University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-10-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-10-1907 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-10-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/3256 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact disc@unm.edu. FOURTEEN PAGES. ALBUQUEKQUE MORNING JOURNAL. TWENTY-NINT- II v M II, t& 00 a Yenr. H YEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1907. By farrier. u'. a Miiotb. PRICE 5 CENTS TODAY IS ALBUQUERQUE DAY TOE CORONADO BOIL SELF CONFESSED OUT AND BOOST FOR FORMED AT Til i-- SNEAKJHIEF nil51 BIGGEST FAIR IN HISTORY REMARKABLE CONFESSION El OF MILLIONAIRE WIFE . ; i of Which Puz- Crowning Day of Territorial Carnival Packed Full of Events Series Crimes Great Gathering in Elks' Theater Hears Eloquent Speakers zled Authorities in Chicago Is From Morning Until Night This Is the Day That Everybody Eul jrjve Historic Deeds of Conquistadores Who Came From Up By Capture of Cleared Sp .in to New World Founded Civilization Which . Pays Every Loyal Albuquerquean Expected to Show Up the and Rich Kleptomaniac. New Mexico Now Enjoys Distinguished Men Add Pres- at Traction Park, and Root for the Twenty-sevent- h Annual 1 to to Chicago, Ills,, Oct. 9. In a remark- j; ..." ... S tige Movement Commemorate Coronadp. ably confession to the pollco tonight COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS WILL Mrs. Charlea J. fiomndka of Milwau- Í kee, wife of the millionaire manufac- i - FIRST OFFICERS ELECTED AND turer, admitted lie. was responsible for a aeries of burglaries and petty . TOWN; DERBY DAY AT t, . TAKE thefts that baffled the authorities for PLEDGE many weeks. Mra. Uomadka'a con-fessi- I RESOLUTIONS SUPPORT was the latest development RACE TRACK THIS AFTERNOON following her arrest for a robbery committed at the home of C. K. Heck, TO ERECTION OF MONUMENT when Jewelry valued at more than $1.000 waa stolen. She Implicated in day v Today Is Albuquerque at the about nine miles from Oudja. Morocco, her peculations a negro, Albert Junes, i'. i .n: ' Mciicui.il association, acterlsib nil ilrring speech on "The by tribesmen. The i ..- Mich is l II. Missionary fol- territorial fair. íienl Ululasen and a man known as Kalph Hinlth "Í In pel He Fathers." The speech every Moors were repulsed, bul the French ;nc n un.- and feme "I Francl-c- o Vas-- i, lows in full: Today I the dny it is up to is arrest and the ' lost two Kpahis killed and had two The former under ci z .1.. I c c the grc.il Spanish To Ihe student of history, the story man, woman, and child in Albuquerque sharpshooters wounded; A score of police are searching for the latter. In ,!i!ri- whu ;,. ih- way fur the of the conquest and Cbristlanlxatinn were i ' vv Ml to get out and make u noise like a French cavalry horses killed. her confession Mrs. Komadku said her I, .un ' tun in Mixiiu, and of New Mexico ni ti be Interesting t' Official Account or Fighting. il :. t I:- - sumí '.u he une i high tlegie... becauM" here he will first theft was committed In April ot lie icet booster. Pails. Oct. 9. official reports of II, . i m. t find the tiling exploits sol- In ,,f ililr and tht of Ihe territory has come to Iho fighting near oudja say thai a this year. "I saw an advertisement tc- - v .ves- The whole ii. it. ssov, in ihc iMii.ili. a" in c,ní.c.l dier of fortune and the cavalier that out show them Moorish raiding party consisting of the paper," she said, "for a truiWil rniM.i te! t,.v inornii.g at the Klks' theater furnish abundant materia) to tile visit ua. Get and horsemen, wus Hie lit one hundred threaten- 1 Mra. One of Cominillo Convct'lioii. vivid imagination of writer of ro- we appreciate the honor and ing Angad were nurre. went to the home of the that the tilbesmen who posi- mance, as well as the heroic deeds of know how to entertain Iheni. Oet out camped northweat of Oudja on ac- David Pfae-lae- and aecurcd the Christian charity first conceived In and root for the territorial carnival count of the bitter's friendliness to- tion. I atuyed there about a day and CASSIE CHADWICKE the faith of the common fatherhood and help to make Albuquerque day of wards the French. A French column a half, stealing a diamond ring, a dia- of Hod mid the In ot hcrhooil of man, the Twentv-aevent- h annual fair smash was sent to protect the Anga.ls and REPORTED NEAR DEATH burn of Intense love of humanity in mond bracelet and a silver curd case." mi all" record, past, present and future. dispatched emissaries advance to and executed with such utter disre-ua- It Ih Alhuquerqiie'a day, and she ascertain the Intention of the hostile After retailing several experiences, of seif us to excite the admira- make the most of it. Oet out horsemen. The latter Insulted the best Columbus, Ohio. Oi l. ,1.. Mi-- 'ils tion of tho sage and tihnuld emissaries, While some of the Mu..;'a securing positions in the families sober moralist. and show the fair ussoc latlon that In- the cltv through advertisement, sic Chadvvlck today was re,...rl..l oilier lips wPI detail to you the heart and were still negotiating with the emls- - walking In wors,. at huspilal splendid of oii are supporting them sarles, who conaiaied of a few irregu- - sometimes deliberately much the woman's and brilliant achievements the pres- standing . military hiiiiI in their efforts to make cavalrymen, a shot was fired at where she found the door ward in the Ohio penitent iar For the chiefs and pioneers that ent fair the biggest ever. lar 'open, securing in each case a tew soiii." days she has he n unable to brought this vast territory under the everybody the Spahls. who replied, driving the con- This Ik the day that Moors to refuge behind Guerhol hill. pieces of lewelry. Mra. ltomadka retain nourishment and apparently dominion of the Hoanlsh crown; their pnvs. No passes ro. The fair asso- tinued: "Then I went to Milwaukee she rs resigned to her f itc. Her iruu-bl- e clatin to our gratitude and to undying Suddenly a cross fire wus opened on . V. hHH to Rive you my a time, and succeeded Is and ii si. lo- ciation worked hard the French troops and the regular en- to home for heart failure weak fame Is well deserved, and history will rs week of fun, and In stealing a coat Horn Mra. ach by eating .rich viands. ' names a solid gagement which followed lasted four sealskin caused "', catty their to the remotest free-wl- lj offer- f'ady. 1 shipped the coat to Jone She made a confession f the Roman ,tf' generations lad me pay passing .lu.,i take oul a little houra, at the end of which the Minos .. ing to show that you appreciate It. were completely They and he sold It for IS. I found out Catholic faith yesterday and n c. ly tribute, feeble though It be. to that defeated. left was ( , v It onlv Albuquerque day It Is how easv It was to steal while I the rile of baptism. Mrs. ad icu silent group of unpretentious mid Isn't a number of dead on tho field. Chi- ten-ye- Commercial Travelers day and Kerby in Milwaukee before coming to is serving a term for i u- - humble soldiers wlu.se uniform waa day several other kinds of a day. cago. I got a Job aa nurse girl and Ihg the First .Nalirnal bank. a loose cassock, whose only weapon and woman waa out i l t The program Is the very best of the RECEIVERS APPOINTED one dav while the Mrs. Chadwick lying I. .night In a was the emblem of our redemption week, and to make the day an unqual- Aw. .7. ) noticed she left her Jewelry on me very crltit'al condition. She is con- which thev carried In one hand, while FOR MARYLAND BANK dressing table. Thin liw n liioa scious min i wanders at times message ified success it is desired to have the ivn .... but her In the other they held the ot i couio kci iM.Miin.il.-- n.e. and her vitality - very low. 't'onlghl crowd at the park the hugest the fair inai I the Martyr of Oolgotlia to mankind, He there, 9. lewelrv Just as easy as not. came her pulse Is 110 un I she h is a marked high, peace ground have ever wen. Italtiiin.re, Oet. Receivers were I "illory be to Cod on and a wont on to Chicago last April. met Jones tvvur. to men of good I and be there with smile that today appointed the application of to do the Jobs. mi earth will." refer come off and your lungs ready to use Alexander H. Robertson, with the as- and he told me how ' to the Milillers of the Crocs, to those He gave me two trunk key and Against lucren-- '. I limit.
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