Floor, Vedra “Hleera Plaza”, 4th Near Telephone Exchange, Central Avene,EP - 440 008Oe onto “we MALU PAPER Web _ : malupaper.com email;
[email protected] Cee CIN No. : L15142MH1994PLC076009 Date: 22-06-2020 To To —— The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. The National Stock Exchange of India BSE Listing Center NEAPS Mumbai -400 001. Mumbai - 400 051. Security Code: 532728 Symbol: malupaper Sub : Submission of Newspaper copies of Board meeting Notice. Sir/Madam Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, we are enclosing herewith a copy of the Notice of the Board Meeting published in Loksatta, a Marathi daily newspaper in Maharashtra and Indian express - The English newspaper published in Nagpur. The Notice for the Board Meeting scheduled to be held on 27" June, 2020 is also available on the website of the Company at http://malupaper.com You are requested to kindly take the same on record and inform all those concerned accordingly. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, For Malu Paper Mil MayuriAsawa Company Secretary Mem. no: A50891 Unit II : Village Borujwada , Nagpur Saoner Road, Taluka-Saoner, Dist.: Nagpur - 441 107 Unit III: Village Heti (Surla), Saoner Industrial Area, Taluka-Saoner, Dist.: Nagpur - 441 107 Scanned by TapSeanner SST 2 Ferra Seay PATE, STA BALA.B19 Wea ay ever eeeeens_wananrag sninde.par WA, OH &+3=8 TA Sard eres Sirsa siren I j09, Serer SAAT ATER 309 dent | weie A. 909, 3 Foret flesh auitqar steea, APTN Fea, sft. 28,30,000,00 | 43.09.2090 | 03.00.209¢ | 49,00,000.00 | hema, sel sree, eae eens, Pe Aafia ger| ea4.