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Shock Papers 2003 Shock Physics Papers 2003 2003, Abgrall, R. and Saurel, R. "Discrete equations for physical and numerical compressible multiphase mixtures" J. Comput. Phys. 186 361-396 2003, Abrantes, A.E. "Three-dimensional stress-strain behavior of cohesionless material subjected to high strain rate", PhD thesis, Univ. of Clarkson 2003, Acarer, M., Gülenç, B. and Findik, F. "Investigation of explosive welding parameters and their effects on microhardness and shear strength" Mater. Design 24 659-664 2003, Addessio, F.L., Zuo, Q.H., Mason, T.A. and Brinson, L.C. "Model for high strain rate deformation of uranium-niobium alloys" J. Appl. Phys. 93 9644-9654 2003, Aizawa, T., Imaichi, K., Kosaka, H. and Matsui, Y. "Measurement of excitation- emission matrix of shock-heated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using a multi-wavelength laser source" SAE Trans. J. Fuels Lubricants 112 906-915 2003, Akamatsu, H. and Yatsuzuka, M. "Simulation of surface temperature of metals irradiated by intense pulsed electron, ion and laser beams" Surf. Coat. Technol. 169 219-222 2003, Alchagirov, A.B., Perdew, J.P., Boettger, J.C., Ablers, R.C. and Fiolhais, C. "Reply to comment on ‘Energy and pressure versus volume: Equations of state motivated by the stabilized jellium model'" Phys. Rev. B 67 026103 2003, Allen, M., Sentoku, Y., Audebert, P., Blazevic, A., Cowan, T., Fuchs, J., Gauthier, J.C., Geissel, M., Hegelich, M., Karsch, S., Morse, E., Patel, P.K. and Roth, M. "Proton spectra from ultraintense laser-plasma interaction with thin foils: Experiments, theory, and simulation" Phys. Plasmas 10 3283-3289 2003, Altenberger, I., Stach, E.A., Liu, G., Nalla, R.K. and Ritchie, R.O. "An in situ TEM study of the thermal stability of near-surface microstructures induced by deep rolling and laser-shock peening" Scripta mater. 48 1593-1598 2003, Amendt, P., Colvin, J.D., Ramshaw, J.D., Robey, H.F. and Landen, O.L. "Modified Bell-Plesset effect with compressibility: Application to double-shell ignition target designs" Phys. Plasmas 10 820-829 2003, Amoruso, S., Armenante, M., Bruzzese, R., Spinelli, N., Velotta, R., Vitiello, M. and Wang, X. "Pressure effects during laser ablation of magnesium diboride targets" Appl. Surf. Sci. 208 39-44 2003, Anderson, O.L., Isaak, D.G. and Nelson, V.E. "The high-pressure melting temperature of hexagonal close-packed iron determined from thermal physics" J. Phys. Chem. Solids 64 2125-2131 2003, Anderson, K. and Betti, R. "Theory of laser-induced adiabat shaping in inertial fusion implosions: The decaying shock" Phys. Plasmas 10 4448-4462 1 2003, Andreev, A.A., Guskov, S.Y., Ilin, D.V., Levkovsii, A.A., Rozanov, V.B., Sherman, V.E. and Vygovskii, O.B. "The influence of the state of a compressed thermonuclear substance on the combustion of inertial fusion targets under direct ignition by a short radiation pulse" J. Exper. Theor. Phys. 96 695-703 2003, Angrilli, F., Pavarin, D., De Cecco, M. and Francesconi, A. "Impact facility based upon high frequency two-stage light-gas gun" Acta Astronaut. 53 185-189 2003, Anisimov, S.I., Zhakhovskii, V.V., Inogamov, N.A., Nishihara, K., Oparin, A.M. and Petrov, Y.V. "Destruction of a solid film under the action of ultrashort laser pulse" JETP Letts 77 606-610 2003, Antoun, T., Seaman, L., Curran, D.R., Kanel, G.I., Razorenov, S.V. and Utkin, A.V. "Spall Fracture", publ. Berlin, Springer 2003, Appert, C., Tenaud, C., Chevanne, X., Balibar, S., Caupin, F. and d'Humières, D. "Nonlinear effects and shock formation in the focusing of a spherical acoustic wave: Numerical simulations and experiments in liquid helium" Eur. Phys. J. B 35 531-549 2003, Arakawa, M. and Kouchi, A. "Impact processes of ice in the Solar System", in "High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids. V: Shock Chemistry with Applications to Meteorite Impacts", ed. L. Davison, Y. Horie and T. Sekine, pp. 199-231, publ. New York, Springer 2003, Aratani, S., Nishi, M., Ojima, H. and Takayama, K. "Experimental study of glass strength against shock wave loading: Shock wave properties and method for stress measurement (in Japanese)" J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn 111 669-673 2003, Aratani, S., Ojima, H. and Takayama, K. "Experimental study of glass strength against shock wave loading: Stress generation of float glass plates (in Japanese)" J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn 111 674-679 2003, Arif, A.F.M. "Numerical prediction of plastic deformation and residual stresses induced by laser shock processing" J. Mater. Process. Technol. 136 120-138 2003, Arrigoni, M., Boustie, M., He, H.-L., Bolis, C., Berthe, L., Barradas, S. and Jeandin, M. "Optimisation du test d'adhérance par choc laser (LAser Shock Adhesion Test) par la méthode de la désadaptation d'impédance", in "Proc. Fifth Int. Symp. on High Dynamic Pressures. Vol. 2", pp. 177-186, publ. Paris, France, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique 2003, Asay, J.R. and Chhabildas, L.C. "Paradigms and challenges in shock wave research", in "High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids. VI: Old Paradigms and New Challenges", ed. Y. Horie, L. Davison and N. Thadhani, pp. 57-119, publ. New York, Springer 2003, Asinovksii, E.I., Kirillin, A.V. and Kostanovskii, A.V. "Once more about the experimental investigation of the thermal properties of carbon" Phys. Uspekhi 46 1305-1306 2 2003, Atroshenko, S.A. "Anomalous diffusion increase in steel under shock loading" J. Phys. IV France 110 899-904 2003, Atroshenko, S.A. "Martensite transformation in steels under impact load" J. Phys. IV France 112 337-340 2003, Auroux, E. and Deleignies, M. "Sensitivity of the EOS of detonation products to the parameterization of the intermolecular potential for pure fluids in thermochemical calculations", in "Proc. Fifth Int. Symp. on High Dynamic Pressures. Vol. 2", pp. 281-288, publ. Paris, France, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique 2003, Baer, B.J., Cynn, H., Iota, V., Yoo, C.-S. and Shen, G. "Phase diagram and equation of state of praesodymium at high pressures and temperatures" Phys. Rev. B 67 134115 2003, Bai, Y.L., Xia, M.F., Wei, Y.J. and Ke, F.J. "Non-equilibrium evolution of collective microdamage and its coupling with mesoscopic heterogeneities and stress fluctuations", in "High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids. VI: Old Paradigms and New Challenges", ed. Y. Horie, L. Davison and N. Thadhani, pp. 255-278, publ. New York, Springer 2003, Bailey, M.R., Cleveland, R.O., Colonius, T., Crum, L.A., Evan, A.P., Lingeman, J.E., McAteer, J.A., Sapozhnikov, O.A. and Williams Jr., J.C. "Cavitation in shock wave lithotripsy: The critical role of bubble activity in stone breakage and kidney trauma", in "Proc. 2003 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium. Vol. 1", pp. 724-727, publ. Piscataway NJ, IEEE 2003, Bakas, M., Greenhut, V.A., Niesz, D.E., Adams, J. and McCauley, J. "Relationship between defects and dynamic failure in silicon carbide" Ceram. Engng Sci. Proc. 24(3) 351-358 2003, Bakken, J., Slungaard, T., Engebretsen, T. and Christensen, S.O. "Attenuation of shock waves by granular filters" Shock Waves 13 33-40 2003, Balog, P.S., Secco, R.A., Rubie, D.C. and Frost, D.J. "Equation of state of liquid Fe-10wt.%S: Implications for the metallic cores of planetary bodies" J. Geophys. Res. B 108(2) paper ECV11 2003, Bar-On, E., Rubin, M.B. and Yankelevsky, D.Z. "Thermomechanical constitutive equations for the dynamic response of ceramics" Int. J. Solids Structures 40 4519-4548 2003, Baratoux, D. and Melosh, H.J. "The formation of shatter cones by shock wave interference during impacting" Earth Planet. Sci. Letts 216 43-54 2003, Barenblatt, G.I. "Scaling", publ. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2003, Baria, J.K., Gajjar, P.N. and Jani, A.R. "Equation of state, binding energies, bulk modulus and Grüneisen constants of 3d, 4d, and 5d transition metals" Fizika A 12 23-40 3 2003, Batani, D., Vovchenko, V.I., Kanel, G.I., Kilpio, A.V., Krasyuk, I.K., Lomonosov, I.V., Pashinin, P.P., Semenov, A.Y., Fortov, V.E. and Shashkov, E.V. "Mechanical properties of a material at ultrahigh strain rates induced by a laser shock wave" Dokl. Phys. 48 123-125 2003, Batani, D., Strati, F., Telaro, B., Löwer, T., Hall, T., Benuzzi-Mounaix, A. and Koenig, M. "Production of high quality shocks for equation of state experiments" Eur. Phys. J. D 23 99-107 2003, Batani, D., Stabile, H., Ravasio, A., Desai, T., Lucchini, G., Strati, F., Ullschmied, J., Krousky, E., Skala, J., Kralikova, B., Pfeifer, M., Kadlec, C., Mocek, T., Prag, A., Nishimura, H., Ochi, Y., Kilpio, A., Shashkov, E., Stuchebrukhov, I., Vovchenko, V. and Krasyuk, I. "Shock pressure induced by 0.44 mm laser radiation on aluminum targets" Laser Particle Beams 21 481-487 2003, Bates, J.W. "Reconstruction of Ross' linear-mixing model for the equation of state of deuterium" Comput. Phys. Commun. 151 149-170 2003, Baudin, G., Le Gallic, C., Serradeill, R., Chinnayya, A., Daniel, E. and Saurel, R. "Amorçage par choc et détonation du nitrométhane. 2: Modélisation et simulation numérique des mécanismes réactifs", in "Proc. Fifth Int. Symp. on High Dynamic Pressures. Vol. 1", pp. 241-254, publ. Paris, France, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique 2003, Bauer, F. and Ueberschlag, P. "Ferroelectric PVDF polymer for high pressure and shock compression tests", in "Proc. Fifth Int. Symp. on High Dynamic Pressures. Vol. 2", pp. 187-192, publ. Paris, France, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique 2003, Bautin, S.P. and Yagupov, S.A. "An analysis of the possibility of the isentropic compression of hydrogen with a real equation of state" J. Appl. Math. Mech. 67 37-42 2003, Belonoshko, A.B., Ahuja, R. and Johansson, B. "Stability of the bcc phase of iron in the Earth's inner core" Nature 424 1032-1034 2003, Benardini, J.N., Sawyer, J., Venkateswaran, K.
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