Alan Bennett | 120 pages | 01 Oct 2008 | Picador USA | 9780312427641 | English | New York, NY, United States The Uncommon Reader PDF Book

Community Reviews. It was also quite brave of Bennett to take on the Queen as his heroine. Not for us, oh no, she's not like us at all. Shelves: books-about-books , humor , fiction , england. The Queen is a perfect student, too. My own 'late-in-life-journey' only started 9 or 10 years ago. I know Cecil Beaton is accurate. Name required. Bennett's lugubrious yet expressive voice which still bears a slight Leeds accent and the sharp humour and evident humanity of his writing have made his readings of his own work especially his autobiographical writing very popular. And then I came to UK. Bennett illuminatingly imagines the Queen being at first daunted by : so far distant in terms of rank, she is unable to appreciate the — to her — relatively small social divisions between Austen's characters. It can also mean a set text, a book that everyone in a group for example, all students entering a university are expected to read, so that they can have something in common. The Uncommon Reader ends with tart wit, and had me smiling as I closed its cover. Before, she concentrated on duties, and she was conditioned to completely disregard herself and lose her interest in small pleasures in day to day endless obligations. She's also all of us who relish reviewing. I strongly urge anyone who loves books to read this as Alan Bennett has the Queen reading an extraordinarily diverse range of authors that is bound to catch the interest of any reader. And she asks the president of France at a state dinner what he thinks about Jean Genet, which leaves him utterly flummoxed. Very subtle and understated, with humor that builds quietly until Reading this feels like putting a pot of water on to boil, forgetting about it, and coming back to find a delightful stew. It's one thing to read this in an RA textbook; it hits home a lot harder when you read it being discussed in a fiction book. Near the beginning the story, it was the second book the Queen read that got her hooked, a romance by Nancy Mitford: The Pursuit of Love turned out to be a fortunate choice and in its way a momentous one. Details if other :. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. Average rating 3. Nov 20, Richard Derus rated it really liked it. It's funny and charming and a bit cheeky. This quote is gold. You know, the type of things that seem to only matter to the lower stations. But because we are average joes, commoners, small potatoes, this is nothing groundbreaking. The Uncommon Reader Writer

Reading isolates you. This can mean a person who reads for pleasure, as opposed to a critic or scholar. The Common Reader is used by as the title work of her essay collection. Hobbies involved preferences and preferences had to be avoided; preferences excluded people. View all 40 comments. She engages a certain Nelson to help her acquire books and guide her through the world of literature. Nov 20, Richard Derus rated it really liked it. Actually she had heard this phrase, the republic of letters, used before, at graduation ceremonies, honorary degrees and the like, though without knowing quite what it meant. Reading is untidy, discursive and perpetually inviting. However,like others,I'll mention a few of my favorite quotes. Books, she would have thought, were work. There is always a limit on the length of any work due for discussion. She is delighted, and soon lost as any of us readers are as she moves through Mitford and Ackerley, Dickens and Henry A delightful and slightly crazy little novel about books and reading and the many worlds they take the reader into or rather the world they take us away from. Short, witty and highly enjoyable book. But what if someone important takes up reading, at a late stage in life? Are you all crazy? Each facet is a carefully-polished, succinct paragraph of the best of slightly-comic writing on the surface, but there are always glints of Bennett's attitudes, tastes and where he would like to influence the reader with his obviously socialist stance. Return to Book Page. A literary assistant. The book moved along so slowly that I was surprised to find that I was halfway through the book still waiting for the I really didn't like this book at all. The analogy relates to Queen Elizabeth wandering into a bookmobile, getting hooked on reading books, and the various consequences that ensue. Jan 13, Margitte rated it it was amazing Shelves: reviewed , british-author , read , satire. Views Read Edit View history. How the Queen resolves that conundrum causes a sudden and high degree of anxiety for the Prime Minister and leads directly to the final sentence that made me laugh out loud. I settled in for another read of it, and found it just as enjoyable as before. Other worlds. Bennett more likely to be in line for a life peerage, but which I can imagine made him a popular figure around Highgrove. Here in these pages and between these covers she could go unrecognized. There are many great lines and phrases for us readers to enjoy in this short story Rating: 4. After appearing first in the London Review of Books , Vol. One thing she has never been described as is an avid reader. Virginia She is indeed! Get A Copy. This little gem about the Queen's awakening to reading late in life is a delicious treat! Briefing closes down a subject, reading opens it up. It's a most enjoyable book She was a doer. You find it there. To a large extent, it's a story of liberation. Showing Four stars. Want to Read saving…. Topics Paperbacks Nicholas Lezard's choice. Oh wow. The Queen takes a stroll around the grounds of Buckingham Palace with her Corgis. The book emphasizes growth, empathy, and freedom and in the end the own personhood and power we find within pages. The author of the T A deliciously funny novella that celebrates the pleasure of reading. The Uncommon Reader Reviews

To create this list, we took Her reading sends ripples of discomfort through the staff and all levels of government, which is treated with a delightful comedic touch and gentle satire. I would like to convey enough from the book to hook you, but would not like to spoil any of your fun. That's the premise of this romping little read that has a surprising amount of substance. It's about literature, the ultimate democracy. What would happen if the Queen started to notice the little things in life? Dec 23, Duane rated it really liked it Shelves: book-challenge , reviewed-books , 21st-century , rated-books , guardian Literature, she thought, is a commonwealth; letters a republic. Add Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. It is a testament to Bennett's extraordinary skill — his genius, even — that we assent to the proposition, which would in real life make a cat laugh, that the Queen could be capable of becoming a reader of fine discernment. Books did not care who was reading them or whether one read them or not. Near the beginning the story, it was the second book the Queen read that got her hooked, a romance by Nancy Mitford: The Pursuit of Love turned out to be a fortunate choice and in its way a momentous one. She takes on everything from Austen to Proust and her reactions to all this diversity is priceless. Friend Reviews. Her thirst for books in unquenchable. Far from wanting time to pass, Sir Kevin, one just wishes one had more of it. And what if reading were to lead her, in turn, to becoming a writer? It's unusual because it shows how limited the Queen is by her very proper job which might not look like one, christening ships, knighting people, opening hospitals, hosting dinner parties and being nice to foreign politicians, but it certainly would feel like one. Bacall had had a much better bite at the carrot and, slightly to her surprise, found herself envying her for it. However, nothing will sway Her Majesty as by this stage the unwelcome thought enters her mind that she no longer needs Norman and sets forth her own path in the world of books. Questions, anyone? View all 8 comments. Trivia About The Uncommon Reader. One biographer asserted that the queen once asked if Dante were a horse — or a jockey. Not always upwards. The title's "uncommon reader" Queen Elizabeth II becomes obsessed with books after a chance encounter with a mobile library. You might as well say one is above humanity. It makes you think: about the monarchy, the world in general and yourself as a reader, but it never really went beyond that. This was the hardest I had ever worked in my life. Briefing closes down a subject, reading opens it up. Jul 14, Cecily rated it it was amazing Shelves: humour , favourites. Here in these pages and between these covers she could go unrecognised. In this case that someone just happens to be the Queen of England. They're about other lives. And just as frequently described as a forbidding mother, chilly and withholding and given to playing ostrich whenever it comes to emotions. There are many reviews of this effervescent entertainment, so I will confine myself to noting that the book carries with it a none-too-subtle punch line which I can't imagine would have made Mr. At times the changing Queen stumps her subjects and stymies her staff and government. For someone who is a queen of the country, you would think that she has freedom of being in charge of her own life and time, which happen not to be the case. I loved how the reading ignited the Queen's passion for life and shifted her whole perspective. Jul 24, Angela M rated it really liked it. Many television, stage and radio plays followed, along with screenplays, short stories, novellas, a large body of non-fictional prose and broadcasting, and many appearances as Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. Loved this one! Queen Elizabeth is known for loving her horses and her corgis. Intrigued, she enters the van and meets Hutchings the driver and Norman an awkward young kitchen worker and great book lover. His readings of the Winnie the Pooh stories are also widely enjoyed. Not quite knowing how to do this, the doddering Sir Claude gently suggests that the queen take up writing instead — a suggestion she embraces with alacrity. Bennett at his best. Books, she would have thought, were work.

The Uncommon Reader Read Online

Bennett's usual work is often quite in your face with it's definite humour, but the funny side of this book seems to boil away quietly underneath, rearing it's lovely little head every now and then like a little postage stamp on the edge of a letter. And to make her into a human being as well! There are already thousands of reviews of this delightful book about the Queen's new-found love of reading, so you don't need me to tell you how much fun it is. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Imagine that the Queen, old as she is, suddenly discovers the joy of reading. The opening incident in the book with the French president started me off with wicked giggles, and it continued with the subtle parody on staff and politicians gracing her majesty's world. It makes you think: about the monarchy, the world in general and yourself as a reader, but it never really went beyond that. Email required Address never made public. He also puts the Queen there, so you know you are in for a treat. The book is mainly dialogue-driven, with a fair amount of character development being devoted to the Queen. Queen Elizabeth comes across the mobile library while chasing her corgis. Want to Read saving…. Very subtle and understated, with humor that builds quietly until Reading this feels like putting a pot of water on to boil, forgetting about it, and coming back to find a delightful stew. They're about other lives. Notify me of new comments via email. You should have. Bennett is an author of gentle wit and a subversive turn of mind. Name required. It tends to exclude. I didn't count them, but Bennett mentions more book titles and authors names than any book I've read. Books generally just confirm you in what you have, perhaps unwittingly, decided to do already. From that point the story drags a bit until its great ending. More filters. A lot of us really enjoy books. Rating details. If one wanted to pass the time one could go to New Zealand. If there is only going to be one good thing to come out of the jubilee, let it be this. A delightful and slightly crazy little novel about books and reading and the many worlds they take the reader into or rather the world they take us away from. Shelves: books-about-books , humor , fiction , england. Bennett poses a delicious and very funny what-if: What if Queen Elizabeth at the age of something were suddenly to become a voracious reader? That, of course, will never happen if you just read paranormal romance for the rest of your days. It's about literature, the ultimate democracy. Indeed, a mischievous wit is driving this novella about the Queen discovering reading and the consequences for the nation. I didn't quite get the Bennettesque Wonder and Awe that I usually get with his works, though I can't figure out why. To say more would only spoil the story. Like Jesus, she is an idealised projection of our own best selves, which is why Bennett has mapped his own literary sensibilities, more or less, on to hers. Overall, this story has some wonderful insight in to the magic of reading, exploring new worlds and meeting new characters through the written word. Get A Copy. Take this morning. One biographer asserted that the queen once asked if Dante were a horse — or a jockey. I got the impression that Mr Bennett feels a lot of affection for the Queen and empathises with her singular experience of life. Other Editions There is not too much to say about the plot; its a short read. It was anonymous; it was shared; it was common. Friend Reviews. L et this column — a republican, ever since the usurpation of the enlightened elective monarchy of the Anglo-Saxons by those thugs, the Normans — at least join in the jamboree by celebrating the timely reprint of this little gem.