Seattle. In person, up a drug ring with the aid of a camera implanted in one of her Tara is as shy as they come, but on the air, Radio Rebel is breasts. But the camera is also a time bomb making her boob... the smoothest talker around - a skill she needs more than ever well, booby trapped! Finally, The Immoral Three are the three New Jack City (Blu-ray) right now, since her school is in the midst of a clique-crisis. daughters of a spy mom who must avenge her death in order to Judd Nelson, Mario Van Peebles, Allen Radio Rebel gives voice to all kids, popular and unpopular

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 42 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA alike, and questions the status quo, to the chagrin of her Number school’s administration. Now, with the principal hot on the trail of Radio Rebel’s true identity, and mean girl Stacy Sanctuary: The Complete Fourth When Max the Magician (guest star Will Arnett) comes to coming between her and cute boy Gavin, Tara must decide Season (Blu-ray) Sesame Street, Elmo and his friends are excited for a fun between keeping her identity a secret, or being true to herself magic show! Max makes a scarf appear and cards disappear - and risk losing everything. Robin Dunne, Amanda Tapping, Agam and Elmo, Big Bird and Rosita are amazed, but Chris points out what Max is really doing is subtraction and addition. This TV Movies, Comedy, Drama, Family, High Darshi, Ryan Robbins, Christopher funny story highlights these math areas and is followed by the School 2012 min. Heyerdahl rest of a full hour episode complete with additional math and Image Ent. 19.06.2012 Amanda Tapping returns as Dr. Helen Magnus in the amazing number films as well as favorite segments such as Elmo’s fourth season of the hit Syfy series, promising bigger myths World, Murray Had A Little Lamb and The Adventures of Bert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110188 and greater surprises than ever before. and Ernie. Then enjoy another full hour of Sesame Street Canadian, Foreign, International TV, featuring a second math centric story Hat Day where Elmo Rags To Riches: The Complete and Zoe have a zany contest to see who can wear the most Mystery, Science Fiction 2011 572min. hats! Kids will laugh and learn along as Elmo and Zoe must Series E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 count, estimate and even count by fives. Who will win? This 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110376 second story is also followed by the rest of a full hour Tisha Campbell, Joseph Bologna episode including the fun spoof 30 Rocks which has a Before Glee, there was TV favorite Rags To Riches. When counting theme. And if there wasn’t enough hat hilarity, Elmo’s millionaire Nick Foley (Joseph Bologna) learns that his public The Saphead: Ultimate Edition World Hats is included as a bonus extra! „playboy“ image could impede a highly profitable company merger he’s trying to negotiate, he adopts five orphan girls Buster Keaton, Edward Connelly, Beulah Family, Preschool, Sesame Street min. (including Martin’s Tisha Campbell). Now, bachelor Nick Booker, Edward Jobson Warner Bros. 10.07.2012 must struggle between his time-consuming business In his first starring role (and the film that launched his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110132 commitments and the girls’ need for a real father. Set in the career), Buster Keaton stars in The Saphead as Bertie Van early 60s, the cast performs musical numbers from the period Alstyne, the spoiled son of a powerful Wall Street financier. which further the story lines of each episode. Episodes: , Unable toescape the wealth and comfort that are foisted upon Shaft (Blu-ray) High Society, Foley vs. Foley, First Love, Business Is Busi- him, he pursues individuality in a series of comic ness, Patty’s Mom, Bad Blood, Born to Ride, Vegas Rock, Richard Roundtree, Moses Gunn misadventures in the speakeasies of New York, at the altar of Richard Roundtree plays the smart, tough, confident lead, a Once in a Lifeguard, That’s Cheating, Wilderness Blues, matrimony, and even on the floor of the American stock Dear Diary, Hunk in the House, Marva in the Key of Cee, private investigator whose hunt for a kidnapped woman puts exchange. The Saphead was instrumental in establishing him in the middle of feuding syndicates. Gordon Parks directs Beauty and the Babe, Russian Holiday, A Very Foley Keaton as a bona fide star and greatly influenced his Christmas, Guess Who’s Coming to Slumber?, Sweet Sixteen from a screenplay that Ernest Tidyman (that same year’s formulation of the Buster persona: a lonely, stone-faced soul Oscar winner for The French Connection) co-scripted from Comedy, Dancing, Drama, Family, Musical thwarted by circumstance yet undauntedly resourceful and his own novel. John Shaft is an icon of change from an era of 1987 1100min. indefatigable in his struggle for love and survival within a change. Today, Shaft still tells it like it is. Image Ent. 05.06.2012 chaotic world. Crime, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Hostage Classics, Comedy 1920 77min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110136 Crisis, Action, , Music, Natio- Kino Video 10.07.2012 nal Film Registry, Thrillers 1971 100min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110163 Romeo Must Die (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 14.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110248 Jet Li, Aaliyah, Delroy Lindo, DMX, Isaiah The Saphead: Ultimate Edition Washington, Russell Wong They’ve got the weapons. They’ve got the posses. And (Blu-ray) The Smurfs (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) they’ve got no chance against former cop Han Buster Keaton, Edward Connelly, Beulah (Blu-ray) Sing. Gravity-warping martial arts, cool visual effects and an Booker, Edward Jobson all-star music track combine in this revved-up action movie Neil Patrick Harris, George Lopez, B.J. from producer Joel Silver (The Matrix) and starring Jet Li In his first starring role (and the film that launched his (Lethal Weapon 4) in his first English-language lead role. Li career), Buster Keaton stars in The Saphead as Bertie Van Novak, Sofia Vergara, Jayma Mays, Katy plays rough-and-ready Han, who shares an attraction with Alstyne, the spoiled son of a powerful Wall Street financier. Perry, Hank Azaria, Alan Cumming, Trish O’Day (screen-debuting songstress Aaliyah) even Unable toescape the wealth and comfort that are foisted upon Jonathan Winters, Anton Yelchin, Kenan though their families are rivals in a fierce Oakland turf battle. him, he pursues individuality in a series of comic The two also share plenty of danger as they try to find the misadventures in the speakeasies of New York, at the altar of Thompson, Jeff Foxworthy, , real cause of the blood feud. No gun, no posse? No problem. matrimony, and even on the floor of the American stock Tim Gunn, Gary Basaraba, John Oliver With Jet Li going to war as only he can, Romeo Must Die is exchange. The Saphead was instrumental in establishing When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs alive and kicking. Keaton as a bona fide star and greatly influenced his out of their village, they tumble from their magical world and Crime, Martial Arts, Action, Thrillers 2000 formulation of the Buster persona: a lonely, stone-faced soul into ours — in fact, smack dab in the middle of Central Park. thwarted by circumstance yet undauntedly resourceful and Just three apples high and stuck in the Big Apple, the Smurfs 115min. indefatigable in his struggle for love and survival within a must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel Warner Bros. 14.08.2012 chaotic world. tracks them down. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110247 Classics, Comedy 1920 77min. Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Adventure 2011 Kino Video 10.07.2012 103min. Royal Deceit 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110176 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Helen Mirren, Kate Beckinsale, Brian Cox, 10.07.2012 Christian Bale, Gabriel Byrne Second-Story Man 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110392 His quest for vengeance... may cost him everything.. In this Revenge, Crime, Drama 2011 95min. saga, a young prince (Christian Bale- The Dark Knight) looks Osiris Entertainment 26.06.2012 Sound Of Noise on as his father is murdered and feigns madness to spare his life. He devises a plan to regain his rightful throne, but as his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110225 Tone-deaf police officer Amadeus Warnebring was born into a merciless plot unfolds, it becomes unclear to what extend he musical family with a long history of famous musicians. is willing to go- even putting his mother (Helen Mirren - The The Secret Diaries Of Miss Anne Ironically, he hates music. His life is thrown into chaos when Queen) and his young bride (Kate Beckinsale- Underworld) a band of renegade musicians decides to perform a musical in harm’s way! In swirl of unforgettable events, the prince is Lister apocalypse using the city as their orchestra. Reluctantly, forced closer to the fine line between vengeance and insanity. Warnebring embarks on his first musical investigation. Susan Lynch, Anna Madeley, Maxine Peake Music, Romance, Thrillers, Comedy, Crime , Adventure, British, Drama, Maxine Peake stars in a profoundly moving drama based on Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Medieval the real diaries of Anne Lister: a landowning woman who 2010 102min. Times 1994 S 85min. defied the conventions of her 19th century life to great Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.06.2012 scandal... for Anne was a lesbian. Her affair with ‘soul mate’ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110053 Lionsgate 10.07.2012 Marianna Belcombe keeps society guessing but when it is 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110166 announced that Marianna is to be married to the older, corpulent and wealthy Charles Lawton, Anne is distraught. David E. Talbert’s A Fool And His And so she begins a string of relationships. But while Ann is Sanctuary: The Complete Fourth a proud, strong and supportive partner in a time when Money Season lesbianism just isn’t tolerated, can Anne’s feelings for her Cindy Herron Braggs, Eddie Griffin, Michael ever match those she has for Marianna? Set in the small, elite Robin Dunne, Amanda Tapping, Agam world of high society, The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister Beach is an inspiring story of ‘the first modern lesbian.’ You’ll laugh till it hurts in this heartwarming tale of a down- Darshi, Ryan Robbins, Christopher on-their-luck family that wins a radio contest for a million Heyerdahl BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian dollars. Now it seems everybody wants a piece of their new Amanda Tapping returns as Dr. Helen Magnus in the amazing Interest, Historical / Period Piece, Interna- found fortune, including a long lost uncle played masterfully fourth season of the hit Syfy series, promising bigger myths tional TV 2010 91min. by comedian Eddie Griffin. You’ll be rich with love and and greater surprises than ever before. Warner Bros. 03.07.2012 laughter in this must-see musical for the entire family! Canadian, Foreign, International TV, African Americans, Comedy, Family, Musi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110349 Mystery, Science Fiction 2011 572min. cal, Plays On Stage, Religion/Spirituality E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 2011 min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110372 Sesame Street: Elmo’s Magic Image Ent. 05.06.2012

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110120 motivation on the journey challenges Jim’s trust in the entire Knight crew. This is an exciting and atmospheric new take on the Pull up a seat and brace yourself for a fantastic voyage definitive pirate action adventure of reckless buccaneers, into...The Twilight Zone! This collection of 19 classic Tanya X: The Complete First buried fortunes and a friendship forged in peril on the high episodes from Rod Serling’s legendary series featured some Season seas. of Hollywood’s biggest names and are filled with twists and TV Movies, Action, Adventure, Family, High turns that will take you beyond the deepest realms of Monique Parent, Beverly Lynne, Christine Seas, Historical / Period Piece, Pirates, imagination! Night of the Meek Nothing in the Nguyen, Randy Spears Swashbucklers 2012 180min. Dark Time Enough at Last The Monsters are Due on Maple Join Secret Agent Tanya X, aka The Girl from B.I.K.I.N.I., as Street Nightmare at 20,000 Feet The Odyssey of Flight 33 Mr. she embarks on a 12 episode adventure filled with danger, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 24.07.2012 Dingle the Strong Two A Passage for Trumpet The Four of Us suspense and sex as she’s back...on her back...again! A 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110148 are Dying Long Distance Call I Sing the Body Electric The shorter feature-length version of these episodes aired on Lonely Probe 7 - Over and Out Showtime, , and The Movie Channel but now you can Classics, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, own the Complete and Uncut 1st Season adventures of Tanya Treasure Island (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Thrillers min. X! Starring Beverly Lynne, Christine Nguyen, Monique Eddie Izzard, Stewart Harcourt, Steve Parent, Kylee Nash. Image Ent. 05.06.2012 Barron 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110171 Comedy, Drama, Erotica 2010 min. Young Jim Hawkins is the only one who can successfully get Retromedia 24.07.2012 a schooner to a legendary Island known for buried treasure. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110289 But aboard the ship is a mysterious cook named John Silver The Twilight Zone: The Complete (Emmy winner Eddie Izzard, The Riches), whose true motivation on the journey challenges Jim’s trust in the entire Series (Blu-ray) Thousand Day Promise crew. This is an exciting and atmospheric new take on the Burgess Meredith, Art Carney, Dennis How do you love when you can’t remember? The hit Korean definitive pirate action adventure of reckless buccaneers, Weaver, Jack Klugman TV drama series Thousand Day Promise breaks hearts quietly buried fortunes and a friendship forged in peril on the high seas. All 156 Episodes in pristine high-definition of Rod Serling’s with the unforgettable story of a young woman with early- Classic, groundbreaking series in one box set! Travel to onset Alzheimer’s disease and the man who gives up TV Movies, Family, High Seas, Historical / another dimension of sight and sound again and again through everything to stay by her side. Award-winning actress Soo Ae Period Piece, Pirates, Swashbucklers, Ac- these stellar remastered high-definition film transfers. (Two Outs Bottom of the 9th Inning, Love Letter) gives the performance of a lifetime alongside mega-star Kim Rae-Won tion, Adventure 2012 180min. Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Classics, Fantasy, (The Grand Chef, My Love Patzzi, My Little Bride). Vivendi Visual Entertainment 24.07.2012 Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction min. Drama, Foreign, International TV, Korean, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110172 Image Ent. 05.06.2012 Mental Illness, Romance 2011 1200min. 587,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110179 Mountain Apple Company 22.05.2012 The Tree Widow 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110286 Sarah is a widow with a beautiful home who takes women in The Untouchables: Complete need into her home to help them during the recession. They discover that Sarah has many men attracted to her, and they Series Pack Tied In Blood: A Bone Chilling can’t figure out why. Why would younger men, date and admire Robert Stack, Paul Picerni, Bruce Gordon, Ghost Story an older woman who walks among the trees,and loves Jesus? The answer is revealed one night at a special candlelight Abel Fernandez, Steve London, Nicholas Mystery, Drama, Ghosts, Horror 90min. dinner that changes the women’s views of sex in the city. Georgiade Allegro Entertainment 26.06.2012 Romance, Drama 60min. Thrillers, Action, Boxed Sets, Cops, Crime, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110270 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Drama 1959 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110385 Paramount Pictures 24.07.2012 Touched By An Angel: Five 490,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110327 Season Pack The Turin Horse On January 3, 1889 in Turin, Italy, Friedrich Nietzsche steps The Untouchables: Season 4 - Della Reese, Roma Downey, John Dye out of the doorway of number six, Via Carlo Albert. Not far A trio of angels Monica (Roma Downey), Tess (Della Reese), from him, a cab driver is having trouble with a stubborn horse. Volume 1 and Andrew (John Dye) are dispatched from heaven with a The horse refuses to move, whereupon the driver loses his Robert Stack, Paul Picerni, Bruce Gordon, special mission: to inspire people facing sometimes unseen patience and takes his whip to it. Nietzsche puts an end to the crossroads in their lives. Monica, an angel who at times still brutal scene, throwing his arms around the horse’s neck, Abel Fernandez, Steve London, Nicholas needs some guidance with her earthly assignments, reports to sobbing. After this, he lies motionless and silent for two days Georgiade Tess, her tough, wise and always loving supervisor. Also on on a divan, until he loses consciousness and his mind. Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime, Drama 1962 hand is Andrew, who, in addition to his duties as the Angel of Somewhere in the countryside, the driver of the cab lives with Death, now helps out as a caseworker on various his daughter and the horse. Outside, a windstorm rages. 700min. assignments. Gloria, an angel for the 21st century, continues Immaculately photographed in Tarr’s renowned long takes, Paramount Pictures 24.07.2012 to seek guidance from Monica performing her angelic duties. The Turin Horse is the final statement from a master 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110328 While the angels may not bring solutions to every problem, filmmaker. they always deliver a message of hope. Drama, Foreign, Hungarian 2011 143min. CBS, Drama, Religion/Spirituality min. Cinema Guild 17.07.2012 The Untouchables: Season 4 - Paramount Pictures 24.07.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110304 Volume 2 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110330 Robert Stack, Paul Picerni, Bruce Gordon, Abel Fernandez, Steve London, Nicholas Touched By An Angel: The Fifth The Turin Horse (Blu-ray) On January 3, 1889 in Turin, Italy, Friedrich Nietzsche steps Georgiade Season out of the doorway of number six, Via Carlo Albert. Not far Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime, Drama 1963 from him, a cab driver is having trouble with a stubborn horse. Della Reese, Roma Downey, John Dye The horse refuses to move, whereupon the driver loses his 800min. A trio of angels Monica (Roma Downey), Tess (Della Reese), patience and takes his whip to it. Nietzsche puts an end to the Paramount Pictures 24.07.2012 and Andrew (John Dye) are dispatched from heaven with a brutal scene, throwing his arms around the horse’s neck, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110329 special mission: to inspire people facing sometimes unseen sobbing. After this, he lies motionless and silent for two days crossroads in their lives. Monica, an angel who at times still on a divan, until he loses consciousness and his mind. needs some guidance with her earthly assignments, reports to Somewhere in the countryside, the driver of the cab lives with Wanderlust Tess, her tough, wise and always loving supervisor. Also on his daughter and the horse. Outside, a windstorm rages. hand is Andrew, who, in addition to his duties as the Angel of Immaculately photographed in Tarr’s renowned long takes, Jennifer Aniston, Malin Akerman, Paul Death, now helps out as a caseworker on various The Turin Horse is the final statement from a master Rudd, Justin Theroux assignments. Gloria, an angel for the 21st century, continues filmmaker. Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston star in this laugh-out-loud to seek guidance from Monica performing her angelic duties. Drama, Foreign, Hungarian 2011 146min. comedy about leaving it all behind. After George (Rudd) loses While the angels may not bring solutions to every problem, his high-stress Manhattan job, he and his wife, Linda (Anis- they always deliver a message of hope. Cinema Guild 17.07.2012 ton), hit the road and wind up crashing at Elysium, a free- CBS, Drama, Religion/Spirituality 1998 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110318 spirited community of hippies, tree-huggers and the 1242min. occasional nudist. Featuring an all-star ensemble cast including Justin Theroux, Malin Akerman and Alan Alda, Paramount Pictures 24.07.2012 The Twilight Zone: Fan Favorites Wanderlust has „more laughs than I’ve had at the movies in a 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110331 (Blu-ray) very long time.“ (Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer) Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 98min. Ron Howard, Lee Marvin, Burgess Universal Studios 19.06.2012 Treasure Island Meredith, Veronica Cartwright, Elizabeth 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110115 Eddie Izzard, Stewart Harcourt, Steve Montgomery, Agnes Morehead, Robert Barron Redford, William Shatner, Charles Bronson, Young Jim Hawkins is the only one who can successfully get Wanderlust (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- a schooner to a legendary Island known for buried treasure. Jonathan Winters, Jack Warden, Don But aboard the ship is a mysterious cook named John Silver Rickles, Art Carney, Jack Klugman, Jack tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) (Emmy winner Eddie Izzard, The Riches), whose true Weston, Claude Akins, Bill Mumy, Ted Jennifer Aniston, Malin Akerman, Paul

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Rudd, Justin Theroux 22.05.2012 Detectives, Drama, Horror 2012 DD 5.1 Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston star in this laugh-out-loud 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110061 75min. comedy about leaving it all behind. After George (Rudd) loses his high-stress Manhattan job, he and his wife, Linda (Anis- Lionsgate 10.07.2012 ton), hit the road and wind up crashing at Elysium, a free- The Woman In Black (DVD + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110095 spirited community of hippies, tree-huggers and the occasional nudist. Featuring an all-star ensemble cast UltraViolet) including Justin Theroux, Malin Akerman and Alan Alda, Daniel Radcliffe, Janet McTeer, Ciaran Zebraman Wanderlust has „more laughs than I’ve had at the movies in a Hinds, Roger Allam, Shaun Dooley Superheroes, Teachers, Action, Adventure, very long time.“ (Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer) Comedy, Foreign, Japanese 2004 115min. Comedy, Drama, Romance 2012 98min. She’ll never let go.. Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe), a widowed lawyer whose grief has put his career in jeopardy, Allegro Entertainment 26.06.2012 Universal Studios 19.06.2012 is sent to a remote village to sort out the affairs of a recently 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110274 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110137 deceased eccentric. But upon his arrival, it soon becomes clear that everyone in the town is keeping a deadly secret. Although the townspeople try to keep Kipps from learning their Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl Waves Of Lust tragic history, he soon discovers that the house belonging to his client is haunted by the ghost of a woman who is Impulse Pictures is proud to present the controversial Silvia Dionisio, Al Cliver, John Steiner determined to find someone and something she lost... and no Nikkatsu classic, Zoom Up: The Beaver Book Girl, a sexually A balmy, sun-kissed Italian version of Polanski’s Knife in the one, not even the children, are safe from her vengeance. perverse mystery set within the adult magazine industry. A Water, Waves of Lust concerns a free-wheeling young woman is brutally assaulted in an abandoned factory, and her couple, Irem and Barbara, who spend a few days on a luxury Thrillers, British, Drama, Foreign, Ghosts, assailant escapes into the darkness after dropping a wad of yacht with another couple, Giorgio a wealthy industrialist and Horror, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2012 Ltbx money. A few years later, a photographer specializing in his wife Silvia, played by John Steiner and Elizabeth Turner. DD 5.1 95min. schoolgirl panty shots meets his match when a mysterious With Giorgio completely dominating his wife and guests and femme fatale volunteers to be his new model. This woman used dishing out abuse, humiliation and degradation, it’s only a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment to be the „queen“ of the skin magazines, but she is also hiding matter of time before good manners and hospitality goes 22.05.2012 a terrible secret and may be a wanted fugitive. Will the overboard... 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110031 photographer escape her sexual grasp? Zoom Up: The Beaver Thrillers, Drama, Foreign, Italian 1975 Book Girl is a film spawned from the dark stories of 92min. Takashi Ishii, featuring women troubled by the psychological WWE: No Holds Barred effects of sexual violence. Barely staying within the E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 boundaries of Japanese censorship laws, this film will shock Joan Severance, Hulk Hogan, Kurt and surprise you. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110358 When world wrestling champion Rip Thomas (Hulk Hogan) refuses to join a competing network, an evil executive creates Erotica, Foreign, Japanese 1981 64min. John Wayne Collection (Blu-ray) a new program, „The Battle of the Tough Guys,“ where rules Impulse Pictures 12.06.2012 don’t exist and men engage in an all-out brawl for money. After 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110118 John Wayne, Marion Burns, Verna Hillie, a murdering ex-convict by the name of Zeus (Tom „Tiny“ Lucile Browne, George Hayes, Patrick Lister) comes out on top as the toughest man, an ultimate title match with Rip is the TV network’s best chance for big Wayne, Noah Beery Jr, Dennis Moore, ratings. But when Rip refuses the challenge and his brother is Leroy Mason roughed-up as a consequence, the world champion has no This exciting documentary of rare movie previews features choice but to teach Zeus a lesson in a final No Holds Barred Music The Duke — Hollywood’s toughest, two-fisted, no-nonsense fight to the finish. star — in the most action-packed, adventure-filled scenes WWE, Action 1989 min. from two dozen of his most famous films. John Wayne hits the Autopsy: Born Undead vengeance trail after the bandits who shot his father in this WWE Home Video 03.07.2012 1935 film from Robert N. Bradbury, who directed most of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110147 Death Metal, Documentary, Music min. Duke’s many early Lone Star Westerns (Texas Terror, The E1 Entertainment 08.05.2012 Trail Beyond). In this early effort, John Wayne appears with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110336 frequent co-star George „Gabby“ Hayes, and plays a lawman The Yankles stricken with grief because he believes he was responsible Brian Wimmer, Don Most, Bart Johnson for the death of his friend while chasing bandits. Agreeing to A down-and-out ex-baseball player, Charlie Jones, needs to Georges Bizet: Carmen track down a friend’s missing brother and niece, John and meet his community service hours as a coach. The problem is Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Marie Ball, the Duke heads north with the law in hot pursuit no team wants him. It takes the Yankles, an obscure orthodox after his pal Noah Beery, Jr. () is framed yeshiva baseball team desperate for a coach, to give Charlie Arts 154min. for murder along the way. John Wayne appears with one of his his second chance. A humorous match made in heaven, both Naxos 24.04.2012 favorite leading ladies, Maureen O’Hara (Rio Grande, The Charlie and the team rise to unexpected triumphs resulting in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110022 Quiet Man), in this Westernized version of The Taming of the entrance to the college world series. With the championship Shrew, produced by Wayne’s son, Michael. Cattlemen are in reach, it seems the Yankles just might need a miracle for being terrorized and shot by a ruthless bunch of de that ultimate grand slam victory. Carlos Bonell: Classical Guitar Classics, Crime, Drama, Western 486min. Sports, Baseball, Jewish 2009 116min. Performances Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.06.2012 Documentary, Guitar, Music min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110308 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110052 E1 Entertainment 08.05.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110337 Wind Blast The Yankles (Blu-ray) Action, Chinese, Foreign 114min. Brian Wimmer, Don Most, Bart Johnson Chicago In Chicago Well Go USA 03.07.2012 A down-and-out ex-baseball player, Charlie Jones, needs to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110279 meet his community service hours as a coach. The problem is The legendary band Chicago triumphantly returns to its no team wants him. It takes the Yankles, an obscure orthodox namesake town. Set against the stunning background of Lake yeshiva baseball team desperate for a coach, to give Charlie , Chicago wows a sold-out crowd at the Charter- Wind Blast (Blu-ray) his second chance. A humorous match made in heaven, both One Pavilion with an evening of hits including „Saturday in Charlie and the team rise to unexpected triumphs resulting in the Park,“ „Make Me Smile“ and „You’re the Inspiration.“ To Chinese, Foreign, Action 114min. entrance to the college world series. With the championship end the night, the hometown headliners are joined onstage by Well Go USA 03.07.2012 in reach, it seems the Yankles just might need a miracle for the Doobie Brothers for an unbelievable music encore, which that ultimate grand slam victory. includes „25 or 6 to 4“ and „Does Anybody Really Know What 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110313 Time It Is?“ Song List: Ballet for a Girl in Buchannon (Make Sports, Jewish, Baseball 2009 116min. Me Smile; So Much to Say, So Much to Give; Anxiety’s The Woman In Black (Blu-ray + Magnolia Home Entertainment 05.06.2012 Moment; West Virginia Fantasies; Colour My World; To Be 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110071 Free; Now More Than Ever), Dialogue Pt. 2, Beginnings, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Hard Habit to Break/You’re the Inspiration, If You Leave Me Daniel Radcliffe, Janet McTeer, Ciaran Now, Alive Again, Just You ‘n’ Me, Saturday in the Park, Call You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody On Me, Old Days, Hard to Say I’m Sorry/Getaway, Feelin’ Hinds, Roger Allam, Shaun Dooley Stronger Everyday. Chicago and the Doobie Brother Songs: She’ll never let go.. Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe), a Kills You Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, Free, 25 or 6 to widowed lawyer whose grief has put his career in jeopardy, Chance Kelly, Jessica Blank, Michael K. 4 is sent to a remote village to sort out the affairs of a recently Concerts, Music 2011 94min. deceased eccentric. But upon his arrival, it soon becomes Williams, James McDaniel, Michael Mosley, clear that everyone in the town is keeping a deadly secret. Jordan Carlos, Julito McCullum Image Ent. 12.06.2012 Although the townspeople try to keep Kipps from learning their Two New York City detectives have just been assigned to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110169 tragic history, he soon discovers that the house belonging to biggest homicide case their division has ever seen. They must his client is haunted by the ghost of a woman who is track down a serial killer with an appetite for some of hip- determined to find someone and something she lost... and no hop’s biggest stars. As the detectives dive into this case, they Chicago In Chicago (Blu-ray) one, not even the children, are safe from her vengeance. uncover a complex web of murder, sex and money that leads The legendary band Chicago triumphantly returns to its British, Drama, Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, them to the serial killer’s next victim. They must get to him namesake town. Set against the stunning background of Lake before the killer. Only then will they be able to catch their Michigan, Chicago wows a sold-out crowd at the Charter- Lawyers / Legal Issues, Thrillers 2012 Ltbx culprit. One Pavilion with an evening of hits including „Saturday in DTS 95min. Music, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, the Park,“ „Make Me Smile“ and „You’re the Inspiration.“ To Sony Pictures Home Entertainment end the night, the hometown headliners are joined onstage by

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the Doobie Brothers for an unbelievable music encore, which E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 includes „25 or 6 to 4“ and „Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?“ Song List: Ballet for a Girl in Buchannon (Make 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110357 G.F. : Sing-Along Messiah Me Smile; So Much to Say, So Much to Give; Anxiety’s Classical Music, Music min. Moment; West Virginia Fantasies; Colour My World; To Be Faure: Requiem (Blu-ray) Free; Now More Than Ever), Dialogue Pt. 2, Beginnings, Naxos 24.04.2012 Hard Habit to Break/You’re the Inspiration, If You Leave Me Baritone Matthias Goerne, soprano Chen Reiss and cellist 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110033 Now, Alive Again, Just You ‘n’ Me, Saturday in the Park, Call Eric Picard come together at Paris’s renowned Salle Pleyel On Me, Old Days, Hard to Say I’m Sorry/Getaway, Feelin’ for a concert of Faure’s works for chorus and orchestra. Stronger Everyday. Chicago and the Doobie Brother Songs: They are joined by the Orchestre de Paris under the baton of George Harrison: Living In The Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, Free, 25 or 6 to its new musical director, the Grammy Award-winning Material World 4 conductor Paavo Jarvi. Central to the program is Faure’s profound and graceful Requiem, which is complemented by the World Music, Biography, Documentary, Concerts, Music 2011 94min. Cantique de Jean Racine and the rarely performed psalm- Image Ent. 12.06.2012 setting Super Flumina Babylonis, all beautifully sung by the Experimental Rock, Music, Psychedelic min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110181 Choeur de L’Orchestra De Paris, and imbued with a delicate Universal - Music 01.05.2012 intensity by Jarvi. With the expressive Elegie for cello and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110285 orchestra, this is a luxurious all-Faure event. Leonard Cohen: After The Gold Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2011 Rush 99min. George Harrison: Living In The Synth Pop, Documentary, Folk, Folk Rock, Naxos 24.04.2012 Material World (Blu-ray) Music 2012 64min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110057 World Music, Documentary, Experimental E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Rock, Music, Psychedelic, Biography min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110361 Genesis: The Gabriel Years Universal - Music 01.05.2012 This is the independent critical guide to the music of Genesis 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110316 in the crucial years when the legendary Peter Gabriel was Charlie Daniels Band: Live At the frontman of the band. For many Genesis fans, the Gabriel Rockpalast years represent the very best of Genesis. As a showman Whitney Houston: One Moment In Peter Gabriel was unsurpassed, appearing in mindboggling A Lifetime 1963-2012 Charlie Daniels’ Rockpalast concert at Westfalenhalle, now masks and costumes, including the dress-clad fox and the released the first time on DVD and CD, opens with „Funky human sunflower. Whitney Houston was not only one of the greatest singers of Junky“, a sweeping and swinging song which wins the all time but an acclaimed actress, model and producer. This audience over right away. It’s not the big pose that counts but Documentary, Music, Progressive Rock brand new 2012 documentary brings you the life and times of „honest“ handmade music, staged in an unspectacular way, yet 2010 120min. this legendary icon, from her birth in 1963 all the way up to performed in a spectacular manner.It is an entertaining feast E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 her untimely death in 2012. One Moment In A Lifetime 1963 - for the ears and eyes to experience Charlie Daniels Band’s 2012 features brand new interviews with artists, producers 76 minute show which ends with a fiery nearly ten minute 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110367 and industry insiders along with never-heard before version of the country classic „Orange Blossom Special.“ exclusive songs. Although she may be gone, Whitney’s legacy Recorded in 1980. Aleksandr Glazunov: Raymonda will live on forever. Celebrate it with the One Moment In A Concerts, Country, Country Rock, Music, Lifetime 1963-2012 DVD. Ballet, Classical Music, Music, Performing Southern Rock 76min. Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, Arts 154min. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Documentary, Music, Pop Music min. Naxos 24.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110388 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110021 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110382 Death In Venice: A Dance Of Aleksandr Glazunov: Raymonda Whitney Houston: The Greatest Death By John Neumeier (Blu-ray) Ballet, Classical Music, Dancing, Music, Love Of All Ballet, Classical Music, Music, Performing Performing Arts 182min. In this film we pay tribute to one of the most gripping rags to Arts 154min. riches stories ever told. Whitney Elizabeth Houston first Naxos 24.04.2012 Naxos 24.04.2012 showed the vocal range and star quality that would soon make 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110020 her a legend in the music world. We talk to those who knew 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110054 her as „Nippy“, retrace her steps to stardom and revisit some of her most stunning performances. Whitney Houston was so Leo Delibes: Lakme Grateful Dead: All The Years much more than a performer she was blessing for all who Music, Opera, Performing Arts min. were touched by her gentle soul and kind spirit. She was truly Combine - The DVD Collection the Greatest Love of All. Naxos 24.04.2012 Biography, Documentary, Music, Pop Music Stoners, Boxed Sets, Concerts, Jam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110028 60min. Bands, Music min. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Shout Factory Music 17.04.2012 Leo Delibes: Lakme (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110292 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110099 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 143min. Naxos 24.04.2012 Inside The Music: Red Hot Chilli 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110058 Green Day: Rock Masters Collection Peppers - The Ultimate Review Alternative, Documentary, Music min. Eminem: Recharge American Idiot is the Grammy Award winning album which cemented the superstar status of Green Day and transformed E1 Entertainment 08.05.2012 Eminem is the biggest selling Hip Hop artist of all time. This the group into global superstars capable of filling the biggest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110338 brand new documentary tells the story of his career, starting stadiums on earth. Featuring concert footage and the from his debut album, „The Slim Shady LP“, all the way up reflections of the band alongside the views of a leading team until his most recent release, „Recovery“. Recharge includes of music critics and studio insiders, this is the independent Michael Jackson: The Legendary exclusive never before seen interviews with artists and critical review of the album that rocked the world... The how industry experts. This DVD is a must have collectors edition and why of American Idiot and how it works its magic. King Of Pop for any Eminem fan Alternative, Documentary, Music, Punk Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, Rock 2012 169min. Documentary, Music, Pop Music 45min. Documentary, Music, Rap min. E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110369 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110383 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110381

Merrell Fankhauser: Tiki Lounge Van Halen: The David Lee Roth Michael Jackson: The Way He - Volume 2 (DVD + CD Combo) Years Makes Them Feel Van Halen fans got the best present when the legendary Los From all over the world, meet fans of all ages, religions, Merrell Fankhauser Angeles rockers confirmed the long-standing rumor that they backgrounds, and races who found solace and inspiration The Best of the Tiki Lounge Volume 2 is the second DVD and will be reuniting for a new album and tour with original from one man - Michael Jackson. Discover the unexpected CD package of the highlights from Merrell’s Cable TV show madcap lead singer David Lee Roth. This excellent ways he influenced people’s lives beyond his power as a pop The Tiki Lounge. On this DVD and CD package you will see documentary shows you the story of Van Halen, rare star. This insightful documentary reveals how people and hear Merrell performing alongside such artists as Mary interviews and an exclusive biography. discovered him and are impacted by him, not only in his life - Ramsey of 10,000 Maniacs, and also clips from his UFO Biography, Documentary, Hard Rock, Heavy but also after his death. Their stories and sentiments will Special and the Fourth of July Special. Merrell is a legendary reveal not only an artist, humanitarian, and musical innovator, performer and artists and this release will be welcomed by the Metal, Music 50min. but simply a man, seen through the eyes of those that loved large fan base Merrell commands. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 him the most in so many diverse ways - his fans. Variety / Game Shows, Music 2011 180min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110295 Documentary, Music, Pop Music 75min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 47 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 val, this thrilling documentary features amazing performances min. by world-renowned dancers interwoven with intimate 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110296 interviews, behind-the-scenes insights, and rare archival Sony Music Video 05.06.2012 footage. Founded in the 1930s by visionary dance pioneer Ted 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110114 Mariss Jansons: Music Is The Shawn on a farm in the Berkshires, today the Pillow is an idyllic mecca for artists and audiences from around the world, Language Of The Heart And Soul a place where dance in all its forms - from ballet to jazz to Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin contemporary - is studied, created, performed and celebrated. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Classical Music, Documentary, Music Like Pina, Never Stand Still immerses us in the lives of 142min. extraordinary artists and the power of dance. Arts min. Naxos 24.04.2012 Ballet, Dancing, Documentary 2012 74min. Naxos 24.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110024 First Run Features 17.07.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110032 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110182 Mariss Jansons: Music Is The Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin Language Of The Heart And Soul Paris Opera Ballet Box Set (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Balanchine Jewels Neumeiers La Dame Aux Camelias Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Cinderella Swan Lake Arts min. Classical Music, Documentary, Music Ballet, Boxed Sets, Classical Music, Dan- Naxos 24.04.2012 142min. cing, Music, Performing Arts min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110060 Naxos 24.04.2012 Naxos 24.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110056 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110030 Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Elton John: Inside The Music Pink Floyd: Music Milestones - Ballet, Christmas, Classical Music, Dancing, Holidays, Music, Performing Arts 103min. Inside the music is the ultimate critical review of Elton John in Ummagumma concert, on record and on film. Drawing on rare television Naxos 24.04.2012 footage of Sir Elton performing live, this is the definitive Biography, Documentary, Music, Progressi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110023 retrospective assessment of one of the most dearly beloved ve Rock, Psychedelic 2012 60min. solo artists of the last 50 years. E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Documentary, Glam Rock, Music min. Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker (Blu- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110371 E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110365 Menahem Pressler: Piano Recital Ballet, Christmas, Classical Music, Dancing, Holidays, Music, Performing Arts 103min. Classical Music, Music, Piano min. Fela Kuti: Teacher Don’t Teach Naxos 24.04.2012 Naxos 24.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110055 Me Nonsense / Berliner Jazztage 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110029 ’78 (Double Feature) A huge influence on world music, Nigerian artist Fela Kuti Menahem Pressler: Piano Recital : played many instruments, pioneered afrobeat music and Moonlight Waltz Tour 2011 served as a prominent activist for human rights in Africa. This (Blu-ray) 1984 documentary examines the life and music of the Official Live DVD of the best Vampiric Metal band in the remarkable man. Using his music to raiseawareness, Kuti Classical Music, Music, Piano 89min. World filmed during their last European Tour, plus bonus live embraced social justice themes. He died in 1997 of Naxos 24.04.2012 audio cd including also the whole „Cult Of Lamia EP“ with 3 complications from AIDS. Footage from his legendary show in 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110059 brand new studio songs composed for the upcoming Cult Of Glastonbury, England, is included. (59 mins) (Documentary) Lamia Movie starring Sonya Scarlet. Amazing ltd edition Originally broadcast on German and Nigerian television, Double Hardcover book box with 40 pages booklet. Bloody Berliner Jazztage ’78 (1978) is some of the best live footage Punk Revolution NYC Awesome. , Concerts, Gothic, Heavy Metal, of Fela Kuti ever captured on film. As a headliner of the Gary Valentine, Richard Hell, The Ramones, prestigious German music festival, Fela takes the stage with Music 2011 136min. New York Dolls, The Velvet Underground, Afrika ’70 and captures the hearts of the audience with a Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 raucous, high-energy, exciting musical performance. (87mins) Suicide, Talking Heads (Concert) The Velvet Underground, The New York Dolls & The CBGBs 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110291 Concerts, Documentary, Double Features, Set. This documentary film traces the entire history of New Music 146min. York’s punk movement; the VU years, the Warhol influence, The Concerts the Dolls reign, and the handover of power to the bands who Kino Video 10.07.2012 shared the sensibilities and attitude introduced to the city by Classical Music, Music, Opera 114min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110161 Warhol and the Velvets a decade before. With the aid of Naxos 24.04.2012 performance footage, rare archive, exclusive interviews and some of the most exciting music ever recorded, this 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110072 Lydia Lunch: Road Rant programme offers an experience of these events second only Lydia Lunch to having lived through them. Features new interviews with Hans Van Manen: Private Archi- The X-rated cartoon animations of Emmy award winning Richard Hell, Suicide’s Alan Vega, Blondie’s Gary Valentine director/animator Merrill Aldighieri add a comical edge to this and many more. ves / Mix4Kids intense documentary with Lydia Lunch, a second collaboration Documentary, Music, Pop Culture, Punk, Ballet, Classical Music, Dancing, Music, after their first success, The Gun is Loaded. Highlights from 5 Punk Rock 2011 S 192min. concerts are accompanied by a live music score performed by Performing Arts 90min. composer Joe Budenholzer & horn player Terry Edwards Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Naxos 24.04.2012 (from Madness) during their travels to Marseille, Lyon, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110105 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110025 Evreux, & Nantes. Bonus clips include rare on-the road interview footage with Lydia and composer Joe B., and an exclusive reading done at the Père Lachaise Cemetary. Rihanna: Good Girl, Bad Girl Giuseppe : Don Carlos Alternative, Concerts, Music, Punk, Punk Rihanna, Ciara, Justin Bieber Classical Music, Music, Opera 155min. Rock 52min. Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, Naxos 24.04.2012 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Music, Pop Music 60min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110019 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110294 Screen Media Films 10.07.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110224 Richard Wagner: Parsifal John Mayall: The Lost Broadcasts Ever since the world premiere of Parsifal at Bayreuth on 26th Blues, Concerts, Music 2012 26min. Salvatore Sciarrino: Luci Mie July 1882, the meaning of Richard Wagner’s last opera has been widely discussed. Nikolaus Lehnhoff’s visionary staging E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 Traditrici of this emotionally charged opera reveals a masterpiece of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110343 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing existential drama about human existence. Christopher Ventris and Waltraud Meier lead an inspired cast in a high definition Arts min. recording in true surround sound. Never Stand Still: Dancing At Naxos 24.04.2012 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Jacob’s Pillow 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110026 Arts 245min. Merce Cunningham Naxos 24.04.2012 Legendary dancers and choreographers Merce Cunningham, Paul Simon: Under African Skies 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110027 Paul Taylor, Suzanne Farrell, Mark Morris, Judith Jamison and Bill Irwin appear alongside new innovators to reveal the (Blu-ray) passion, discipline, and daring of the world of dance in Never World Music, Documentary, Music 2012 Amy Winehouse: Let’s Be Frank Stand Still. Filmed at the iconic Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festi-

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1983-2011 performance, engaging the audience on such topics as sex chat rooms, killer whales and their trainers, making it rain in Amy Winehouse, the English singer/songwriter, was known Alliance Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Basic strip clubs and more. for her powerful, deep contralto vocals, with an amazing to fuse modern R&B with classic soul and jazz Techniques Comedy 2012 58min. influences. This documentary takes you on a journey through In this Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructional DVD, Master Paulo E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Amy’s life and her music career, all the way to her tragic Sergio presents the beginning Brazilian jiu-jitsu techniques 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110360 death in 2011. Let’s Be Frank also features exclusive never which form the foundation for future progression to more before heard music, only available on this DVD. Additional advanced ground-fighting techniques. In Learning Brazilian features include interviews with her father, Mitch Winehouse, Jiu-Jitsu: Basic Techniques, Paulo Sergio shows you a Anthony Bourdain Collection and fellow musicians and industry insiders, making it a must variety of techniques that are perfect for beginners who want for all Amy Winehouse fans. to learn the basics. However, this DVD is also a great Anthony Bourdain Documentary, Music 45min. refresher course for advanced students looking for a fresh Journey Far Beyond The Reals Of Food. Travel to the far take on the basics for improvement and further technique reaches of the globe with best-selling author, culinary Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 development. Topics include: postures, controls, passing the adventurer and self-proclaimed hedonist Anthony Bourdain, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110384 guard, sweeps, locks, chokes, and escapes. Paulo Sergio is a the Indiana Jones of world cuisine. Join Anthony as he 4th-dan black belt who represents the prestigious Alliance experiences the rich cultures of the people he meets in his Team. He is a six-time masters and seniors world champion travels and samples their many gastronomic delights...from Neil Young: DVD Collector’s Box and has racked up a wide array of Brazilian jiu-jitsu Swedish ligonberry sorbet to Namibian truffles and palm wine With the possible exception of Bob Dylan, Neil Young remains tournament and competition accolades in his long career. in Ghana. Come along as he nibbles caviar and goes clubbing the most respected artist in the history of contemporary music. Instructional, Martial Arts min. in Moscow, investigates rumors of cannibalism and tests Fifty years into a career that has seen him experiment with hangover antidotes in French Polynesia and so much more! If just about every musical genre to emerge thus far, and invent BayView Entertainment 03.07.2012 you’re hungry for exciting, thought-provoking adventures you a fair few of his own too, this troubadour of troubadours 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110199 won’t get anywhere else, journey with Anthony Bourdain in continues to create at a quite extraordinary rate with an this Emmy-winning series and uncover a fascinating side of energy and passion that the vast majority of his countries that many tourists never see. contemporaries lost years ago. This two disc documentary set Arizona’s Monuments Documentary 2009 min. covers the entire career of Neil Young with a enthralling The Grand Canyon State’s Most Treasured Places & Spaces. Image Ent. 05.06.2012 three hour journey into the heart of this extraordinary The Grand Canyon may be the most well-known destination in maverick. Arizona, but 18 other places in the state certainly give the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110119 Country Rock, Documentary, Experimental national park a run for its money. See Arizona’s National Monuments in this film previously enjoyed on public Brew Masters Rock, Folk Rock, Hard Rock, Music 167min. television: Agua Fria, Canyon de Chelly, Casa Grande Ruins, Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Chiricahua, Grand Canyon-Parashant, Ironwood Forest, Sam Calagione, craft beer maestro, and his team at Dogfish 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110293 Navajo, Montezuma Castle, Organ Pipe Cactus, Pipe Spring, Head Brewery travel the world - and their own backyard - Sonoran Desert, Sunset Crater Volcano, Tonto, Tuzigoot, searching for exotic ingredients and discovering ancient Vermilion Cliffs, Walnut Canyon and Wupatki. A beautiful techniques to produce beers of astounding originality. They soundtrack and interesting stories bring these spectacular also deal with funky bottles, ruthless timelines, clouds of landscapes, historic sites and natural wonders to life. See construction dust - even the quest for the right saliva. some of the most spectacular desert on the planet, including Sometimes it all comes together, sometimes it all hits the fan. Special Interest Agua Fria’s rich prehistoric sites, the sheer red cliffs of No matter what happens, Sam and team Dogfish Head put it all Canyon de Chelly, the ragged mountains and 800-year-old out there, and have a good time doing it. Be a part of their forests of Ironwood, the unusual rock formations of quest to reclaim beer’s heart and soul. Addiction (Repackage) Chiricahua, the revealing buttes and vistas of Grand Canyon- Discovery Channel, Documentary min. Several of the nation’s leading experts on drug and alcohol Parashant, the rare collection of plants in Organ Pipe Cactus, Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 addiction, together with a group of accomplished filmmakers, the magnificent cinder cone in Sunset Crater Volcano, the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110267 have assembled to create Addiction, an unprecedented majestic Vermilion C documentary aimed at helping Americans understand addiction Environmental, PBS 40min. as a treatable brain disease. It is a subject that touches all Topics Entertainment 25.05.2012 Capoeira Initiation To Acrobatics our lives. One in four Americans has a family member who is struggling with addiction. Currently, addiction affects over 22 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110047 With Bem-Te-Vi million Americans, yet under 10 percent of those individuals Designed as an initiation to „floreios“, this DVD will help you are receiving treatment. The documentary addresses different : All About Opposites master the agility techniques from a basic to an intermediate aspects of the disease in order to shed light on the most level, and then combine them together to create your own current, promising developments in the field. Through Fun For All, Big And Small. There’s nonstop fun as Barney variations as you improve your form and expertise. personal stories from addicts and the loved ones who struggle and his friends go and learn all about opposites! Everyone Instructional 70min. to help them find treatment, common misconceptions are helps Baby Bop? understand concepts like up and down, in replaced by insight into addiction’s complexity. and out, high and low. Hey Diddle Diddle, the kids see that BayView Entertainment 31.07.2012 they can be big or little but it’s what’s inside that counts! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110206 Documentary, HBO, Mental Illness, Then join in as Barney and his friends have a cool time on a Substance Abuse 86min. hot day in a pretend winter-summer wonderland learning about HBO Home Video 29.05.2012 hot and cold! There’s always Tee-riffic teaching and fun when Civilization: The West And The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110130 big dinos and small friends are around! Dinosaurs, Educational, Music, Preschool Rest WIth Niall Ferguson 2012 FF S 75min. Niall Ferguson Alien From Area 51: The Alien The West once ruled more than half the world. The religion it Lionsgate 10.07.2012 exported, Christianity, is still followed by a third of mankind. Autopsy Footage Revealed 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110093 Above all, the way people live - or aspire to live - is UFOs, Aliens, Documentary 70min. unmistakably an invention of the West. All over the world, more and more humans eat a Western diet, wear Western Allegro Entertainment 12.06.2012 The Beat Hotel clothes and live in Western housing. But are we living 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110271 1957, Paris. The Latin Quarter. A cheap no-name hotel through the beginning of the end of the West’s ascendancy? In becomes a haven for a new breed of artists struggling to free this remarkable series, Niall Ferguson explains how by themselves from the conformity and censorship of America. juxtaposing the West and ‘the Rest’, we can uncover the keys All About: Volume 1 - Eight Film Called the Beat Hotel, it soon became an epicenter of the Beat - the six killer applications - of Western ascendancy: the real Collection generation. Alan Govenar’s new documentary delves deep explanation of how, for roughly five centuries, a clear minority into this amazing place and time. Fleeing the obscenity trials of mankind managed to secure the lion’s share of the Earth´s Transportation, Family 230min. surrounding the publication of Howl, Allen Ginsberg, along resources. Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 with Peter Orlovsky and Gregory Corso, happened upon the BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, hotel in Paris’s Latin Quarter and were soon joined by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110262 William Burroughs, Ian Somerville and Brion Gysin. Run by Religion/Spirituality min. Madame Rachou, the Beat Hotel was a hotbed of creativity BBC Home Video 05.06.2012 All About: Volume 2 - Eight Film and permissiveness, where Burroughs finished Naked Lunch; 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110186 Ginsberg began his poem Kaddish; Somerville and Gysin Collection invented the Dream Machine; Corso wrote some of his greatest poems; and Harold Norse wrote a novella, aptly The Comeback Cops, Family, Firefighters, Military, Space called The Beat Hotel. British photographer Harold min. Chapman’s iconic photos and Scottish artist Elliot Rudie’s Arnold Schwarzenegger Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 drawings, interwoven with firsthand accounts, capture the Documentary 46min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110263 Beats just as they were beginning to establish themselves, Millennium Entertainment 21.08.2012 and bring The Beat Hotel to lif 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110135 Biography, Documentary 2011 82min. All About: Volume 3 - Eight Film First Run Features 17.07.2012 Collection 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110183 Comic Book Independents Robert Williams, Erik Larson, Terry Moore, Bugs, Cowboy, Dinosaurs, Family, Horses Kevin , Scott McCloud, Craig 226min. Bill Bellamy: Crazy Sexy Dirty Thompson Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 Bill Bellamy The Creative Power of Graphic Novels. Discover what it 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110264 Filmed live in Los Angeles, Bellamy gives a terrific really takes to strike out on your own and become the next big

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 49 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA name in graphic novels. Twenty-four respected creators 2011 85min. October 10, 1999: The 4-3 Huskies are trailing 25th-ranked unveil the secrets of the artistic mind, by talking about their Stanford at Husky Stadium and the Cardinal is leading 23-12 favorite medium, the lowest of low-brow arts: Comic Books. MPI 10.07.2012 in the third quarter. But UW’s junior quarterback Marques Featured Interviews: Kevin Eastman (Teenage Mutant Ninja 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110242 Tuiasosopo is about to do something no other college football Turltes),Shannon Wheeler (Too Much Coffee Man), Scott player has ever done: pass for 300 yards and rush for 200 - in McCloud (Understanding Comics), Erik Larsen (The Savage the same game to come back and win. Relive that record- Dragon), Robert Williams (Zap!), Craig Thompson Fixation setting performance and many more - from the thrilling 1981 (Blankets), Wendy Pini (Elfquest), Jim Woodring (Frank), Fixed gear cycling has become hugely popular in recent Apple Cup win and the 1977 ride to the Rose Bowl to the 1991 Tony Millionaire (Maakies) & over a Dozen More! years. In cities and towns across the nation, young and old National Championship team and Jake Locker’s finest moment Documentary, Pop Culture 2007 S 77min. are riding „fixies“ for transportation, work, sport, and just at home in 2009. See archival footage and photos, and hear pure enjoyment. Fixation captures the excitement and personal stories about what made the games in Greatest Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 popularity of this growing sport from all perspectives. While Moments at Husky Stadium so special. Plus, go behind the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110107 multiple speed bicycles are commonplace, the freedom and scenes into the locker room and onto the field for the inside simplicity of a single speed bike brings the rider back to the scoop on each moment from the players, coaches and the basics - though riding a fixie is not without its challenges. media. Featuring Husky greats Warren Moon, Don James, The Devil’s Needle And Other Ta- The best riders don’t use brakes and can do unimaginable Jake Locker, Sonny Sixkiller, Damon Huard, Marques les Of Vice And Redemption moves and tricks. With the resurgence of this original form of Tuiasosopo, Jim Lambright, Steve Sarkisian and many, many cycling, a vast range of riders - from professionals to casual more! Tully Marshall, Norma Talmadge commuters - have embraced this simple, efficient machine, and Sports, Documentary, Football, NCAA 2012 In its continuing effort to showcase the great works of early the lifestyle behind it. This award winning documentary cinema, Kino Classics launches a new series of Blu-ray and explores the full spectrum of the fixed gear community: 240min. DVD releases dedicated to archival rarities — influential Messengers, Olympic Racing, City Riders, Bike Polo, Topics Entertainment 01.05.2012 classics that have gone virtually unseen for decades. Brakeless, Freestyle and more. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110227 Presented in association with the Library of Congress, the Sports, Cycling, Documentary, Extreme films have been mastered in HD from the original film elements Sports 2011 40min. and are backed with newly commissioned musical scores. In Highlights Of The 2012 Masters some cases the films survive in less-than-perfect condition. First Run Features 17.07.2012 But it is the mission of this series to preserve and promote 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110185 Tournament these films in spite of their flaws, rather than allow them to Catch all of the excitement of this year’s Masters Tournament disappear entirely from the culturalradar. Queen Kelly), in the Highlights of the 2012 Masters Tournament DVD, because „it kindles the fires of genius.“ The artist quickly Ghetto Fights: Volume 1 including all of the fantastical drives, unbelievable putts and becomes addicted to the drug and the quality of his work Fighting, Gangs, Shockumentary min. miraculous chips. begins to disintegrate. He takes on a new model, marries her, Sports, Golf 2012 min. E1 Entertainment 04.10.2005 and starts her on the same path of moral degradation, until a A&E 29.05.2012 guilt-ridden Renée decides to intervene in order to save them 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110257 both. According to silent film historian Kevin Brownlow, The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110124 Devil’s Needle. Documentary, Drama, Exploitation, Politics, Ghetto Fights: Volume 2 Hip Hop Dance & Fitness Workout Silent Film 167min. Fighting, Gangs, Shockumentary min. This total body workout is awesome and the dance moves are Kino Video 10.07.2012 E1 Entertainment 13.11.2007 hot. You will get a great work¬out, and you’ll learn how to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110162 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110258 turn some really hot dance moves into your own style! Use Dance Steps to Burn Calories and Tone up! Dancing, Fitness, Health 2012 50min. The Devil’s Needle And Other Ta- Girls Gone Wild: Hot & Horny Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 les Of Vice And Redemption (Blu- Coeds 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110390 ray) Sexy, hot and fun! Stunning college co-eds show off their amazing bodies and strut their stuff on campus’ and bars Tully Marshall, Norma Talmadge across America. Watch as these sexy beauties bare their Hood Life 4: The Documentary In its continuing effort to showcase the great works of early breathtaking nipples, perfect butts and so much more! Returns cinema, Kino Classics launches a new series of Blu-ray and Whether they are playing alone, together or with a group of DVD releases dedicated to archival rarities — influential friends, these hot and horny young girls will shock you with Acclaimed director Dwayne Brown, returns to the mean classics that have gone virtually unseen for decades. their wild and sexy ways. Scorching hot, these real college streets in the fourth installment of the multi-platinum series Presented in association with the Library of Congress, the co-eds squirm and wiggle, kissing and fondling each other Hood Life. In this exploratory documentary, Brown and his films have been mastered in HD from the original film elements and massaging their dazzling breasts. It’s so horny you won’t team expose the harsh realities of life in the wrong side of and are backed with newly commissioned musical scores. In believe your eyes, it’s Girls Gone Wild: Hot & Horny Coeds! town where its inhabitants struggle day-to-day. From the cops some cases the films survive in less-than-perfect condition. Girls Gone Wild min. who patrol the streets to the thugs who rule the back-alleys, But it is the mission of this series to preserve and promote this film covers both sides of the story and leaves no stone these films in spite of their flaws, rather than allow them to GGW Brands, LLC. 03.07.2012 unturned. disappear entirely from the culturalradar. Queen Kelly), 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110377 Documentary, Gangs, Shockumentary 2012 because „it kindles the fires of genius.“ The artist quickly 60min. becomes addicted to the drug and the quality of his work begins to disintegrate. He takes on a new model, marries her, Girls Gone Wild: Wet And Willing E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 and starts her on the same path of moral degradation, until a 3 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110341 guilt-ridden Renée decides to intervene in order to save them both. According to silent film historian Kevin Brownlow, The Moist and eager, the hottest co-eds from colleges across Devil’s Needle. America shower themselves and each other with wet and wild Hybrid World fun. These sexy students get drenched by beer, water and a Documentary, Drama, Exploitation, Politics, whole lot more. Watch as these beautiful young girls bare Conspiracies, Documentary, Science Silent Film 167min. their perfect breasts and perky nipples in the tiniest wet tee- 60min. Kino Video 10.07.2012 shirts, then show off their amazing boobs and tight asses. Allegro Entertainment 12.06.2012 Splash your way onto the wettest action on campus. It’s Girls 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110175 Gone Wild: Wet & Willing 3! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110272 Girls Gone Wild min. Fightville GGW Brands, LLC. 03.07.2012 IMAX: Adrenaline Rush Over the past decade, Mixed Martial Arts has grown from a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110378 Take a thrilling look at the world of skydiving and base controversial, no-holds-barred sideshow into a billion-dollar jumping - parachuting from a building, a bridge or a cliff. With phenomenon eclipsing boxing as the dominant combat sport in breathtaking views of skydiving over the Florida Keys, the the world. Fightville. This thrilling, unflinching and ultimately Great Family Adventures Mojave Desert and the magnificent Fjords of Norway, this moving documentary offers a cage-side view of these Emmy Award-Winning filmmaker, Brian Wignall, teamed up giant-screen experience explores the psychological and passionate and powerful athletes as they put their bodies on with his wife, Julie, and their daughter, Amelia, to explore ten physiological forces behind risk-tasking and the physics the line in the quest for fame and fortune. natural wonders and mysteries of the American West. In involved in high-risk activities. The film follows two top risk- Sports, Documentary, Mixed Martial Arts stunning HD, watch as they travel to the fruitful deserts of takers, Adrian Nicholas and Katarina Ollikainen, as they try 2011 85min. New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, retrace the frontier to fly the first parachute ever designed as imagined in 1485 by territories of Wild Nevada, enjoy the rich golden coast of Leonardo da Vinci. Thanks to a camera strapped to one of the MPI 10.07.2012 and bask in the untainted splendor of the western professional jumpers who took part in the film, you can also 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110233 National Parks. These affordable family adventure-vacations live through a 4,265-foot jump from a legendary Norwegian capture the cultures and natural beauty only found west of the cliff. Rocky Mountains. Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, Fightville (Blu-ray) Adventure, Desert, Documentary, Family IMAX, Skydiving 2002 min. Over the past decade, Mixed Martial Arts has grown from a controversial, no-holds-barred sideshow into a billion-dollar min. Image Ent. 12.06.2012 phenomenon eclipsing boxing as the dominant combat sport in Questar 20.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110168 the world. Fightville. This thrilling, unflinching and ultimately 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110106 moving documentary offers a cage-side view of these passionate and powerful athletes as they put their bodies on IMAX: Adrenaline Rush (Blu-ray) the line in the quest for fame and fortune. Greatest Moments At Husky Stadi- Take a thrilling look at the world of skydiving and base Documentary, Mixed Martial Arts, Sports jumping - parachuting from a building, a bridge or a cliff. With um breathtaking views of skydiving over the Florida Keys, the

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Mojave Desert and the magnificent Fjords of Norway, this Krav Maga Combat includes Krav Maga techniques from the Relive every game and every goal of Manchester United’s giant-screen experience explores the psychological and brown- and black-belt level, where the fighting aspect of self- historic 19th League title-winning season with the spectacular physiological forces behind risk-tasking and the physics defense is fully developed. This self-defense DVD contains new Manchester United Season Review 2010/11, a must-have involved in high-risk activities. The film follows two top risk- Krav Maga techniques useful for both street-fighting self- memento for every fan of the Red Devils! Fantastic footage takers, Adrian Nicholas and Katarina Ollikainen, as they try defense and hard-core combat situations. Krav Maga and exclusive interviews bring to life a wonderful season that to fly the first parachute ever designed as imagined in 1485 by instructor Jean-Michel Lerho is the European technical saw Sir Alex’s men fight off challenges from local rivals Leonardo da Vinci. Thanks to a camera strapped to one of the director of the World Krav Maga Federation and co-founder of Manchester City, defending champions Chelsea and Arsène professional jumpers who took part in the film, you can also Close-Combat Operational System (CCOS). Alexandre Wenger’s Arsenal to clinch their 19th League title, overtaking live through a 4,265-foot jump from a legendary Norwegian Vanderlinden is the Belgium technical director of the World Liverpool to become the most decorated club in English cliff. Krav Maga Federation. In Krav Maga Combat, they show you football. As well as Premier League glory, the 2010/11 season Sports, Documentary, Extreme Sports, a variety of real-world scenarios designed so you can also saw red flags flying high in Europe, with Manchester neutralize your opponent in the first self-defense movement. United overcoming Chelsea, Rangers, Valencia, Bursaspor, IMAX, Skydiving 2002 min. Extra features include a photo gallery and trailers. Marseille and Schalke 04 to reach their third UEFA Champi- Image Ent. 12.06.2012 Instructional, Martial Arts 75min. ons League final in four years. Manchester United Season 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110180 BayView Entertainment 31.07.2012 Review 2010/11. Sports, Soccer 118min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110205 In Conversation: Kentridge & Du- Team Marketing 24.06.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110298 mas Krav Maga Self Defense: Street William Kentridge and Marlene Dumas are two of the most Fighting celebrated names in international contemporary art. In In Manchester United Season Re- Conversation: Kentridge & Dumas, the two South African In this modern martial arts DVD, Krav Maga Self Defense: view 2011/12 artists speak frankly about their work, their studio practice, Street Fighting, simplicity and efficiency are the key words to their inspirations, and the challenges of success. The film the techniques of Israeli hand-to-hand close-quarters combat. This year’s season in review has been produced using all the shows the two engaged in intense discussion about drawing, These concepts form the basis of the modern Krav Maga SKY and BBC television camera angles and commentary, painting and filmmaking, and includes footage of the artists in techniques you will find in this DVD. Fifth-degree black belt meaning you can relive this incredible season the way it their studios and of their works. Alain Formaggio shows you how to react in an efficient way originally unfolded. For the first time since the late 1960s, against a variety of attacks, all filmed from different angles to Manchester emerged as the capital of English football in 2011/ Documentary 2012 72min. give you a complete picture of the real-world fighting 12, as 19-times champions United were confronted by local Microcinema DVD 29.05.2012 scenario. They are then shown at true speed and in slow rivals City in a local skirmish which spilled over into a battle 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110228 motion for expanded on-screen explanation. Krav Maga Self for the Barclays Premier League title. Sir Alex Ferguson had Defense: Street Fighting includes the following attack seen off all challengers in the Premier League era, but he situations: grabs, chokes, punches, kicks, knife attacks, stick celebrated his 25th year at the Old Trafford helm with one of Jay & Silent Bob Get Old: UK attacks, gun attacks. his sternest challenges yet: battling not only the inflated 2012 Fighting, Instructional 53min. riches and ambition of City, but also overhauling his own BayView Entertainment 31.07.2012 squad and blooding a new generation of youngsters. United’s Kevin Smith twinkling talents dazzled in the early months of the campaign, The hilarious duo Jay & Silent Bob are back. Film icons Kevin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110207 but were slowed by a damaging home defeat to City and a Smith and Jason Mewes made history and fans all over the crippling run of injuries. There were also harsh lessons in world with the characters Jay & Silent Bob from the movies Krav Maga-Hyoshi: Self Defense European and domestic cup competitions, but the Reds roared Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob back in time-honored fashion to sprint for the line in an Strike Back and Clerks 2. Now fans can see them live on Techniques absorbing race for the league title. With hig stage in 3 sold out venues in the UK during their 2012 tour. The unique combination of Krav Maga and Hyoshi techniques Sports, Soccer 2011 100min. Comedy 2012 240min. on this martial arts training DVD will give you a fresh look Team Marketing 20.06.2012 CAV 14.08.2012 and new approach for making your self-defense techniques 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110297 more efficient and successful. In Krav Maga Hyoshi, you will 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110351 learn simple, accessible and realistic self-defense techniques from Alain Formaggio, world technical director of the World Manchester United: Rooney Goal Journey To The Center Of The Krav Maga Federation and co-founder of Close-Combat Operational System (CCOS). Krav Maga, derived from Israeli Machine Earth hand-to-hand-fighting techniques, has proven itself an Wayne Rooney burst onto the Old Trafford stage in September efficient and deadly martial art for reality-based self-defense. 2004 with an unforgettable hat trick against Fenerbahce. That Discovery Channel, Documentary, Science, Its methodology attracts an increasing number of amateurs and stunning debut only hinted at what was to follow- Rooney has Science Fiction min. professionals looking to up their chances of survival should now netted over 150 times for the Reds. Featuring an Gaiam Americas 10.07.2012 they fall under attack in combat or on the street. Extra exclusive interview from the man himself, Rooney: Goal features include a Kata demonstration, photo gallery, and Machine is the perfect film for fans of United’s number 10. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110102 pictures from the lessons. Relive every one of his goals for United, as well as insights Instructional, Martial Arts min. from those who work with him every day, including Ryan Kathy Smith Timeless: Cardio Giggs, Rio Ferdinand and Sir Alex Ferguson. Was it the hat BayView Entertainment 03.07.2012 trick that started it all? Or perhaps his Kop beater at Anfield 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110200 in April of 2007? Maybe you agree with Wayne himself, who Kick your workout into over-drive! In this energizing workout, regards his stunning overhead winner in last season’s Man- I share the secret techniques used by the best conditioned Major League Baseball Triple chester derby as the best goal he’s ever scored. You can bodies in the world! This combination of , and make up your own mind as Rooney: Goal Machine showcases Aeroboxing with a bonus Tai Chi stretch will get your body Header the first 155 goals from one of Old Trafford’s finest. into knock-out shape! Rev up your metabolism, improve your Major League Baseball All-Century Team - 100 years in the Sports, Documentary, Soccer 87min. endurance, coordination and balance, while enjoying an making, this one-of-a-kind program presents 30 legendary Team Marketing 07.12.2012 exhilarating rush of cardio and total body toning. Become a players who set the standard for baseball brilliance across 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110299 champion in record time! every era of modern baseball. This is a spectacular Fitness, Health, Instructional 130min. celebration of an all-time roster chosen from the more than BayView Entertainment 10.07.2012 15,000 men who played Major League Baseball in the 20th Minnesota: Parks For The People 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110203 Century. Baseball fantasy intersects with baseball heaven in The Surprising Story Behind The Twin Cities’ Park Systems. the Major League Baseball All-Century Team. Prime 9: MLB Minneapolis is considered one of America’s great green Heroics incorporates nine of the most compelling episodes cities, and it is easy to see why with its tree-lined parkways, Kathy Smith Timeless: Super from the hit series on MLB Network. This high-energy publicly owned lake shores and vibrant neighborhood parks. celebration includes baseball’s best in categories ranging But it hasn’t always been this way. See what the Minneapolis- Slimdown Circuit from Home Runs to All-Star Moments to Hitting Seasons. Saint Paul area looked like when it was first being developed If you’re serious about sculpting the ultimate physique, the Prime 9. MLB Bloopers Doubleheader: Baseball’s Best compared to today, and find out what it took to create the one- tools are here in my Super Slimdown Circuit. I’ve brought Blunders And The Funny Side Of Baseball. of-a-kind system that now boasts hundreds of parks in Minne- together three of my best-selling workouts on one DVD to Sports, Triple Feature, Baseball, Major sota: Parks For The People, which previously aired on public help you get your best body ever. The combination of these League Baseball min. television. With a landscape that includes the beautiful timeless easy to follow up workouts will get you a firmer, Minnehaha Falls, Lake Como, the Chain of Lakes, and the stronger, more shapely body in minimum time. Now you can get A&E 29.05.2012 Mississippi river, Minneapolis and St. Paul always the power of a gym quality routine without the gym. For best 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110125 possessed remarkable natural features. But there were also results, alternate these workouts six days per week. Secrets few trees and places to enjoy the natural beauty back in the to a Great Upper Body Workout: the upper body program late 1800’s. Find out what it took to turn tall grass prairies of defines chest, back, arms & shoulders. Secretes to a Great Man Vs. Wild: Season 6 Minneapolis and Saint Paul into a bevy of leafy havens. Lower Body Workouts: for firmer, stronger and shapelier buns Bear Grylls Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Environ- & thighs. Peak Fat Burning: Heat up your metabolism to burn more calories. By rotating these workouts throughout the Wilderness, Discovery Channel, mental, PBS 2012 55min. week, you’ll turn your body into a fat burning machine! Documentary, Jungle min. Topics Entertainment 25.05.2012 Fitness, Health, Instructional 131min. Gaiam Americas 03.07.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110039 BayView Entertainment 10.07.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110096 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110202 Joan Miro: The Ladder Of Escape Manchester United Season Re- Joan Miró was passionately committed to his native Catalonia Krav Maga Combat Techniques and its struggle for independence from Spain. But he also view 2010/11 longed to escape into artistic freedom. This tension drove his

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 51 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA art in strange and beautiful ways. Miró was by turns 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110041 Pounds - 7 Day Calorie Blast influenced by Dada, surrealism, and abstract expressionism. His changes in styles and subjects also reflected the horrific Leslie Sansone events of the Spanish Civil War, World War II, and the Oregon’s Memorable Century Fitness, Health, Instructional 200min. dictatorship of Franco. This documentary includes original 100 Years of Innovation, Conservation & Controversy. Crater Gaiam Americas 04.09.2012 footage shot in Barcelona and Catalonia, interviews with Lake National Park, Nike, Mount St. Helens, the Columbia scholars, images of Miró’s paintings and sculpture, and River Highway, the spotted owl, an NBA championship - all 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110265 archival footage and photos. things that helped make 1900 to 1999 Oregon’s Memorable Documentary 2012 32min. Century, previously seen on public television. Take a 100- Secrets Of Archaeology: Ancient Microcinema DVD 29.05.2012 year journey through an extraordinary state defined by an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110229 unmatched pioneering spirit. Why did the earliest settlers Egypt And Beyond choose Oregon over California gold? Discover the surprising Explore ancient Egypt, the magnificence of the Pyramids, the story behind the state’s national forests, and hear from the city of the Pharaohs, the ancient city of Palmyra, the Mayan National Geographic Classics: descendants of witnesses of some of Oregon’s earliest major ruins and Incan temple at Machu Picchu. These explorations events, such as the Lewis & Clark Centennial, and natural contain state-of-the-art computer graphics, spectacular on- Natural Disasters disasters. Then meet the eccentric genius behind the location photography and research from the world’s leading In six classic programs, National Geographic reveals the Columbia River Highway, and watch amazing footage of the archaeologists. sheer power and strength of nature’s greatest forces. Bonneville Dam being constructed in 1932. Relive the 1977 Ancient Egypt, Documentary 2002 230min. Experience the devastation and tragedy caused by deadly Trail Blazers run for the NBA championship, and get the story tsunamis and hurricanes, see what happens inside the heart behind the state’s largest employer, Nike. Finally, relive the E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 of a whirling tornado, witness incredible up-close shots of the 1980 devastating eruption of Mount St. Helens, and see how it 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110356 powerful white wall of a rolling avalanche, and hear chilling affected the landscape and the people of Oregon first-hand accounts from survivors of some of the worst Sports, Basketball, Environmental, PBS natural disasters. Programs include Storm of the Century, 140min. Secrets Of Archaeology: Ancient Tornado Intercept, Drowning New Orleans, Avalanche: The Greece And Beyond White Death, Tsunami: Killer Wave, and Violent Earth. Topics Entertainment 25.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110043 Explore the ancient cities of Greece, the magnificent temples, Disasters, Documentary, National the ruins of the Greek Islands and the influence of the Greek Geographic 330min. culture throughout the region. These explorations contain Vivendi Visual Entertainment 24.07.2012 Patagonia Rising state-of-the-art computer graphics, spectacular on-location 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110154 Deep in the heart of Chile’s Patagonia region flow two of the photography and research from the world’s leading world’s purest rivers, the Baker and Pascua. Fed by vast archaeologists. glacial systems, these untouched rivers drive biodiversity in Ancient Greece / Rome, Documentary 2002 National Geographic: Untamed rainforests, estuaries and marine ecosystems. They are also 223min. the life source for Patagonia’s most tenacious residents: the Americas (Blu-ray) Gauchos, the iconic South American cowboys who endure E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 Outside our concrete jungles, beyond the strip malls and just relentless winds and long winters on remote ranches in these 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110354 minutes from our own backyard is another world that is river valleys. Now, five huge hydroelectric dams are planned thriving, fighting and surviving. Brawny mountains, burning for the two rivers. Promoted as „clean“ energy, damming these deserts, tangled forests and curvaceous coasts. A grizzly major rivers would make floodplains out of river valleys, force Secrets Of Archaeology: The Ro- bear takedown of helpless elk calves in Yellowstone. Big ranchers off their land and wreak havoc on the massive ice man Empire And Beyond horn sheep going head-to-head in battle. Giant Humboldt fields and watersheds already under stress from global squid cannibalizing their kin. Mountain lion cubs hunting solo warming. Over the past century more than 45,000 large dams Explore ancient Rome, the magnificence of Sicily and Pompeii, for the first time. The landscapes and wildlife of the Americas have altered the health of the planet’s rivers with disastrous the ruins of the Roman Empire in Europe and Africa and its are savage, shrewd and stunning. These are the great impacts that continue to unfold. This award-winning influence throughout the region. These explorations contain outdoors, our wildest frontiers - our Untamed Americas. documentary captures the heated battle between those who state-of-the-art computer graphics, spectacular on-location Documentary, National Geographic 180min. wish to exploit the rivers, and those who wish to preserve the photography and research from the world’s leading rivers and their surrounding lands, and as well the traditional archaeologists. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 10.07.2012 lifestyle of its inhabitants. Juxtaposing t Ancient Greece / Rome, Documentary 2002 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110306 Documentary 2011 88min. 225min. First Run Features 17.07.2012 E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 On The Political Equator 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110184 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110355 This publication raises critical socio-political questions and offers insight into how cultural practitioners and organizations can engage publics in larger dialogue. It Pencak Silat Lankas: Indonesian Shark Week: 25th Anniversary responds to the widening gap between wealth and poverty, the Art Of Fighting - Volume 1 Collection polarizing politics of fear and paranoia, and the radically conservative social agenda that has fundamentally impacted In Pencak Silat Lankas: Indonesian Art Of Fighting Vol. 1, Discovery Channel, Documentary, High urban planning policy and legislation in the . learn the Pencak Silat methods with the Syabandar style. This Seas, Killer Animals, Sharks 212min. These developments have led to increased privatization, the instructional title focuses on the body and breathing erosion of public culture, and the polarization of the individual techniques employed during Penack Silat methods of self- Gaiam Americas 17.07.2012 and the collective. Against this backdrop, Latin America has defense. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110097 begun to chart a very different course, an alternative future. Sports, Fighting, Instructional 70min. Latin American governments, from Brazil to Colombia, have BayView Entertainment 03.07.2012 Shark Week: 25th Anniversary produced a paradigm shift in matters of urban development, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110198 seeking-like no other place in the world-to reconnect public Collection (Blu-ray) policy, social justice, and civic imagination. Slought convened three leading thinkers concerned with these issues- Planeat Discovery Channel, Documentary, High mathematician, former mayor of MedellÍn, now governor of Seas, Killer Animals, Sharks 212min. Antioquia Sergio Fajardo; ecologist and director of the Where have we gone wrong? Why has the death rate from Tijuana river estuary Oscar Romo; and architect and u heart disease and cancer exploded in recent times? Why are Gaiam Americas 17.07.2012 the ice caps melting, the oceans dying and the forests being 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110112 Documentary, Politics 2012 54min. cut down as we produce the food necessary to support our Microcinema DVD 29.05.2012 burgeoning populations? Against a backdrop of colorful and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110283 delicious food grown by organic farmers and prepared in the Street Defense With Rudy & Ro- kitchens of world-famous chefs, Planeat for the first time brings together the ground-breaking studies of three promi- bert Paturel Oregon Birds nent scientists who have made it their life’s work to answer In this DVD you’ll learn how to defend yourself with a cane, Raptors, Owls, Puffins & More From OPB’s Oregon Field these questions. an umbrella, a magazine, a broom, a cap - anything that can be Guide. From the high seas to the high desert, the Oregon Documentary, Science 2010 71min. used to protect yourself from any aggression. Field Guide cameras have spent years capturing rare E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 Instructional 55min. glimpses of the state’s more colorful residents in some of the BayView Entertainment 03.07.2012 most remote and beautiful settings in the world. See them like 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110344 never before in Oregon Birds, which previously aired on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110201 public television. Explore virtually every type of bird found in Sambo: Learning How To Fight Oregon, including hawks, owls, ducks, cranes, cormorants, David Susskind Interview: Mary gulls, sandpipers, grouse and geese, pigeons, swallows, With Herve Gheldman hummingbirds, woodpeckers and perching birds, such as the Hervé Gheldman presents this new instructional DVD that is Tyler Moore Western Bluebird. Witness some of the most unique birds in all about self defense - suitable for everyone from beginner up Mary Tyler Moore, David Susskind the state and their unusual habits, including the water- to security professionals. It’s not a substitute for in-person walking Western and Clark’s Grebes; and the American Between finishing the 5 season run as Mary Petrie on The instructional courses but it remains a potent audio visual aid Dick Van Dyke Show and her starring role in Thoroughly Dipper, a songbird that can „fly“ through water! Plus, visit to practice on your own. some of the beautiful places Oregon birds call home. Then Modern Millie, Mary Tyler Moore sat down for an intimate meet the people who devote their lives to our feathered Fighting, Instructional 120min. conversation with David Susskind. friends, including one dedicated volunteer nicknamed BayView Entertainment 31.07.2012 Interview, Talk Shows 1966 51min. „Raptorman.“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110208 E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Documentary, Environmental, PBS 130min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110363 Topics Entertainment 25.05.2012 Leslie Sansone: Walk Away The

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 53 Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Texas Courthouses: The Golden Wisconsin’s lakes and rivers. Take in the sounds of cascading waterfalls, lapping lake shores and autumn Age breezes. Visit some of Wisconsin’s most beautiful and The Lone Star State’s Beautiful Symbols of Justice, interesting state parks, and discover things you never knew Independence & Heritage. With clock towers, turrets, domes about them. Travel the water trail in Wyalusing State Park and and stained glass, Texas county courthouses are some of the ride the river boat down the St. Croix in Interstate. Hike to Telefonische most spectacular displays of Victorian architecture found secluded camping in Newport State Park, see Copper Falls in anywhere in the United States. With most of them being built the winter, soar above Mill Bluff’s unique glacier-made Bestellannahme: between 1881 and 1900, many were the first permanent islands and explore the past at Rib Mountain State Park. Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr structures in some counties in the Lone Star state, and remain Then head to Wisconsin’s premier archeological site at Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr lasting symbols of the regional rivalries that helped shape Aztalan and see a structure that’s been there for 1,000 years Texas. Visit these beautiful buildings and hear the stories or more! Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr behind them in Texas Courthouses: The Golden Age, a three- Wilderness, Documentary, Environmental, Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr part documentary that previously aired on public television. PBS 60min. See the Goliad County Courthouse and its „hanging tree,“ the courthouse in Shelby County modeled after Irish castles and Topics Entertainment 25.05.2012 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- the Parker County Courthouse underneath which a secret 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110045 und Feiertags (Baden- tunnel was discovered during restoration. Visit some of the Württemberg) bleibt unser state’s most monumental courthouses in Tarrant and Bell counties, as well as the distinct yellow courthouse in The Women Of SNL Verkauf geschlossen. Harrison County. With more historic courthouses than any , Molly Shannon, Kristen Wiig, other state in the country, this is a unique and architecturally stunni Tina Fey, Nora Dunn, Rachel Dratch, Maya Documentary, PBS 135min. Rudolph Some of the women of return to Studio 8H Topics Entertainment 25.05.2012 for a comically-charged reunion show and a look back at some 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110044 classic sketches such as Debbie Downer, , The Lawrence Welk Show, Oprah, Bronx Beat and . You’ll love the backstage stories and seeing your This Is What Love In Action Looks favorite impressions, including those from the women who Like began it all: Gilda Radner, Laraine Newman and Jane Curtin! When Zack Stark came out to his parents, he had no idea that Comedy min. his life was about to change forever. Stuck inside „Love In Universal Studios 03.07.2012 Action“ the ex-gay rehabilitation program the quiet teenager 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110221 blogged about their draconian practices, sparking an impassioned, nationwide protest to rescue the teen. In This is What Love in Action Looks Like, filmmaker Morgan Jon Fox WWE: No Way Out 2012 captures the stirring, inspirational true-story of how religious After a three year hiatus, WWE No Way Out is back and intolerance’s quest to bully queer teens, lead to one of the recharged! The annual pay-per-view that became notorious first examples of social media inspiring change...and hope, for for its brutal, main event Steel Cage Matches gets a new generation of activism. reincarnated, but this time the Superstars of WWE will take Newsletter 08/12 (Nr. 312) Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Reli- the thematic event a step further, as they find new and innova- gion/Spirituality 2011 75min. tive ways to prevent opponents from escaping. All stipulations ISSN 1610-2606 in place, which may include Lumberjack, Strap, Chain, Steel Credits TLA Releasing 08.05.2012 Cage, Handcuff Matches or more will ensure no respite from 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110122 the chaos inside the ring. Redaktion: Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2012 Wolfram Hannemann Top Gear 18: The Complete 180min. Design & Layout: Season 18 WWE Home Video 17.07.2012 Wolfram Hannemann 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110157 Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James Assistenz: May Beate Hannemann BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- WWE: Undertaker - The Streak national TV min. Undertaker Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE, BBC Home Video 12.06.2012 © (2012) by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110146 Documentary min. WWE Home Video 24.07.2012 LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Uncaged 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110158 nur in Verbindung mit einem Documentary, Educational, Family min. Questar 17.04.2012 WWII In HD: Collector’s Edition „Persönlichen Import- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110104 (Repackage) service“-Vertrag und be- The only people to see the war like this were the ones who inhaltet den Warenpreis lived it. Until now... Seventy years in the making. Three Washington The Beautiful thousand hours of color footage few knew existed. The first sowie alle anfallenden A Spectacular Tour of the Evergreen State’s Diverse Lands- documentary to show original color footage of World War II in Importkosten inkl. unserer cape. From the peninsula to the Palouse, discover the immersive HD, the world premiere History? series WWII In splendor of the Evergreen State captured in intense awe- HD uses the journals and accounts of those who served in the Vermittlungsprovision. inspiring detail in Washington The Beautiful, which war’s biggest battles to create a personal, introspective and * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und previously aired on public television. Take flight on this high- detailed look at life on and off the front lines. Follow 12 definition aerial tour of Washington’s diverse landscape, unforgettable Americans, and experience the war through das doppelte D-Symbol traveling from the lush Olympic coastline to the majestic their eyes, in their own words, as it really looked and sind Warenzeichen der Cascade Mountains to the abundant farmlands of the eastern sounded. WWII In HD transforms their stirring journey into a side of the state. Soar over the dense evergreens and expan- tangible piece of history. Culled from rare color film found in a Dolby Laboratories Inc. sive meadows of stunning Pend Oreille County, the impressive two-year worldwide search and converted to HD with Der NEWSLETTER ist die Columbia River, the rolling wheat fields of Palouse Country, meticulous technique, WWII In HD provides a picture of and see the architecturally stunning „Cable Bridge“ at sunset World War II as it has never been seen before. Also included offizielle Informationsbro- in the Tri-Cities. Plus, swoop over Seattle and the Space is The Battle for Iwo Jima, an immersive look at the momentous schüre für Kunden der Fir- Needle, zoom along the spiny ridge of the Olympics, circle battle using gloriously restored, full-color footage, some of glorious Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens and much more! which has never seen before. History details the entire action ma LASER HOTLINE. Continue the journey by foot with cultural events such as the of the battle, from the first landing of a crip Alle in diesem Mailing ent- Omak Stampede and recreational activities, including War, World War I, Boxed Sets, haltenen Angaben zu Pro- windsurfing at the Columbia River Gorge. See all of the Documentary, History Channel 605min. places and dukten, die im Ausland ver- PBS 2008 55min. A&E 15.05.2012 öffentlicht werden, stellen 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110127 Topics Entertainment 25.05.2012 kein Verkaufsangebot dar, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110040 sondern dienen nur zur Information. Wisconsin State Parks Explore the State’s Natural Treasures from Copper Falls to LASER HOTLINE ist Wyalusing. Travel the state to see the treasures that exist autorisierter right in our own back yards in Wisconsin State Parks, previously seen on public television. Get up close to nature Dolby Merchandise on scenic trails or enjoy spectacular aerial views of Händler

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