Coach & Machine Pitch City Tournament

1. Teams may be 5, 6, 7 & 8 year olds. 5 year olds in Coach Pitch. 2. Minimum of 8 players. 3. 60 feet bases. 4. 6 . Exception: No new after 70 minutes. 5. 10 players on defense; 4 outfielders. 6. At least 1 umpire per game stationed at home plate. 7. No protest allowed. All decisions are final. 8. No mercy rule. 9. No stealing any base. 10. 3 coaches only in . 4th coach may be placed behind the plate to retrieve pitched balls. He or she may NOT coach runners or batters. 11. Coach at may NOT coach base runners. 12. will be supplied by host. LL1 over or underhand. 13. Host pitching machine is to be placed 46 feet from home plate. 14. A. A 12 foot circle around the host pitching machine. ( zone) must have foot inside zone during pitch and not in front of the machine. B. ball goes through circle is alive. Ball hits machine or coach pitching ball is dead and runners advance 1 base if forced. Batter is awarded 1st base. 15. 5 rule is in effect. Exception: Unlimited in 6th inning only. 16. Bat through the lineup. 17. No player shall remain of the defensive lineup for more than 3 consecutive outs. 18. 5 pitches to put ball into play or batter is out; unless 5th pitch is foul OR 3 strikes 19. No bunting. 20. A semi circle will be put 8 feet in front of the plate and that area is considered foul. 21. 3 outs per team . 22. No fly rule. 23. Runners may not leave their base until the ball reaches home plate. Rule 7:13 is in effect. 24. Pitch ball that hits the batter is not awarded 1st base. 25. Home team will supply scorekeeper; MUST list time game begins and ends. 26. Umpires will be provided by host league. 27. Play is stopped when infielder has control of the ball and one foot inside pitching circle. 28. The batter and all baserunners are limited to a maximum of 2 bases per . A. Baserunners may advance at will until they score or the opposing team stops them. Play will be halted when the umpire grants “time out”. The umpire shall not grant time out until the ball is controlled and the runners are not a threat to advance. B. Example: With a runner on 1st; a ball is hit to the . The runner will be halted at 3rd. The defense may attempt to put the runner out at 3rd without the risk of penalty: or the defense may elect to hold the batter/runner to a . C. The idea or concept is to have the defense make plays from the outfield without severe penalties to the defense. If the ball is hit to the outfield, the defense should try to throw the runner out at 2nd. If the ball is overthrown at 2nd the runner may not advance; this will eliminate the “Little League” . 29. No play on a fly ball caught.