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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-10-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-10-1907 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-10-1907." (1907). abq_mj_news/3256

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TWENTY-NINT- II v M II, t& 00 a Yenr. H YEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1907. By farrier. u'. a Miiotb. PRICE 5 CENTS TODAY IS ALBUQUERQUE DAY TOE CORONADO BOIL SELF CONFESSED OUT AND BOOST FOR FORMED AT Til i-- SNEAKJHIEF nil51 BIGGEST FAIR IN HISTORY REMARKABLE CONFESSION El OF MILLIONAIRE WIFE . . ; i of Which Puz- Crowning Day of Territorial Carnival Packed Full of Events Series Crimes Great Gathering in Elks' Theater Hears Eloquent Speakers zled Authorities in Chicago Is From Morning Until Night This Is the Day That Everybody Eul jrjve Historic Deeds of Conquistadores Who Came From Up By Capture of Cleared Sp .in to New World Founded Civilization Which . Pays Every Loyal Albuquerquean Expected to Show Up the and Rich Kleptomaniac. New Mexico Now Enjoys Distinguished Men Add Pres- at Traction Park, and Root for the Twenty-sevent- h Annual

1 to to Chicago, Ills,, Oct. 9. In a remark- j; ..." ... S tige Movement Commemorate Coronadp. ably confession to the pollco tonight COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS WILL Mrs. Charlea J. fiomndka of Milwau- Í kee, wife of the millionaire manufac- i - FIRST OFFICERS ELECTED AND turer, admitted lie. was responsible for a aeries of burglaries and petty . . TOWN; DERBY DAY AT t, . TAKE thefts that baffled the authorities for PLEDGE many weeks. Mra. Uomadka'a con-fessi- I RESOLUTIONS SUPPORT was the latest development RACE TRACK THIS AFTERNOON following her arrest for a robbery committed at the home of C. K. Heck, TO ERECTION OF MONUMENT when Jewelry valued at more than $1.000 waa stolen. She Implicated in day v Today Is Albuquerque at the about nine miles from Oudja. Morocco, her peculations a negro, Albert Junes, i'. i .n: ' association, acterlsib nil ilrring speech on "The by tribesmen. The i ..- Mich is l II. Missionary fol- territorial fair. íienl Ululasen and a man known as Kalph Hinlth "Í In pel He Fathers." The speech every Moors were repulsed, bul the French ;nc n un.- and feme "I Francl-c- o Vas-- i, lows in full: Today I the dny it is up to is arrest and the ' lost two Kpahis killed and had two The former under ci z .1.. I c c the Spanish To Ihe student of history, the story man, woman, and child in Albuquerque sharpshooters wounded; A score of police are searching for the latter. In ,!i!ri- whu ;,. ih- way fur the of the conquest and Cbristlanlxatinn were i ' vv Ml to get out and make u noise like a French cavalry horses killed. her confession Mrs. Komadku said her I, .un ' tun in Mixiiu, and of New Mexico ni ti be Interesting t' Official Account or Fighting. il :. t I:- - sumí '.u he une i high tlegie... becauM" here he will first theft was committed In April ot lie icet booster. Pails. Oct. 9. official reports of II, . i m. t find the tiling exploits sol- In ,,f ililr and tht of Ihe territory has come to Iho fighting near oudja say thai a this year. "I saw an advertisement tc- - v .ves- The whole ii. it. ssov, in ihc iMii.ili. a" in c,ní.c.l dier of fortune and the cavalier that out show them Moorish raiding party consisting of the paper," she said, "for a truiWil rniM.i te! t,.v inornii.g at the Klks' theater furnish abundant materia) to tile visit ua. Get and horsemen, wus Hie lit one hundred threaten- 1 Mra. One of Cominillo Convct'lioii. vivid imagination of writer of ro- we appreciate the honor and ing Angad were nurre. went to the home of the that the tilbesmen who posi- mance, as well as the heroic deeds of know how to entertain Iheni. Oet out camped northweat of Oudja on ac- David Pfae-lae- and aecurcd the Christian charity first conceived In and root for the territorial carnival count of the bitter's friendliness to- tion. I atuyed there about a day and CASSIE CHADWICKE the faith of the common fatherhood and help to make Albuquerque day of wards the French. A French column a half, stealing a diamond ring, a dia- of Hod mid the In ot hcrhooil of man, the Twentv-aevent- h annual fair smash was sent to protect the and REPORTED NEAR DEATH burn of Intense love of humanity in mond bracelet and a silver curd case." mi all" record, past, present and future. dispatched emissaries advance to and executed with such utter disre-ua- It Ih Alhuquerqiie'a day, and she ascertain the Intention of the hostile After retailing several experiences, of seif us to excite the admira- make the most of it. Oet out horsemen. The latter Insulted the best Columbus, Ohio. Oi l. ,1.. Mi-- 'ils tion of tho sage and tihnuld emissaries, While some of the Mu..;'a securing positions in the families sober moralist. and show the fair ussoc latlon that In- the cltv through advertisement, sic Chadvvlck today was re,...rl..l oilier lips wPI detail to you the heart and were still negotiating with the emls- - walking In wors,. at huspilal splendid of oii are supporting them sarles, who conaiaied of a few irregu- - sometimes deliberately much the woman's and brilliant achievements the pres- standing . military hiiiiI in their efforts to make cavalrymen, a shot was fired at where she found the door ward in the Ohio penitent iar For the chiefs and pioneers that ent fair the biggest ever. lar 'open, securing in each case a tew soiii." days she has he n unable to brought this vast territory under the everybody the Spahls. who replied, driving the con- This Ik the day that Moors to refuge behind Guerhol hill. pieces of lewelry. Mra. ltomadka retain nourishment and apparently dominion of the Hoanlsh crown; their pnvs. No passes ro. The fair asso- tinued: "Then I went to Milwaukee she rs resigned to her f itc. Her iruu-bl- e clatin to our gratitude and to undying Suddenly a cross fire wus opened on . V. hHH to Rive you my a time, and succeeded Is and ii si. lo- ciation worked hard the French troops and the regular en- to home for heart failure weak fame Is well deserved, and history will rs week of fun, and In stealing a coat Horn Mra. ach by eating .rich viands. ' names a solid gagement which followed lasted four sealskin caused "', catty their to the remotest free-wl- lj offer- f'ady. 1 shipped the coat to Jone She made a confession f the Roman ,tf' generations lad me pay passing .lu.,i take oul a little houra, at the end of which the Minos .. ing to show that you appreciate It. were completely They and he sold It for IS. I found out Catholic faith yesterday and n c. ly tribute, feeble though It be. to that defeated. left was ( , v It onlv Albuquerque day It Is how easv It was to steal while I the rile of baptism. Mrs. ad icu silent group of unpretentious mid Isn't a number of dead on tho field. Chi- ten-ye- Commercial Travelers day and Kerby in Milwaukee before coming to is serving a term for i u- - humble soldiers uniform waa day several other kinds of a day. cago. I got a Job aa nurse girl and Ihg the First .Nalirnal bank. a loose cassock, whose only weapon and woman waa out i l t The program Is the very best of the RECEIVERS APPOINTED one dav while the Mrs. Chadwick lying I. .night In a was the emblem of our redemption week, and to make the day an unqual- Aw. .7. ) noticed she left her Jewelry on me very crltit'al condition. She is con- which thev carried In one hand, while FOR MARYLAND BANK dressing table. Thin liw n liioa scious min i wanders at times message ified success it is desired to have the ivn .... but her In the other they held the ot i couio kci n.e. and her vitality - very low. 't'onlghl crowd at the park the hugest the fair inai I the Martyr of Oolgotlia to mankind, He there, 9. lewelrv Just as easy as not. came her pulse Is 110 un I she h is a marked high, peace ground have ever wen., Oet. Receivers were I "illory be to Cod on and a wont on to Chicago last April. met Jones tvvur. to men of good I and be there with smile that today appointed the application of to do the Jobs. mi earth will." refer come off and your lungs ready to use Alexander H. Robertson, with the as- and he told me how ' to the Milillers of the Crocs, to those He gave me two trunk key and Against lucren-- '. I limit. sent of the company, for the Farm- n Injunction Tariir in ni.) r 1, benefactors of humanity to the how to get Into I will be packed solid ers' Trust, I'anking and Deposit I'lira-n- y. showed me Just Portland. Ore., ct. S. At the In wlio. In all ug"s and among nil pro- The afternoon house. I would take the stun" hri! I r. ns-;'- -i A amuso-nen- cX' The f thia city. The are stance' of the. :,m.,i eles, have ever sought to introduce with and ltemen. receivers would sell it. 1 don't know that K program begins with bronco busting I'everly W. Mister and K. S. Johnson, Jones latlon a temporary injunciion was find mid a (lodly morality and purity bronco he ever stole anything himself." siied yesterday restraining the Hill In Is at I o'clock, and ends with both of whom qualified by filing a Attorney J. F. Donovan of Milwau- Increasing In Ihe home, which. turn. llin busting when the sun goes down. bond for 1 00. nun. Tightness of mon- and llarrlman roads from corner stone of social and ,slltical doing every ey kee, who represents the woman's hus- the lumber rates as proposed in their There Is to be aomething is given as the cause of the embar- band, vvhii will defend her In organizations among men. and new achedules. dla-ati- minute and between the mhiutea. The rassment of the company, which con- cour.t said Mrs. Romadka went to Fate had decreed thai, from are to be pulled ducted a banking at Ga- 1 expedition no jiar-a!!- e( best races of the fair institution Milwaukee from Oshkosh when she .1 ' ' that has -- riv e Md.. name Ga- husbandTíñ'ÍjTwífe j, - ', in sur- orf, and there are nearly sevcrii lena. under the of the was 1 years old. After a short court- four men should thoroughbreds, the pick of which will lena hank: at f .aldington. Md., under ship she married Romadka. the cere- r vive to whom ll wus given, of all civ- show their heels to the grand stand the name of the ihtrlingtoti bank; at mony taking place at Oshkosh. Ac- drowned in bath tub ilized peoj ie. first to set thetr feet this afternoon. The soldiers will give Keedvsvllle, Md . under the name of cording to the attorney the new life upon and behold what how Is the ter- In repertoire, and the Keedysvllle bunk: at Mount Airy. ritory N'ew Mexico. the best drill their into which her millionaire husband Long Cal., - '. I). W. ..1 o' there will be until the fans Md.. under tlie name of the Mount Introduced her. turned the woman's Reach. Oct. Aliar Xunei Caliera de Vaca, Alon-li- 'i You can't af- Airy bank, and at k. M l., un- or Kohler of thii city today tuno, del Andres llorantes, are blue In the face. llanca head After a short period travel Moating ' t'lisililo. all der the name of the Washington moving body of his wife in tm ...... i of jsnanbirds, one ford to miss the fun. she insisted upon either to ain-in- g v - ' -- , them and African there, Gen- County bank. The officers decline to Chicago. milch bath tub at their home. I'pun I. r e Fstev were, Governor Curry wl'l be New York or After had nut been In her named utiico tstepbenl as and his staff will be make any statement of the financial opposition husband, permitted her that bis wife t s S far as we can ascertain, the only sur- eral Thomas her to sea i h people In condition of company. brought with bed, Kohler started hun-d''e- d there, the most prominent the ' come to Chicago. She hu,lv. M .. vivors from h of about six grand baby, and discovered her r the southwest will be in the her her daughter, then a and a la t men that started to coloniae Albuquer- was kept well supplied with money Kohler started to lake hath Florida in 1,'iT. And these men, left stand. Here Is a chance for SELECTING JURY FOR evening evidently bad ben ov cí- que territory to do herself bv ltomadka. and to I lu niselv es among . the savage and the enme hv heart failure. The had a. ....V-- . fc i. 'IS- .y ,l.w w....Jj proud. MAGILL MURDER TRIAL Mrs. ltomadka was arrested last night ' ft that inhabited the gulf states, evening a down town res- been flouting in the water all long Trtrtliig Men Convene. Saturday at Mr. Bnd Mrs. Kohler cam.- to Long after vcars of Indescribable suf- Jewelry which . The New Mexico Traveling Men's taurant after some she a month ago Hum Lex- O Mil It Y' l0, fering, wandering from tribe lo tribe, town Woman llcfoiiilanl Ohleols to egr was wearing had been recognized by Reach few escaping from captivity one day only association will tike the toda. restaurant ington, Neb. tr l.r-- i cg.-i- Wli.i M ule dil.lrcs at Ci.roiiailo oov. oHoli. Itrummers have been arriving In I'iditli lau on Hie I'ancl. Mrs. Heck, wife of the to fall into the hands of a harsher squads and battalions to attend the proprietor. Mrs. ltomadka at the master on the following, suffering Ihe It Is needless time was In company with II. It. In this city, under most favorable pangs of hunger and the cutting lash amiUMl convention, and Decatur. Ills.. Oct. 9. Mil- Chkago, good-by- e to quiet Thomas Jackson, a broker of and The ninat Ion was of the Indian, naked to sav that Its ler, a colored man was accepted by po- ora barbarous their you get that many ci"5r Mrs. Flnucane of Milwaukee. The formed nt the Coronado commemora- - limbs numbed with the jderclng cold times when S ates Attorney Redman today as a lice were notified, and upon being In a bunch. The Ma-gi- iilve convention r nlly proclaimed of the winter blasts, now and then mercial travelers Juror to try fur their lives Fa.v ll Mrs. del tared Does ltomadka Reckless irpl-thit- tr questioned. Russell by governor purpose, a playing part of healers to a knights of the grip, who have f and her recently wedded husband, been given her by a the for that the Zclger bulb fig. the Jewelry had j w not their tormentors, now picking hindquarters In the Fred II. MagiM. the former Clinton, man whom she know as "llalph convention which is nitended will In the big parade in force '.Ins Ills., hanker, whose trial yester- to only by Oovernor eorge Curry and their wav through almost Impenetra- be began Smith." Mrs. Heck refused enter path--les- s morning. day In the circuit court on charge vine Hrliradler Ceneral Tboin as, ommand-c- r ble woods and then treading the the a complaint anil Mrs. uomiioK Colora- plains, yet never losing hope and llic ranino. of murdering I'et Magill. Maglll's lir.-- t allowed to return to her room ai win of ttie department of the parade will be held wif". The young woman was ar- Spectacular Stunt do of the I'nlted States army, but by confidence In that gracious Provi- great for- His The fair leaned hotel. letter, however, she morning anil promises to be a ward and whispered with one of Judge Saddler, at the the men most prominent In the civil, dence In whh h they trusted for their Ibis her raigned befóte - among will be forever lifter seven counsel. A few minutes court, the case being h a p j.t ei Ii appear- political and religions life of tho ter- safe arrival their countrymen. ihit later Harrison police 'it gov- ferrr.1 to hv those who write about Ibe defense usí d one of lis peremp- continued for ten days. She was re- ritory. On the stage, besides the th"y cr..ed the beautiful land of the . I seven elites of Clhola, and finally ar- fmte in History." The displays tory challenges Hnd the colored politi- leased on bond. . I'pon Information shoos Ire Crow. P ernor and Ceneril Thomas and his This big A- ' Ill- - Tjii rived In city of Mexico In, July of by ibe local business men. the cian and former Decatur policeman secured from Jones after bis arrest 'tic- i inn a .it: t' faff, were O. A. I,arrasólo, of the iirmii-Ization- s dele-irat- e t I ' i.n- , a n democrat).'' the year OH. lbuquerque Industries, fraternal Picked up his hat and left the Juiv last night. Mi's, ltomadka was again DARE DEVIL it: ii i: n - o Viiai, candidate for DIVER . , Man-r- ) Individ- police , v .cl ss IN. MH. (V 1. I..3 and countless other bur. Three more Jurors were practi- token Into custody bv the and hundreds ..t i r to conur In the it eamf airn: . ' t will cally She is I ' W ii a he It. of The d. ci iption that Caheia do ual and organizations be the accepted today, making seven her confession was the result. fl oo i he l.iit If Kercnsson. this , l gave po- iMle-n.ike- ' o ll e e- -i A Otero, Vn:i and his companions about most elaborate ever at tempted. secured to dale. No testimony will held tonight at tho Harrison mroct R -" " line, cltv: overnor Mlcin rf f 1., of a more Ik. given Thursday. I ' , "I'n-.- i M' in, r T'nrel.i. of this country awoke the enthusiasm It would be difficult to find before lice station. i s and s.'inl.'l Fe; I'l'Imi'M is offered p down Colorad. Colonel Ralph K Twltchell. th Spanish authorities In Mexico for Interesting program than III W HI f.'led ti.. to- this afternoon. CAVORTS IHE to i'-- c tÜe ..f T.ns Vick. one of the prime mv Ihe conquest of the land that lay f.,r the fair grounds Ih. Irtle . .1 h e wards unexplored regions game is between Albu- ininili.-- s in I he i I" i rs of the Colonadu cnterprl'-e- .Tildife the of the The baseball ' w I I. a t : north, measures ere soon two winning tu-a f ul .1 ,,f Ira A. Abbott. "I the distrb court and taken querque and Socorro, the ni in. object. Rut It is tournament. It I ' " ' .liona! c.uiiii.iiiecinan Solomon to effect that worth, teams of the baseball TODA Y'S PROGRAMi :,..! .Icp it"- '- - FAIR t not.- iiimiI Socorro I,.. i 1" t,. lo una l'ic,. l..,t il Tlehl. f the of thai the first attempt been demonstrated that ni.l heir i has c O- - Vciv - hv Ihe vice regal government of Mex onlv team which can hoie to ATMOSPHERE !.o:t '1 I'll' of Mexico; Rev F.lth- has the i.. .' A M M no ; I u-- I to bring tliis portion of the then first money, I.- .. I I. Il.l'.l. il 'ri of he tooiai ho defeat the Frowns for ee . to ' it. tl .il h, ..f n.'Mlv disc o ted continent under the and the result Is that the fans look " 11.1 fill Cn. elnii. this Albuquerque Day ,. ' ..o'cin-.- Ne-i- M.n- - dominion of the Sisnlsh flag, was not game as decisive one of i, I .1 i logger Mover. todav's the ...... eiiti'ii-t- . to mv military at large U O II I lova ate' others chief the tournament so far as the t c i it the .. i n. 1",1 a ..f an .tuny. but Instead is Traveling Men 's Day Confcttli ()' 'ts . , ,l t I II....TI l.t.i rVairinan of ' baseball tournament Precipitation .i l.inketi i t .. end of the in i o. i .1 - -l he gentle luí a tat III- no i ml Im rod in. the spt ak concered. aid T. . v il - -- r 'I he ...t .s-- s eia.h ' e 1. ...t Tl. ' that within less raring program are the Derby Day to Acute StnAO V.usity o. i -. 1, in on the - . .., ,1 he .1 Hi after the arrival of 1 i.f the best ...... c of . 11 pace. with nine .it ,v ,.c, is. the I' ,..".'' t.y th, In, hi. In Mexico, that known horses In the west entered: Bnys in tho Role ol Spi i: .v A I 1 a big field, '. of March. Ml, Albuquerque derby, with HNMVII llooslnotl. M a of the Fran-t.r- . rw. J .1 . i, .v .' I ;. '. ,,t too V k. .I the Nia. friar t . .. ,... nomine races, and two Hot Time in the Oh lowi'. . n.,1 io "! by lav stum I. . c e. . n i o- t r the In there will be ci h a a : .lo ín. .''u l.t. a't" lay races. addition . M II IRIsK It i r. I IWf.MfcVK t -. and Antonio de sana beginning nd t.oa vll'lollir IT Tl.sT Tl - ( win. I, a - ;ii i d bronco busting at he I ht.ioilfto- oil t,,,. I.. I l.v V410.NT. .. 'I ...... I, s. r k the African Mepben cavalry i - j ,. ....a l.'i' .' ta tie the program, while the i i row. I. i h -'- ...ft n,.t.l,l .'..- I end of night's .it nival , . . I ared the piígmnage ' first athletic con- - M -I- MHUT ACT 1 IMI I AIll:W". lit l. a ,l t. .'!' ..I l r Ho the move men will give their IOI. K.ll i.-t eel t. bis lorn . ";i.ii-f.iia- ...a and gest und nol and no ..f i... , i . e .. ot-- .... It I a program which will nil l I v. T M N n Ml I MOV mi fl '. a M test. !:' l s -- i v I I '.'tie, started from It ei k. was tr .ite to Ihe fan . . s. I'.l.g f lit (" the entire afternoon and whuh I m N. I.NtVII ItlxI'l.tV fAHAIIK (The IMS ml !. make 'e for fabled In- rrdl. . , ,,f ( o ' I, ,,,. I to te the .n..i more e (.f u- ,.us, . difficult to make I larulir ju rfurniati. Rei ki. I:- tttes. w would be mh.m tint! mt. . r.,M".-- Ilia mls.i in I h.ikr: tmit at - ..f a ' more varied. TA Ilu-s- r . .lo- teresting or , M UTRIKT ACT IIM.H IKK itrmt"KKtV(l: sell, of i h. .,inn Ii tic j " : H, . t . . ' I t.i;g!ous one as plaoi'v lira -l- l the .... o, . r ' ' ' ."i f fémures tll ' .... inmiiiil. v . Two of best tlT-KM- I s - . om g n the M IKK TKIKT Kl Wl I. BH It I f. KII.H 11 E 'company, who C down a l.'iv in- . f n I t ,,!, (., . . i 'ii lion. Mi ihe Instructions Iv town are d..g show and the ll:M - i. l hi- i. down the ,. , ,. ,,, ...... t Mod erov who (tiaruc which have I TI KNIMIX lair l.rmxts. j ( line on a bh jil. . h ave In v c .n K,.r,., lakh:- Mexican circus. of i things, to report t.. hito I M. HI I - . it h l largest crowds or, r. RKIIMII TM. . i i I. g , :l-- ..,to im h 'o iofieer. ... drawn some of the -- mid air and u down in I ild find a cltv laig.- in. gh . - o of It" i I'. it TtKi! rai k. s - .,! rooted coll week. I:M Mjii rut. (iHgior tank of water f.fv be o, ol , ion, on to found a in .ria.terv. the in ml , i f ,,,,,,,, SI.M iVInr I.elrW Tlx iNtr.rIhe Merlins). . . f he leg ..' s;, IM Ke less" did his for a u 1" ;'. ' ..." vt .v tn th s M llerM- - slant ,t o, of adds the rt l. At. AI Bt I.R'jt I. (l'rrHe.llr -. - . .. lend ..f md Hli: Kl IIKtll ll j yearago. but th.- feat Pi- t:. ....?, . !. i we look ..ti! t 'h- service . . - I .I- - h ft M.M-- . I .. ).. It - '. lu- - ln UrM - I g of fascination with t. t.etiiton v! . v . i a n h . ' an. the the BATTLE! - t in i h. v. l.rd FRENCH KVI MIKRI, IV Mil It It. t ; P. -l- VVVl, I IIHI ItllKIMK l (llht 'thousand ,.e..tle .low.led si" . o 1. o '. II f j I o met Knanlag Kmc r I t . t Ii ' l .. a ati-.- of Irles. Bel ine lot at the err., of Fourth ' ' nnn.t i.. adtnii i ,,f '' ''' ' Cll'l '' O HI HI I I.. i w in re c i i' ,n. . .. ti. .lib lime 1:11 r. HI M klM. Hold avenue, the ' . o ii - III.' .!! ' taunted w l.i;i .i- - i l.t ' . t g .ve of hamantiy ! VMM. I I erected To . , I. ., . -- : . .1 pn I. pi " he t.tlt 11 r. RUI.. IH i. o del ' w s h t ew v.oi ! :.. ho V I MY TBK.-l- ;the ws on. :,! . ., ' - ' HIV ' hiiTvh'. m.sMoearies M. Mtt I. I U siht . ,,r r. to, I" II P. TH TI I' IIITM MtHI c- - to- I. , e pon MOORS ieoii'd the .'owd h'i'l ."l ' ..I ' ... single- with no M. IMrhmrf f TIK h'Sf r ,w .... ' 'I Altó te hn i m r. I. tl.Kl DtMIIIKll irllll. I 'I von-- :' - v IfR I. le ih" dar'ng .1 eifiied t '. ..,.,-- ,, t. , ' ... y. .. .1. he ih P' shield It'll . M I r ;. m.- - ! . Ia ; jm MOV MU t. IIITH AtAl.m TKIXIfllls. d.-- n , In Hod. with r. shot Into the !r i.n.l , ,4 i t r unfa':ert fiPh . t '.' - "ig i.d "Use. V. j w h a eda-- h ' h - k . i r. H R Itmmr talrtesl. into th ta r k it . nd Ferg.i.-.r- lio,.. ..' rart ' reward ihliere,1 n Rlltt ;.r, I'klt.B .1. III... t n. , . ' , Mipei-tnlo- "'e unbridled r. 7K. RIO IIITH I TRIMII'IR. ed fsome r,f the imut.. .icn, . I . , alt lb,' ' blind i n Illi ItllM . . ; . rj ' s ol.l. to.. . ' . .1 lh i,.i. ont'olled parlous of Attack a IVI, The ms'e' i a .,,. i. ;. in '. '.itv an.t Fanatical Tribesmen Ml it I:-- - k .'ii pur- - lwl - - .ge set WIIIXII.HT but it I'l't tf,Tf ". . V- e i: "i..e r in their .MH I TII. .'! - n f '.' 'M.k f as r.' t.iiv , ! ,,.., t'v i.i tig C to a recognit on ot De- and he came out the tat.k I ,i , .'Hill all e'ti Reconnoiteiir? Column H IRI0K M T Al T IM. IIIMUR" e. .''! j i, . r I si It as the r.Ln.irv I .... v- I c,,, :h an. within the Rll hlnnt!v .. - ' il- -r I '.... f. : " I - I !. i: - ti. oí r. '.'ist-s- o su. h. K.II1IM. tHK t urMtUni" Prrbnum i 'jwn one out of , a, ... ?.,., - " ' t O' ,1 .le .,f l.iEai'on Protocol. . ..Id '' spite Peace lark tub ,,..(...... t . .1 ' -- 'a ever o tt.e recorded facts of irll t -' ,.f mn P. VI IIITH I l liMIII. IRIItV Just bef'.ro I'" k!e Ri:e .:'',,.t . ' ',... I h i.a.toiv ii is th it uch ! s- ' r e v .1 to IIT-H- N.N n. a ' ' ' - in r i.ndei exiting ron. P. IMO tared Cai'ljll Vlon t ,.. ,,; a l e ! ' I O.U-- leriak the t. A Fren, h IRII. SIRItf llr. lt. ti.- - t , Alg. e le;,,, from ir ero' m- ii?d imme-- ; rn rii 0 g VI ' I1KI ITII . thrtiimg .. , V r I . s tl. j,i,ti..i.s. e.t ha,e hrooitht cn-ie'it.- of P. nl HK SKOklR. (Mnl. o,.,. fri ; -. reconnoitet n column lIM Il ..f Inc'ir.e, or ,. ' l ,.ra. ti. yet the nu- T Wt-N- K.N IR r.. the wot', 'tliii I ... . g ' t ' .te resuiis: roj M. K STRU Pi RIRH IV The 'V '"' s tw MP. R i - cimpan. "f hrpho..ier III feel. Int.. a net hlo ni'i . , , ., ...... o i ' . ..niro-- ot hrs,e'v on and MH.M t a Spsh s and Algeiin tt-- P. I'lVI t teiM-a- t ' h e eg m . , - . f iisdron of Rllll. Wlllll h dive l:.i.v , , , .j rd i,, h ,r- lie ihe evrral Indian I I ,. h v. if. .av.iltv - n.orrtiig it) ever. tc ,,a;,ir, j loii.t . jmiroliij at Oo. rl-- .t IL - Mlimt IMTtfWHfWWttMtMtHWffWr- e..

I 9 . , i Mr JuunniHi., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1907. a i. ALDUuucnuuc niunmiiu i r

H. Hay-nold- s. - Im- mijo, uf Dona they met on way, Hrid Soon afle- this occurrence Father have tried to discharge the duly Ana: Joshua COMPANY tribes their s TRUST many accompanied while reciting his of- posed on me by the distinguished per-om- of Hernalillo; Frank Hpringer. J! MONTEZUMA of those Indiana Francisco of of Colfax: .Solomon Luna, of Valen-rí- a: the good father on hla Journey to Ci- fice In he outskirts of the pueblo of who have the management : Miguel Mero, of Santa Fe; bola. Finally he arrived in night f t'uara, was struck on the head with a hi convention In charge: but before A. ! T rue If I Miguel Chaves; T. II. Catron, of Santa JAFFA alnp-I'l.- l: you. pardon take the THE Ihe coveted goal, he heavy club and was Instantly killed. leave a, but there Fe; Naxario AU'.L-Ol'KKOl'- MEXICO the inhabitants of the big Indian One of the Indian chiefs in the pueblo liberty of adding a few words. In the IJufiucio (ialbgos, NEW a message native Rafael Homero. Manuel S. de town were decidedly unfriendly to the tried lo save Father lluls from the nature of from the Del- Capital - aople Haca, Carlos Caaau.. Francisco and Surplus, $100,000.00 new- miners, and they put to drain the wrath of the medicine men. and con people of New Mexico to the gado. house, to no pur nation, which 1 beg those M.ilaoulas Martinez, of Taos; GROCERY CO.! unfortunate Slephen Mid other friend- cealed him In a but f this great Sylvester Mirabel, Valencia: H. O. ly Indians who were acnl ahead by nose: his doom was sealed, he was f vnu who are here from other states place kindly convey to your Hursum, Socorro; Kstevan Haca, So- reason nf their being acquainted with soon found in his of conceal if this union to y, martyrs neighbors. I this of corro; Merced Montoya. J. A. SAVINGS DEPOSITS the road: it wa quite out of Ihe ment. and a death sooir 'rienda and ask W. I!. Walton, : INTEREST ALLOWED ON Nir.s attempt to bis companions. his because we are not correctly Luna county; question for Father to ioined him vou county; W. A. Hawkins, filero Cat. to forre hi way Into the heart of an body was thrown In the Rio Grande know n even In our own country, much llrant Good Things lo I county, and E. A. Cahoon, Chaves unwilling people, nnd he was corf-nelle- d Thus ended the third attempt lo beyond our frontiers, or rather. to return. I.Ike Moses, he was bring the Indians of New Mexico hoiild have said, we are very unfa- I'Ot' lite. of people; through Ihe permuted to see Ihe land of promise within the fold Christian vorably known, and thla yj.liS. I.IM Nm a distance, but like unto the et was the work of those missiona- Ignorant or wilful misrepresentations IA! ureal leader of Israel, he was doomed ries not barrm of results; In fact, the of others. The pathetic history of the Home Klka, visiting Klks. al! KIkB. THE POLICY I begun In Is a Klks' opera never to sel Ida foot upon It. work was only then earnest native people of New Mexico reminds there fcmoker at the j láTOÉYfM '"' " soil hud been broken, the forcefully of that, the house tonight. Don't rniss It. J ' f.tiuisdo'a ( A. A. 1.111.) the vlrutn me the truism nf the Directors and Officers of this bank Is lo eslah- - fw was sod bud been turned over, anil the seed Ingratitude of prince Is proverbial, ' The exoedllmn of Coronado Ihe II lish a reputation for conscrvalism and to incept no X ijlrect Immediate of Ihe re- had onlv been mattered, because ind unfortunately that Is but too often WIRELESS TELEGRAPH exten- - and result Is the this. In proposition Involving in older to make an port by on re-'u- true that the blood of martyrs rue also of nation. Proof of rk made Father Nira bis bouniifii1 Ihe great sive siiovvinfr. w from this country; nor will I seed of the hin li. and how the touching meKsage of SERVICE AROUND GLOBE speculative ven- - a need produced we will sent from his ban- I'nder no condition to underwrite have much to say In this connection of croo tin Athenian. Clmon. turen, or scheme, t,, "get rich quick." Ihe missionary work done during Unit Inresinllv see Will I be blamed for ishment: "io." aald he to a caravan point I feel some were touring .Never losing sight of the fact that they arc Iruxlces of ' period of Xew Mexico history: Ihe ..vinu at ilils thai .f his countrymen that Wiin-oo- l With View to pardonable otile In that the first coast of Africa, Kxrrltiii'tilliiK ,i siercil trust and uluujs ready to i;le an account of ; full details of that undertaking will the Mediterranean Wide i;xlciislin of System. stew urdsllip. grtitle-iiih- h blood of martvra that ever hantlsetl "and tell Athens that you saw old their be latr related to you by the In that la to follow me this beautiful lnd of New Mexico Clmon sitting on the ruins of Car- On Franciscan friar. Father Juan the f.illh of Christ rame from Kl thage" Hlstorv also records the North Kydney, X. H., Oct. 8.- - WlthlJ g NATIONAL BANK t St STATE de Padilla, find Luis de Escalón, a Valle de San l'a r oloine ? I hope not. hameful conduct of Ferdinand, at a arrangementa for the wireless service i accompa- In that same little town that Mine w hen Ihe great discovert r of the between Kurope a ml America so far lay brother of that nrder. iw.ose foliage I nied Coronado In hi travels through nestles among ihe exuberant New World, forsaken and illsnlsed. progressed that transatlantic service ill ilí ex- ,.r ., frees, that knows not the presented himself almost In rags, sick may lie taken for an assured fact. New Mexico, and when thai real frosts, Sj plorer returned to Mexico In 154:1. withering chills of wintry nd emaciated, before that monarch William Marconi. Italian Inventor, those two religious men remained '1 where nature ever smiles on man in plead for Justice, the ungrateful will within a fortnight leave fur the Hu- ank- - Kuro-pen- n I country, were nev r ngaln i through the broad expanse of her nrli with Insulting arrogance, station at Clifton Island, the tiile and pln fully Intend to Store seen hv civilised people. Father I'll- - ciouneu sky by day, and d him. "who art thou: 'l tie nonie terminal where he peeps I vou thrnugn minions oi 'lenoewe. forgetting bin poverty, conduct I'ui'ther experiments looking dllla remained at fjulvlra. and the mcs- - BANK brother. Ksciilon, went to Pecos; It is sparkling eyes In her tarr nigm. with the dignity of wounded to the transmission of aerial j! I FIRST NATIONAL i agcH from Kurope to Pa- Will more than probable that they both , w here f he gentle orrexca are oride. "I am the man that has given .direct the run-'slne- d coast. A will be victims In-- I with the sweet perfume of Mowers vour majesty more wealth than In cini' station erected fell at the hands of the u part tlu-pla- (liana. hodv one priest Is Ibul never die In a land t perpetual In Ihe kingdoms of Castilla and at Vancouver, H. '.. of The of w com- ! -- - neigh- - spring, by the evergreen bank" " for establishing irelesa Be ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO- burled In Ihe church nf the there ra jon the warld. The : boring Indian pueblo of Islrta. an H .if ihe mold rivuiel inai mcrroj Ho with us. we ask you to tell our munication around m way sen, report that commiinli atloii with the Is generally supposed to be Ihe body hum H. lo the migniv brother of the state that you found by Cape I look upon Ihe light of civilization, I'hlll Vplne hud boon hud the S of Father I'adllia. there did first here a truly Christian and I lui-co- Closed I DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT ro- llreton station stated by Mr. SAFETY I ilav that Is mv native land. Ihe church of Christ strong and Triar 'ul", i V I) 1,11.) I to be While these things were happening bust, sitting on the ruin of Paganism: Incorrect. 1 History proves that li Is a compar- j here, the escort that hail so shamc-- I if. perchance, they should ask All Day atively easy mullir lo win battles and arrived and SUSPECT SEIZED FOR lo (onduct wars to a successful ter- fullv deserted the missionaries vou who and what these natives re. Kl Valle, nnd reporleil lit Ihe Ihey are the descend mination' such result usually follow 'In tell them lhal BOMB OUTRAGE J ihe ladles of iuperlor military minds; the conditions under which ant of the sturdy heroes who. after OREGON Today ampm: xsi np.s,si:n rAcu,iTiii 'they had left the three Kratirlscans. of relentless war. finally with .mi:s ami t but It taxes the wealth, the courage speedily enliirle and Ihe power of endurance of any A relief expedition was irought tear to Ihe eyes of Ihe last 2 under Ihe leadership of Dn 'ilng of Oranada, and made him awal- - Prisoner (iiurecil With Miinlcr of Albuquerque nation lo subdue a free people. Thus the head j Bank Commerce Albuquerque! we learn thai Home. In the days if Antonio d" rlejn.. why. at ow the bitter reiooioli or Alx.l, his IIi'immi a Mi iiiIht of I The of of of men, started from thai town who bade him weep ns a I cilcratlon. - her power. Invaded (laul, Hrllnln and lire They mother, Miners' Hpaln. Those people could Ion the loth of November. IJ2. woman for the loss of n kingdom he $ uncultured of Ihe sid fate a I not face Ihe superior dlsclrillne and arrived onlv to leurn lad not been able lo defend like I I '.Mciul to I Aery Proper Ai'coiiiiiiihIiiiIoii anil Solicit Now mission Portland, Ore., f let . a. A telephone lcMe.or the higher civilisation of the Unman th it hud befallen the brave nun. Tell them that Ihey come from apiial. I.'.o.ooil.oo. muí tors: íjidoiiioii I,una. T ex la tnuon : re- -' message from Oruiiilo, flic, statin Place I Jii Acidiiiii. orficers Hirii aries, whereupon the 'he name stock that laughed at the Prit-hlcn- Prc-lilc- nt soldiers In' an unen field: Yet all the Frams Tucker wu arrested there to- w . S. Mrli r. liv noil Cashier; W. .1. Johnson, homo. aupcratillona of h, wealth of Home, genius turned 'eiTorl.Ing the Asl-ia- nl ( Mclulo-- (George ('. . the of her . day on suspic ion being an accom- usliicr: Wllliiiui .inol, J. Ilalilrlilc, j ) century, challenged the of I military chiefs nor the undisputed males and plice to of Harvey X. Your IÍ M. Hlackwi lU O. I !. ( roiuncll. vears untold perils of the sea In sean h of the murder m BE D m courage of her mlhly legions could Another lull of fourteen Brown nt Huker City. Ihe In-- ( 'T I was renewed 'inknown lands: who tore asunder I'nder - permanently ho'd either one of those before lie effort Híleme of lliiuor Tucker made the Naniileon. mátenle to conquer New Mexico, but the time with n steady hand Ihe dreaded veil of t I I unirle. the mystery, ami brought rescue of statement that he wa at Huker Cliyi Order i- - man of war, saw Ihe daxallng bril- was now line tor ine noai siniopi lo the on Ihe night of the murder. Unit he liancy of his ascending In year Juan de (mate he spent energies of the old world ex- alar dimmed the Hit ln youth and knew the name of the men who 1 when he stleinoi-- d to place h's broth- started fr"m l,v M'1"'" Ihe strong and vigorous the ploded the bomb, though he would Tomorrow. and w of Ihe new; tell I hem er Joseiih on Ihe throne of Ferdi- hc'id of aboul 7n soldiers unlimited ealth give i ii . lie was within I the self-niii- not and that nand VII. History but repealed Itse'f approximately I fill married men w ith that Ihelr forefathers were Ihe e forty feet of bomb when It was IIThe Smile he-hi- the In the efforfa thus far made by Kpaln their families, to permanently occupy men who burnt their shlnn set off. Two of the men. Ile said, lo gain a foothold among Ihe savege end settle the land of Cibola. To this them on the shores of an un- are on tholr way to Cheyenne, W'yo. eight known land, lis Ihey went forth lo tribes of this part of the then newly force were attached Franciscan, Tucker nay he In a member of Ihe discovered cnnllneni. and Coronados friars, to wit: Fathers Alonxo Marti-ne- fight and to comiuer Ihe most Western Federation of Miners and has that never army hail to abandon Ihe country Juan de Kosas, Francisco Han Ihe wealthiest find the most worked In the mine of Hutte and that they oulte extensively explored, Miguel, Francisco de Zamora. Alonxo powerful nailon In this continent; tell . hut which they could not hold ami re- de Uugo. Andres Corchado, Juan them also that their ancestors were wears off. tain for the crown of the Hpanleh Claras and Cristobal de Halaxar. There worshiping at the foot of the cross 0KLAH0MANS ATTACK monarch The spirit of comment, as were also two lav brothers. Juan de ind preaching the doctrine of the regards New Mexico, now slept for HtiHhimante and I'edro it" Vergaia. Ireat Master In thl territory sixty-eig- SANTA FE FREIGHT RATE Why? -- gar thiitv eight years nor was II Ihe mili- Their Journey was made by easy y before Sir Walter Malclgh tary branch of ihe government thel stages, and was often delayed by 'aid al Jamestown the foundations of Its a time; desertion from Ihe F.ngllsh power In America,, nnd eet redemption from months at foiiipltihil I lb .1 Willi ri-- Com- nnvage common, so eighty-on- e years before Plymouth oiiiiin BECAUSE domination. The sons 81. were that i of iirmv uulle mission Allege Francis had not forgotten their two when iniHte arrived at the pueblo of Hock listened to Ihe invocation of the l;(ortlon. : ; brethren Dial had come hither with Fuara In the year lf.K. omite bad Pilgrim Fathers; tell them that for one-ha- lf Coronado l'i 1.141. and thev were atix-lon- s only about 4 soldiers. The mission- nearly two nnd centuries with these people were practically aban- Washington, ficl. 9. Complaint to Join Idem In their labors If aries lost no lime In grappling wa today filed Willi lilt s-- e ess-f- own In a land the .. vt n the land of the liv the work before them, and so uct doned to their resource by The Jaffa Grocery Co. : ing, by "111 of Scp- - separated from any other center of Commerce commission Ihe or In lake their plmes In the per- were Ihey, that the Hills I. umber couipativ of Pond; 2 2 SMTH lino mission If thev had died. itember of that year they nail com clvlllr.allon bv Imiiiens stretches oí roam- Creek, okiu., owner of a tract of to Friar Augiistln sought pleted and dedicated the choren ai unsettled country. Infested with pear Good Things tat. Hills and Unit be- ing of savages, during long limber Aslilanil. Texas, against secured permission Han .tiinn ile loa Caballeros, baud that al- 2 from the rlvll and In New lapses of time they sustained an un- the Santa Fe and nlher railroads, .Mull Older I'lllcil Same Hay rcelealasllcal authorities' In Mexico to ing the first Kpanlsli cnlonv leging that a combination of local ft II being at or In Ihe remitting war lili those barbarian 6 h oil. 'imlcruMe si missionary expedition Into Mexico. location rates Imposed October 1 between Ash- !it'h and prerent town In to keep heritage of their th land of Clhnhi. and accompanied Immediate vicinity of the order the land and Oklahoma polnls is unrea- bv two other of of Chaina In Hlo Arriba counly. Hy father: tell them also that thase friars his order. same ear churches people have lived under the rule of sonable slid iinltist. The complaint Francisco lopex de Ihe end of that s roads be com- and Juan Santa o kings, emperors, that the defendant Maria, ami with an escort of had been built at I'uara. Kantu of of triumvirs, of pelled to reasonable on and (lallstao. military illclalors. nnd finally under maintain rates FRANK so'dlera. he set out on his most bar.- - i I'ocuils It products. It charge that the I Santa the flags of two republics. merit manufacturing company which ardoo mission from Kl Valle ile Hnn In tbd venr "5 the City "f Ih't of was to compel by the through aH the x id-- s Ci)i rales the bears hi riiimo. is critically ill at la-kot- a "aitcdome. In Hie stale of Chihuahua, Fe wan ftmnded tmaie, and lc"sli if retail dealers lii Oklahoma to pur- of government was peimanently varied existence J lie" have i er leen hotel. He was in the hospital "tTr j"ii i.isi, sent wen un seal chase supplies ffom competing timber re- til moved there Here also the mission-arlv- s true and faithful cllizi ns. yet heve In August and September but the expedition, reached the pueblo blessing- - lunil owned by the Simla Ke railroad. home ten day. ugo feeling that of I'uara. then situated about eight oetxhllKhed their principal house. never known the of -- f. turned Him miles The Work of Chrtstl.mlxMtloii was And If you b" furthi r lie was on the way to recovery. Hatei Shod north of the illy of AlhuiUrr-"e- r wn more COURT AWARDS BIG FEE he sutTcred a relapse. here the bailee population was canted on under difficulties. It asked what have Ihev ever done found to be an dense that the soldi r easy enough hy the use of superior to deserve that privilege at Ihe tiands nenrt HOll I.. force to bring the Indians to accept of this government, then. If what I TO CHICAGO PHYSICIAN LOWER CALIFORNIA lost r...i en- Ihey pointed out to the missionaries r "I least lo submit. to mreign have slated be hot sufficient lo the utter Imposslbllltv of maintaining 'I'""" atloii; bul it was nulle another title them lo the favorable consid- CAPITAL FLAME'SWEPT themselves, a mere persuade Ibem by a process eration of their fellow, tell Ihem fur- Chicago. Oct. 8. A Jury today ren- handful among '''"' re- a - in. or rriwum' ther that In the dark day of Ihe dered verdict against ihe estate of multitude of barbarous and unfriend- r" lorsaae . iv people, I'reeil. lo"i'l.aoannoo uiru n.i public, when brother wan arrayed the late Mr. Harriet II. Mi Viek.-r- lcan Town Suvcil I'roiii ii;iiilclc the absoluto certainty of ihIkkIoii- - against widow of the Chicago man- death to adopt a new faith: yet the nrotner in tne mignty striiKgie, theater I that wwalled them all In .. c.l ruction by Ili.ciiH Willi forged ahead, and by the close when the land was soaked In blood ager, In favor of Dr. .cleler for tlnn.-iniil- situation, and entreated the arles infinite. missionaries to home of th" year I BUN they had poured Ihe and the dark clouds of war bung like Mrs. McVickcr illed several years lv return with i n w sou converts, pan nome. nen ago In California and .elglcr claimed s. W d of baptism on met fiery ine m them. In llila. however, they reckon-e- walel iff Hy tlHs also. Pedro tier-- I worm anion iigiinst anil tooKen Willi 1 nil, mill from the estate by virtue of with the wrong men. those soldier time Father San Diego, Oct. !. A fire which ,- were onlmo de hml become so pro- - suspeinteii urea in on the iteailiy strug- - a contract which he said he made ... i - naacrsi- made of different steel; they had .arale to give stalled In the drug of J. It. been trained In another school, they ficlenl In the language of Ihe Jemes ule or two mighty giant, the- native with Mrs. McVlcker her hi. stoic w sons Mexico, at exclusive during the re- on I if had different traditions and a bea- Initial s that he translated, and role of New Valverde and attention Unix street, lower at roiight. of her life. She, accniillng lo I i v, - coning star thBt r sue-ee- s; the Catechism of Ihe Catholic doctrine f. loneta hieii ami died for mainder California, morning, destroyed I W assured Ihem If by this Ijfl.-li- they had witnessed In that language. the preservation of the union, and nisi advanced ir. Zeiglcr. was roup l.' the throne of saved the territory lo a milled coun- - lo have left him that amount in her half a block of business cs. The! V- bnr church ral"ed uoon Ihe ruins of In HI? the missionaries bad heaviest loser Is the wholesale liipior 'V- the throne of f'agaiitsni: they cburc'ies at Santa Fe. (.alisten, Pecos, tr ; tell Ihem that the Intrepid Itoose- - will. The Jury awarded him the full had veil will testify to gallantry at claim. house of J. Hussong. The tow n is not LIGHTNING HAY J. Korbcr & N. seen the successor of Trier ruling Ihe Jeme. Tao. Sail Vldefono. Santa their supplied with fire apparatus, and the PRESSES. Co .. Second I 1 Felipe and Santo the storming of the height. of San Christian world from the pi.niil t: y Claia Manilla. San fighting wa. done by the who I magnificent In Cuba, distinguished clli.ens. of the seven hills, w hose mphll bealer lomlngo. The work Juan. and our ABE RUEF'S SENTENCE finally Ihe flames by blow- la-e- will you some ciniiicrcd bad drenched with the blood, of lone bv Ihe les in the first K'nernor also tell that ing down the buildings. ni'irfvrs. whose street had been light- period nf tlje colotilxaili.n of New of Ihe best and proudest blood of IS AGAIN POSTPONED I t New Mexico was In Ihe ills- - ed uo bv night wiih the burning b"d-- b Mexli'o be set out In the report split far of ihelr earlier hrcthieti in tin, mule by Father Alfonso de llena- - taut Philippines In Ihe defense of the lusitania"smashes flag: we faith, and Ihey would let have the vide" the f'ustmlln iir Superior of Hie tell them also lhal are not San Francisco, (let. !I A bra ham - IV. a of degenerate Ignorant est of the (,'alholk- churili firtulv -- order In New Mexico, to Phillip rice and liuef appeared In Judge Dunne's another world's record '''l-heil in I lie elty vf the Koly of S lin. In the year ldl'ii In thai people, hut that we are fully nbreast court Ibis morning lit Hie lime fixed REPORT OF THE CONDITION of our time, we have colleges, '"Mh. In the land of the sewui cities report he mention scleral Indian that for his sentence on the charge of ex- or The comjucrora of liianail.i went tribe- - from which I lake Ihe follow- - universities, school, private and pull- tortion to which he pleaded guilty. II iinill'il anil Sfvcniifii Iviinl- - ha. k. hut the comiueiors of Nero ing wherein he mention the town or I lie. and a s.vslem of public education At the reiiuost of Assistant District A- One Ha Hun for ( ii 'nrlh v llbig s that Ihey Inhabit, and an p-- I second to none In the country; tell ttorney Cook. Kllcf's attorney con- i'umirilcr. of number of tin in. In fine, mil to be afraid to trust The brava i proximate, estimate the senting, the date of sentence was post- , three missions les sua, lo remove Ilia of tute- - a Í ' The among the Indiana, and whilt neonl In each tribe: and band poned to Oc'obcr St- First NationalBank report A. de pi n- - age so long and so unjustly has 'Hi Ihelr liiiiii.peMi liable Khoraeter. (K'om 1he of Fr thai ill Judge l.anlor's cult the brib- (n Hoard I.usilania, Via Cnpe Itac. avlde to Phillip IV., King o been kept over us, t hat I he native eons ery A. Delell-i'f- . 9. with tlieir meekness and homilii) of ' Indictment against K. X. V.. Oct. At noon today. In A I V I "f New Mexico have been ever li ne lo liner, and their kind and gentle Iff'. of the Home Telephone company. i dues. lay, was in kiti-- t AT AI.miijt'KUyrE. IN TUR TKRItlTOIlY OK Tribe population, 'themselves, and It P dlows a the night were the I.iisltania NKW MRXICO. AT disposition they soon iheni-eeli- e Indian caiieit mill contiuueil for two It- Won in t I ii ID longiimic i T1IK CLOt-- OK The Piros 1.1 VIII. use nnii the day hut hey t aiinot be false weeks, defendant being still a II north uii'l llfPINFRS APfJCHT 1J. ll)Tt the line an.) friendship of tne j Tlgiies. 1 village 7, nun anv one. nor recreant to any trust. west, !, -- native, and hy olanllug a cros in The hvíhb: run fill nautical mih Kt.WII Kf KS. ' ' w of ihe niiniituiles and kneeling The (fueres lllilge f .Mill since noon yesterday, averaging l'4.7(i In The ToMlpil I 1 vlllagi I a mm ItessilulMin. nni dfaeeiints . Ml.JtT It ii in humble KNOWN knot per hour. For six houi dur- f d ,t piaver. and oihei. iWELL R0SWELL vorifr.ifi, aeeiiriil . s 'I'll II I;I.IBI-- . 4 muí and utisoruri-- . i.n ley ' the The committee im ri mini Ion ing run a log prevailed, wiih u tn, ii ians. thv vonteved to the this l'nltfl sutes mis t.. secure elmiliitiiin smi ona i.a Iridian Idea a The village .. -- .i""1 milted the follow lug. which were fresh south wind. The run of ( 7 the of lo.l made man, CITIZEN t'ullrd Htales h'Tela fi secure I'nited filatr dep. .ai . . . Ind. una as of Hi The gna V Villages olio (looted PASSES AWAY miles Ihe record for tills en 'a. rim ilixi'in and death for the leal world's I'raitilunii t.'nltrd FUlra bonds . . ana an 1' II . :i una Incorpor-at.i- Hunda, t redemption of the lost race of Adam. The Jellies. .'go "VVherea. thete his been l miles, which the l.usitania had aeruiillea. etr (4.374 Hi T he III IS I lll.igr . ' lt.oikiiie house, n. inilied to follow I'll 'll'll umler the laws of the tcrritoiy SmmImI th Morning made between noun on Monday furnltiirs and fllturra . .'.na no thm ihelr I ,11 t Jnuraal.l Tne Tifo. village II a 'Coro- llflih and noon . Iu from nalional l.anka (not reserva The Indians showed orb a an association known the X. i agenta) ,. 45 i II. I Hoawell. M.. Oct. Morrison I"ue from aisla banks nillli.g dlKiinsllloti. so readily .The .nil's, ; r'ago nado Memorial Association." shaving and bankrra S 17J t.J and II (larst. well known Iiue from '! The I llltll lapiialut of the appmed rf rve axenta 'Pled thr teachings of the a I Mo.iul lis obtect the colleclloll of fund city, passed away last night DYNAMITE t'ha.ka and Itpma a7.L' SI fathers, for and the election of a suitable nt St mnrrcash i that these soon found Ihalt Mary's hospital, aged (IS veins Two Ki. haiir for clrarlnx housa li I'L'j T",:'' linn monument at Iji ega. N M., com Note f t; i fi'elr emlestor would fall f.i'l ; brothers of deceased were at his bed- PLOT PROVES A FAKE other national banka .'!!'""" s li Imnw-n..- . !her named tin If Short of I'overins ihe fi.1.1 tubes are memorative of the work and service side dining bis last monienis. one of rrarttonal nsfr currenrr. nl. ki and cenia. 'ying before them In lew of l'"r'- - n" "lenflon Is m ule ..f th, i tendered mankind lv the great Span-'aS(iia- g Dr. Lawful tnnney rrarrva In bank, via: i.7 i: that w them. Julio tlarst. of Worcester. phi g beginning. "'""" ' nurngin. or or Mat. ir anv explorer. Francisco fie I Sought lot ni.'i .iiiraxii Father ' v I lh Mass.. a millionaire and the owner Youth to l'iie a llcro in egst f !'t tul one in Issioris wotk lis. I. I..... Coronado; end In Tbxvvell tender antra .. oocludei insl of' them among ex. oemuch propctty Tin' lloM' fif licvvaril lr.Mii l!i li Men .01 t should return to Mexico at once f.o them. ept in a vrrv general " herea. It is the sense of this other. Mr. Kdwerd C.arst. ..F Coon 117. m I the purpose ..f loiiigmg additional .y Hilt her we have IMclve dif- convention that the ohtort of said Hauds. Iowa, arrived Just In time to Wttriicil uf Diaili. tribes, - vv missionaries Ihe i h..lce tell on Fath- ferent Indian inhatunng eiglnx- Is worthy of the support of be with bis brother Inn the end !. er w ''ii I. w ns or vv ii Ii a n - people of New Mexico; Juan de einis Xlarla. hn tjr.,l af nil the came. Two other brother survive. Ik nver. Oct. After many de- Total iIpuv, greg . bout HMl fore, be it fíar-d- . governor .tl.lX.l7 (I without aé ne nd on foot, on Warren lieutenant of Kemp V. Higelovv. twentv-on- e pi. o i.l 'v all of them Chrlti.mi-i- ' we nials hl long and t..o .y l.oimet. whiu Itesolved. That do hereby most Iowa, and Hear Admiral Perry Oust vears old. last nlei,t confessed to the I tAKII ITIf.S. - an.f as the lepen a v look-a- n ihe other,rit busily crr- "im .in, liu heartily endorse the movement of the I'nited States navv. police Hint he d v II Canltsl paid In l., 'l.f life. In village monu- - bad sent mini eurptu fiont .1 to ant ing n their it .n i work The , there, ing to'the erection of such a bomb Hip trr I . to C.overnor htel. David H. t'n.llv!,t..d 'n,-',- . in at went from one i n. i. l.apel visited bv a ment profit " ,''d to another mii..nai and earnestlv commend the CORPSE OF MISSING JACK Moff.t. Charles It. Koimue and Law- National i,a Mid' I HI 71 in- - i and in tin f by said ass.wia-tn- . hsnk .,iP. teaching and iu. ng the Indiana lug.r rts already made rence Philip. because he Heeded lisa in out,,nd,n. laa ana a w f ... . I a rrguar -- I. other nail.imi hanks . ho was pni pledging our support to end lit-- . .. o I . s fim hn.- iiiound them, ir tn.n. the SIMPKINS IS money mid admitted he in the Hue lo Lanka . ? s ; I I n.t resident prie-- i 1 lie FOUND and bankers an treated thrm .i !c reeient re- - that the construction and completion Individual dep..,,!. . 1 I - oi. n did tlot coiitiiie Hi l.i-- ii of rosy 1m- - begun ,,0,,,, to ch,' . I 71 Thl snin soon' loeous yield- iich monument and of ovi a .lis. uss.-- d Tlm of drpotlt o;,kt:.! ingll - t . l r o ni.gioiis Instruction sloi ii on. at an day.." tiy n Certified ' . 1.17X.XH XI ..f the ni!- i the benevolent luded earlv I'Mtilly I two nn Sunday nicln to ilvnani:;. rheeka ! Vblsges w It.slv Ib llcvol to 41 74 Ijinas of ihe ?oiu.u,. ties, how-,- '' '!. pli'iclpal nnd lteniissf the home ,.f Kdwaid Chase and to faslora eherka was Instrum-1- . C m w. irking Cad p rmsnent sbo..i. when IIHI K CIIS ItosIA lit He liuti ol Mim Ii Wantifi Mim-r- . the nnn above mentioned Pnllrd fíales .. ! 4!T 4 'er. . np.-- -ca 1 71 T C e i r, ,' ' ig 'nl us. m r i or n,l,., tl speedr rie:ruil: There "ritme niui nt i: ix him. He placed th). dynamite s'i. ks found i,Ia, dl.liurilni 74 wal'' ' thi-''- n n:ii xrvj i . . , 711 m among Ihe Indians o r . of men , sere taught: and a'l The rej.ort of the on . , , by the pi Cue in a vacan; lot next to of latí! - committee Spokane. Wash . o. : .. by tbei- i. accomplished hy the end ..r ' L 1 reason of u..n and orga censitieg -- b- - ;,h' Chase home. Huido st, iti, that .1 ' r 1 .f t'd to that ..f Ja. k .s.,n,pkin. ,,, , ,., , TUI 'ieg bad and now-!- "" onaiter of the M.guel A (Hero, f A .in. F. thehP (1,...h,. Hny IM 1 exerrl. troal Larra.. missing menihe- - .f - . ,. n,ir H r , ,i In'.iK-n- i ani-oi- .,, nr. The iburch to toe Western red- in,..n. .i,.: . . f td. iiina conrnued s stover. Wllltsni o. Tiaht and etor of Minéis, lhe. ,..! .i,, wer .1 r""i. and iis eration ha found jhep ov. i a T'"x.Tr:LyCm the ..r. erers ai nr !. ,,r men, beneficent mfiueni. Monioya. was m il t nf hearing plot bears htm ""I":. s. n.-- suomnieo aniini'ii near a I S - g kept v i Pierce Cilv. Shosh. 'lllltv, ,,vit in rr. named bank, do wni.mMi. - i the with lis t . , but savs si.. the Mt fhel pre..(. illnilll- the association The follow ing of ...... -- this slatemelit he la í i ow i i,,. tlconi pi ed only ! tras la the nf mv ith tl.eir c"up:r nien ie . " h. on; t tie gene a u prising s Weie serve luring thought his viitim would reward and"71belief. tat kaowiedca ''h ir,,i.,,r. chosen the mean of i!ni!fic.iiioit being FRANK at KEH, "n the p.ipularl! of in in..i..n- - I"' IrotiMiis. piovoked to the mar.v first ; e.,r: fc"'Mnim handsomely for warning th. m of direct Attest: Caahlar. -- , - liearing a silver name p:a: a nd i le ;H'l'rM'l. the? bet a I. -- 1. and siliiiiarv rule ..f the span- - President. Halph I'.. Twit. hell, t.f their danger. J BsTVOt.rig. . Men Smpkins name e"l d'crte.l tlieir iru. ik.ii. n.,r,..,' an h..rti. in the year which Iw Vi'mB V. W. Ft j who knew Simpkir.s mn4 . CiprvoT. ihev execunrg msv .f c..nid. ie, a rr.d of the Minem well iinv. SriM ttfllioc-- f urri. A. U. ii 'w la their the Treasurer, Jefferson "laynobls "I -- Ifi ft I MHILI.EN. murderous the f'r-- l period .f Catholic in positively nlenllfv the mi as the one Sitifmhtr. I us nt on &n4 ,.igna f'.r t'e ihunh las Vfsmi, th fiutMv M tin mi m swollen abarrlbed ar-- 11 JusM i owned bv Smipkins It is thought the hf ra to hef .r, m, lather de unti Maria aui-- lhl terriforr Secretary, O, A. Larr.xo.i, of Las I "UH buril irr.ih I app!ir) h uniwr--, ?,h AnT f Au.Tw n Ths I . f man died In a snowstorm some time tha ihinl day r.f h.s jnurney whlla devot., St Frn.i eaa. lam rin Iilm rol U mo rrHvf in a bAMLEl. PP KARtf. Ust winter. 1 ha was ruling under a tre. his ImsIv had proven Ihrmseive w.otl.) of the Til folla ing vira from 'I'M ttm. In tsdiiv if an ) right" Notary Psblla. I rste-oi- - I, M waa eon. to the f and hia i arid of ihe Ivtl- VI W, ip Vit fiHitin. t:ttrhtim run io inm adin:rt'on the vauoua counties In the territory VIur-,- 4 nrl.. .. wi. I t llo-M- M .1 i'liflrtlls! .Iltl l üirt liri .. charred remains were bur at iref were chosen - .l - i i e. i fi'uMli'e- - p where he met his death An.t now, lado s and gent . m. n. I ill .'., n..i.-- II. fiiM Ui fr ir.,in an., fof C.overnor Ceorge Cury; Nestor Ar n;itl Inij.!. Otfc-- t( ih i


!f while horse is 1 1 the tei feet in the M. Wa.a.a, 1 4 f 4M I I M 1 1 I j 1S air. and draejruiit the .saddle nh v..u. .MIM THIS THE DAY FOR throwing itw leather nn inp of a w'ud- - eyert mwik that in an i otsw errata .ir. mini.' u a saiidlins. leapin-- . IF YOU in it I lhf saddle liflnic ii is liuiir on lie- 1 Y horses back and cimhrna it up w h. n Í Albuquerque Santa Rosa THE BIG TRADES you are half way round the pcxt h HAVE Y I In- - Í lap. It ik our. kness ol a rat a. Y and uiierntiK .1u. lenient if vou waul a aj. i har.iv ..1 w iririine. Thf i win he Y more co i.on lair thi H k atol PRIDE 1hai they Mill prm-- among- the most T V:. Y PA E popular fwiuifd of the proitram - ' " AlHiut XI 1 proven by the applause which. jrree!,.,l I j.r Y the Ii. jrinn::iif and end of cadi lap a. Mliouli itirm tlx- - lildl Y jwtiTd-- . f Hiniini; .re f,. nr i Y ANNUAL TRADES DISPLAY f ClotlM'k. IA Y TAKES PLACE THIS MORNING SPEEDY RACES ARE ! Y One .f our l.andsi.iiir

on anil AlfriNlf'til, Will Move Promptly at 10:30; IbTijamin Oil millt will y o'CIock Coverine; Ail Central Ofl PROGRAM ! wotiil int ltatíf Paitof the City in the Line of! fi v lira want to know nlx.ul a. I: f March. I FO TOO I Y My Ula.k t hrxlot Silk Y The annual AlhiKiuerqiie day trad. Y lv. i display parade will (.cuv this morn-In- R fmol kit at 10:31 with cvny inrt i. -- I"!, Y o'.!.k LBUQUERQUE DERBY -l tion that the hi procession will Imv the m.i- ailiiiinnl J Y i. fntcrmtiriK i1 usual. The THIS AFTERNOON X my a outlined I.y the marshal's GOES rnllrv Y inslriM lions, show a lonp line of float Ilito. wnn-- - -. promise t.j be unique and at- á. i Y r I t$ tractive. The Amen.a,, Lumln-- 4.....I hOUSQnd Dollar " V U P C C " Cf - - f Y 10.- re M.nj. aicj lot- ltaeiinK unlii) Hats. Stetson! men ate tnl to make cpt ion- - j quot" Stake Race 91 Y ally prominent Thowiiitts. The lin" of; Bisaesl Í 7 W. lima. ljL mar. n will cover all part the Harness Event of Meet-'- J III Y of the lity. The formation of th.--i the I I' !:la.l to vee all paiadc. line of inarch, given! Y ihe aie Pís Yesterday's Results, my frii iiils dio in lull ill lije tollowilis older ,f Col- - nij fair Y one! Jinn Horrada.le, marshal u. ' ll'-- Ilf rluilge; t as this will I.. ta,. Lit da Charles eld Company Y hall and In rvn' !imi3 . Kils: Iiivis.on Kurtn on West SI- - 'he bad in the rao., r. a Y ver avenue, liuiit at Sixth sün-.t- . 11 tit- - fait" mem,, is th i.-- at rnoeti. I e ' Y S vuii.l lMision Form in rear o: h. ' "i-m- o.i-- . 'hampa ara Vft. Silver avenue; t .. f'iil lor I I.immi. ai.d Y fit : riliht Fourth street. ,.'''putted .in the j i par.- in u. ! the T fM Third I4iviain Foim .n Soul ii .e..i, with t.itie nui.-. as f.d- - M Y - -- J I h'lxth stre.-t- . hi Silver u virtue. jl'j- a. M riht Mn.-k- . .. f Y rouub I'ivision Form on South' ' M..nkrv I., x . .r.d, " Exclusive of Everything . Wholesalers Silk.-- Mandell. Filth Mieet. riiitit re'tins on j " as. Y avenue. I 'lara It. I. in., J..-p- H.irnett Kivl-Oft- t Filth l Foi m on Soul a All.ueuei .pie. X. V. Y "Fourth ntvtt. right r.titirii tit Silver' S. 'hiliy ill- - Clipper. l,r. Ii., F S. cordially avenue.- I'.yr. r. mer. Col. extend an invitation to strangers to visit Y S'.Mit Tiiviin Form on' Souihj 4 .1. c. ih. John l". .!u-o- . Y Third street, riijht at Silver sm nu . Cul. - .V . . r 1 in'.- of Man h. I't r's. Kid, b. a.. .).., ph V 1 8-2- Y From fditte of forniatinn north ..n I'1' . l I'tteli'o. Col. their Albuquerque house, 2 26 E. Central Six"i s'leet to ijold at.'iiui'. t ast un 'i. a. I.. a . F. C!. I'. , k. C r'.'.i Y Y tad i S"tings. ol. liohl utitiui' to First meet, north " Y on First siee: to Centrul avnue, Ana '. 1,. m . J,,m,.s Whitiu-y- . Y thenre fanfina ivvilnic Hand t :Ji'nl Jum tion. Col. Y 1 Y on Copoer nventie t.i Serotid s'.r.'tl.j Kal het ine. b. in.. . V. Fiaii- - somh on Ssi oiid to Central. W.- -t on I . F!astafl. Arm. Y Y Cintinl ti Citv paik. diere marshals! 1'aniel .1. b'k. p.. .Tames T. Y will their divisj.ns. ; Joimsor.. A .n. tit r. i u. N. M Y I ornililioiis. This tan- - will he followed by ilie Y Citv police. Vibmri'.Kiue d- -i l.y. the iik iiiniii.o; Y Mai'lu.l and a Ules. !' of the ne. tins in win. Ii there Y Y Kin! lihl.loit. iar- nioie eiitri.s than ft, i betoi... Y The Klks band. inml several oilier running et.-nis- in Y The National (iuar.l of New M. x lu !'n.' a r i.iy rafe with I'.oir sti !nks Y I. it. ..Major H. Huppe coniniandiim. ieni, r. ,i. It is pro! ram u hi. Ii Y liouKh üiders. First I'ti.t. d St ,,. gl.i.ld. n Die h. art of the la. itiK in. in. Y Y t "! i da Ita'siilis. í - Voluntary avnlrv. ' lr-- Víi e,v, v ( . nil H i. irk civ- - Yesterday i .(.-- ,.r. ir. n 'f Y Y Siuadion Fifth t'nl'ed States .;,,d etioiiti, hi v ,,,m- - .f n .my m.-- . tiiin; J'J airy. Colonel Ceorge K. Jluniei. in an .ouniiy. The "-' Y maiidinii. j -- " K""i foi Í1 linn, li'e Iien r Y So-oin- l Diti-lo- n. ''est si.K,.. as won h Cliailev M, Y Y Troop of Youiik ow n .1 l.v Tom Collins of A iaiuiier- - New .Mexico X'oiunteer Firemen. nu- -. i.iihoiiih it reijuir.-- livr hea; ;.. Y v File lh pai tnieiit. u.i- - to it. kImii .'. w;.s se. ..nd. ay ? dor Chief f'urttess. Hi ak hi! d. and lift,, foto th Y FichtllllC the Flaltl.-- s tile b 1 - Jjma. u tiotiis favorite, won tlv Y 4 Y nient iimli r Chief Kohert . j u fittlotiL's with eas. from Hen. foi,. Mty - .The Silver National líanl;, one of tht oldest banks In Xo'Jf Citv round! I" lariiages. with P. a stroiiu- tilled. Y Y :, Mexico, lMti. TMnl lih.i:u. I, a r.d. i won (lie i, furloiiKS. .r Fnited States India S: "m m. cite .se .c,,i nd vjuaii.t tnird. Cupltal. sutpbis ntiil undlvblfil (.rofits. f á.filiO Oft; .1, posits ef near Y Y nf Albinniertiue. t hree-.juart- s of a. million hillai s; letal resoin c es of almost iie Y Itatlalioii Itiitf.l Stales Indian Mil l( '. million. Y diool eade'.s, 1 In- - MIiimiiii rrpie . I lam ia Mo Interest paid on time deposits. Y Y Stated Indian o. bcailioiavicrs. Albuiu,riiue I'nite.l Iihc inai.e lili ihe Silver City Savings Hank in Hon, with a rnji!:;,! nf l :,,0tifl.A0 r li"iis,- - or KM! runnrt Y School iriiiir to., tdd muí dessits of $7i .000 on. Y I'uitith Ohlsion. ivlto will i.sii,. lick--Is- . handle I n iin. There are no more solid Institutions in New Mexico than these Y Y Ssnla Fe nitetl St: ti in pros and fiini sii an ii.loniuMkio h . y t. r"li (lt- - banks, and th. invite bu.siit s from all sections, and jiuaraiitee the Stho-- band. flrl to ram, s best of care and attention to all tustomei s. Y Y Iteii.volent sooietles. J I'".'. Jf '.inimn t lal Traveleu association Y Y Kelaii .Viert liants display. Al l. Ti:M IIMi WIIKTII- - ! If'l; IHvl-ioi- i. :. Vegas I,eainald and lindemunn Las band. , I niver-it- v of New Mexico miirnnl Arfe Pav Aniel it ail I.uuilxr Company nKKr.

Sintli IHvi-io- it. i etjat j Cowboy ion. 1 11 k 1 1 iiMiM i r 1 II K M IIMIHI! I tit. M IIMIMI r Manufacturers' disph.y. tT'raiwM Atchison. To.cka ami Santa T'V Rallu'ay coiupiny liisiday. i n ' ..yssisiani inaishalK are hereby SHIM I II AW I'l IK II sK tu their repnhir tlivlsioiis: I Kirt Division Major L". M. t' I'KIll I I NSXl lsl THKY ky mw, Kvrrr In .1. It. cut'a-r- . St-- m. W tM'NItMfcNT-- Sec, ml liivi..n M. I. Al VOI K MONI V I II I.I. II THE ONOMIST NntMTV l fred C.ruiisfeid. EC IN TIIK M'ONttMIT Third Pet feet, i Armijo. IV lit I l MU II till Jesus Homero. ALBUQUERQUE'S EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE. UTtH K. Fourth Division Dr. I H. Chani-lierül- l. Till--: (.onus lAt iitM.tii Dry Goods, Ready-to-We- nr Fifth DivlKian W. H. liahn, Dr. AH Ol W Isll. Millinery and Women's Garments Exclusively TlKhl. Phone Order Pilled Promptly : Mail Promptly Pilled Sivth Division V. W. Strmi;. J Orders K. Haines. Major J. V.. Fbb-r- . Cnplain M. (l'Dotinetl. aides. .Marshall usslttlie.l will hive their divisions ready tu mart h promptly. ltv order, marshal" will tvport nt 1 a. m Do i; oíd Mcnne at I" They Say mk re Does Just .Right JOHN Hiir.r.ADAII.F. .MaiKhtil. logs

S I'll s.;i;ltM 11,1 AliTI-- 1 N i:ll-VI- N.iTKTIIK I'Altlt ' nK Til crulti: I nit TI.' Til I" VTtKVTI.iX' IlKKV HM U.I, l'ITIll.S. A V l TH F. I I T V I r. It Y T M I V, I t It t TIIK THK i'"--' TIIM'HVs .IM'V vf f sill. l KIT Ta FORD STRING OF si:int'.r this st.uikk rnsiti.. as u.hi ,ji Ks r, .iii'.vi. .st kthhi.; mx. i: i ra m kx r t;.nx,iMisr iiti-- known Till-- : htohi: wiii.'M i i.ii iik ih-- i kx nt r,, HI-- nji misil ihk ns rr.i.r l'i.Jt THK ttnt.l UIII.ITV ' ITS MKIO'll ANI'lSi;. Illi: KMMIIW ! IT I'ltl. :s X, IS Jl H .i;I.IX,l WITH II. II.IKK WITH HI SIXKSS INll'HHITT VIIUI IITV AH IT ml'IIUTIHV IH I N I I'l .KM IT ,ui.illlt.lWN M l ' I . - IIK Tl. Pi: .1X1: OK NK.W i:.N S KN "iltKATKsr SToHllS HI IX. I A H 1 I'M ' I HT X A n I.- T It K. . .. I VI ' 1 s A I 111 . MUI' WITH lt Till; IIKsr XII Ir 1IINT MH 'MK .Jl CUIJI It .s M 1.1: .s i i tXI'lill's K.V . ,itt: i m 13 I t nvi.v iik st, ,i;ic Tit t iik.ix Ni:w Tiiixits Mi:sr ni r i ii t r .11: .s i ii km npitrr, a. xji a t x i t;ti i;ck. h fhkk hk u n k x.i it. s a x n i 11 in i i i:x : uki' this uf iin ,i i'n r d' Tin-- sri.iti:. wki.c k t.i ai.iu ..,it:m.,i k ai t,i ai.hi i,ri:itt,u k h i'm;i;n.-- : HORSES WINS OUR NEW AUTUMN SILKS Y Women's Autumn Outer Wear II Ion, r in' mmATY f.r v..u to m iiil v r 1r-- miUn na MILLINER MIM, LOW NHIttr. "l H, AMI M JOt.u, th.- r.' t . A ne-iini- rarrlt-i- tt ü ' r beamiful tn nn n..n ..i!'iiniI 'in m " 1 t' Is "' "f t h tc ph i it, pul 1ui f,vf m it !h- - milllni-t- m un itupiv if atith th aiMhiittatiia cpifl mAle ttv Ihi-- Mfl-i'-- ,t4lMl-ln- . dire. I fr.-n- i the 4etl nea I u a f A RELAHACE Willi n ni lh." roil Mik. Jii.ll HiMtldR 1iliiiif Ii' nt n in. it.MiiM n Ihe i'fT i. l.(u nr m that will at unit appeal tn ! w l.t lrP . ., a a li 1 in r.k luí mate! t.i rti iff n an.l h .i, h t nn ! r ;t tr h .mm n..i t.toa aa.f ln( eneaa ' i. lt i.. nn.l nit fii ei ... - ... f(.r im n. - , t h "."'Tr: that vu niirtu íik thl In )h' 'I hi nu if I 1: itir 1. nit t. it i'i.- I'd nittiwl the i'h til'vir t Ft.-- k line Tu entiit Ik uitlow w Ji tv,iufy. m n.l fci1 (jiiítlity Ati-- t nte. nie t afi'1 N.t n . w.t ulnic M h t h f mi'-- 1.1I yVciy pi Ik An fr l I I - Models in Long imn pxihíiI of ttati in thf ir . iiiltuif.l 1'iit h' init Lin d niiiMii'i' tin. ..iir iapa- Black Coats l f ;ii! nn.1 mm M n , '" t m.iMKf.i. iirer r wüi. k ?"! jln wli .if k r..!..r cmh-i'li- I.U' tltniKu. '."t nMinn-- i MiiMifiit t.i M't'i mnitii' in u pit in l"t f A aiiien.tiil awortrnent Itfai1i1i.ih an. keiaei- - tn -- kuiii, " roata Una i)iiarijr n.l THINGS mi, nu tn xiiiiih tiMi fiiff. la nt-- pi.iiifn itti nii.l w. t t ' GILBERT HAS in IVn.nii !': iIhii fTf.f. Mm 'en ii i m lie m "f a i n eiahta entna Imth In lha nm ami amt t I'ihh N"ia atrli tlv In v "Hi l.i nu l hir, i. 'Hi - n.ela l''nil fun. uh mnl rpiln t.inl.1 tn 't li k n, ti tiiuke nu mh.mIímiih ..f rtiMirly nénr Inter mil p ain ..iheia trtinmn.1 mitH Itetruiea Mdke .ni i n a liifTt t1 tihv eie. fidm htitre. ALL HIS OWN WAY ini ui.'l ii.R rnr iwr ).in fr.'in f1.Mt tí tm If ' in p'i' ' pt i. Mi n t a nit .1 in til we ill hw ft ml In t iiimrtita pft.eil fi..m f : y .. ii.-- . A ( íOirl.KTI-- MM K Ol lit cR NU i Mllf t M 1 0.-TI-:- i II. in m' iir - .'i..n I. It" iM.t II." Th iltsnuKuinhlnc ,t .1 IV U I I II I.OI! Al II l . featine tf in. Ktherina i 'i mi k a .mnn ..f pi !e nnl tt.lit feiiiltr Ml IIM,,, , tn In Mitttlllon l th 1 Hlkl'it (. Il'tih1 IHe.M, ríf. Caricul Cloth Coats, IDKtKKO Ar KII TM n .if tl.p mrn.-i- t nml - w . -- $25.00 in First Hent and hit lie Imn a't .Mie we U n Ml "lne tt' k i.f pMefn Secies Lead kn TI'I.T." i tallv -- ..I f r .Ii-- nkirtii. r..- - hl tVa a apei lalimtna a wiinilM-- r i.f a it. a prl'-- a Bi.h hnniK. t. Kvfiy nf " "I pn. I i:i"t mIi. nf jet tioiitetit thru hut preiir ai'ep pipiar Thar ! i!, 'ite Ihit.l fKuir hi. fll .1 . . 4 an i. k. reiim, .Inte. Vtry !ht .mi t all tup ha m e.i - i. ti, m ,r v .r .il thin mi Minify uf n n t. ' 'H ti ha f tegiiUr pr e iiaht att f ilnraHtn Distance to the and than Wet tj f i it r-- Maintains M-.- UITI M.fT hiff.m Wl ,ur in nil ih tn Autumn a!iat milthtiea the amaii littia j. .i., th mii ular nmt ..f ih aea.-- ipe. tai 9 .'AM Stiinas of 'I $;.M Finish Three TI-I-t -- . r TIN M U III.KK WMMW--N r r..H Mm k tn tfi4 tUtt mn. Ladies9 Neckwear I" Smart Afternoon Frocks Entered,. I T Hug NJH VRKM II s IHsT I I IMIH Horses Are M lfN I.I l flam in1 fancy viU arv in lnmn! n. Wi Tlieaa ttalnlf ate jnaf r)mfitt f !' r ffHa a fell want n lUIK-n- ..f ',. f le, I h,,ll Il.,,'.,'4. att aft ra HH ft.t' Miti lite .I) f .,u:;t WeHtr. t.fll..t r..!l. I' ffltl .U. l,l"0. ! a f r- t fx - , !' tn día in aele. n a ana-i- ment pint a f itr tei Ilf' prem-n- nt I, ' ' tt at ,. 'a,,, in .lei ,i Kiel la, ? Inl.eia ... IV in li'i .f .r af IM In !vfT"i Rlli m- -- t r- ri.M aear at an.-- at TUm mm aaitt Itl.UK lli:! MTIIH hnlir T inple ,, .1 ka 4.W la pifia rwanit veilftc. fancT fii- -t the l'-- I solt iu. - a tw race of A1' r. .Ml, tm, .( . .(le,) anil apM-n- ara The telav frr in 91 9! mi I ,. V l I J tik t. "! '. tha tarun k yet.-i-.l.i- f rum IA4M at Tiaction .: .. .1. r.l t - ' .. f a '.V la 11 ta UN A. "H Sik. Co.. t'. .Mai.., t wa- - wot, bt J. í l ine l. alo a,..l l.i.i n . o ...I ., a. la 1 In It M la-- " Ford strum of t '"" I1"" " OUR DRESS GOODS SECTION I I,, no. a aate la I aa the .1 New K oi .. Autumn U- Waists won handily, ille rt 't lead I MN T II K W OKTI YAKII IH U a M h hi (V11 k t mil,, .a. n t,1 lie NrMIIM fl i' 'in. a '., 11 n a ' I . t -- , An aeV a, vard- - stai I I. a i it . f . .en I I. . la al Irani, all.o.r a,. l.i alak. rata hundred the n. f"I !' I' ' "riM at m T. ii u k tuny in ft la ailk II a4 s.veral fa- -t t.l lit" en lea ic a ,,.. o. .a ,a. a l I and "l-- mtt'l i ei' t .(tuhiiwt t Dti .f Hip i . r t1(:h. a.,.4 ,( i.,.a ae..i f... mid v dint of K iidinK Hit" in mi iiu'uritit 4. .x, ,a.a VI 4a it nm-- h. Hi!" ua.'i a IIM sHddilim maintained to 'he lal !) v. w V. a W .a,a aa. en- Silk Stocking Sale For Women II a ta) Th-r- were three other slnnc" M l lhl, I OK 1HH .HK IN Till I'KK. .(Hl4 M TION. N . . 1. a,a,a ...... aa a M II. W. Kmyeit l,r-.-,- - I'lJill;1 t , ' v f r i hi- n pr-i- n ! w fif tered In the event, the ft' '.'ii'- Ml.'fn; ft'. in .'iic 3V An riM'i tni ' 'if "(- nuf afl.irf n ' .. . la , h y .1 , lllaa siiinK. rid.len by H ;i im-- the J. !', , W. if, nsiiiKr .;ii'iit nl .... . :irr t i ür t .. . ii a s I a t I I U I ii'ii'l f put - Ii ml k (n alt tf till ' - . li by . t; k .'o t.i tit.-- .1 l 1 ridd.n I.asa.T. 1i i. " I" .. the nM wlunni Ii4 k Hint íii'e, pair M stiintf t '' l.sater . f . ;r ' f r. t t 1. ,! ,e llim-h- v MlillB tldll.H r ft'- .idt.., a 'n n '.ie .ttr pr ii The New Skirts Arc Arriving y en 1 mi . . v. ;iini.- -' nor ..uf v!. t l.v i. I. dims!, Thm aknia ' Ir "4 ttH tnr tUlm. T I T I Goods m ' 1 the W OK Section a. -- malí. on the v.ii.' ihan HI K Ml. I IH HIIK In the Leather new .k n led Wim i ' inat am tttl f n4 I ia f'ltaeaax t, ' . en. .null n she. jr.. h T".c I''-- f( I lrl I an. a h "f n ,,,.t bin were last ,' -- tel..ln tah thai ttil,ert arat ef tka rdl .itlors ' . t- ' .1 ' t t w niT th, l k feif, . r. ... i n i iVwplar - all . ir,, h 'if ,"4 fu .... 'i it'i'm hu mull a'' llr a 1 h- -e ' the a nail tea he p.enr4 mr at a le.,n of - 1. - ' .!.' ai fl h. h M r.. ; ttfl-l- km h i lti'1 a't I hit k a afe W r- N - ' a . i around i.m-ci- v t, t.. h'.I .. - I f i ''!- a a 'i u and rib-i- honed t ir.. ;' .! ltfef . t,-- j i a t , All . Mm--K- ir-t- V'-t- n k f in i lave i" imi';ui t'f nile art of ll ';' .r Man-Tailor- ed n.asiers of the H ( ,.. . I ti t )! ' f I ? !: i in a II y w.-- l. IP rs Girls' Coats speed iheie i '.a 1," t I kle'Í1 t 1 I Ihe i' M tnaf--tt- hat M im t!t M Vail and taMeti rvadv e aeW PtMt Vtaefee aVt4 out of thai soma h ' ' I k t;T' 'A i ;. a'i,w-a- . ! s1 bronco i""""k it,, f. it. and aa aa mada ww of .,111. ' itl'T..-- l .'! , .., .xia it'e.i flt.t animal, and but for the l, Ti.e .! "t k l'i'tl, J,' 1., fi Jl f f plr'M TO. .. k ,1, la . . i. i "Mr i ii .,i.i fan., t.uil- - ....i. A f t f. esfera. fa. wp, "- -. th- - Tll '. im. r.ire taa ihi I, aM I ate ..f iiIlHrl I iff tie I'' ,1. .J ',. "4 up 'I dlff-ee- et on- - mO-h- t have been la. 1 -- ., . n exritinir .nt h relay I a ' e " a boo.! relay race ' S . CONVENIENCE OF VISITING WILL . fu"'ih TI"' FOR SHOPPERS THIS STORE BE OPEN EVENINGS DURING FAIR WEEK a ra-- . f..i limiiif rel.v z I HI. t 4 UMII r im mm ii. malchr.l h, .r.-- . I" ' """ smaM tit.h xiii. Ill ilf luouni hile g dng at f'J'1 t? til"! J r

r. seroso: Terser.


mK . .... 0.m ' I I ' - r ts-- í ' TI - '- - - ElKBOET 1 f I fcf - 'i ft w ' H W t to" . ....- - if ! SHE ?s Eií Kit' liHUMl. L.Jlif a "ft Monev to Loan sirt. jsuí.im.

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-- 'row & . if jb!í wTfc. .aiíi a SAYS Í.R1BÍ é :?TSr4f is a eo BT SHAM"BATTLE "V 5 í . t4k torn 0mL i" I m '-- T 'y y 'tierra i niuur "é:Ji.-jt- . THE TROOPERS - urt i :i . ti., i :. i i. ft I lili W .íCAU-tíC- CJ - S-

I Tí MUÍ FISIOElíí m i " -- - ít;.t I v f. te r. e tu I F0B12TH TIME TITH STYLE.

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- f '" -t I í' ' )f 4 t fJ- fw ? lííf " "t t i - i 1.1 It .1 A T. . UVi.LLS. 1 a; n: SUITS, u ft: í ti f 1 I TI rt Jrt 1 l 4 ""' , - - i .t .J.i."- I!- ílif Tlri'll HI rtw. is t

(U t" et-- wat; mmma '11. $10.00 rt 'im i- ce " d- i- y-- i n 1 t' 111- V m ,íi mm'', MAh;i!iHL j 4 2rmm IT! f cajt f 4 rmnt m 0ww ten TWWÉéF in to - tf-- rm. 3M--t cm wm - m f t imA : LCIT A3 FC'.V i.. i .Mt Hi. utr Hr í f- .n wwus atiurtNk. im vu fe, m mír i lr I i - t r - $30.00 1fti '.i- t "r '.'is--

í i. i f "t - ! '"n-- J ' .i,i - CLUB BALL PROVES . i :.f t .:- fl 4 ,'f..' t t Mh Hal ' MOST BBILUAHÍ ( i i s "Wii ua oa , íi'j jt . : t tEUfsr-v-o S rt íf)'-H- W Uta A l 4 1' rt if r A.n Eyuw fJ ?'r f wat la-- t fcfí OVERCOATS, .1 ; v t ft - pt - . v r.'.r-f- c Atol t aí.t i irritar- í-f, SOCIAL EÍENT f THLE"EHVDAV ? TV 4fT?a rwajp . '.?' Té i n t. i r ; $12.50 ..r S .... t p , Tleischer t,MMi ? rft to 74. '.j.í t " Tf . t '1. 4 t

i i". " JfaW Í1S 4ftl $30.00 ... . r H "1 -- tf s ara r ct Specials ' - t.inr For This Week Í 1 r. T ft i JT -- ' " f:. I" H, '" ti. 7 ' rí"ínr--- " í'ni t ' - - j " E.:ír:il S;;;! C... í .1 .. i, " liü f i. ft. .4 j " - - ' -- "" i Aft , E. L. i! f í i ' "J í í T "! t. v -- "4, t ' -r - ' ?4r - - "" Jft fu ftaw . t ' ' - i - ;.jf , i ' eli:tb:c íigtces t t tare w r -- " J : ... f - ft. "in Washburn t - t t ---- a ? - ? - í '- - - M 'T4T 4 J ft RXTL'r.ES ' ' i S t - t IE I .' T 4" "" t "f ' Tí f i ELECTR'C SF.CHS. i i ti SGHEER & WARUGK Company C.-z- t f I'd - He aír; CciVrcs.

206 E. Onírsl Airas.


K Strong Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol GRAND LODGE OF A Blood Purifier Without Alcohol PYROGRAPHY WOOD, Alcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol Medicine Without Alcohol & A' Doctor's MAUUZK your Jacior a family medicine, KAABh Ak if Alcohol Burning Outfits, lik Aya' Sanaparilla, is not vastly Ayer's Sarsaaarilla Without I 115-11- better without alcohol than with H. W. a... n Hanti Wa tmbltah .0y.rC.. 7 First Street ODD' 'FELLOWS tba rbrmntai of all oút I.OW'1, EXTRA BULBS, North TUBING and NEEDLES. ' ADJOURNS Man With the Hoe Stoves DEGREE CONFERRED UPON Hardware and Into dl.playlH an xrapilonally tine Coming His Own W. ar NUMBER OF CANDIDATES .,.-- Enemeclo Turret. $1 Una of th gauds rid i ttme The boys' corn growing contest was Inaugurated by Superintendent Stroup tu tnk your k' whil Officers Elected 'Rebekahs district among the students of the the tiiík l WBPi'U. Large Assortment Reasonable Prices Also Install Officers for the PRIZES AWARDED schools in connection with school A at work, and proved one of the most Ensuing Next Meeting successful and profitable enterprises Year ever undertaken. The boys took the greatest pride in growing tneir corn. Albuquerque, rd in FOR and the rivalry got preuy uim The New Fuel SPLENDID the last. Some of the ears shown B. RUPPE long, as splen New ire nearlv two feet anil THE PRESCRIPTION Th annual meeting of the did samples of corn as one would Denatured Aleono I. O. O. F., anil Mexico grand loiiue of ish to see. HOUSTON CO., DRUGGIST affiliated orders came to a close lust (Heckler, An- F. J. Pt Andrea (lutierrez, Mr. 20c night after Aibuiueriue Kncampment Fl RM PRODUCÍS dres Sanche and Ambrosio Sanchez. West Central Avenue No. 4 had conferred the Koyal Purple ... rtrizes were awarded. WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY, 203 upon a number of candidates Avenue. - piioNK :mi decree are all residents of Pernallllo countv 205 West Cental 117 WlvST t'KMHM. AVI'.M n.1.1 before the visiting Odd Fellow. Farmlngton received nonoraoie Yesterday afternoon B. A. Kleyster, seml-- ! grand master. Instituted a mention for good will shown in E. A. Gertig, deputy Bernalillo County, Estancia and uvi.iK!t r, untiles, which was of new Kebi kah assembly for New Mex- qual . B A It 11 1 N A 11 ti K h following officers were necessity small, but of excellent tlVKKY AND tl Si CONTRACTOR and BUILDER ico and the Valleys in Lead, t o. fij. Xew Meilr Mrs. Chapman, Bluewater ity. KoswkI I. AlTom.miE S1I-S1- S West Silver Avenn. T'li.l.oiie Albii.iieniue. elected and installed: Judges In the contests were Miop 410 W. COiHT At. president; Mrs. Jells. The 7 Albuquerque, of the Corn Growing J. F. Sulzer. John Mann and Mail PW- -" Plume H4 Katon, vice president; Mrs. Hodgon, Results Senator V M lid Tórrame, Eugenio . with""'"Xml train, on I . Ilemlng, warden; Mrs. H. A. Wert. Párela. inolu.-- rt cn-tl- IS PLACE. grown in Pernal- Kallr-.uil- YARD J,h Vegas, secretary; Mrs. Emmett. Contests, A prize pumpkin ana H.n.a F. BALDKSDGtS Tilt Irrigation, . 1 Torran.-- Capitán, grand treasurer. In adjourn- lllo county with only one .t m lave Rhimrits. and T.atli. Larirt' stuck of Windows, Doors & ninety-fiv- e pounds, Is , Totiais-'ili NorthGradiIlurU aireet weighing nr. ül.l ing It whs decided that the Kebekaha and '"""" -: Cement, Uuildin- - VMn-r- always on Hand: m A. Í!. one of most interesting features rr,? palnts. Oil.- KrusUes. In Superintendent the ,,rp:.U!l llalr. hold their next meeting inis Although at ump Nnnimorp H, IMIONW, ÍIKAIS. HAT agricultural exhibit. Mral. lurnliliwl . 1,11111 HUI l'ltll at the same time as the Odd Fellows Ptroup. of Exhibition h;ll at Traction of the itxeur.l.m parti.-- accon inu-- Kiiel Klna lin) uf lmimrlnl Wills.. fr . and lodge meeting. four weeks in if char.. company 1 I - next grand park, had onlv three or Cut Mower. rlali-i- l b noltfylng tl" iwo ua. . and 1'iKara. I'lat. your unlr. fill New' Mexico ' l'-"- yesterday morning, up the agricultural Thursday.) ! ' I1'. MAV " v. u. encampment was which to work (To be exhibited .dun.-.- 40R'KOtTII F1KSTj KTItFET. AMU'Ut IQIiQI no H" oh Odd Fellows grand fair exhibit, the results have proved Oreen houses excluded. Hring flow- bv H. A. Sleyater. deputy expected. The instituted following more satisfactory than ers to Casino hall before noon Thurs- grand muster and the of farm products at the hall flowers. exhibits day. Autumn Z7mmZ-- M grand officers were elected and form a striking object lesson. They J. C. Speum. grand patri- more forcibly than volumes that Best exhibit J.-l- t. show cut flowers $1.00 , mmm, grand high priest; mn-tlo- Pest exhibit mm mm .1 arch: Alfred New Mexico, wltn ana mi"ui n i $1 .00 W W VT JTPW Talmage. Hagernian, grand senior vegeta- Hest exhibit cut wiM flowers F can produce fruits and Al- I warden: A. Weems. ' ,.I niing. grand none in the west. One 'of the prettiest features of 205 K. Stevens, Albu- bles second to will be the Junior warden; X. New Mexico Is In the not fur dis- buquerque day today querque, grand tí lie; FriU Miller, a land of small n...... ih..w nl the Casino. Thone grand treasurer; Samuel tant future to become flowers, it is an- So. Second I fanta Fe. grand farmers. The home-seeke- are flock- wishing to enter Vann. grand representative of part of the ter- nounced, must have them In the hall , , - Raton, grand ing Into the eastern ... lodge- W. J. Howells. Is toward noon today. ÍU'ÜTHE setting before .1. Hoswell, grand ritory and the tide i VV Ogle, RALKh marshal; valley, where house exhibits are excluded. 1). Keed, grand deputy the great Hln Urande Creen dis- sentinel; V. are thousands and thousands or The premiums for best flowers sentinel. there will soon be played are as follows: eww pvtm honev 1'ylhliiiiH to leet More. square miles of land that flowers, hrnvv. fnncv or rjtossom ny me ihhbi v.. .. Pest exhibit of autumn t LADIES WAISTS. inntrh; twn sidn nloats from shoul Next year's grand lodge meeting .made to ,., - If good Knights of Pythln:. u,e Tha.... wrruillllo eoun- $1.50. red and pink, comb weaves. you want a the New Mexico in nrr.,Ura. vely tha the Pest exhibit of cut flowers, $1.00. waist, made from fancy der down; colors dark will be held In Albuquerque, as was tv exhibits prove conclus flowers. Ladies' sweater at a medium nil- - i . ,.r a orCi 11 i u ra possibilities Pest exhibit of cut wild serviceable t uy hr,.a tha hand- each $2.25 dedica i" "".,,Tno. i .1 ; "h,.w m sight. The plaid material, the front is i - " Illuming yesierimj, r ...... " in m- .' charged and price, get this one. Each ..$1.25 i". splendid displays from Estancia and No entry fee will be with six tucks, and wool knit blouses or minor business. on notice fair association is anxious that a somely trimmed Ladies' Moriartv. gathered short the ue on Men's navy blue worsted wool j . ... -- .m,inm demonstrate large collection of flower on each tucK an ease wun wiiuu sweaters, trout, lona; j f col- the wonderful resources of the great hibitlon. cuffs design weave; colors jersey sweater, lightweight, roll plateau across the mountains. piping, the center, collar and sleeves, latest HOLD VgclMlil.-x- . This is a good sweater to wear ELKS WILL Agricultural ITialucts and oro --,l;n ninf'd: four Inrce nleats in white cardinal and navy blue, each, lar. The following prizes were awarded as it is not the heavy vesterday: PLAN1N6 MILL HAS long sleeves with deep tucked $1.85 under 'coat, ? ' back; t Hest countv exhibit agricultural $1.25 kind. Each $2.50 V products, excepting vegetaoies, ins; cuffs, each MEN'S BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS. OPEN HOUSE HI prize, Torrance county. $25; second Men's sweater coat,heavy honey y pri.e. Ana. 15. 1 Iona waist, made of fine navy blue flannel shirt, ck. Y pest countv exhibit of vegetables, CLEVER BOOTH Ladies' black Men's comb weave, oxford gray, prize, Torrance. $25: second is doub- first al- mercerized sateen, the front $ single bieastcd, felled seams, cold, stormy Y prize, Pernallllo. $15; third prize, Just the thing for ROOM 5 Hlue Water valley. $10. all over in tai- - le stitched, extension collar band, Y LODGE enda, grown with- handsomely tucked weather. Each- .$1.65 Pest exhibit products Y it on front, one Y out Irrigation: First prize, Estancia, iTTiirrmn lor made effect, making the latest I four pearl buttons Boys' fancy striped sweaters, prize, Hlue Water val.ey, through- $15: second hi incrain T style; the back is also tucked; a full pocket, gussets; made full honey comb and' alternate plain '"pest farming $1-0- ? Big Smoker This Evening by individual exhibit dry long sleeve, deep cuffs stock collar, 1 out, each roll collar, navy blue and producís: no awards. First prize, one t weave, boots; second A neat and serv- - of Best People for Entertain- pair high top mountain Albuquefque Industry Gets Up t open front, very Men's navy blue shirts made red, and maioon and white stripe, fine dress shoes. prize, one nair agricultural waist, Each $1.25 Flannel, fourpeail Visiting Brethren in et Individual exhibit Exhibits iceable Cherry Valley Each .- - '...$1.00 ment of products, consisting of not less than One of the Very Best pocket, different varieties; no award; t Ladies' White waist made ot pure buttons on fibnt, one flap SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY.1 '4 fifteen A Albuquerque. prize, 2 50. 'I nHall at Traction Park double point-p- d w '. is embroid- - extension collar band, Hest uunjrter bushel winter heat. linen, the front of which Colgate's and Mennen's Talcum Y Es' ancla !. Good Mining Exhibit. in vokp, sloncd shoulders, gussets, nursery of rtenevo-len- t wheat, ered with a neat design, 6 pleats j r .' Powders. These toilet ana Y Albuquerque the Pest qunrter bushel spring r Excellent and Protective Order of the Hest Moriarty, $t. of plaits, ranging from double stitched all over, r powclers are considered standard on Kurth will entertain to- bushel oats, no animi, I cluster two Y People Pest quarter of home indus- la of gentle- One of the exhibits and value, S1.Z5 especially for night. The citv full the $1.00. Trac- T shoulders, giving fullness; cuffs each. t the world over. Made Y men with antlers from all parta of bushel beans, Kstan- - tries at the exhibition hall at of the expect- Pent quarter of two Men's navy blue shifts made keeping it in the territory, and they are all ' tion park this week Is that of the Su- y collar having two clusters 'softening the skin and Y to lodge rooms in the corn, Andres blue flannel double ed to flock the p est ten earn white perior Planlntr Mill company, of this of finlrlnn Star y , have a good time. tucks each; back, clusters tjirec a healthy conattion. u is amisepnc Y Elks building and Gutierrez, fl. city. The display is encased in a with r out, and, in fact, instan- from-shoulder- yoke, reinforced front, latch string is ears yellow corn, s down. Each, pointed absorbent, The every Elk Hest ten carved work booth, with tucks and a purifier and Y the door Is wide open, and cia. 1. beautiful f flap button pockets, automobile $ Is personally urged to make it a point Pest ten ears any color corn, An- elaborate railing and doors, and con- $1.75 two Colgate's Violet or Cashmere Y real Arbu-nuerq- i to turn out and see what dres Cutlerrez. fl. sists of samples of the best products style, double stitched all over. This Violet or Bo-i- s Elks' hospitality is like. The p. Valencia, the mill sash and doors, fancy V ; Bouquet and Mennen's Y exhorted .st pumpkin. ft. of Ladies' solid color waist, made of shut, each local brethren are likewise Pest squash. Estancia, fl. furniture, mission swings, etc. The a good, honestly made ratcd Tacum p0wder are sold ev- - Y every one be present with t Oleckler. and hav- - to each and Pt-s- watermelon, Mr. fl. booth Is prettily decorated the t good quality cashmere, fiont, $1.25 his broadest smile to help make the Pest cantaloupe thre or morel. attractive exhibit reflects (treat credit Y I crywhere for 25 cents. We make Y visitors happy. Estancia, $1. on the ingenuity and artistic taste of ing one row of Mexican embioidery $1. it MEN'S SWEATERS.' 1 special price on it for this week Y pest muskmelor. Fs'ancia. the gentlemen who 'framed up." It rows of shir- - a ,.st siring or cnill, green, ii" is well worth taking a look at. under which are four iu.,i ..i,: clinic mil -- thf rnn 15c Y award. $1. Among other displays noticed in the ring; and with embroidery in 4 mun a wnuc vyuui cu-m- .v.. t rni...j, string of rhill, red. Andrei hall Is the mineral collection, which collar BANQUET GLOSES Hest one. Sanchez. $1. . is a large and Interesting Ores Pest sheaf or aliaira. ...Monui y. are exhibited by the Alvarado Mining Pest sheaf of oais. Moriirty. $1. company, the Carnuel Consolidated of wheal. Moriartv. $1. Mining company, the Tres Amigo Pest sheaf - Pest sheaf of kaffir corn, Kstan- (oíd Mining company, with other BIG POWWOW samples from Mogollón, Cochlti, Hell Clap,t'shcaf of Moriarty. ft. Canyon and elsewhere. Pest sheaf of broom corn. Estancia. 1.00. AND PERSONAL. cornstalks. Ag- LOCAL IGHT x Largest and tallest D. Eloquent Speeches by Red Men college. $1. ricultural sorghum stalks. Y Paigesl and tallest Captain and Mrs. Clark M. Carr en- 5 1013 Last college. $1. t7 TELEPHONE .X- Enjoyable Feast Agricultural younger to a - at In hull, no tertained the set coach Pesi display of cotton ing party to the fair grounds yester Night Lodge Rooms in This award, The young people in at V tobacco in leaf, nol'lav afternoon. display of firunsfeld. ' .. .. Pet Florence . mmnmmmm ...... OT at City. ...i 1 Agnes Cliiid. rs. Kstelie Keiiy, Virginia tlf tu riv potatoes, f , Pest quarter Irish Carr. Hilda íi uosfeld. Mamie Kelly, aa m .ii-- ,r AnEii.t. roi7 m wi'ti $1- Kdlth Childers. Allele Carr and Ciladya ti 2S. immiUon Itw " i Improved pest quarter bushel sweei...poiai íes, In mat!.. n i "iniuiw "f AHm.i ,,,,' The local members of the Kelly. lust niirht gave a & .i,ltii i I e.ill..fO. $1. of Mncoln of II- - r..A.. Min Clement tlightower, i i N rt it t in xcursions Agri- fttf He.l Men's hall, in honor of Pest quarter bushel onions. a New Mcxl"" pioneer. Is nri'"- banquet at $1. countv, Photography nit ladles of the college. Remarkable - . I and cultural at fair. Mr. . the visiting lied Men beets, k,s- - spending the week the ft Ill Hi.- IHtt ll.' .fin Iiegree of Pocahoiuas. who attended Pest quarter bushel table Higlitower came as a delegate to the meeting this tan. la. ?l ii In t.i b mail" rrorii the annual lodge here Ks- - Knights of P thlas convention. MPiro.riMi - p. bushel sugar beets, í'iit-i..- . i N. fi2 Or- . st ouarler HI. titth week. itu- - lm- w or was toastmaster, and tancla, $1...... !! km-p- i vv ! f ' fi hi n.rnr O'O Al. Mathleu were made: Pest displav tomatoes (not less hart melancholy, probably rauaed hy an In- - Die It. M VI ulano KfMnt Hy mrsiiR the following toasts t tty Oíi mm Ambrosio Sanchex. $1. lll.r. A lt:ol llv?r mas., on, from ,.f n.t MitiKt. i í..:i "tlistory of the Ped Men." l;on than s!x. arll0 pliv.U-a- rie-- ; Views of Albuquerque ftlU-- !i im n. Slot C.eorge display cabbages (not less and Irrtlal'le. cainw. r.i.'nti.l and fl ). tin- Him- r;i :i. C.odchaux'; P.ltunllstle Work." I'.st $1. an.l may may be flow of 12 iu ft per hpoihI ai'O Navajo Tribe thart three heads). Moriarty. pivulon rr.ult to ten fct in length U Frledenhloom; "What Pei-I.ln- I. to he four mh i ft, im to tr "lit f to fotiif Ma-ire- (not less than Ballard'. MM W. X. l est display celery - MO Í1 n.1 1? No. 3 Will Pe In a Year," $1. the prrrei't liver r.'itiilalor. If you ar. blue booth of the Great líi- atM.v- iHi.t in Towmhipi of hunches no award: today. A poal-- seen at the I W of mmi "Degrees of the liaughters three valley. $1. anl ,ut of aorta art . bottle ' N It itnnti rns! AMERICAN ROYAL LIVE "P.ela-tion- s Pest turnips, blue Water be. ton.llpailon. UaMil for IrnKatioti anl Pocahontas." Mrs. Denham; Kldefaigo Custello, live cure for bllloua Western View Co. on the fair xni ttiir II. P. tu the I. o. H. Pest parsnips. chilla and frv.r. and all llv.r complalnla. STOCK SHOW. of the HIelly tt--i rftBrnf-r-r iM M." C. L. Keppeler: "Our Outles as $1011. S..HI by J. II. O '. grounds, all next week. Th rtitt? ml lít pest Moriarty. $1. ML- - up for ri!üttt"ri o on tnt mn M Closson. carrots. . - Hed Men." F $1. tiny of Vow mo-r- kmI U p- ' mh' a dance was Pest millet. Kstancin. !'" - Following th banouet - Ills' This company has exclusive mmv Jp"ar vntlr-- of the :it.-- li- to w w as a very Il.iyx- torn (.row Coiitc. Better Put off K'erythliig and Kat City, Mo., Oct. 14 held. The ho'e affair County Only.) Visiting car- iti'iM ft' liir o.Mji.tifi thr fitting (Perualiilo come to smoker tonight. of all and ' ' 1 pleasant one, and formed a the right for sale fair : it'? Hit fiiKiroi-- ' 0ir. 107 Tickets or, salo Sanche. $5. I . lose for !h scs.lors of the Ped Men First prire. Ambrosio Klka are invited. sí IVAN. organization Is Second pne, jose miui. ... nival views. They carry the Kit. cal : c i r n. 16, during the week. The $3. 12 to Rate $40,70. and pres Third piiee, fit- - ?,9 oT-- growing rapidly In numbeis $.'. !Try a Morning Journal Want Ad best panoramic cam- tige Fourth prixe, Jacabo Torrei largest, ,m limit Oct. 21. era in the world. They are ful- MASONIC MEETING. ly equipped with best and most THE "SHORT LINE" expensive lenses and other ap- !To the Mi of Colo-- ! r-..- ! N. M 21 to 26. paratus for interiors, flashlight, rado. lit;. N'cvada; to ', Oct. ! on Oct 19, instantaneous, panoramic, bal- Denver, C Si'i'ni's an i sale 21, to El Paso cr Tiini-ii-.- d, A WOP. loon and night photography. Puc'jIo, is nv of SantU Fo ; IKP.ItlTO- - cf one JUSTTO Al l. IIO U II I. AT1KM W MKXUtl'S l!l..IT d the Colo., at late work see them at New PI L twin. For special for round tiip. Return Watch paper for city booth. RIO GRANDE ! nitt Oct. 2.'. address. DENVER á AT OUR- STOREM NATIONAL CON- F TVI.KIM. x RAILROAD FARMERS' 1IOW VOI- rOMPI KIK t.1K VIITOII 9 A1MI lll'NUItU'S OF Hlft rilit" Al rilO0.IUPiiS; GRESS. Through tK-- feitile San ISlAt-""- imOÍM. VlAKKiíoV WAXÍMa-T- IIE II A OS 1 H VI Ul li S. I i to San Juan 'Vallev: the Oklahoma C ty. 0. T., Oct. 17 Itrsil-I.AXK- STIUKF HP.OH.. VlfTI H. llirKKIilVfi HMOS. Great Western View Co. rour.tiy f f Colorad to 2;, 1907 Rate S3 7.00 i pi cs. 6 v ratea, tram i lnr,ir,nai'm in for the round trio. Tickets llllTOlH IT Will- - I I" A Í.OOI TIME TO ItPY. , hWttVm rrk-e- literature, a!.!rr on sHe Oct. 15, 16, 17 and 206 Manager. S. K. HOOPER, 18. Return limit Oct. 31. KSTPI ISI1I.I LINDEMANN v. fii.i avi: A. Newman, l9tH. LEARNARD T. E. PURDY, A:anl. I 4 v.. ; tWm ttn o g r .. m.'t.'u t.'.. t s CíMrAIT De I ?fn'd h F'í-nt- P fulIÍUHE .3t?trí - ,.. ...- 1 lift Hit n i t Irl I wwww journal L' till --í 2 üi.íLeiüS CF 1SSEHTE0 morning : HOUSE f A PROBLEM FLOUR ti-....- ---.

Zrlfzf ,t i;"Tí r::. ! H. 1TALT rol -- Ci. l! -:-; "".:-- r. " -- ".''? ti '.:- I'".. BELLE if ijr 'ir SPRINGS r érí i 'r '7"" BUTTER r v r 1. . i r S3BSÍS5ES UCS"2

-- St t(. v 'J H'Xi v .'f 1 CHASE - f i, - i.í.fe f . í. SANBORN ARE YOU BUSY? .."I ''" STlwstí ffi.t , AND TEAS L-E X: 11 A FE.Y FC? i. ;." rl?S .SÍ ríírlE: : -- r..' ti! m- t 4. COFFEES s:-- - n :ii íí-- k ir-í-F rJo tm J r"tK , ' ,J Ti v fr. í j(- - V 1. it- ci- .'i

1 .1 t U.r-4-- i it it H. S. LITHGOW - - - - . r v ' ; .- rrt , I- ir, ."í : a yt- j jf..-- vlaloy ' ' "í - ""i U- i ,1 ) w 'í.e ' t"'i. r', ' v i .i ,j , í McPsrtland's jí ni mf--.- m t, tj ?a j j - ' Ti'' ..' tn 1. i " i" : !ii ::,- p1;; Sí ' - .; B.H. Brings Co )'- - lij! ÜKiv, Hal; t 4 , fcí ? ' ' 4, r. --r w - í 11. .i- it.f JW' ' i í';tvri'W -- i ! "I t 1' i F'w'wr.r ÍMm-(- K m r ' " n- me W'mHtv ir? " "') .A . '"v 4 t i - 4. I 1;,- ., ! VK. .( í i tí- - t líX. :Eliiíy fíHLLiS fren ' ' ?J.r.i:Ü.I s rct. f i.: " t i "." t tt" ta 'T' U..- 11 r ji - ii--- v , i t. m j t ' i' lo.- - ."4 L IT s u. j tf f' u' " lü a i f sr í "': v.e purc"..2S x- - . : - . f , -- w 'ii.t r" i,lft- (,,.4 't;'i.i;riv ir '.ti. f t 111 t 1 'i, v'í v , HAIR ' ', ! : GOODS ' '''i1- (. t'T ít v "V, i( "V ' i"--- ' r t 1. if-- " ' .' "í' !,í V" f íT " Sí'. 1Í VI-;- ' t.f .. 7 r 1" ' litl . !.r t.'l í U, i'T rr ;,mr lit- - i n , ; J .4 c - t i "(-- 5 ' "Zz':z'-- Frkes urt.'. r. 1 . w 'KIHii T. . lí. . 4;.'ak t ir - . 1 fji vM - ' i t " tto t ti r . 1. "tí ur j ji ajLT ''' t , r. j-- .til i i n u "í --- :'i!H4 'i.l i'V IS4.aiir4r rtet. " n íí n-- -. ;"!,--- . , 11 tií 'i " - t. t'- t v. 11 t i i " r r "l -- ; í f w ' 'i - i .' 't. ! r ": r t.,i 1 ? "fí? : . ' i : f " r ?t t , n ' 14 r 1 ' t '.'-- ' ti 'Ti j "i" - rr. - t ' i. í ' f . ; 1. - í - íwr ' , "''i, .., .c ' i .f ! i' l .!.-- ' , ...... v ' ,. " íui n - t t ? . : t ;f 1 .i 1 n .. v 1,1 r , t .o .jr : . ; vi- "i i ,1 - r--r - . C-.- y-- r f f ;? í v ,t 1 TG'J'FE !' iít:.j Vi,''.' '.v7 ' ' '' ?.. Ir Thl J jimio ) ' ,. , . , , . 1 , S'. , M'lít '.'' " v i 5p rj ;3 t !. ' . f.'--. - 'l ni ft '.j i r v,-- lili Tnr ri-v- i, ; .... y, 3. t i i L-- : ' r .1 ; r'i. - ,r f rui i tit f "f4 ' v4 rf vi i' ? . c "i t - . 4'- ' ' t m. í ' r .4 1 .i - - " i, V y-'- - í "! i. i - t r.t , ' i.! ' it 1 ? ' , ' t, Í.4T r.f v ,. - rr.t i M, ;. t M f t:!'. -- mt i ' J " - Sirv ír - ' ' i til. - V 'i, f' ' í'' vire i t t V ' itf ' 1 u.. f !JC .i 'I. 1 1 - . i ft',- , ,) J 1t T'., i t. f ; ; ;f-- í ,4.' ,. i - r t ;:, ; ' : . i m J ' v 't Why Is the Athlete i 1"" ' t S . ..1, ' t' ' I fe " STAMíAFD FUwV.:na A 'O WHEN YCJ EAT BREAD ' ; . , - 7.., t is V'-- ' r-- y.ixm3 ccy?A!Y. í.u-ts- .5' - icr Kti w rmi me t, . í - í - nmié ' 3 - f v..!..? - f ' Jxns ftf turn imf tí ACI - TiA 1 n - k tm mu . ' v 4.1 c í -- - i:" ft f .4t ai .im (w t Ju I i ' r t it 7 : '.'TI U- -' I i ' i H... .( ÍV '"! '.' r j i r.t Mita f Stw I I (' imu'iMit . ' í 1 - '- GOES - BLONDIN UP 1 iM V'í U4'1 1 tl'tML Tmím i: , iutu JH4i W- . i í t ; j ' - jíwU ü .? W i' Í 4 t..... 1 mtm0V átt!t m i f y in.. tk. But s'tII r!". the of the besi for , ! . ' I t ve e you )' I ' - " ..t ; Í 4f" i ' m! t ?. ts" - H '.. . ita ' 1 A 'la .l .i. ; í " t t. 4.1 t . In bul'ding rr.a-- i'i i 1 - ',4 t O. ' f i ' - rt die leasí mcr.ey. Evemhin r '"''i.' ;a, PIONEER BAKERY í v' y .' " - K erial. ir.cows. ir: .5, pair.ts etc. Spe- .f '.' T r drr?. ai I jit , - 4H: I f ' f S ' ' ' lili ' :íJ atenúen to out cf t custom eiTs. i i- on t ' ' í.-4- - i "" ' r , I t t f - II i of " v ' ' ; f. j. t' i - v . ' ' ' v .j, i I t - LUMBER - .. r RIO GRANDE Co t-- í ,...- - - j , 4.1 ( .. a Town .1. - - 4. V fc ' Stoves . the OI . , . t t ' - Til ; r- f ' ' " -- ií i i. I u 4 l .ví: 'it' vrt t rr t r. and r T Furniture Ever Try a Morning Journal Want Ad ? , - ' ' í " t " r í 1 ! ' ' í "i ' ' m t" - t ' - r- ' . - t r - '' 4 I 4 ' í ' ( M4 - i i í i ' V ,t '' It "í BORRADAILE & CO. S E fi ' ' X i it I 117 Goid Ave. L4 L L . Lid u iua Lnl

ti i W Comtr of Second and Central MVEKS & PECK Props. BUY YOUR r:.-- :. " !i crie

- - . C' V l . . V v ) - FALL SHOES ; - c . ' ' - ' - - - - - .. . - - , t ' ' . t . ; ,, - r - - .,-- . r- . ' - ? . E.I, TODAY at t jr

I 1 Till l 4 11 .f . -- ' , - til. . . . I J I ; t ri - d bui trcrr, us. Ycj ore ft,, I I Ml ' ' 1 . IIM e NEW RESTAURANT 'i sure to get its latest st)c.t-- f test c'jty. a perfect f.t --.d 112 NORTH SECOND r "1. j !: sest price. We rr.2e I -. t- sstatcrer-.tH.thcL- iff AH f IliVlh 2rc! MI:ALS reu-d- :J f - LLV.UITI L rctsat s' id I r r , ? . If :'.: í tor f ( v. :"i purer sse. I 9 - t ' j IT ' ' r ly

u .: 1 1 Ut "::.' " " ar t

4 "4 i - i : :: j Sleeping Accosnmodaiions r í Cash Buyers' Union ; s. r - 1 fr St


property. The mill ba--s u rapacity o mi tons of ore per day, and with tnt SCOUT exception of, one jiR. , H m ..i! f,. Ovpi'-buitlen- cil Womrn ifSICiS iiiK oidor." The h Albuquerque, N. M. Tucumcari, N. M. runpany recently opened u; In !I of lif. wliosn anj Trinidad. Colo. East Las Vegas, N. M. what is known ns one .,.. 'latlotis vifror t the of the vitality may have been undermined and mineralized lead and sti n- deposit Pecos, New Mexico Logan, New Mexico (Token -- dim n by over-wor- k, t UICIOE THEORY ever worked in this Uistrk-l- rtacliiní y . ial duties, thu too frinoient bearing of r y Montezuma, Co). Heavy trafile cliikln ii. or other raiiscs. w ill find in lr. continues ov.r the stafte route be. Favorite l'rescriptlon tin! mot V y tucen Dillon tin l Montexmnu. ami Hitent. Invigorating restorative slrengtli-pive- r h.-r- ar- - Inquest Dam- nt a pi emium. pver duviseU for their seoial bene-li- t. Coroner's Elicits .Many h' i cc s Jnv. s!oi have Msi'ed tin itesnerlal-l- y t Nursinsuotlier wiKJinii t camp duiiiiK the past week, and y aging Evidence Ped- vnlnablo iK sustaining ladr strength Against opinion has y,. to be I t and proiiint ngn abundant Tviiri4iuii'iit GROSS, KELLY & CO. y from those who have climbed On fur the child. ApWtant iuoHTS too iV agogue Held for Death of a trails and Kone into the developed will luid it a pncelrssVPtrf iVej the lM ii;i'.n vi' y woi kinas of the old mill. . Of tin s. ?vsto:n for baby's romuiff and rihJciin y Former Girl Pupil. the Columbine Is now receiving a the ordeal comparatively painless? 1 jlxi'KP ixirtioii of intention. This is u em (jo no jij any or condition y ' lirifi stai, mine with a record. It was fo'iinrH M e; 'eaKUe sstem. '' " 1 Moran, Ka., Oct. it. MIkk May 'known as the Hailical and was amona rnocaé, jur'vuus, weak women, who y Nur.ti. whose ttoai burly was fcun.l in 'the claims taken up by I'tiiled .State sutler ftwjtient liemlacli.-s- , harli-aeii- e, her father'a yard here on the niyht of Senator- - Teller in the pioneer days ... lr:itrini(-lowt- i distress low down 27, ,the camp. Látase resulta muy I in the aUloinen, or from palnfiil or Irreu-ula- r t ilcmber with h r throat rut, did not commit Mml.le. to looked for from the i of I h. nionthly X'riiKl, gnawing or dis- the as i In e ex-t- i In or t opinion of two physicians who testi- ,"olunihiiie. has evi.ien tressed sensation stomach. fli?y nsive qu int It lex of low (jrade ore faint spells, sK'ck or spot DLvXLLRS IN fier! before the ji-r- In .M- AND t coroner's float In disagreeable, oran Sainui-- F. Whitlow, with h could not be handled at a proli' bei'or.'ycs. bavo if man by the lint which m now pelvif catarrhal drain, irola)isus. atitn-ver-i.- ai now belntf held at - mill-iirn- n Investigation, lola pronounced Rood In view of th- r or retro-versio- or ot her displace- for hail told the jury of womanly from weakness l a y ami transportation facilities al ments ortrani in that ally that the girl jhaiid for the Montezuma district. An of parts will, whether they eMTicnert á 0QL-HIDES--PEL-TS s, t killed Suul heiaelf hefause he refused otiier unuiue (enture of tile present many or only a few of the alstve syinti-toni- y t.i elope with I her. Today tr. A. H. situation here is the iiit.n--- .' caser- lind relief and a vrtiiiiiieul cure by lelonit. who examined the hmlv of nes beinij bysev.ia! .irti sin (aithfully ntnl fairly .eristently if Miss a manifested Snpp few minute after it wan power i '.r.ipanies to be first en l'r. I'ieree's Favorito I'n script ion. t the found, worlil-famii- testified that the cuts In her Kround to supply power and lilii to This l sisvilic tor woman's were too w is t tlneat deep and too limit to i he mines. Surveys have be. n pushed iakn"ss,'s and Hilments it y j of na- In.lirate and that the both day and niKht, and no el'lort -i pure ulyceric rxtract thn choicest fae! that there were deep cuts indi- being spared by thi se concerns tivo, medicinal roots without a drop of It y cated murder. to obtain a (""inn with a view to pet Hleoliol in Its maki'-Uji- . All Its imiredi-r-nt- s l T Exclusive of Following Dr. Ijiintieth had examined the hodv Ilium, lit future business. printed in plain on its IX Terrt9rial Handlers the nnd attest.-r- l under onili. Dr. the day follow big the ríiTs death. Her ' throat had been Mansfield. Ariz. Another shipment l'ierce thus invites the. fullest Invesfiaa-tioi- i slashed twice. lie, it. Well Known Lines: t tliat, will said be believed died ten seconds from Ule Mansticld o...-r mine he.s of Ins forniiil.t knowin y sla '.ills' gone forward to Ui found to contain onlvthe best aaents it lifter the second wound was inflicted. the l'ao most, nnslnal y He thought it a physical impossibility Ismeltir. These shitmo'tils me likely known to tl.n ndvanced schools of prai--li.-- it Kaw Valley Cnnning Co.'s "Sunburst" Brand Vegetables Curtice Brothers "Blue Label" Canned Goods. to. snl'-('!''- to become remiiar; in iaei. as a srienee of all the ililierent Mi's Sapp to have committed isoon cure of woman's peculiar If y result of systematic ileveloprii'-iit- tite for tho Kuncr Ficklo Co.'s Pork and Beans, Pickles and Olives "K. C " "Gold Baking amount of ore now in siwlit weaknesses nnd ailments. and Label" Powders y John x. Sapp, father of the .lead available you know more about tho it !, is i.raetieally inexliaiisltble. Larue Jf want to Ki tei Mfied that she owned a razor, eu.lor-.-mentr- .f National Starch Kingsford and Best Brands Starch "Cracker "Angelus" i coinposit ion and professional Co.'s Jack" and Marslimallows y but that the rax..r found plans areutnler i onsioera ioo by the near the Man-Hel- tho Favorito I'rescriptlon." send body wan not d company for th" instalia ion y the one. Mrs. Whitlow aliso-jlutel- l Dr. II. V. Dr. Wheat Flmvti Celery Food California Canners' iof iiiiMiiiü facilities such as lire y postal car roijiint to I'lene, Price's Fruit Association Canned Fruits testified, corroboratinii foe statements ilullalo. X. Y., lor his ire booklet tr. at-i- of her husband before Jury, reiiui'i'd to handle the o.- of Patent. Highest Flour and Vegetables the and milling Riaih' w hich is now of sunn1. "Bjss" Patent Whitlow's two sons also You afford to accept as a sustit- t corroiiorated on dumps in qiiaii-'titie- can't y his testimony. raised and laid the r High Cudahy bate uss.ivs. howevtl. show uto for this remedy "f .unir ,,in.Mii"ii "Imperial" Patent Flour Packing Co.'s "Rex" Brand Canned Meats Homer Hamer testified that he saw in a focrct nostrum of tutliuouii oeniioui. y Whitlow go to the presente of hiuh rimiIo oie Empson the Sapp house on the jamounls tar beyond the early antici- twn. Don't do it. it "Swans Down" Colorado Patent Flour Packing Co.'s Peas uitflit of the UaKody, hut did not nee pations of the ma naifenieiii and ,.ir- - Mi Xapp come to meet him, n Elk" Oklahoma Grade Soft Wheat Flour Juan F. Cigar Co.'s Cigars t out tiler shipment' of till., sra.le of ore "Royal Straight Portuando Whitlow said she rti-Ur- did. The iipfUcst .will likely to be reported from now II ink l'ouml (.uiltv. t will be Sublimed Sulphur Biscuit V continued tomorrow. un. t'ha.lron, libio, Oct. H. I!. X. Ford "Tiger" Brand Merchant Co.'s Crackers on one count (lol lf iel.l, Nev. The Kan ns was todav found miiltv "Black Leaf" Tobacco Sheep Dip Colorado Packing & Privision Co.'s Lard and Meats in an indictment that chained him t coni'ianv i:' now nmaued in l Kemp's Austrclian Branding Fluid Cudahy Packing Co.'s "Diamond C" Soap WEEKLY REVIEW OF sacking ore. and m.anwhile sinkin with wrecking the lat.k al uilon. x i m ayo and driftinji operations are yielding t tliio. which fai'e.l four yen for & most cncnurafiiUK results. At the fifty- - t "Old Manse" Maple Syrup Proctor Gamble Co.'s Lenox and Ivory Soaps .r.ii. int.. This indictment chante y y toot level on tne civet lease a kiom iilm will with intent to J. Lipton's Pcet Brothers Mfg. Co.'s Crystal White and White 'sized lcdije Is belnif opened tin that e!llhe.,le." Ford was once before Thos. Teas and Coffee y WESTERN MINES shows excellent values. The i.e. lit convicted but released by the circuit "White Rock" and Apollinaris Mineral Waters. Eagle Soap y shipment from the Little Florence of ' Tills was his lliiid liial. ia ton of ore va'ued at S I fi.ó -- " has Bain Waqon Co.'s Wagons Durkcc's Pure Spices added new zest lo leasirt; np rations " ATlli-t.-i- l With Kr for S:l Veir. y ty throimhout the district. I hav.- Isen cITUclf.t Willi "re even f..r llolse, Idaho. The present hltth-pre-su- Itnvc Thirl. en " I I y activitv iiinonif Idaho mine .loroino. Ariz. rjuaru anil black lie.'.. an. t.a.illv I.!,'.. n... I wh l.loi.l fer six operators has brought with It its own 'slate, carrying a nodly spi ink llnii o! vea.. Mi i..- .ie h:.'ll infla... ."1. y ty problems, and the situation, especial- Isiilphides, now constitiite tne forina-'tio- n ..r mv Inslsie.l upen u.y trvltii! ly it by 2J0-foo- t level. .h ntl.e.'la It. Salí.', un. I "in- half h as eoniernn the lloise Hasin. Is encountered the -' ef Ii. Tu my surprlso II mv one of peculiar difficulty. As is well The management in greatly ..ncitir- 1.x ' ' ' & Hii.l ulul.t ...on.' CO., inv tes "'' t BEST t by GROSS, THE la formation, KELLY chaiiKe . known. machinery manufacturers aned the the IO... I'MiiNlana. Ky i luía' Halve v I 'k beini; -. throughout the entire country have .cvelopmci.t work Is I'l' mi .1. u s i t found It almost impossible to keep ly pushed with three kIUI'Is. Al tin-- on Is slnk-- . abreast of their onler-- j for supplies Host and Jerome the shall a- a d.vke of porphyry and - l eoul.imnt. and the resulting dr-h:- iim Into larKe to opirilrrs have been keei'y 'schist, this n so cartyliiMT sulphides. fe't In ad.litioii. the usual scaicity I . Firemen Drniaiii! nu iicrensj-- J ir, .(.a'iuim w '!'rU'Hrf of skilled labor been O I has uhnortnally New York. Oct. !). Railway tirem. n J !..) ta "t it. fu U I1MMlt"'lllM Irrigate Your Ranch affei-te- by the strenuous demand, ion all aslcrn lines, to a ami cii-i- i the offer of largely inoren.s.i.1 statement published here today, ja1 w.ikck often fails to secure the neces- a in. reas in It i.hI.I oth.-iH- It Mill KniiiK t" demand further ' 'i. 4, ;$ In lUiri wmpiHii Celebrated Askew h.n sary f - "'t The liunkH-Mois- o fori competent miners for v.aH.-- s In tlie near future. The i:iil- i .iiy Y ' ' I '. KhIi development operations actually In olte-- H nu they will nut i.rant ik'h inn Muí hlnrry III n progress. Naturally, the rstnhllshed the di inund. In. i.' tho iiinWy mol operators are in the best position to I. 1.1 ..I ii Vr.. from In to I mi obtain the reunited assistance, while por Th.-- liio riiKiti.-ra- the developing companies are solving l us.-- . I ior o many the problem by letting out their sink-in- t; SADDLES otll-- Mill h HM !l w - and t unnel-drivIn- operations to contractors IliK nuil. wat.'I'lliK Mork, who can keep In close Saddles Marness before you KtimllllK I" l.l. He. hl'llll for loui b with the labor market. The sit- See our and hiiiIok o. uation - hchiK met In this manner by 7.i ri. the Mi Kiuley company, Pal Findings. Prices Riglit i'AIKII V lS- - M( HM-- & Hotel buy. Leather and TO. whose tunnel bore is now penetrating .luplter moun- Cor. First and Gold Ave, Iii ini r. Colo. tain, one of tlie best m nera lv"t of the besin distil, t. Wlnkleman. Ariz. The Intimate Rooms in City connection h. tween rai'rotul conntrui -- The Cleanest the Av. tion and the development of the terri- TflOS. F. Keleher 408 West Centra! tory's mineral resources is c.'iiiinn to " UseMorniiig'JournalWaiitAds be more and more keenly apprei i ited olonel KpcH Uandoloh. who has laia-- e tnininic Interests In JMnal county Owen Dinsdale. Proprietor. and other jiurts of Atizona, says: "It 9 is certain that an extension' of the Arlzoni and Kaster-- i from Winklemaii to connei I at S in arlo vlth tne Cila Valley line, will be made. Work will be start, il in a very shoit time . - this i .ii. ii Mans work out as pre pare'!, it is also iiulhorirutivel) staled that the Phoenix and Kash-r- railway Is to be ext. nib d Irom Wink- - OUT! vall.-y- . . STAY up Tln-si- MEYERS COMPANY the San l'cdro improvements will mean much to the luinii.K Interest of the district. Mean- while c I reports continue to ome ' in from the (oíd end copper ramps, . v. notably the Two whose sec- J' ond shipment, colisisliti of thirty-on- e sa.-k- of has Just (rone forw.r.. (Successors to Ernest Meyers & Company') to the smeller l oth rail- roads ami mines appear to be hacked by an abundance nf capital. II. "iiioKjlln, Sonora, M.xiio. Aim in i .ittal rout hiiii-- to j.our into Importers and Jobbers of all I'orein and Domestic Solióla for tho (I.M'lo'.iiii iit of ni w o.p.r nilni-M- . Jiim t rirril In.- l.llMi.l ill- - Col. II ll..lH'S to lie th.- - A Dividend Paying Investment! rriil. r of liili-rcst- . I In- - iniiiiaKcyii iit i of ilii-- i han In i n Ilally Mir. I'Sff ill In .tlii iliK tin- o..,i-il- ami IiihIiiIIitik a fuli- - Mantial lino of ttta. liliM-r.- for if!in.i The Permutation Lock and Novelty ll'llt srrj.-i-- . y from tin- .Mai iiii-- i .1 a Liquors f r.houf to Wines, ii from :'m rrnt roj.i.or. with ...Manufacturing Company... valu.n in colli an. I silvii. .Mn.iriíí Imuti-s'.- art- - pr.';.l- fn- - von-.- l in Sonora I. y tin- - a. tuily of located in Denver, are offarinrj their friends and all who liuiiiiK th.' last k month:' - . . oppor- ni'v on-tri- ii tion has iim-r- it if. I 171 are looking for a strictly first class investment,- an inll-- . uliji-i-- t to ial Inri.- -. II. tton. get in on one of propositions to make I t jurl-ili- tunity to tie best un. 12S mili'. !iiti.-.'- to Ftato i and Cigars lion. or a total of 3:!rt inllcn. I' r money now before the pujlic. We have our machinery I In- conw.-rx'- ti e H'lniljiixttation of IHnK. tlip ready 1 3 push and l'iiiili iit f.oliiv of completed and are the manufacture ' " ' " " ' eoMrn Hunt lw oirvrliit? th.' r Si m I i s of only keyless or combination lock in tí iiniBt i :i inilii. fiin-tiL- to tho Inflow sale the successfu' of capital for the ilevolopinont of the world. Over 100,003 combinations and yet a per- Mexico radically ro- - S.IUI'1 OS. son familiar with his combination can open it as quickly Scan hiiiiht. X- . I. t as a key lock. We will b3 on a dividend paying basis work l now lo I..- - un.l.-r'- kf d oniiio óin.-13- we get our product on the mar- íiiarl.-ll- Kvtonsion f.r...orty of within a short time after .son: Disi iiBU iOKS or . hti-i- a.i.foini:iir th.' famous (Jii ir-t- l'. ket, so it will behoove you to get in at once as it is a Laipo iT.ilt ro look. . I for froiii llii '.rk. in vio of tho roport good thing and our block of stock is about all sold. See of tin' il i.uty 1'nitcil Stato min.-ra- l Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer sun for Novada un. I CaUfoinli. Mr. H. F. Wolfe or Mr. Charles P. Carrithers at the who thai tno of tho Hotel for any information, or drop them a note I cjn irtotto vein woiil.l justify imv om-.a- Sturgcs G. I. Minimi & Co.'s, Ve Clicquot, Ponsardinand In ilcvoloplni: it with the ut- and they will cal! and exp'ain the merits of the lock and most onoti; and iiif.atch. if you are then satisfied come in with us. Moot & Chandon White Seal Champagnes '..V Mi. Iai.l l. M.i,'i:il. io i si. lout of iho n r. i h w - DENVER, COL. , l. - OFFICES 1624 TREMONT STREET, . i n an.l fa. Hi.-- stat. !' that ,iIhei.- will P. Baulinet Bordeau Cordials no further In tho const rm-- .f ih roa.l. Comit.-n- t Jnnr.- - rl that tho roa.l will I.- - a ri"ti-o- r Chattelle Freres, Cognac, France, Cognacs from (ho flail. it will thr. UKh sotno veiy ri. h tnirei.1' e- - Sh.r is. ii..tahi- Snrnniit nn.l Old Taylor Bourbon and Monogram Whiskies eoiintii' in I'otorn.lo. whiie Iho ami Snako river ni-- ti i. .. oi UViHiltllK slo.nlil ai-- i. fHrtl!.ll 1 A.Texter&Co., Sandu: ky,0., Pure Blackberry Juice heavy and ptofitaMo tfin:.eo.

X.-- Mr. ti-.- N c'lor m ihoroiiitd Inspe. of thf tuino near thi - pla. . ha miii h. .rim d th" ...'- ' í statement1.: 'I went through th 116-11- SILVER AVE., ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO ! min from Lottom to t... an.i the 8 WEST tvxli openo.l ui are immense. Tho ihiriy-f.v- o lo sixtv feet vrin uro from . wide a III ovi.n.l l.inil M as th.-t.o- of tho mountain- '"'"' m tuül na water Biwsmütvui t t. Na rvc


Two-baa- e hit. Ford. KdinandB. ALÁ own. Three-bas-e hits, Galgano and BMflUIUEIS ON R I.D BOYS 0 F FIRST MONEY RESTS Brierly. LOCAL a if I I ar I af 1 fe a MB MB aB aS a a K aV ft asm am. al a al aaaaa aaam AND PERSONAL ÜN A SANIA Ft MURE ON RESULT OF M Is. Hclon fnAm T U. 1", ...... visiting Albuquerque frlenda. H Jam f.lien a tit Cirrilina ar.ont THE FAIR GOOD SHOWING TODAY'S GAME yesterday in Albuquerque. Mr. J. J f (Iiinnll - ntdt-tainln-. Mi Llxiie Hawkins of San Martial. Oenra-- e l.miiA . i..i. of SPLENDID GROUP OF ANCIENT CITY LAD GETS FIRST GAME OF BROWNS auum r e county, Is In the city. . . . O. M. iMdrrla manavue f . I. . . .. HIGH BRED ANIMALS FIREMEN'S FOOT RACE WII H SOCORRO-TEA- tal thenter I of Trinidad. in the city s STYLES n ousines at the local house. FALL AND WINTER Idaho Type Valued $17 a Silly Mason Albuqueique Howell Krnevl n well kn... h...l This will particularly at Continues to Give Pulls Out With a nes man of Clayton. X. M , i among Shoe appeal to men who U J I.J I.. M ... I I - - I I.. . I the visitors. rum luúii 'VI till rnii nun- - Caids and Spades on Coup Bare Score to the Good In a made-to-ord- er m C. K. Fflraiiar L.t V.ifflo V If I.. I want the newest model a diecls Pashned Near Atiisco lings Wet Tests on Gold Hard Hitting Game With the city vlHltinf his brother," Cnlted State Marshal Foraker. shiny leather, blücher cut, shoe. Al 4 in ( This County. Avenue Today, Paso Score J 2 to 11. i1H'i?r "B,s"n "f Sania Fe. the is it known Insurance man, ia In the though the toe narrow, has been city for a few day "j Among the ciliihl's which liav. i li.' Ani. rli. n l.iuiil.rr compnn HOW iiin ..,t tu n of hip TIIFY STAMI. I " ,. carefully modeled so that the í . rvi iila in yiviti'i- o ,.11 .. v. .. trim Caused h f i II t ri I.I Sanche t ,i - tavnl'lllll" l.iy ti i i llr. i'ii louriiHiriinl hi t . n.-- r, . 1 kioinit)- niiieti-fou- r i flayed. W..n f laiencla county, has rt the fair t'lits Mft-- are fair BK iitot- - Biv.-i- by tho Srv Mi x In the city arrived - Mliuiiueriiue n t i.imi for the fair. m I ! any in- i,f II,.- fin,.: pur.' Itam-houlll- no I.. Mil) of Vollltlti'i'r lirftii.-i- errect does not way llini ""'worro I 1 (i vp whl.h nut yistorday. In Mnia m seen In the (" It v 1 1 Dr Lewi. pre.cott. evri thi I n l0 liver n nan 0f was one of I hi. viird liri in. foot rat i'. Har 'he Arizona x'icii.i- - h..r terfere with the perfect ..I i hi- - l I'aa.i n .mm ,t.....i the ram nr.- - limón liimbir ompany lot by the fair ground1. 'f in ncl I . I. fin the renult of l.v the company of Milt h "in. rVtp Al.ifid of Sania F thla aftern.inn'ii Charles 'hadwlck I ame at i lye (troun.N comfort of the foot, tit. fair 1 ,. ,. Hit They are I hni h r'".ni lint iiiiinrr. practically K. C i fj rl!. .iiik lr - , . " !, man ..r T ' In Hi.- dry run-- reata the decl.aton a to money lii .t n. I. itl li t .imm.iN. six nmtui toil hone each ti'au. first Denver, arrived in ihe eite .n.ikniK a run nf H yardii. pullina u the haachall t.mrna m.'nt t,n,i .hn to see u.,.i.... old and f'i,'hlii. IIS pounds.. Th eame arood i..,P,i part of the fair. The handsome vamp Ik ex lo.' tall. r. I.'.lilni Ihi' hine an.l heinit for about tunn griup rsniie rjinni and their It in ! aklim a i .uplitiK. thp Mania doMara. likely be hZ. A. SU-vc- T . lit et'nl:n,n ia due to Hi.- fu tu watched with .....l l X.:I ... inn won. run k Iiik - ueeo Iin III' H, of Patent Calf milliner In alilrh Kdailt Hi n ! 11 nf 8r the run in ihirlv- inifrefl. Hemer.. of Vi.i',. ri. i'..- gives a Haitian. Alt tti a fatten ci.ic of lili'lli toiir wroi,.l. while the lunih.T cniii-pun- y Fl I'aao ha.a been defeated by both the cily yesterday morning. f !ti total a iv team made It In thirl -- five ner- Socorro and A Ihu. merque. AlhiPiuer-iu- e pleasing contrast to the riftwn number oli, N. what l kiirnin iii the I, I., ho type nf ha defeated Silver City, and when Traveling Ai.,iir,.r i. ,.t.. a- - i, - . Hilly M.iaon naye, tin . the llamhoui.lf t I.isa They t. e valued Ihe liiitiher torn orni ami Albuiiieriue meet thifi lord arrived last niclit from s;... t-- dull finished surface of the pativ team il. f. Hl by ' rVrt-- -- in $1. tvirh. heini? nuniil by J. C. M li- from iniiklne a afternoon it will about decide w ho Is spend a dav at the fair. a If . tl li r ni Idaho. nln. ha in "iiil.' to.ipllna; In neyeral w.ondi to get trie hiriTp Kll.-- e ,.f I ha ... .!.. , . iviait r top. ii.istured kar lime limn r i i air Clever Allium TtA of Ihi same class nf inn the Aland h'iva nf The itiiine in therefore belnir Iregory Page. ,,f liallup. accompa-de- d -- watched ixegai worKmansrup is evident lambs, win. h he ha for sale pur- - .inia re. ir. niaxon won three or wnn aoaorniiiK Interest. hv Mr J'i.k... arrived In the city in every part of this shoe in the careful m ase the doutdo roiiniina In TiiiM,bi last night The Hrowna managed to pull a vic- to attend the fair. shaping of the vamp last, Mr Ch.irl.-- a ('tiaduhl, 'nnt.fl tory F:i over the in the trimming of the moderately if.. ft- from rami yesterday after- A. ! Tit in a -i nonn'H J. flpear and r.lav M Simili. h.i raised the' eyenti will be held noon by a very narrow uncom- Charles E heavy sole ay I on ii .".i i, oí, i av nil.', and Thomas, heepnien f L extension and military heel, and in the fitting iriiii winch thei have on l'll.tti,.n and will be ton. fortable ahave The (fame was all Hie Animas, of the uppers and ,11 ludid with Hie tent hone rare, were In the city in' I. Ill UiUFll 11.1 JUH "XI wit for property cf the I'row na up yesterday. inside tnmmings. Every Th-Su- rlKhl to bit I. lla Ii.)k II 5.111111 the Tutorial thnmplom hip. of material used is' grade. lin- (or L custom not Kiti'ii i.iih'iH ill" ,11-- , V. The y tlieelirhth innlna. when 5algan.i. A. If. Wlllntfin T 1 . . r Mr. Ke and American Lumber cnin-pan- who ... .,,,1,,-- i Itvii) nixt vr. Smilhri had been pitehniK hi usual heady nSVlS. Of ni.... j, ings are of 9 ounce duck with llMt III UI'IkM tttl'IIIV ieaniH will coinpete. - Wlnaloit Aria ' .ipiinmI... special mercerized finish. In !' hot At itaiue. auffered n aerioua let down, and at thei every way this l'oini.l. bul Hu ir mini mild fur Z t S the iiiffiina; of the asuicialiun. fair gTiuinds yesterday. i . M. for a time threatened to go nil fn is one or the finest Reaai mnrUc fnr ,Q.--,i . r a I.m-í- i I linppe ..I thin i ilv. wax I ted bits. v j r 'iiti nound. tiioii' thitn wool t OT" WCdí, V. He walked foor men R. W. Casl.1v ..a i g'.iii.iai auu UIC KJliG OI KloHi'la h.,V fur orm ttini', pieilil. nt. and Wood of Ijik Vetraa. iu....ul j.. ..u.i..h,,.i... man ill leu S and allowed a I.ixm I.airuna. transa, ... absolutely correct styles wiil.-- I and I'haihn hllemnn of itiiKwell nuniher tí mor nr hi. sin... i of this season. S4-.0- 0 iiipih thai Ihn ItuintiouHli xenons nils. The Kl Hed S3.50 and tir.-- were a Paso team took the fair grounds of nh.'i'p la Hip m'h; board uf contnd. e yesterday. ! auioii W advaniafc-- It I of In lh" ood for a period of one un all and In the ninth iald roimtr. wein a rt .1 John M The Kmm rli.'lhni!v.f.yol) Hll'" ti Whiteniaii for linee years. in in lie in., aeore Patterson. of the Claire ift 11 hotel In . . Sim l ary A M. lllln lust one lillle run Ke. is In i ' 1 v of Wlnilou., Art, hnd con-- j re Ii.'lllfbach bohis ..' Santa the city t.. . oyer until next year. having iThp ,,,,. a a hard-hltiin- spend the remaining days MILLINERY FASHION'S id l"lli.,ilo III. 1111,1 ii iiiiiiiImi of II" lieeii hard of the fair. hut m elected lait year Tor n two year term. 'niHllinc coll est ami lini.l Ik. i.. tin" hf't iind ruin, mi mil H. A. -; . W Wnlford - '- .i....-. Kl I n The crown of irniuKn. ... ni.-,- I IUl III IT of in. cvtilng ilii'v hud to liban-Io- Klrenien'n a'cl.tiiiiu interested from atari to rioi.h attorney nit II. tin-- lo Mr Hi ae.ah.iiH after a The Hrowns started scoring; in for Socorro and Sierra coun- ALBUQUERQUE trip ir. Ch.idwh'k had the ties. I spending a few iiii-- a riinal for llw p. lull nioi mi, ce.ful Hint aat tifacloi y nisi na r ot ihe first. After ireen days In thaii i' baa bi'i'ii laki-i- i K. A n.i.i uieii. to Shay, rem h MISS PAYNTER V. kiii ti. ed flancv of tin. hint Hirivt'd in Ihf rliv first on an error hv Mcfall, atole 11 K. ' K4iii -- Frank Maxwell, proprietor of Stnnil St. Albuquerque npi-n- I ho k h.-ri- ' eionu ami siored when Mel the ri'trril.t li ui'i 'all made Lamar Flour Mills, "j? llv ...U- - hlühly lb,- -,.i i second error or of Lamar. Colo. mmm PLANING MILL of xblhll the Inning on Was One Of the .1 v. .. ..: al lhr fair liii'hldid in lh' II vr SHORT AND SHARP Hrlerly grounder, and went to third , a. iiie lair Finik mhlhlix at th full an- - mmi wnen let M.Cnll a low throw get fin- - l: through ani tnirnfi of AtiKorn tonln whh him. Hrierly was caught at C. PpÍMlInn mirKn. n a l ar. ALBUQUERQUE havr It.'i-- d.'i'rflM'd rlMi'w bi i. and the plate hi trying to make a double ca family, Iwi, nr thiv.- - pen steal, theatrlrnl of Lo Anir" full of pork with Mehoff ending the cor-l- n irm, npfni a v in Hi., tir.--fini Vüt iril llh ' ' All fxlili.iln havfi a nioat E NCOUNTER AT for one Inning. taking l th. fair. di awing tard l.i th nhofimi.-- tm.l The visitor evened up matter In I'litlli'iion h f I in! In r Ihi- - fair and their F s half of the Inning by scoring one Mr. C 'Wealnv arl. J I..... F0UNDRY& irovi. that avilantan.' and piiIIh run. After (ialirimo ling to Join AND i had struck nut her husband here after an nf tin. kind 1Ü aln.-- hi' nuf Sullivan. K.lmunds got a crat. h hit extended visit with relative and of ib iniiii. i f. iiiui-.- of Hip I. ri and when Ford friend In Santa Fe. fulr. FAIR GROUND hit to right field for two has.. Mi-C- ended the Inning by Jame Wilkinson- - r,t , Ail, - MACHINE proundlng out, Corhan th. ,,IU,,U,'. . to FranlT IUa- Wool- an..rih. .v.111. a. . Alliu-jiieniu- nas reiurneu In the second limine I,,.,!,. ii.. to e from California ac- BLONDIN TO TRY THE Cot han reached third after companied by Mr. Wilkinson. Well Known Druggist Makes a given free trannortnlln Wallace Hessel.len. the eeond and third' ain.'a contractor WORKS reaching on ho hH been uiinerviuit. . w., . t. Violent Attack on Equally i nut at first ...... near ..- - 1...... In the McKinlev e.iniilv e, tiled one. two ihr.. ..,.1. at CaJhin. in Well Known The Itrowns n .u- arrived ih. BOOSTER ON THE Banker in Fro .. , , . ehalke.l' ih,' ni ne- night. ' iiiiru i.reen led off with a long drive of lo left, - Giand Stand. which Sullivan failed to hold, Jack" Fraaer. on.- ,.f tt,e most 'Srecn reaching second, from w here he popular employes the Santa Fe ever CENT STORE scored on FVanti stinging single to had In Albuquerque, who was I center. CollKldi'lahV excitement Wa d FYantl atole ae. ..n.l u...l year foreman of the black- BALLOON In front nf the rand Htatid at ed when Sullivan fumbled Xelhoff smith ho.o here and who is now iTiaciioii p,,,k I 4 long ny t holding a nYlock veHlerday left. Neihoff himself reonahle position at a. l.ifi.'i M,,,i hen V. V. Walton, Ing a moment later 'r. I In the city th' - when, after he. for the week ve- known .IiukkUi nia.le an n.aiilt In- caught between home and third iling old friends. SUCCESSFUL ASCENT !eliAl. Frot of th.. KliX National he finally slid under the catcher. Mi. Frot am about In le- - Kl 'a.i rame back strong In Charle Jamesson. Instrument man when half, their with the I'nited geological l"'."ll the men were pushing twn runner across ike vey, Stale sur- lo LArtCitO TODAY i f'i fri..n.N wt,.. f,.nd n rubber. Three successive by who recently returned here from Il i singles Durango, w in e...rv to keep them acpuratcl Knight. Sullivan and Kdmiind hare he w as w orking ..1, " 111.. on a party, .dlllllut the r.t of Hfterilo.Ul fielder bolee and a aafe ha left for silver .. Mission Furniture II drive sent loin a rroun nf .nn.v.,r. .... Detail of Cavaliymen Cany BA...n n,ZZ 'C?T,t rxr.igni and I., bounds oyer the atart-In- g X: t.'tion. of that town. Show Cases There was Gas Baa nothing doing for Manager IS. M vs-t- Seveial Miles Ciossp.e , either Morris of the Ct Iron r;TVL si le from thirrf nmu ..--- .i. and Brass live f.M-- t the I.. theater of Trinidad, is In Albu- Store lit ftwav. hUi m.l r. mm H , when the querque and Bar Country to City Woiks . m Wftlirl he inlll'jr I'rowns. with two hasea on this week the guest of the ab riails ball three-bas- e manager Ule I.., ba l Mr. paed hit and ol the Albuquerque Ctv;al Castings Walion ma'ked smr ,.,re, Mi w Fixtures r to Mi . ',i e. ,hw rjn theater. Morri. ho is a brother-in-- Holmboe Bros i. and omm. n. e.l ir.g Xlh. law A I Kit for ihe visitors thi Inning of Mr. lo- l.i fallluK Hi Uei ttlade l.f alilll .ttw 1Kb. x...... The Orendorf. of the to lil eil . eon- - t'r..i., ent Knight in cal theater, was a vastly surprU.-- lili make Impi. I'lU It. 'llera had no hu "M. kill K hi after Ore, Coal and 'a and ' tie with , vengeance. man when he got a glimpse VV. 111 lor l.ot.'lty Itillale lite l.o 111.... Inl.i iv..ri lh... Mr eiih Two yesier.lav 122 Gold " Fr.! repbed w sm e of Avenue A n- - i -- . - k. the crowd of people in Building MIuhiui Aeronaut J. III.. 'hat hiinn. l e hit.. an the city Material i.u." hat of th-e- eiror. I " . and the great .1...... 1....' At itin ici'ii.lav iraie ii up an.t l.i.Miten-- I " hereupon the iun el a ,e,,i ball citiimerriM Lumber Cars i rh'iit rlr,,.. c r f r nient of Aihtiqijf m,- ant oionei A r... la mu. h !aie.-- r ; tins AHiii,,m,uf. prae- - nine Morris ia 11 r Hunter of the Fifii man han XIT ,nd so All...... iivalii detailed h o - Fr-.- hauled d. I f. Mr M taken with ii...,,,.. IM ..mad m.ntv- "ff ami him ai'k.: 'Vllseibillties lh.-.- . tne I l i that aohlirr, t.j tran.p,.it the pal la v 'i watiiitK a tui.n:i.ic blow in pn " double may Metal "ll p, , Ff'-- - ti. ! he Iwate here. liiiliied t.i I,,,, ii,,. ., . o Mr t k- run and Try a Morning Journal Ad Hi- i ti Want - e(t.- -t. -i r " I" irv ..f it... ij.i- v blow mlKlit eaui'y have b . . hi, With Columns i n t fl bra ted "li.MM.ler" of l!i. Albil'iu. - "aht, bu' a it he .m-- 1 w ! it pi and ,tcr ;.i ' . i. , in .ii.i.anv on the Ibiü,.,.m .ill and Lrii'-- d n, lir-- urd-n- off i.l trie lesiil.'s Will I... awa ti t I 1.1 ! (11,1. 1.1 th. Iron with Intel. t a. Hi. re ait- a .1 l. 1. Fronts for 1,., a- ( , i.f p..,,,!. !.,. mi. y. l ull, lit lo the ascent ill tile , further bl i...,l. WOOL GROWERS WANTED Buildings i Hie hall.... 11 with M l..i,,in al In (r.-- ( ti w.r.- , S lall The .. . t.,,1.. ,,. l ti .n of f urth- - t I i.l K s... t walkiiia -s I ti er ni a, I,. u. with a llu . ill... ?4 IS" a I le.l..i At "IIM.I ,, I ll. - the Fair (..rounds 1. lililí .(.a .111 Inter- , firry after,N,n be shown hw they inav 1- V 'llllí ,,l " a ct.aae their annual Income K and ;he had j without increasing M ' .1 , . r ... - TIGERS ti.r'i a Ii i1. . LOSE FIRST & " ''u"', a Ii -l- i-. i ?; . v ,. b,, i; '' ' " )..u il k - OI run' Ín"""' ? ' . ' ; iii-.t- ' .ry.' '.'"..'i !,.V.,r,.'l''m''n"''"''''1 ' "ur lion that TH K Ai:T SHKKP SHKAIíIM; ,f 1 MAIIMNK will that, and more. your order In now for t F:n.-bse- d Shi-arin- . Ml- - -- Car -- and next s..,n ia.w.1 11, I GHÍGAG0 GAM F g d" f .r 11,. j ., r market the ut t.... n.. lose 5 5 " k in hi ii 'i -- 1,....,. . 1,.. 1, )eail. til ll. r " f . aettina it off th.. he nnr-i- bur l- i'"'r n,i ihe i. ' o ourii.K me sheep will . nr in tie .,., -- rair - be shorn on th. and t. ihe r.i - me ,, ,- ai fur m m, y '"" sTtivi,.n ,,r Mr a. M. Knight, who rt! a ...tii. Ir n,.k. o s :i anon, ai. i any U a I. l.rv .,.. f inforniatlon desired concerning Special Attention Given I Ill.t .1, :! ! C!. r.,muri,u piants. C. A. McKnight. at the Sturge Hotel. il? el I elh..ff threw al - e tie old. r.t Ha. kelt sip.- . . I i,, rich! .n.l Repairs ei. . of Mining S . .la M ,.! t( I. s'ii. ..1,!. return g ,, and .m ,. ,3 a pi. I, . .. ff K.lmun-- red. and Ha , CHICAGO Fl FXIRI F SHAFT 1 r. h. .l !i I le ke'l r.) ,,, mh . a a w I 0 ' -- aa fay Milli ng - r bit t. Machinery ta crrt.r "iiy h I Ii- . ' M.all a. f.,,,--t bt LaSalle Avenue and Ontario 7 . . J StrceU . Chicago, Illinois 11 .. I. , i . J....I.1. .1 hlie- - f a nmnile r . , A.J.Love,Proprieior . I i'. " h r. . , If s. sin. Hi rr ,ntrr I " I '1 .. n-- I, .n r.I,...,l ,,,,,,K ...... m u.r I I.-- I PIIOM; . ' .,' bill I I.. II .11 or ..f t he .anu.. toz I home I'M I II I '.a 'r .111 h.i 111 I .k r hi place, had 1 Ml. I : n t MUST t a r y s i pi;, K.t ,.r, w hi n . ha) MHIirr i 1. meht off f ... 1 retired the GRUNSFELD ti .1,. ',.'."It 11! l.e v BROS. j . . .'II I .1 ' T. "I (i. llHiiii.niiee. . wis .art,, I' H s H V Albuquerque, J 0, I . o New Mexico SL Dmo Sample & '.. .11. l: 11 1. Club Rooms 1 ',it. up .) lt..i h Ml lt "f. . ! f 4 lii. ' 11 n 01 t in ' V at . t.. t'f- -t ri I 'astral Armmm. asl 1 tu. I f,,r a' la. "I Frat.i t, lb OHOICK LIQCOHJ ' . Ita. ka 1KC the,, P. HALL, 8ERVED ALL 11,. s I'rrrii. I PROPRIETOR o IM 'U ' SiaK'Hia: i. mintii.-- . "m' every Men. Ihoff I I i.t Tk ' to th. ' ' e men . fi'l ahaip '" Jar and Satura.. ...a.. Hi . , .,i rhan. o.t r ta h, M Hugh. 1 1 i Ví i". . - w ,. h I '1 a tl I If u n i) i Vr. 77 till 11 It s in I . I, II. . , and a r .miin.l f ,f MM. Wl-- ' a gano. SOLE V (Ulll f'Ifl eMIft.l'l e .,f s AGENTS "'' I V. I.i-- . ,;a re I 1. .1 ned lit lhr. T 1 Toreis' Celebrated Fish Biand SJickcrs. 'i r I .la .. hi S. I. .0 tc tí Grunsfeld's ' 1 M 'aaa. TOAIRjnsiTO l le, bis H la An I 111 rtavaio wool yarn, t I I . a K H urunsfeid s Famous Dyes B Lie!!, th. la ! Il f la I" A K k :ng W b "it matl ".'Ihian ff Standard and Pendleton Make It - K Woolen Mills Rcbes Headquarters Us-- The - .!'! n lame. Iniund c. & and With 0 ka ' i lei. I 1. t I H 1. 1 Blankets. ' - - ...k lo r. krtt lb Busy :at at .'tilitlon. F.r, I S Corner of the City. ., , 11 I I 1 nr.g M i all. w or k " I i í "as 1... ' 1 1 e g- - I I I i Jt. bt. i f j lack 1, I tl n f !b I t;f.l ha I t .1 ti- ". W,pO;V-Bea,- Cut Glass sir I . k. en tf I and Hand .1 Pa-.,.e- plate.. in m.. "1 K r, ,t p I Goods, tktla Oak Toilet Articles. The -- - . I a. .., k nata v(rlke I 11.I.1I Tola . 11 11 Tirest Lice of Box e- - i a .. , . New "t a y ,. :: Candy City. .( a ar it. f bt linnc.g, The Only Dry-Good- s h . t a. .1 ... , ..i Exclusive Wholesale ie fm - , A a-- e.., - ka ."- en.l. J t...l., h,, t'ii,ur?.ue . . 1 I e . . ta. nf pa .a a a - n ' - i. .oa..i K.a- "'' "' m Fl . -- nina The Pas.. . . ayj i j a.,. r suit,, .1 .hoi. ..i - I; house in the .Southwest. We I'.aa mm 4 Ai. t, l..,.. and IMmu.Ja cordially a-- tta t h- - . - ' s. MMa lt gmn H- er t k Wt I. .M tk f Mr, an' invite all t I n K ht I. visitors to call and i examine our stock H. lb. 'J M'lg .. b) .a (an... J J. O'RIELLY DRUG CO. ! a IIIUixttta..,,! aaafa-a-a- 'ttttiHHHMMH -i ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL

SECOND SECTION 'ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1907. PAGES 9 TO 14. UNDERWRITING NOTES Some Interesting Details in Regard to the Record That is Being Made by a Remarkably Strong, Useful and Successful Institution The Occidental Life Insurance Company, of New Mexico and Arizona Its Authorized Capital Stock is $1,000,000, and It Has Over a Dozen Bankers of New Mexico and Arizona on Its Board of Directors It Expected to Write a $1,OCO,000 Worth of Business This Year, and Has Written $1,192,000 in Nine Months. ' Remarkable in the extreme is the record that is being made by the life insurance interests of the United States. Life Insurance has to do with the consequences of the gravest fact in life our departure from it; and the administration of its affairs includes transactions of enormous magnitude, affecting directly the banking, real and other leading departments of modern business enterprises. That it shall be conducted with the necessary grasp, ability and honor is of supreme moment to tens of thousands of families constituting the best citizen- ship of the country. In short, there is no possibility of exaggerating the value that ought to be given by an intelligent public to the utmost vigilance in the observation of the methods pur- sued by the many companies which are keenly competing for new business. And the statistics of life insurance are very gratifying, regarded as a whole. There is evidence in the large figures presented of thrift in the people, of well established confidence in the companies now in the field for business, and generally of an intelligent appreciation of the principle of insurance. This indeed is far less a subject of treatment in the advertising liter- ature put out by the companies than it used' A well informed public sees readily the advantages of an investment which secures at once an estate larjc enough to insure comfort for a bereaved family in return for a premium which, in its amount thanks to the power of getting the littles together and making a large whole of them is small and can be regarded, as it is regarded, as among the indispensable expenditures of the family. The literature of insurance is more than ever statements by the various companies, pointing out the advantage claimed by each one for itself over its competitors. Never before was this method of competition more keenly and ably displayed and enforced, which is an excellent thing for the public, and, as we have said, is gratifying proof of a more general appreciation of the advantages of insurance on its part. " Not but what there is abundant scope for an enormous increase of life insurance business in all parts of this country of eighty millions of people. Hundreds of thousands of new fami- lies are being founded all the time, and the future must be provided for by all of these young people who take a correct view of their parental obligations. The importance of this must be brought home to the people if by means of a local company which is entitled to their respect and confidence, so much the better. Hence we are very pleased to note the increase and gratifying success of companies in numerous centers of population companies which are home companies tD the people whom they insure and whose patronage they arc seeking, which jcordially promote local investments and improvements, and are identified in the requirements of their organization, with local legislation. These features of the business are excellent, in making certain a larger increase of insurance than is possible by the solicitations of foreign companies, and promoting in important ways other substantia! local interests. This country is so vast, its population is so largely increasing, that such a company as the Occidental Life Insurance Company, of New Mexico and Arizona, hss a field of practically unlimited enterprise and success opened to it. This is an institution to which it is proper to refer in this connection at some considerable length. It has its headquarters at Albuquerque. New Mexico, and is not a very old institu- prospects company in country. It an authorized tion, but it has made remarkably rapid prociressfrom the first, and it has today as brilliant for the future as any ce the has capital stock of $1,000,000, but the men who control its affairs as officers and directors and stockholders probably represent an aggregate wealth of not less than S100.000.0C0, as will be seen from the following list of names as Directors: Joshua S. Raynolds, President of the First National Bank, Albuquerrue, and also of tha First National Bank of El Paso: Alonzo B. Mc-Mille- n, Attorney; W. M. Flournoy, Vice President First National Bank of Albuquerque; Dr. James H. Wroth, physician, Albuquerque; R. J. P'cn. of the First National Bank of Santa Fe; James Graham McNary, Banker, El Paso, Texas; Henry D. Bowman, Banker, Las Cruces; W.D. Murray. President Silver City National Bank; Salomen Luna, President Bank of Commerce, Albuquerque;. C. N. Blackwell, Cashier First National Bank of Raton: Mark A. Rogers, physician, Tucson; L. B. Christy, Banker, Phoenix; E. A. Cahoon, Cashier First National Bank of Ros-we- ll' T. E Pollock, President Arizona Central Bank, Flaastaff; E. W. Wells, Vice President Bank of Arizona, Prescctt; John R. Hulett, merchant. Holbrook: M. J. Cunningham, Cashier Bank of Bisbee, Bisbee; John W. Poe, President Citizens' National Bank, Roswell; Frank McKee, Cashier First National Bank, Albuquerque, and J. H. 0 Rielly. insurance. stronger competent It will be seen that there are over a dozen bankers on this board, and it is not at all too much to say that there is no institution of the kind under or more control than this one The officers are as follows: President, Joshua S. Raynolds, President of the First National Bank of Albuquerque; President of the First National Bank of El Paso; a financier and capitalist of sterling worth and integrity, and a man who is looked up to and respected by everybody, and a tower of strength to what ever he is identified with. Vice President: Hon. Solomon Luna, President of the Bank of Commerce, Albuquerque, N. M., and one of the wealthiest sheep owners of the Southwest: also a leading politician and of financial power in the Southwest whose word is as good as his bond, and R. J. Palen, President of the First National Bank of Santa Fe, a capitalist and banker extensive reputation. The Secretary and General manager, Mr. j. n. u nieny, is one 01 me cesi puieu aim mu&i yvywai msm auue men m me tuumi y, mun vvmi uaichuvu cai iuhc mm avine ui yiam incnranro rmnnamps nf thp wnr o: a nntura norn oraanizer ana nancier or men icapauie 01 wiumy miuranuc, anu a yeiuieman ui umuaciu mm (tunny. ThP Attnmpv for the comnanv is the Hon. A. B. McMillen. one of the leading attorneys of the Southwest; a man of wealth and high commercial standing. The Executive Committe are: M. W. Flournoy, capitalist; A. B. McMillen, capitalist; Sol Luna, capitalist and banker; J. H. O'Riclly, and Joshua S. Raynolds. Dr. J. H. Wroth, one of the nrnmmnnt rroHirai mpn"nf Mpw Mpxirn. is Medinnl Director of the Comnanv. As already indicated, this company has made exceedingly rapid progress from the first, and it is learned that it expects to write at least about $1,250.000 worth of business this year. The plan of campaign, so to speak, upon which it is operating, was mapped out, it is understood, by Secretary J. H. O'Riclly, and the influence of his sonad judgment and wise methods is ev erywhere evident. The company is writing an tne most acccpianie lorms 01 policies, ana us raies are in every sunse ui me wurus Miiuuy ic.ivjimu:. , It C n be predicted witn certainly inai unaer me wise ana conservative, anu yei piuyiuaoivu, jiumuyemeni m nt-siut-, ocuciui m-...- u.u uin uui,uih,o, mi, hji,i,j.,, u;vn mui- - will play a most important and useful part in the underwriting history in time to come, it is an institution 01 wnicn great mings may a expccieu. u lyunueu u.imjiuy mjuhu pi nine onrl ito cvctcm pmhnrl es fpatures of usefulness not to he found in the svstem of anv other crnaniaztion mat we Know 01. it is irom every nomi 01 view cmawu w uie cumpieie cunnu- - upon its financial upon . encé of intelligent men and women. It has before it prospects that leave nothing to be desired. it bases its claims to public confidence and consideration strength, the experience and practical knowledge brouaht to bear by the men who are its active managers; upon the soundness and conservatism of its methods of doing business, and upon the prompt- ness and liberality with which it meets its"engagements for the payment of losses when due. In short, the methods of this company arc business-lik- e and te in every particular, and its officers have demonstrated its policies to be as desirable as those of even the oldest and largest of. its competitors. Those who purchase them are assured of perfect security and indem- nity. We do not know of any life insurance company more justly entitled to'public confidence than the Occidental Life. You have tried the East, now try the West and keep the money at home. The Occidental loans to the people of New Mexico and Arizona already exceeds the combined loans of all the eastern companies in the two territories. This alone should appeal to your patronage.

t II tV l f PIIKMi M VIIIKH I he Is thnt The AnKora coat exhibit of ha mNo been added lo Mie Koya wlih h make a horse useful ui the Kxhibltlon. in addition to those of M ri itic contest will keenest. for national competitions, wi'l lie given by IIIKIV s (i;,. Kt Mb VII1FK Till III. he pli.e of $.'iHO offered by A. Weber the year will he u part of tho Koyul. covering all classes of live stock. i id's. jthe A I H A I III N HI' HY t tit. Imir-bots- e anil ihe e tin llltat IHIK t'ity for best carload of II is in chame of John W. Kullon. of A will be i;Icii at sc - III I MM ( H. M ROYAL STOCK SHOW of Kansas the The mule departiio nt will Include lionv slum teams, a fi always ht lllttlt VIAIII.K j autre that rnuMs y any averaKlnit 1.4IMI Helena. Mont., who report entries w o- - three-year-o- ld a and cveniug iiiivv mi vi i.. u. i it fat cattle, aire. coll ycurllne.. t ea eral of the ' let !!. hi eiiliiusiasnt. f. rr to. pound or upwards., and alumina; H IIOIll every pari to loe rnunuj w rB'i v ml pt m-r- .l HIS. ciilisist illg of fifteen pottle and h over A put id one of the pavilion ha nee of or Angoras are taised and fed. four-lb-hau- d by a girl. prepondera either Hereford In single, pair and ridden and ilri'.eu Ittile t a Have you seen those new combina- se I Royal various been si a aide for floral display, Shorthorn blood. The hor department of he sections. fire department tion loil.. nt t It- hotel. will bo special impórtame In- The Kansas i'ilv where local florist will arrange Stursca The competition will include of and will show at each and i ven- - BE GREATEST feeders have had no terest tills year, because it will In- The ltoal will be notable this tear afternoon thousands of cut flower boiniucis. 10 classes for that for anil variety If lis lug program the team r horM which pulled planl and shrubbery, with rain, classes for Rrained feeding cat-- j clude the feature of tho annual horse the number In 00 year, The evening matinees were Is now considered the ituickest a vi u iii k for the coin fluent viewing of FORSALE-2- tie. and special for fat slecra or show which, until this ha been feature. fire-hors- e are to hitching and other maneuver of j t ltcglci'c(t Diialur Ram anil heifers. the ciuiot classea the cat- -' held In convention hall, Kansas I'lty. so sueccsBful last vial that they hem. i:c In scope ex- woik. The Ii am. Irish mid A display agricultural (oiod size, ipiality and fotm; covering lie must show a preponderance of the In the breedlnc division the four lead- be continued. and lluir complete of ing I'eteijMi, panded. Koiir Mluhl proKiams ill be Senile, are said to be Ihe fastest that implement will be arranged wlih fine staple: strong in bone Had ON RECORD hlooi! of the breed In the division breed, (tcrman coach. ha ever h id. su. -- conch ami Pendieron will each given, largely ilevoled to entertain- the department men who will demonstrate the point No better clianee ever of- ttliere they are entered. French Muck, which were I of classes for stallions, ment. Their ebb-- Mem III be the jceeding Pink and nt the latest thins farm fered to found u flock. The best flock The nailonal association the four hive iho usual shown In London In l:m: and at St. In Oiiio, 'leading swine breeds. Iiuroc Jersey. mares and Kroups. with rxlra classes parade nf pri.c winners, and these and prieta are reasonable. com- parados) will be llbi rally lutersnered l.ouls world's fair: M.iit and iifiiiey, .1. C. Tobias A Soil. llticyriiK. Ohio Poland t'hina, Berkshire and t'hester for tsroup and Individuals, and team, and Han year, on action. Liberal wlih special The horse tlie previous star and Titer Mi.k. Yen 1 eel fi.NMt. of While. Join ilh the Uoyal this petition bused iiumbr Kan-si- s Cattle and Sheep Men hoys will hi. nota- also offered lor draft show i;f s.oldle nod driving annuals Joe, Ihe team which first made The pledSHMt piirnstlvii !Teel e lierlsneeil and the display of piixtu are world over for the Hti'insr-- to usual classes n. singles, pairs, fours Will be Ihe noist iniportalll of Ihese, City Miown the hy nil sin uao rtianiliiTlstn and DR. B. M. WILLIAMS ble. In ii'lilililion the horses lu aiio f of iis fin- ilcpnrl iniiit Hun, Tslill- -. anil ttm tisstthy eimitlilen of Getting Rea y A i e, entry in lhiH lat- iasse have bien .iriaiiged for saddle tie work UvT the West for Red and youiiK boars and sows. and sixe ent 'Mi of nil ml which t li e y muí).! bKNTurr .... ov. i'lly. for tten-tlem- rentlv Mars old. a member ihs lentv snd rrnsle i oupi, there will he niiini rous ter class f Armour' famoiia horse md in Kansas une reel Jnyful. Prlc jli canta. tfsi.iplus ex- holies' driving the departan nt for twenty ve:irs, will for the Big Exhibit Wc(k specials. team of draft K:as. which were mid for ftvit at ait drug atnri'f. horse show In horses, for boy and r."il riders and for work Willi Irish and Scully til the ft . three leadliiK breed of sheep hibited ill the olympian I:o; M will have bin representation, also, tlie Knxland this summer. McUniKhiin high senooi perfoi tneis. The Stock n. t- -t in Kansas City. ag- lie a Many famous prize wliinei of Yea, wife: I am going down to the JAI i s ot derby, of which racing will pt Hampshire and Shropshire. Pros, offer rlzi for students Yards lo- -, Ifotswold. j and SI ti i go mi investigate be and fanner' sons, pari, will be the i I exciting feat- Rovai. and of oilier hotel that feature of the sheep show will ricultural colicúes of th- - world, will new maybe will iimkn you ' I"' horses teriiaiional shows lock and Itojal champion Shropshire sheep ,,f the for proficient work In judging draft ure: entries must saddle be Th. ninlh annua'. American the us.-- stockyard, Ihe on evhiletlon. and will shown in a present of titiu thousand abure uf KnKÜsh I loyal show, held in lancoln, hordes. nt Ihe Kansas fily si-a- through, t ing afternoon ami evening. i lock. nontis iiMiNpi Stock ahovv Kill e given nt the Knaliind. In June. A department of student Judging and they must go evolutions the ritni Pii, Itv KIOCKBrtl.. .on...... Kunsis fy 1 ThlH N tHe national ahow the t.reeilcra of fine Mock, cattle, hurkn. KWllie. aheep anil iata. ,he VHrt'MlM departmenta ar under the direction of rcpreentailvea ..f the muiomil organization!, of breerier. anil the ..r the aieotciation repn-xen- t Hiich national orfaniiatlon. The American Hoval I alay held at the clone of the fair aeiiaon. and the Kln-rier- n of átate and Interstate fairs iro to the Unval for the final competition for the award how which are I nitcd Mt In their elaawa In the jVcto Mejcico "lata X5hc Future Center of hl.-- some of the Kailroad Sales of st.xlt. In usually ..ffered sr. NEW CITY OF BELEW IS 31 MILES SOUTH 0 F ALBU QU Lhü UE, N. M ., IS A1 l.rlr.e winner ate BELEN CUT-OF- F OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY. THE In connection, with the show. LOCATED ON THE held coun- FROM GAlVtSTON AND CHlCAüü TO SAN ANÜ OS ANGELES. I reeders fr..m eery part of the THE JUNCTION CF THE MAIN LlfiES OF THE SANTA FE SYSTEM LEADING EAST ANO WEST try; and from foreign lands, attend Ihese .es. to t stock hi.h they FROM THE NORTHERN STATES TO EL PASO. TEXAS, AND THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. need to supply certain d. fi. I. nces In point of their herds, or to secure the for herds The number of et,tere so far re- &ot&n Improvement Company ..f the entries Helen s In cxces The and ceived far in some ,.f env r revlou Kyal. and will e.reed those sections the number 70-too- show held upon 80 ! m of anv eneral live s Business Lots, 25x1 42 feet, fronting arid stieets and avenues, the busmen ,lkII, rcfords owiu-f- oí tr.e Belen Townsite, consisting ot 1000 and Residence size tm In country. The hae Are the Sa-.t- i . this M n i Ra-lwa- Hailway is ,'ts depot .. (ii n tries in the it city ana directly upon the Santa Fe Depot Grounds. The Atchison- - Topeka & fe Company nor grading extefiiive ground "- - center et the new lasses nearlv more io.i and freight traffic. Harvey eating House, round house, which was Hse,f a wide and mile long (cap&ity of 70 miles of side track) to accommodate its immenso coa' year Roval.' yard limits 800 feet a v ... sti..rthorii i!l icrer re.or. i . - shops, as many or more lhan the Hcie- chutes, water tanks, machine etc. hat Patt-n- t KoHer ivTills with its 150 a day capacity, winery, etc. It is the fords. Ihe Annus win 'V'. THE CITY 0F.EELEN has h population of 1500. and several larg Mercantile Houses, the Beien I'vz nesrtv a remarsaoie li.r.din. east al! ot. I l!l From its location Lpon the great trunk line north, south, and west, ta .. t !.j lha- shippii'2 point for flocr, wocl wheat, whe, tea ns, hay and fruit in New Mexico. lor inia nrru. I largest be more numerous thanlalt,rvrr fore. All fast limited, mail, express a.--d freidit trains v.i! pass through Bclen tc Include the r.l in United States and Mexico its future grow th as a Commercial point cannot be estimated. And this doe nt points the srhr-o- l divisions u.-t- or o oAe.H rümqtft iinsiirnnr.scd. Be! has a SI 6,000 nubiic iioust, two cnurches, a commercial and the tarload fy;c?f o, Kansas City, Galveston and the Pacific Coat ihft anri An unusual interesi is hotel. I he iot ottered are low in prices and terms easy. Ont( third of pur year in the carioan restaurants, etc. It needs right no w a good up-tod- newspaper and a good this bH-.-- cíub, three hotels, the number of such lot, on eir 8 per cer.t per annum, lid.; pcrfn t and vwanty deeds given. competition will be far money cash; two-thir- ds may remain on note and mortgage for one year with interest at and In the previous e..r ch3se or great than in year. if you wish to secure the choice lets. For further particulars and prices of lets call in person me io . tl been din well this Come early both un ar-- s and arain: v''rv ,;"r in the use .of pure- - di'kmi nimals. ami men . ecnpe to th pureM'Ki i.uve ..... w. ... more si oca men Company itllM Improvement . to exhitot at Beien k.rrfa fit Fhe Town and BOW - . .r,a there I wider apfie- - br u a .rig WM. V. 'BEHGE'R, nat.on of the advantage- of HECK.E'R, Secretary auch herd. lnt competition wi.h I JOHS Vrealdent other aimüar herds from variou. parts ..f Ihe fnlted tate. IVrht.,. the m. intere.rg of he eompettt.ona. and the one in ahi h. 4

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1907 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL 2 tarn' frim the ftrat western girl ...... Mtbt : I ip.Il-I- i. Kiiill-- li Man: i 1 ace WESTERN' GIRLS SAY ) "They are (right nd don't LUMBER CO. j how thv n.en cn be fooled p." ihe CHEESE CRESCENT Iwmil aeatern nirl otc remarked. During perfl-iouic- iy Í "They ail wem to be atmoat A Now In. SILVER CITY they t puf- Nice Line ill wiihvnnul: khii of the busiest places m Silver CAPITAL BELLES fer a they walk: the? ri ralnfu:!y Fair Crescent Lumber Co.'s yn and warehouse is one Mi-- a liunford continued. the he Ijbld.'' the country. AUlioush Company has "Th'-- have a varunu-- i pump and an ami íül a want in this section of ial, í Citv 'enamel iHUxh' they are m ticifn I I 1 1, mi:hh v ki:m. Week fo?only years, it is already known throughout the entne Hint I hey were been in existence about three land one would think VMHH-1- ItlSK h. the Company are all men whose busi- IE-HA- "n the atauc They do not I.IM.H iu.i.h. The Officers ot DE ,ilay in, i: soutl.we.tern part of New Mexico. ARE lo have a nmuriil nmiiu tit '1 hey ki;.i - Territory. wotil'lu't Uixt h minute wl'.h the ix-o- i ness abilitv is known over the entire . SI d- -j tviss. B. i.l.. i.f the we!,'' Jlias 'roo Kb iiri:i GIVE í)ve, is president; W..JÍ. Ilahn, vice president; J. Ilcrndon, . I of Albuquerque, torrir.-d- mi t h iMHjrt:niiT, iAt. Ó. Geo. Salee, manager Mr, hake is a practical Ami tiif ri hoth irla realiJl.-- that MUM. treasurer; N. Marrón, secretary, and J. SPLENDID EXAMPLES OF I they ere talkina; for publication, and I'im vv r. and is thoroughly familiar with the requirements of the trade m.lW Mexico, AMK.Mltl-.ICT- ! Qirier & Jeckel j j lumberman ARCHITECTURE AND ARTi:X' jtoin'' nice comiiliíiientíiry thinií" raised on a pine stump." . - - Sit liliA. havinir been "born and Hbout I he "HÍ binutita, hut thi- Ni l I IIATKI . and, m addition, there is a warehouse mid tin girl The van! occupies an entire block of ground, .poller y otnluriit. I'AKM. IS I.SS. hi Mexico. Alleged to Possess a Vacuous .IM INK IMItlini II IN TIX 75x100 feet, which is the largest single warehouse used for similar fttrfoses f IOMAV I AMI MIH ItT. ,i"ril'l)ZJ'',tZ,r Is alx-u- t 750,000 feet of lumber in addition to through envy. And thi y rduahert MOVI Vt.K' UK IlItlK. a chance to bid At' present the Company is carrying a stock of Staie and an FrntflflnH ,.,,,,,... I ' MIUIIIVIIU diai.liivinar to IUI llh AMI. and finishing stock. iio-i- r on your paint- a lanre stock of fltxiring, ceiling La ugh --The Real and the beM ndvBiitMge unlioitu made cement, lime, plaster i oiri:0Kioni, g- is a complete stock of I'ortland and paper-hangin- In the warehouse carried ing buil-hn- Imitation. I lK n r.- I.lUr oiilorlli.lil-- l. brick, fire clay, corrugated iron, doors, sasli, glas, paper turned work of all kirds, ' Mow about the figure?" Hie that's m the porter timidly akeil, knowing that Ik The Monarch Grocery Co, paints, oils, arid the best equipped stock of builders' hardware city. , . on danii.-rou- rtiund. forcibly Wellington, Ort To approach ) Headline all and conveniences of the yard are appreciated is IÍUI CIO HIOH ..... That the accumulations twi-nt- IBHir Ave. flv youiiK wom.n Ib no Juk( 'talked both lit nni and the of 307 W. Central Company has wore. than doubled its business during the last ten - Kil shown in the fact that the fer mere man at ny time, iaril u- j their oro.erviit'ona w: consists of from twelve to fifteen men and three delivery Inrly If he ta alone, but the 'The figure ! certainly enuat nl Phone 80. months. Their working force vir bul ' I .1.1 i,f lu'lmrri.nfu.nli,! hv lom-ln- l in it them, 508 N. Fourth. Phone 747 wagons which are worked to their fullest capacity. . . I e ..... r.y weatrrn ,rl, w ho 'LZZ Company maintains a well equipped planing mill m connection with, its yr.,!. iniL-- The and hoot and are many from j (11W lady pro- done, depnrl-mei- it (H wu, mken for ttuldaiire of Vhllllp H. Italea. the where all special orders for s;udi, doors, frames, turned work, etc., are lhis poherlhg Influence, of home, I" torli'Oiixi. We have no pik h thing of the paper, who i m;iKi h prietor Sallec, a contractor who enjoys the confuiente nlmnat I no much In k, even of .i .it acrpentine walk or three-i- iia aecoiid auch trln. Kach girl Is is under the management of Mr. I. W. . . , , ... ,fc .t. wkImI", Andtbyet, with all the errli firm in the conviction that her ov.n company's arid who has materially increased the company's business m this patrons we aet. we wextern Kirla ouatil county of her own átate la the garden Blankets of the H'raU! tlip:-a!- tuition have flKurea. We have loo, but a though K'"l pot of ihe universe, and. department. . Thrre dofn't to b. mu. h dif appear In the aimie atreet n 75c per pair. they ran'l admire the thing ihcy have w Grant County is supplied with timber from the .com- frTif-- btffn th Rliia from Wanh with the fiRUiea of jour eiial.-r- plris, thev are loval to Washington Practically every mining camp in ttictoti tate and WuHhfrifton flly to for moat of them are the moat il yard. Ihf untulorfd tiiiiiliiip nliwrvcr. I lone ever peen." pany's - but vfral of th. wríii4rn Rirla, with "Hut, I'll let you Into a eerr.-- alioul '.t Comforts Controlling, as they do. the entire production of the Continental Lumber Company s Mibtli. rrMiclxm, oncf-nt- lu hiI.h them. They are ahle and lare-full- v and up. a to fill any order received fur 11 $1.00 in position rom-pelle- City, they are th Hup of diiiarkatun and to point planned. Ireuiakei are d nrr ft" plant eighteen miles from Silver out with no cmiilifixiH I is much appreciated m this sec- uiiirrl.ilii the to hum nilriiiiaht oil over hem. Hh'-- very notice. This feature is u??t"HiA Hi)'! ri' special sues in timbers on short vlarlnir and unnttrartlvo feature of Irla, a a thai if of prif The WashiiiRton fAmm Mr H IV. - f Wwr all special timbers feniltiinily. I K at if". installation of the Contenental Mill, sizes in W.ndilntrton la, the orna have Keen on nil, na iiiu'il i h,iint-r!;in'i- i '"Iikíi lí'nn' tion where, previous to the a Mina Irma Dunford. alatuemiue and ai nixht after Ihe Iheatera. are had to be freighted by rail for a distance of several hundred miles, which necessitated a de- lirunitie haillbR from Itentnn rounty. painted and padded , hut tin y know DAVIS & ZEARING, t i'i i Crescent ind Mi" lir.iie t'rook. Ilkewiae of how to do It, and It really make th nuiiki lay of several weeks. The Continental Mill produces ami ships to the Lumber Kenton, but of dlxlinclly blond type, them beautiful, They are the - rt-- t 'mimnli'l It i Í1I v , 'U-- ail wiih ns1 " feet of pine lumber every day. led with ea.h titlier In their keen 1 ever a".-n- but I fttrf Gold. Co.. an average of 15,000 women have Xru 205 West f:itt: at the "pomp, utatellnoxn and ran t like them. They ate cold, unap- !;. is sight in this country, where timber is scarce, to see a tram of fifteen to rw thfl us It a rare Hiínt ireiíí.ion" of feminine proachable, and look rum cited MKT I Ulr: W.a. l!aded by from four to fight bourses, but such is a inundo whlrh n pnnltiK he Kbliltt act rep ws. C twenty wagons with lumber and drawn ,1 Arthur Millor 1. II.nme on Ita way down K and 1 -l- a-ad J V (Al II IUI trrt The I'.Htr, lh ar Mm. N.-- y .iii, wal.l'l.l b.. Iiamtl sight 'that may he seen any day, on the road from the Continental Mill to the Crescent van bark, and down nitln. "The men ate all kood, .piH-- wak ai Kirn InHiiraiuv. Mutuit' i in Grant County for I c.lrlH anil l. luoklnn anula, oppreed und bent a i m i..,.ii ai.riier j iiulldiiitr A K'ta ll m. rli.ine 6is The Crescent Lumber Company has the exclusive agency Hercules .. 1 men lilKlie Hi I'. Heat teatral vestal. "The main dlfferetiee nee be- over. There are few hlif und on band at all times. "- - look biit are af- Powder, and keeps a large supply tween nur et?rn Irla and your iiuiil of thoae that IN HKM K paila aa wo- KtrtlKIM. Á fMItITV - for celebrated lilatei;ile and "Maltlioid" roofings bo;nted beautlea of the effete eaM," flicted with the eame the 1'I..pT KINO. It IN t HUI. twi't'W-i-- i s Thev are also exclusive agents the I cor- HIIKk lilt If ' fatd Mira iMinford, "la that when you men. Why, have aeen ten with IM.IIII. used the western states. we our Illa you nee our Rlrla, but ada on, a ml I auppoae In the heijihl of which are so widely throughout when you aee a Washington ajlrl you the aeiiaon one could pee fifty In a r Midland Ly- WHEN YOU ARE maintained as reasonable as good business judgment will permit, and to are Hrl IjilerlHiniiieiil The prices are rrnlly can't be un aiire." lav. that I've talked Monday 1 The bin. ceum Hincan veninu. is milling companies and contractors. 'Tkev are drug atoe ladle," added nice ciiMUKh. bul they are not the (niiilM-- r II. special attention paid to Ml Crook. brave fellows thai we prow In IN SILVER CITY I : material of any kind will find Fiibactlbera and all who ilealre . .. . in market for lumber or building you - " , -- Should vou he the "lirug alore ladlea?" naked the re- procure na.yed aeata at Mat.aon'p, I -- porter. "That la aonien hat yiiariie and "CHilalde of the men and women the r..e th flip enterfHinlnerila. S the Crescent Lumber Company not only able to take care of your requirements, but always II Be Sure and Drop in I no veiy (ll.stinrt riieanlnR." city la litthl, Ixn't It?" the reporter .Monday evening. October 14. eon-;- J o aa - nilp- - and obliging and appreciative of your business. "It meana. If you muat hava the ln- naked, afraid th,it other cert by the (iarber How Kntertainei a. , courteous delleale expreRlon, that I hey are all dellie.ltlol a would be l hal'K' d to the Midland Jubilee SniRcia and Male 5 piilnt and powder and ue heay.ii ea;di'l. Quartet, Nov. 1. knowa what modern in I'titlotia to Im-pr- "lili, yea. the public buildiniia ate " J. I. Zwl.key, Illiwlratid lecture. their appearance," anawered Jllal hn elj November 2S. z Mi liunford The mirla an In Wahlniton on a Wilb. r httarr Concert company, X "They are all notten up, made up," new "paper I rl r. ftom Valilngton a llecember 1. i lin Idnted Mina Crooka, the Kuepla of lea. ling farm pai r nf Hon. J. I!. Camp. January 22. THE NEW MINT "They arc not even artlah ally mude the cojiat. They are under the church. If I1 . A. flop. II (. f

.4 i doJd OOVVJ.Nf.S '3 S31cJVHO 33IAH3S AD33dS 1H9IH8 '1000 'NV313

atk BEST OF WINES iT I LIQUORS, CIGARS snvaiA! oia aooio SHEEP fOR SALE EDWARDS & NICKEL have purchased the fc m "k iikt írtilipfciliWiliiiiMiil .Twlirii "3AV lVdN3D 1S3M 112 FRENCH BAKERY, jiienieisou 8j ejiies ,iof, Bin

AND WILL CONTINUE It AT I BUSINESS .THE OLD STAND IN THE q RAYNOLDS BUILDING. 3000 Pure Bred Rambouillet HIHHS AMI rt.l.TM. Liquor L.B. PUTNEY M Consolidated Co. Tha fi,t;..Ainit quotati"na en hidv and rXahllshcd 1S7S peiia am runilshfd by the J"hu Flnnegan Pucceaa. ra to ilrllnt Rakla VI lllilealll, : e, u .e t'l..i.e l..,l noil I et tula city : and Olntnl t.ralu. .s.'iil for Mitchell Wap Ewes; large, well wooled and WIIOI ESAI K IIKAI t.KM IN are 13 Iirv lii.le.. t.eavy, lb : Mhnnuerq" .1 .. nnt. it Ii'i Xcw Mrilm WATCH FOR OUR f. CIGARS ... llrecn lil. Ira, Hi WINES, LIQUORS M,.i akina .n... i, io ,'"iv handle everything in our Ita. bKUbS. RhLLY & COWlrANT SPECIALTIES. ' .- I... anearlinaa. No. 2. lb " .17 '.' v- J 'i 1 'l hardy. 500 Rambouillet year- ak n a v .. l ii ; rice List, laued to dealers only. Wholesale Merchants .i i .t .. N... 2 ami Aninri, ll U', Telrphpiw IV Wiad, Hiele und I'rlta ll Fui each K3. IXJBÍiXR URST Itt, i.Ml rOPrfl AVE StaiallJ. n u iii Qi nigrii i,ís vre' ling Rams, cheap. ( Will ship in t H 'A-:!nubllsli- Fails Forced tl lots of l car to any part New Mexico This Is your'GalK LIF5 J Cleveland aayi ir--n " Thu KiMory hi 3f rJ ft I PPORTUNITYKNOCKSATYOU RDOOR N O W. We.eompeUed"to V wiB fill an im -- - I I I convert these books mtc money at ence V1 prottct our imeresti a nnance we have it ri i r Í portant plC l, J assumed control and oftrr without reserve the remaining aeti of the Pubi-sht- latest and most ?J "Library RUtOTT." fifteen aumptuous volumes, OCX) among pul- - important pubi'cauon of I'nlvenal over 5 &'SJ pages. 1J0 specially engraved map. 700 beautiful illustrations, copious marginal notes and chronol- ADDRESS ogical index. This is a new publication from cover to cover, prepared bv a a!f oí the most in :v" iinrW p. famous histor.ans of the world. Cost I proJac Btarly $250,001.00. Positively the first mm it (torn VfimilnriHf edition printed these new plates, made from type cant expressly for this work. A Each volume it histort- - , n I inches truck. 3 inches wide and 10 inches h'Rh. with - ai Beginning with the dawn of recorded thought and litera- - Read Our Often tracin the EDWARD i i- - W I progreaa of mankind, these Sintv Centuries of ProcTess leads ail ateo by ateo through Ancient Medueval BENNI0N 1 ture' L 1 , . I and Modern Tvnea. In this treat panorama we see birth, and develonrrwf ihe '.rit-.n- . - the -rrowih Wa and death oí races and naiiona. The pure, simple and enchanting language used in depsrtmj these great events' "-- oí ajJL, H ii...I makes this story human progress more fascmatsng than fiction. Young fcDcs svi3 use thu work and s Af,-- ; t reaa a wim oeugnL, uiarmca try ns ai acoca u pcrurca ana viviu . vtc Sugar Station, Salt Lake City, Utah

I I e e books, complete set. 15 volumes, prepaid to you at once far sua m aaaa . lift l --lmerira.- Utir - U tier j a A i a If t r . .,. duuiiaawiu. u itiuiva iiu.a.-iorT- vrA us M) certs wi:hn five iii n israarailoa. and $2 monthly for 10 Ck)th dar ti. W months for &!k bning (This is $20.50 for the IS volumes, while A, tkau. puMifiiKrr s 5 oo ) "X. me pnce was tor 4 Kri Morocco hndine. send us 50 cent. w,ih,n ,! five days and for 10 L tor, t t'w- - $15 monthly months or a total of $28. Publisher's prk was $50. H T 'V vui out ana man trie cupon erewlth, or a ropy of it now. If the Lihrar nri twiettly sailsiariory fttr fire Jr$ cximinatlaa in your own bonse. ouu us - I Miiuoiii-rq.- - Journal. V " " " .v iu run mit wnatever. but act . Vs. American L'ndfrwrlters'Corporslion, " -- Finance Agenta. 240 Wsbsih Ax. Chieaao. III. i H ii ASf 11 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1907. n 7 New Mexico s Agricultura I College: a Fi ourishmg 9 TT W Institution IS a ureal ruture Before " """"

Where the Work is Done at the Asmcuiturai Conee, .viesuia rarx v : - " - .; - ;r : :::szwz:

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- fi! Qíiony -- ' z - . - . v ." j- r., - ' ' ""í" i . . , r i r ...... 4 ít ..íI ' í jfc . f íd EeGiven by tr.ePup.U t cf Sirs. Rca Fuírt.le-Gicíeo- n ? . A . r en October 1 4. c. -

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Hi' Manhattan Island .i I :;." i 1 i 4 .. " r ' ' " " No Longer a . , Fit n

Place to Reside" ' - f ' - ' Tí,. u .mv.. : . V' An-.TC4- c. .-- m Now. So?y a Mrt oí Try a M wml mu X Jk ' " ' Nev erk h Dr.t4 a NirL: TtJt j Lx4 cf " ' !

í ' J - - - ' ' - . . . "' " ' ' ' ' - - r j

í ' ' i - 1. - , - - ' I !. ' 5 1 i s ' , . ' ' . . ... , ...... , , - 9" t iv f LAS VEGAS TO HOLD A ' : - ' ' - F' - - K- - - . , , Z "f . "

HUCH Tinu FAR lllLII 1 1 U II

ft wuues é r ÍHE FARMERS une oí toe imporcani oí rnysiaans and the WeD-Inform- ed of the World 1 : ; - - t Z XT if- - .5 -? - xt a..- tv- ss: cirs-tu-l as t iy ti-- .. as j it is will ;r :.:e Cal.tcmia Fi v 1 Í :r: Syrup

-á c: tr.Tt rrsal circk-- kh : - í -- vi 3. t- t. Í. r, -e ci the C-- tiaw ? -i- -i in ir TRUTH AND QUALITY arTil ij '. .. Ni -- ' t a." i s : t o i :r a:tí::.-- n oí aU ho "f.." " s: t cí i. ' ; i. . ; .... ;wt:a riht : : . - c: :;j ii y-- t tjch hour

-,- j v.t II: uwt.::r-t- i . .:-5- ci-f--- c ; T CTr aivaa:.i-e- . bet r---T - r' ' ";-- ecr r.y it taWa at the " t- P, t- -. . :: -; U. i'x TT".a Co. , ;: , a:;ke to -- 1 ,.-- -- : .:-'- 5 inar.t yrtt .. i t r-r s-- a " J - a. Unrhe :.ici has r- -.- IIM s . r'i-'-i- rrft::.-- -? ::r-"i:- 'fi t a,.--; a ce f.e WVi'.-i-- f. rrr.-x- U.-- -t "- c::;-- ii rx:h:J wl ir.acsiiac- - ! Tf Kl II t nr. lis . - -- m - i.... 'J ! " ' - f lii.a:; 1 c- " are tü 1 i 1 - t c - lit -

,1 .u í F-- f - i : a- -i Elixir ci ::v f i it c it ü he t'r - f '' F..-- ar J t - i: i - 1 "J-- i ' - 1 Í rl- - r ' ' t.f C - CaUkm: F-- Sir..?st.Co. , ," " - f " ' l - r - .s "' f'T cat! lor Svrupc l "- :4''- i - - - r tr- cf F-- -- ari ....j t --, - aiSrniP ,e r-- tr. :i .a r A- . V:;i h ;V Ci;;icr-::- a Tii ivr..n

: c- - r 'Z--i'yi'- r'i:"'-i- rci-uU- ) 11". ..Z -r ci.j, tie rticv ci

' ' T , -- - s t.-- Cci art. r..J the 1 Á ..i c r -i - - - r cir. Í - ..- c. u r.:-- a. l'r--f Ac:. Jc Til tx. I it i! CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.

f- - C" r K- 9, " - ,. 1 ID L - - rk, Y. flj - N. i,jay f T:.z, V- - 1 iri. ..a ' v r itrj

' i


" ' i." j ' 1 ... 4 ...... '.,. L. A a ' ...... tru. a n WE HAVE ON EXHIBIT ALL LATEST

and Most Up-tp-Da- te Furniture for the Parlor, Library, Den, Dining Room, Bed Aoom or Office

t, h w $ i i i i i . i D i ; raperies : ; Mb" , Carpe ts ; i. flf If-- Lace Curtains TA Body Brussels pit y Tapestry Brussels fi ííSF Portieres Axminster Lambercquiiis Royal Wilton gil;! MMk$ mm r Panels Velvet Upholstery Goods Ingrains Velours VLB..i ill;! I ilfil Our Establishment Come in ana see us. Let us Show you through tí Lowest. Everything Handled in Carload Lots I Our Prices are the

i A T7 TTVi TT T TC3 i 1 A 0!17iu Urn 6n4

308-31- 0 30S-- 3 1 Central Ave. West Central Ave 111 0 West ' K9fl ,w,,m . H )um.iiniJi II lib i. !m .,....,.. n ' jt T2Z2ZELSZ2Z 1.1,,.,,.,. I ..j j. iiiiiiwiiimimimi.i.iiiiwbhww . iw imi iiiiMwawiWinwwiMmm-- r m France. Ireland. Scotland and the Inner cinsi lousness of political lio SANTA FE TIME TABLE r Colonies. :ni!lers. will deal entirely with There Js no place In the world mo E. 'í "JEKYLL AND HYDE" tine ei'iti'in See 0. Price the poods willed women wear or ue well equipped a ChicuKo for the 'Mi of bl(C contracts and the and here the Parisian dressmakers carrying out hsTVI'K. MIT"). AMI will their (treat opportunity of Mrttish Rovornment knows It. The Kill have 1 vlelnR with the ill 1 ssmakeis la.--t straw Is the news that the (. who niiide. aetordliiHT to Ameri-e,- m and chairs for the various I rltlsh liar-rac- eg SOUTh'sECOND STREET.' have MYSTERY IN tn 212 visitors, enormous strides of late ore to be made the American The Superior l'lanliig Mill I now equipped to do all kind of mill year. pattern. After this comes chaos. T41WN A VII defy compc'.nion. Call or write for M I hi' IV KM4I.I. work at i.rli'i'a that pthei befmo plac ili,ni.iii juiiw ibin.f tr MMtll ' '' WHAT A . it KliKli.-- h so ladles'and even I'IMI IT R John Sargent, It. has received letv me tr,.m Anlte. I. .n I V M API K .HM H lug your order for anything made by first class mill. ls tlm U (ST IV UK Court, a a! coitiprnlnlni " I .V- -, REAL LIFE mili from the Kevlslon alty who are that No. 1. Koullorn ..I Kep Í Up 114, I Wl IMK NKAKI.V scarcer, dearer, rj'-'u- I ltll: t that sits every. ear to examine are crowing I nnlTpil it r. . i AND MILL CO. every yenr No. J, Ciillfuliim '( I hum. icait THE SUPERIOR LUMBER and the list of pal llamentary poorer in iinality have " p revise and Ni.7. Ki.rlh. lit Kasl Will ..1" fS m name was struck off found out that our dear friends 13 1 r. i ni ifi mmjm:. n. electors. Ills Just . 1' M. 'M K:.p H tip mh'tii or vi heeaiise It was declared allies, .laps, are responsible V... Kl he register anil the I r...n tli V el that he Is nn alien" and not a natur-.ilir.e- .i for this cal imft:'. JS EXISTENCE OF y M... . Chle.K.. Fi." Mnil I"" iSer9sKKKCLi(rs.. DUAL A party can- ( greatest dlnniond diiilei I'rltWh suh.teot. me i.f the I d 6 ! Of eliciied Mr. old "strand slid the other d i. o. i, Aur Safe vasser from Sarcent's In the . ti Yu FIEND Kip P l STRANGE YOUNG servant his master. interviewed by a reporter foin Nu. I. f'hl. Kim fit Italian that when Hie Sailh ilomiilled In Knuland twenty .1 society paver: l'rem Kc-in- hl.. K. hi en a B . nson for the rise Is the N.k 10. ivn T.if1 years, lias never narin lined. The first nt nh lirn nrhlllirslr of Sherlock lechnlrally an American clt'.-ei- i, very une, that Ihe supply does N... lit conn." Famous Creator still natural .'! " I"1"' ' Sa t is not entitled not' equal demand and that oniv for To l' l' Mr. rifen thus the ' - r.'' I'lint.T r--e Has Theory to to a vote In Knclish elections. This, about 1" pe cent of all diamonds 4.. Mril. Holmes Ac: any liowcver, will .rohili!y not cause used areflt for the market. iiV . . f for Series of Crimes innoyaiice or ive the great portaltlst "Another cause of 'he rise Is the count any serióos tr o'h'e. new market which the merchants have found In Japan. Not mi veiy knew (I'V It'llHTl I'.nMlcriik.) fíenme Herri a ni yinw. who is now Ions HR.i the Japanese scarcely reiocnircd as the Kleatest lilillsh what a diamond as. hut now with 11 .Inn. Oil. 5. KinK Kilwni'.l Ideas they are aeiiuirlng the II l'iil h"' plavwriuht. Is rapidly makinif him- Western STAGY & CO. lior s.ncliil in h thini! managers, and western taste for diamonds." -v , il lo in h self nd his Venlienne l'i ,i In mi in krip . - - 111, iv be traced also to th.' , - i'arm-r- run no- ...... Th'- rise it Ii v.iMhim- that cue on C"" who of voaue which has set in lor fact that there' is not the quantity his e.,uerries to read him briefly halan coining into the l.ndoii mar- In business again at r drum:' , stono lecoiinis of the loiiim rs niel i.uo , , , Am-rii- Is doing 111 - -.i km-h- i ' ket for rut tint;. .Lilly newspaper- '" I ! ilili the after "r . , amount of Ihe diamond the Import- - see ,11. .m. enormous SECOND ST. hit self has read all have rutting. In fart, most of the finest 325 S. k.r rnanaiement transferred America. When you have your roofing, ant him-;hei- r piodu-tlon- s from thii Court stones b diieetto His Majesty has Interested and spouting, chim- 111 larer guttcrinrj. lire . . i .... HIMVI. KTH utr.,Kes It. Ft.ilTords.tre neoe k. ,;li.,K - ... ney tops, sheep dipping a - """. doors closed a few for which Ceorire FlalJI. liirmine- .:".,,.V ti nualaii.-- arc fur. Front , ;:.,...'' Thr lt"". was rontully f....nK s ... . r tanks or any li.'iln .ll!Mt..r. ,h( T,.Mtr(. la V. I "riif H I'... l.r.ik.'l tanks, water rolirl e.h,.t y j .4 invoicing old stock lli'-l- O' lt...tii'Hiie. days; New .h- - h .,,e Kinh-- l'i o 'e old tin jol) done at the i ent.rcy ? Th. ... W,, I' lie, 111 till I ,'(.. 115-11- "''r''"?!:a IT r.i 4, u 7 N. iisnaiU deilibs to end Ihe run of .4 arranging our new Star Tin Shop, i i Scotland Aard maiiiia''at and i ion. r thai box-nffic- e i'".Ir w receipts are "li-l- nave come to the res. lie of the play lien the ,4ns. live" but the receipts All.-n.- First street. l 4I.MIUI, lice l'rriililrnt atol police who ft. r mak-,,i,- e on the il.wn grade: ' or 4. I.. t'.IMMihs, rrrsbleMl. Mmtttr. or.lshire In ase of Mr. Shaw's .l have A.e.l.l.HII ', line. Call at side door M It M (ver. I..rr. were the ' M4II lis. l:u blunder after another A iii.-er- t iiiiii.'I 'i-- ' Il' I r- - bien going no when e hav STLXCKIiL. . alwavs ' I.. !b iliv f.o cd to accept the si A n..a i. Squill.. decide. 1 to withdraw them to make si. .4 Irtlill. Phone 741 he 1 s Proprietor. II :::::::: A c.ii i'..ri"'.lair.l !th 'I'he second re twits of Some ..f the t. --t JOHN M. MOORE REALTY COMPANV .1 oiieeriiiiig th theory df ."ir Piiik!..i y been m. re ul It im an open plavs hue aifial P. m. k M".ii..rtiii A I Coiian - t.: linn than either th" Initial produc- Un! I '"H .O I"" tlnil ih" ram. ins auinor HI III I I""" I I I I l'IKIN. '.'ITI'I - tions of the t'rst revivals. 'Man and i u...l. riiO"! la: I I, "Sia-r- ! has m.i !e up IP i i M .. k ll 'imes Superman' ha the most popu- iVia.' ALBÜQUERQUPLAN!GILL M (llll'OH 1 I II ItMII. I sr (.(II II I .. .1... rin. .mal reant Is I Ar x li ' .i. mi. , it ! in suino'l "let of the serle-- and followed it l 7 f..r v.virs has lar I ,..-- t . I Mon-ii- Store ..I,. ner - Is- Slinwensa-- Mi hin iirnlliire, s lie... n 4 is h-- pupiila- itv b .L.liii Poli other 2 . to ie his In the - ts ii, 4ilit us l.iill.luig M'e--rial- .in kn.nn land' and You Naier'n'i Tell.- : 4r llar lliiiire and 1'inr. ivi KiMi a Mrht. Mr. lau. hl 1 , Al--e" I I' f i, it s In r U spenu "It is curious to recollect thai t nl lililí." í lt. 'h .une man Known ' a- . S M be I lavs on the markit for in. i Will in cminrt "me Suaw'R wire . :. i A. J. Love, Propiictor entire ni'thts the produie . A !. - or a vears. a;d ."i. wn'd I. , 4. s- I irM .lr--- srllll' ,r I f.erfect peeimer. f. Ilion 4irt ll4:II, r- - . "'1 Atl.U'pj. a.; ft Ihr iiisl ts.Nlt' 11414 ni- them. You Can Ted' whs I, At rights ne ' ' iche-irs.-- H'l.'i.a -- m lieii" day sorae .ars ao at t I I ' ..lit nes i. maniac and dining the K.n l;..oi. bit ur Ill.fll Closed hut .1 - one of the b,g Wet K t mi. a mi- thalre. ( he hi!If realizes that he c . i a I on ..e.'.. t, AllsTH management later that t.iiijii l ii n , 1a , I the in ' i. f j...... i a ea t ti a Mr,. for tins sliuns ine " 4 ; A'i.I'-.- ' ' .I.r.l en It. If lln re"n 1: world no, do . k M na .lf company of ethers . , . .ral-Ir. am tiie J M w f a . ..I Is up t Ü4' llrnt - ... !.".. . a Day art j.nii. e i.- . . 4 rnwas . All Th- .n..r.i":iiie rr-ü- . 4. 's f.el Í olítrai t" an Untie . p. ; gw-r- e of th. existence to The laree ate ..;.-.i- .l . i -- ! il erf K ..I-- ,' lilting. t'm f A stiols atld : i - vet they have faiiej to for rrer'ra I HI . n n " !." and : lr.n- i are slid 4. r.islen for American ir.i.. -- pa-- e I All Work í..iír.nlr4 Thursday iitY.itdin th. nies f..r iisirtunl to Inn.. Vil- I : S ' -- I ilt;-- h army . I ' ' 1'h' I'M. THIS WEEK trí'.iie 1" I, li .' ; COPP & PETTIT, SPECIAL Xnirii-a- entr: for DRS. the ' ITV . 4 I r 1 in Amero a !',. lf;tel I: i ..I I (111 41 I ...i n.i . ' "' e 4l.i be hel made . . i'.' i') rnt lí.inifs n- i n 1. n I ii o ni WU'T t ' ' i.. tu .', l i ' l.e.1 I. 'i 'so so .i , I'., ..n lar a' Cash Grocery ' 1, H ' ' . Si-'- n- - next rn er ree-- Simia I' pi- - Albuquerque 4 f If 4 HIkI II... .i a fa . lowers The Vri'fK f ...... a .11 rn--1 i iti'ih ehiht:..ii hae . ,.t urt .'s 1.1 ari.l a .Il Ita I. .' ,'ni t Ir s un n m ' to iie the .unrt.i'.i s ow---: i. i . v . ..; t 1f a .. r ar .:, disippo.litir.g r r - a pilliru- - ,,a in lailor ru-- h i f and hum-To- 1 k & With, - li 'ce v tío epe. te l s :eat d, iSciwarfzman l .ari4 lal will T. .ra'nr. HoT.!f H. Wird. :h!e!es. hut there plenty paw - Misiiir r.eriean j know s that as i o i" the mini I ,,..T tn;ih of me 4et man. t ' I.. : uts t IH'I . . - I Ii' zium th .! 313 Ma boi Phon 206 i (ih it nt , r inw lie Sweden and IHOVI W. t'S-- " . . 4 from Se fir. H.I..I.I ill Hlf ll'dU. Al. i, a f aiart. "f ' r, i"'.i 'li te , 1 ,llrt ,f entries and urna llfjc- - he :c ru-- í of liar ' I MUfl n. t The r1 a a'"00,....,.'-- .r;,Jl'.'1I a i." ,.r - tile Atffr.'iii' ier'tl: w .ru-te- i in. íurer ho , 44 44 - n a d conting.rt -- n i. POULTRY AMD FISH. ,1 f I li: .f th. t ... ft p in r t f..r n i net ti tmt t. MEATS. lio. ml liffir inir t r.olo tarrs Id- - Leen T fi. ' A ,:i ..f int'ated l.,uni "O .' 1 i OH ..r - . N 1 41 Th Ta ar e of '..mll !'- ' d a. t. :n r a , . I. It 4) !.-- a. Sllt .1 t'4 Mr Hi '- I' .1 Mi ...... a. :. m he lut.rv les..n . m l I ei- - 'i 4 f. .4f PrS. f great teatures , t- - aa l . ' . ,(. be one ti. 44 had eil Machine Works. . I" .'.-- ' n, a é .1.4. of J.'.' M V the r e in il' 4. Foundry ard l. 4.i exh.ld íon. The Countess ! tn ttne it '..."S B jiu'ii ! ts 4d I , and int. n iej ar A . '.-- .I ... r. iiai". iTi pnetur. . 9 ion 4tn h t .inserted t.4 b president i:. f ' t H ' ii ut , d Amer.. r I . Ir.-t- t n4 K.a- - ss'.lecs. or.. Cost the Ine es of yutl.erlan.l rearh. t ni 'M'll ' B "-- ' 4i beautiful -- . I ...... t I .'."s." . 4in. .. i rrii J". I . in - - r. f.l I" i.amwr "' r . . sj ' I r 4M. It ana. ns.i vast epe. t.nie ; f.-- :in n - I ' : -- 1 arena"' - - - ui'-r.' r.i "r. . I t !. ! - m l c 4 a. f ' M.lal. r..t.TM It s. 11,'iwnl wtlh pr'ii ,,,, n .. l a . ' - . r. :..e .iirr till n " .l ''M V. ' ( .. . .1, a I' le O. Will he ore of the ;init there . ! 'li.s. f.jeilm " " The bulidieg m : ,'n,',t. "f l.'ki" .1 fs'.p.l I " 1 ..-- 4 ' l. ; mi ..rr ... .e. f' ,... ,n ..nd there innum. I' ... .i- el- - i r. I. St.'Jjr the t'1'4 I -' . 0 l ., .,; II l. i .ni "i . 4.. ,iej-.-.'-- K- - ia fte ti. U e.MI-r...n- . .e I..g .!!.., I ...... f rl.or.-a- ' tujutrt the " e ,.n V Hi't in til I..'. Mi"! .r. crafts of women frjrtt EnlJ.,l'!. 14 'T 171 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1907.

ra I A Cordial Invitation iRIfHFIIFII TFAS l! CLARK VI LLE :

I COAL YAKÜ' extended to j J lEdiniiuGrBurt nil fair viador Lipton, Ceylon and : ALL KINKS OF COAL ti call and c WOOD. I'HO 4 lnnpect our Indian leas of full line line m:xovxKi Tin; would m i --af footwear. Th ovi it American Block le-a- t effort of I Shoe forUJomeni A rn e r I ca' ATTiir-- : i Anthracite now on dUplay i dealirneni nr. rpi...'iited In thu Fall Siylt Mill Wood Start Richelieu Grocery Co I 4 In our Mor, : J Kinding jjSj ra nk Trotler, .Mfcr, m Men' kImm-- mi Oxford, are In nil tlx- MiiulHr lililí grade 1'lioiie 233. 118 XV. Oihl Avo x Mountain Wood IcaHier. I 1 M li 7.0. f for this WrWWKrp!.KfKTKlKjKlKl Start now XXoiiicii'm Hum, Oxford. Mini Miiwri lire rdioitii In nil llii' fufliioiiahli ' ümmm li ill $:l.H0 $5 on. We 4 allo t, mil Mile, lu s store get here. i ii( Steward-Lam- b I beaven In rv.-i- Iti'tam i the valué ro mu h hi unan ;i ih. o Hiil.i.l.ietlon, mid Madam JHN T lie Id d any lii-r- In tlm i lly. will show you t.tnnot exit 210 S. Second Street, THE NEW CRYSTAL THEATER

THE IDEAL SHOE SHOE EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY 1. II. (lOHDIKK, .Manager. I.KON ilKli'l'.oC, ManaK'-r- fin Weft Wilil Ave. Hart Schaffner & 4 XX e Shoo nuil Cloilie Ihe lie. il U ewl Central Am-iiii- c Week r 7. ,

l 8 COM) pi 1KI..MAS AM) MAIUIMOTTF, nl n'l-f- liy only a I'l'ltK Illtlf.S. M1. ry ;w Hnd Novelty Artlata. Marx Clothes : : LOCAL ITEMS Of INTEREST filfiiiH Ihe wed Q A Full Muí of Toilet Artl. lea Q Copyright by 'ilinK wa N rompióle aurprlne to Mr. 1907 I ri'iritn m frli-nil- In Alliii'iuoiifuo. A IMI STItVI Kl KOXCÍt. ' Hart Schaffner tí Mar .. wHiIImk l.reakfuat at tin" Alvurudo SoOOOOOOOOO followed flic ceremony. MOI.I.V TIIOMPS41X, A The Dutch Girl. they will r- M In ihn ovnt il.nt .. .h u)l n- -t - ' ' Caldwell, of I'uflil.i, I? Just Received, Large Con- Suits, Overcoats, Raincoat; start III- - i - tt-.- III (hi I rlri- ymir mm llph.m lily I'll rail'. I llm I'anttil Trlmrapli ttmlmnr, signment of mported of 1.1 IKON',' you right on the clothes question. ,mr anuí .i.,r.. ami Hm pa tier will Xelaon I.. Ia'tlrand, nti IliKprclor nf Lucca Olive Oil 1.A HOK1 ami It Y nm d.-- triad hy giMntr. jibe fnrext Hervir, hua al rived In the HinglnK and Tpt.tfi eily. Panrlnf. All wool pays; lasts better; costs more, worth

M. H.iuin-er- n MoTio.v I'lfTrnis, He, 4. TruJIllo, a Kheepniiin of A.:L0MM0RI & CO xi:v ki. more. A few extra dollars put into a suit (,'oloiailii, 1m In the elty lor ll.e f.ilr. 10, 20 and 30 renta. Matinee every Iealer In afternoon at 2:30. luidle Souvenir or overcoat is the very best investment you 1 1. T. Ilurklim In In the city from T. Van Ciilln. of New York, na un Matineea every Tuesday and Friday. rrlviil on yedlenlay flyer 'or (he Groceries and Provisions can make. Call see. f.ilr. and "Iior" Lewi In Im re from lreeiilt Phone 791. 323 S. Second St on IiikIiu-'m- It. J. SnovAllrli, Hpel llll Hfent at llll-tn- ii Fair Signs and for the Siintii Ke rallvtay, 1m In It A. Know leu h heie from Hcm-lii- the elly for the fair. Decorations f"r ihj fulr. Work well done no delay Mr ami Mm J. W. I'orhelt unci Mr. The At prlrea yo ran aurely pay.'mi- t line of miiiveiilr ill Craigc Hotel Kiioorm anil Mix. J. I". iMiiil.ivy. nf Monnuin-al- r. State your plaa and ha will fit it the lllehnx-M- ) niird Co. are In the city for the fair. George K l;ill, prop. And you'll be glad that H. SIMON J. Tomllnoon, nf Ki 1'nno, tiu.l ft. J. Wnlkrlilxe o ml wife, '. It. In "Stacy lulniKK th elly emerl,iy. NlchoU and John K. llerry, of Mo- - Albuquerque's Finest Did It" . , Hr'' Xhv ' l.. .lro lla.-a- uf Hoeo, o. forme r J;,1'""- European Hotel j Central Avenue Clothier heiiff of HoroiTU rounly, la a fair ' Hon. llorare C. Ahboll, of Hprlimer. ; llfl-l8-2-- vt.t Avenue : a .. w l Alliuiiuerqne Wlvcr t ii u uii..-- ..t i.m i.,-- u .,,..! ho ame lo to lltleml the wool mowi-rn- ' eonventlon, re Half block from Hun I a Fo Depot r 1 & COMPANY live moi k HMent, " In r w L. TRIMBLE elty the turneil home ninnt. : KJ ) eli i flHy. lat I A. J. MORELLI A R A. Iloilley. clerk in of of UP-to-D- It. II. I'rohhv, of llolhrook. Arix., In the fire Strictly Sanitary . Sulla Cleaned I irst Cla 1 urnouta ac HaKan roal mln-- at Hanii n, ar- - ladles' and Uentlemen'a in A li Hi 1,1 Htll'llillilK 1 tilt A 00: tie FQ-- QNLY j Pre-ine- Kejoiired Heaaunublo Ratea. lllle rivet I11 the elly In at nlicht for the BARBER SHOP CASH and Kinder' llll'ellnn. 10 5 X O 1C T II F I HUT N T II K K 1 Teleilione 3. Xortli Street fa'r 1115 North Kire. Anlinilo tialeiuii, of KhIuiicIh. ar-- i l'lrt J 80-f.- .r Kverythins carefully wterlllzed. Í sell AMKUICAN llf.OCK In , Hv '" "'"I Mr. 1. I. 'i t. Ka. of liHlf rlve.l the ye.ier.lav to lenialn' the Lh-ul- Hair llent. CKItHlLliS LUMP mf I'M BiWi'ii,ru''yp" are In the elty for a tew .laya . the te.t or the e. k. I'roiH-rletor- Mr. . U la Mtipi i'intriiileiit uf F. I'AI.U, ANTH It AC1TK Tlile r AllMHiiieriiie (lay anil 'arhoola In Huron o rounly. Ih hlK iliy of the fair the poMtofllre J MI.XKI) will oheeive the unual Huinliiy hoiiri. Mr. and Mr J. W. Cm belt of THOS. F. Xl'T Moiiiitiiliinlr. N. M . are HprnilliiK a llnrn.-HN- , keleher: Sa.lillea, Ka.l.llery, UAH ,'1 Cl.rl.l-t- l Ct.KAN f'OKB VImIIoi. weli-iimei- t 1.1 lew llV hlTC. r. l one of I'lllnlw. He- - KhIiuh-I- i J S.MITHINU COAL III. nur.l I, , the leHilliia promoO'ia of the ASK XX'. b.ii.Uii I'll. y. YOUR GROCER FOR loiehlivinu; etaiiilnr our irotaU 0 v.i lit anil prli es anil auvo money. NATI VH Mm, I,. It. of HiintH KIM'MNa Pilnee Fe. wife Montoya. preaidetit of 1(18 FNT t" I? X T II A I, AX KM K of no. I waa an ar- - '"'"t the Í 3É rlml Hie Anelenl i It v yeatn- - ,:""""''H rlnli. and Mia. ,l,ii, Montoya are the Hindis In Ihe elty thla Í week of Mr. and Mr Fred Crollotler. P. MATTEUCCI;: I!. J. I.yiMiine, the will known Flint Ilusa w.H.Hahn&Coi Kiritii Fe olhiliil fiom I.oa Anarlea, Mm, flora ftroun and MIhh Akih-- Hi.H' ami Iteiuiirer TFI.KPIIOXK 1 niih un arrival from the Hela, iln null trl of A. 1. Mela, the m tn.rrhiint at Itleta. arrived lu re v R Green Front, 105 N. First St it (I li i. un ll k flom ('aliforniii lo m-- r Churl. Mow-i- ha I end XV. I llonen the fair. I'-- I. ll I.h ki kuon inerchania of - '5i t.-- i ... ..- ' K ' i. i... ii... tt i. are curiilvnl Hi i. r. in in i. iih ...i i hi -- we- k. 'Si. Ii'ri.nrla eountv. M'r. are n Ihe FLOUR- ellv MhIIIiik Hu ll hioihi-r- John lli-i,-- J C llnreehi and .. f.. M un, rlrh, n well krown farmer ll EVERY SACK IS GUARANTEED .oiea f.iiini iM of Oh. eoln. Mo., m.-n- t north of the elly. WALL PAPER in 111." tllklliK II, lile - .Hi, f.'- j O, . Zlninier. of HlnfHi.ii. Ind. OR BRING IT BACK NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED I . n ii k ii li.i i itw ,i re Htm of thai H.'iii-i:ila- - FURNITURE Hi. An li Front Tor ele- tin- luir and A T T ii i: rmit fOK.-iili-.- 1 :. S.'iilli Mrnoiil Hi. ,!-,- , vialled H. K. Adunia, nn old ton I 'll l'r Ml HOIK I,, hi I'lKOIilll. .if !,(ll!n And, its influence upon the home cannot be figured r i 1 e'e. o i In Alltin.iit rone lai.1 nmtii The of !: XX'hlltnker he Ho. of Mr Albuquerque Lumber Co lo kihm and Mia Amado the Sint.l Ki l.iaki-m- killed lll-- l I Chali", of IC'J i in dollars cents. We henl Sum). lualit iier th. riiiiii.lli.titsi-- Ave. and now have our fall line of VA..N to l.tfHiiMport, 1ml., la.-- First St. and Marquette Albuquerque, New Mexico K KUIimood. of e Aiik. mulil to bin ia d. itli- til the It, Nt kll'ixlfl JlMtirtli t. la 'r superb fine furniture on display. We invite our , is .toioiitf Hi.- fur vilioi! The Ihe Utile In. in the in IkIiooi in territory. Hollniic"oitli Tuin. Klrl .o eiaat.-i- i who have many friend out of town customers to call and see. Life time I ,n Alh" ulll play u return en. Mi i.e. Mr. II II Feriiaon THE BIG FAIR IS COMING AND M... Vini.a.,ii i! Hi la ev- - lore next week. Tliey furniture at absurdly low ennu: t ih.-l- h.toie lo in.i A llonnier- - "nlii Fe Ih'a week. prices. Come, examine, one in honor or i.i.veinor i.eoi Mr Itahh. form r atewnrd at the Al-- t save money. l ho'el. h. rom pa II led hy Mrs THE RELIANCE ELECTRIC CO. M I U A Itiidd. t.e I..... X . III. ' llih, ai l lie. here last htKht from . l. p. lii II L I.!f III. I I pll M lo l u hi In ho a l.iinv Mr Piihl. of the , . lot. i J ,1 Ol In I la l t ati lli.llsr. It Inn fiimi out of tia X'ik-i- la Are Prepared to do any and all kinds of electric decora- . . N It .."i-.rt- th, i ; .i. i o. r i uatrh Inspn lor for .iia.i.... I,'i-'- Give to ...-- all. ti.IT J the Inn tha Santa Itlo lliiinile .li iflnii, tion. us a chance figure on your work. We can l F. H. arihed In III" .liv r i ulna save you money. STRONG, 'I I:.- Co wired Hi a lo llliieet the hi . of Ihe traln-Ciai- u FURNITURE, RUGS, LINOLEUM. '.li.iii. Third m.n. the fair and Ixlt hia family. CROCKERY, GLASS- . In nndi iee . ill Tv... Iiiimlteil I, ii. I fniv . WARE, MATTING. . . Newman, el. h t i m pjihla. were u.t-.l- loel al liiiaiu. N. M . arrived here I., -- I niKi.i i, lian. 502 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE, TELEPHONE 131.' STRONG BLOCK, Ta Tt... lion nnuu t''' hiia-ine- . and a., e t In- fair SECOND AVE. ii.tnoiiiv ' ChIm-iI- . "mi to the itiinh of A . t - Oeorae an ei.Kiiie. r mi ihrj .li u i in, will P.. .to Hie mexiean i ennui, nun iiinii-- in the I'.l-llu- I).. n,. tUee. t 111 , I IPX t'l ilt III" flllllU tlllllllK f .1 T 3 . wi-i-- J. W. BENNETT in ihe nil. i o. .ii. rut. nina only ' ' . ' . IH) NT, ' 1 I a 'I. 'In i V tIKHT , a. . , ... I. M lli'pklllK. a Salill le f. t H o i Mr AKTI- ilfi.-- r 1 r timilni bettaeell Nee, Heat IHI KH Mol.d Ihe off. and X HI ruh hiiai Iii Men-- l AJO VKr.TH AMI I'.il. who Pern l I1IMMIS. ' a . p X IMUAN AMI mrXKAM lew r iii'l-iii- o m a i.iiniv leaie. In WAGNER ph'.ii.a-ia- ii,- .1 ada' aiiid HARDWARE i. . ! CO wid take a h of a'l .ti f, rit t rom.- home. II.- SniiaeaaMirat, Mhu..ier.iie Hardware Fo. i l ItTH ST. FATKAI, AVF, nia-- of the fair nt.o-:.- i lie f ir Kiollli,l alllt iK the Itll Al f i tu eran. I n i inl a 'l- - t ' n Fine Registered Angora Bucks i; A I. i; II S I - X'l ott:eeri and roni- y A p. he on O It 8 K K leijOarl.t the IOC I ftom klik i w n Sl I. ffn4 m4 k hen the piloto-i- In a. re tal-- Ii. rue milt- from llftrli ttW Mir. rattMi ! trmmrir40ihum ' pll . - rlt, .ill P. in. iliit. ttia-o.- Koni ( mimlw fa 1ar ar. AIM mm kick mm4 . mm It. tiler Hold ate .uní l:,i(hlh a.1 r4 THw 1tv mi of aí.itt Antonio V , J. lío! a a i .;,,;d p. na .iiaveia. of li; Hte f HARDWARE tn mal . iii Tuen.lav el.-nlna- I ' .f the Selentii 'i ..I. ,.ffi. latina. t MAnEUCCI BROS.! Stoves Ranges X and Mi a I M i harrani 4 r n.e-eai- I'liol'KII j w ñus. We also carry a full line of Granitcware, ill he i r Oi tober IS. t Try Our Crockery, Glassware, and all kinds of Tools for the Mechanic. We have i .. .. ; . in connection Tinning VI.. i r .... P.Tea, a Shop and Plumbing Shop. All work j t f I.v fl.Kht r: Champion Grocery entrusted to us will receive our best attention. J-- !i .p. . f ,. uioii-ri'oina- I n t.-- i 'I ,ie alee-- a! .! e.'l XX. Il.'era e. I'lia.ii.. r,. I, at here i. .. . month and Lincoln Butter tat lo.;t-.- if ! ra. hrllevlna Hirit t.h w , Í a t . the a ' 11 t.v ' ' Tueaala, XX I X 1". . II Mil F. NOT II! O HIT TU rn i..n ! v ' ' ' ' Kit"- - Kill" II III llla I.IIIN I'llll Wll It e. i -- I -- , None 'at. nj Iwo n ti I a, ;i: I.I Belter l.rothf r Villi i WHITÍMEY COIVIPASMY i x i tt r i " e n.i f I er 1 - I CH--.- t limine .. . . t'm 1.1.11 R.I 17 Smith Pirct Qtrnnt r- ea. . . uo ...iL l'ia't f Hanta Fe . mar- - wi-v-at wnn Mreei ,. rCW UOOd i ta :, c (he ii lldde 50 i l u-- E. . urt n t at i, ,,,, it in F. SGHEELE, . ' Ot ' i.i lia-- Ft .t fli .t 1 i, .i. I m rvtlooa Xe and li-- h In Hi. I: WHOLESALE AND H-tJ-- f RETAIL I.ria-a-ra- ; l ine. M MM I f 1 IKll Kit: V.1 nllMli K J II I.I a. 1 III I iv' OH II XIII r. Phone 500 - 1024 N. Fourth.! Spot Cash Store DWAliE STEVENS. EICHAR& CO. I THE DIAMOND PALACE : K on 4-- t lear. I mi i ra I Ama oritn-ii- iti-r- h f. EVERITT Mail . artU-- r- rilh-it- . t 1 Mine and Mill Supplies, Plumbing XX I XXat. and Tinning. nur XX.atk. . al. h t.row. h Our Stoves. Ranges, Tin and Enameled Ware A m a A ' 1 I i XX farM J Hai I A Itnaalwax i.tlMal In. un mu Miiiniunuion. Man uroers boiicitea.