Portland Daily Press: January 10, 1899
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 18<»2-VOL. 35. PORTLAND. MAINE. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY lO, 1899. ISIffEA'iimiU PRICK THREE CENTS. MORE MEN SUSPECTED. as If 4o say there were no passengers, so tbe local put on steam and headed round CLIHAX. New Herald to- CONSTITUTION OPPOSED. APPROACHING York, January 0.—The tbe curve, going nt about 26 miles an morrow will WORST L\ YEARS. hour. There Were four aay: only puseengers on the local. Two person- are now suspected by the In tbe cab of tbe excursion train engine polios of h:e n seme connection with ; wae Janies Prcndsrgast engineer, with Manila Trouble Up the Bsrnet ntiu Cornish poisoning cases. hie fireman, Georg** Cheshire. They saw Senator Hoar's Argument Against AVOID May Peseefnliy the local os it started on the curve. With “GRIPPE” From at TO Indications poltoe headquar- shrieking whistles and brakes ters yesterday, It seemed probable that grinding Solvwl Today. sparks from the wheels, the excursicn Expansion. some Important more wan In contem- truin bore down to whnt plation, but whether or not arrests will Terrible Read on Railroad ;hkkmkd certain bo made today or tomorrow, remain to destruction.! ALL SORTS OF ALARMKST RUMORS be K-wn. Capt. McClusty yesterday The passenger*, alarmed nt tbo con HELI) CLOSE ATTENTION OF HER. ease to the Mr Kins- in Condition hsdwrltlng expert tlnued whistling, opened tbe window*; Keep by Using some additional letters and snve- ( IN CIRCULATION. ley, mothers ATE FOU UVEK TWO HOURS. lipra. Mr. Kinsley said ho hoped to be Collision. clasped their children In ibe.i able to make a report today. Home of arms, men started from their ssatt. but Mr. were tho letter* given to Kinsley before they had time to find out what tvtltten by a who Is suspected to person wae the matter they were hurled bead- almost as great an extent as Isa man Massachusetts luttiman Taken NmIIth llavr Bern Ordered Not te Work Strong who has been mentioned In cooiec on long, knocked senseless and many killed CELERY (■round Senator S Platt's PAINE COMPOUND Against Olio lias Mln- refused to for Amerlrono—Uen. with the ease. Mr. Kinsley ssy outright. Tbe two engines, now pilotless, whether this suspect w.t* a in,*n or,* I*o*l(Ion and Maintain* That Ac- atlon In Hnnd-*Plerre Proclamation for both crews had jumped, came togeth- woman, but be admitted that arfiorg t « er with an awful quirement of Philippine* I* From Agnlnaldo. specimens of this suspect’s handwriting THIRTEEN KILLED ON LE- crush The excursion Again*! train was 16 were some envelopes add reward to Har- probably going at about Constitution and Declaration of situation la mllrs an hour. The local engine turneu ! Manila, January 9.—The ry Cornish. Indrpeddence. a complete somersault and came erash J a climax, and It Is HIGH VALLEY ROAD. rapidly approaching M. Ing down beside its now demolished ob- waste matters sloians the world and of RESIGNATION OK QUESNAY. Washington, January 9.— it is the tissues, of these known over, that tomorrow will so® a struction. but its career was ended proved When a person doesn't feel quite Just possible not Parts, January lOi—Tlie Echo do Paris bifore It had the tender of the to be an intereetiog day in ih ton it ?, which Paine’s alone whom he was then as now, undoubt- peaceful solution. Jammed well ho likes to think he’s the celery compound a statement liy M. gue*nay excursion train engine almost from one tbe under discussion got Meanwhile all sorts of alarmist rumors publishes principal subject be- de his resignation end to the other will drive out. the most famous. Bounrepalr regarding of the first ear from tbe constitutional tbe quickly edly ar© In circulation. The United states the olvll section of ing right of United •grippe." of the presidency of Shainokln. The tender stopped a few do and Intelli- the of oaa*arlon. lie pio- rear States to carry into effect the policy of ex- When the arras, hips or back feel Why progressive authorities are taking every precaution, court virtually seats from tne door; the cat or what When live news Is a little dull the testn against what he suggests la a con- was left of rolled of school the troopH in quarters are under arms and it, over, carrying with pansion. the of acute rheumatism It gent physicians every pre- spiracy on the part of the onirt of cassa- it the embedded (lie of is twinges the Californians have disembarked from Over Were More or lender, fragments The leading speaker was Mr. Hoar, He- reporter says •‘grippe’’ spreading. in tion to exonerate ilreyfuri. But h,* prac- Twenty-Five a down bodies and the is tune to relieve the scribe Paine's celery compound imprisoned of Massachusetts, who delivered Every sort of a cure and all kinds high kidneys the transport#. tically admits hla partiality by leclarlng wounded, who had been carried with tbe I<ublIran n was Intended to a in of the resolution and that so to other The It Is said, have been or- that his reslgnntli jugged Iron on its relentless course sj»eech support in- adver- bladder from the strain preference any remedy? natives, it* for the of nostrums are suddenly an ngs the army sou general through tbe coach, it was in the first troduced by Air. Vent, Democrat of Mis- know its dered not to work for the Americans and had Less Injured. often on disease, Because they value; they suflerlng* they have to endure In car of tbe excursion truin that all of the tised to cure brings Hright's the souri. declaring It to be in opposition to “grippe." employes in the commissary depart- silence* deaths and most of the casualties oc- of know that it has the lives the constitution for this to ac- gravel, dropsy and complications prolonged ment have gone on strike. Many natives curred. The other cars, their oc- country The baseball season being out of though diseases with other whose of thousands of sufferers; it has made are leaving the citr. THE WEATHER- cupants were badly shaken, stayed on quire foreign territory to be governed a* died, organs tbe track. 1 he baggage car in the front it, his distant relatives having Major Genen 1 has the colonies. Although Mr. Hoar occupied health the of their sick patients wall. Otis, however, of tbe local train was damaged, but with depends upon purity the t ine of the benate for more than two the office now a off by whole situation thoroughly in hand. tbe exception of the two ami the boy gets day The best test that can be engines the blood. use of Paine’s applied A second proclamation by Aguloaldo lirst car of the excursion none of hour*) he was aooorded the unusual com- he has Prompt train, saying bearing the same date as the one which A MISTAKE IN SIGNALS DIRECT tbe so that “grippe.-’ weak- to I’sine’s Is to use carsawere badly impaired they pliment of close and undivided attentiou celery compound will save the celery compound followed the proclamation of could not be hau.ej oil. a Imiueuiaialy his on the and is made to account for based President McKin- by oolleagues floor a largo “Grippe” ened from to diseaso. It Major Otis, upon From Dune lie o, Round Rrook and other parts yielding first on the audience In the He deal. Yet in Portland after ley's Instructions, appeared CAUSE OF TROUBLE. places doctor* were quickly summoned. galleries. confined good If one is “run feels with- strsets but It is to have In its to invigo- down,” today, alleged They cauia over the Central Railroad of himself oloeely to hi* manuscript, but his this disease has been peculiar ability been recalled. It* terms are much more N«*w whose tracks run popularly sup- out lifeless, useless, fretful, Jersey, parallel address was delivered with all the fire, rate the to make new blood energy, vehement than those used in the first with the Lehigh at this point, about 4U0 to be for several body, ear nest ness and animation of the orator posed “raging” take this great remedy, and note the proclamation. Agulnaluo threatens to yards distant. Relief and wrecking tralos and to the nerves, lies the drive the Americans from the were on were that be Is. Mr. Hoar is a master of the there haven't been half a regulate Islands, quickly hand. As the dead months, will no calls the Del tv to witness that their blood pulled out oi tbe demolished car. they value of Paine’s com- change. Constipation longer subtleties of tbe English language and a deaths attributed to it to great celery will be on their own heads If It is shed Jan. 9.—Forecast for Huston were pu \n the rear cars of the excur- dozen up one a the Huston, rhetorician of notable ability, and his in all diseases and give disquieting thought; and details at greater length he promises Ail Accident Had Blocked Up One sion train nnd taken to Bound Brook, anil cloudy; w has been pound wasting the claims wero made the Americans vicinity Tuesday; partly a Keen nun-iaiu auu 11 were date, aod it always report- will come by where coroner's inquest was held to- tuumugDJj appetite back; sleepless- as the winds. Track and Trains Were Moving In bin auditors. His was disorders of the kidneys, liver aDd to part of the insurgents in the fair weather; light Northerly day.