IAN MILLER LIGHTING CAMERAMAN January 2006 ! Curriculam Vitae ! ! ID number 7010045042084 Date of birth 4th October 1970 Sex Male Marital Status Married Language English Health Status Perfect health Handheld Ability Rock Solid Website www.ianmiller.co.za

Contact details Mobile:0027832282169 Ph:021 7901970 ! email:[email protected] !History !1993-Graduated with diploma in Video Technology from Natal Technology 1994-1995:Gained experience as a camera assistant and sound recordist(post and location) while working 2 years full time at a production company(Shaw !Pictures) 1995-present:Freelancing as a lighting cameraman specializing in !actuality,news,documentary, and natural history productions .

HIGHLIGHTS ! ! ! Camera-HD ATLAS().Discovery America.Lion Films(U.K)Varicam. ! Director:Chris Morgan. !Lighting Cameraman-”Oprah Winfreys Academy for Girls”.Harpo Productions !Camera Operator-”White Lion”.Feature film. Chop Productions.Sony HD 750 !2

DOP-”Fossilhunter”-Palau-National Geographic-Parthenon Films(U.k)-Sony HD !750 Cameraman-24-commercials for Nissan U.K with Saba Douglas !Hamilton.Ridley Scott & Associates London-digibeta DOP-THROUGH THE EYES OF THE GODS-Nat Geo-Promo for the photographic !book by Robert Haas. DOP-Discovery Europe-The Horror Files-October Films(London). ! Documentary on Sangomas and muti murders.(digi beta) Cameraman-”BIG GAME”-Discovery Europe-Strawberry Films(France).Documentary series on big game capture.South Africa & Kenya. !(digibeta) Cameraman-Tiger wars-Discovery Europe-Global Gaurdians-Doccie about tiger !conservation in India(Ranthambore,Sunderpans) DOP-Wild Things-Paramount Television-Reality wildlife show .Hi-Lites include 1.Zambia-tracking lions with Chris Mcbride 2.Botswana-Wild dogs ! 3.Botswana-Elephants in Chobe Beyond the Fences-Documentary following photographer Horst Klemm into !the remotest reachea of Namibia.Panthera Productions.790 !Cameraman-'Profiles from the Frontline”-ABC/Touchstone-Afghanistan-790 !Cameraman-Amazing Race-ABC/TOUCHSTONE-790 !Cameraman-Legends- BBC Doccie series about living legends Cameraman-”Afrika Odyssey”-National GEOgraphic travelogues with Kingsley !Holgate(Ethiopia) !Cameraman-BBC-Political Torture-Director-Kate Townsend DOP-The Man Who Stole My Mothers Face-doccie about women and child abuse in S.AFRICA.(Co-winner at Tribeca Doccie Festival in New York 2004) !Hatchling Productions-. Cameraman-Jonathan Dimbleby-Documentary about the scourge of HIV/AIDS ! in South Africa. !DOP-The Global Fund-Have filmed various projects of theirs in Zambia Cameraman-World T.v.-International Red Cross(Geneva) Cameraman-Oprah-Have filmed programmes for her show in Uganda,Zambia !and South Africa. !3

Fifa-2010 world cup-C.A.P-Hi DEFinition inserts of South Africa for the prelim !draw !News-Have shot as a freelancer for CNN(African Voices),Al Jazeera,ABC,ZDF Cameraman-Documentaries for Curious Pictures-`Tobias`s Bodies and `So !where do we come from`Director-Guy Spiller Cameraman-Carte Blanche(South African current affairs show) I have freelanced on this show for the last 12 years and have shot over 200 inserts for them.Some of them being 1.Child soldiers in DRC 2.Americas Cup (Sicily) 3.Faith Healers(Brazil) 4.Palestinian/Israeli conflict-Gaza/West Bank 5.Nelson MANDELA 6.Child/Bride kidnapping(Ethiopia) 7Shaolin Monks(china) ! 8.Landmine clearing () Cameraman-50/50 – wildlife show for which I have been to Gabon and Congo (Brazzaville) to film gorillas and to the Okavango swamps in ! Botswana. ! CAMERAMAN-.Bader T.V. News(New York City)-GAP-Director David ! Schwartz-phone212.744.4328 ! DOP-[WILDLIFE WARRIORS-REALITY/ACTUALLITY SERIES COVERING THE LIVES OF A GAME CAPTURE TEAM AND ANIMAL VET.SONY HD ! 900 ! DOP-Hi Tec -Commercial-Fusion films.Caroline Crowther.Hd Cameraman-Expedition-Mark Burnett Productions-History Channel 6 part Documentary/Reality series tracing Stanleys route to find Livingstone in 1871- Sony XD HD 700.(Emmy 2009 nomination-Best ! cinematography fo a non fiction series) D0P-Saving Soweto-Al Jazzeera English-6 part doccie series on ! Baragwanath hospital.HDV-Z1 Dop-A Country Imagined-Curious Pictures-Documentary series about South African art and landscapes with Johnny Clegg.(HD ! 750)Nominated for Rose d Or 2010. ! Cameraman-ESPN-World Cup Soccer 2010(Panasonic HDX 4000) !Cameraman-Rageh Omar Report-Al Jazeera !4 !Cameraman- SA--Endemol Productions(2010) Cameraman-Expedition Impossible-Mark Burnett Productions-Season 1- Morrocco(2011)

! Cameraman/DOP-Centrum Gaurdian Project Seasons 1/2/3/4 !D.O.P-My room at the centre of the Universe-educational drama !Cameraman –Masterchef-Season 1 and 2 !Der Bachelor-2012-ENG cameraman !Survivor South Africa 2014-Reality camera- !Survivor U.S.A-reality camera-Seasons 29 and 30-Nicaragua !Gambling on Extinction-Arte-D.O.P(South Africa) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .