Eileen Stevens
"'LetEach Becone Aware" Founded 1957, Incorporated 1976 Volume XXXIX, Number 21 Monday, November 13, 1995 : First Copy lFree- University Senate Passes (quality of Teaching Propos1a, _w BY ENEILRYAN DE LA PENA departmental and university-wide for commuting students. order to gain student support. "I think [students] should at Statesman Editor training program. "There was a lot of least be able to understand their The University Senate . "In general, [the proposal] discussion," Mackin said, teachers, but-I think they should passed a. proposal at last 3. All teachers,- in will help the.students,-" said referring to the University Senate be strict on [enacting the Monday's'meeting that will undergraduate' course-both' Nicole Rosner, :Polity vice voting on the proposals, -last proposals]," said Natalie Jacobs, ultimately improve the quality of faculty and TA's-must speak, president and member of the Monday. "There were still a lot a sophomore. "A teacher can still teaching at Stony Brook, English at a level appropriate to Undergraduate Council, of people disagreeing with it.- be pretty, good at handling the according to James Mackin, classroom instruction or other referring to the TA's who do not The vote came up 37 to 5 in favor accent, but they must get their professor and' chair of the teaching duties. fluently speak English. "I don't of adopting them." Since the point across." Undergraduate Council. think it's fair that students go into proposals have been passed in the Sophia Campbell, a junior, Mackin, along 'with 4.' When possible, faculty classes while they can't Senate, they are now currently in -strongly agreed with the members of the Ad Hoc should be given credit for understand the TA." effect, said Mackin.
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