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June 1987 Daily Egyptian 1987

6-19-1987 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 19, 1987 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Southern Illinois University at C arbondale Friday, June 19. 1987, Vol. 73, No. 157 20 Pages Tuition boost hinges on plan !o raise taxes By Jacke Hampton Staff Writer " Hopefully some type of tax increase will be approved so Students coold face another the trustees won 't have to tuition increase if Gov. James consider that," she said. R. Thompson's tax hike plan "They've worked very hard to fails, a spokesman in the hold down tuition costs and chancellor's office said keep SIU's the lowest in Thursday. lliinois.·' "No one is disco'lllting that Pettit didn't mention tax or possibili ty, " said Ca therine tuition hikes specifically when Walsh, assistant to (''hancell<", he testified before the ap­ Lawrence K. Pettit. propriations committee "The $1 million increase Wednesday, cut he said approved Wednesday by the present-level funding woold appropriations committee is slow growth in several areas. actually level funding. It now Under Thompson's original goes to the House where it can proposal, sru wa. tn receive a be amended. We'r e still SI3 million or six percent in­ hopeful a lax increase will crease in funding if an in­ pass tha t WIll benefit higher crease in the state's income education funding," Wa Ish said. See BOOST, Pago 5 The administration is still bearing a lot of connicting reports concerning the tax Gus Bode hike proposal. Walsh said. Thursday, State Senate President Phillip Rock said a tax increase is dead [or the :..::- session ending June 30. Walsh said the SIU Board or Trustees which approved a .lour tuition . ....~ ...... __.r. remains committed I.e -.. IIg--ht_..,...... Its ~ ...... Mona Marcec, a t ...... ,1\er from Wtnkler dtrec:tJona al the A__ Education down tuition costs, but an _tao Elementary School, asststs Olyld l{>a, 13, Worltshof> al lhe Southern illinois AIrport. increase could come of "'",. to ___r purse ,--_on_e_ot_h_er__ st_u_d_e_nts_ , _I_n_m_e_a_,u_ri_n_9,-w_i_nd__ See__ st_ory ,Page8. "dire necessity." strings. 770 pint goal set for blood drive New charter bus company pians weekly Chicago By Karen Wells occur each year . old, lOS pounds or more and in Staff Writer Ugent said AIDS cannot be generally good health. Ul(ent contracted by giving blood. said. By ErIc Oestrnann cannot bonor Student Transit A four-day blood drive. ~.-jtb "T'len! is absolutely and Donors also can register to Staff Wriler a goal to raise 770 D;:;<5, has posit vely no way of getting win a $100 U.S. savings bond tickets because it was a dif­ been scbeduled for Wednesday AIDS by donating blood," g;ven by the Early Bird A new charter hus company ferent business. through Sunday of next week Ugent said. Most people have Kiwanis Club. that offers students weekend "We will try to offer one t!ip in the Carbondale area. confused intravenous drug Groups co-sponsoring the rides to Champaign, Kankakee per weekend to tr.e Clric.. go Vivian Ugent, area director users with donating blood, she blood drive are the Annuitants and the Chicago area begins area Ibis summer," Taci

June 19, 1987 To: Members and Friends of Southern Illinois University at Ca rbondale from: Lawrence Dennis, Chair Presidential Search Advisory Committee

I would like to invite you all to attend the open sessions for the three finalists for the PresiderK}' of SiUC. The meetings are as follow!>:

Dr, john C. Guyon, Vice-Pr~dent Dr_P ete. Wa.gner, Provost, Dr, David Powers, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Utah State University for Academic Affairs, Research, slue West Virginia Board of Regents

Tues" ):Ine 23, 1987 Thurs" June 25, 1987 .Tues" June 30,1987 3:00 - 4.30 p.m . 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Student Center Auditorium Student Center Auditorium Student Center Auditorium

Those wishing to submit written comments to Chancellor Lawrence Pettit should do so by 4:00 p.m . on Wednesday, July 1, 1987. Copies of the ca ndidates' curriculum vitaes are in the Offices of all the Deans, Faculty Senate Office, USO Office, and 4th floor, Morris Library. (" !-J'o-~

Lawrence Dennis---­

~------~------~Qaily. ElIYPllan,J~ 19,1987, Page 3 Dttily FgyptB. Opinion & Commentary S!vdor.: EdI"".ln.o.loI. Con>Iyn Schmidt: Edlloriol "- &II"". John _no ANcoe'o .. Edltorlol fIIoge Edl ... Elt-nCook: Monoging EdItor, Gon:tonllll~ . Clandestine perks wrong way for SIU SIU CHANCELLOR La'Nrence Pettit received more than $10 ()()() from the Fo'mdP.tion in January to cover losses he suffered when he moved bere from his south Tex:-s home. Our chancellor said he " lost" money, $6,459, when he had to sell his !lome for less than its value because of a depressed home market. The rest of the $10,463 went for final payments on a car lease and for interest on a loan. The car, for which Pettit himself was paying, was used for official business while Pettit was in Texas, and the loan was taken out to pay for the losses be took on the bouse to pay for the rest of the car lease. But wby was the money given to him surreptitiously from the Foundation rather than througb regular University channels? And if, as Pettit's backers, such a payment is nothing out of the ordinary, wby wasn't AIDS reporting needs frankness, it included as part of the announced package that br ought him here in the first place? homosexual focus to be effective THE UNIVERSITY'S clandestine approacb to paying EARNESTLY, and with TIME AND I'.NERGY is Pettit for his " loss," which he says came out of his own appla us~ frem journalists, being wasted on the political pocket, is, in fact, out of the ordinarj, or at least something politicians are saying about project of spre:,dir." the false SIU wasn't confident enough about to make public. AIDS : candor, regardless of message tbatthe AIDS viclim Public is a key word wben de'ding with state Univer· the cost. But truths are being is nol assignabl.? 1.0 r..articuiar sities because the public, through taxes, pays a lot of blurred because they in· minorities. British billboards money to SIU and other state university systems. convenience a political agenda proclaim : " AIDS Doesn' t and shock sell,ibilities. The Discriminate." a message Corporations have been known to offer ~imilar deals to designed to absolve newty hired exec1!tives, a nd that is fine. But SIU is not a agenda is to avoid giving ~f · fense to certain factions aDd l!) homosexuals and addicts of corporation and sbould not make such deals. avoid something mor e George dispropol tionate responsibility Perhaps the worst part of the deal is tha t Pelbt has little terrifying than AIDS - the for the epidemic. In Ncw York reason to claim be was forced to sell his house for less than accusa tion of City, print ads portray a its value. A house is worth what the market will bear. Udiscriminotion.'! Will heterosexual couple tangled in Many people sell their bOl!:'.es wben the market value is In spite of .., uch talk about Washington Post sheets, with lhese words : low, but there isn't anybodj' around to pay them. for their the "breakout" into the Writers Group "Bang, You're Dead! ,. Such "loss." The same goes fOl' interes, on loa!lS and final general he terosexua l ads are a disservice to Ii", payments on a lease. por"uJation, AIDS still is arA ~xtent '.hat they distract at· pr oba bly will rema in flow from !oo'isb behavior :ention from the fa ct that Granted, the Foundation gets its money from private fewer than four percent or donations and should not be s tric tly limiter! on how it can ~dri~':'" a~~ ~'1; AIDS cases have resulted ' i:"Om disseminate ita funds. But [or Stu to use the Foundation to Co~~~~=~d rug us e r s. I t wll1 AIDS, abuse or t!:<: body. heterosexual contact. make secret dealings is the wrong way for a school to decreasingly afflict --'::ucated. especialJy the rectum. The rate of heterosexual operate. information'receplhe bom o.<,· Most journalism abou t AID ::; transmission is increasing U the University is going to offer perks to new em­ e xua ls . It a lr ea dy is reflects social and political primarily among hlack and ployees, they sbould not do so in a secret manner, or by disproportionately, alid will squeamishness. In addition to Hispanic t.een·agers whose sex hiding in the Foundation. increasingly be, a disease 01 an understandable reluctance partoers are U1travef)ous drug inner·cit y blac kJ a nd to discuss certain sexual users. New York City bas one­ Hispanics. matters, journalism is infused third of aU AIDS cases; 36 Opiniom Blacks aod Hispanics, who with liberal values, including percent of the city's cases are constitute 11 a ~ d 8 percent of abhor rence of IV drug users. Half of the from elsewhere th.e population respectively, " discrimination." That is city's 200,000 addicts are are 25 and 14 percent of AIDS understood indiscriminatelf to thought to be infected with the patients. Those IX rcentages include aU invidious distinc­ AIDS virus. because groups, Of course anyone with AIDS ~hmond (Va. I TIIT18S· Dispatch probably will rise tions among social AIDS is a behavion Uy based particularly those, such as deserves care and com· 10 moving against the Bakkers, the IRS should proceed with disease and will Ilispropor· homosexuals, that have a passion. Of course testing is tb~ utmost caution. Conducting a television religious program tionately afflict those inner· history of being badly treated. acceptable, if ooly marginslJy and apPl!8ling for money to fUl8nce it do not automatically make city classes least efficient important, for applicants for ~ minister a ~barlata n and der,.;ive him ~ 1st Ame.:xlment enouj!h at acquiring and acting Journalism seems reluctant marriage licenses and pr!ll.ection. While the government ll; abl!:>lute1y right to challenge on mformation. After aU: to clarify that the primary citizenship, and for prisoners. PTL's tax aemption, any punitive action against that many people are caught in the reaSf'-l1 for the AIDS f.-pidemic (Many rapes are homosexual organization should be aimed at its specific cooduct and should culture of urban poverty i. !bat the rectum, with its rapes in prison.) But while it is be supported by clear and ~ evidence. The Bakkers' precisely because they lack ~~.lI te and absorptiv= politically and sociaUy transgressioo must not be used to JUStifY. the impositioo of basic skills of social com­ is not suited to born soothing to pretend that AIDS genenl restrictions lhat would unfairly limit i:be activities of all petence: They do no.~ regulate uses. Data suggest that is now a democratic ~ other televisioo ministries. their behavior well, least of aU receptive anal i!!tercourse is threatening us all equally, that The BalIlmore Sun in coofonnity with public­ the major, if not the ooly, isfaJse. health bulletins. important~wre~which So is the notiOl'l that the most 1be Venice summit is an embarrasaina reminder to homosexuals are given to high. urgent task is to fund research Americans bow much U.S. prestige bas fallen In the J?8:St year AMERICANS HAVE a risk behavior. However, even for a vaccine. Of course due to the faltering performance of the Reapn adminlstl'atioo. t.ecbnoIogy fWltioo generallf. some who are not are researcb should be funded Tbere were motberbood statements in bJancf abuDdance, but 'lI1 Regarding health, theU' dismayed by disseminatiOl'l of generously, but dollars spent prac~ eally every. issue of substantive importance w tbinldng is shaped hy the polio information about those who getting addicts off needles and Washington, the Umted States was rebu1.fed, almost with con­ paradigm, the ~est of are. And insufficient in· onto methadooe will do more descensioo, by the leaders 0( the oi:!ler big industrial disease hy (lr. s''lIk s silver formatioo aboul homosexual GOd, as will 'ournaJism that democracies. Though President Reapn can be EXpeCted to pu.t bullet. But America's prin­ practices bas imped~ un­ 50es not trim J: truth to spare a good face 00 tbe jK'Ik.'eedings, it will lie a false face. cipal public-r-Itb problems derstanding of the epidemic. our feelings.

-.: 1'0 i 4,l6"'lf .un1.t Doonesbury BY G1RRY TRUDEAU 'TOT Nr. t.~ Investigator recommends Stark captain be punished '8J/Pf'J, WASHINGTON (UPIl - officials said. The recommerubtion to The rear admiral who in­ Brindel, who shortly was court-martial Brdldell'ame h li vestigated the Iraqi missile scheduled to be relieved of little surprise, officials said, Flower Company attack on the USS Stark has command oj the Stark for because a U.S.-Iraqi investiga recommended the captain of ,..,.... sons tMt were not related tion and a probe by the House 1M ship be court martialed, to the investigation, still was Armed Services Committee po.sibly on charges of w;th his severely damaged pointed in the direction of Weekly Special neglige nce, officials said ship in Bahrain. The Stark was negligence in defending the Thursday. undergoing repairs from the Stark from the " unin­ Doz. CarnatioDs The call for the court­ explosion caused by one of two tentional" Ir~'=Ii air strike. martial of Capt. Glenn Brindel Exocet missiles that killed 'n Pentagon ~f!iri.qb have said was made by Rear Adm. Grant sailors and wounded 21 others. Sharp's investigation focused $4.95 Sharp in a formal report to Ibe The sources said the formal cn why the frigate's officers head of lhe U.s. Central char~e a~ainst Brindel failed to observe standard BappyBour Command, G on. George Crist, probably will be negligence operating procedures and tum said lhe officials, who since the ship failed to take the the ship to allow its defenses to 3 pm-6 pm Mon-Fri requested anonymity. proper evasive actions to avoid !ire at Lite missiles. casualties and damage to the Sharp personally gave the frigate. The fate of ' hree or A report by Rear Adm. 1/2 PRICE report with its recom­ four officers under Brindel's David Rogers. who headed lbe Roses. Cr.lrIlations. Daisies mendations to Crist during a command was not known. but team that went to Iraq, said a brief meeting in the Persian all h:!vp been assigned legal radar \:"arn;ng device on the Cashon-Carry Gulf oi! state of Bahram counsel. ship Jetecte

WA H ~(;TO\ LPI . - In a ponytail rcachmg halfway Singer \\ i!lle ,\ l'lson pressed "People m Ihf' farm tinv.'n hiS back. A ~["I1JII ~clr:-Ing senators Thur<;day to change sparkled tn hIS left ear the natlP~'s agncultural polic~ busmess are drop ­ I t was the serond lime> so fa rmers can break e\·en. pmgflk"J flies' !'.elson spoke to Agriculture warning l~\\ maker !'= Ihat Commlltee m ·mbers. In 19&5 fa rmers are "droppmg Eke along With slO;:ers "'eit Young fl ies." and John Con. 'e. ~e urged " Nelson and rr.USIC lan John MeIJencamp (or their activ'sm more generous ~·a·:m bill in an Cougar Mell encamp were the - "Keep It up and God b.ess appearance c,)ll~cid ln g With star wi tnesses at .3 Senate \'00." saId Sen Howell Heflin. Ule fi rst Farm /\ Id concert in Agriculture s ubcom!llittee b -Ala - bu t •• ked them no Cha mpaign. i\ e ~son is p1a n· hearing into complaints that qu ~ ti ons 800ut farm policy_ lIing the thud concert lor Sepl. c urrent (arm policy is " Wh y p. r e they coming to us 19 in .... incotn. Neb. The con· bankrupting rural America. for advice? I know (chords' D. certs have raised $8 I'!l I'Jion to Nels',n, who says people tell G and A:' said MeHencamp. him afle every concert how "They have DO one to turn to. heiX=~~~~dti~a news hard times are on the farm, .. . In reality. we voted for rou conference be was"­ stressed ~ lawmakers that guys to do what is morally pointed by the laco ot cr.anges are needed so farmers right. " congressional action - " If can break even. "My question is, how long these people worked fur me, " It'r been two years now and docs it take to make a move"?" they'd work a short time." f don 'l see a nything is getting asked Nelson, ',vho wore a Nelson a lso expressed any better. People in the farm black shortsleeve sweatshirt, a dissatisfaction and said he will business are " . dropping like cap promoting the "Abbott contInue to run Farm Aid flies ." F'ightin Tigers" from his concerts until farmers are in Senators praised Nelson and Texas hometown and his hair b-oUer shape.

Theologian banned by Vatican / Monday from teaching views anywhere .. Monday fl F'ORT WAYNE, Ind. IUPI) That decISIon IS being ap"­ @T~"i9ht The Vahcan's order pealed through thE uDlver­ ~1;:b~~ J.~ra d7!~~ ' c:;r:~~~ J . Massacrv stnpping a Roma n Catholic sity's faculty committee. and remam in effect wherever professor of his authority 0 Curran is scheduled to teach h~mav be." DJ Kevin Simpkins teach theology remains "In a class nn ~ 'V'lal €-thlcs at the Since Nolre Da me is nut effect wherever he may be," Cmversll\" of .~otre Damf' In chartered b) the Vallcan. It the Catholic bishop of the Fort South Bend from June 29 ' 0 will be up to the school whether Busch • Bud • Bud Ught Wayne-South Bend dIocese July ~ Ihe "chOC"i ~a!d Curran IS allowed to teach hIS saId Thursday. class. D'Arc," said 1601. 75( 3201. '1.50 D'Arcy. who rrfuscd to The Rev Richard McBnen, Bishop John D'Arcy saId answer quesllons his chairman of the Notre Dame s 2.75 Pope John Paul II's sanctions statement, said Ibe ~ctions of theology department, sa Id the agairu;t the Rev. Charles Ibe church a re against Curran, school WIll honor its com­ Curran "have no Institutional not the Catholic Umversity of mitment to Curran. or geogrophic limitati ons." America. " The bishop understands" the school signed a cor.tract Curran was remove-:i from " It has been understood by with Cu rran for this class two the classroom at the Catholic many that the suspension of years ago, McBrien said. "But University of Amertca in F'athe,- Currar. at the Catholic in fa irness, he wants to make Washington, D,C., last August UniversIty of America and the his position clear. after two Vatican doctrinal action by Ibe Holy See con­ and education committees and situte a purely Ii~'-a phic " With me it is not jus a the pope alP"eed tha t his action. Such an understanding matter of a contract, , am unorthodox VIews on sex a nd i.s notcorrect,ll D'Arcy said. delighted he is coming," he birth control made him unfit as " Thes~ aclions are 'ad o<:id. '" wish h~ was going to a Catholic theologian. personnam.' They are ap- be here a U summer, .. BOOST, from Page 1----- tax was approved. increase in revenue will be lawmakers into passing a tax Pettit and his staff earlier approved, hike by l\8ying Ibe increase is said th, General Assemblj' State Sen, Ralph DUM, R-DJ necessary to avoi" drastic might haggle over Ibe tax Qi..toin, and Rep. Brute cuthacks, such as closmg increase up to the June 30 Rici::mond, D-Murpbysboro1 Menard Correctional Center :;cheduled end of Ibe session have accused Thompson 01 and cutting tbe bighpr but they believe a comproniis~ attempting to pressure education budgel. Daily Egyptian..rune t9, 1987, PageS Government 'unyielding'

715 S. University on to Beirut terrorist situation S490CMU WA.sHINGTON <> kidnapping in unclear, we assume permits. The State Depart­ p------~ Beirut. Lebanon. of American ment has no record. however. : VCR & 2 Mo"lo. 1 journalist Charles Glass and this is another terrorist that Glass has ever applied for l'ei:aated the United States 1 (0 - R ,.atecl) ! " wiII not yield to terrorist attempt to manipulate ~~ J~ w'::u~~,:!: ' Vi~~~~ $7.95 ; blackmail." the United States of the law if he used /lis i " While much remains un· passpo(t for travel to Lebanon. I Md/ or 1 clear. we Rssume this is through our concern she said. another terrorist attempt to i 3 G • R r~'tad MOVIES I for our citizens. " manipula te the United Sta tes The State Department said. 1---- ______$5.00 • ______.'P. 6-... -87 J1 through our concern for our " While we are deepl)' con­ citizens," a depcH-t.nent - The State Department cerned for the well-being of IIOT IN.. TlTUa, statement said. Mr. Glass. Mr. Usayran aDd '1M After. '1M ~1 'lOeo.t. Ju.,.ln' Jed.; ,,-,,, The 'ed on announced by the State extreme hazard of travel t~ . the Awaz'i Road in the Department Feb. 17. tbroogh or within Lebanon and soutbern suburbs of Beirut. highlights the fact that no one north of Beirut International Those restrictions Drohibit is immune to the violtmce Airport on the afternoon of use of an American Passport there." it said. Friday and Saturday NITES Journalist Buya Sandwich & Fry IDance Party! kidnapped gef FREE Med. DRINK 25¢ refill with purchase Dance to the in Beirut CAll FOR BEST Music and BEIRUT. Lebanon (UP!) - Exp. 7111/87 DELIVERY Gunmen abducted an 549-1013 videos in Southern Illinois American journalist, the son of 52~5020 the HOTTEST Lebanon's defense minister 521 !>. III. Ave. at and their driver in the flfSt kidnapping of n foreigner since Dance Club AROUND Syria sent 7.000 troops to restore order in Moslem west Beirut, officials said Thur- sdac&arles Glass. 36. an ABC­ TV correspondent on a leave of absence since March to work Fri & Sat on a book about the Arab world, became the ninth American and the 24th Modern Day foreigner to be held in Lebanon. QFt "A crou betw_n 'All tn.' and 'Rambo'." Glass. well-known for his Sa in ts DI' 8 -Rogel' Ebert-Siske! & Ebert ot the movies dramatic and exclusive ABC interviews in 1985 with the crew and hijackers of a TWA 50C It came for the thrill jet as it sa t on a tarmac in 8.10pm Beirut, is the first foreiSDer 75 C Speedra.ils of th(! hunt. It picksd abducted in Beirut slDce the wrong r,lan to hunt. gunmen seized three Americans and one Indian HANGAR P.OTLlNE 549. U33 professor from the Beirut University College campus in Moslem west Beirut Jan. 24. SCHWARZENEGGER ~ . The Islamic Jihad for the DISCOUNT Liberation of Palestine LIQUORS claimed responsibility for the J'lD. 2~ kidr.appings. T.J.'s 1224 W. Main The hunt has begun Shiite ~o~ l~ m Defense Miniser Abdel ()s;eiran and hi.; wife. Sarah. told United EVERYDAY CASE BEER PRICES Press International that Glass. a family friend. was abducted CanlOnly Wednes~y along with their 40- year-<:id son. Ali. -and A1i's STROH'S ",~ _ •• 10.35 bOOyguard-driver. Lebanese COORS or P'.)lice Sgt. Ali Sleiman. 26. who was armed only wltb a pistol COORS LIGHT •••• 9.41 a nd dress ed in civilian OLD MILWAUKEE.. 6.99 C:othing. aUSCH •••••••••• 9.41 Peg. Of light coni The Osserians said the trio failed to return to Sidon as aUDOR SCHAEFER ••••••• 6.35 scheduled Thursday. reg. or Ught cons No group claimed im­ aUDLIGHT .. •• 10.25 mediate responsibility for the Pablt ••••. ••••.• 7.99 !ates~ abductions MILLER or LITE ••• 10.35 Police Capt. Ali Hajj said the abduction occurred in fror,t of Olympla ...... 6.99 a pastry shop jllst 500 yards OLD STYLE ••••••• 9.41 from a Syrian-manned cbeclcpoint. The kidnappers - Milwaukee's who appeared to be in their 30s Belt •••••• 6.21 and armed with Austrian­ made Steyr sub-machine guns - ~abbed . and bundled the T .J.', ALWAYS HAS THE three men into one car and disappeared into the streets. COLDEST BEER IN TOWNI Page 6. Daily Egyptian, June 19. 1987 Briefs L~...::.:!:::'.;;"'..::...---. SIU SC IENCE Fiction Sociely wIll meel al 7:30 p.m . Monday in the Student Center Activity Room D. ICHARTER BUS SERviCE CHI ALPHA Charismatic Carbondale ta Chicago Christian Fellowship will meet at 7 p.m. t~y in the Student Center 111;nois Room. SAFE and DEPENDA~LE INTER-VARS:'!'Y Christian CHARTER BUS SERVICE Felluwship will have ""eekly bible study. If interested, call 549-QI·! or 529-4841. IlIITRAMURAL SPORTS ELY $499!.odJ and the Carbondale Park District will show " Willy Wonka and the Chocolate TICKIT. OIl.ALI IIOW .OR r'actory" at 8:30 p.m . Tuesday at the Life Community Center, 2500 Sunset Drive. For in­ formation, call 549-4222.

YOUTH RECREATION for 2ges 7-17 will meet ""'uesdays a~d Thursdays, 10 to 11 a.m., June 23 through July 30. Registration is required . Youth Basketball registration deadline is June 26. Youth Basketball will meet 10 to 11 a .m., Monday, Wednesday and ~df{ec J~~t~ . t~:'::~ ~r:! Swim will meet 11 to noon. Monday through Friday. l>tic comic geniuS: editorial, pil<>«>Vaphic and ___ "~ C8..~n· nU: MllH' I ' (,J'JhJG HAM customer service depart­ .. 'Roxanne~ is a charnte'·-fl a sun-dappled ro.nantJc f.lents. For information. call comedy ... stunningly beautiful. Steve Martin is one of Steve Warnelis, general the screen s funniest guy ... his amazing. bow1cy grace manager, at 536-7768. makes the film blossom. Darvl Hannah Ls an ~ in (l};.icating, intelligent -I o\'e object COMPUTING AFFAIRS will RtCHAP.O u~EYFUSS Daily 5:007:oc,9:00 _11.nlo. \tN'n 't:\I. ....q:t;" ofier two workshops; an DANNY DeVITO SAT & SUN " Introduction to SAS" at 10 BAREARA HERSHEY TIN MEN MATINEES 2:30 "Steve Ma:rtin is a wonder, he seems to crossbreed a .m . Monday and Wednesday the skills of W. C. fields, Buste r Keaton, and in Faner 1025 and an " MS­ Astaire. a DOS" workshop at I p.m . Fred Darvl Hannah makE'S Monday in Faller )024. To spectacular lioxar_l1e. You want to go to the toWI1; register, call 453-4361 , ext.260. THE BELIEVERS you want to g'" tlack to the mo\'ie.~ Nothing con stop them. _ r*lhrw ~ ..... nn. ,[\I. \IIJ(t..t:K Director No one con ht-ip YOU. Daily 4:45 7:109'30 of counseling SAT & SUN MATI',EES 2:15 appOinted

Janet Coffman, the current d irector of the Career Development Center has been named director of the Coun­ seling Center effective July I. Coffman, 44 , of Carbondale, came to SIU-C in 1980 as coordinator ':! career coun· seling services. She has also served as an adjuncl faculty memher in the P sychology Department. Pr'or to coming to SIU-C . •, he "as a supervisor of test admin:stration at Purdue Univ(-rsli; from 1979 to 1980 and a research ass'stant a t the Center for Prevention of Preliminary Arteriosclerosis at Rockefeller University from 1974 to 1976. Sbe eame:l a bachelor's degree from McMurray College in Abilene, Texas, a master's degree in history from Southern Methodist University, a masler's degree in counseling wilh a psychology speciality in 1978 and ~ doctorate 10 counselIng in 1980, both fmm Purdue L'1li\'ersity. Local researchers striving Planet-type objects found orbiting tw'o closest stars VANCOUVER, Britist. in the southern sky in autumn. to perpetuate Florida deer Columbia (UPIl - In whal The other, Gamrr.:. Cephei. is could be a " major 50 liRbt years away and is By Deed,. Lay,head mana~cment to improve breakthrough," a team 01 v;sibfe in the northern sky. Staff Writer mortality rates of the deer. Canadian astronomers Along with Klimstra. cwo Researchers at SlU·C are Thursday reported finding the Bruce Campbell. an grEduate students wiii be first "clear evidence" of astronomer at the Dominion working to save Florida's conducting the study in Key deer from extinction. Jup;ter·c1ass objects - Astr0l'hysical. Obst'rvatory in Florida. presumably planets - orbiting Victoria. Bnllsh Columbia, The Cooperative Wildlife Since 1967, Klimstra and Research Laboratory has tv,' ) nearby stars. presented a papel' at an the laboratory have con· American AstrfJnomical recently received a $100.000 ducted 15 studies on the grant for a thr"",year study .lne of the stars, Epsil~n Society meeting detailing how s:rrvival problems of the Key Elidani, is just 10.8 light years the subUe mOI.:oDS flf the stars to develop a management deer and developed a plan to reduce mortality frOl~ Earth and is one of the were used to detfct the 0b­ recovery pIa n for the en· closest slars to the sun, viEible jects rates of the Key deer from dangered animals. the Richard King Mellon The recovery plan in· Found2lion, Willard c1udes land aquisi:ion, Klimstra , labora tory government. owm~rship of director, said. land. so the deer herd can Vacation Bible T"" Key deer, which are 30 live tbere without in· Schoo l~ indies high and weigh 60 to WIllard D. Klimatr. terference from people, 80 pounds when full grown, KIimstra said are largely suffering from a "We hope to enru.n':e the lune 22·26 8:30·1 t ~ 30 Clm "people problem," he said. responslbl~ for 75 to 80 capabilities (f the IP. nd to percent of deer deaths every support the deer." I "The Big Pine Key, which year, he said. is the best habitat for lht> Klimstra, who retired UBC Van to T he Fields Apartments at 8:00 and deer, also, no> th~ greatest By studying mortality three years ago, has been Evergreen Terrace at 8:15 and return at 11 :50. amount of land develop­ sill':; , characteristics of director of the laboratory since it was estaBlished in ment. traffic and tourism. roads adjacent to deer CIas5es are provided for those born before October This leads to the declining habitats. land uses and the 1950. He volunta rily works population of the species." daily, seasunal and annual with the Key deer. 1, 1982 and who have not yet started 7th grade. In additl. futur~ of my favorite little spans tho Florida Keys, are and improve habitat animals." 457·0323. Springfield settles voting dispute I universityaGPtist SPRINGFIELD (UP') .- A council early Thursday it was Langfelder switched his vole I Church settlement m the vOtinll ngh!S one vote shy of the four it later, however, wben it was swt m Abraham Lmcoln s ne-."CIed for immediate ap- apparent Baker's patience had I OClklClnd CI t Mill hometown was reached prova!. Commissioner Ossie cometoanend Tbursda.y, effe.:tly ending a 2&- . '\..'-::::------month dispute th.~: ~-S divided J blacks and whites. The settlement cam~ after U.S. District Judge Harold Baker refused to approve any C-JriiiPlt,iifj more delays in tile case brought by blacks wb~ said the city's commission form of government discril:tinales t"~ k udqUQPt€l--S l as_in.t t.nern. :- The most COfT\plete !otock of natural , it with _~. "EJther settle or go on . ~ ~. . focxjo; and Vitam ins In SOlIfhem Ilhno,!!. , the bearing - fish or cut bait," Baker told a ttorneys in the • Tvqulla Sllnrilv • . 99 ::....-::...... 100 West Jackson St. I ~ouncil case before the ci ty Betweef'l N()I'"f IllinoiS df'C r!"le tadroaa I approved the settlement in a 4- • Mldorl Mvlon • HOJrs 9 00 to 5 30 fI/o'o Sat I 1 vote. Ball, Sunday 17 to 5 PI"IMe ).49· l1t 1 I Baker had .cheduIed three days of hearings that were to . Wlnv Coolvrs · : SOFT FRO ZEN YOGURT I begin Wednesday lo bring a [inal resolution to the suit, but ; in a cup or cone I he delayed the proceedings t'll ,~ hm of Ice c ream ··plus me good th,nq~ of vogur1 I wben both sides said they were r-Ia.:~ Hlyh In taste. lOrN In fat alural f rUl' flavors I ~. Oldies I c1':~::id:'~dm:';k"~ late Thl. coupon and 33( entltl •• bear.r into the night \',,'odnesday to I r.>.8ch an agreement, but when 33C to a reg. cup or cone , the first vote was taken by the i Special IX'IUS June 30, 1987 I New findings ----1 can reverse 01 ~n rrOl\rN I.. I()IJOlft~'I heart diseas (~ OU R SPEC IALS RUN All WEEK (not just the weekencii CHICAGO (UPI) - In a dramatic fi"ding with im· plicathns for millions of Americans, government '9.99 Sun c""untry k '2 39 a l Iflavor> ~p • (iCJIDOI6 researchers announced Vodka Tbursday a new combina tion 12pk rlr..,; and k '3.58 narrowing in men whose beart lSpk dise ~' e required bypass ,Sj~~ '5.32 Gin surgery, the scientists reported in the J ournal of the American Medical Association. '2.78 '" think that what this shows BLUE NU N 7!oml '3.99 1Crown 750ml is the disease can be turned around," said Dr. David Blankenhorn, a University of Southern California resear· M ·Th 110m .120m cher who directed the study Fri & Sot lOam· I~m sponsored by the NatiOlWI 110m- 10m Heart Lung and Blood In.. slitute. P.~ 8,lnUy EtYptian. June 11, 1987 ACROSS Koop urges 1 Ugly mark Fund-raiser appOinted 5 Length Units Mictu.el T. Miller ',1 9 De - actual pre-surgical 14 Carry on Carbondale bas been 15 Landed Today's named assistant director of 16 SanctIon AIDS testing annual giving at the STU 17 "I smell Foundation, effective July - - WASHINGTON (UPI) - 1. Mich.etT. 16 Bean type Puzzle Surgeon Ge.'leral C. Everett Mille< 19 Ball ~oop Thursday u rged Miller began working at 20 Cames hospitals to test surgery the Foundation as an intern 22 Rescmded patients for AIDS virus in­ in January 1986. He will be 24 Smiled Puz.?/e answers fection before they go under responsible for handling 26 System of in political science frt!Tl the knife, but said a positive te1efunds and other fund­ sru weights are on Pa~-: 16· in May 1987. As a studect he 27 Cover test result would not give raising efforts. doctors the option of refusing served as president of the 28 Spline He graduated with a B.A . Student Alumni Council · 29 US agcy to operate. 32 Ju~ge Under questioning during a 35 Some hearing of the House Select Incomes DOWN 30 Anent NOWOPEN! 37 Golf club 3' QuestIons Cornmitlee on Children, Youth 38 Deranged 1 HIts hard 32 Casserole and !"amilies, Koop said, "I 39 Brand 2 Rebound 33 Sea eagle think there will be a growing DIXIE 40 Cuddled 3 Type Stze 34 Master riemand for testing of surgical 43 FrUIt 4 Narrating stroke patients." 45 In the know over agaIn 36 Domlneermg 38 Fascinating He did r.ot elaborate at the BAR-B-Q 46 GOI up 5 Bad· pre' I",.sring, but said later through 47 Opponenl 6 EpIc work by 41 Complams 48 Spume Homer 42 Encumber • s pokesman tha this B.E(';ULAR BAR-B-g 4S Raged 7 Tree part 43 To the stern statement was meant as a BASKET •• •• $2.20 53 InJudicIOUS 8 Surprised 44 KInd of dec-k suggestion, not a formal policy 57 Spmel 9 Bu n~les 01 48 Palm leal recommendation. 1300 We,t Main - 457-2223 58 Fodder PIts slicks 49 Bosses - In SO Divine lood ·'Because there have been ~o Next to T.I." liquor> the old Mel.o-C' eam 59 Debacle 10 Relieve many reports of nurses leaving 61 - - even 1 I Cc!!glJlale 51 qelale~ keel 12 Future Ihro. .. gh Mom the job a~d surgeons con­ 62 Meamn, •. :.S 13 Was Indel led 52 G,ver I cerned about operations, the 63 --China 21 Coasted 5J Cow-headed surgeons should know whether 64 Toward 23 Algeria cIty goddess the individual has the H!V l{il1gs Wo1~ 65 Forwards 25 Netherlands 54 :>re YIelder I (AIDS) virus. However, that 66 Ext:'91"dlture commune 55 Pro/eel LUMC,. SPECIAL 56 Naughty Joke does not give them the option 67 Earl> Irish 28 Garden 1001 to not operate," Koop said lenant 29 Fuel 60 Young one Sweet & Sour Pork through Public Health Service $2.75 1 • 12 I" Includes: Soup. ~. fried rice. & fortune ' spokesman James Brown. cookie 11. ,. Koop said the safety net for I" hospital st.1ff is guidelines ,,. developed by tile l! .5 . Centers I" " s:-"j HIII~. 11 ML ~~O;;~i~~ ~::: ,~~ for Disease Control. which 120 22 recommend such m(!Clsure:: as 124 - 2. using gloves wher trea ting individuals suspected of in­ ~ fection with AIDS vir.lS. Ddvnd la2 la, The guidelines are r~eant to I" • protect staffers from direct yoursvlf'rom I" ," contact with the blood or thv sun. w ind Ii I bodily nuids of AIDS virus I" i carriers or AIDS patients. The c:hlorlnl! IW ~ r ' I AIDS virus is lrdnsrnilled by c:t semen and blood, and if a f'" ., p2 50 gfc!~~~~~tnawi~ : ," I" a staffer's open cut, taceratior. ,- or otIk... aId.ft, • tioa beadliners l"".- C8nresu!l. c;rV L'NG SA LON I"" 1 Earlier this year, CDC (t's sumertime again. time o f the year when your hair I"" 1 =;dered proposing that all & skin take on their greatest challenge: hospital patients - surgical or defending themselves from sun, willd, water. chlorine. mlnerllJ I be non-surgical - tested for -' AIDS virus exposure. deposil5 & the works Strippers' arrests spark protest However, the 5uggestion was shelved at least for the lime S::Cii in headliners. We will be rl.ri It.: l"ive you being because the demand 00 I ~t CAl>7ER, Wyo. (IJPI ) -The before dispersing peaceful!y, a I ,.u g~el t i() 1'15, from our Joh:o product line. arrests of three male strippers police spokesman said The resources would be so grea l, sparked a demonstration dancers were rebdsed (rom and because so many hospiu.! Ha ir Care Products Ce nter outside police headquarters by jail Wednesday morning when patients are children or thP ~ i .IeICO about 40 women who bad been District Attorney Kevin elderly, who are not among II Call for on appointment 45 7-26 12 specta tors a t a review billed as Meenan refused to prosecute. those most at risk for AIDS 702 E. Walnut-Eastgate ShoppIng Center "Mantasia." Police Cmdr. Mike Colling vir'.!s infection. I The women paraded outside said the three men were the Casper Hall of Jast\ce for arrested Tuesday night at about an hour Tuesday night Broncos Bar. :.::::t:{J\::rCotWn aru:f S t!t lttner:::/??t9:{::: ALL LADIES It's a tlUltch mrufc -"::=~!!!!'1 DRESS & CASU in Heaven. 99 ALL SAUCONY '9 Cotton has it aD! RUNNING SHOES to '13" To.",.,. $3000 It'sCooll (' "II . UPtoS~O ) • Sho"'s-n-Stuff Men $ & Women 5 • It's comfortable! Acro.. from Cia Troin Depot 529-3097 It's :xeatbable! It's vibrant! ~ Born SeIected§ammer Merehr.....&!;e FRIDAY Live Music: No Cover ~011. Till P.D Ailey 'orac... ,: Shpping Manners, Ca..rtoons. Easy Street For Day or N~ftt. .. For work or PCay ... 9:l0,m-l :lOam Cotton. .. The NaturaL Choice! .....--H.ppy Hoar ~Jl,ec!lalr--tl ll Mon-Sat. lam-6pm I::::::mr:::::Il:::::tllfterua'iDIIilI l aski OUS (:i):::::rt:??f: New Hours: Mon-Sat Ipm-2am 529-2429 Sun6pm-ll<. midnight A Rolltique Devoted To ImporK .. Universi!y Malle Carbondale· 549-3671

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... - .... -.. . '87 Sunset series l"eated 2 "" East S. 51 ~'n Boskeydell Rc.J to feature sounds 'frorn 5.49-2290 polka to techno-pop 6 oz. fUet $2 .70 eo. ~ oz. FUet ' 3.60&0 . Ely Winnie Stone. magaz.ine, this progress) ve­ Staff Wnter pop hand has opened s·tch big Summer hours: Mon. 8· 12noon N"" in its ninth year, the names as Culture Club, OMD luel Closed Wed, Thvrs & Fri l-Spm 1987 S:m.... t Concert Series will the Psychedelic Furs, lind crank-up its amps on Thur· Slarsblp. sday on the steps of S:u-yock Tbe Wulerloo Gennan Bantl, Auditorium. July 2, Turley Park. A The (l~ee concerts are traditional polka hand from scheduled for each Thursday Walerloo, they say they are night from Jane 25 '" August 6 "unique in that we are hignJy at 7 p.m. The concerts aller· organized and get a big hand nate between two outdoor sound from only five '1'i~s Square> sites, the steps of Shryock musicians." Auditorium and Carbondale's West Side Heat, July 9, Lenus Turley Park, which is Snryock. From Chicago, !his located just east of Murdale quartet has been pldyi ng Mall on Route 13. In the event together since 1982 ar.a con· of inclement weather, the centrates on heavy "hylhmn 'Lic[uoJo concerts will be moved to the and t.lues material. 'rhey have Student Center Ballrooms. opened for the Fabulous There are ~ variety of hands Thlinderbirds al'd John appearing this ye.~r , from a Mayhall. 700 West Main Carbondale jlQlka hand with a tuha and Mandala, July 16. Turley Hours liederhausen to hgh·tec i Park. This duo of Martin progressive pop, which shoold Swinger and Mitch Bar,..,tt is Ad Effective Mon. - Th!1rs. 9am-11 pm please all musicallastes. classified as progressive folk 9am-12pm The Sunset Concert Series is Mandala. from southeaslern TU6/24/87 Fri. - Sat. sponsored by the Carbondale Kentucky, "makes old in­ Sunday I pm- IOpm Park District. the Student struments sing new songs. ,- Programming Council, and the Wildwood Pickers. July 23 , Student Center. Concertgoers Shryock. Tois all-female can bring lawn chairs and family bluegrass hand was the ~~--=- blar.kets to sit on while they :'r..t all-female bluegrass act te:'~--; " .-:- = MICHElOB 59 attend the concerts to appear on the Grand Ole '-" , Mf()IEWB _ Reg•• Light. Dark caseNR's $9 B

SUN COUNTRY COOLERS 2 for ~ 8 Flayon SEBASTlANICOUNTRY rebate 11 VaJieties 1.5liter FiDalCo8t {I SEAGRAMS b" .tn~r..t Undwy & RII!Io!J.rYCro~ TROPICAL LIME 4 pk. TEQUILA rebate (4 Other Flavors) A FiDalCo8t BLUE NUN 39 ~ 75Oml. $4 - LiebfraamU"h Bacarcli Tropical Fruit Mixars Pina Colada. Mai Tai. Strawberry Daiquiri .89

l'og~ la, Daily Egyptian, JUDO 19, U187 Ir------I ,11 ~~S ...... I!J t.iI -I Aspiring sky jockeys learn I iIII4"I W...... r...., ,~ I ! 1 00 ff FREE DeI,ve'X ~~ !~~ I s • 0 11I60z. Pepsi I\~,.. ropes in aerospace class I Medium, Larlle with ... II.ery of ..,,011 stiu , / I Of'" X.Large or r!tedlum pl:u.a " By Dena Schult. I Pluo 21160z. Pepsi's ' StaffWnter tea~~.r C:ll Wulk...ler Elemen· lary. Marcec was one of 10 I limit one per pIZZO with larg;; nr X-Iorge '" want to be a pilot for a UJinois candidates for loo I Good for deti... ety, ptCk .",p or ~I i" "",I big prominent air thing Teacher in Space Program. L OPENA' I lAM EVE'YOAY' EXCEPT SUNOA " !. 529- 1344 like United Wa y." said Nicole Making wedther in- Please validate coupon with the following Information Piersol. L2 " 1 ""ant La learn strillT1ents and tL

I reJtuIar 'AU~a -r-n Rental Murdale Shopping Center Carbondale !--.J:.oo".~~~m~d-l 457 .. ~1213 • l I John A. Logan Students I L ___ .. ___ t!p_ ~ .!t ::"!.- ______.J ( 25070- to 60070 OFF Dr. Brian E_ Woodard CH I R "~ RA C TDP Select Summer Mercbandise

OFF IC E 1618 1529 4545 Hours By AppomlmeJ)1 604 Eostgate Onve Aftit!' HCklrs Emergency PO Box3424 tlllJ oIS1 -8m C..t.ordalo. UImoIs 62901 Daily Egyptian. Jtme 19, t987, Page 11 Ir------I ,11 ~~S ...... I!J t.iI -I Aspiring sky jockeys learn I iIII4"I W...... r...., ,~ I ! 1 00 ff FREE DeI,ve'X ~~ !~~ I s • 0 11I60z. Pepsi I\~,.. ropes in aerospace class I Medium, Larlle with ... II.ery of ..,,011 stiu , / I Of'" X.Large or r!tedlum pl:u.a " By Dena Schult. I Pluo 21160z. Pepsi's ' StaffWnter tea~~.r C:ll Wulk...ler Elemen· lary. Marcec was one of 10 I limit one per pIZZO with larg;; nr X-Iorge '" want to be a pilot for a UJinois candidates for loo I Good for deti... ety, ptCk .",p or ~I i" "",I big prominent air thing Teacher in Space Program. L OPENA' I lAM EVE'YOAY' EXCEPT SUNOA " !. 529- 1344 like United Wa y." said Nicole Making wedther in- Please validate coupon with the following Information Piersol. L2 " 1 ""ant La learn strillT1ents and tL

I reJtuIar 'AU~a -r-n Rental Murdale Shopping Center Carbondale !--.J:.oo".~~~m~d-l 457 .. ~1213 • l I John A. Logan Students I L ___ .. ___ t!p_ ~ .!t ::"!.- ______.J ( 25070- to 60070 OFF Dr. Brian E_ Woodard CH I R "~ RA C TDP Select Summer Mercbandise

OFF IC E 1618 1529 4545 Hours By AppomlmeJ)1 604 Eostgate Onve Aftit!' HCklrs Emergency PO Box3424 tlllJ oIS1 -8m C..t.ordalo. UImoIs 62901 Daily Egyptian. Jtme 19, t987, Page 11 THE BIG STARTS ONE TOMORROW

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~~...... ~ .... __ .... ~ ...... w ...... ~ ...... ~..,=;~ .. ~. Movie Guide

The Believers - (Varsity, R) Martin Sh",-", stars in this occult thrillcr. dirccted by .-~ John Schlesinger of "Midnight Cowboy." .-~ Benji the Huntt

The Chipmunk Ad\-'enture - (University 4. G) Alvin and the gang are here for some G­ ratedfun.

Creepsbo" Z - (Liberty. Murphysboro, R ) Stephen King wrote the screenplay. which consists of three stories whose subjects are a not.quite wooden indian, a man-eating blob. and" hitchhiker back for rp.venge. .-~,,- Ernest G~ to Camp - (Fox Eastgate. PG ) The character you've seen in m numerous commercials goes m to camp, with comedic result· .

Harry and the Hendersons­ fU IU niversity 4. PG ) A family meets up with a bigfoot .:reature during a vacation in - the woods in this comedy u adventure. John Lithgow stars. Innerspace - (Saluki. PG ) Joe Dante of " Gremlins" directed this Steph en ~~.:?.r~ym;!~ and ;;-cc~';;ta\ly injected Into the body of a nerd. played. by Martin Short. A sneak preVlew is scheduled for 7 p.m . Saturday

Predator - (University 4. R) A mold Schwarzen"gger leads a military rescue team thai .-,!ns across a deadly enemy ",hile searching for hostaj!es of Latin American .-~ guerrillas. Pro wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura co-stars. .-m Roxanne - (Saluki, PG) The Iate.t Steve Martin flick gives (I) the classic Cyra no de Berberac story a new twist. Martin portrays C.D., a fire fU chief who is smitten by an astronomer (Daryl Hannah). The Secret of ~y Success - -u (Saluki, PG-l3l Micbael J . Fox stars in this comedic tale of a young businessman who leads twe lives. Helen Sia ter ("Supergirl") co-stars. Tin Men - Danny DeVito and Ricbard Dreyfuss star as rival aluminum siding salesmen in this sentimental Expert Motorcyc..... ~ comedy. Barbara Hershey co­ Parta ~ ...... ,...... --t stars. 6: Berriee AYALA The Untouchable. INSURANCE Mobile Homes (Varsity, R ) Kevir. Costner 457-4123 102_ N. c.tco-torv­ and Cbarles Martin Smith star Shod.d lot. 2 bod ...... SIlO in this drama revolving around per month. Elliot Ness' for Mafia 529_N-26tO_o.It""" king AI Capone, ptayed by 'bodroom . • '35,.., ..... th Robert DeNiro. Brian De NEW Y ABIABA 850 HERITAGE 2_.S205,.., ..... th Palma of "Scarface" directs. 529-2620 Just PU!! W. Th. The Witch .. of E ••twick - $1499 "rr"nt •. ! "Oenl While The y Last! ' (Fox Eastgate, R) Cher, Susm Spec/oil. I." Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer ALL NEW AND USED CYCLES ~.~,ty and Jack Nirholson star as a Jfab thAt SpecfCll pedGUy PrU:edfor SlUIUIIer Clo_o,", .--.-p trio of modern witches and a Cclr Look If_II SPEEDE'S YAMAHA 529·2620 " devilish" f,igolo. George Country Club Road. Carbondale 111 w.. , Moh. s,_ Miller of "1{Uld Max" fame """1',1' .,.. 457-5421 % Tues.-Sat. directs. 1::9-1101 I c.e-~Ie.iI. Daily Egyptian: JUlIe i9,' 19li7, Pag.'l3 ,.oaM HOUSE. good cond fllon. 303 TO P COAt 1£ LOCA TrONS 'bdrm 3 Song lasses 8yJed Prest N Poplar. 1330 per monlh 614· bd,m 'ur"" hed hou,es olr ob 3189 ,o/·I. ly no per, I, .. lawn mow,np (,-14·81 74C280 159 Ca·!U.·4 Id COALE DISCOUNT HOUS'NG 2 1.JI ·81 HO !8bll l bdrm, 3 bdrm, al'td. bd,m I ..... nl.hec! NE"'II' THe II'£C c •. '., new 1 bodrm ' IIt 's .. " "" ,,1\ 1'''\/1/1 hOll'.' Carporl o 'r fr.. 'own I and holl belh. "'C lpoeloli' 1\ , /\,JV\J 'v v:": bdrms 5.9·3973 d :-8I9.4 7 ::~':'c!d::. ~:~~:7:.~~~II'68': ~ 71587 1b0 18bl1' v' .14$ """"'11'£ IT TO Th.ll .. c Cen' ... ,." rh on ' · I ·t] 75028bl81 ,011 .....ant Ir1 l ,"e clo•• , ; t..drm ST"'II'TlNG AUG OIl'May Clo,. '0 5'}75 3 hei,.n SlSO I bc:/rm tro.'., C\1Im LII • • ""0 nle• . I . , or 3 ond .. SI1!> 549 ~ 979 ....n ''''9' w_".nd. belr .... III,n. /nwl Nope" 549·<808 be" 'm. '0 coli 1.)18, nlS8b18' 7· ,}"Je7 7.0980 115 '} 8DII'M HOUSf Appl fllrnlShed AU slIES S HAPe ~ I W. ko .. e ,h. wot""'ra,h 'ncr S310 per mo N on obso/ul. '0_.' p"C., for you 51 51'·"00 S'orfl .,p now a nd Jlln.' 5.'·3850 6·13·'7 7U6. b1 5' 6.1381 7653SbiSl TWO·STORY • Bdrm H'~on. ;'lIrn. NICE J BDRM "'011 •• W ·d I'MJookllpl dhcovnl 10- , umme' · !'.. d.nll 0 11 pOI qill., o,.a Mawlng don. _kome ,,'·3185 5.9·1930 519· 111, 6· ,}J -87 7S40Bb15e 6· 19·11 7SOO8blSl J ROOMS ( I bdrm ) COIIO~ Fllrn FURN'SHED 3 IDII'M Hews. Car­ o ...· ko" ",,1. from compu. "'''01' pellnp appl'onc.I, lorg. ~:lrd now 457·5'23 l.a... m.nop. CARBCHDALE lOVEl" MOOERN 1 THREf SEOIOOM IN fOClr-yMlr old $UMMell' SPECIAL Sl55 per mo mowing and rno l nt~lt('. don. 6 · 'J~7 777780ISl bdrm lawnt-J,e 'Iff- bu"d ' ~ lor". eot-. n /ro:1I~ _ on old t... -bandal. lar~ .H'clency 'lI,n 1.35 519· 1'" ",."-d, one bloc/!{ Irom compvs IJ (toword M'boro) lOundry oreo. FURN. 1 IOItM HOIII., S block5 to 6· 19.,7 17738bl57 SJOO for u .. mmM only d14OJ. c.t" rol ellr . 5375 Wce P/~. I 4,57· com~ . A""" 'obl. now .57·5913 NteE J BOII'M Carpel/ng, "'C, lorpe d:! , =~'".PU~·I .~';;tI:::/1 I~! t.a.... m ...op. MorfIn Rentol. 819. ... ,'-4 9·3973 porlunp. linco'n ApI• . S 5 I yord. mowing don. S.O! 5.9·3930 JlIJoge 6·1J·81 1768b1Sl , . , ." 176780163 HUGE rlfO IEOtOOrM, In '_-'(.or ond P/ecnant HII/ ftd . ,..., docw 10 od19- I118 ONE AND TWO Jdrm IUfn',h.d old loel. -... fllt build Ing, qlll., Murdo/. NICEST HOUSE ON llcek, Ilrs' mon'" FURNISHED 1 10 3 ad,m. JOJ Solllkflallndromgl Fall. :'''''ng 1/85 Ir.. . . bdt-m , d .... to comploof SJOO dupl.. aportments Clo.. 10 or.o. loundry tOO"" I~ .ol"n ,.. I'nO lI'e, 'd.n, Monopet' on Wlllo.... Goro~ . .rw::IOIed. . "" for 'IImm.,.. nlc. yard. fllrnlshed compvt ' ·19J-COlJ kuehen, -vY .lIIele,,'. c-.nfrol premls.s Coli 5. '-6990 porch. 'org. ~Iom klteNn. 13.5 0 ' . 17-J1 749180113 o lr, S300 549.397301'457-"94 7·17-87 767.Sa113 S49- IJI5 ew 549·.935 mo 549·'505 0".549.1180 6· 19·87 •. 77748b'~ 7 GAItOfN MRf< ACIES "e'" ~1 E 6·13.,7 733310158 NEW 1 BDItMS 51 6 S Paplor. lor 3 6·13·87 131'lIbiSl ' Pork A .... . lor .umm... '7 ond foil HEW TWO 8£D*()OM Spor~. fMOpl • . furn . SJOO , umm.,.. 1475 DELUXE AU ,.'oe 3 or • bdrm ~r FOUR 'lOCKS TO CO""P"" • bd,m. ortd .prlng '.7,'48. 9 or "mo Townhom.. neor C,,",C Crob Ordtord lok. Few 'llmm., _1I·1c.-p1. 'IIrn"~ ~ous • . no pets. ,h. Fafl,Sp"'ng. yau pey 11111 Coli on· mly .57·5116 leuse 400 W. Oak 11 , 12 SEVEN BEDROOM Royal Rentals .602N. carico Ho..... ntal. Cor;'W. Oak a JI/"..atL_t. ."'it 9". .A .YUnp Ding Property 457-44&& Management -fC 703 South Illinois Avenue Good Selection of Apartments 20& £. llllin -fC 129-1082 CarM.".. 129·IO.~ Still available for summer or fall 457-2134 **********.*************~ 1 AND J I d,m So .... n" " comp"t ASSISlANT UN I Vf.SITY rEACHEf POSITIONS A.r a"lIde!)'" f>e h oJ, .n lome ~ 19 7101 4H 69~6 ~IOC.AMM I NC Ca adlnlllO' for Sp" n" '7 "rod. _ltf"i wdh S1 ~ 11 J ~ ( Hou "n,,) Sau lh.,n "//1'1 01 1 agel 0-6 ". cp"Jtm."' 'or pol'/'on. ~ 1~'7 7t491bln UII I.... ,. lty at Catbandol. ",,, I. a I ii' lhe ""! 911 1f ~1 ,..,1' , ! NGtAHD HTS HOMES , bd ~ m I, month. 11 .... ·oul profeulonol N_' Jo.n a d."elo pme"t(llly :-ovnrry .e" ,n" 1 f,OI'I'I po,mon ~ l fIiI 'a tt>e Houllflil m.'" ~;!-:'.~, I:;",,::el:;. P:~!:C:,~ ;.,:,c.:" J:~_ ~70 rod uP Ca rpl'l.d "'lI9ro",,,,'n,, C_dll"O'o, Th l. IlIdhl.dual w ,lI aul" I" 'h. Suburban comp'" '-'" PO(icog. 624-11 11 44.b 159 1 op.r otlon of Ih. Hou • • nf ~.ycha~ . Sodoe SOCIa l work o r other c.I •..,sel v hllSemHte.- .umm.,. "". with S'50 ~nt ... rot. SOCIal work Of other re lated 54'·5's'so oft.,. ~ and --'r.nds. field, r~la t ed fu~ l d "nd ont:' ve", , 'I S,OO ~it; Rf"nt "35 per month. heat. cOok In&. w~ter , ·.)0-11 7.U91""" e:loenenc.e wo rlo..lnl With & trl.,h only SlS per month; 9 month contract. no peU NEW 1 lotM Tow,horr.. rteal Ih. lOB QESCRIPTION' a,iolescents. CASH Fa« All Cof,d,,!otlers. run· 'K e.... t.,.. umLl'rrl. b.,. bdr.... . I . ~~f"""'at'd ~~ . 5.2'9·5290. Alia I'Ieetd ond 1 ~" bath• • .-.nlrol a Ir. ova" .jJ\AJP akoholldrufl: coumehng rpM DfK "rnON' ~ for day to da. "'."7 .. " .. . _"""-..,7 Ottesen Rentals & Real Estate Services Avgutt. I yr Ieo.e. no ~h . ~4' . ·In resldentl,,1 a nd out patient . Be GOtO·S/i. VfI. ,K)KfN ,..."..,. 3971. 4 H · '''~ superv:sorv actl'lllties for a coIrtt • • t.... ,lng Ioteboll earth. clos. 549-6612 days/549-3002 evenings 7. 1)!:' 160681171 setllngs 20 bc.-d adole!ocent sui»tancf> , lng5 • • 'C J and J Co 'n,. '2 S 2 1D'lM. V£IY nlc • . " ma leas • . no . Prov,de- coun~e-Itnit H· fV. c e ~ abuse treatment ..::enter /II ' l"Ols 4S7·6I.)1 7.1I.,1 ;'~ ~F"I ~t':=c::n t ~;~:~19~ to adults. and ado le-scenu - P,ovlde Ind.v,d udl/g rou p WANTfO StEEPING lAC. gear 241· or ~" · Slll 1040. 242.()141 '0fet'I For 50'e 6- 19-11 n146" ) 1 . f'r'o.rwje educatIOn "nd InfCll" ~rng..etVtCeS to adoIescen' mabOn concem ng alrohol drug!. and lam." members N_ plnll I:O"....-s. hJ·'op1. , ana ~ NEA. ~I OIfCHAIO la.... 2 half bdrm w-d hookup. 1'1_ co r ~l . to other sen.I':e ag (' n (. l ~ and' • Provtde educatJon and 1fl10011'a· 6-24·11 19OIFI.59 S22S Aug 111 I bdrm portlo ll), , the gene ral publIC furnl.hed $ 150 1"0 pel1 I S49· 7400 t.on concerning dlcoholJdrup / ." .,7 166 71f1 '7 . P\-oI.'Ide " U('' dn:i ,oIkJw. to o ther ~fVl c. e .1 genc l e~ and the "enNal public up sefVl c e~ l.ilin-lil,laW ':,.1 - A1SI.r.t' 1..: ~"0a m meeb [)epa" . HOUSING • PrOVMie- cOO'Ultauoo ~ lCes "LINGUISTS UNliMITED" F, .nch men! Of .v.entdl Health.'Of'I.1s.G'1 to aft!d lIu '>fL:lt~ a.d schools ' cla,," lor ",d. orododulh OrI/yIIO Now Available 0 1 Ah.cho l dnd Drug Abu ~ per WHit (Olher dan., a rtd c:.IoIe __m .. tv STOP I ~ certilicallo n ~t dnd ards p l"at. In_trudlon 0110 ovallabl.) ,..Iaty IS flett."Ul1dt>'e bdY'd on J!1!i1Iill; 451·' Sl,S Look no further & Anchored 6-24·" 111JOJ I ~9 • 1 2ledroom eruc.atJon. eo:penenc:e and sk ill Salary I ~ ~,a bl e bd~ on • Nkety furnished & Cl'rpeted Murdnle Townhouses ­ level ooucatlOr.. expenence. and skill EMrgy Serving & Ur'.derpIMed ~ le ... el Mulibu Village Apts, & • New . loundron'lOt Focilitles Kennett. MlS!IOUfi. d rural ated ~ Mobile Homes are what • Natural Gos YAIO SAlE SATUIO"Y, 00 am , ...... In Sol.lItw ..ut ~-\Is.sOUn '00 m'les Btagg.adoc IO Mo~ . d tUfal • Nic. Qulei & Ct.on SeHing E G",nd. 10)'1. clothIng fumlfu, . you're 100king for. no "1h t,1 Memph,s. TN and area In SouthedS t Mls,"oun • Near Campus rools. blcycl••• ,C • Sony No P.ts Acc.epted 200 nies KlOth Of St lou~ . MO :~m ;:r:: :': s~: ~~ 6-19-11 19OOK1~1 Send sa!;..,v rt'QU1/'t • .ents. resumE l OU IS. MO Ph 457 5266 I and threoe !c>ners 0 1 reference Send Ia I! 1\ U~~~~~I:ro!:.:l :!'t~ I ;::~. ;~,::,:= ~~ ~~~~~§ .. ft'(~:O": ' T=~ ;"'''':1~fs lOOKI Mcn·Fn c)'J PrrlOnMICommitte-e Perwnnel CommittH cr_k . • IKfTlc a nd wat..,. ovall 1-42.000 d7-135' Townhouses have Warren Rd. ~~;.i~o~~~seli n l Center F.My Coumdirng CenIe'.1nc.. 7· " -11 734)O /7C She", / Drye", / D1Sh ... aShe", I (J~~~a.r:~t. ~ I KenMU. MO U8S7 1(:~~~ .B~~8!~S7 PREGN ANT? Malibu has rellable maintenance & safe, clean I 1-______.-' . I ....':======~======~ I"fH Pr.-gnontyIl lIGHT@ttln; ':ouslng, STUDElITS {,Al'I'!!.& I I IRCCc.;rfktenUC I AUls to~ "oOWP.i:.!'U.Y Father's Da.,. Speeial I 5. ~M ~ ... A. Part~Umc Co;.n p • ..n y N .P.1M.- Coo.u1tan.. , : on 215 Vi. MAIN Make Just e wes • wec.k In the O~'LY company that I G~ass Trimmers GO FOR IT! guanmtce& Arncrlca's lowat prtCC8 OD ALL m.aJor name braod bt.'U8£hold pwdlI MAl Clill us 'h' W . I • I 529-4301 CALL lJ~ . FOR FULL ,~,EJsy , ~ ! "rI~ · ~f DErAIUl AltOVI' nos Rmit' Stnng! , I Cli p & Sove The pe;rfect home IDEAL PART·TlftE Ill! away from home, SlJftftERJOB. Price. slartlug at 8129,99 MOVlNGSAU, SAT , '!-S, ' _a..-. M&-eU1 AlL S_ P-.. Ef"~ U:'\5on Hill . prof', h:M1M I __ 1_/ 34&-7007 , ofto< O<\''Y go ri9h1. : · -~ ·§t:t ·· .. ·- .. PEOPLE'S SAVING " largol" ",,"1en porodiMl 1 I SEllVICE Tor.. ' ...... _ ,und""""' , Sale. . ~" Serrice , nld<-nocb, So"I-?Suo9,? , I P.O. 80.. 308. Dept. C. 1811 W. Sycamore: t II02N. Carico. I )JUJll" Mo.oiQD. 11629&9 LimIted Quandde. l ______,____ 1 DaUyEgyptian, Junell,. 1!187, PagelS Jewish Congress cancels fall conference with pope WASHINGTON uld mcet The meeling is scheduled to not participa te in a S~tember with Waldheim, accused by take place on the second day of meeting of Jewis h leaClers and ';ewish groups of complicity in John Paul's lo-day pastoral Pope John Paul II because of Nazi war cr.mes, on June 25 ir.l. trip lo the Uniled States. the pope's decision to meet a formal state viSIt at U1e with Austrian president Kurt Vatican. The Vatican's brief an­ Waidheirn. The American Jewish nouncement Wednesday thal " We have reluctant:y Congress is one of four major John Paul would meet with the decided that the American jP"oups that have been involved fiI -year old Waldheim was Island Tan Jewisb Conuess' represen­ m sponsoring and organizing greeted with outrage in tr.c 7155 Un Iversity tatives will not participate in the Sept. 11 meeting between American Jewish communily. Carbondale the meeting with Pope John John Paul and leaders of the Paul that was scheduled for American Jewish community. Seigman, in announcing the (enter next to Ki nkos) Sept. 11 in Miami and we will The other groups include the AJC withdrawal, called the remove our institutional Synagogue Council of decision " astounding." OURS- sponsorship of the event," said America, reyresenti ng '.he .. At the very least it suggests Henry Siegman, executive ('ongregationa and rabbmic an indifference to the serious director of the major Jewish arms of religious Ju~aism dnd charges that have been made civil rights gr oup. the Amp-rican J ewl!;h Com· against tins man," he said. Simulation EVERY Get your base tan now for those MONDA Y NIGHT HOT summer months ahead! planned for Turn your coupon In. use your ' ''SS lon, anytlmf' Bar Employee r------, coal analysis Appreciation : ISLAND TAN : Two fa(''J lt .... members and I 549-73 23 I the acting assi:,tant dtr ector of Night Ihe Coal Resea rch Center will $1.05 Sioli & Cuervo ! 4 Tans-$10.00 : head a proJect to ana lyze aCId 75 ( 16 oz. Bud Lighl Droit L'.£'::r:.e~~ ______.':.., ~>-_''0::.J ram I ~SUes U!)Jng computer simulatIOn DaVId GA r ey and mathemallc~ prore.s:')or~ Jame~ :\ Cren~ha" and SWEET DREfn1S FOTOttS George Parker WI ll supen'lse ha~, moved to a stud, of Ihe l .. coal markel In the analYSIS The project IS I no E Jackson. Ca. bondale fundej by a S36.038 grant from above: the illinOIS Depa rtment of ~atur a l Resources Longbranch Vintage Clothing EconomIcs g r ~ du a t e student J a net Koscla nskl WIll conduct Hours: 11-530 Mon-Sat the analysIs us in~ a model that can analyze .,rari\)us suUur dIoxide and nitrogen mode 529-4488 reduction The projec: will I'XI\... at . a mong other comporlents of HOME VIDEO CENTER ~~'~~/"'nc hi.;~giiJj~oi~ ~~, ~ !U'<8 !11arker. and :"he possible ~ Over 2,500 Titles in Stock Impacts of acid rain legislation on the sta Ie 's coal suppliers and Its economy. VCR & 2 Movies $6.00 for 24 Hrs. Marines say Tues: Rent one movie & get guard will be on e at liz price Wed: Any 3 movi~.s $6.00 prosecuted for 24 hrs. for 4 WASHINGTON (UP!) - A Thurs: Any title $5.00 days Marine caught in the sex-for· (Members only) Perms secrets scandal at the U.S Memt-.ership fee $IS 00 Embassy in Moscow w; be court-martialed on char~ l of '--:~~------~ $30 having an affair witt, 3t .east HOME VIDEO CENTER MOr>-SaJt Includes Cut one Soviel woman and lying 816D (Next to t he Holiday Inn) 9am-8pm about it under oalh, the corps E. Main St. Sunday said Thurscl:ly. Carbondale. IL Unlike two other former 549-4122 I pm-8pm :,\;~ri!lP t:u:l; i ds a the em bassy, ~~ff Sgl. Robert Stufflebeam. ~~ 2:j, of BloomJn~ton. \\.3S not - ut:C' ~ f'd ~i e-spionage or Father Day Special paHlhg ~ecr .... LS to li,:~ SovietE. If convIcted of all cl.3rges. ~{uInebeam races a max.imO!fT1 ( penalty of 14', years in pr is ~n . a dishonora ble dIscharge, Men's Shirts forfeiture of all pay and allowances and reduction in rank to the lowest enlisted pay to grade. $5 Puzzle answers Campus Shopping 5jzeS- .~l . 100 % Cotton. Rayon, Cotton Dleno .. Re-union. Unionbay. Center letigre. R;goJletto

[pREfERREd STock 549·MANF. d (N~b()I\I(JA ll (549.6263) Irone! No.... off prl.. dothlnl/ for _n & Women Valid with ad only l 611·A S.lI1lnol. Ave. Hou.. : Mon.-Sot. 10-6 Page 16, DailyEgyptian, June 19, 11187 Zucchini New Potatoes • Broccoli • Baked Goods THEFARMERS'MARKET Westown Mail - BeWnd McDonald's Every Saturday - 8am-12 Noon

0249 to be given away 6/25/87 Compliments of A1-TV & Stereo M&~ nl friends In Iown. TocbIy'. wMther I. ex­ AIIhley Mlc:k, 5, or Vernon enjoy. Ihe You r Zenith & Kenwood De~! ~ r .pIa.hlng lountal.1! II Turley Park Thu...cltly pecad 10:'-' .unny, with 70 P«C*I.I chance 7155. 111. Ave. afternoon Ie .,..~I the Carbondale huml"'ty. '" thuncterato..-m. Ind low !lOa. The Wlrmer SAwpnAY AIIhley and hi. motile<, Plull, w.... yl.IUng I.... ,. will continue Ihrough lhe w""end. BOB MAY DJ SHOW from-Champaign EVERY SUNDA Y Bar Employee Appreciation Night Copy Early Sioli - Copy Late Copy Weekends kinko·s~ _Clll\llft.crutP......

715 S. University 549.0711

Friday is Margarita Day M i~'ii;; UIIC$ 'z x ' ~ Margarit,1S $1.25 ~ ~~ .'X Dos Equi!l IVeII< $1.00 ~ PenD specw ~ '-CIUiit ~ Reg. 040, ' 50,'60 ~ Heineken Itfdk $1.25 ~ NOW, ALL ~ stoli & Mix $1.25 ~ $24.95 ~ ~ Exp.6/2S/87 @ ", "-:: . SEAGRAMS 1:; FIr..t Time Hair .z ~~.~; " COOLERS 4 pk. x' (' at .tyle • 7.1S0 '" :./", 529-1221 " 70S 8 . ~ m. 549-4142 ~ 457-3308 119 N . -WlIUIIOAD UQUORSo WlS11IOAD UQuoasoWlSTNAD • REX. BYRON. REX. BYRON. • Daily.Egyptian, Junel~,l987, Page 17 Hitters reap huge benefits

"1- G:) Cbange & Filter '111.98 from lack of inside pitching 5 q\. lhnJt (0I08t cars) By Mike Tully "2- R tate & Balance 818,98 National Basebal WrHer where it can be hit. Sports Analysis Hall of Famer Bob Gibson ·a.AirCondltlonlo" Service 819.98 NEW YORK (UP!) - Hit­ never hesitated to do it, include8: 1 pound of Creon ters are working without fear though. Philadelphia third wlththlsad 7 / 3 / 87 nowadays. very simp!::: rule. For every baseman Mike Schmidt said You can ~ it the way they one of our guys who goes down, Gibson was <:- . Then again. in the interest both benches. It amounts to a around the foul pole at '/ets' of keeping alive, free shot for the i::litiator, and Stadium. The next time I faced Magical maybe nol. Either way, leaves no chance for him in St. Louis I got a comfort at the plate su"e retaliation. That's why so right through his legs. Then At Papasl represents a change in the many games look more like the next time up, he hit me game. hockey matches , with smack 00 my arm." PUB & DELI Not long ago, hillers had to brawling near the mound. Times have changed. 204 W. College 549-7242 worry in the batter's hnx. Considering the threat of Yankee broadcaster Bill That's what the ejection, maybe it's not sur­ White, who played with and Table Side Magic supposedly is all about. For the prising so few pitchers lb,ow against Gibson, smirks at Enjoya mystical evening this Frida) only. bnefest oi instants. it looks inside. It drives managers and today's pitching patterns. like a streaking pitching coaches crazy. Some Some players now complain if beginning at 7. tt',ward the head. Then it's pitchers are scared of killing the the ball comes within three Featuring Anthony Zappa breaking over the plate. where someone. Others understand congressional districts. They IAT~LVI I f DEAD' INti and cJrcum:llances keep FOR A PPLICA nON FOR TNE AUGUST 8, 1987, PLUNGE [;',.~~t::8 ha~r~~ th~~ COMMENCEMENT IS FRIDA Y, JUNE 19, 1987. checks and balanre system for keeping order, and enacted Z5%OFF rules about throwing at hit­ APPLICA TIONS MUST BE FILLED IN AND THE FEE ters. Second, pitchers simply MUST BE CLEARED BY THE BURSAR BEFORE THE refuse to work !he inside part Entire Stock of the plate. FORM IS RETURNFD TO ADMISSION AND Not long before his death last RECORDS - BE SURE THE FEE IS CLEARED, THE summer, former National FORM IS COMPLETEL Y FILLED IN, AND THE FORM League umpire Tom Gorman pined for the old days when the IS RETURNED TO RECORDS - ADMISSIONS AND threat of retaliation helped RECORDS BY NO"i'LATERTHAN 3:00 P.M., ON keep the game under control. FRIDAY, /UNF '19, 198?" The rule was, "You hit one of Yguys , I hit ooe of yours. ,. Don Drysdale used his own variation, which he explained A PPLICA TlONS CANNOT BE ACGPTED BY THE at his Hall of Fame induction: BURSAR'S OFFICE AFTER THE DEADLINE. "With the Dodgers we had a IJl. 131Jl.NC~1. GRADUATION AUGUST fi: ; ! HANG TEN Adam's Rib 1987 1;00 5 Illinoi' Fii. & Sat. Wi.!KINSONLY Haircut• 57.50 Only Perm, Sty:e, Cut 520 Order your cap & gown & N~ils 535 Facial 510 Manicure 57.50 announcements. Serv,ces Pfflorrned hr Cosm~tolofH' StUde-flU Announc~ments should be I EWEI'IYI ~. REPAIR t availabl(! around July 1st. ~ While you Deadline to order cap & wait • ring siling gown is July 15th!!! • ellaln repair • costom rings Save $1.00 order before 4:i7 -7011 .:IJj3 ruthie~ 1400W. Moin

All subs and dell sandwiches We start with juicy sreak cut into strips.Then w~ smother ')aHy specials and d1em widl grilled onions. Real d'.Pdeiar c;heese. Cnsp leuuce. Beerblasts DOt Included_ lB' _. ' Expire!J6/30/87 . . Cover them widl a ze<;cy pico sauce. And wrap d1em 111 a soft,

CALL FOR DELIVERY 549-3366 flour tortilla. TIley're so good, there was only one thing-we could do to make them better. """lIlltuUWPiIJIDIJIUOI HIIBIWUIIllloBIU1UIIIHtlJIIII1IIIl!WI __IUIIU~ r------, I ~ YOU'RE INVITED! I · th 25¢Off the NEW ~)! -Charismatic Worship ~ This lS ano e1! Steak Fajita § -Study in the Word ~ ~7~~::;~..,~-;:~ .. ~~-::~. 1i2lill; ~ uJ ... "Ih.II" lid ...,., ~ U.-.ll nu'f1lll.... ~ ~ - Christian Feilowshlp ~ ~':&Iuc t-I ~ ~'\."IlI C.IO.,j ••,k ~ ;"II'111:1,1OI:"lt Sun - Wed - Thurs Fri-< T~Ht\l"L I'\..""I:IUI":II .... Biblical Encouragement ~ Drt!.TL~ 1!51S7 iML - lOam - 3am lOam - 4am lOam-Sam i CHI ALPHA TONlGJI'n 7:00PM ! Hello QThco Bell DUno.. Room. Student Ctr. i Try our drive up window 412 E, Walnut IiI______SY.... i·~_-_il·_·.I=__~ ------~ -~ uaiJy Egyptian, JUDe 19,.1l1li7, Page 19 Crenshaw leads U.S. Open SAN FRANCISCO (UPIl - was at 2-under wi th two holes Ben Crenshaw shot a 3-under ~=e ~~ f~h ~7r,::Pj~un?f~~ to play whue Nakajima was 2- fr7 Thutsday to lead Seve which he holed putts of 60 and under with three to go. Ballesteros by one stroke in 35 feet. O'Meata was 2-under through the first round of the U.S. "You can't prepare yourse!f seven holes. Open, but a crowd of veterans to have the patience you need .. 'loyd, who won his first lined up to make a run at the on the golf course," Crenshaw vp<'.D tiUe last year at Shin­ lead. said. "Every hole is a test." necock Hills, was I -under Jack Nicklaus, Tommy With more than a third of the through 11. Nickla',-, was even Nakajima, Mark O'Meara, through 13, GI'£,g Norman was Raymond Floyd and Dale ~~r;~:~ onw~ g~~o~!:; eveo througb 11 and Bernhard Douglass (the oldest man in second with his 68 while Denis Langer even through 10. the tourru;ment at 51) were all Watson, an Open runner-up in Crenshaw made a 4-foot r;:======::.S'.2~==:::-======'l in position to challeog'! 1985, shot a 69. birdie putt at the par-3 third II Rax Roast Beef Sandwich. I! Cren.haw late in the round. Sandy Lyle and Bob Tway and then holed a 6-footer for "This course is rdp-nUess," were among tllcse at 70 aod the birdie at the next hole. II 99,1- DEli said Crenshaw, wbose 1984 large group at 71 included Mac He went 3-under when be Masters triumph is his only O'Grady, David Graham, made his 6O-footer at the 11th II . ".... II major championship victory. Masters Cl'uimpion Larry Mi1.e hole and made a 35-footer fot "You just have to bold on for and Jobnny Miller, who came birdie at the 13th. But at the ~I ~(limlt.) ~ dear life and play. You can't go to the 17th hole at 2-under and par-4 14th he hit 8 greenside to sleep for one second." finished double boj(ey-boj(ey. bunker, barely got out of it and ~ ~ Cool, overcast weather Lee Trevino had a 73, An:ly wound up making a double o ' ~ 0 greeted the early starters Bean shot 74 and Fuzzy Zoeller bogey. Thursday and the same con­ struggled to a 78. "It's obvious we have a stern n REST. RMmi ;1 I Thia oft... not 'Ioltd with Of'), II ditions prevailed througbout test this week," Crenshaw I 'I . other diKount or coupon. i I the day. The early porti!!!! of " It's a tough, t;:hallenging said. "My gosh, it's difficult. I , , Soles tall cho~ wher. • I the day was calm, but the late golf course," Zeeller s;.·id. set a target for a 70 today aod I II '"I _ opplkobl• . Offer good 01 II starters had to contend with "That's all I've got toO say." feel like I got a bonus. We had II . portk:ipoting Ro. Restaurants II occasionally gusty wi!lcts. Douglass, who earned a spot very light winds aod I felt like I I! Exp. 6·7'1-81 only. II Crenshaw holed a Hoot in the tournament by winrung needed to take advantage of ~L ______~<2!L.E~RION.!6~~_~.:..·!!!!~2~ COU ______-l ::1 downbill putt 00 the sUd, 18th last year's U.S. Senil)rs Open, it" I ~------~ CARBONDALE' S OLDEST Bid to light up \Alrigley Field AND FINEST archw PARACHUTING FACILITY may be reality this season Home of SIU Skydlyers parae 1st Jump Course SPRINGFIELD, (uPIl of zoning regulati~r\S . need to do this now a nd we WlU Complete S95.00 - A bill that would allow the Residents of the Wrigleyville discuss the issue Of regular centre Cubs to install lights in neighborhood have suc­ season night games possibly in Open yeor round Sparta, Illinois Wrigley Field for postseason cessfully opposed night the future." weekends & Wednesdays night games was passed basehall at the stadium . t.aking Cullerton said if the 62286 Wednesday by the [IJinois !heir case aU the way lo the Legislature and Gov. James R. SO mi. NW of Carbondale House. state Supreme Court, which Thompson do not approve the We ore using the new The fate of the bill, which the upheld the laws banning night bill before lawmakers adjourn Open Yeor louno Student Square Parachute House approved by a 106-0 games at the 37 ,50".-seal U,is session. there will not be Weekp.nds & Wednesdays The MoI,ta. vote, now rests with the Senate stadium. enough time to enact similar { 6181443 . ~20 or for $oft , &o5y k",dings. and Governor James R . But REp. Ellis Levin, n· legislation before this ye,,'s {6181 443-2091 Thompson, who must take ChicaGO, said arp..a residents playoffs. Bring this coupon in & qe1 S5 .00 off f irst jump course action before the General are willi.lg to accept night .1. ______~.'!!~Il!~I~~_=_ou1'!'!! Assemblv recesses June30. games fot the playoffs. The measure, sponsored by "The COnL'llunity believed in Rep. John Cuflerton, D· t985 and tbe community Chicago. would a ll ow the believes now tha t if this is Chicago Cubs, if they win their going to be the year that we're going to have a playoff anda is division, to avoid playing This one waywe postseason games in SI. Louis World Series, it ought to be In or during the day at Wrigley Wrigley Field," Levin said. ,·It Field at a sig:-iifIcani i(;Ss of does do some damage to the television rC!venue. community, but the com· cut our " It was stated yesterday by munity is .... illing to live with Commis~ione r Peter that so that loyal Cub fans can Ueberl"Oth ,,;.of. if they were not have postseason play at to play the games a t night, Wrigley Fie;d." b<.oaball could lose up to $15 CuJlerton predicted the Cubs new Steak million per gam~" · CuUerton organization probably will said. "They could ""sily, if this delay its push for a limited bill passes, put temporary schedule of regular season lights up in order to play those nigbt games in order :'0 games." promote .night playoff ga",,," The bill ~mends a state "I think that this year the environmental law governing Cubs will realize thaI they noise pollution to permit night should take wrut l.h~y can gel baseball only for postseason, in this area," Cullertoli 5-aid. playoff and World Series "They want to have regLllar games. The city of Chicago season games at nights. We're passed a law in 1983 which opposed to tha t. made night games a vlolation "My suggestion is that we

All subs and deli sandwicbes ( - ~ Ii We start with juicy steak cut into strips. ll1en we smother Be~~I..::~:~"t:c~:ed _ ~" them with grilled onions. Real cheddar C;heese. Crisp lettuce. E"pires6/30/87 . Cover them with c, ze5ty pico sauce. /u'1d wrap dletTI ll1 a soft,

CALLFORDELJVI';RY 549-3366 nour tortilla. They 'r~ so good, there was only one thing we could do to make dlem better. r------, i1l,. •• th 25¢ Off the NEW l LIllS lS a"no e£ Steak Fajita. ~:.:.~~::~':';,..":'rw.".;.::~~-:::~. ~ JO ..lJ ...'Sh;llI\ .....lulft..Tl..:N1n.'\J&.~.'I'\ ...... ,... • Chri:>tian fellowship \~t.- I ~H\," c. .. Il.I.1I'\h lI[U1q'dWlt Sun - Tue~ Wed - Thu.~ Fri-Sat u.."\I Iio.1Ln.~rr:a1L, !==,I~Fl=_==iBiblical Encouragement ~ Ofbcq'llI\!"- 115181 1L£!!t!!L • lOam - 3am lOam - 4am lOam- Sam - TONlGDn 7:00PM .. Hello QThco Bell DllDo18 Room, Student Ct!:. I I§ Try our drive up wind",,'; 412 E. Walnut iii "".17_ W.lcoael ~------~ IIIIiil i_:&! -= 21£ Daily EgyptIan, JUDe 19,.19t17, Page 19 Sports Tough slate ahead for Scotf's cagers BySI.... MemtI diana Dec. 12. Stall Write< Tennesse Te!b, 24-7 , the A third-stralgl,t NCAA berth team responsible for snapping is the goal for the 1S87-88 SIU-C SIU-C's IS-game winning women's basketball team, who streak last season, comes to will play all 13 home games at the Arena for a Dec. 14 the Arena. showdown, with a Dec. 19 Led by three slarles from home game against Western last seasoo's 28-3 Gateway Kentucky following. Conference champions, coach Cindy Scott's squad will shoot Tet'b went 00 to win the Ohio fOl' a sixth-straigbt 2().win VaUey tit!~ a.!ter Irnocking off seasoo and square off against SIU-C last season, while WK five ooo-conference opponents made its second NCAA ap­ wbo qualified for NCAA pearance in the last throo tourney play last season years. SIU-C knocked off WK Tbe Salukis open their ~ last seasoo in Bowling seasoo against tougb com­ Green, Ky. petitioo 00 Nov. ~29 in the The Salukis travel to face tbirnher could make or 2IH! a year ago, in tl:!e otl:!"" break us" Scoll said. "' I\'s first-round game. important to do well early - Work on tl:!e $835,000 revamp or four weeks. Gary Ca rney said Wedn ""d,,~ low:;, Georgia and SIU'{; some good wins would give us of McAndrew Stadium, aided After tl:!e turf project is "' And guaranteed. I Will to> were all in the same NCAA tremendous momentum for by favorable weather, con­ completed, tl:!e track will he beautiful when !t'~ done .. regionallasl Marcb, where the conference play." tinues abead of schedule. paved. Hawkeyes stunned Georgia . The Salukis bave won 26 of Current work centers on Barring setbacks. t he Carney also said tnt:" P;"t'}.1ff' stadium is expected to he 62~ , and eventually lost to their last Z7 home games a nd finishing tl:!e drainage systems sho",'s the commltUTIcnl un ~h(' Louisiana State, the same will take a l5-game home and grading tl:!e fi eld, and July finished by Aug. 15. par t of the university loward!:, team tl:!alelimin:;!.ed SIU-C. winning streak into the 19S7-lIS I is the target date for m­ " We are very pleased witl:! Its alhletlc program and season. Scott feels tl:!e move to stallation of tl:!e new turf, the way work is progresFing.·' should gIve a boils. to th~ After the Ama",,-Hawkeye the Arena will be a step up for whi<.h is expected to take three Assistant Atl:! letics Director football and track programs Classic, the Salultis kick off the program aDd she says her tl:!eir home schedule against team must adjust to the AlOD:Iphi. St.te ( 2()....g) in III Dee. ~lJge (ronl cozy Da vies 5 rn.atch. a teaJ.n SfU-e bas Gymnasium. Carney goes the distance hea ten only once since 1974 . "U we're going to have the Contests against two Iooi'.h Big kind of season we want to Ten teams follow : at Illinois bave, we must win at home" Dec. 9 and home against In- Scott said. ' in work with Prairie Games up by Judy Auld, women's !Iy Darren Richards.,n tennis coach. Sonya Locke, Indoor swim programs Stall Writer assistant volleyball oach The Prairie State Games are here, oversees the open a model for otl:!er states volleyball division for the featured at Rec Center looking to start their own Soutl:!ern division women's ""mes, according to Assistant team, while Dave Snyder of By Greg Huber AtbJetics Director Ga ry the anthropology department StaIfWriter the earl~ bIrd sUJlm Carney. newly app~i:1ted ,oaches tl:!e open division of Soutl:!ern Regional D:rector for men's netters Terry Davin of For those out tl:!ere who like tl:!is year's games. tl:!e zoology d~partment will to Swim, but don't care to "Illinois and New York preside over L'le men's compete with nibbling probably bave the premier schoJa~tic divisio.1 in bluegiUs and otl:!er outdoor ~ tate games in the country," volleyball. s urprises, the Student Carney said. Assistant swim coach Recreation Cente, probably "The Prr me Stale Games Jimmy Tierney will work botl:! bas tl:!ea nswer. are somewJ.atlike a statewide the men's and women's open A w;de range of swimming olympics," Carney said of the and scholastic squads into programs aCe offered at hotl:! amateur sports festival. shape for tl:!e finals, while tl:!e sac N"tatorium and "There are 17 sports split into GaryClrney graduate assistant Mary Alice Pulliam Pool and are geared two divisions, scholastic and Jenkins takes the helm of the towards va rious individual open. Tbe scholastic division is and can perform '.0 tl:!eir ut­ women's open division in needs. for tl:!ose persons who were in most abilities. basketball. The Early Bird swim is l2tl:! grade or younger as of "I'll be there four or fi·.. e A 2G-mile torch run is offered Monday througb March I, 1987 . The open days before everyone else :;cbeduled to highlight the F'rida y a t Pulliam Pool from DaUy Egyptian Graphics by Jed Prest division is for anybody else." comes. There'll be about 3,000 afternoon of July Fourth in 6,30 to 7: 45 a .m. for early The Prairie State Games athletes in the finals, and it Carbou ~le in conjunction nsers. children of students ana stalf, were initiated by Gov. Jim takes a tremendous effort to witl:! the games. The run, . An alternative for nightowls as well as the community at Thompson four years ago as (oordiP.ate housing, meals and sponsored by Burger King, IS the Twili6ht swim, Deld at Ialle. Tbe programs are part of the Governor's Council getmag everyone uniforms," hegins and ends a t the Car­ tl:!e SRC Nalatorium Satur­ diVIded into two age groups 00 Healtl:! and Physical Fit­ CarrJeysaid. hondale restaurant. days from HI p.m.. and COD>ist of infant to 4'year­ ness. Carney ""rt tl:! ' only SIU-C " What we're hoping for is to Both progra ms are old and 4- to 16-year-old The Soutl:!ern region en­ employe.? involv. ,I witl:! the do the last mile or two down at scheduled to run until Aug, 7. brackets. compasses 37 counties, " pretty festival, Bieyer field to give a lot of kids A noon-hour swim from 12-1 Far YSP, tbe.-e is a $2j) fee much from 1-<;4 south," Carney Saluki men's basketball and community rfsidents an ",eekdays is featured at fOl' those involved with the said. He compiled a staff of 88 coacb Rich Herrin is coaching opportunity to participate in Pulliam Pool and provides a university and a $2S fee far coaches and volunteers to the open division of men's the run at tl:!at time," Carney break for those hotter days. ~~~oc:~tbout university train those who made the hoops, aided by his assistant said. teams. coach Roo Smith. Carney is still looking for Disabled students also are Two different sessiOllS are AthI~~s fronl aU 37 counties Track and field coach Don groups or orga"liu>.tiUllS to welcome. Mondays and available. The {t..-st will run will repl't'Sent the area at the DeNoon is bead coach of the carry the 5-pountl torch (or a ~ednesdaC y. from H p.m_ the from June 22 to July 6 and the cbai:up.IO'""..ships ':leld July 15-1S whole Southern region, while mile of the Carboodal~ jeur­ provides supervisors secood irom July 13 to July 24. at the University of IUinois in his .:ssislant coach, Thom Dey. Carney said he ex,Ol!Cted lifeguards, ramps and lifts to The YSP activities will be Champaign-Urbana. Felton, will be lendinl! his teams of four to run a q\liU'ter­ enable handicap students l! c:JDducted at Pulliam Pool. Carney plans to arrive at expertise 10 the track ana field mile each witl:! the flame. chance to enjoy the pool !":::' m!~tion on these or Cb&mpaign-Urbana early to participants. Those interested in talting . Y:::t:th 5Wlm pr