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11 be found, Young and another one started down, and a large body of this rich ore that tho president had concluded to escape on Thursday forenoon. While bereaved widow of our deceased tor such a veto the Chinese bill, his DESPERATE FIGHT when part of the way there, upon looking the formation being favorable and that the at work near one of the pans ml&LY EPITAPH. brother our heartfelt sympathy, ami would be finally and around found that the whole party were result. matter settled at a pantaloons caught on the reel he tender to her all tho consolation in cabinet meeting this morning. Gen. was around with ,on tho way. It was decided that the r instantly drawn the TOMDSTONE. AKIZONA, APK1L 3, 188.'. our power to bestow. THE C'OttO.VER'8 1MQUKST. Butler, who is n warm advocate of he house ought to be watched, so Mr. machinery. Fortunately escaped Resolved, That a memorial page the bill, had a long interview with without serious Two Cow-Bo- y Rustlers Come Brcakenridgc and Gillespie returned. of Ittfath any injuries. bo set apart and that these reso- Inquiry Into the Cause the tho president last night, and is Six-Pag-e About this timo the door was opened, and of 31. It. Peel. Edition. lutions bo spread in full on our quoted as saying to-d- ay that he was to Grief, a man by name of Lewis, a teamster who TUinU DAT. Florence Xotea. records, and that a copy of tho same, satisfied from the president's remarks From the Florence Enterprlie. was staying overnight there, stepped out, Before the jury this afternoon J. A. properly attested, bo forwarded to that the bill would be vecoed to-d- ay Foreman Peabody, who has the This Page is from the Dailv lollowed by Hunt, who d Nolly was sworn as the first witness. I tho family and lodgo of the deceased immediately or Members of tho Pa- contract for sinking a working shaft Wednesday, March 20. Mr. Young is of opinion live" in Charleston; am a carpenter and of brother. And a Good 3Ian Killed m firing. cific coast delegation did not think it for the Silver Queen, in tho San -. or three shots were miner. It was on Saturday, about two that as many as two truo. Tho president, it is added, Pedro district, is running two ten. IMlKl'IOITM METALS IX AIU-ZON- Tjur:.irn ltr.CKirriox Enforcing the Law. miuutcs after the whisllo blew for 12, that TIIK ;otr.itoit fired before does not object to restricting immi- hourshifts and doing excellent work. OILLESriE WIS KILLED, I saw tho half-bree- Henry Raymond. I of Tonibstoiio'H tJreetiuc to the Chief gration, but will state to congress Tho mine looks well. Olaranco King, in his statistics not certain, for as soon as the am positive of this. Henry wore a light Kxceullve of the Territory. but this is that tho timo is excessive, and that if Jerry Fryer has given a thirty-da- y met- 1 him, but lighter tho production of the preoious Until last evening Tombstone had battle opened the entire attention of all drab hut at tho time saw congress will leduce it to ten bond on two copper claims known as Billy Grounds mid Zwlng Hunt mill office. years als in tho United States, says of Ari- never had tho honor of recoiving in- concerned was too closely turned to self than the one I tound near the ho will sign the bill. Tho facts the East and the West, and located Go on Their Cnttlu Rajds 1 both gun and pistol. zona: " A marked impulse has been to her midst the chief executive of defense to note consecutively how matters am sure that ho had regarding the consideration of tho In Casa, Grande district. They have cer- as follows; No More. one thing they are Isaac Jacobs testified I to-da- given to tho mining industry of Ari- the territory, but that tho advent is did happen. Of Chinese bill at y's cabinet ses- not been developed to any great ex- Is that Hunt shot know a colored man named Henry. He is appreciated, especially when the dis- tain, however, and that are substantially as follows: Ow- tent, but show a vein of high-grad- e zona by the line showing of tho new sion strong tinguished personage is none othor Gillespie through the left temple, when he at work for me now ; ho went to work for ing to amount of timo consumed in ore. Tombstone district. Tho bullion He then filed at mo on the 2Cth of March. I bought some than the Hon. F. A. Tritlo, can be Outnllx of the Fight ami CaxualtleM. fell dead in his tracks. the Mason case and routine matters, Mr. Wilson, of tho Casa Grande production of this district had only fully determi ied by tho cordial wel- Mr. Allen, the ball passing through his rabbits on the 25th fiom him. It was there was very little opportunity for district, is pushing work on his begun in tho period covered by the come extended to that gentleman coat on top of the right shoulder, causing about dui-- Saiuiday night that I saw him discussing tho Chinese bill. The White Flag mine which shows good neck. census year. A few months later, last evening. a slight crease in the side of his last. president thereforo adjourned the ore. lie was fortunate to be one of band-somol- y About 7 o'clock last evening Mr. E. A. .The court room had been Allen then blazed away and shot Hunt The jury then at 3 o'clock adjourned further discussion of this subject un- tho first locators in tbat rich district with increased milling facilities, a Ilarlcy, deputy sheriff in charge of the decorated, and for considera- through the breast, the ball coming out of until Friday morning at 11 o'clock. til next cabinet session on Fridav. and 'Seoured 8ome of its best pros- iu of Sheriff liehan, re- considerably higher rate if produc- ap- ollico the abseucc must-hav- e ble timo previous to tho hour his back. Hunt tired several - pects. census would ceived word that two notorious characters locations. Grand l,otcc- ISaiiquct. tion was maintained." The pointed at which the governor shots at Bicakenriilge, who had taken Fiom the Citizen. In our item last week concerning slier-ilT-s The arrive, tho crowd gathered until tho lor win iu warrants were lying in the oak tree, almost Douglas Gray et ul., Mexican Girl, tho Alice bond, held Mr. E. year ended May 31, 1880, at a timo refugo behind a large Coon. Grand Enterprise. At tho conclusion ot tho Masonic by W. largo hall was densely packed. A ofllce, named Billy Grounds, alias several bullet Culver, of placed mines of Tombstone had oppDsite tho door, for Lous Ilabb et al , Tip Top, Cochise dis- Grand Lodge organization, on Satur-da- y Pinal, we the when tho Mr. "Billy the Kill," auct Zwinj; Hunt, would committee waited on Tritle at holes were found in the tree after the battle trict. evening, a grand banquet was amount of the bond at $60,000. In just fairly begun to show of what be within eight or ten miles ot town dur- to Emma Solo- tho residence of M. B. Clap, Esq., was over. In the meantime and a few Peter P. Ackerson Mrs. tendered tho visiting brethern by this wc erred; the bond calls for stuff they, were made. The produc- and escorted him to tho court house. ing the nijjht or early this morning. Upon mon, parcel of land ; $750. $75,000. The mistake was made by seconds after Hunt oncned the battle, eTas. S. al, Goodrich, Tucson lodge. Tho affair took placo by counties was On entering the reception hall the receipt of this information Mr. Ilarlev or. Clark et to Briggs our informant. tion of tho territory camp: out, lots 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, block 5; in the banquet room of the new hall, governor was greeted by hearty Uercd Deputy Sheriff Brcaken ridge to or- oitouxns New hoisting works for the How- as follows: Maricopa. 1980 tons, and Breakcnridge blazed away at him with $2000. and the supper was furnished by the cheers from tho waiting multitude. ganize a posse and to itart about one or DEEDS MINKS. ard mine and for the Pioneer, south, with an average assay value per ton shot-gu- and was so tmtunatc as to Palace hotel, which may be taken as then stepped o to be on the ground at his May Ilowaid to Mrs. Enricht, Bella Hon. William Herring two o'clock, as a for its very fine. are on the way and will soon reach of 1 15.94, aggregating 230,000. fow order to put a full charge of buckshot inlohishcad, A; 1000. guarantee being forward and in a well chosen an early hour in the morning in m their destination. The new saw- him out. When Mr. Young t About sixty of the brethern were Mohave turned out 2G1SJ tons, as- words, delivered in an eloquent man- make the arrests, which Mr. Barley which laid mill for the Pioneer company is also returned from toward the loner Knights Election Uniform Hank. present, including the officers of the $248,-99G- ; in behalf of tho citi- ith-o- going AH saying $95.09, bullion value ner, extended, thought might bo done by four men At a meeting of Ivanhoe Division, No.