Extensions of Remarks 1635 H

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Extensions of Remarks 1635 H January 28, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1635 H. Res. 103. Resolution expressing the m.itted by the Secretary of the Interior, pur­ By Mr. CONTE: sense of the House that the U.S. Government suant to the provisions of the act of October H.R. 2279. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Louise should seek agreement with other members 19, 1973 (87 Stat. 466), providing for the G. Whalen; to the Committee on the Judi­ of the United Nations on prohibition of distribution of funds appropriated in satis­ ciary. weather modification activity as a weapon of faction of an award of the Indian Claims By Mr. HELSTOSKI: war; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Commission to the Cowlitz Tribe of Indians H.R. 2280. A bill for the relief of Mr. and By Mr. HENDERSON (for himself and in docket No. 218; to the Committee on In­ 1\:!rs. Luis (Maria) Echavarria; to the Com­ Mr. DER~SKI) : terior and Insular Affairs. mittee on the Judiciary. H. Res. 104. Resolution to provide funds By Mr. PEYSER (for himself, Mr. By Mr. McCLOSKEY: for the expenses of the investigation and WmTH, and Mr. OTTINGER): H.R. 2281. A bill for the relief of Kim Ung study authorized by House Rule XI; to the H. Res. 108. Resolution expressing the sense Nyu; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on House Administration. of the House that the Secretary of Agriculture H.R. 2282. A bill for the relief of Lee-Daniel By Mrs. HOLT: should rescind the food stamp regulations Alexander; to the Committee on the Judici­ H. Res. 105. Resolution in support of con­ proposed on December 6, 1974; to the Com­ ary. tinued undiluted U.S. sovereignty and juris­ mittee on Agriculture. H.R. 2283. A bill for the relief of Kim­ diction over the U.S.-owned Canal Zone on Jenny Brooke; to the Committee on the the Isthmus of Panama; to the Committee Judiciary. on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 2284. A bill for the relief of Kim-John By Ms. HOLTZMAN (for herself, Ms. Bartholmew; to the Committee on the Judi­ ABZUG, Mr. BADILLO, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. MEMORIALS ciary. BROWN of California, Mr. CONYERS, Under clause 4 of rule XXII, By Mr. MURPHY of New York: Mr. DELLUMS, Mr. FORD Of Tennessee, 15. The SPEAKER presented a memorial H.R. 2285. A bill for the relief of Robert Mr. HARRINGTON, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr. DiFranco; to the Committee on the Judici­ HELSTOSKI, Mr. JENRETTE, Mr. KOCH, of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Mas­ ary. Mr. METCALFE, Mr. MITCHELL Of sachusetts, relative to the expulsion of Israel By Mr. VANDER VEEN: Maryland, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. RICH­ from the European section of UNESCO; to H.R. 2286. A bill for the relief of Concep­ MOND, Mr. ROSENTHAL, Mr. ROYBAL, the Committee on Foreign Affairs. cion Orozco DeRivas and Gloria Garcia; to Mr. SoLARZ, Mr. STARK, Mr. STOKES, the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. WEAVER and Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of California) : H. Res. 106. Resolution directing the Pres­ PRIVATE BILLS AND ~ RESOLUTIONS PETITIONS, ETC. ident to provide the Committee on the Judi­ ciary of the House of Representatives certain Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions information relating to certain activities of bills and resolutions were introduced and and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk the Central Intelligence Agency; to the Com­ severally referred as follows: and referred as follows: mittee on the Judiciary: By 1\!r. BRADEMAS: 16. The SPEAKER presented a. petition of By Mr. MEEDS: H.R. 2278. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Mary Herman Howlery, Menard, Til., relative to re­ H. Res. 107. Resolution that the House of Sexton (Mary Nuku): to the Committee on dress of grievances, which was referred to the Representatives disapproves the plan sub- the Judiciary. Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WORDS OF INSPIRA'T'ION IN TIMES she endured the pain of recalling that her feet. She is weathered by experience and OF TROUBLE sons and daughters had been stolen, beaten, withered by the heavy burden of being over­ chained and sold into a system so perverse worked, oppressed and ignored. But she's our that it challenged her understanding, she rock of ages, standing steadfast against the HON. CHARLES B. RANCEL knew nothing of the politico-economic ar­ tides of t1·ouble, the rancor of racism and the rangements of that day. Words such as mer­ bitter winds of benign neglect. OF NEW YORK cantllism and imperialism meant nothing to While she remembers us, she wonders now IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES her; but in her heart she knew that some­ whether we remember her. She taught us to thing had just made an attack upon the soul Monday, January 27, 1975 stick together, yet she saw the anti-black of her people. elected official, self-consuming, paranoid dis­ Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, the eco­ Although she was left behind, too old to be unity of a national black political conven­ nomic future of our country looks bleak. privy to the plunder, she felt the tremors tion in Littl€: Rock that fiddled around while During the recent months unemploy­ when that enslaved black humanity, which home wa..c;; burning. ment has climbed to 7 percent and is theretofore had thrived under the moon and She taught us to love one another, yet the stars of freedom, survived the middle pas­ spiraling incidence of black-on-black crime destined to go up before the end of the sage and was spewed onto the docks of year. The black unemployment rate is Jamestown, Virginia, to make cotton king makes her wail the words from Genesis, "the voice of your brother's blood is crying to you almost double the national figw·es, and and the king corrupt. from the ground." As we were defined as chattel, sold like a as seems to be the case during most eco­ She taught us to survive on little in a nomic setbacks, it is the poor and the horse, worked like a. mule, mated like cattle and treated like a dog, the spirit of that old land of plenty. Yet, now she stands in mute black that are suffering the most. woman presided over us. She saw us emanci­ amazement at an America where the thing However, even under the most trying pated into a system of freedom where every­ that is fed the best is infiation, and it is times we must continue to look toward body was free but us. She consoled us while partial to dark meat. the future with hope; we must look not we endured pellagra, boll weevil exploitation, Our rock of ages taught us that if we did only to ourselves but to each other for lynching, castration and racism so barbaric right, obeyed the law and loved the Lord strength, for in unity there is strength that its vestiges plague the oppressed an<f we, too, could walk America's glory road up and may I remind my colleagues that the the oppressor even a century later. to Canaan land. Yet, she now sees that Today, as we remember our common roots, when America catches a cold, black America struggle for equrJ rights is -a battle for catches pneumonia. human rights, regardless of race, creed, we honor these four matriarchs of the move­ ment and the strength, intelligence and com­ The black unemployment rate is double or sex. It is for this reason that I submit parison of universal black womanhood which that of whites, 20% in some innercity neigh:.. to you, my colleagues, the inspiring they represent. We celebrate the black wo­ borhoods and 36 % among black teenagers. words of the Honorable Mayor of At­ man as our "rock of ages", that tower of The black high school drop out rate is lanta, Maynard Jackson, presented at the power, suggested by Ernie Barnes' painting, twice the national average and black col­ annual Congressional Black Caucus din­ who is so often seen standing at the bus stop, lege graduates often earn less than the white ner in Washington in September of 1974: clothed in the rainments of poverty, sur­ high school graduate. The chances that a black American wlll die RoCK OF AGES rounded by rumpled shopping bags, waiting for her ride home after a hard day's work before the age of 35 are four times greater (By Mayor Maynard Jackson) for too little money. than if one were white; and of the black Over three and one-half centuries ago, an Hers is not the smooth contour of the children under 14 years of age who were born old, gray-haired mother stood on the shores venus de milo, the mysterious smile of the in a public hospital, 60 % have never seen a o! the mighty African continent and Mona Lisa or the languid beauty of a Paul dentist. watched with strained gaze a small ship Gaughin polynesian bather. She bugles from If you are a black American, the chances slowly fade from view. As that vessel of evil too many starches. She grimaces from corns that you will be robbed are triple those if you disturbed the serenity of that tranquil sea, and bunions that vie for position on weary were white; the chances that you will be CXXI--104-Part 2 1636 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 28, 1975 burglarized and have your car stolen are al­ include our white brothers and sisters of years. In his view, Mr.
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