2007: Investing in Knowledge: Investing in the Future World Science Forum - Budapest 8 – 10 November 2007, Budapest, Hungary Special Session on “Investing in Science, Technology Mrs. Nadia EL-AWADY Managing Science Editor/Deputy Editor-in- and Innovation: Chief IslamOnline.net Challenges and Opportunities for Cairo EGYPT Parliaments” Cell phone: +2010-615-2228 Email:
[email protected] 9 November 2007 Mrs. Ulla Burchardt, MP PARTICIPANTS Chairwoman of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment Mrs. Valeria ROMAN German Federal Parliament Science Journalist Deutscher Bundestag El Clarin newspaper, Argentina Platz der Republik World Federation of Science Journalist 11011 Berlin (WFSJ) GERMANY ARGENTINA Tel: 030 / 22 77 33 03 Fax: 030 / 22 77 63 03 Mr. Wilson DA SILVA Email:
[email protected] Science Journalist Editor of Cosmos magazine Mr József PÁLINKÁS PO Box 589, Surry Hills 2010 Former Minister of Education Sydney AUSTRALIA HUNGARY Tel: +61 (0) 2 9219 2500 | Fax: +61 (0) 2 81 2360 Dr Ali ABBASPOUR, MP Majles Shoraye Eslami Mr. Jean-Marc FLEURY Islamic Consultative Assembly Jean-Marc Fleury Baharestan Square Executive Director TEHERAN World Federation of Science Journalists IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) 28, Caron Street, Gatineau (Québec) Email :
[email protected] Canada J8Y 1Y7 Email:
[email protected] Dr. Hadi Doost Mohammadi Tel.: +819 770-0778 IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) CANADA Dr. Ali Sarafroaz Yazdi Mr. Hepeng JIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) Science Journalist Regional Coordinator China | SciDev.Net Mr. Moslem Mirzapour Beiyuan Road 86, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) Beijing 100101 CHINA Mrs. Mayra Gisela PEÑUELAS ACUÑA, MP
[email protected] [email protected] Secretary of the Commission for Science and Tel : +86 (0) 10 84-85- 8195 Technology Chamber of Deputies Mr.