Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain Newsletter – March 2005

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Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain Newsletter – March 2005 Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain Newsletter – March 2005 Contents science of products of the spirit which have arisen in the past and stay in existence after the spirit is active’. (Copies of Mi- News…………………………………………………….. 1 chael Dowthwaite's résumé of his presentation are available Conference reports………………………………………. 1 from the editor [address on page 10]. Please send a SAE and Science Group Conference, Wynstones School, 1.10.04….... 1 £1.00 with your order.) Earthly & Heavenly Harmonies, Hawkwood College, 7.10.04 6 Correspondence Derek Forman The phenomena of coloured shadows, Ron Jarman………… 6 Derek based his lecture mainly on Ernst Lehrs' book Man or Rethinking biology, David Cuthbertson…………………… 7 Matter. Lehrs analyzes the modern materialist science view as Meetings…………………………………………………. 8 prompting the onlooker consciousness and quotes Eddington Courses…………………………………………………... 8 ‘ideally, all our knowledge of the universe could have been Review…………………………………………………... 9 reached by visual sensation alone – in fact by the simplest Publications……………………………………………… 9 form of visual sensation, colourless and non-stereoscopic'. Membership…………………………………………….. 10 In other words, in order to obtain understanding of the Treasurer's report, Next issue…………………………… 10 physical world, man has felt constrained to surrender the use of all his senses except the sense of sight, and to limit even the act of seeing to the use of a single, colour-blind eye! News This is why matter in motion is considered primary and all the qualities brought to us by our other senses, such as colour, Biological transmutation website moved tone, warmth, density and even electricity and magnetism, are The site on biological transmutation research formerly at reduced to mere movement-changes. has moved to As a result, modern science is prevented from conceiving It is also mirrored at any valid idea of 'force'. See David Cuthbertson's con- Derek quoted from Matter or Mind by Davy, Edelglass, tribution Rethinking Biology on page 7. Maier & Gebert: Modern man tends to equate what is real with what is objective and what is objective with what is measurable. Insects and the ethers: a request for information Ignored in all this is the role of the human being in gaining ob- I would like to know if anyone has any information regarding jective knowledge. The human senses are taken merely as receptors the ethers (i.e. the formative forces) acting upon insects, and of stimuli. how that interaction changes throughout the year due to the The onlooker consciousness moved in two opposite direc- changing of the seasons. If you don't have such information tions: that of Descartes (1596-1650), 'I think, therefore I am', but know of someone researching into insects and the forma- and that of Robert Hooke (1635-1703), who found by using tive forces, then do let me know. I would also like to know of the microscope that 'things are not always what they seem'. any information regarding the moon affecting insects too. This led to the scepticism of Hume who postulated that 'the Please reply to Paul Mills at pamproductions (at) mind never perceives any real connexions between distinct existences'. We were rescued from that particular error by Kant who Conference Reports separated consciousness from matter, but unfortunately only by assuming that the real world is unknowable. Science Group Conference Goethe has shown a way out of this impasse. Our senses as Imaginative Participation in Science well as our intellect are gifts of nature, and, if at any given Wynstone’s School, Gloucester, 1-2 October 2004 moment they cannot solve a riddle of nature, we must ask her This report was written by Derek Forman, except where indi- to help us. We need to learn to make an ever fuller use of the cated with an asterisk. senses and to bring our intellect into line with what they tell. There was a great deal of lively and intelligent response to all 'The senses do not deceive, but the judgement deceives', is the speakers. There were about thirty delegates. Thanks must one of his basic utterances. He was sure that: be due to Wynstone’s school for kindly supplying the venue 'the human being is adequately equipped for all true earthly re- quirements if he trusts his senses, and so develops them as to make and to Graham Kennish for all his sterling work in organising them worthy of trust. We need to waken faculties, both perceptual the catering and accommodation and, of course, Mrs Kennish and conceptual, which lie dormant. Every process in nature, rightly for supplying all the delicious meals, which helped to augment observed, wakens in us a new organ of cognition'. Right observa- the friendly and sociable atmosphere. tion, in this respect, consisted in a form of contemplating nature which he called a 're-creating of an ever-creative nature'. Modelling the Ego’s Encounter Space, Michael Dowthwaite Modern physicists realise that we can only see objects if Using the tree as a 'key referent image' and citing William their dimensions are at least large compared with the wave- Shakespeare, A. M. Young, J. W. von Goethe, T. S. Eliot, and length of light Renatus Ziegler, the presenter commented on issues of scien- But eventually we reach sub-atomic levels – distances which tific methodology, observation and cognition. The presentation are too small to be measured – hence we cannot observe both was illustrated with 15 geometric drawings. The following key the position and velocity of a nuclear particle. But physics was citation is taken from Ziegler: 'Thus mathematics can be a always thought of as the science of the measurable! point of departure for a science of the spirit as it is active, thereby supplementing traditional spiritual science, which is a Since the advent of quantum mechanics and relativity, me- (Copies of Derek Forman's résumé of his presentation are chanical explanations are no longer adequate, but most scien- available from the editor [address on page 10]. Please send a tists think in the same paradigm as before. SAE and £1.00 with your order.) The idea that fire and air were uncreated – 'begotten, not made', if you like – 'In the beginning was the Word […] in Modern science, the modern world and sub-nature, Him was life and that life was the light of men…' continued as Michael Friedjung* an idea into the 15th or 16th century and was part of the phi- We can approach the subject if we recall that in his last letter losophy of a great Rosicrucian scientist, Johan Baptist van to members of the Anthroposophical Society, which a friend Helmont (1577-1644). of mine considers to be a sort of last will, Rudolf Steiner wrote The modern view of the earth as a mineral body, with living about sub-nature. Among other things all the technology con- beings superimposed – the implication being that the earth nected with electricity is one of sub-nature, which can be could have continued on its way without man – has now been looked at as being 'below' nature. The subject can also be ap- contradicted by the Gaia concept of Lovelock, after Lehrs' proached in another way, if we try to overcome the contradic- time. Lovelock believes in what he calls 'The Evolutionary or tions between what is taught by modern science and many of Teleological or Strong Gaia theory' which asserts that 'the at- Rudolf Steiner's statements. mosphere is kept in homeostasis, not just by the biosphere, but Physics, as practised in the last few centuries, has been based by and for the biosphere'. on measurements of distance and of time (with clocks), as well 'It is unlikely that chance alone accounts for the fact that tem- as on counting things. This has become increasingly true of perature, pH and the presence of compounds of nutrient elements science in general. In following such an approach, science have been, for immense periods, just those optimal for surface life. came more and more to study what is very far from human Rather, ... energy is expended by the biota to actively maintain experience in for instance the very small, the very large, high these optima'. (Lovelock and Margulis 1974) energies, etc. A kind of threshold was crossed by physics This brings us to the EPR paradox first enunciated by Ein- about a century ago. We can understand the world studied by stein-Podolsky-Rosen (1935), who proposed a thought ex- modern science, to a large extent, as being one of sub-nature. periment that appeared to demonstrate quantum mechanics to From this point of view, we may begin to overcome some of be an incomplete theory. The usual view of quantum mechan- the contradictions between modern science and what Rudolf ics says that a wave function determines the probabilities of an Steiner said. However, I cannot pretend to overcome all con- actual experimental result and that it is the most complete pos- tradictions in such a way. sible specification of the quantum state. Einstein, Podolsky Present day technology is based on the science of sub-nature and Rosen believed the predictions of quantum mechanics to in, for instance, electronics and nuclear energy. The present be correct, but only as the result of statistical distributions of world economy is in its turn based on the technology and sci- other unknown but real properties of the particles. ence of sub-nature. We may note that world-wide financial The physicist, Bohm (1951) presented a paper in which he speculation is now very much supported by the rapid exchange described a modified form of the EPR thought experiment of messages though the internet.
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  • See the Book Catalogue
    WALDORF PUBLICATIONS WALDORF RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONWaldorf 38 Main Street Chatham, NY 12037 P.O. Box 307 518-634-2222 Wilton, NH 03086 CATALOG 2014 formerly PUBLICATIONS WALDORF PUBLICATIONS CATALOG 2014 Administration, Finance, and Community . 2 Child Development . 37 English, Reading, and Literature . 5 Early Childhood . 39 Foreign Language . 9 Introduction to Waldorf Education, Parenting, Drama . 10 and Enrollment Materials . 42 History, Myths, and Legends . 12 Waldorf Education . 45 Research Bulletins . 51 Mathematics, Geometry, and Form Drawing . 15 Waldorf High School Research Projects . 54 Science . 18 Individual Research Papers . 54 Waldorf Science Kits . 23 Renewal Magazine . 55 Waldorf Science Newsletters . 24 Crafts, Activities, and Art . 26 Pedagogical Section Council Publications . 60 Eurythmy and Music . 29 Index . 61 Verses, Songs, Rhymes, Circle Time, and Games . 30 Ordering Information . 65 Storybooks . 34 About Waldorf Publications . 67 All titles are published by Waldorf Publications (formerly AWSNA Publications) with The Research Institute for Waldorf Education (RIWE) unless otherwise noted. Director of Publications and Development: Patrice Maynard Assistant Editor, Layout & Proofreading: Ann Erwin Layout Design: David Mitchell Cover image: from Pico the Gnome by Martina Müller, with permission of the artist. Technical Support: Sarah Dinan, Anamyn Turowski Distribution: Robin Bellack Look for this symbol Y to indicate books for children. Please keept this catalog for future reference and help us to save trees. Administration · Finance · Community The Social Mission of Waldorf Education Independent, Privately Funded, and Accessible to All The Art of Administration Gary Lamb Viewpoints on Professional Management in The author describes the historical founding of the first Waldorf Schools Waldorf School in Stuttgart, Germany, and describes David Mitchell, ed.
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