Typography in Advertising
Doctoral Thesis Typography in Advertising Typografie v reklamě Author: Aleksandar Donev, MSc Degree programme: Visual Arts (P8206) Degree course: Multimedia and Design (8206V102) Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Zdeno Kolesár, Ph.D. Zlín, December 2015 © Aleksandar Donev Published by Tomas Bata University in Zlín in the Edition Doctoral Thesis. The publication was issued in the year 2015 Key words in English: Typography, Advertising, Visual Communication, Design, Typefaces, Fonts Key words in Czech: Typografie, Reklama, Vizuální Komunikace, Design, Písma, Fonty Full text of the Doctoral Thesis is available in the Library of TBU in Zlín ISBN 978-80-……… ABSTRACT This thesis is set to investigate the use of type and typography in advertising, the role of typography in rendering the advertising message and the effects it has on the same. Typography and advertising both have been researched significantly all over the world but mainly as a two separate disciplines without showing the importance of their connection. The aim of my thesis is to fill that gap and show the significance of typography in advertising and their relationship in the communication process. The approach undertaken in this thesis is mainly theoretical, including statistics, a survey, a case study and an analysis of literature from various sources in the field of the research. I have analysed the factors that make typography suitable and effective for advertising purposes. With this research I am able to confirm that the use of typography and type for advertising purposes is slightly different than its use for other purposes. I am hoping that my work will make designers and advertisers more aware of the importance of typography in the creation of advertisements and that they will make better use of it.
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