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t ,1r, ft'ls : rflt >-


ii :l


* .-: :. The,lrldian National fkig represedb the hopes and aspirations of rple of .It is the symbol of'our national pride.'Over the last I )s, sel'eral people includingmemb€rs of anned forces have y laid dorvn their lives to keep the tricolour flying in its

The significance of the colours and the chakra in the National rt Flag was amply described by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan in the i Constituent Assembly rvhich unaninipu:ply adopted the Narional Flag. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Oxplained-"Ehagwa or the saffron colour l clenotes' renunciation of d is interestedness. Our leaders must bs indifl'erent to nateri:ll gains and dedicate themselves to their work. 'l'he white in the cenire is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our felation to soil, our retation to the plant life here on rvhiclr all other life depends. The Ashoka Wheel in the center of the white is the wheel of the larv of dharma. Truth or safya, dharma or virtue ougirt to be the controlling principles i of those who work under 'i this flag. Again, the ,*'heel denotes motion. There is death in stagnation, There is life in rnovenrent. India should no more resist change, it must moveand go fonvard. The rvheel re?r€senFthsdynamism ofapeaceful change."

There is universal afTecrion and respect for. and loyalty to, the National Flag, Yet, a perceptible lack ofawareness is of,fen noticed not only arnongst people but also in the organizations/agenoies of the Governnrent, in regard to laws, practices atd conventionsthatapply to the display oftJre National Flag. Apart from ron-statutory instructions issued by tho Goyernment from iime to time, display of the National Flag is governed by tlre provisions of the Ernblems and Names (Prevention of hnproper Use) Act, 1950 (No. 12 of 1950) and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act. I 97 I (No. 69 of i 97 I ). :,' Flag Code of lndia, ?002 is an aitempt to bring together all such laws" conventions, practices and instructions lbr the guidance and benefit of all concerned.

i' For the sake o:Fconvenience, Flag Code oflndia,200?, has been divided into three parts..Pgr-t I of the Code contains general description ofthe National Flag. Pi'rt II of the Code is devoted to the display of the National Flag by members of public, private organizations, educational institutions, etc. Part lItr of the Code relates to display of the National Flag by Central and State Govemnrents and their organizations and agencids.

Flag C6de of India,2002, takes et'i'ect from January 26, 2002 and supersedes ihe'Flag Code-lndia' as it existed.

t'.' ,o#r,g3 *qbffi &,, ---i1.'

.::i Sbgp=I GENPRAL

a tri-colour ra- ug.of 1 . 1 f ne$fit nal Flag shall be fanel 1{e threerrectd*&$ar panels or sub-panelssub,'Panels of equal widths' The colour of.:-t&€'$p paoelpanel tt*ttsnaU be Indialndla sa[roqsaf,fron tKesa4{Iksari) ) andalr{t thatLI]al f\e- of the Uottom:panel shall be India sr-""I' lajte^3a1et shall be white, bearing at its centre the design of Ashoka chakra in naw blue colow with 24 equally spaeed spokes' The Ashoka Chakra shaf preferobly be screeu:piirited or,Otherwisa printed or stenciled or suitably embroideied and shali be completely visible on both sides of the Flag in the centre of the white panel' 1.2 The Nationatr shdll be made of hand spun and hand woven wool/cotton/silk kladi bunting' shape' The ratio 1 .3 The National Ftag shall be rectangular in of the ie*gth to the height (width) 6f the Flag shall be 3:2'

1.4 The standard sizes ofrhe National Flag shall be as follows:- Ftag $izt No. Dimensions in mm ! ''' t 6300 x 4200 'I 2 3600 x 2400 J 2700 x i800 t 1+ 1800 x i200 5 1350 x 900 il 6 900 x 600 :aa F, t 450 X 300 8 225 X 150 9 150 X 100 1.5 An appropriate size should be chossn for display. The {lags of 450X300 nm siee are imenried for aircrafis on VVIP iilghts, 2?5X150 rnrn size ibr molor-cars and 150X100 mm size tc.r table flags, *z?flw .:! "'*-, \_11" .'1l', : PART Ii

2.L There shall be no restriction on the display of the Nationat Flag by neembers of general public, private organizations, educational institutions, etc., except to the extent provided in the Emblems and Names (Frevention of Impraper Llse) Act. 1950* and

"The Emblems and Names {Preventlce cf !ini.''rc*er Use} Act" 1950.

Section 2, In this Act, unles.y lhe t,.;:tte.',:i iiilier,tise requires:- (ai "emblem" nrcens en1,enhtcn- seai,fag, irzsignia, coaf-of-ttrms or pictoriai ; ct,rcse niatiorz speci/ietl in the Sclrcdule. Section 3: Nanrithstanding any'thing cantained in any lau,for the lime being in force. rio per.ton sholl, except in such c'ases and under sttcJt conditions as nay bc prestribed by the Cesttrul Got,ernment, use, or cotttinue to use, .for tir purpose of an), lrade, business, calling or prtj t:.iian, or in the lilk of any palenf . or in any trade nark of design, 6ny ,?ame or emblem specilied in lhe lit'lte':!i:!e or an1, colourable imitation lhereotv'ithcui ihe prerious permission of lhe Central Co'yerr:ne;:! or o.{ such ofJicer a.f Government as may be at;thorlsetl in this behalf bv t he C e nlral Cove r nnte ;i,.

.\OIE: The htdian National Fiag has been specified as an emblem in the Scherjule rr tlie lrci. ./^t , (e'io t. L

; to National Honour Act, 1971** and oa the subject. Keeping in view the Acts -

Flag shall not be dipged in salute to any person or rhing;

tion of Insnlt to National Hoaour Aci; l9?l Whoever in any public place or in any other place w ithin public viers burns, mutilates, defaces, defites, disfgures, destr.oys, tranples upot or otherwise brings intocontenpt (whether bywords, eitlter spken ar v'riften, or by acti) the In-dian National Flag ar aily part thereof, shall be pantshed with imprisonmentfor a term which mqt extend to three years, or withfne, or with both: Explanation I. - Ccmments expressing disapprc$ation or criticism of...... -.. tie Indiai National Flagor of any measures af the Government q with view to obtsin ...... -_-or an alteration of the Indian National Flag by law.fu! means di not constifute an oSence under this section Explanation 2. - The expression "Ifidi4n Noilanal Fing" includes any picture, painting, drawing or flo-tograp!1 or other visible represi4tation o] the Inditin National FIag, or of any part or parts thereof noile ofany substsnce or iepresented on arty substanca.

Esplafiatitsn J. - The expression ',pablic place,, neans.any place intendedfor use by, or accessible to, the public and includes any public conveyance. i*i-=:9-*ii..- i.i,:; j:,a-+r.,i, *r ' i.Ei ,s.

(iiD the Flag shall not be flown at half-mast except on occasions on which the FIag is florvn at half-mast on public buildings in accordance rvith the instructions issued by the Govemment; (iv) the Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever, including private funerals; (v) the Flag shall not be used as a portion of costume or unlforq of any description nor shail it be embroidered or prinred upon cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins or any drms material; {vi) lettering of any kind shall not be put upon the Flag; {vii) the Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for receiving. delivering, holding or carrying anlthing;

provided that there sirall be no objection to keeping florver petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as part of celebrations on special cccasions and on National Da-vs like the and the lndependence Day; (viii) when used on occasions iike unveiling of a statue. the Flag shall be displayed distinctly and separately and it shall not be used as a covering for the statue or monument; (ix) the Flag shall not be used to cover a speaker's desk nor shall it be draped over a speaker's platform: (x) the Flag shall not be intentionally ailorved to touch the ground or the floor ortrail in water. (xi) the Flag shall nol be draped ovei the hood. top, sides or back ofa vehicle. train. boat or an aircraft:

(xii) the Fiag shall not be used as a covering lbr a buiidirrg; and (xiii) the Flag shall not be intentionally displayed rvith rhe "saffiorr" dou'n. Wt*-*^* ffi** *--nff *-. * *, .' "JiFo *fl:*

of the National Flag -

the National F'lag ts displayed, it should occupy n ofhonour and should be distinctly place{

(ii) adamaged or dishevelled Flag should not be displayed;

(iir) the Flag should not be flown frorn a single masthead simultaneously wilh any other flag or flags; (iv) the Flag should not be flown on any vehicle except in accordance wi& the provisions contained in Section D( of Part III of this Code;

(v) when the Flag is displayed on a si:eaker's platform, it should be flown on the speaker's right as he faces the audience or flat against the rvall. abov* and behind the speaker; (vi)

(vii) lo the. extent possible" &e FIag should coaform to the specifications prescribed in Par,t I of this Code.

(viii) no other flag or bunting should be placed higher than or above or side by side with the National Flag; nor should any object including flowers or garlands or emblern be placed on ora-o-ove the Flag-mast from w-hich the Flag is flown; (ix) the Flag shorrld not be used as a festoon, rosette or bunting or in any other rnanner for decoration;

(x) the Flag rrrade of paper may be waved by public on , occasions of important natiorial, cultural and sports |i, r* r*,€f q/ €v€rrts;. However, such paper Flags should discarded not be ortluown on j, thegrounO o*L tfr" As as possibie, far it should be dis.Josed "uent.consisrent with the dignity of the Flas: "i;;il; {xi)


(xiii) when theFlag is in a damaged or soiled condition" it shall be desroyed as awhole inplvate, pii.*ryUyil;;;; by anyothermethod consiJten, #* rfr" Olgnity of the Flae.


2'3 The NadonaI Flag may be hoisted in educaticnal institutions (schools, col[ges, ;p"", camps, etc.) to inspire respect forthe rtug. "*r;;;scour i *oa.Gi'of instructions for guidance is given below _ (i) The School will assemble in open square formation pupils with fonning the three sidei and .the ,t" f,tug_r,uff ar the centre ofrhe fourth side. Headma;"",h;o;;;if,il"; person 334 .the unfurling rhe Flag 6if otleufr""G Headmaster) will stand three paces U"fri"a A* ff "g_rr"f. (ii) The pupils will falj accorcling ro classes and in squads of ten (orothernumber according-to strengt!). These squads will be arranged one behind ifr" pupii leader of the class will srand to ttre "ri*r]he righi of ri" tirr, row of his class and &e form master witt stand threg paces behind the last,row of his class, ,or""ra, t"=rnlioe. The classes !

along the squarejn the order ofsenioritv rost class at the right end.

,between eagh row should be at least one l*i+fl9'il:G'); *a ih" space b"r'ofr i;'* and Forrn

. .r,_ .;l (iv) Wlienbich Form or Class is ready; theClass leader will step forward and salute the seleciid school pupil leader. As soon as all the Form_s arc ready, the schoofpupil leader will.step up to the Headmastii aad salute him. The Headmasfe.r will return the.shiute- The.t, the FIag wiil be unfurled. The School pup-il leaderrnay assist. (v) The Sc[ool pupil.leader in charge of the parade (or assembly) will call rhe parade to atiention. just Uefore r6e unfurling, and he r.r,ilicall them to the salute when the Flag flies out. The parade will keep at the salute for a brief interval, ,,order,,, and then on the coirmand the parade will come ro rhe attention position. (vi)

(vii) On all occasions when the pledge is taken, the pledge will follorv the National Anthern.ll&ren taking ,h";i;;; the Assembly will stand to attention aoO tt * U"uO*urt!, will adminis{er the pledge ceremoniously and the Assembly will repeat it aftei him. (viii) In pte$inS ailegiance to rhe Narional Flag, the practice to be adopted in Schccls is as follows:- Standing with folded hands, all repeat together the followiig pledge: the Na{onal Flag Sovereign'soeialist^l and to the Secular O*."*rui.-Republic for rvhich it stands,,' __ ,{t *t, - !E" -, Itl, a6, dls



3.1 The provisions of this Part shall not apply to Defence Installations that have their own rule for Cisplay of the National Flag.

3.2 The National Flag may also be flo',r,n on tJ:e Headquaiters and the residences of the Heads oi Missioas/?osts abroad in the countries rvhere it is customarl-lbr Cirlomatic and consuiar representaiives to fly their National Fiags oa the lleadquarters and their offrcial residences.



3.3 Subject to the provisions coniained in Section I above, it shall be mandatory for all Governmenis a:1d thei{ organisations/ agencies to follow the provisions coqtaiaed in this part. 3,4 On all occasions for official display, only ihe Flag conforming tro specifications iaid dor*n by thg Bureau of Indian Standards.and bea:ing their stanciarri mark shall be used. On other occasions also" it is desirable that only such Fiags of appropriate size are flown. ra- :!

?.6, Where the practice is to fly the Flag on any public building, it shall be flownon rhat buildingonall days including Sundays and holidays and, except as prolide{.in this Code, il shall bi flown from sun iise to sun-set inespeitive of weather eonditions- The Flag may be flown on sucha building at night also but this should be only on very special cecasions. 3.7 The Flag shall always be hoisted brisklyand lowered slowly and ceremoniously. [rh"n the hoisting and'tlib lowering of the Flag is accompanied by appropriate bugle-calls, &ehoistine and lowering should be simultaneous with the bugle calls. 3.8 When the Flpg is displayed from. a.staff projecting horizontally or at aa a5rgle &orn a orfrontof a building, the sa&on band shall be at the f*tbii of the staff. "na 3..9 When the F-tug il_alqppted flar and.hogzonral on a wall, the saffron. band^shall bc upper most and when displayed vertically, the safto* band shall be to the dght with refirence to the Flag. i.e., it may be to the lefi of a persoo facine it. 3_.1! IVhen the Flag is displayed on a speaker's plarform, it shall be flown on a staff-on the speaker's rigbt as ie faces the audience or flatagainstthe wall ubou" unauL-;*A- ;;"k". 3.1I When used on occasions like the unveiling of a statue, the Flag shall be displayed distinctly and ,"p*utJly. 3.12 When the Flag is displayed aione oo u *ot* it shall be tlown from "^., a staff, whieh should be affixed firrnly either on the middle front of the bonnet or to the fronr right sids of the car. d: -' ,*,&isJ -@? .:i' '3 #,: ll/ th.e Flag is carried l:,1,.,*"n in a procession or a parade, it shall oe errher on the marching right, i.e. the Flag,s own right, or if there is a line of otler flags, in front of the ce]ntre ofthe line.

INCORRECT DISPLAY 3.14 A darnaged or disheveled F]_ag shall not be displayed. 3. l 5 The Flag shall not be dipped in.salure ro any leison or thing. 3.16 No otftel flag or bunting shall be placed higlerthan or oL exsept . lbove as hereinafter prouia.4, siOe-U1, s;ae wiitr ' the National Flag.-nor shall any object including flowers or garlands or embJem be placed on or" above;r; ti;: mast tiom rr:hich the Flag is fiorvn. 3 l7 Tie Flag shali not be used as a,f,esroon. i{)sette or bunting or in any other manner.for decoration 3.18 ?he Flag shall not be used to cover a speaket's- desk nor shall it be draped over a speaker,s ptrtfo.* 3. i9 The Flag shall ,,saffronf, not be disptayed u,ith the down. 3.20 Tbe Flag shali nor be a.llowed to touch the ..1 ground or the floor or trail in rvater. 3.21 i The Flag shali not be displayed or lastened in an1,, manner . as ftay damage it. 3.U





3.29 The Flag shall nol.b: used in any form oroo*rr*lrn"o, nor shall an adverijsing ,ign v U"- ----v'vufur;*i toi tt e pole which the Flag is florvn, 3.30.The Flag shail as delivering ":11._i:_O a receptacie for receiving, hotding o, *r.yrog *ytfioi. Provided,&a, *.r"j!ill,b1no pelats objection to keepiag inside tu-Fllg. u*ror"-ii]r-,ioiun"a, flower as part cer e brations *' oj:: of like the : I ll' ru*ion ar ouys Republic uay and":"i;;g;;;' the Independence Dav. *$fi..;. , o,lt"* \1' SECTION Vl

SALUTE 3.31 €, -1



Eouatri€s; the National FJag shall be.on the e)ctre-me right; i.e. if an observer were'to stand in the center,of the row of the flags facing the audience, the Nat:iosal Flag should be to his extreme right. The positiOn il; lllustrated in the

ra*ar*{}. , t't*,i a *f f.l a *tNa -:! +' .,t, K J.JJ

3.34 In case ;r-- ,:.:zl 'q tEt, Trel fc

^^. . J.J) When the National"Flag is displayed against a waltwith ''!:' another flag ftom gfris,ged skffs, the.National Flag shall be on theright i€it$.e.Flgg,s own right, and its staffshall be in front of the,S*aff,6f the other flag. The position : iilustrated i\n the diagram below:- f!';tF Tq- 3rj. . l| g, ,3, ,-Fri rw ryf c,j:nr - *;. ,4t t\l^'() ,$f '.1. -/r [ir, \\.- i:a {{:l

with the i -;' 3.36 When rhe United Nation's Flag is flown along 'i:l National Flag, it can be displayed on either sidq of the *'* is to fly the National + National Flag. The genera! praciice ; FIag on the extreme right with reference to the direction f,' rvhich it is facing (i.e- extreme lefl of an observer facing i the masts flying the Flags). The position is illustrated in t L the diagranr below:-

f,sstatfa*soolltaa oi$lGa*tl*otf{},|ol I tta*ltatt I t|l':9"| t a sfll*alfs* s *$fttf o. ca ca o ooo l3 c oooa Ari*!*ru{}m rtflri..,r ,"*'&ffi' s ttg. *.$r';* **qF qGt 'slF F'vl-

* 3.3?whentheNationalF.lagisflownwithflagsofother size" 'I countriss, *re l1ag rnasts shall be of equal ofthe flag ofone International usage iorbids the display ,. in tirrre of peace' ji nation above tlrar of, another nation rat a shall not be flowa from a single Ttast- I 3.38 The National FlSg -'-- or flagq' There iJ'a- ii*"it*."i;1v wiih any other flag lte 'it flags' *t f" separate mast'heqds for different


/ OFf'ICiAL I}ISPLAY OVER PUBLIC BUILDI}{GS RESIDI1NC'iS l:e flown only on 3.39 Norr"rally ine National Flag should i*potrunt public buildings suca ies.High Courts' S*"rrt*i"tt,Commissianers'Ofltces'C':llectorates'Jails and Zllla *A om""t otthe Distist Boards,lv{r:nio;i1:alities ic S e.c i r:r Un4erbki n gs.

the official 3.41 The l.latioual Irlag shaulci be il*wr:' sn residelces of the President, Vice-Piesident" Governors aild Lieutenant Oover*ors when they arc at Headquarters and onthe building in'which they stay iiuring their visits to places outside the Headquarters' The Flag llown on the officiai residence should, however, be bmugbt down as so,.in as ttiu digrritary leave$ lhe Headquartsrs and it shauld be re-hrris,ted onrhat building as heenters the main +l-- . t! ,t 4C' 8,^..'lai ,,* "S 4t" 9i:

gate ofthe building on return to the Headquarters. When the dignitary is oa a visit to a place outside the Headquarlers, the Flag should be hoisted on rhe buitding in which he stays as he enters the main gate of that building and it should be brought down as soon as he leaves that place. However, the Flag should be flowh frsm sun-rise to sun-set on such official residenees, irrespective of whether the dignitary is at Headquarters or not on the - Republic Day, Indelendence Day, Mahatama Gandhi's Birthday, National Week (6th to l3th April, in the memory of mart;ns of Jalianwala Bagh), any other particular day of national rejoicing as may be specified by the or, in the case of a State, on the anniversasy of formation cf that State. 3.42 When the Preside*t, the Vice-President or the Primc Minister visits an instituticn, the Naticnal Flag may be flown by the institulion as a rnark of respect. 3.43 On the occasions of the visit to india by foreign dignitaries, namely, Fresidenl; Yice-President, Emperor / King or Heir Prince and the Prime Minister, the National Flag may be flown aiong with the Flag of the foreign country eonc€med in accoidanee with the rules contained in Section VII by such private institutions as are according rec€ption to the visiting foreign dignitaries a-qC on such public buildings as tlie foreign dignitaries inrend to visit on the day of visit to the institution. .,$ J' ,.ii.iiJi" f' . :x l6? a';", |\ / .4n SECTION IX


3.44 The privilege of flying thiNational Flag on rnotor cars is lirnited to the:- {l) President; (2) Vice-President; (3) Governors and Lieuteaant Governors;

(4) Heids of Indian Missionsiposts abroad in the . .countries to which they are accredited; (5) Prime Minister and other C-abinet Ministers; Ministers of State and DepufyMinistersofthe Union;

Chief Minister and other Cabinet ir4inisters of a State or ;

Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers of a State or Union Territory:

(6) Speaker ofthe Lok Sabba;

Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha; Deputy Speaker ofthe Lok Sabha;

Chairrnen of Legislative Councils in States

Speakers of Legislative Assemblies in States and Union territories.

Depury Chairmen of Legislative Councils in States; Deputy Speakers of Legislative Assemblies in States and Union tsrritcries; s..,, &,,*e ffi,rrfi, ,:.r* {6r ri:-:' *, $r *w6b' d!'

' (.': ] Chie.f Justice of India; Judges of Supreme Court; Chief Justice of High Courts; Juciges of High Courts. i."i5 'i'hc ilignitaries mentioned in Clauses (5''lto i7) of Flag oh their ears' ;i?raiiraph 3.44 may fly the National tvi:eneoer $ey consider it necessary or advisable: 3.46 *hen a forelgn dignitary travels in a car provided by Gorcrnrnent, the Nationatr Flag will be {lown on the right side of ihe car and the Flag of the foreign countries will i--e :icrr'n on the left side of the car'

$EprIoJ{ x'

DTSPI.,AY AN T}I.AINS I AIR.CR.AFT'S l.4l w*hcr: ihe President travels b1' spe;iai train within the counir.v. ihe Naticnal Fiag shouiC be flown from the driver's cab on the side facing the platform ofthe staticn from ra'here the train departs. The Flag should be flor'vn anl-v- rvhen the special train is statit-rnary or when coming lnto the station where it is going tc halt' 3.48 The Natlonal Flag will be florvn cn the aircraft carrying l:'re Presi,Jent, the Vice-President or the Prime Minister 'rn ,'i visit to a fereign counlry' Alongside the National Fiag. ihe Flag of the country visiteci should also be florvn but- rvhen the aircraft tands in countries enroute, the lrjatronal Flags of the cottntries touched would be flon'n iaslead" as a gesture of courtesy and goodwill'

3 -49 \r/hen the President soes on tour within india, the National Flag rvill be dispiayed on the side by which the President rvil! embark the aircraft or disenibark from it' p[cTl0N xl


3-50 In the event ofthedeath of rhe following digniraries, rhe Narional Flag shall be half_rnasted at the-places indicateJ against each on the day of the death of tiie dignitary:_ Disnitary Place gr olaces

President Vice-President Throughout India Prime lvlini:rer

Speaker of the Lok Sabha i Chief Justicc of india i. I

Union Cabinei - Minister Delhi aad State Capirals

Minister of State or Depury il{inisrer of the Union Delhi

Governor Lt. Chief N{inister of a State fhrougfi out lhe State or Un ion ChiefMinister ofa Lrnion tenitory tenitory eonc*ned. Cabinet Minister in a State Capital ofthe Sfate concerned.

3.5 I If thc inrinration of &e death af any riignitary is receiveci in lhe afiernoon, the Flagqh li be half-malied pn the foilowing day also_ ai tire placi or plices indicated above, prov,ded rhe fi:neral has not taken place before sun_rise on rhat dav.

:AE*{::*tr#'}e*ii1il: .,,.. ":;., ,-*,.- .... = 3.52 On the day of the funerai oi a dignitary neniioned abovoo the Flag shall be half-masted at the piace v"here tla firneral takes place. 3.53 If State mourning is to be observed o* ihe ileath of any dignitary the Flag shall be half-masted throughout the period of the mourning throughout India in the ciise of the Union dignitaries and throughout the State or Union territory concerned in the case of a Siaie or Union territory dignitary.

3.54 Hatf-masting of the Flag a:rd, rvhete necessary, observance of State mouming on the death of foreign eiignitaries will be governed b.v special instructions w'hich will issue from . the Ministry of I{ome Affairs in individual cases-

3.55 Notwithstanding ihe above provisicns. in'rhe event cf * half-mast day roinciciing with thc epublic l)ay,

Independence Day, \.{a"tratama Gandh i' c i:i ; itlider" N ational Week (6th to 13th Aprii, in ihe ner::cry of lirartyrs of Jalianwala Bagh), any other particular da1' of nationai rejoicing as may be specified by the Government of India or, in the case of a State, on tl:e anniversarry of formation of that State, the Flags shall not Lre fiown at half-mast except over the building rvhere the boiiy oictre deceased is tying untii such time it has been ren:cved and lhat Flag shall be raised to the full-mast positicti aiter ihe body fas been removed.

3.56 if mouming ivere to be obsen'ed in a pa:acie or prccession where a Flag is carried, tvr'o strcamers oibiack crepe shall be attached to the spear head, allawing the streamers to fall naturally. The use of black crepe in.such a manner shall be only bv an order of the Government. 3.57 when flown at half-mast, rhe Frag shail be hoisted to the ' peak tbr aninstant, thenlowered to the half-mastposi:ion, but before lowering the Flag for the day, it shall be raised again to the peak.

Note:- By half-mast is meant hauling down the Flag to one half the distance between the top and the guy-line and in the absecce of the guy_line, half of the staff. 3.58 On ocrrasions of State/MilitaryiCentral para-Militarv Fcrces funerals, . the Flag shall be draped oyer the bier o-r coffin with the saffron towards the head of the bier or cof-fin, The Flag shal! not be lcrvered into the grave or burn? iq the pyre.

3.59 In the event of death of either the l{ead of rhe State or Head sf the Gove rnment of a foreign countiy, the Indian Missicn accredited to that country may fly ihe ].{ational Flag at half-mast eveqif that event falls on Republic Dav. , Mahdtima Gandhi,s Binhday, Nationai \l,eek (6th to l3th April, in the memory of manyrs of Jalianwala Bagh) or afly other particular day of na'tisnal rejoicing as may be speeified by the Government of India. In the event ofdeath ofany other dignitary ofthat country the Narional Fiag should not be flo."vn at half_mast by the Missicns €xcept when lhe lcca! pracrice or protocol (whici^r should be ascertained frsm the Dean of the Diplor:.ratic Corps, where necessary) require ihat the National Flagof aForeigr Mission irrt-hx country should alss be flown at half-mast.
