LOST & FOUND CLAIM FORM We are concerned about your missing property. Our goal is to locate and return your property as quickly as possible. Successful tracking and claim resolution requires your prompt completion and return of this form. To speed processing, please email this completed form to
[email protected] or mail the form to: Alaska Railroad Corporation Lost and Found PO Box 107500 Anchorage AK 99510-7500 To expedite your claim processing, please complete all of the requested information below: FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CONTINUE CITY STATE ZIP CONTACT NUMBER-HOME CONTACT NUMBER-CELL DATE(S) OF TRAVEL: BOOKING NUMBER: (starts with: WRR/ARR/GRP/LTC or GPM) TRAIN RIDDEN: DENALI STAR NORTH COASTAL CLASSIC NORTH GLACIER DISCOVERY NORTH DENALI STAR SOUTH COASTAL CLASSIC SOUTH GLACIER DISCOVERY SOUTH HURRICANE TURN AURORA WINTER TRAIN OTHER: IF LEFT IN A DEPOT: SEWARD ANCHORAGE TALKEETNA DENALI FAIRBANKS OTHER: DESCRIPTION OF LOST ITEM: (type, brand, model, color, size, serial number, identifying marks; please give as much detail as possible) 10. DESCRIBE CONTENTS OF BAG: (please be as specific as possible) 11. DESCRIBE WHERE YOU BELIEVE YOU LOST/LEFT THE ITEM: (i.e., seat number, dining car, depot, viewing car, etc) 12. UNUSUAL/SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES: 13. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please call 907.265.2576 * Please note that the Alaska Railroad Corporation is not liable for lost or misplaced items. * Property not claimed after 60 days will be donated to a local charity or non-profit organization. .