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Session document

16.1.2006 B6-0063/2006


with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law

pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure

by Simon Coveney, Edward McMilland-Scott and Bernd Posselt,

on behalf of the EPP-ED Group

on : violence against Sudanese refugees

PE 368.289v01-00 EN EN B6-0063/2006

European Parliament resolution on Egypt: violence against Sudanese refugees

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its previous resolutions on , – having regard to the EU-Egypt Association Agreement, – having regard to Article 2 of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement, to which the European Union and Egypt are parties, – having regard to the resolution adopted by the EMPA on 15 March 2005 in , highlighting the importance of human rights, – having regard to the political priorities of the EP Presidency of the EMPA as stated on 21 April 2005 to increase the dialogue on human rights with parliaments of the partner countries, – having regard to the Barcelona Process declaration of 28 November 1995, – having regard to Commission communication of 12 April 2005 on the 10th Anniversary of the Barcelona Process and the objectives for the next 5 years, especially the aim to focus on issues such as the protection of human rights, – having regard to Article 11(1) of the Treaty of the European Union and Article 177 of the EC Treaty, which establishes the promotion of human rights as an objective of the common foreign and security policy, – having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, – having regard of the United Nations Convention on Refugees of 28 July 1951 and the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, – having regard to the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which affirm the principle that human beings shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination, – having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas, on 30 December 2005, the Egyptian Security Forces evacuated by force about 1500 Sudanese migrants and refugees who were settled in Moustafa Mahmoud Square in front of UNHCR Headquarters and who had been asking to be relocated to third countries since 29 September 2005,

B. whereas reports state that 2000 police officers surrounded the improvised encampment, fired water cannons into the crowd and beat individuals with clubs in order to end the sit-in,

C. whereas it has been reported that protesters were forcibly removed from the park and taken to various detention centres outside Cairo in public transportation buses,

D. whereas it has been reported that at least 27 individuals died, whilst others were imprisoned and many others were injured following the Egyptian Security Forces' attack,

PE 368.289v01-00 2/4 EN E. whereas the Egyptian authorities announced on 4 January 2006 that the deportation of some 650 Sudanese nationals was to be postponed for 72 hours so that the UNHCR could identify refugees or asylum seekers,

F. whereas human rights violations in Egypt have increased in the past months, including the arrest of the leader of the secular El Ghad party and former member of parliament, , and other defendants after the last elections and whereas Ayman Nour has been sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment for allegedly falsifying some of the 50 signatures needed to register his party,

G. whereas shortcomings were reported by the European Parliament's ad-hoc delegation and by Egyptian NGOs monitoring the recent legislative ,

1. Underlines the importance of Egypt and EU-Egypt relations for the stability and development of the Euro-Mediterranean area and welcomes the process of political reform which the Egyptian authorities have undertaken to pursue;

2. Stresses that respect for human rights is a fundamental value in the EU-Egypt Association Agreement and reaffirms the importance of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership for promoting the rule of law and fundamental freedoms;

3. Demands an investigation into the serious incidents which occurred on 30 December 2005 with the participation of UN human right experts and members of independent Egyptian human rights organizations;

4. Calls on the Egyptian authorities to provide information on the places where Sudanese migrants and refugees arrested have been placed or detained since 30 December 2005 and to release all Sudanese nationals detained during or following the events, unless they are to be charged with a recognizable criminal offence, and to ensure, furthermore, that all those held have full access to lawyers and their families and receive adequate medical treatment when necessary;

5. Requests the Egyptian authorities to take measures to ensure that police officers will act in compliance with international standards, including the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials;

6. Notes that no refugee or asylum seeker should be deported except as a result of a decision reached in accordance with the law and that access to appeal procedures should be provided; is concerned that 72 hours was too short for the UNHCR to identify refugees and asylum seekers amongst 650 persons;

7. Appeals to the Egyptian authorities to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of all migrants and refugees and to adopt a law on refugees, asylum seekers and migrants protection which complies with international law and, in particular, with the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees;

8. Asks the Commission and the Council to voice serious concern to the Egyptian authorities regarding the incidents of 30 December 2005 and to follow closely any further related developments;

3/4 PE 368.289v01-00 EN 9. Welcomes and supports the worldwide calls to release Ayman Nour and strongly urges the Egyptian authorities to ensure that Ayman Nour is well treated and not subject to torture or other form of ill-treatment and to ensure, furthermore, that he is given prompt, regular and unrestricted access to his lawyers, doctors (as he is a diabetic) and family;

10. Instructs its Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq Countries to address the issue of human rights in Egypt at its next meeting with Egyptian parliamentarians and to involve representatives of civil society in the process;

11. Calls on the Council, the Member States and the Commission to address human rights issues when continuing the EU/Egypt discussions towards a national Action Plan and further to support the aim of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement regarding respect for human rights in a permanent political dialogue with Egypt;

12. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States and the government and parliament of Egypt.

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